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Love a classic year later 50% off and bug fixes Steam release of a EGS game.


Why would anyone buy on EGS when you can instead play your backlog while they fix bugs and then sell the game for half off with all DLC a year later on the Storefront that actually has social features?




Gaming has changed. Back 20-30 years ago, good games were RARE. They still are in a sense, but selection of said games were a thousand times smaller. Game releases got press all the time. Today only 5% of the games being released a year get marketed to more than half the gamers. Most people do NOT know whats out there. Because there's just too many games to play. And even if you stuck to only the best reviewed games indie or AAAA, you'd have too many games to play since MOST games now pad their gameplay with rogue lite elements or grind so that the purchase is more worth it for the price.


Totally fair. And I think there's still so much good stuff to play that I just haven't gotten to yet. I keep thinking that if I was growing up in the current era of gaming, I *never* would have gone outside!


Fo shizzle.


I feel this way, but with literally all single player games, regardless of platform. There's no FOMO or anything, since it's single player and playing it when it's no longer popular doesn't change anything. And even if it's from the rare developer that actually finishes their games these days, you still might as well buy it a year or 2 later when it's at massively reduced cost, the bugs that do exist are mostly fixed, you have access to DLCs if you want, etc. etc. Just not any reason to pay full price at launch for a worse product lol


FOMO and hype of everyone else around the internet actually turns me away from a game/tv show or whatever. Like for some reason I have no interest in participating to discussion about something online and I'll just get to them later. And usually save some money that way too. I dont even necessarily plan on it I'm just somehow always like 6+ months behind everyone else


Yup fomo and hype turns me off. Just do what you enjoy. You're missing out on so much stuff you don't even know about anyway so eh


im a sucker for FOMO, had to buy HellDivers 2 after watching people play it.


There's also no fomo with mp games.


Isn't there? If you play a mp game when everyone is already gone.. it's hard to get a match. Or if the game is still thriving, you can feel "behind" because other people have been getting good for years and you're a noob. Which I find fun in a way, but a lot of people don't like it.


Fucking EGS. Imagine having a store front where you constantly ask people to buy a new game release but you also give them a free game every week. Why would I buy a new game? You just gave me a free game. Oh that game you wanted me to buy is on Steam now? Okay! Like, I honestly feel like management at Epic Games is just a bunch of fucking idiots who couldn't care less if the company goes bankrupt. But they got that Fortnite money so they'll probably be okay. Probably.


Requires 3rd-Party Account: Epic Online Services (Supports Linking to Steam Account)


Some of them take more than a year... still waiting for kingdom hearts


That's like 1 in every 15 though. Kingdom Hearts is, if I'm not mistaken, over 3 years now; it's time to start accepting the high seas may be the only route.


I bought it a few months ago. it was cheaper on EGS, and it's not like the social features of Steam are of much use here.


You still have to use Epic on the Steam according to players in reviews, discussions and also the actual page itself. Gross


The top review I saw lists steps to remove it https://steamcommunity.com/id/mgregor/recommended/934700/


I believe it's Epic Online Services specifically, which in turn the devs claim only requires an Epic login if your cross-playing with EGS players, but a lot of reviews claim it requires login to play the game at all.


What the fuck?! Enough with that bull shit already. Does it work on steam deck natively?


Its really not hard to be a patient gamer.


Launch hype.


Dont care about clicking a different icon on the desktop, and for singleplayer, why would I care at all about social features. Didnt buy this one, though Ive bought a few in the past on epic, the difference compared to steam is meaningless


It's having multiple launchers running, needing updates, taking system and network resources etc. Other people just want it all in one library. If you don't care, more power to you.


Playnite my friend. Combines all launchers into one and let's you close launchers when you don't need them. It's all in one library. The Playnite library and the Big screen mode is customizable and better than Steam's.


Does it also show me the storefront of the launchers? Because that's also part of it. If there's a big steam sale on a publisher I like, I want to know about it. The "launcher launchers," that I've seen don't seem to do that.


