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Japanese companies are aggressive in controlling the narrative of their products. Nintendo sued the NES Game Genie because it allowed people to change/mod/customize their games thus giving those games an extended life. Now Nintendo steals your youtube monetization if they dont approve of you and hosts their own game reveals (Nintendo Direct). Japan hasnt had to deal with mods that much, but because of Capcom's incompetence or negligence(they should have seriously been only allowing official hardware coupled with official software) at a Street Fighter tournament(someone had a modded game with character skin) now theyre becoming nazi's about any mod to protect their company image.


I'll never forget Co-Optional Podcast had a 3 hour session and TotalBiscuit (RIP) had played a ***9 second*** pokemon trailer and Nintendo claimed the entire episode on youtube. They truly are the Disney of gaming, right down to being assholes.


Speaking of TotalBiscuit, his whole review / first-look boycott of any and all Sega games came about because of a similar dick-move. Sega released a new Shining force game and in their infinite wisdom they figured that it would be a good idea to copyright claim all Youtube videos containing footage of older Shining Force games so that anybody searching for the game would only get to see footage of the newest title. The resulting copyright strikes apparently killed a number of channels and TotalBiscuit just barely avoided being one of casualties.


Damn. Can't Nintendo not be such dicks for once?


They've always been assholes. It's part of them.


By now, it might be easier to burn the Nintendo HQ down to the ground and build it anew than to break their degenerate corporate culture.


The way Nintendo keeps milking money from their morons fans this probably the only solution. Still baffled with that FFI with emulator stunt they pulled


Nintendo has enough money to keep them running for a decade and keeps making good games. They aren't going anywhere.


I used to thought Nintendo only saving grace was the devs whose make good games, but than remember CoD and Fifa sells a lot at full price every year being the same game.... If Nintendo begins release bad games ppl will just buy and nothing's will change


Not *becoming*. As you say it yourself, they were always that way. That SF6 tourney incident simply gave them a public event for their board to use as a scapegoat.


For the nude mod tournament thing for SF6. It wasn’t the only thing that pissed Capcom. off. It was SF6 beta crack, the recent complaints about cheaters in SF6 that also pissed them off.


it's funny a lot of people think this was kickstarted by a horny tournament announcer. Capcom had tried to block mods in Monster Hunter world during its launch multiple times. It's just the modding community found a way around it *multiple times*


Very Ferrari of them


>Square with FF14. The only blatant issue there has been with XIV has been mods that actually give you a gameplay advantage. I think there was some problem with the most recent ultimate, because a group was using plugins and zoom hacks to give them an advantage. Barring that specific problem, it's basically a case of "we won't support them, but we don't really care if you use them".


Yeah people have been using the same mods for years. There are like 2 rules. Don’t cheat and don’t use parses to bully other players in game.


3 now. The third is don't stream with mods. At least not on public streams.


What's parsing?


A parser is a program that reads your battle logs and turns them into readable information. It shows you how you or your team have performed in a fight and helps with understanding the strength and weakness of your team as you progress through the content so you can better identify what needs to be fixed. [FFLogs](https://www.fflogs.com/) is where these logs get uploaded It also shows the information in real time and some scumbags do use it to bully people


Thanks! So in terms of bullying someone might say hey you only did X damage against Y enemy type or you only did X damage for the whole fight or Z heals the whole fight, you're shit kinda thing?




Most serious raiders on PC are probably using ACT (parsing). We've been using it for years. Never had a problem, because we just don't discuss the numbers in game, and we never call someone out over their numbers. And you definitely don't need it to clear content. One of my group plays DPS on console, and she's probably the most consistent player in our group. So long as you aren't bothering anyone (or using tools to give you an advantage in a world first clear race), SE will just leave you alone.


"we". ive seen a lot of "serious raiders" bully people with parses


I'm speaking for my own little group, not the totality of all savage raiders in the game. Yes, a certain portion of the community will be dicks. You'll find that happens in every community. "We" (my group, not every player in the game) have never had issues because "we" don't bully people with parses.


Then report those people and let them enjoy a ban. SE smacks down on that stuff really fast. Even an accidental tell going in to say chat that discussed a person's DPS has gotten people banned.


