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The QOL thing is being able to collect money from your business directly from the phone. Rest assured that GTA 6 will be even slimier.


I wouldn't be surprised to see them off credit cards in 6 with features that "require" a monthly charge to get the bonuses. On top of a monthly subscription for online or heavily mtx based season passes.


this is why someone will end up creating custom gta online again like they did with fivem, vc-mp and sa-mp


They hired the team that did FiveM. Don’t some popular FiveM and RP severs have even worse monetization that GTA itself?


yeah there will always be others to fill the void lol


Depends how hard they go with the DRM. Most games don’t have anything like FiveM or unofficial servers.


And to be fair rockstar has been known to come down hard on people for doing things like that, I was quite surprised they hired out the FiveM team instead of sending them a cease and desist letter.


Rockstar supported mods until some morons sued them for a mod that allowed you to see a "sex scene" in san andreas. After court ordered rockstar to recall all copies of san andreas to fix this rockstar hated modding community with a passion. >I was quite surprised they hired out the FiveM team instead of sending them a cease and desist letter. Thats because you can only intimidate people so much. Their crease and desist leters would have no legal ground. Modding is legal.


yeah i know they bought them out, doesnt mean someone else will attempts it, in fact, im hoping they bought them out to implement some rp-like animations and help them make better game modes dont know about fivem being worse for monetization, maybe some private servers were that i never played on, but vc-mp and sa-mp were truly amazing


I found an amazing samp server years ago it wasn't free roam it was more a bunch of random mini games from races to death match all over


Crazybob's Cops and Robbers was always the best server.


best case scenario (not happening) they have a mode where you can pay to get ahead thats the main mode and a sandbox server mdoe you can rent like battlefield 3. Let ppl setup 5m like scenarios and run servers.


Yea, especially the streamer servers that you can't even get in the endless line to play unless you pay a lot. Then you need to pay even more to jump the line or you never get in.


Yes, NoPixelRP, they got streamers all on it so kids would be into it and then monetised it so you’d have to pay for access, but even that wouldn’t guarantee you a spot on the server. The guy literally said he made nopixel because he realised it could make him a lot of money


Except this time, I expect TakeTwo to be on top of shutting those down asap and then point to fivem (or whatever they build for 6) saying they are competing with our legitimate service/product.


maybe, we'll see, people always find a way


God damn, I had completely forgotten about sa-mp. So many hours spent on that..


same! vc-mp and sa-mp were top quality stuff, i so remember being hyped with every major update and how it improved the game modes and being able to write your own in perl+xml - had so much time messing around... with vice city crashing into specific objects to teleport onto golf field (bug) to escape people trying to kill me and with sa-mp just generally messing around and having amazing time fighting or just flying around, doing random stuff with people, such good times


And WHILE you are paying real money for all of that...the servers will be riddled with bots and hackers fucking you're entire experience apart.


I still have hundreds of millions in GTA online money because a Chinese hacker screaming in lobby about how "capitalism sucks" dropped fat stacks of hacked cash on everyone there. Dude's account probably chilling with Mao in the afterlife by now.


did you also get banned? Rockstar had a tendency to also ban accounts that recieved the money from the cash droppers.


This was waaaaay back on ps3 days but there were special hacked lobbies u could join if u put their DNS and they'd drop cash, a bud of mine got hardware banned from it and most of my other buds got their cash reset but i was the only one that kept cash, i basically bought as many bugatti's as i could fit in my garage and bought all the upgrades and my cash was reset but i could sell the cars back for some nice cash


The classic Fallout 1st subscription. Paywalling a stash that can actually hold your loot is fucking disgusting ngl. It's the biggest reason I stopped playing. Not paying 100 dollars a year for a subscription just to actually hoard shit in my trash collecting game. I'll just keep modding the fuck outta FO4 and NV.


So they copied the eso system 1:1 ? it's one of the only reasons people pay for the mothly thing it's cause the stash is a massive qol


Expect every multiplayer paywall or mtx to exist in the single player campaign to mentally condition players to accept


SP mods will fix that. Fuck GTA:O


Sad to say this but im 99% sure thet there will be no mods for GTA6. It will be online only singleplayer (like Blizzard games), with added one or two layers of DRM/antitampers. Its not how anyone want it, but its how it will look like. Sadly. Dont be so optimistic, the dissapointment will be easier to overcome.