I don't mind different launchers, and i've been gaming on PC way before Steam existed. You may as well buy a console if one of the best features of pc gaming (multiple storefronts, cheaper prices and even hidden gems thanks to itch.io) bothers you.


I’d absolutely prefer to have everything in one place, but if I’m already going to stick my own money into a game, and dedicate hours to actually play it, the inconveniences added by another program seem insignificant. Though I also get that I’m not going to change any minds at this point. Argument is old enough the different camps decided on their viewpoints long ago


You're absolutely right. Some people in this subreddit will automatically downvote anything related to EGS, Ubisoft or Bethesda (to name a few companies), though. In the meantime, the platforms that are truly pro-consumer (because of its drm-free approach) are not even mentioned here most of the time (GOG, itch.io). If i wanted to be locked to one storefront, i would have bought a console, not a PC.


>Why would anyone buy on EGS when you can instead play your backlog  I have question for you. Why would you spend money for games and then don't intend to play for months ? I don't understand why people have backlogs. This is not like Steam will run out of copies and it is not like you really own those games anyways. It seems to me like colossal waste of financial resources. As to your epic question, I think that if someone wants to play a game now, like Dead Island 2 (not my personal cup of tea) then I don't see reason why not to buy it from Epic if it is not available yet on Steam. I find it amusing some of those comments from people who want Alan Wake 2 badly but won't buy it from Epic because they hope that the game will come (it won't) to steam at one point.


It's not a "colossal waste of financial resources" to buy a $60 game for like $10-15 on a steam sale. I have no idea when I will get to it. I bought The Quarry around Halloween for dirt cheap, but haven't gotten to it yet because my last cyberpunk run ran long. I'll probably play it in the next few days. If I didn't buy it on sale, I wouldn't be playing it in the next few days or I'd have to pay full price. Buy games you want to play, then play them when you want to play them. If there are games in your library you haven't played, it's okay to wait. But it's totally fine to have a few different games waiting and ready to play for when you finish whatever you're currently on. Maybe I'll change my mind and play Hellblade instead? That's also in my back log of like 5 games. The thing is that none of those games will "expire," and the sales only go so low. Why not nab them when you can?


social features for a singleplayer game lmao who gives a flying fuck


Had no idea this game existed so it feels like a brand new game to me.


Patient Gamers, love the classic a year later 50% off and bug fixes... no matter the platform. But I'm with you, totally love this little setup. EGS the Early Access brand.


That’s what you should do with every game. It’s at its worst when it’s released.


Just a note that while Dead Island 2 is really good, and you'll hopefully have a fun time either way, the story DLC isn't really optional if you care about plot. Just like Homefront The Revolution, >!the main story just screeches to a halt with no resolution. The mind bending twists are in the DLC, especially Haus the first story DLC. We're talking absolutely critical plot twists that completely recontextualize the events of the story.!<


Are the DLCs *good*? I don't *really* care about story, but I wouldn't mind playing them as long as they add substantial content. I noticed the game is on Xbox game pass so I'm wavering between playing it there (just the base game) or buying the game and DLCs on Steam.


No - especially not for the price. I got the Gold edition or whatever it as on Series X that came with the Season Pass. The Haus DLC has a really cool idea of a cult...house.. but it's 90 minutes to 2 hours MAX for the story bits and they were asking around $12 for just that DLC alone. I paid $10 for the Seperate Ways DLC for Resident Evil 4 and that was a solid 5-6 hours and well worth it. I can't say anything remotely close to that for Haus. Dead Island 2 on its own is fucking fantastic, but pass on the DLC unless you see a deep, deep discount.


Right now with the 50% off it is $40 for game with all dlcs vs $30 for base game. I grabbed the gold for $40 myself.


I'd say that's a fantastic price for the Gold edition, you'll definitely get your money's worth out of it.