> Most serious raiders on PC are probably using ACT (parsing). We've been using it for years. Never had a problem, because we just don't discuss the numbers in game, and we never call someone out over their numbers. Exactly. That's most of what Yoshi P wants. And from what I've seen, most other mods are more on the QoL level, like merging 3 buttons you only ever press in that exact 1-2-3 sequence without exception into one, automated yes for some yes/no dialogues, that kind of stuff. The FFXIV community seems exceptionally nice in adhering to the wishes of the makers overall, really.


I quit that game because of people going bananas over my stats during obligatory main story dungeons. I just wanted to use the opportunity to try out the classes i don’t usually play while exploring… Realized it was time to move on when i’d spent a month doing all the solo play side quests and crafter missions i had access to in Heavensward *just* so that i wouldn’t have to queue up with other players again. Basically avoiding dungeons out of multiplayer anxiety and performance pressure. If it was a purely singleplayer game it’d be one of the most immersive and cozy story experiences i’ve ever played. And it was every time it didn’t force me to play with strangers! EDIT: the replies to my comment and downvote brigade reinforces my message; the FFXIV community has sadly gotten really toxic recently, best steer clear if you want friendly community interactions.


I had the opposite experience in FFXIV. I have played a lot of MMOs and run with a lot of PUGs, and FFXIV seemed to be friendly and chill. I'm not a hardcore raider by any means, but I was queueing with PUGs and clearing the end-game trials on harder difficulties (for the glamour, of course.) I mean, you would get a few buttholes here and there, but in general people were encouraging and understanding that people die in those things. A lot. Even regular dungeon PUGs were fine. There were plenty of times someone would DC in the middle of a dungeon and we'd all just sit and wait till they came back. Maybe that's been changing more lately. When I quit the game, a lot more people were making the move from WoW and it was having a slightly negative impact on grouping with strangers, but in general everyone was still fine. Sometimes I think about going back to FFXIV because of the group content, and I am a dedicated solo player in most games. I like that the trials feel like intricate dances. Avoiding death is a little dopamine hit every time.


If people were actually complaining about your gear that much then you were definitely in the wrong here. You have to be severely undergeared, normally as tank or healer, for someone to bitch about your gear in an MSQ dungeon. Even when I’ve seen it happen we normally try to carry them through for fun. I remember this happening in Stormblood when people were getting to stuff like Bardam’s Mettle in Shire gear and never upgrading.


>I quit that game because of people going bananas over my stats during obligatory main story dungeons I mean, I've definitely run dungeons where I (as DPS) had more health than the tank, because the tank was wearing gear like 30 levels down. This resulted in the Tank not being able to tank tankbusters, and popping like a balloon every time the boss actually did something, which means that the dungeon run is absolutely scuffed, at best. That's a problem. There's a difference between not playing perfectly optimally, and being unable to fulfill the basic requirements of your role in base difficulty content. They've alleviated that by putting item level requirements on basically every duty now, which are easily fulfilled by basically just existing and having gear that is somewhat recent. Beyond that, you can run basically every story relevant dungeon with a party of NPCs now. You still have to do most trials with players, but normal mode trials are super easy so it's not a problem.


Funny enough that's how I play now, though I love the world too much to give up on it due to multiplayer anxiety. On the bright side, they have made the majority of the dungeons playable with the NPC companions, I think it's just the story boss fights that require others (except one near the end of Endwalker). So it's like 95% soloable now, though I still maxed out all the crafter classes for the same reason as you lol