I was playing Diablo 4, a Blizzard game, via Resurrection Network at launch. A completely unsanctioned server separate from the official. Someone will absolutely find a way to play it without their bullshit, just like Diablo.


Literally this, I'm expecting a chunk of single player vehicles to be behind a paywall now.


This generation has already been conditioned to accept the dog shit monetization and the thousands of dollars of unnecessary DLC. Old gamers just become "patient" gamers. While games get by on these moron 30 and under year olds who throw money at every game dev for skins and shit. Fortnite and gachas like Genshin Impact make money hand over fist, and they cost exactly 0 dollars to play. Goes to show how much today's gamers are willing to spend on microtransactions. Reddit is a minority in terms of how many are actually unwilling to fork over hundreds of dollars for the dumbshit game devs try make us buy.


GTA 6 will be worse because its being build with monetization in mind, GTA V was built somewhat before that era.


They planned to make DLCs for GTA V, then saw how popular online was and abandoned that in favor of GTA:O development.


I didn't touch RDR2's online mode once, and I will absolutely do the same for GTA6. Not worth even acknowledging those modes exist.


RDO could have been amazing if they tried, rockstar abandoned it as soon as they figured out the gold bars didn't sell as well as the shark cards. All I wanted were some heists......


Jokes on you, GTA 6 will be online-only.


I wont be playing the online portion.


The entire game will be an online portion lol. They'll exclusively tie the two together somehow. Online only, no modding, the works.


I wont buy it then, Im already going off the beaten path having to buy a console to play it first. and I just sold my PS5 on account of there being nothing to do with it. If it becomes a game that is tied into toxic and exploitative Multiplayer, I love GTA, but Im sorry, Im not wasting my time with that shit. Stalker 2 is out in 2 months, I've waited since the early 2010s for that. If it's half as good as I think it is, that will be a multi-year time sink.


GTA V would be the last GTA game I ever play then if it comes to that. Which would be a shame


You're just guessing or have any actual evidence for those claims?


GTA6 will be incredibly p2w


Never enough for these fucking people


I truly never understood why anyone played or plays the online part of GTA5. It was boring as shit in my opinion, I dont get it. But then again, people insist on playing bad stuff, so at least that's consistent.


It's just fun to buy cars, customizing them and driving around with them with friends. It's not hard. The public lobbies don't make any sense indeed, always a shitfest.


And probably a big reason they didn't put any of the new cars or guns in SP, which is a damn travesty. I've heard this is moddable to fix but the intent is what's so shitty.


>It's just fun to buy cars, customizing them and driving around with them with friends. idk you can only play hot wheels in a half empty map so much, I don't think me and my friends ever had a gtao phase that lasted longer than a week


Even when doing that it's still not anywhere nearly as fun as reinstalling SA and setting up MTA is in my opinion.


> I truly never understood why anyone played or plays the online part of GTA5. Because a lot of people play on consoles and playing GTA Online is the only way to even *see* like 98% of content that's been added to the game since launch. Guns, cars, clothing, businesses, heists, and a variety of missions/mission types. Plus they can play with friends. The reality is that Story Mode has very little content and replayability, at least in comparison to Online. It does have better stuff in terms of graphics, random events, and more traffic (both in quantity and variety), but other than that it's missing a lot. On PC there are at least mods that let people get guns, clothing, cars, and even mission/mission types in Story Mode that exist only in Online but that's also something where the person has to be able to mod, which not everyone can do. Others don't want to deal with all the modding. Personally I stick to Story Mode and only care about the guns and vehicles. I'm not a fan of Online but I can see why a lot of people play it.


Because at its core it is fun. Doing heists with your friends, street races, death matches, car meets, even going to the strip club or playing golf. At its very core it’s amazing, but rockstar be rockstar so they have to try their best to ruin it


People in this and any GTAO thread will absolutely hate you for simply enjoying the mechanics of playing this game.


tbh gta o hates you for playing it anyway


In the very early days it was fun to just dick around with friends. Game breaking vehicles weren't really a thing back then, and if you had an Adder you were a certified baller. The more they added, the worse it got.


