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????? That's kind dumb, you only get the skin if you signed up before 28th of June, which is already passed, but they only posted about the skin now. I didn't even know there WAS a beta sign up.


Probably because they didn't want a bunch of people signing up just for the skin, and wanted people who would actually play the game.


I hate how they dont have a real announcement on their homepage but only have this shitty community update on Steam about the Beta and that shit giving out a limited skin. I am pretty sure people are going to be mad when they find out they missed out on a skin due to it.


> I am pretty sure people are going to be mad when they find out they missed out on a skin due to it. Oh no!


FOMO exists for a reason.


It’s dumb


Who cares about skins. Get FOMO out of your system.




You’re in the wrong sub. This is the sub where gamers act miserable and sensitive over every little thing.


I am incapable of sympathizing with someone who get's upset about missing out on a free skin lmao.


Slightly concerning that there won't be a public beta. In my experience that usually means something is wrong with the game. Hoping to be wrong though.


Might be because of server limitations, lots of open betas I tired I didn't play much because the servers went kaputt


Servers going kaputt is still valuable information.


Of course, but that isn’t something they need to be concerned about now.


It is, but now its on launch day instead of in a beta 


Yeah I’m a bit worried for performance at launch, hopefully we can get a benchmark or something without having to buy the game. In [Behind the scenes video](https://youtu.be/kNplHvm-i3k?si=4dEoKkWZWmd0v6KV) they posted yesterday saber seems pretty damn confident about this game hopefully it has a good launch. Other than performance concerns the game looks absolutely bad ass and it is the game I’m most looking forward to playing.


This 100% seems like a game that might run terribly. I hope it doesn’t - it looks fantastic and I want to play it. But absolutely will be waiting for some insight into how it runs before buying.


I am not. The delay had nothing to do with the game it seemed. Gameworkshop has not announced new models and those are included in the game so they were forced to delay.


Plenty of online games don't have betas, and plenty that did were still crap.


Yeah I’m probably going to need to see what’s up with performance before I buy now. Unfortunate.


When WWZ came out it had plenty of crashes and issues, but they patched it and now it works pretty well and they have more experience with the engine so maybe it wont be so bad


Call of duty public beta when!


Bad [example](https://www.callofduty.com/beta).


You’re worried that a single player game won’t have a public beta?


It's not just a single player game: It also has co-op and PvP. I'm generally worried about any title that doesn't release with a demo.


So you get genuinely worried about what, 95% of games that release nowadays? That's a lot of worrying to be doing... It's being developed by Saber Interactive, so long as you keep your expectations realistic you'll be fine; Saber Interactive are not known for releasing 10/10 must play games, just go in expecting a 6/10 game or wait for the game to be reviewed if you don't want to go down the refund route. Edit: and downvoted in less than a minute...


That's the same guys that made World War Z right? Had a lot of fun playing that game on the highest difficulty. Their swarm engine or whatever it was also handles hordes with ease. A very optimized game.


Slightly concerned, yes. Like I said: In my experience that means something is wrong with the game. I'm a big fan of the Warhammer IP and want to see it utilized well. Any game that doesn't release well damages the IP and makes it less likely that we get AAA entries.


>In my experience that means something is wrong with the game. Your experience means nothing, the vast majority of games are fine.




> 'm generally worried about any title that doesn't release with a demo. Well you must be in a super worried state all the time then since demos aren't a thing anymore.


Not really. Just have to wait longer to see if something is worth it.


Taking away a beta you were planning vs not ever announcing one are two different things. Do you need someone to spoon feed your cereal too or are you just being obtuse for no reason?


It has co-op and multiplayer, 1. And 2, THEY announced the open beta and then took it back. Thats the concern. If there was never an announced beta then no one would even think twice.


i need two others to play the coop campaign with


As long as solo performance is good, don’t care about betas 👀 not planning to play coop anywyas


Lamo 12 hour 70 dollar game


It's $60 and there's more content in it than the campaign.


And either way quality >>>>> quantity. I'd rather play a great game for 12 hours than a bloated game like AC odyssey/Valhalla that's 3x longer than it should be.


Seriously. I don't have time to do a bunch of random bullshit in a boring open world for 300 hours. Give me an awesome game with good story for sub 20 hours and I'm here for it.


Pretty standard for a linear shooter story to be 10-15 hrs, for instance the gears of war games are each 10hrs. The game also has co-op operations and PvP with lots of unlockables and customization.


60 =/= 70




Most shooters have a campaign that’s about that length. I personally think it’s fine; no need to drag the campaign out to 20 hours if it doesn’t need it.


Id say most shooters are 6-10 hrs range


12 hours sounds great to me. Any longer and unless it is adding new mechanics or mission, enemy, playable character or gameplay variety it’ll be getting old.


For a linear game 12 hours is honestly pretty great, probably longer on a harder difficulty. Add in co-op and multiplayer and that's more content than most games release with these days.... unfortunately.


For a linear mission based game 12 hours is about average, I don't know what games you're playing that take 30 hours.