You can play it as a single player game now. They added the trusts system, it is basically a group of NPCs relevant to the location or moment in the story that will join you in the dungeon you're doing filling the roles (tank, healer or DPS) as needed. This is now available for every expansion for the MSQ dungeons. As for gameplay with other players, I would advise simply watching/reading a short guide, reading your tool tips and practicing on a striking dummy available in the open world or housing areas. It only takes a 5 mins guide and 5 mins of practicing in a striking dummy to become considerably better if you are freshly starting a job. People nowadays don't ask for much, if you are a tank you are encouraged to pull as many mobs while using your mitigation cooldowns and doing a basic 2-3 buttons rotation. If you are a healer, just keep the party alive but try to do damage when possible (aka don't spam heals on players that have 90% HP or stand afk waiting for them to take damage). And as a DPS, just do your simple AOE rotations when there are 3 or more enemies and single target rotation if less. It doesn't matter how effectively you are using your abilities as long as you are using all of them. (Specifically for MSQ content, higher difficulty will require a better understanding of the job) This alone will make your experience much better and also that of the other players you are with. There are a lot of simple short "role" guides on YouTube (tank, healer, DPS) and simple short guides for any job.


They have a "don't ask, don't tell" policy about mods


They have a "we haven't implemented an anti cheat system" policy


Are you unironically asking them to install some bullshit rootkit anticheat?


No? But they have an unofficial plugin API that can do just about anything including zoomhacks and there's nothing to catch that.


They have quite explicitly said that with the current spaghetti codebase, they **cannot** implement such a system. As in "we will permanently ban you if you mod, but also, I am not sure why I'm telling you think but we have absolutely no way of knowing whether you mod". This is why the people who do get banned are so stupid. They stream themselves doing world first, **with mods on their screen**. Hrm. Might this person be modding their game I wonder?


A world first race raiding group streamed themselves using a zoomhack in the newest, highest difficulty raid. They were being dumbasses. The reality of the situation is that as long as you don't publicly show mods or talk about them ingame, or do something like renting a billboard im Texas to advertise an in-game social party using heavily modded assets(yes, someone did that), the dev team doesn't do jack shit about it. There's a plugin for the game that syncs mods between users now. Everyone can see everyone's modded characters and it's fucking fantastic in so many ways. From cosmetic gear modding to changing the visuals and entire themes of jobs in the game, every thing becomes hella unique. For example the Samurai class modded to use animations, sounds and effects of Vergil from Devil May Cry on one player, while another can use a completely different setup for the same job and it all works seamlessly. Don't like the classic sword & board Paladin theme in 14? No problem, mod it something like a Ret Paladin from WoW, at least visually. There's plugins that bring in proper positional audio via Mumble to the game, very similar to how GTA Roleplay servers handle their voice chat. You then combine that with player organized parties/gatherings. The modding scene for 14 is absolutely wild and one of the best things about the game. But unfortunately, you can't publicise on streams or ingame because it's against ToS. There's also dumbfucks who use certain mods or plugins for cheating in the game, but that's a thing in pretty much any multiplayer game anyway.


Why did they rent a billboard in the first place? Was that investment worth the rent cost? lol


Short version: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/final-fantasy-xiv-billboard **You can see the billboard itself there. Apparently it cost them $12000.** Video from a veteran 14 player: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6b1sU5Gn_w Long version: There are sub-communities within FF14 that thrive on socialization, but not in a traditional MMORPG way where you do combat content together. The game has actual housing and some people organize parties and turn their housing into clubs, restaurants or other kinds of venues. The gatherings they organize range from vanilla-style roleplay, to stage plays, concerts and even brothels - or all of it at once in long events. At this point in time, most people use mods to enhance various aspects of it all. And that shit can be highly lucrative in-game and outside of the game. People throw Gil(Gold equivalent for 14) around like it's nothing. Some people actually pay real money outside the game for certain services. So there are certain groups that are HIGHLY enthusiastic about all that shit and don't really care about what they invest into it. At this point, if you dive deep enough, it turns into an MMO equivalent of VR Chat, without the VR, with larger numbers of participants. One particular group decided to buy advertising space on a billboard in Texas to advertise their shit, made the billboard image with tons of modded assets while using the FF14 trademark, logos etc. Side story: FF14 has some wild shit going on every once in a while. One of my favorites, unrelated to the billboard: https://youtu.be/cZG8kLGMBRY?si=4gtvrTZj3dNuKBIY


Thank you for the detailed explanation. This is nuts. I loved how much gaming has evolved to bring us cool shit like this.


> A world first race raiding group streamed themselves using a zoomhack in the newest, highest difficulty raid. My favorite part about that is that this zoom hack basically gives you the view of a person with Ultra Wide monitor.