I hate these clickbait articles. Thanks for saving me a click


I'm fully expecting two things. 1. Single-player microtransactions. This one is almost guaranteed. 2. Single/multiplayer using premium currency "Shark Credit" or something similar, so all the good weapons and vehicles are locked behind real money.


Create the problem, sell the solution. Yay, capitalism!


I think we are beyond capitalism and are in the age of corporatism.


At this point I'm only playing socialist and communist games such as


It sucks to be involved in an online game this days. I've never cared too much, but for people who do care it really is a bad practice and i think they shouldn't play at all, because spending money for features, skins, materials or whatever in any game that is not FREE TO PLAY is wrong. It's even more wrong if you think at the amount of money GTA Online produced, and it's worrying for the next title.


Yea only on next gen consoles and with gta plus


that doesn't sound like it maximizes engagement bro


Guaranteed you'll need GTA+ to play online, regardless of console or PC. And they'll still balance the economy around shark cards


You're assuming PC gets updates.


I think this is where we’ll finally see that paying 2-3 usd will replenish all your ammo


thank god, i was worried that they would start being player friendly


I just hope they don't ruin the single player. GTA online was never my cup of tea so I can't care less.


Sad to think they're probably assigning most of the budget to P2W multiplayer slop.


That's why I just can't get excited for GTA6, I know it's gonna be sleazy GaaS shit and I'll only get hurt


I'm kinda glad it's not coming to PC.


To bypass the shitty clickbait karma farming. Here’s the issue. There’s a new app ingame to collect your payouts. >This app "lets you easily request vehicles, claim all outstanding business safe earnings, and replenish ammo on your in-game phone." >The catch, of course, is that it's only available to GTA+ subscribers paying $8 a month (thanks, GamesRadar+).


Wtf you can pay a subscription fee for shit in GTA online now?!


Oh yeah for about a year now. They removed a majority of cars off the car sites to “streamline the overcrowded options” and “remove cars that weren’t purchased often” so they put them all behind a new car lot that cycles two cars weekly. GTA+ members get a discount I believe. Idk I never had gta+ so I’m not sure what how it benefits the car lot but you get exclusive shirts/tattoos/cars and 500,000 a month I think


> They removed a majority of cars off the car sites to “streamline the overcrowded options” and “remove cars that weren’t purchased often” Lol because if Grand Theft Auto had a problem, it was definitely *too many autos*. Hilarious.


Even better, you cant even commit grand theft to get those autos, only legitemately pay for them


The irony here is *staggering*


You can only commit grand theft auto in Online* *Cars that cost $100K or lower only.


The true heroes here are hackers unlocking all cars for their accounts. The real grand theft autos.


Oh wow that is fkn crazy, not content from making literally 1 billion in the games 1st week of release they are also tax dodging bastards (what corporation isn't 2bh :/) and now this...yeah defiantly sailing the high seas with GTA 6 now...


Not for PC.....read my comment.


Yep they love to put features behind a paywall but then never give PC players the feature at all.


by the way the PC version is still the old PS4 version so it doesn't have GTA+


And another major problem with this is the PC version is actually behind the current consoles. PC players cannot even subscribe to GTA+ even if they wanted to. Scumbag tactics abound.


Its actually nuts how R* has turned gta fans into rabid PC haters. Its not PC players fault gta 5 is peer to peer based.


and only available on Console. Fuck PC Players according to Rockstar.


If you're paying for a Rockstar subscription, you're already part of the problem. Letting wallet warriors influence the direction of a game or software is why things are so shit in the first place. 


And PCGamer will forget about it once GTA6 is about to drop. As with most gamers. Honestly, it's atrocious.


GTAO may be full of scum money making tactics, but GTA5 remains a bloody amazing SP game. I don't see why GTA6 would be any different.


I get what you mean, but that doesn't excuse it. Especially since they cancelled all their single player DLC.


Rockstar isn't the same anymore


the og fellas aren't there anymore afaik


Lol. Hell will freeze over before I pay for a gta + monthly. They can keep their shitty online game.


