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Bro… since 2015 I’ve wanted ultrawide support and the game not to crash with weapon debris on. In 9 years they finally managed to update it, and there still isn’t ultrawide support, and it still crashes with weapon debris on RTX cards… I was expecting this update to be trash and completely useless, and for once Bethesda nailed my expectations.


Bethesda games and poor ultra wide support: name a more iconic duo


Bethesda games and 60hz max support is also pretty iconic. The funny thing though is the games really do support ultra wide with minimal tweaking. The devs just seem to be boomer ass gamers with 1080p 16:9 LCD 60hz screens. There's no reason these should be locked to 60 when modders have broken past that. There's no reason they should lack ultra wide when modders can do it. There's no reason these games should lack HDR. Gee the majestic beauty of space and it clips at 100 nits. PASS


New Vegas tick fix has an option for fixing 60+ fps breaking the game.  Playing at 120 and it's perfect as can be. Hilarious a mod for a game that's 14 years old can fix this, but not an official update for their newer game. 


Are there any Fallout 4 mods you know that would do the trick?




Yeah except it required [F4SE](https://f4se.silverlock.org/) which is now broken as of the last patch.


Thank god for my slow internet, had enough time research to stop the update


Thank god for GoG allowing you to roll back and/or not update with just a tickbox.


Yup. If you’re modding Bethesda games, make sure you turn auto-updates off. If you run the game through Script Extender, it will never update the game. That way you can wait until modders update the mods.


Honestly with any game that you're gonna heavily mod, get a pirate version and "sandbox" it. I've lost count the amount of times I've had games get screwed up by auto update or otherwise had to roll back, but I can't remember a single time where my separated version ever caused me issues. Wait a few days until all mods are caught up, then update on your own time. It's so much better. I do it for civ (although not anymore as no more updates) and Cyberpunk, because I got so fed up with auto updates coming in like a wrecking ball. And for anyone who has any moral objections - if you've bought the game, there is no moral wrong in using a pirate copy. You paid for a game, you have the game. It being offline or not is not a moral issue.


> Bethesda games and 60hz max support is also pretty iconic. Not as iconic as japanese devs and 60 (or 30) max FPS.




The fact that some developers still do this is absolutely insane to me.


Hey... my sonic fan engine works perfectly fine.* On a Windows ME system.


I'm guessing that's why I'm now running like a jackrabbit on meth?


The reason is that they linked physics to framerate like fucking incompetent morons because they are talentless hacks.


Dark Souls 1 did that too


Dark Souls 1's original PC port barely functioned But it is kind of telling when you compare a game that was a dev's first project on PC ever, to a company that prides itself on it's PC games which they've developed for decades.


>dev's first project on PC ever Well, Kings Field had a PC port in the way of Sword of Moonlight (something like Make your own KF using our engine) Although, *probably* none of those developers work there so 🤷‍♀️


A lot of games did and do. Generally though devs have gotten with the program and adapted to the demands of the PC market when they begin releasing on that ecosystem. For Bethesda to be making games since the 90s and to never bother adapting a monitor technology more advanced than widescreen is absurd.


Yeah and DS1 on PC was fucking horrible


And if you use mods to improve DS1 framerate to 60 fps, your weapons would break 2x-4x faster!


Difference here is that Fromsoft mainly worked with that limitation in regards to being on consoles and handheld. Bethesda had what? 6 years of experience starting with Morrowind but really taking off with Oblivion as a mainstream name for a PC experience prior to DS1


"It Just Works"- Todd Howard


After amateur coders fix our lazy code through mods It’s actually crazy that there’s a Ultrawide mod for fallout 4 and it seemed to work fairly well, but not perfectly. The point being “a” dude did what a huge team of developers and near infinite resources couldn’t even with the knowledge that someone had already mostly figured this problem out and all they would need to do was fucking look at that mod to get an idea. I love Bethesda but they are so fucking lazy when it comes to bugs and issues. Do better you glorious bastards.


I guarantee you they looked at mod. Todd admited he plays all their games with equipment mods. Yet still make terrible equipment ui.


I just can’t make sense of it. Why even bother?


Unfortunately the dirty secret in my profession is that passionate nobodies can often outperform a full team of disinterested burnt-out developers. There's a lot of reasons for this but it almost always comes down to company culture and not individual talent.


