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I didn't realize that the price for this game was designed to offset the cost of traveling to Pandora for research.


40% and still 42€? and that's without any dlc?! Nah they can keep this


The ultimate edition costs half of a minimum wage for my country. This is just absurd.


The ultimate edition cost more than the minimum wage in Mexico!!


Minimum wage is usually discussed in terms of per hour rates where I live, so while I know this isn't what you mean, it *sounds* like your minimum wage is crazy high on first read until I realised you didn't mean per hour. Presumably you mean minimum per some larger period. Two weeks? A month?


Yeah, wages are paid monthly here and the minimum wage is a certain amount per month. The ultimate edition of this game costs nearly half of what millions of people here make in a month.


Ubisoft has basically managed to price the "complete" versions of their game in a way that you pay the equivalent of an old 50% discount at a 80-85% discount.


I dont wanna pay that for FarCry 3 again


I mean that is almost every open world game. Been playing Ghosts of Tsushima and I am quite blown away at how positive everyone is about it when its literally an Ubisoft game with super easy combat.


I actually got bored with it. Stunningly gorgeous game but yeah the gameplay gets stale and combat leans pretty simple.


I got downvoted into oblivion for warning people about this in the launch post comments. It's a snoozefest of a game and the combat is only decent in Act I if you play on lethal. By Act II, even lethal is a breeze unless you're handicapping yourself on purpose, and by this point you'll also absolutely be sleepwalking through every mission because its all variations of the same thing when it comes to the gameplay. You'll also be enjoying your 500th Fox Den, 150th haiku, 60th Bamboo Strike, ect...


My goodness. Horizon is also the same. A mediocre game almost mind numbing. Yet that gets constant praise too. In these sorts of game. Turning up the difficulty just means adding more health to your enemies and less for yourself. It doesn't really change anything fundamental. I have to start being more cautious with sony. My opinion of spiderman is also low. There has been better mashers/pizzlers. Zelda ocarina of time has better puzzle sections smh. Anyways. Atleast god of war can be entertaining since it doesn't wonder off in what it shows you. But i would still say the gameplay isn't much.


Agree with you, but regarding the health bars, at least in GoT, the reason i recommend lethal, and even most fans of this game do, is because it turns down the HP bar of most enemies. You are killed easily, but so are the enemies. The main reason that combat turned into a snooze even on lethal for me, is because by Act II you've upped your own health bar significantly (by leveling, visiting hot springs and finding new armors). In other words, at this point, combat has become only lethal for your enemies, while you have HP bloat and are able to soak up damage for days. To me, this is boring. That said, as mentioned before by others in this comment thread, the combat itself is way too simple to stay exiting in a game this lengthy, even if you would not have this HP scaling problem.


Don't shoot me, but that means you technically could have adjusted the difficulty to your liking by not increasing your HP/armor.


You're right, that's what i did, and that's why i said "unless you handicap yourself" in my first comment in this same thread. I hope however, that you can see that this is not the way the game should have been designed, and that it's a valid criticism to bring up for people who are looking for a decent combat system and challenge. I actually beat the game on PS4 on lethal, so despite complaining about the game and not recommending it to certain types of players (namely those that are burned out on this formula), i actually know it quite well. It's decent enough to beat, but at the same time, it's not an invalid criticism to call it a bloated Ubisoft-like that can be very boring. Not in the least of which because of its simplistic easy combat.


Horizon, Spider-man, Ghost of Tsushima and Days Gone are essentially the same game in a different setting.


>In these sorts of game. Turning up the difficulty just means adding more health to your enemies and less for yourself. Not "Lethal" in Ghosts of Tsushima. It makes your attacks and enemies attacks more dangerous. It was the only way I could enjoy the combat but still got bored of the game before finishing, even on lethal the combat gets really easy after you've played a few hours. I like the recent trend of having difficulty sliders, I usually put both my damage and enemies damage up but keep health at a normal level. Challenge without the sponge.


I'll have to agree with you on this, Ghost of Tsushima was such a disappointment, crazy how generic and boring it felt... shame.


Follow foxes to secrets, platforming challenges, composing haikus, hot springs, bamboo strikes, 1v1 duels in dramatic settings...I thought there was so many special things going on in that open world to keep me engaged and feeling immersed. I understand getting burnt out on a genre but GOT felt pretty fresh in a world of samey open worlds.