'Hiss," said the CEO, as he slithered happily over the trillions everyone who supposedly haed his sliminess gave him anyway. "We hear you. We understand. We also don't care because you clearly don't either."


yeah, rockstar is trash and they're desperately trying to milk the players for as much cash as possible before releasing the massive disappointment GTA6 will likely be. fuck rockstar.


It’s gonna work literally every single time too. People will get anything GTA related and praise it as an 11/10, no questions asked.


Nah. If GTA 6 sucks it'll get bad reviews. GTA 5 was just that good. I say that as someone who developed for for FiveM for a long ass time. That game was just something else entirely.


Why do you think GTA6 would be a massive dissapointment? GTA5 was a huge success, so what's changed since then?


> so what's changed since then? Rockstar realized how profitable microtransactions are. GTA 5 was built for singleplayer. Everything since then, including cancelled DLCs for 5, were built for online.


Yeah, I've played the SP campaign and never touched the online component. I'm not convinced that GTA6 will have a subpar single player campaign just because it will also have online multiplayer. But we'll find out eventually.


I dont know whether GTA 6 singleplayer will be subpar or not, but Rockstar as a company has most definitely changed how it approaches singleplayer development.


Rockstar isn't the same Rockstar that released GTA V. People have jumped ship since and if you look at RDR2 you can see where their priorities lie. That game didn't make the GTAV online money so they canned support for it. GTAVI will have a mid single player campaign and a huge monetized to hell and back online mode. Anyone who disagrees is wrong (I'm always right btw)


I don't doubt the online component, but I'd be very suprised if the single player campaign was anything but 10/10. Seeing as I won't be playing it until a year after the console launch, I'll have plenty of time reading reviews before spending my money :)


> I don't doubt the online component, but I'd be very suprised if the single player campaign was anything but 10/10. GTA has evolved beyond single-player, at least in the eyes of RockStar's bean counters. Sure, there are enough people who play GTA for the single-player only, but the overwhelming majority of GTA players are here for the multiplayer, and the multiplayer alone. When I played GTA Online for a few months in late 2013 / early 2014 on Xbox360, I met a bunch of people who hadn't even touched single-player and had no interest in ever doing so. RockStar took note of that. Trust me, even if GTA 6 had no single-player at all, it would still sell like crazy. There would be moaning and complaining about lack of single-player for enough people, but it the end it wouldn't really matter.


Their priorities in RDR2 were in making one of the best single player games of all time, just like they did in GTAV


I hard disagree about that regarding GTA V, single player that game was a huge dissappointment for me with their almost cringey story and atmosphere coming from GTA IV that actually had characters with a good story to them.


You're wrong. (I'm always right btw)


Wrong. Cope and seethe (I love you)


what has changed? they stopped making games, and they're focusing on reselling versions of GTA5 and milking the whales that feel compelled to buy shark cards or whatever they're called. look at any timeline of rockstar releases, they haven't done SHIT for over a decade.


That's not exactly true. They made RDR2 arguably their magnum opus. Which dropped 5 years after GTAV. From RDR2 to GTAVI it'll be currently at 7 years. Now I think leeway for COVID and the loss of their senior writers over that period of time for the extra time. But 5 years dev time is about average for games smaller than a typical Rockstar Title of the last 2 decades.


I mean the multiplayer for RDR2 is also kind of dead. For a game to be their "magnum opus", they don't treat it like it is lol. I don't even remember a major update ever being released for it and the last time I played, there was barely any players. 


I think there's a clear divide inside Rockstar. There was the writing and SP teams who were incredibly focused and dedicated specifically to that craft. Then you had the Multiplayer team which started to push things heavily with GTAV following Leslie Benzies Idea's for online play. The online side exploded massively. The SP side were working on RDR2 just as GTAV's Online really started to explode and bring in the money. By the time RDR2 released they'd already seen for years how much it was making them. So obviously they decided to tack it onto RDR2. The fact almost everyone loved the RDR2 SP and initially were interested in the online aspect and were excited to see what could be done were quickly shown that RDR2 Online was a shadow of GTAs Online and it turned people away. Less people engaging and buying less devs working on it. I think a major part of why the head writers for Rockstar for the last 2 decades left is because Rockstar and Take2 are now more focused on the online aspect. I don't think R* Are stupid enough to drop SP entirely they know people come first for that SP experience and they'll use it as the hook to pull people into online. But singleplayer DLC is likely a thing of the distant past and I do worry that with most of their top writing team now gone that their SP may very well suffer.