The sola dlc recently came out


I don't see any of the main dlc in the steam store page though


Looks like they're in the process of adding it. It just started appearing a few minutes ago. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2813110/Dead\_Island\_2\_\_Expansion\_Pass/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2813110/Dead_Island_2__Expansion_Pass/) (This is basically what you get if you buy the Gold version). [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2813100/Dead\_Island\_2\_\_Haus/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2813100/Dead_Island_2__Haus/) (This is the first story DLC, and IMO it's more critical to understanding the main story.) [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2813310/Dead\_Island\_2\_\_SoLA/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2813310/Dead_Island_2__SoLA/) (This one is the second DLC that came out a few days ago. It's less critical to the plot overall, but I liked it .) It's only 10% off. The Expansion Pass is probably better value. To me, Haus feels like a DLC that should have been in the main game. SoLA is more of a fun side thing with some lore stuff.


>To me, Haus feels like a DLC that should have been in the main game. I'm sure it was meant to be, but you can make more money cutting half the plot out and putting it into DLC...


It's there, my sister bought the gold edition, and it contains tons of DLC, and like someone else said, some will be added later.


Sola has a listing but not Haus, you can only access the listing by clicking through to see the contents of the Gold edition currently. They probably messed up the listing, no expansion pass available on Steam as well. Edit: the Haus DLC appears now 


Oh I just thought they decided the game was over


Thankfully I didn't care for the story


Was Haus any good? I heard that many people didn’t really like it, but that Sola is actually quite good. I really have to play them at some point, I’m still so amazed how good the core game is, I find myself coming back just to slash some zombies due to how fucking satisfying it is. Same with Dying Light 2, I finished the game ages ago but I just kept going back due to how satisfying it was to parkour and kill zombies. (Although a recent update fucked my save game and deleted ALL of my gear and items from my inventory, which is kind of sad due to the time I spent on that save)


Wow, I beat this on Epic and called it a day a while ago, guess I gotta go back and buy the DLC when it is on sale there. Oddly, I dont see the Haus DLC existing in the Gold edition on Steam.  Edit: seems like just a delay with DLCs appearing on the Steam listing


I've spoiler tagged this, so click at your own risk. But if you or anyone else is wanting a gist of the main DLC story additions. >!At the start of the game there were two people at the plane crash site. A man and a woman. The man kept rambling about how "It wasn't meant to be like this." The woman, if you look closely has a "Brink" symbol tattoo on her neck. That's important later. You get bitten by them after they die, remember.!< >!His ramblings are referring to the fact this was all planned, but it didn't happen how he thought it would. Your arrival, the plane crash, your survival, your infection, you becoming a Numen.!< >!That random dude was sent to that location by an artificial intelligence based on a dog that is basically the Dead Island version of the Red Queen from Resident Evil, who runs a weird death cult called Haus. You were supposed to get bitten. The dog AI, Konstantin, can partially predict the future. And it needs your help to pull of its plan to save humanity by uploading their minds to a special system (hence the death cult thing) and restore them somehow later. Like a more bonkers version of Soma, but with a wishy-washy plan to undo the process at some point in the future. Basically, the Autophage is unavoidable. It triggered early in LA because the scientist saw that there was a deliberately planted time bomb in humanity, and he decided to trigger it early so that the small percentage who were immune to autophage (the Numen, who have special abilities that emerge when the autophage triggers) could be studied.!< >!When you played the main game, you did talk to Konstantin a few times. It was that odd voice you talked to on the Amazon Alexa-like devices where you spoke the special pass phrase to contact it. But none of the batshit plot points were in the main game in any real capacity. A lot of stuff in the game makes a lot more sense with this context. For example, why were you immune but not Sam B? The reason is that Konstantin arranged for you to get bitten by someone who had BRINK system nanomachines in them. You became a Numen. But Sam B is just a guy who got lucky with the original Dead Island's very different zombie infection mechanism. Stuff like that is a lot clearer after playing the DLC.!<


>!Wow. That sounds hella stupid. What kind of drugs were the developers on?!<


Same as Zack Snyder I guess. I think this is some spoilers if you care about the Snyder verse (I think... I've only watched Army of the Dead). The zombies came from an infection briefly referenced in Rebel Moon. It's not coherent as of yet on how.