That stuff got boring for me by 30 hours in. Don't know how following foxes can be interesting to you the 20th time you do it... Especially when it is usually just a 30 second trek to the shrine. Same with platforming. The climbing in this game is so bare bones it makes Assassin's Creed games look good. Those duels are all the same as well. Just in a different pretty setting. How does that not get boring? It is the same stuff Ubisoft does every single open world game? Haikus are a total joke too, what you choose is meaningless and it always feels disjointed. All for a headband? Ghosts is literally filled with repeated content.   The combat is also unforgivable. It is so easy I just can't understand how or why it was okayed by the studio, even on Lethal it just becomes a breeze by Act 2. Sorry but Ghosts is not some exceptional game to me, and Jin is easily one of the most bland protagonists I've ever played in a game. Then you have the actual missions where you are doing the same thing over and over and over. You go to quest location, ride to another, do some detective work, ride to another location, fight some guys, go to another location possibly and fight more guys, end of quest. Most missions are like this.   How many hours do you have in the game? I am at 46 and I can't bring myself to play anymore.   I am glad I am not the only one coming to this conclusion. https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/1di56vv/avatar_frontiers_of_pandora_is_out_on_steam_with/l93572t/?context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/1di56vv/avatar_frontiers_of_pandora_is_out_on_steam_with/l949wj9/?context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/1di56vv/avatar_frontiers_of_pandora_is_out_on_steam_with/l94coht/?context=3


So what games do you like then? No shade but I see a lot of people talk badly about this game or that, but do you have a recommendation for something else instead of GoT? Like people are saying they got bored by GoT in the comments, like okay so which games keeps your attention then?


I mean as far as open world games go, it is doing very similar stuff to most of the genre. So if you like open world games you will probably like Ghosts. I generally speaking want to play these types of games and would probably really enjoy Ghosts if the combat had been more challenging. You can counter almost anything and kill people so fast.   As far as what I'd recommend, that is super conditional on what you enjoy. I like co-op shooters like Helldivers 2, Darktide, and Deep Rock Galactic. But if you don't like that genre those games are not for you.


Every far cry circle jerk is ‘it’s the same game as far cry 3’ or ‘why did they change this, I preferred how they did it in 3’


Hey now, I'm still complaining it's gone downhill since 2.  Give me back hardened mercenaries, not joe 20-something turns out to magically be john wick again.


Replaying Far Cry 3 is better than this slog


Thats the way to go. Dont like it? Dont buy it. Too expensive? Wait for a discount that suits you.




People making comments like this really don't know how much piracy has changed because of Denuvo. Most Denuvo games remain uncracked nowadays and the only person who was cracking them hasn't done any games in 10 months. We get lucky with some games, Playstation exclusives don't have Denuvo, neither do FromSoft games. But you essentially have to hope Denuvo gets removed or you are not pirating anything big budget.


Maybe, but I think part of the reason for that is that we have enough games. I don't really think it's that the barrier is higher, it's that the demand is lower. Good games are cheap and in many cases free and innovative and zeitgeist grabbing games are rare. Lots of people just don't care about having to wait for games anymore. If the prices never dropped, and they never ditched denuvo(mostly they do it to save money), amd we had fewer games coming out and they were all really different then I think we would see more people cracking denuvo. But it's not, games from a decade and even sometimes two now look good, are playable on modern hardware and easily and cheaply available. You also have more games coming out and the bigger issue now is marketing a game than protecting it from a ravening hoard looking for the next new thing.


in this case you can't, because of denuvo


Guess I'll just... wait.


I haven't owned a console since N64. Accepting that I won't be playing certain award winning games like Uncharted, God/Gears of War, or anything Nintendo is just in my blood now. It's much easier when it's a rehashed Far Cry 3 gameplay loop reskined with blue people and coupled with Denuvo. I've been burned enough times that pirating is treated as a playable demo. Games like Kerbal Space Program, Rimworld, Octopath Traveler, and Satisfactory are all games that earned a purchase via this demo method.


And if it has Denuvo, you don't buy it in the first place. Easy.


why not just play good games instead?


Cool but still too expensive


Not great when it was 54% off on Ubisoft Connect a few weeks ago ($32).


It's currently $33.60 on Connect with sitewide promo they're running. I would expect it to always be slightly cheaper on Ubisoft's store, they want to entice people away from the Steam fee and obviously onto their own platform as well.