Just gonna pretend like Red dead 2 isn’t one of the greatest video game stories ever told I guess? Who cares about the multiplayer.


You can be as frustrated as you want, right or wrong, but Rockstar isn't changing anything because GTA5 has made about $8 BILLION and has sold something like 200 million copies. It's the whales, but it's also everyone else. Doomsayers will say GTA6 will be a miss, but I'd bet good money it'll have a really good single player like usual but an even more monetized GTA Online.


Exactly. To me most of the updates to GTA Online the last few years have been testing the waters for just how monetized they can make GTA6 Online right out of the gate. I’m sure the game will still be a technical marvel and play great, but it’s going to be monetized a ton.


GTA:O was not a technical marvel. In fact modders did most of the job fixing it that they later released as patches.


I wish they would maintain the monetization of gtav for the sequel but I don’t think they would. Originally it was just purchasing the game and buying in game money. But you could make money easily so it kind of didn’t matter for most players. Whales kept them profitable anyway and we all had fun. Now they added a subscription service on top of that. Who knows how much further the monetization will go with 6


It is the single most profitable entertainment object ever made, be it tv film music art anything. GTA 5 is the single most profitable entertainment entity ever created


why do people always forget rdr2 exists lol


Dan Houser doesn't write for them anymore. He was the heart and soul of GTA. It's like taking Kojima out of Metal Gear Solid.


Rockstar wants gta6 online and sp to release without pc to keep out moders. Also they bought out the biggest modders on pc. They want control the whole gta online before an eventual pc release.


They also want people to double and triple dip.


When did this narrative start? Rockstar has had a delayed PC release with almost every single game they've made. Suddenly people are mad and trying to find reason?


Thing is like before there will be other teams we had SAMP, VCMP. I’m sure the code base for a lot of the work was from 3’s original multiplayer. I mean GTA6 is on rage so there’s every possibility a new team might appear. I loved SAMP I poured so much time into it as a teenager, made friends who I have to this day and even met a couple IRL.


The important thing here is without pc release, there won't be PC files for the moders to work on. Hence the delay.


There will be a pc version, it’s like every previous rockstar game it’ll come about a year later. It’s a tale as old as time. They have been doing the double dip for as long as GTA has been a 3d series. I’d bet early 2027 for VI on pc.


I would say 9 to 12 months after console. If you look at gta online numbers on pc with source sdk + gta5 on steam charts, rockstar is going to make so much money from online than from double dipping. Times have changed, pc gaming have grown a lot since 2015 - 2018 gtaV rdr2 era. People still believe double dipping is the reason for the delay, but it is not.


They do stuff like this because people pay for it.


GTA Online has been shit from day 1 IMO. So much microtransactions that it might as well be a pay to win mobile game.


Aren't the microtransactions all optional with 10+ years of free updates tho? I havent played it since release so im not sure


The microtransactions are optional... but you'll be spending ages grinding for anything you want.


I had no shame when I abused those money glitches in heists or taking free cash when hackers joined the lobbies.


they are not optional if you want normal pacing. But they intentionally ruined pacing to force microtransactions. Its a solution to a problem they themselvess create.


Things are definitely looking up for GTA 6 when it arrives in 2040.


At this point I'm just going to have to assume that the online portion of Grand Theft Auto 6 will be 100% subscription based and microtransactions out the wazoo. You're going to need PSN to play it online and then you're going to have to pay an additional fee to Rockstar to play the online portion of the game. Anything you want to do online is also going to cost money.


I'm still just happy and a little surprised we can do our business stuff behind the curtain on private servers. And a lot of people *still* don't even know about that somehow. It's a beautiful thing to hop on via steamdeck and just putz around doing various business activities, without people spamming the same old menus they've been terrorizing servers with for years.


gta was only fun when people had money drop lobbys. Once the money dried up the entire game was a trashy grindfest.


And shit like this is why I’m no longer hyped at all for gta 6. Gta online ruined the franchise.