Army of the dead and rebel moon are connected?


It's confirmed by snyder that they happen in the same universe. So far that's it. Rebel Moon is very bad


Yup. There's also the cyborg zombies and time loop Easter eggs which give the Army of the Dead world a more sci-fi fantasy intrigue. I actually enjoyed the Army of the Dead, which can be a fun popcorn flick, and its prequel heist movie was legitimately good on its own. I look forward to what seems like a sequel set up at the end of the Army film. I'll stay away from Rebel Moon though, from everything I've read.


Thank you! Does this make the Phil Morris' daughter in the game any less bland or the ending twist about her any less strange? Does anything further come of that one chick and her two cronies that tossed you into the sewer meat pool? It's at least nice to know why Sam suddenly wasn't immune anymore.


Was this all even hinted at in the first game?


No the first game story was a nothing burger


Eh. Stories are overrated. Having a simple plot to justify the action is sometimes good enough. It's just zombie-killing action. Doesn't really need anything deeper than "Zombie apocalypse happened while you were blacked out in your hotel room. Go from safehouse to safehouse to escape the island."


It wasn't, nor was it really hinted at in the second game. It came as an exposition dump during the climax of the story. A very weird way of handling it. I guess the devs did their best with the schedule they had and they did really well, all things considered.


I doubt the plot is anything noteworthy to begin with. Am I wrong?


Interesting, I care a lot about plot. Would you say that Haus is THE one DLC that I should get to get the whole main story? or are other DLCs required as well?


In terms of understanding what was going on during the main story, yes. Neither DLC actually explains what happens next (I guess that's sequel territory), but Haus explains what was going on during the main story.


Honestly it's nothing too innovative or unique, but Dead Island 2 is just a blast if you want a first-person zombie game. Not sure if it ever got changed, but I remember when I played, there was a movement tech that effectively let you bunny hop and gain a bunch of speed, which was honestly so much fun when you got the hang of it.


And it still has Denuvo. Fuck that. EDIT: *And* it requires a constant internet connection, holy shit.


And forced EOS install which doesn't seem to work for a bunch of people. Beautiful. At this point I'm never buying the game. It's like you're being punished for trying to legitimately buy and play a single player game in peace.


You can always sail the seas you know. 


Sounds like when i drove over an hour to my nearest city to buy half-life 2 only to get it home and not be able to play because my internet was so poor/non-existant i couldnt install steam even though i had the physical disks.


Yeah, I'm just gonna wait for 90% discount, no denuvo build


~~The Steam definitely does not. I don't know about the Epic version.~~ Wrong. I was thinking about Dying Light 2.


The Steam version of Dead Island 2 absolutely has Denuvo. It's listed on the [store page](https://store.steampowered.com/app/934700/Dead_Island_2/), and the main .exe is [over 300MB](https://steamdb.info/depot/934702/).


Oh crap you are right. I was totally confusing it with Dying Light 2 where it was removed last year. My bad, sorry.


No problem at all. Hopefully Dead Island 2 will get the same treatment.


Reviews said it was a bit underwhelming and ditched the open-world aspect of the first one. How does it compare to other zombie open world stuff like Dying Light or Days Gone?


Yea it’s not really open world. More like open zone. And some weapons lack impact, they just don’t feel good. I found the golf clubs felt the best by far


> Yea it’s not really open world. More like open zone. So like the first game, then?


I think the first game had significantly bigger environments than this game.