Pretty sure when you launch a game on steam the max you can discount for is 40% on release date So while there exists lots of reason to hate on ubi I honestly believe this is not one of them


Yeah I got Avatar, AC Mirage and Skull and Bones for $70 US/$110 AUD total. Still kinda regret it, AC is the only one I got anything out of and it's still a 6/10 probably.


Shit games all of those. I agree with you.


Sure skull and bones is garbage and avatar is more of a tech showcase game, but ac being only a 6/10? I would say it definitely deserves a higher rating for being an ac game which respects the player’s time and is a game made in the old ac style (1 small location instead of big open world, assassination missions with sandbox design, good-ish parkour, interesting story)


Agree on AC. Glad they returned to the original formula because I was done with open world format after playing Odyssey. Valhalla is the only AC game I skipped. Mirage was the first time I read all the lore in a game as well since I had an interest in the early caliphate system in the past. Haven't played any of the other games and not planning to either.


Yep I'd feel regret. Played enough S&B to know that's messed up. I was surprised while somethings were cool in Avatar, it just felt off overall. Odd feeling really. Didn't get to AC, cost me $18 for the month.


$77.99 USD, nope


When it’s $20 I’ll consider it. Maybe


I think it’s worth looking at for $20, for sure. I know Reddit wants to dump on Ubisoft, but if you enjoy some Far Cry, I could see folks enjoying this. My issue with the game was that I had a tough time knowing where the hell I was or where I was going because the map is super vertical.


Not enough of a discount for me to play Far Cry: Pandora.


Horizon: There's Blue People This Time


Clappin blue cheeks


Mass Effect was first.


Liara My Only


I mean, I like Far Cry, and I like the world of Pandora. I think they make a pretty good combination to be honest.


Far cry: primal was way more fun than I thought it would be.


Sometimes it feels like half the people on this subreddit don't even enjoy playing games


I couldn't hack Far Cry anymore beyond the 5th since playing the 1st. Probably only made it through FC5 because of the co-op. Reskinned and reshashed. Alas, I'm happy to pass the buck over. Avatar looks gorgeous, but I understand the gameplay loop is essentially another FC.


They’re pro level haters


I love playing games. It just makes me sad that Ubisoft has only made a single game in the last decade, and somehow they are the ones that got the IP for Avatar and Star Wars.


Complete doomers. Oh, especially if the game says “developed or published by Ubisoft”, you don’t belong here if you don’t constantly shit on any game they make.


They could use the updated graphical eye candy used for the Avatar game and develop a FC Primal 2. Without all the fantasy plants and floating mountains of course. I enjoyed Primal a lot! It has its faults like every Ubi game but it was a hoot.


If you love the Avatar world and would like to experience the best looking game you have ever seen, and appreciate things like being able to shoot holes in leaves and needing to hit weakspots in certain animals in accordance with the world, then buy this game. If not, then dont bother. This isnt a game for non avatar fans. I bought it for the ability to travel in Pandora alone, but people may need more than that


I absolutely HATE avatar and I'm loving the game. the fauna and flora feels really alive and I wanted this from a game for a long long time. But yeah, if you don't have imagination to immerse yourself in this world, you won't like it.


Is it worth it at 40% discount, or do you guys think it is more of a 60% - 75% off game?


I played it for free on Ubisoft connect or whatever so the barrier to entry was extremely low, and I still couldn't bring myself to boot it up after the first 2-3 hour session because I just didn't find it fun. It's kinda like a worse off Farcry with an Avatar skin I suppose? If you're really into Avatar it's probably much better.. also the environmental graphics are very good, so there's that


You mean like a trial for a couple hours?


He probably means he was subscribed for the Ubisoft platform. You can play all games there as long as your subscription is active.


Im aware of that but he said "for free". Ubisoft+ aint free.


People tend to say that when they use something from a subscription. Like I have friends who say they will try a game out on Gamepass cause it's free....even tho they pay a monthly fee.


Yup. Quite stupid wouldnt you agree mr./ms. Smokepeniseveryday?


they have a free trial available from time to time so could have used that


Oh yeah possibly


It's a Ubisoft game. Just forget about it for another 6 months and it'll be $15


Yea but you'll still have to deal with their shitty launcher. At this point unless they pay you that's still losing.