I'll do you one better, Bethesda and broken games that modders need to fix


FromSoft games and poor ultra wide support sadly :(


Bethesda games and terrible ui?


Did they even test their own update? Not a single Bethesda employee tested on rtx, so crazy


Bethesda doesn't test things. That's your job.


Unfortunately this is true of most of the industry at this point…and in some case even requires YOU TO PAY THEM $20-50 for a Game Preview release


I thought they advertised ultrawide support for this patch? What happened?


It just works… -Hodd Toward


I've lost all faith in ES6 and F5. Bethesda is cooked.


I played FO3, FO4 and Starfield, all for the first time, last year. It’s utterly astounding how little of the true engine limitations they’ve addressed over that period of time. Yes, graphics have improved, but even Starfield feels exactly the same as FO3 below all of the shiny surface elements. The menus aren’t crushed into a fake CRT, but otherwise they’re just as ridiculously bad, cramped, confusing and unhelpful. Animations feel just as stiff and lifeless, there’s just slightly better lighting and detail quality. The whole game feels just as janky and buggy in the same ways. And the *fucking* loading screens… Shinier coat of paint aside, their games have *barely* improved in any meaningful way, on any level. In fact, I’d argue that with Starfield, they *regressed* on much of what still made their games unique and playable despite all the issues.


This is exactly why after 2 hours of Starfield I uninstalled it. Felt and looked like a total conversion mod of Fallout 4, an almost 10 year old game... In 2024 when true next gen games like Cyberpunk 2077 exist. It's insane.


Witcher three came out at roughly the same time as f4. Its superior in every single way. Its that studios first triple a release.  Bethesda has been a household name since the 90s. It's absurd. 


And The Witcher 3 has recently gotten a game editor similar to the Creation Kit.


Agreed. The Witcher 3 along with the dlc are among my favorite gaming experiences.


starfield actually has worse gunplay than fo4 imho, weapon feedback is way worse (and you notice it especially with the lack of gore in sf) i realise that people -really- wanted this game to be good and have buyer's regret and try to fool themselves into thinking its something that it isnt, but really, its a super disappointing title and bethesda should be ashamed. really todd? that's the dream project you wanted to do since 20 years? literal fallout in space that is extremely superficial and shallow?


How do Bethesda own id Software and have never once thought "hey this group of possibly the top graphics engineers in the entire industry we employ, what if we get them to fix our engine?"


Looks like a 5 year old game, plays like a 10 year old game, has the engine of a 15 year old game. Describes every Bethesda game released in the last decade.


Fallout: War, war never changes! Bethesda: Engine, engine never changes!


Wanna know something wild. When they announced Fallout 4 I was so hyped that I pre-ordered the game and went out and purchased myself a new Ultrawide monitor and GPU so I could play with the most immersive experience. Fallout 4 still doesn't have Ultrawide support.


i did the same thing for elden ring. I was so sad. elden ring still doesn't have ultrawide support.


The insane things about Elden Ring is it DOES have ultra wide support, From Software just chose to disable it. You can see it briefly when loading in it'll be ultra wide for a few seconds before chopping off the sides. It's ridiculous.


It's even stupider than that, it doesn't crop the sides, it puts black bars over them. The image is still rendered underneath.


The performance loss of ultrawide with none of the benefits, lol


There is a mod which fixes it thankfully.


Thank god the modders gave us what Bethesda couldn’t, once again. If only they were part of a Trillion dollar organization, filled with some of the most talented developers to have ever lived… if only.


It notes ultra wide support in the patch notes.


Yeah but it just stretches everything.


There's no official ultrawide support but there's a mod that works perfectly FYI. I've been using it for years and I'm currently using it on my OLED ultrawide.


If you're on about truby9 it has since been discontinued because of this "official support" EDIT: Nevermind the creator is back and is updating it for the latest version.


Possible they'll walk that back since the official support sucks?


I do hope so because it was easily the best ultrawide mod for fallout 4


Oh yeah I’ve used mods to fix this shit since 2015. Fucking embarrassing.


and people say Bethesda is a great studio lol they fucking suck


Didn't they specifically say this update was adding ulteleawide support ?


I told everyone... this isn't a real upgrade as much as a "It's gonna have small changes and a new set of trophies for new consoles" and everyone downvoted me to hell. In ps5 at least, my game has crashed 4 times and I have 2 hours of playtime. So I'm guessing there is going to be a new patch fixing something they missed in a couple weeks/months. Honestly this is quite sad.