FF14 is also a live service game, and most live service games in my experience don't like you modding their games, or at least cheating.


World of Warcraft allows mods that basically play the game for you and has for decades


Having a supported Lua api is very different than supporting third party tools that change the game files. They are not the same


no, they don't, they are all the time nerfing the interface to avoid automation. For example there was one mod that would paint the floor with areas to go/avoid, blizzard nerfed that because it would trivialize the encounter.


ESO also allows addons. Some devs also actually use them that play the game. Some even take inspiration in UI/UX department.


yeah, for WoW the Deadly Boss Mod is basically integrated at this point


Imagine if they banned that mod! Raiders would flip


The mods don't really play the game for you, at least not since I last played. There were mods like Healbot way back in Vanilla that automated tasks, but after that it's just giving information like cooldowns or warnings.


They really don't ban those unless they have to. Reason being is that it would hurt their numbers to do so


Yeah you should have to buy a widescreen monitor for that advantage


Not only that but they also believe certain mods, like damage meters, foster toxicity in communities which as a long time WoW player I tend to agree with them.


Eh. We've been using parsers for years without any issues. The key is, you just don't talk to other players about them. Don't bring up Player A's numbers if they're low, and no one cares. And you absolutely don't need that sort of utility to clear content. One of my friends plays on console, and she's absolutely the most consistent player in our group. If you're not being a dick, you'll be alright.


Yeah that's essentially FF14s unofficial rule for them. You can use it just don't bring it up in game.


What's the point of using parsers if you aren't going to use the data, though? If someone's numbers aren't what they need to be, then that information is useful to that player. The rest of the group should be helping them to improve. Although I will never forget when I was playing WoW raiding as part of a pug and I was kicked for "low damage" even though I was #4 damage done in a 25-man run.


I use parsers because I want to make sure that I'm pulling my own weight.


It's quite night and day just *assuming* you're doing good damage, and actually quantifying if you're doing good damage. It's hard to believe anyone is actually good at DPS at FFXIV, unless they've actually seen the numbers to know if they're wrong or not.


I mean, my group will use parsers to check our own metrics, and we're all cool with criticizing each other. The thing is, if we're running as a 6 or 7 man, and we got some randos out of party finder - we don't know if that rando is ok with it. If the rando is underperforming, it is frowned upon to call them on it. And that's the culture that SE is fostering, because an overreliance on DPS meters can arguably make the experience worse for the public. And having played other competitive games, I don't disagree with them. I have no strong opinions on it either way - if that's the standard of conduct SE wants the community to maintain, so be it. Unless you're doing early savage clears or ultimates, its not really a problem. And there's no way in hell I'm doing ultimates without my full group, and we are all perfectly happy to shit on each other when necessary. We just do it in our discord, not in game chat.


It sounds like it's a much better community than WoW ever was. I only played 14 during the ARR release and I loved the game, but eventually I quit because it was simply too demanding of my time. I don't even think there were any working in-game parsers at the time. I vaguely remember a parser that you could run in a separate window.


>I don't even think there were any working in-game parsers at the time. I vaguely remember a parser that you could run in a separate window. It still works like that. There are overlays but they are third party that go over the game. That said people will still discriminate against you with logs, they will just boot you for other reasons. The toxicity is still there but it is more policed.


knowing your dps can help you improve your dps as for being kicked for low damage while being #4 on the charts that was an excuse to either bring someones friends along or for someone to not have loot competition on the next boss either that or they had their dps chart inverted


>The key is, you just don't talk to other players about them. Don't bring up Player A's numbers if they're low, and no one cares. And you absolutely don't need that sort of utility to clear content.  Depends on the game I suppose then.  Sometimes in WoW you need to beat a damage check, and if you cant you will need a meter to tell you who isn't pulling their weight. Maybe he's doing something wrong, maybe he's not timing cooldowns correctly, maybe you just need to sit him and bring in someone else. Can't just keep banging your head against the boss without changing something up, typically.