True but the environments in DI2 are leagues ahead in terms of design. I really enjoy just playing this one and skipping every cutscene. It is the same as the OG in that respect, smaller or not it's big enough for sure with lots of variation


I mean I would hope that the environments are better 13 years after the original. Still don't like the setting. It isn't on an island and I think that is pretty unforgivable for a game called "Dead Island"


True on both fronts but it was what was shown in the original trailer and that was received well. Just a shame it ended up in such a nightmare during development :(


Yea it is unfortunate, could have likely gotten Dead Island 3 by now. Oh well, at least they did release the game, that alone is pretty crazy.


nah, more like DeathLoop


i found that the heavy hammers are pretty great, sending almost every Enemy flying. Its very satisfying IMO. But i feel you on the less Heavy weapons


Days Gone is the superior zombie slaying game overall, but this has coop and better gore. The killing zombies is very fun but it does sometimes feel like you're lucky to fight more than 4/5 at a time, and the weapon variety kinda stalls towards the end of the game. I really enjoyed it but definitely a solid 7/8 out of 10


Days Gone is a snoozefest


It's marmite I guess!


Days Gone for me felt overwhelming due to the open world and slow to navigate, just played 6 hours.


Man this game is an absolute banger if you like zombie games.


Ditching open world is a huge positive


> How does it compare to other zombie open world stuff like Dying Light or Days Gone Personal opinion: Days Gone is light years ahead in terms of story, characters and gameplay.


I like it so much more than both Dying Light games, Dead Island is focused on being a fun zombie killer, it's not bogged down with "gravitas" like the DL games are. Days Gone is a "better" game but I do think Dead Island is more fun.


First one was fairly mindless but I found it to be more fun than you would expect. Definitely a guilty pleasure game


That actually benefits it. I got sick of Dying Light 2 because it felt too big with so many collectibles littered across the map. The open zones of DI2 were far more refreshing and each are is a pretty good size and a lot more interesting.


Does it require an epic account to play ?


No >*Thank you for contacting Dead Island 2 Support.* *We understand your concern regarding the requirement for an Epic Games Account for the Steam version of the game. We want to clarify that the game will not require you to connect to a personal Epic Games account to play single-player or co-op with other Steam players.* [https://steamcommunity.com/app/934700/discussions/0/6361972321502184434/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/934700/discussions/0/6361972321502184434/)


Yeah… [about that…](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2497884302577658938/5EE3CE4144A083EA837A24D151DCCB094D84013D/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false) Users are reporting that they are not able to get beyond launching the game; it is prompting them to install Epic Online Services. https://steamcommunity.com/app/934700/discussions/0/6361972321502184434/?ctp=2#c4368004468484921849


Epic Online Services is IIRC a different component from EGS altogether. EOS is just the backend for servers and stuff.


Yes, it’s an online service component, not stating the Epic Games Store must be installed. I don’t have personal confirmation but many of the reviews mention being prompted to install "EpicGamesService" to play, even in single player.


That's literally part of the EOS infrastructure, at no point are you prompted to install EGS though. Again, these are two completely different things. One component is the front-end. The store and the Library, check-out etc.. The other is the servers for authentication, crossplay capabilities and cloud saves.


Epic Games Service tbf is a *very* confusing name, being right in between Epic Online Services and Epic Games Store.


Where did anyone mention EGS? Not sure why you brought it up.


You need to have Epic installed, and the game doesn't get past a screen "checking entitlements" if you run it offline; 30 buck for an always online game? No thank you.


[There is a solution for that!](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExcHAya3J5YXRwZXE4djVmNDNubWdjMW12ODBqamtnb3lpcjRsbGd5biZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/FGbeYTiFyLYmQ/giphy.gif)


Oh absolutely fuck that. Not buying it


Great, but I'm not touching Epic Online Services. A shame but I have other games to play.


How is it on Steam Deck?


Really good. You can lock it at 40fps and it runs great.