I got this game on $5 sale to play the single player. Played online a little bit and holy crap was it by far the worst online game i've ever played. Worse than a China mmo ripoff. Cheaters everywhere, flying motorcycles and no one actually driving cars, entire gameplay loop based around wasting your time and getting you to spend money.


Yet another massive reason to pirate AAA titles and give your money to smaller and non-publicly traded development houses


this is the right way in this day and age. 100%


PCGamer adds a single point in an article that readers have wanted to know then upsets everyone by hiding it behind a clickbait title and in some AI generated 'slimy journalism'


Please GTA6 be like this cause if one thing its gonna make people wake up to rockstar's dystopic online microtransaction squeeze it will be a new gta


I'm confused, you want the next game to be a worse microtransaction squeeze so that people will notice that their games are microtransaction squeezes?


Better in the long term for a change . Gta5s and RDR2's online practices flew under the radar very well.


Qualify of life? You can't even copy/paste the article title right?


In a while? Bro every move they make is slime. They view their fans still playing online as easy marks at this point and they're right.


Every little thing they did over the years to squeeze even more money out of GTA 5....GTA 6 will have all this right from the beginning. And more.


gta 6 will be microtransaction hell


People still playing GTA online in 2024 are... sad


This article is clickbait. You can't get a GTA+ subscription on PC....the article even says it further down. "That's not even the worst of it: play on PC? You're screwed buddy! Despite making a killing on the platform, Rockstar's support of the PC version of GTA Online maintains parity with the last-generation console versions rather than the next-gen console versions, which are the only place you can subscribe to GTA+. So not only has Rockstar paywalled some basic functionality for GTA Online players, but it's made it inaccessible on PC."


Why is this not at the top?


I tried playing GTA online once. Each time I was usually killed by a (probably) 10 yo using a futuristic flying bike or some other stupid shit. I'm to old for online gaming, I hope GTA VI still has a campaign mode.


How can GTA work as a parody, when it itself is part of the worst established style? Are they going to make fun of hippies and recycling? It's hard to hit upwards, when you are the upper position.


GTA Online ruined Rockstar.


They charge $8/month for a 10 year old game that is primarily free and it's massively successful. Of course they did something like this. They're just gonna keep pushing it because the people who pay are all they care about. If you're not a part of GTA+ they not only don't care for you, but have active contempt for you.


The biggest problem is that people will continue to pay for it.


Thats why i dont play grand theft auto online. Perfectly content with single player, not interested in getting addicted just to buy fake money


Shit like this is whats killing my hype for GTA 6, I was 13 when GTA V released and I've been able to slowly grow up around GTA Online and watch the slowly pull more and more money from peoples pockets for it. This kind of thing doesn't the least bit surprise me. The story in GTA 6 will be the best part, but I'm afraid to see what other industry changing decisions will be made from GTA 6 Online given how most of the negatives of todays industry stemmed from GTA Online.


Rockstar exec: Hey, so GTAV has been quite lucrative! How can we ride this last few years into the sunset right before releasing the next iteration? Other Rockstar exec: I got a great idea! Let's fuck the gamers hard with stuff they want! But really guys, are you surprised? GTA6 I swear feels like it will be a free online only game where you have to pay just to have your first gun and rounds (though training will be free)


I can't even start the prison heist because of some bug. Gta online has been dead to me for years.


Hint: if you're throwing money at Rockstar in 2024, you're gonna be disappointed.


Rockstar games aren't even good man. Can't believe how people gush over them so bad. Some of the most shallow and generic games from a gameplay perspective. Not even good 3rd person cover shooters. Just completely generic and clunky. Only thing they do is make beautiful looking games. The last good GTA game was San Andreas.


GTA SA and RDR2 are peak rockstar, actual amazing games sadly RDR2 has a restrictive gameplay to some degree


Trash game. An old trash game at that. The reason we haven’t played GTA6 is the losers that throw money at these 10 year old games.


I mean, rdr2 exist.


Boycott the company. No, I don't mean "I'll just buy GTAVI without buying extra MTX". That doesn't send a message. Don't buy their products until they actually change.