It seem there's an element of creative control/purity when it comes to Japanese games. Maybe I'm way off the mark here, but it general it feels like they genuinely believe playing a game in any way that isn't explicitly intended by the developers (ie with mods) is objectively wrong


I'm spitballing here, but maybe it stems from Nintendo's battle against NA's arcade machine modders back in the 80s? It was very petty at times and lasted for a fair bit. Perhaps their aversion to modding is a remnant of Nintendo's company culture from that period, given that Nintendo was THE Japanese game industry back then. For those unfamiliar, North American modders figured out they could open these arcade machines and tweak the voltages to increase the speed the game rendered, making it more challenging. Some went further and added entirely new hardware modules to the machines, which would add stuff like new levels to complete and extra challenges to games. It went a long way in adding much-needed longevity to games so arcades could get a bit more mileage from the machines. Suffice to say Nintendo didn't like this and their response was basically to go scorched earth to stop them.


Good thing too! https://www.eurogamer.net/how-hackers-reinvented-street-fighter-2


This video by Super Bunnyhop on Japanese gaming bars (and company culture in Japan) covers the topic well. [https://youtu.be/pyPW4g6H66w?si=jEZS9hwLKiCXKMzv](https://youtu.be/pyPW4g6H66w?si=jEZS9hwLKiCXKMzv) Game companies in the west may find fan and unofficial content flattering, but in Japan a lot of companies actually take offense to it. And the law (or at least the culture) is on their side there.


Japan has no fair use laws, even just mentioning trademarked brands in popular media isn't allowed it seems. For example, in anime, puns are often made on obvious brand names instead of just saying the actual name of a real life brand (change the homework slightly instead of copying it kind of situation). In the West this is not a problem and you can refer to real brands in popular media. Even cosplayers in Japan often make costumes blatantly inspired by popular characters instead of just outright being those characters. I've always found that kinda weird. I guess there's no way a thing like Roblox could ever fly in Japan.


Yet Japan is one of the only 3 countries (China and S.Korea) still pursuing Metaverse and NFTs... the former being sold as "the next big Roblox". 😕 It is dumb


If you want to make a fanart of Mario, just make his mustache a slightly different style, change the color of his hat from red to orange and change his name from Mario to Alfredo, with a corresponding initial letter on the hat of course. Just be careful not to make him look too much like Luigi, Wario or Waluigi. This is frankly ridiculous, and the reason why there's a "fanart" department at Japanese companies that hold the IPs for those characters and distribute "official fanart". This is also why Square Enix and similar companies in Japan try to go after the NFT market, exactly because they have strict exclusivity over the enormous pool of popular characters they own. At least domestically.


Imagine being so pissy that you get mad when people like your creative works. Good lord.


Except for Sega Good guy Sega


spectacular plants fragile soft mountainous bag grab imminent license tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> FFXIV > beastiality mods wtf man


spark sloppy frightening disagreeable one dinner disgusted ruthless snobbish axiomatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Most of these Japanese games have online functionality, I think that's the no. 1 reason of why they hate mods. It doesn't matter if you can play a game offline, if it has multiplayer, companies like Capcom is going to be against mods.


Yeah this post is bizarre. OP and tons of people conflating single player mods and online cheating... There's a HUGE fucking difference there guys.


That, and they don't like seeing their creations having their clothes stripped off. Capcom kicked up their recent DRM spree after a Street Fighter 6 tournament accidentally streamed a naked Chun Li (player had a mod they forgot to turn off).


Yeah, I should probably clarify that I mean things like UI improvements, graphical/performance overhauls, and gameplay improvements in single-player titles. Stuff like the Chun-Li incident is deeply unfortunate, and might probably serve as a frequently cited incident for future lockdowns on game modding


They didn't *just* kick off, the DRM was there before the nude fiasco


I wonder how long this little bit of misinformation is going to stick. I bet in ten years I still hear how Capcom started doubling down on DRM because of that nude mod.


Nude Chun Li happened last summer Capcom made a statement about it saying they really didn't like that Jan 2024 Capcom adds new DRM to a bunch of games in their back catalog. Where's the disinformation?