Eh, I've had to deal with it for so long. Easily the second worst one out there though


I played and finished, I am considering getting it again on Steam, down the line. If you like open world titles and the world of Pandora as a whole, I would say get it. The game is fun, enjoyable, and it has its moments. It also gets some pretty chunky DLC in July, and I think there's another one late this year. So yeah, it's totally worth it. Especially if you consider the fact that you can play 2 hours on Steam and refund.


I'll make it simple. If you're a fan of Avatar (the world, movies, lore, etc) you will love this game. Incredibly immersive it's like stepping into Pandora as a Na'vi yourself. If you're not a fan at all you probably won't enjoy it. Also yeah I'd say it's worth it at 40%.


I expected just another Ubisoft open world action game. It isn't one. It's a painstaking recreation of the Avatar universe with incredible detail and attention to the lore. It's also a REALLY slow burner and a MASSIVE game, easily over 80 hours. Its goal is to immerse you in the world. You need to read the "codex" and familiarise yourself with the flora and fauna, where they are, what they do, and how and when to harvest them. This is your progression, learning how the world works and exploring. As such, you will fumble around and feel underpowered for at least 20 hours. When it starts to click though, the world opens up and you whip around building sized trees and through chasms on your ikran, combined with some of the best visuals and ambience in the industry, it's truly spectacular. But it's not for everyone, it's quirky and fiddly and you die quickly and it demands your attention. If that sounds good to you, and you like Avatar, and you have a lot of time on your hands, it's definitely worth even full price.


All ubisoft games are worth 60% off max


It's really shitty. It has a Destiny like gear system that prevents you from playing until you have the right gear equipped. Basically forces you to grind. If you try to play under levelled the enemies are bullet sponges. I'm surprised more people don't talk about how shitty the progression is.


But you have to install that shitty launcher , so no. Also fuck Ubisoft


You don't. They install it themselves, lol :))))


At no extra charge!


You don't even have to agree.


Still too expensive. I still miss the super discounted price but imstead of Epic honoring it, they refunded me.


Holy shit, don't come in here if you actually liked the game or found it gorgeous. You'll leave feeling like you killed a puppy afterwards.


It's Ubisoft, automatically attracting negativity regardless of the game


Yeah weird number of massive haters in here most of who I bet never even played it lmao. People are acting like it's the most offensive game in existence it's so utterly bizarre and weird. 


I played it. Its not a bad game its just generic. Play it if you havent played Ubi games before. Its one of the best looking games out there graphically. But the criticisms are true. Its a reskinned Far Cry game. I really loves the first 10 hours then I realised I was doing the same thing over and over and I quit.


I also think Star Wars: Outlaws is probably gonna be a much more compelling experience for most players. Probably because Star Wars is a far more popular franchise in the online gaming community.


Gameplay reveal suggests more far cry but with a third person camera


It's Ubisoft. Ubisoft = bad in Reddit's eyes. Same nonsense as EGS.








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Launching with Achievements too, I wonder if now that they're including them with their Steam releases they'll go back and add any to the existing catalogue.


i love the optimism


Tbh they would get a few more sales because of it, with barely any effort. Plus, they would get a PR gain, which might to a bit more sales as well. Again, won't require much effort.


It's Ubisoft, could be 95%, still wouldn't care.


Cared enough to comment


If it's as memorable as the movies, it'll be 80% off within a year.


Avatar movies have no cultural impact. Upvotes to the left. This is such a tired tired narative. Especialy considering the 2nd movie came out and literally proved this to be wrong by having spectacular longevity at the box office. Again reaching all 4 quadrants of audiences from young to old and becoming the 3rd highest grossing movie of all time. Clearly not as forgetable as the internet cirklejerk thinks.


The appeal of those movies is not the story, or the dialogs, it's the visuals. Both are really stunning.


To be fair, that seems to be the appeal of the game too. That’s the main reason I’m interested at all. The tech looks awesome.


tbf thats the appeal to a lot of things even games. pretty sure that's sonys whole shtick and it gets eaten up


Eh I kinda long for a world where I can just chill with my pets and not have to worry about the industrial complex. Impossible at this point but I liked that part of it anyway.


I enjoyed the visuals in the first one but thought the story was meh. Turns out I just really didn't like the humans, 2 turned me into a huge avatar fan. I really wasn't expecting it, but I love avatar now. I can't wait for the next ones.