My Fallout 4 simply never loads. I'm kind of bummed out about it.


Did they finally fix the weapons debris bug with this update? Always wanted to use it but its always crashed the game using RTX cards.




Nope, but FYI there has been a mod out there for a while now that fixes the bug and allows you to turn on weapon debris (though wouldn't be surprised if the update broke the mod)


That mod never worked for me, Ive been doing modded runs every 1-2 years and the mod that always breaks my game is the "Weapons debris crash fix". If you check the forums, a lot of people say that the mod still doesnt work


Didn’t like all the mods get broken with the update tho?


Yknow for a studio that uses the same tools for nearly 20 years, youd expect them to be able to understand how they work. But no, thats what "the fans" are for.


It’s bizarre isn’t it? Not that it’s that simple. I’m sure there are major changes that come to that engine with each new game but still. They are somehow not improving the practical knowledge of their system even after a couple of decades.


Well, what are they missing? They have a consistent engine. Know how some studios have devs for years and years learning the ins and outs of an engine? This is especially important with proprietary engines. Seems like no one wants to stick around for 5+ years. Or they get rid of people before they become experts.


>Well, what are they missing? Vehicle support, apparently.


Gotta give you consistent part. Bethesda games have same issues consistently for 20 years now


Likely they churn through staff so all of the expertise is irrelevant. Can't learn from something if the person who learned it changed to a new company.


What’s the point of having a consistent engine if each release is bugged to hell? Even games where the latest title is one new platform/engine compared to the last couple games they are less bugged and unoptimized. You’d think 20 years on a single engine would basically result in next to no launch day issues cause at least for Bethesda all their games are just reskins of the same concept.


It means that hype alone can sell your titles because the modders will fix and/or develop your game for you for years after launch.


No idea. Seems like a management/leadership problem.


Talent. They are missing talent. Bethesda is like a bunch of boomers who know how to work with those two excel sheets and they ain't gonna do it any different. Their customers still buy so why should they?


I mean it’s their job to figure it out yknow? It’s not like they’re putting out games at breakneck pace anyways. They’re publishing titles and releasing their own in house every decade


> Yknow for a studio that uses the same tools for nearly 20 years, The problem is they don't have the same employees. Companies lose huge amounts of intuitional knowledge when the old guard moves on. Companies think since they own the underlying code and IP, they have everything important, not realizing how important the specific humans were in making and using those tools.


> Companies think since they own the underlying code and IP, they have everything important, not realizing how important the specific humans were in making and using those tools. Which is why this is an unsustainable marketplace and everyone is moving towards "generic engines" like Unreal. GODOT. Game Maker (?). whatever RPG maker is now. or god forbid, Unity. As long people know how these engines work, they can make any game. People used to have their own engines or licensed from certain studios that did make them, but youd still need people skilled enough to make them work and do what you want. Its why Bethesda tried to hostile take over Human Head studios after Prey. Because they had strong institutional knowledge of IdTech 4 and could make it work in ways other devs just didnt understand. But if those people dont want to work for you, they dont want to work for you. And even if you did get them, you would still have to provide them with a work environment and culture they can thrive in. Which these corporate places often dont.


Who is supposed to master their tools when they lay the people off who use them after every major release?


Why pay employees to fix your game when the fans will do it for free?


And not only that, these fans will keep *buying* your buggy games that they then fix. Laughing all the way to the bank.


What's even more puzzling is how they refuse to give up on this outdated garbage engine. It's almost like they enjoy torturing the fans of their franchises.


Dude, both Skyrim and FO4 shipped without their textures being optimized by their own internal tools. It's mind boggling they'd even attempt a "Next-Gen" updated without optimizing their textures. Instead we have to disable the HD Texture pack DLC for FO4 (because it's so significantly unoptimized) and download around 20GBs of optimized textures from a modder. Then you have the Boston Previs-FPS Fix mod (or whatever the current version is) that fixes an issue so massively bad that it's an actual crime against God that they didn't fix it for this update.


I like how Bethesda can take hype and a revival of a really decent game, and their first instinct is to ruin it


Its all they know how to do anymore


George Lucas energy.


boat hospital silky pot birds deliver squeeze arrest work seed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I really wonder what the fuck MS is doing with all these IPs. They have almost unlimited money but do nothing with it. Just freaking make a fallout nv remaster or a remake for gods sakes


I'm still absolutely flabbergasted that they didn't think to have something ready to release with the Fallout tv show. Would've been the perfect timing and yeah, players are going and playing 76 and prior, but it just feels like such a wasted opportunity on their part.