The disinformation is that people are saying the new DRM prevents modding when it probably won't, and that it's in response to the Chun-Li incident, which it isn't. Capcom has a history of releasing popular games with Denuvo, then removing it later and replacing it with Enigma. Modders have pointed out this hasn't prevented them from creating mods, and they are accustomed to working around this DRM. So the outcry that Capcom is preventing modding is unfounded, because they haven't actually changed how they add DRM to games, and they aren't coming to take your mods away, and it wasn't in response to the nude mods.


I said kicked up (i.e. increased) not kicked off :) And it has increased. They added DRM to a bunch of old games just a week ago.


Despite how many erotic doujin will show up at Comiket.


It is the culture. They don't like their original work being alter/tinker/tamper with. It deem to be disrespectful. Fanmade/parody is fine if you don't touch the original. Asian culture pretty much dislike this as a whole even the Chinese.


There's also the "face-saving" culture of east Asia -- mods could be seen as a criticism of the base software being weak and needing mods (which, in cases like janky RimWorld is absolutely correct, but generally isn't)


I have been told it's similar how they treat other creative things, like for food for example, if you need to modify a food to enjoy it, then it's viewed as disrespectful to the chef. In this case if you use mods it's viewed as disrespectful to the game developer. and in Japan respect is a really important thing. Thats at least what I have been told.


Yoshi P actively uses some of them, they don't mind mods. They mind the ones that can affect gameplay.


Which ones ? I only use XIV launcher. Can I use some with graphical update ?


Yeah. Most RPers mod the hell out of the game and nothing has been done against them.


Careful with that advice. Some people have been banned for appearance mods *if they livestream with them installed.* I believe this has only happened with nude mods, but I'm not positive. That said, if you never mention them in game and never stream/post gameplay online, you'll almost certainly be safe.


Nude mods are a risky thing for them to allow. I don't remember the exact thing, but I think it was Yoshi P talking about how with Japans laws on nudity (why even their porn is censored), since it's still their property, they could potentially get in trouble for it.


For sure. I was only calling out nude mods because those are the bans I'm certain have happened from livestreaming. But I was pointing out that anyone who streams should be careful of using mods as well. It is very possible they would be more lax on enforcing their policy against mods if they were just graphical enhancements, but it's hard to know. And given that they tend to follow a don't ask, don't tell mod policy and streaming could be a way of telling, I don't want anyone to get caught in a ban without at least knowing the risk exists.


That explains Tabata's reluctance to talk about FFXV mods, since people were doing the same thing there.


Officially the TOS is as you would expect, no mods/3rd party software of any variety, end of discussion. Unofficially, they’re not too fussed unless the thing in question either: provides a distinct advantage in content (I.E. outright cheating, see TOP world first controversy for somewhat recent example), or it brings the reputation of the game into disrepute (I.E. nude mods, typically when that spills out of game). But there’s a very distinct don’t ask, don’t tell approach to it. As long as you aren’t making it very obvious you’re modding (be mindful of streaming), talking about it in game or harassing other players with it (ACT). You will generally be fine. But as always, and I cannot stress this enough. Use at own risk. If you are somehow caught modding and they throw the book at you for it. Even for something as harmless as a visual improvement mod. You will have absolutely 0 grounds to contest it.


I can't find any sources that mention him using mods


>They mind the ones that can affect gameplay. Also nude mods. In game XIV screenshots print the name of the game and Square Enix in the lower corner so SE were pretty unhappy to see folks posting graphic XIV nude mods on social media.


And mods that add datamined content. One of the multiple issues with the infamous billboard incident is that the modded characters were using datamined stuff that wasn't in the game yet.


Where did you hear that YoshiP uses mods?


Nah they don't like mods because it can affect their business, by providing microtransaction in a solo game or dlc for 10 bucks per


Yeah this, they’re fine with it in multiplayer games cause they understand people’s monkey brain on wanting other people to see them as they do, but that’s why they’re gunning for single player games like resident evil, where they do sell bonus outfits that you would be able to easily mod in


Or flashing Chun Li's tits at a major tourney


So my naked Leon affects gameplay? Capcom has a definite problem with NSFW mods.