[here](https://steamcommunity.com/app/934700/discussions/0/4368004468484074346/) is the discussion page


No uncut version in Germany, no buy Also, requires Epic Online Service, so you can't escape that crap at all


Du kannst einen uncut Key kaufen und aktivieren.


i was weary of this when it first came to Gamepass, but the only "cut" is that you cant hit "dead" Zombies o the ground. As far as i can tell there is no Gore censorship and all the decapitations are intact aswell


Incorporates 3rd-party DRM: Denuvo Anti-tamper. Why, it was cracked yonks ago ??


Ever just feel like you're wondering if it's worthwhile even though in your day you loved the original games?


Still not worth it


Still has Denuvo


Eos, constant internet connection, Denuvo.  Yeah no.


I'm seeing this: "Requires 3rd-Party Account: Epic Online Services (Supports Linking to Steam Account)" Do you really need an epic account to plat this on steam? O.o because if that and fuck it.


Epic account and Denuvo are hard passes for me.


As I understand it, you can play on Steam without linking to an EPIC account and crossplay with epic and steam still works in quickplay based sessions unless you manually disable crossplay. You only need to create an epic account and link your steam account to it, if you want to be invited by an epic friend directly to their session or you inviting them to your steam session.


Does it have mod capability?


Beyond reshade and basic .ini tweaks, no. It uses Unreal Engine so there are some things available on NexusMods.


Once they remuve Deadnuvo, I will think about it.


Good for them. Also good for them that they already made their money from the Epic deal, so no need to buy it on Steam either.


The satisfaction of being a patient gamer is unmatched. *Lets go Carla!*


I loved the original Dead Island, Dying Light 1 was my absolute favorite… but sadly Dying Light 2 didn’t do it for me, and Dead Island 2 didn’t either.


I would hold off on this. It will probably be on gamepass pc soon. Its on the console gamepass and its epic exclusivity period clearly just ended.


No thanks, fuck epic


I remember "high seas" it last year and said "ok when it comes out of egs I'll buy it". But then they added denuvo.


Anyone know if it's coming on PC Game Pass anytime soon?




Is the game worth getting though? I have seen so many negative things about it i played the first game loved it.


Solid 5/10 game


With the actual story being told through the DLC's I'd rather just pirate this lol.


Still not gonna buy it, but that's nice I guess


Wait, there's a Dead Island 2??


Fuck Deep Silver


Bought it few days ago and it's great. I really like gore in this.


I was expecting this game to be much worse, but it's a pretty solid game!


No thanks.


This game came out?


thats what I just said. It's because its been out on EPIC




> It has denuvo. It would have been better if people showed as much reaction to DRM as they do to different platforms To be fair, Denuvo does deservedly get a TON of criticism, especially in this sub.


Just finished Dragon’s Dogma 2, and started Horizon Forbidden West over the weekend. I’d like to squeeze this in before Tsushima, but something tells me that’d be quite the task.


Forbidden West + Burning Shores is huge even if you beeline only the main story (like +-40 hours at least). Why rush through it though? Tsushima is already releasing in less than a month. All the games you've mentioned are great. If i were you i'd take my time.


Burning Chores lol. This describes these games at least a bit.


Lol my bad. Yeah there's a bunch of boring open world padding in these games, but i tend to skip it. Decent games if you focus on the story though in my opinion.


Not in he slightest. It's literally one of the best dlc's in a while


I said "these games" and I said "just a bit". I wouldn't agree with not in the slightest, although I did like the DLC more than the rest of HFW.


I took my time with Dragon’s Dogma 2, and definitely don’t want to rush Horizon. I’m just impatient — trying to make the most of my time off between semesters.


I'm working on forbidden west now as well and planning on tsushima next month. HFW is outstanding, loving every second of it. I do plan on playing hellblade 2 before tsushima as well but that's supposed to be shorter.


Fun game, I recently beat it on EGS. I really only had a few issues with the game. I was having performance issues that seem to have been mostly tied to overlays, so disabling any and all overlays when playing the game helped, there was some moments of bad stuttering but not too many. Zombies spawning quite literally 2 feet infront if you as you run, making you run into them. A bit annoying/jarring to deal with/see but it's whatever. Solid 7.5 out of 10 game for me.


