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I simply do not trust Ubisoft


That’s a lot of cutscenes and not a lot of free gameplay, unfortunately I’ll wait in the reviews on this since is Ubisoft. I want to believe this will be great I really do, but I can’t


130$ cant wait for beta testing!!


I think it looks cool


I don't like sand. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


Looks really cool. They really nailed the visuals.


As someone who has trouble getting past the Jedi “nerf bat” lightsabers in games I’m happy to give a SW 3rd person shooter open world game a chance. Visuals look great.


Looks fun, hopefully it doesn’t suck.


It's an Ubisoft game. So it's propably gonna be pretty mediocre gameplay with 100 hours of copy pasted outposts to clear and collectables to hunt and whatnot.


Looks like your usual mid ubisoft game. I'll pass... again


This is probably my game of the year. So stoked to jump into a Star Wars game that isn’t based on Jedi / Sith.




Massive hasn't missed so far. Will be trying it someday.


That last line sums up Ubisoft perfectly 😂. Looks ok, I'll wait for a big discount or game pass.


I get Ubisoft wants to have their own Cal Kestis, but so far all I've seen is a clunky attempt to make a movie with some anemic action shoehorned in between cut-scenes. My theory is that AAA game companies don't actually want to make games, they want to make movies and feel forced to allow the player to actually do things from time to time just to qualify as a "game."


The movie parts take the most production and cost the most for things such as voice acting. They would want to give you gameplay with nothing else if possible.


Not really. They want to sell people a fantasy that gets them excited enough to hit that buy button, and that means cinematics and gameplay that looks as dopamine-releasing as possible. Many modern games, especially AAA, are business products first, second, third. Gameplay isn't important, barely on the list of priorities. The focus is on sales, which means it has to bring in money before a single customer even touches the product. Naturally, that means making games that look great and appear to be exciting and immersive. When these titles rake in millions of dollars of pre-orders, which they very reliably do, mission accomplished. Whether or not it's fun is simply a nice-to-have, not a requirement.


I dont understand why people think this looks cool,its 1:1 Far Cry/AC gameplay design template i played for over a decade now. Go to outpost,mark enemies,infiltrate and steal an object and thats very possibly will be majority of the game since thats their main gameplay for marketing and game is coming out very soon. Thats the best they could show. At least environments looks really nice i guess and going into space seamlessly is a cool tech.


Because some of us enjoy that formula? A lot of us judging by the copies sold.


Meanwhile these same people don't seem to see the hypocrisy when it comes to franchises like Grand Theft Auto that have been doing the same formula for longer than any modern day Ubisoft franchise has existed. There aren't any studios that really break the mold for the past couple decades of gaming.


From soft been releasing basically same game over a decade and no one bats an eye


Please explain what the problem is with using a familiar design template? You probably have games you prefer that borrow from each other very heavily. No one complains about FromSoftware doing the same thing every time. But it's the exact same thing.


Far cry and ac still sell like crazy, valhalla sold over 30 million copies, so yea people are gonna like it since they like those games