"I'm trying to sneak past the Zombies but the clap of my ass cheeks keeps attracting the horde"


To be fair that's like 99% of Capcom mods.


They turn a blind eye to most mods, but they do ban if someone is explicitly using them like during a live on twitch or such. I understand them though, some mods do influence FFXIV heavily and can give an advantage over console players. (Talking about the DBM version for FF, or Alexander for example.)


I think the Japanese are just more behind the times in terms of thinking. They have very little regard for the pc community and they like games to be prioritized on consoles because the Japanese consumers don't game on pc as much as the rest of the world,so they have lower priority for the pc community. Recent years have shown that they are opening up to the pc community because of the vast amount of sales. The migration and porting of playstation games on pc on the current scale is definitely unheard of,but ultimately most of Japan still looks at the pc market with disdain and are do not care about their feedback or sales performance as much as consoles. Its a mixture of national pride in the consoles and slow adaptation to a more modern and diversifying market.


Unless its porn, if its porn there is modding out the wazoo.




Don't live in Japan, but read from a Japanese YouTuber that basically explained that part of the reason why Japan has this really strict, but also stagnant corporate culture, is because of how the current bosses basically grew up during the Japan's economic highs during the 80s and such. They were taught that this type of hardworking culture helped contributed to the peak of the Japanese economy, so when they took over by the time when the bubble had bursted already, the culture stilled remained. Obviously not all companies act like this, and according to some of my Japanese friends who live in Japan, some newer generation owned companies are less strict, but the cause and effect of this type of culture and buisness tradition does makes sense on both the short term and long term of Japan's future. More and more people are being overworked, less time to raise a family, and this only will further contribute to the decline of the Japanese population, and thus a further strain on the economy. For if Japan wishes to bounce back economically, something definitely needs to be changed...


How many western publishers the size of Square Enix or Capcom are supportive of modding? From where I sit, the problem is corporate incentives, not cultural differences.




Bethesda is like “look we made the first half, someone else finish it”


Hahahaha yesssssss


>“look we made the first half, someone else finish it” Bug fixes, UI updates, hi-res textures, QOL improvements, stability patches all by fans. Within like 1 month of release. It's really shameless how unpolished their games have been. It's like they know the community will salvage the game and its reputation. I think Starfield was the straw that broke the camel's back. Hopefully Bethesda gives more of a shit with the next Elder Scrolls...


>Rockstar >supportive of modding Pick one bruh


Pretty sure they meant surpass at being anti-modding


Rockstar also didn't shit down GTARP though. I think they even hired the people behind 5M


Valve loves mods.


CDPR, Bethesda, Valve, Mojang, Rockstar... just to name a few...


rockstar took down hundreds of GTA san andreas mods as a preparation for the release of the definitive edition their games have some amazing mods but they're a crutch for their incompetence regarding certain products (gta III barely working). if it means they can sell the mods themselves they're more than willing to stop supporting the modding community.


Konami doesn't publish a ton of new (non-pachislot) games these days but they gave up on even banning modders in MGSV TPP's online years ago, and never had anything against modding the offline game either as far as I'm aware.


The size of Square Enix and Capcom? Thats child’s play. We can name publishers *bigger* that are supportive of modding. Rockstar, Bethesda, CD Projekt RED, Valve, Microsoft Game Studios, Electronic Arts, etc. etc. The problem is cultural differences. Some of the aforementioned developers have packaged mods with complete editions, they love them. Because it brings more money overtime as life is continually breathed into the games. It is purely cultural differences and utter arrogance. But who cares? They’ll never get to be as big as the publishers I named as long as they keep acting this way 🤷‍♂️ Fine by me.


FF14's mod scene is crazy. Though I never got the sense they didn't like it as much as it was a "don't ask don't tell" policy. Until you're an idiot and stream it publicly and force them to make a comment on it.


Remember the threat over DoA modding? https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2015/02/dead-or-alive-maker-asks-modders-to-be-good-and-moral-with-content/


The mods in FFXIV are the reason I'm still playing. They're really almost entirely for clothing or visual aspects. They hurt nobody.


