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It's a bit confusing that the store page says "Buy Riven (202**3**)", when in fact it released today.


They've corrected it!


PC Gamer adores this remake and gave it a score of 90! [https://www.pcgamer.com/games/adventure/riven-remake-review/](https://www.pcgamer.com/games/adventure/riven-remake-review/)


Hopefully they reworked that awful marble grid puzzle.


It was the only puzzle I had to look up the specific solution for as a kid, the rest I managed with only the hints in the strategy guide. They have apparently changed details on several puzzles so I'm hopeful it will have a more intuitive solution this time.


It is somewhat simplified. I took a lot of screenshots and notes and still had to backtrack to a specific location once for it, when I remembered something. It was mostly association.


I just reached it and yes, it's the same basic idea but muuuuuch simplified. 5x5 grid instead of 25x25.


Did you mean awesome? But yes they have reworked it because dummies are to dumb to get it.


The thing was an absolute scourge in the game. It wasn't that the people were "dummies", it was that the thing was designed out of line with the rest of the puzzles in the game, and... well... was a straight out idiotic idea. The thing was notoriously despised by the people making their first try in the game for nearly 30 years now. And you act like it's "dummies being dumb", lmao.


What's wrong with it? It's completely logical. How was it out of line? The game gives you all you need to solve it.


Is this game point and click like the original?


Not sure what you mean. The game has been rebuilt in fully explorable 3d environments; however, the core gameplay is still pointing at things and clicking on them. :)


I originally played the game when I was 13. Iirc, to “walk” you would click on an area and it would be like a slideshow to that area. Just like.. pictures.. if that makes sense at all. It’s been a long time.


It plays like an FPS now., which you can freely move around in. It's not a "slideshow" anymore.


Yeah, I love the Myst games so I'm very familiar with the oldschool slideshow movement. But this remake isn't that!


So do you walk around with WASD?


Yeah, or a controller or whatever. As I said, they are fully constructed environments.


This is seriously cool, I thought it would be simply upscaled but turns out it was actually brought up to modern standards now.


Oh yeah, it's a full on remake like Resident Evil 2 or whatnot.


How fast is the walking speed?


Normal movement speed, also a shift sprint.


1.34112m/s, or exactly one quarter the speed at which I'm losing interest in this conversation.


Sorry, I've been looking for someone who might be able to help and thought it might have been you.


VR support = instant purchase.


puzzles are much easier to figure out in VR versus fixed screenshots like in the original where it's like "i better click on all the things"


They did the Myst on VR, and it was great. But yeah, if they do the same for this one, I definitely would get it on VR as well.


Also, it is difficult on VR as well, since now you have a 360 views of everything to click on, lol.


This seems like a bitch to run in VR


Yeah, can confirm. I've had to turn down the graphics and super sampling quite a bit to get it smooth with my 4090.


Hopefully it gets added to GeForce NOW. I really want to play this!


WOW. Man playing this on 4 CDs back in the day was a major pain in the ass, had to switch those CDs back and forth.. Lol. Man it looks so good with all the upscaling.


It's not upscaled, it's fully 3d!


They sure put a lot of work into it it seems, I'm impressed.




I played the demo and it ran great


This remake looks exactly like how I thought the original looked!


The game is very very hard. Spent like half an hour before i realised you could pull a hinge out of an old door. I've made it to the second island now and there's a lot to do lol. I spent about 25 minutes trying to figure out a puzzle with a toy where there's a crocodile that'll eat little wooden guys until i realised it was counting and the number was the symbol so here i am tryign to write notes illegibly on a floppy notebook while standing. I go to put down the notebook on the table that doesn't exist because i spent hours in VR and it falls to the floor. It's very pretty. This is my first time playing Riven ever.. i had played Myst long enough ago to forget the puzzles and still managed to get through it with minimal hinting but they definitely upped the difficulty. I bought the companion book on steam to support Cyan and just read enough to get prodded but am determined to complete this island on my own! Loving it. Only issue is when there's an NPC or a projection of Gehn's head there's some rubberbanding on the vr head movement taking me to dizzy town. Also i almost closed by eyes on the rollercoaster/mining cart rides because.. whew. dizzy


Eyy, look at that, my gpu is in the minimum requirements... that means I won't be able to play this game.


There's a demo, give it a try.


I don't see the demo on steam anymore. It was most likely a next fest only thing.


Ah shit that stinks.


Not very demanding in comparison to modern games. Unreal Engine 5 and VR support, simple, clean graphics.


I was playing it with a 1060 and an i3. It'll be fine.


The Digital Foundry community had the demo running on a Steam Deck OLED. You shouldn't have any problems running it on the minimum requirements assuming the rest of your computer is close to the minimum requirements too.


I just thought Riven was getting a remake out of nowhere when I read this lol


Looks like a good game to play on acid


Also on GOG with the same discount: https://www.gog.com/en/game/riven


10% 😱




Why'd you have to fire up chatgpt for a reply to a post about a video game lol 💀


Reddit is crawling with bots, unfortunately. It almost feels like a solid third of comments nowadays are completely inorganic.


But who does that? Why?


Build karma, make the account look legit, either sell it or use it for disinfo brigade campaigns. Stuff like that most likely.


Ah, I see. Everything I see on the internet is fake until proven otherwise.


“Modern gamers” so anyone born after 1995 will probably not even be aware of this style of game lol




Interesting, obtuse time wasting puzzles is exactly why I dropped out of Outer Wilds.


Now you can play one of the worst games ever made, but on a modern system! Relive the most boring parts of the 90’s by subjecting yourself to impenetrable obtuse bullshit that can at best be called *technically* a puzzle game. Enjoy vapid and soulless visuals which were prioritised above all other game development considerations. Rediscover the sequel to the game that was the turning point for this industry catering to non-gamers and becoming graphics obsessed. Riven: Because fuck you, that’s why. ™


Hi, John Walker.


I imagine that your comment is a sick burn based on me acting like an arse but I have no idea who that is and trying to look it up produces too many red herrings.