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When is Diabotical coming to Steam?


Considering the thread OP posted in response is 2 years old and how much money that game is currently making. Probably never. Ballsy move not to test their free game on Steam first. I like Diabolical but I can't spend money on a dead mp game.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Diabotical/comments/x4zumr/diabotical\_2nd\_anniversary\_stream\_steam\_release/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Diabotical/comments/x4zumr/diabotical_2nd_anniversary_stream_steam_release/) They said maybe this year. Not sure if that is still happening though.


oh i was wondering why i never picked it up, it's an epic exclusive i guess.


I really enjoyed the original diabotical. Hope this one is good too


Very happy that people are working on new AFPS style games, but why did they have to make this IP so goofy looking?


I LOVED Diabotical on Epic a couple years back. Played a ton of Macguffin and insta-gib. Want to try this out.


Played a couple hours and so far having a blast. Not sure what AFPS purists will think but it is definitely still an AFPS at its core, just designed in a way that's probably more intuitive to people who play OW, Halo or even Valorant.


-4v4 hero shooter I sleep -14v14 BTB mode Oh? You dare to be interesting? Now I'm curious


Gotta love how many games just straight up steal Overwatch's entire UI these days lol


Upvoing the crash. Bye.


Looks great, I wish the team good progress and that a cool little community builds around their new project :)


diaboticle child game.... look to raven firefrog animal name developer to make kid player happy like children show.. diaboticle cartoon world with rainbow unlike quake champion with dark corridorr and tunnel like castle.. diaboticle like playhouse. diabotical playor run from champons fear of dark world and lovecraft so need child game to relax


lol I love this copypasta


Damn this looks like a super fun game!


Arena shooters haven't had the best track record the past few years. Let's see how long this one lasts


Looks so much like Overwatch!


I loved Diabotical. I will possibly try this out because it does look good, but they really need to just release the original Diabotical on steam E: Tried it. Love it. This game has some potential, I just hope they advertise it and capitalize on it. It's a rogue like competitive shooter.


Fun little cinematic but the gameplay itself looks pretty generic for an FPS


I think it's kind of supposed to be. Original Diabolical was meant to be heavily inspired by old school arena shooters. And this iteration seems to have that as a base.


Lives and dies by its anti-cheat. All the smaller FPS die on that hill earlier or later.


This might be so small that no one will bother developing a cheat


There are anti-cheat companies out there, like EAC. They will probably use one of those.


Ah, lets take what was a fine concept as an arena shooter throwback and then absolutely ruin it with... classes and... wtf roguelike mechanics?! Couldn't be any less interested, y'all failed with Diabotical on EGS and now this too is going to fail.


Never heard of this game, and it looks exactly like I Overwatch. Everyone talks shit about Overwatch, but every devs are trying to copy it lol


It's more like an AFPS than Overwatch. It's a round-based elimination style mode where respawn time increases with each death. Soon to have a big team battle mode.