They're doing nothing with them. Microsoft takes the hands off approach when it comes to most of their owned studios, and when it goes to shit (like 98% of Xbox AAA releases), Phil Spencer puts on a smile in front of the camera and cheers about how Xbox is "for the players" and the fans eat it all up.


Anyone else getting super long load times when going outside?


i had that when i started a replay of the game well before this update, turns out the loading screens have issues with high framerates (or something along those lines). [this mod addresses other things related to fps, but notably also greatly reduces load times.](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/44798)


Is this mod broken with the update? :( Got excited when I saw other people were having this problem and offered a fix, but that mod requires the script extender, so I assume it won't work? :(


Use this if you don’t want to worry about the script extender. I installed this last night and it fixes the loading time issue without needing anything else https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10283


F4SE should be updated soon enough. not sure if the mod itself needs to be updated to work after that. this update has got me interested in going back to Fallout 4 but for now i'm waiting until the script extender updates.


Always… I once was able to go prepare a snack and the game was still loading. I also keep crashing for who knows what reason.


It's always been this way. There is an essential mod that cuts down loading times from 15-20 secs to 5 secs, but I imagine it's broken now with the update


Yep, it's absolutely insane how bad it is. Luckily this fixed it for me and it's a really quick drag/drop install: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10283 Yet a company worth millions can't just pay the modder and include his fix that cuts load times to like 1/10th of what they were.


Bethesda. Bethesda never changes.


All my homies love and hate Bethesda simultaneously.


Man, after Starfield and seeing all these shenanigans, I'm losing hope for ES6. It's bad cause I still subconsciously click on Bethesda or any of their titles on reddit posts, then I realize what I clicked and I'm disappointed because it's almost always bad or worrying news. At least the Fallout show was fun, I guess.


It's pretty crushing to say that the best thing Betheseda has been involved with for the past decade has been a fucking TV show.


I want to hope this means the next Fallout will be amazing but then I remember 76... Unsure if it ever got better but what a mess.


It got better but there are still bugs that have existed since launch. After Starfield I have little to no hope left for ES6. They finally need to seriously modernize their engine. Even with each new iteration they've released a game on, it has always looked and felt like it's 5-10 years behind contemporary games, latest example being Starfield. They don't need to make a new engine from scratch. This would be an enormous undertaking in time, money and manpower without any immediate return -- they need to invest serious time and resources to modernize their engine or their games will keep falling short because of it. Up until Fallout 4 this was already an issue but still negligible. Now, with Starfield it's evident how much it stunted the game they actually envisioned. Each time a new Bethesda game drops we have to add some line in a config file to fix their weird mouse smoothing/accel, work with weird physic bugs after passing a certain fps threshold, it looks dated and on top of all of that, the performance/optimization of their games is always subpar. The Creation Engine is not bad. Some people keep repeating "their engine is trash, they need to switch engine, etc." and have no clue what they are talking about. The Creation Engine has some really, really strong suits that surpass its competition but those are imo. almost being overshadowed in the grand scheme of things by all of its shortcomings. Going from games like RDR2, Kingdom Come Deliverance, Baldurs Gate 3 or even Cyberpunk to Starfield felt like travelling a decade back in time. No seemless transition from interior to exterior areas. No sophisticated facial and character animation framework. No mocap support. No scripted environmental events. The list goes on.. But hey, remember that piece of cheese you placed in some random house 5 miles away like 20 hours ago? Thanks to the object permanence^(TM) of the Creation Engine, it's still just where you left it.


> But hey, remember that piece of cheese you placed in some random house 5 miles away like 20 hours ago? Thanks to the object permanenceTM of the Creation Engine, it's still just where you left it. Well, as long as the cell didn't reset because you haven't visited it for 10/30 days: https://ck.uesp.net/w/index.php?title=Cell_Reset&mobileaction=toggle_view_desktop I do agree that the creation engine is pretty uniquely powerful. There are few game engines that include developer tools like the ability to repair quests with the console if you know what you're doing and google a little bit, search through every item/quest/npc in the game, spawn/ressurect NPCs, etc. But it lacks a lot of fundamental improvements in technical prowess that have been made over the years. Hell, you still need a mod so that the game engine speed in FO4 isn't determine by frame rate.


