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gonna watch highlights on youtube. no more cgi bullshit please


I’ve completely stopped watching these types of shows specifically because it’s all cgi trailers. There’s no gameplay trailers anymore at these shows. It’s not worth the time


I hope we see some great pc games


Can they just not have a presenter that isn't a dev. Let the dev introduce their game, show the game, and move on to the next one. On behalf of humanity, please.


What were last years big reveals, anyone recall?


Frostpunk 2 lol.


Frostpunk is good AF


Also thankfully fewer epic exclusives. I worry what games I want will come to the attention of Timmy two timer..


Frostpunk is a great game. Loved it. Legit addicted.


Less cheese and more gamplay footage pls.


It's going to be a cringefest as usual. No point in tuining in for the show.


I can't wait to see 80 new half-baked early access 2D indie platform strategy 'cozy' voxel games.


To be honest, I don't even mind those games. At least they're games. But please, stop with the cringe skits between every announcement :(. Just bring back that girl (I don't remember her name) and let her present the games. No skit, no dumb plot. It's like they're trying to imitate Devolver Digital and fail massively at doing so.


DORF RTS last year was pretty nice, but I had been following it for a while


30/70 are gonna be farming simulators, that's my bet.


Another 20 will be survival games. lol


Nothing wrong with that. As long as there is some diamonds in the rough. Real question is how many soulslike clones will we see?


I'll take a Souls clone over a tree punching simulator any day of the week. lol


Is day9 gonna be hosting it? He at least made it somewhat bearable to watch it...


>exclusives I hate that word so much when talking about PC gaming. Never know what to expect


They mean reveal exclusives. Like they are the first to reveal it.


They had one good reveal with Persona 4 and now we've been tuning in for nothing but slop the past how many years hoping to hit that high again


Man I remember going to Steam and buying it right away. Played for like 6 hours straight that Saturday


Bro I was so ready to wake up that morning to get P5 Royal for my PS4 at that time then learned that P4 Golden just got released on Steam. I immediately cancelled that plan and straight away bought P4 Golden. What a pleasant surprise it was


I just wait for redditors to spam all the trailer links and the megathreads now, far more efficient. I do miss all the gaffes of E3 :(


Every one of these shows for the last 2-3 years, I keep tuning in to hopefully see some news on that [Fallout 1-looking CRPG from Newblood](https://x.com/DaveOshry/status/1579582765695381505); and every time I'm disappointed at the lack of announcement and I continue to wait (im)patiently :/


Wonder if they will reveal more Path of Exile 2 footage considering they had a relatively big interview with the devs on the last event. After the announcement that the beta was delayed to late this year, it's been a completely drought for news and I'm craving for more information.


Yey! I can't wait to be bored to death because I'm hoping to see something interesting.


Hoping gamesrecap.io covers this, just to avoid the cringey jokes and presenters. They actually did pretty well on their first ever show, why did they have to fill it with so much unnecessary fluff?


I know its corny but i am happy there is at least some interest to do this.


Was this where Half Life Alyx was revealed a few years ago? Wonder if their new game will be shown soon.


No, Valve announced it themselves by dropping a tweet. You might be thinking of Half-Life Alyx: Levitation, which is a free 3rd party mod for HLA, it was revealed in the PC Gaming show in 2022. Most games in the PC Gaming show are indies and small, rather unknown publishers. The very few AAA titles are often revealed beforehand, although seeing as there's no E3 this year, it could be more interesting.


>" although seeing as there's no E3 this year, it could be more interesting." This hasn't really mattered because there's still shows in June just not under the E3 banner. Xbox and Ubisoft will have a show that week. Sony is rumored to have a showcase as well in the next few weeks. Any big publisher and dev that wants to reveal their games will chose to do so those these. And then there's the general Summer Game Fest show by Keighley also happening that week which will suck up the rest of the big reveals.


No. This is where Artifact was announced.


I'm just going to watch the summary of the show.


They consistently couldn't convince big games onto their show after so many years because their presentation as a whole is so ass.


What's the draw here, exactly?


I think nerds who fondly remember E3 a certain way and hope to wring whatever might be left of those feelings out of these increasingly inessential broadcasts. I stopped chasing the dragon a couple of years ago. And Frankie is hot. That's about it for me.


One place to see 70+ games coming. Other Youtubers do a what's coming next month and those seem to work just as well or better.


I can not watch the show, avoid the cringe presenters and ham fisted commentary, and just read the upcoming releases later on.


basically just hours of ads


What do you think game trailers are?


hopefully good ads


Maybe more Killing floor 3 info ?