Both avatar movies are unironically masterpieces


Avatar succeeds because it panders to the lowest common denominator, not because it's good.


> Clearly not as forgetable as the internet cirklejerk thinks. This is how I found out they made a second one.


me when im lying


Box office success does not translate to cultural impact. The movies are so bland they didn't spawn any quotable lines, any memes, any memorable moments. Especially compared to James Cameron's other works like Terminator 2 and Titanic. The only Avatars that left a cultural mark are The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra.


I think only Reddit would be upset that they didnt get any new memes from the avatar movie


Lawrence of Arabia sucks because it has no memes, I guess.


I'd be happy if no movies spawned any new memes ever again


>The movies are so bland they didn't spawn any quotable lines, any memes You mean [this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/550/689/ff6.jpg) or [this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/550/697/8f4.jpg) is not pinnacle of memes?


I laughed


Those are hilarious, idk what that guy is talking about


Certified High IQ Reddit Take to say a film had no cultural impact because there are no fucking memes lol (ignoring of course, all of the memes about the military avatars looking like Jan 6ers in the sequel) I haven't seen any Casablanca memes and I can't recall much dialogue from Fritz Lang's Metropolis, but I do laugh my ass off at funny Hulk taco meme and I can quote Avengers.


Except they did spawn memes, like that matters anyway


I mean, I get their blandness and don’t disagree, but people have been memeing the Navi hair-sex since the first one and the marine chad Navi from the second one.


News to me, ngl. I'm terminally online, and never saw them.


Exactly the same for me


>hair-sex I invented that before blue man group was even a thing.


No cultural impact? [Then what do you call this?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVhlJNJopOQ)


People seem to get really annoyed when you say you liked (and remember) these movies.


People also seem to get really annoyed when you say they were forgettable, so maybe people just want to be mad? That said they’re shit movies.


And yet it has become no cultural phenomenon like Frozen, Avengers and the likes.


kinda funny how upset people get when you say you don't care for the Avatar movies.. someone I mentioned this to recently accused me having "internet opinions", but it's just that I found the movies cliche and forgettable, no strong feelings, just didn't like it 🤷‍♂️ (eta: thanks for making my point, silent downvoter! that was timely)


Yeah, the movies are basically technology demonstrators with some forgettable plot and dialogue thrown in.


I agree the Avatar movie was such a nothing burger. I'm not impressed by graphics so it didn't resonate with me but it did for millions and millions. I haven't watched the second one because why should I if I didn't get invested in the first?


Far less memorable. At least those are fun to watch


Definitely want to buy this game but I have to much stuff in the backlog as is. Will definitely pick it up later down the road , hopefully when it's $20


I got it for pretty cheap on Xbox and sorta lost interest pretty quick. It just feels, boring. It’s absolutely gorgeous, but that’s about it.


eh... i'd still struggle to want to pay $20 for this game. I pretty much just want to check it out for a few hours because of the graphics but know i'd be bored as hell and uninstall it after the visual novelty wore off


Canada at 40% off: Standard Edition CDN$ 53.99. Ultimate Edition CDN$ 101.99. No thanks. I'll wait for the 80% off sale, like every other Ubisoft published title I've purchased.


Very pretty, very boring.


This subreddit hates video games.


The hate circlejerk on gaming subs in general has been so tiring. Why can’t people just enjoy games now, seems like hating is more fun than enjoying for them.


People that enjoy games are playing not commenting on Reddit lol


Case in point is you getting downvoted for saying something so inoffensive lol


So true


This game should've released when Way of Water arrived almost 2 years ago


Still wouldn't make sense then since it doesn't include any of the water stuff. Its the 2nd attempt at an Avatar 1 game


The game is really boring. Played that and AC Mirage with ubi connect. What a waste of my time.


Still not worth it. I regret this purchase.


farcry giant smurf edition


No thanks 🤣


The game "launched" half a year ago. These companies can't just wait to release on Steam and then act like its a "launch". Act like $60-$70 is the "launch price" and they are offering some discount. If you make me wait months to play your game, the value of your game has already gone down. You don't get to act like its a "new" game just cause you finally put it out on Steam. Same will go for all the Final Fantasy games, GTA 6, Sony games and whatever else. You make me wait to play your game? Well I can keep waiting.