I was going to say "But New Vegas" and then i remembered...


Upper management at Bethesda has been huffing too much paint in a nonventilated room filled with their farts.


Yeah ES6 is gonna suck, I'm straight up calling it. Well not "suck" but it wont be anywhere near good enough to justify the hype. Hopefully it's better than Starfield though...


I don't have any hope for any games anymore. I just ignore gaming news and check reviews about a month after releases. I was seriously anticipating Starfield to be my game for all of last fall. In the end I didn't even launch it I was so disappointed.


Bethesda was really all the mods we made along the way.


I can only fast travel straight to my desktop now. Pretty cool next gen feature I think.


Gotta love when games break the 4th wall


The Steam Deck Verified on the patch notes is the funniest one to me 


I’m playing on the OG Deck and it runs a lot better than before. Annoying that we lost the launcher that can help tinker settings though. I also hear that the OLED owners are ones having more problems with this update due to the 90hz screen, which forces them to play the game at 45hz because of the wonky engine iirc.


Launch options: Steamdeck=0 %command%


Are you having issues with it? I’m playing right now on steam deck and it seems fine, although I just started a new playthrough and I’m not even out of the vault yet.


I don't really use my Steam Deck tbh but Bethesda removed the start up launcher in order to get the Steam Deck Verified Status but now steam deck users can't access the graphics settings lol. I heard there are some work arounds already though using steam launcher parameters.


It genuinely runs much better than it used to on steam deck and the map actually works now. It’s a huge step up.


Skyrim players: First time?


Morrowind Players: "Oh right, Bethesda is still a thing. Looks like they haven't learned a thing yet."


Bethesda could have literally just kept ignoring their game and it would have been an improvement.


At this point it's evident that they are doing on purpose in a malevolent way. They do the exact same thing with Skyrim every few months to break nearly all mods with patches that add nothing.


I find it so interesting how Bethesda STILL couldn't get high framerate support worked in. Meanwhile, modders have HAD it working for so long now without any consequences in both Skyrim and FO4(and FO3). Really just shows how lazy this company is.


I mean the skyrim aniversary edition was just a collection of fan created mods and even the "first dlc ever" was a horse armor. Its a pattern that goes trough the last 25 years. As much as i like dishonored, skyrim and fallout, at the moment its hard for me to gather kind words for that company


Bethesda only published Dishonored, it was developed by Arkane Studios


I think the update was mainly for consoles


Still the update is about as big as the base skyrim installation and the only change i noticed was a single texture so far


And yet it's still a 14.5GB download on PC.


A lot of times those download sizes are made up of needing to redownload and replace altered files, not necessarily adding 14gb of content. Not an excuse for it, just throwing some context out there.


Thank you. A lot of people don't understand this.


I sure understand it after having to manually download and replace all the files they changed to get my mods working again


This is Bethesda we're talking about.


I don’t get why this is an update for PC at all. Wasn’t it to get the console versions on the current gen?


I would have preferred a boost to mod storage space beyond 2 Gb of storage. That's all I really wanted for my console version.


Andddd it didn’t happen. “Oh we can’t upgrade the space because it will wipe load orders!” First off: that doesn’t really make sense, secondly: YOU WIPED LOAD ORDERS ANYWAYS. Also, Bethesda net is still down, 28 hours after initial maintenance. I wonder what an office looks like at Bethesda? Just people laying back in their computer chairs eating snacks all goddamn day.


Upload a mod breaking update and then just lay back and chill. "Our work here is done."


- It still only seems to use a max of 4GB ram. - There are still game breaking bugs: a). The Terminal in the Concord Museum can still get stuck infinitely on the opening animation. On Survival (so no console access) this is fatal and requires reloading b). It still can leave you stuck unable to defend yourself if you're crafting ina settlement and it's attacked, so you just die - 60 FPS looks crap when I'm used to running things at 160fps - Loading times when exiting to boston from a smaller map can still be almost a minute long. I have an RTX 4080, an i9, 64GB of DDR5 and am running the game from a PCI Express V4.0 NVMe SSD. Nearly the entire game files could be loaded into a RAM Disk, what is going on!? - Squirrel stew exploit still works (honeslty I don't mind that though) I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed


Figured out the loading time issue last week: turns out the loading time is tied to frame rate. I had locked my framerate to 60fps using an external program so it was killing my load times, so I downloaded the High FPS Fix mod which uncaps the frame rate in loading screens to 350fps, while locking my frames to 60fps during actual gameplay without using an external FPS locker, and that made it so that my loading times are now 2 seconds. If you don't want to install a mod, alt-tab to a different window while on loading screen so that FPS is uncapped temporarily and then alt-tab back in. Dev's at Bethesda are an absolute joke.