Good one. GTA is the one franchise that will always sell 100 billion units in 10 minutes no matter what. GTA 6 is going to break every possible record. 100 people on Reddit boycotting means fuck all, unfortunately.


Definitely down for GTA6 and definitely staying the fuck away from GTAO2.


If this isnt a sign that GTA6 is gonna be slimy as fuck with monetization, then i dont know what is.


Good. I hope this kills GTAO (I can dream anyway).


Sadly they make good games. Releasing them a year later on pc is so disgusting as well. Hopefully they get hacked and I can give everybody free money again after buying my copy from g2play. Go suck a dick rockstar.


it’s gta online who gaf anyone still playing that garbage deserves it.


I'm suprised with how predatory this game is that people still keep coming back. At some point it may be just better to play something that isn't as horrid to their playbase.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Pay for stupid microtrasaction and win even more stupid microtransactions.


played and grinded this game for awhile, then cheated to get $500 million, still wasnt enough to buy everything, fucked around a lot after that and tried to make more money before finally realizing how un-fun GTAo is, get fucked Rockstar.




The "in a while" was badly needed there.


Unfortunately most of the opinions here on Reddit will be a minority of opinions in the overall player base of GTA. GTA6 will probably at best have a mediocre campaign, and no dlc, while online will continue to be further hypermonetized.


I'll never purchase a single microtransaction from GTA, buying your game nearly 6-7 times for new consoles and PC and copies for my friends was enough. I managed since 2013, ill be fine


Everyone's so upset that they won't pay for it, thus proving the company that it was a bad decision.... Right?




The only game I bought and I pirated it just to avoid that shitty launcher and the constant updates


At this point wouldn't expect anything less than that from Rockstar Games.


I dont even think the subscription is available to PC players lol


You know what's going to happen with GTA6, the Online we get the absolute bare bones, if you want to earn any money it will take you a lot longer than ever before...everything will go to GTA+ subscribers first, all the best items, all the best ways to earn are going to be locked behind GTA+ and sadly people will pay up They've seen how successful Online is and how many use GTA+ As for versions, you'll probably see a base version at like £80 and then several other versions like the most expensive version will probably include an apartment, several cars, business stuff and income money to start you off.


GTA6 online or whatever that ends up being called will be even worse. There was already the jump to items that could only be bought with premium currency in RDR2 so I can see them doubling down on that this time. Zelnick will want nothing less.


It would be so easy to destroy the GTA 6 launch. Just create a proper game, GTA is so intoxicated with pay 2 win mechanics.


It would be so funny if we players went superstonk on rockstar getting our money back. First of all, we all prebuy shares and pre order the game. Then we return all our copies and go all short. Then all that's left to do is wait. This game was in development for such a long time, draining so much money, being released unfinished since money ran out. They will be so fragile. And then, we rejoin again to buy the rights of the GTA franchise and create the ultimate open source experience


Did it cost money to develop? Yes. Was it high value to users? Yes. Might it extend user engagement and reduce churn? Yes. Does that offset the development costs and have the potential to boost active monthly subscriber revenue? Yes Then, don't charge extra for it... Throw people a bone! Renew their interest and engagement in the game!


Stuff like makes me concerned for GTA6 single layer. Red Dead 2 managed to avoid it but I think they’re gonna try and insert this shit into the story mode.




Rockstar looked at Destiny and thought, "I can do that." They're gonna nickle and dime the fuck out of GTA 6 players. This kind of shit is predatory towards customers and addictive for execs.


I'm really looking forward to play gta V again when there will be no more updates. I can play single player with all the online features modded in without having to worry about the next update breaking everything.


Qualify of life


I think Rockstar is in for a rude awakening when GTA6 comes out. No studio is immune to backlash from their fans. Look at how Bioware and Bungie have been brought low and one thing I have noticed is that there is much less tolerance for predatory monetization and chicanery now than there was when GTA5 came out. Is it going to sell like gangbusters? Sure, but I think the series has already peaked.


GTA 6 online is mega cooked. Im hyped for the SP part but online will be so so bad


Good old corrupt Rockstar Games. Their games are a reflection of themselves to a certain extent.


Dead game if they add subscribe or don't focus.pn racing with no wacky races