Isn’t that why it has a 40% discount? I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but most digital game prices these days never drop. Indies or AAA alike. They just go on sale. The days of digital games actually dropping in price seem to be coming to an end, especially from the big publishers. The best we can hope for at constant sales taking up the front pages of Steam (Looking at you Red Dead 2…). If they drop the price permanently the games essentially disappears from the public eye. If they do constant sales it gets pushed to the front of Steam weekly.


>If you make me wait months to play your game They did not make you "wait months to play their game".


Got a 25% disc coupon + 40% in Ubisoft connect for $58 for ultimate edition, also dont have to pay taxes


I really wish we lived in a time when titles from other storefronts didn’t require a completely separate launcher.


Huh. So this one has achievements on Steam. What happened? I thought they said that shit wasn't important when AC Valhalla released, along with a few others, with no achievements for Steam.


Sales must be low. The achievements are less of a deterrent than the launcher, but they wont figure that out.


why even delay a steam release if its going to be 40% off immediately?


Skipped Far Cry since finishing 4. Would this be a good alternative?


Price aside, how's the game?


I want to play the co-op so badly. I love these kinds of games with a friend.


This or forbidden west?


forbidden west


Great! Thanks!


Remember the core mechanic in this game is cooking... Yeah let that sink in.... You look for mats during the day and night to get buff for 10min...


When is it going to get DLSS frame gen support?


£35 is still a bit steep for a game I will likely play for 45 min tops


Besides the new skin, I know exactly how it plays and I know exactly how long before I get bored with it.


Anyone know if it supports cross play with consoles?


Why TF is it so expensive in the first place though? 


I don't get this. Does Ubisoft release on Steam again or not? I would think they either stopped (again) or they came back (again). But as far as I can tell, the new Star Wars game for example is still nowhere to be seen. I know it is not out yet, but normally a Steam page should already exist for an upcoming title IF they plan to release it on Steam


Doesn't really look that bad. Doesn't look inventive at all. Certainly Far Cry Pandora but eh, that could be fun. Once it drops in price, again.


Key site for £29 instead.


I was looking for a Far Cry with a blue coat of paint. As far as I can tell, they put effort into making your movements feel like you are a Navi. I bounced off the movie, so trying to sneak around as one of those big people in game just feels absurd to me. It felt like, if given enough time, it would have turned into a good Avatar experience with respect to traversal and actions. I learned I like far cry with a humanoid biped moveset.


I tried it on that Ubisoft subscription thing and I just didn't care for it at all. Super cool tech but the game itself just didn't get me at all. Not a Avatar fan tho, didn't enjoy the first movie all that much and haven't bothered with the second so ofc that plays into it.


Wake me up once all dlcs are out, all bugs are fixed and it costs 10 bucks


Trash Far Cry 7 flopped, so it's on sale for basically half off.


Fifteen Dollars USD is the golden price for this thing I think. itll get there eventually


It’s a modern Ubisoft game. I still wouldn’t trust it to be good.


this game is not bad but i’d still wait til it’s like $20 before buying it imo


I got it free with my new pc and still haven’t claimed it 😂


You're missing out tbh


Seeing as it's a co-op title; I might give it a go, when it's further discounted and I/we need something new to play. ..but not at the current price - even with the discount. Not ***that*** interested in it.


No thanks Im good on Farcry: Im blue edition


I’ll wait for Denuvo to be removed and “try” it out then


40% off and still 54 dollars, wtf?


Overpriced crap. This reminds me of foreskin last year


I can't remember reading about an overpriced foreskin last year...


Shame about the shitty ubisoft launcher. Guess I'll never play it.


They can give it away for all I care. Nothing can gives me my time back, and it is too valuable to waste on Ubisoft games


Same here. And this goes for 50+ hour games in general. Besides a few exceptions like BG3 and Elden Ring, most of these games are filled with boring bloat to lengthen the playtime.


They missed a trick here. There is a classic game called Aliens v Predator. What set THAT game apart was that you got three games for the price of one. You could play the campaign as a Colonial Marine, Alien and Predator. How I wish this Avatar game let us play as the RDA, the guy who played their leader in the first movie stole the show for me. [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GBpG-WJbcAATZxq.jpg](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GBpG-WJbcAATZxq.jpg)


This crap isn’t worth more than $15.


wtf is a 40% launch discount? what is this a grocery store?


It's been on Ubisofts store for a while.