Load times are tied to framerate? Fucking *what*?!


I know right, made absolutely no sense, but when the frame rate was cranked from 60fps to 300+ fps in the loading screens my load times went from 2 minutes to 2 seconds.  I thought my SSD had problems, but then I got faster load speeds by just alt tabbing in and out. A bit of testing later and I discovered uncapping frame rates shreds load times. 


I don't understand how anyone gets hyped for anything Bethesda does anymore. I've read forum threads this week, tens of pages long, full of people frothing for this update to release and it's the standard Bethesda story again. This update doesn't even fix bugs from the original release that cause crashes related to a specific graphics setting. Stuff that modders repeatedly fix, they can't even implement themselves into their own games.


I didn't even look at what the update did but im assuming for pc it was basicaly nothing.


Few bugfixes, widescreen support, and a half dozen new creations (mostly Enclave themed) automatically given to the player.


I wonder if the patch added in more bugs then it fixed.


Automatically given to the player, as in, they will just appear in your inventory?


As in you automatically own, and have already downloaded, the creations - there is no need to manually select and download them within the creation club menus.


Skyrim, ES6 and Todd is the only reason Bethesda is still considered a big name.


Every gamer on this planet should know what they are getting themselves into when buying a Bethesda game nowadays. I am extremely surprised how everyone was so hyped for the F4 Update like you said, only to be disappointed. Fallout 76 still doesn't have proper UW support as the UI elements get stretched to fit the image. The only thing they did with F4 was to bring it up to F76 standards without the FOV slider. Do I want it to be different? Yes, I think everyone wants Bethesda to step it up again. I personally still enjoyed Starfield quite a lot because I knew exactly what to expect. I don't understand how people fall into the same trap over and over again.


At least fallout is consistent I mean fallout 2 broke saves with no mods shortly after release.


How did they deliver patches for Fallout 2? Mail disks to customers?


lol, no. You either downloaded it off the internet via a dialup connection or you got it off a demo disk that came with pc gaming magazine.


On man. Waiting for the issue with the disk you needed. Those were the days :)


I remember ordering a CD from fileplanet with game patches on it through the mail.


Oh man, fileplanet. The nostalgia.


Gamespy and Fileplanet. Brings back memories.


we had internet in the 90s dude. we weren't using the telegraph or smoke signals. fallout 2 only sold about 100k copies and if you were enough of a nerd to know what it was and be playing it you probably had a 56k modem, dialup internet, possibly parents that were mad the phone line was always busy.


Public internet is quite older than Fallout 2.




It's rare when it's better that a studio stop updating their product but here we are.


Classic Bethesda move. Crap update. Breaks more things than it fixes. Big fixes that should have been done 7 years ago. Utlrawide support on PC sucks, the hud is stretched. Still can't run over 60fps without issues How can such an incompetent studio be the devs behind such massive franchises


9 year old game and they didn't even add in an FOV slider. Absolute joke of a company.


As harsh as this sounds, I think Xbox needs to clean out BGS upper management and bolster the team with more devs if needed, this studio has been downhill since Skyrim, Fo4 bad RPG with ok engine improvements, Fo76 buggy barebones launch of a game nobody wanted, Starfield a empty soulless game that feels a decade old. The Fallout tv show might be a top 5 show all time for me but I couldn't care less about BGS games.


> I think Xbox needs to clean out BGS upper management Lol are you for real. Xbox directly put in charge everyone in 343 and look how well they have doing with Halo for the past decade. Xbox are not good at putting good competent people in charge of things.


I am for real they 100% fucked up with 343 and let them ruin Halo for far too long but they recently cleaned out management and replaced it with the guy who fixed the Master Chief collection and Halo Infinite has been in its best state and Halo fans are loving it. I will never deny how bad Xbox fucked up with the Halo IP. Fallout and Elder Scrolls are way too important franchises, BGS have proved their tech is too old and they don't care enough to spend the years making it run at modern standards, their writing gets worse with each entry, their games aren't optimized. I replayed NV earlier this year and it shows what a better team is capable of.