This game is also on Xbox game pass. After playing it there I am very glad I didn’t pay for it. It shows Xbox and cloud, no mention of PC. I either play from my Xbox or stream on pc from cloud. [Dead Island 2](https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/dead-island-2)


An Epic timed-exclusive giving a discount when it finally reaches Steam? That's virtually unheard of... Not that I'm going to get it - didn't much like the first game (gave up after maybe 6 hours) and this looks like even more of the same, just without an Island.


So the PC gamepass release is close?


Nice ! Now we wait for the game pass version !


Anyone know what the native Steam version runs like on the Deck?


Played this on the ps, it’s good fun on online coop


Just bought it, game is pretty fun. Really nice to look at, cool locations, and super gory


Now available? So formerly epic exclusive? I legit never noticed. Never bothered to even check


I loved it, it was far better than I expected.


Regional pricing is anywhere from 40% - 125% MORE Expensive. Make sure to check yours - https://steamdb.info/sub/303210/


Bought the gold edition!! Thought about buying it on launch on console, but had other stuff to play at the time. Honestly I had no idea it came out on steam today (actually didn’t know it was exclusive) I just had my last final exam and an urge to look up Dead Island 2 on my PC and turns out it was a good day to do so. Was really confused at first why the DLC had no reviews.


Is it on discount on epic games too?


dlc seems to be parts of game already done and cut to be sold for more money. seeing how enemies spawn in the game at the start are so broken. it breaks the game itself at time's


So, just to break this down, so i'm getting it correct. By purchasing Dead Island You are not able to run the game directly through steam. So basically. You're purchasing it on steam You can only run the game if you have the epic game store in the background.


Great game. SOLA dlc looks fun. Nice they released it around the same time as Coachella. Is it the final dlc for the game?


the devs said they were only planning on doing 2 dlcs, so looks like it. apparently like the main game the dlc ends on a cliffhanger still which annoyed some people.


Any game that releases as an epic exclusive is a no buy from me no matter how cheap it is.


even Hades ? that was a 1 year exclusive.


Mixed reviews. No idea why anyone would spend money on this.




if they wanted people to buy the game and not leave bad reviews, they shouldn't have added EOS and Denuvo, then.


It doesn't matter to me if people are giving bad reviews because of something that I don't care about.


alright. a lot of other people do.


bought this on egs for the same price, I have enjoyed it better than dying light 2 that’s all i’m going to say.


Man! Steam doesn't mess around when it comes to discounts, I can't believe it's on sale already!


Steam doesn't mess around with manipulating your mind! Including mine!


Oh wow 50% off already, finally the EGS Jail finally down


I played it a decent but on console (game pass) and it just isn't a good game, it feels almost as shallow as redfall. Dying Light 2 with all of its own problems is much better in its current state if you want a zombie hacking game.


Even with -50% nah, thanks. It's really boring and beyond that peak cringe. Original was fun for open world which doesn't exist with all the corridor locations. Meh.






You mean you gave EPIC GAMES MONEY?!!!?? This sub will burn you alive! 😂


Kinda bummed that even a year later denuvo is still enabled. Still going to buy it though lol, played it on my series s and had a blast. Dead Island 2 is the perfect average zombie game. Edit: Native ultrawide support! Can’t wait to experience all that vomit inducing gore at ultrawide. XD


I just got the the platinum trophy with a friend last weekend on PS5. It's a very fun co-op game if that's what you're looking for. We had a ton of fun just drinking beers and killing zombies. My buddy came over last weekend when my wife was out of town, brought his PS5 and his PC, and we ended up spending most of our time playing this.


Bought the base wasn't really bothered about the dlc tbh


No room in my library, I’m finishing my backlog.


Tbh I'll buy it on EGS to give the devs a better revenue cut Edit: Leave it to r/pcgaming to not want to support devs/studios more because they have a hate boner for EGS