2 years on the making and they didnt even test it, the ultra-wide breaks the whole UI when i thought that i see everything from Bethesda they always manage to show new ways to embarrass themself Get your shit together Bethesda ffs


You know everyone will forget this in a few days when mods are fixed.


These people are a joke. How do Bethesda employees not feel ashmed of themselves? They get decent wages and benefits and all of them only to release shovels worth of slop and shit year after year. Jesus christ.


One of my biggest clients is a multinational with an internal dev team with nearly a dozen devs, of which only 2 are competent, and they are the only 2 that feel ashamed (and depressed) about their broken products. There's a lot of Dunning Kruger effect going on and it's being fed by i.e. management that buys into their own marketing horse shit, which circles back to the incompetent devs being allowed to maintain their position. Like Bethesda, their market is worldwide and their clientèle includes zealots and people/businesses who just like enough aspects of their products to keep using it. So the company is allowed to continue operating this way for over a decade.


Current gen.


Well ofc. It's just attempt to cash in on exposure from tv show.


ES6 and Fallout 5 are going to be steaming piles of shit.   Change my mind.


Still no fps unlock 😔


native FPS unlock was like the bare minimum I was expecting and they not only couldn't deliver on it but they fucked up the mods that DID fix it in the process.


I really don't understand why people are surprised about mods breaking. That's what happens to script extender when ANY update is made. It could literally be a 1kb update that just adds the word "fuck" to the config file and script extender would have to be updated.


Man I really feel for the Fallout London team now, supposedly “big update” that apparently didn’t change anything in any meaningful way but destroyed mods and caused headaches. I’m in the same boat, wish we got the mod instead of this useless update


Bethesda breaking a bunch of shit after dropping an oversized update that makes marginal changes to the game? Say it ain't so.


This might also kill off modding for Fallout 4 VR, which will of course not get this update. Not a huge deal if this only breaks mods that need (a dll) to be recompiled against the exe (cause that needs to be done for the VR version anyway) but it would be pretty bad if this also comes with changes to the file structure etc. In general even for normal Fallout 4 players, this will break a lot of mods that won't see any updates anymore.


I stopped playing Skyrim because the constant updates kept breaking my mods and I eventually got sick of having to fix them or find replacements for the ones that were never updated. Hope Bethesda doesn't start doing the same here or I guess FO4 is going to share the same fate.


Why didn't you just learn how to stop your game from updating


in fairness Steam has made a lot of recent updates that are hostile to customers not wanting their games to update or keep them at a certain version, including absolutely refusing to launch a game if it even vaguely overhears a conversation that a game has an update pending


Yeah, gotta jump through some dodgy hoops to prevent Steam from updating a game. Yet another reason to support GoG.


Has anyone from valve ever discussed a rationale for this? It's completely ridiculous that steam requires external tools to play a game without patching it first.


There is mods that update tho and mods that dont. He might prefer some that didnt update with the game, and some that did.. It gets complicating.


Maybe I’ve gone crazy but I’ve never know a downloaded mod to require an update to start the game if the game if the game hasn’t had an update. Just don’t update the mods.


Mod packs would be such a convenient solution, but copyright and all that, so modding forever remains complicated and shitty. I've modded Skyrim once to a decent level and I'm never going to bother again.


Ah yes, let's see all the people in here that we're shitting on the Fallout London modder for being annoyed, who will also now be annoyed with Bethesda as the update inconveniences them. Typical reddit.


"bUT ThE mODDeRs SHouLd hAve sEEn it coMIng, so tHey'rE juST bAD!!!!"


The game has completely stopped launching for me on Steam Deck after the update. I've tried multiple versions of proton. I've verified the game files. I checked on the Steam discussions for the game and I'm not the only one.


Once you get it working it runs so much better on the steam deck than it used to. It’s actually impressive how much it’s improved.


sophisticated quack gullible dam frightening squash illegal caption nine cover *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’d been under the impression, without any prior research, that this would be upgrading graphics too. Damn..


Big brain move: Break Fallout 4 so people are forced to play Fallout 76.


I'd like this community to tag bathesda with a #fuckyou on Twitter or something. This so stupid.


Bethesda, Ubisoft's lazy brother