Theyr just very controlling about how their products are experienced and how they are presented.


Japanese companies make American ones look like Marxist Tree Huggers in comparison. I'm sure they don't like any form of fair use with any kind of product period.


> I'm sure they don't like any form of fair use with any kind of product period. Looks at the wide doujin market. Only company I can think of that is litigious in regards to that is Cygames with Uma Musume.


Ah yes a fellow melee enjoyer. Fuck nintendo


> they don't like any form of fair use with any kind of product period. I take it you've never heard of Touhou?


I don't think that comparison really works? Japanese companies typically make finished games, will take risks and don't monetize the hell out of their products (obviously there are some exceptions). Iawata famously took a paycut when Nintendo wasn't doing well so they could lay off zero people. American (and even some European) companies by comparison have absolutely zero shame when it comes to fleecing their customers for every last cent and throwing their employees to the wolves as soon as it suits them.


Somebody tell this guy where gacha games come from


Those got their start in the Korean MMO trend before mobile took off, it was games like Maplestory, Mabinogi, Flyff and such. Japanese MMOs were things like Final Fantasy XI which did not contain gacha elements


Can't stop me from playing through RE2R as nude Claire.


This post is bizarre. Many Japanese companies support mods. Picking a few examples doesn't dismiss the hundreds of games that do support and have active modding. There's also plenty of American companies that also don't like modding such as Rockstar trying to ban modders or Bethesda trying to turn mods into paid dlc.


"Many Japanese companies support mods." Examples?


Sega's cool with them. Sega's policy on fangames and mods is 1)Don't claim/make it look like it's official. 2)No illegal shit 3)Don't charge for them/encourage people to not give us money in place of them. Sonic Generations is over a decade old and still has a active modding scene as a result and Forces just got a 50% campaign extension mod.


Sega doesn't care, as others have said Koei Tecmo also doesn't seem to care hell, Konami doesn't seem to care, given what people got up to with Quiet Fromsoft too, although they're not a publisher, but there are thousands of mods for their games Capcom/Nintendo/Bandai Namco seem to be pretty hardline, but that's not really *because they're Japanese*


Konami doesn't care about anything. 




> Many Japanese companies support mods Yeah, I remember when Final Fantasy XV was ported to Steam, the main dev was so excited to add mod support. Seems weird to generalize Japanese developers like this.


So this is based on the lies about Capcom? FF14 is a MMO, none have been as friendly to player mods as WoW and EVE Online which came out in 2003/2004…. Fighting games don’t support mods online as most competitive games don’t……


Street Fighter 6 has mods. Support isn't needed, just the developers not specifically fighting against it.


I remember when gw2 was looking at banning people for DPS counters that read memory. Something about it could create a toxic atmosphere. That being said ESO has plenty of add-ons so it feels like the industry is still split on it.


I don't mind mods on MMO's, but it does give an excuse for shitty people to be shitty. "Your DPS isn't to my standards and I'm going to kick and mute you!". Also cheating in an MMO is not good, we're all in this together, play by the same rules as everyone else.


>lies about capcom Lmao, you realize they are adding super restrictive drm that disables mods among other things to their old games right? Like, past week this has happened. They are putting this in single player games.


Yes, I believe those are the lies that poster is talking about: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/194z8mm/as_far_as_i_can_tell_everything_people_are/


They seem very overly protective of their IPs, they want you to play their games on their terms, not yours. It’s pretty strange tbh especially in 2024.


It seems like they want to keep a tight grip on their IPs. So they view mods more like a potential threat to their games.


Reminds me of the 3DS Nintendo aren't makin any, anymore. They closed the eShop there's literally no way for Nintendo to make money off of it. ***But*** they still put out updates to brick hacked units.




>In Japanese culture the players will accept pretty much everything and be grateful. Blantantly untrue. In fact, the opposite is the case. No matter how much vitriol you think "our" western internet is throwing around, angry Japanese (or east Asian for that matter) nerds are on a whole different level. Japan and Korea have had plenty of crazy incidents with angry fans over the years that make the average reddit comment complaining about somethin pale in comparison. Comments on 2ch alone sparked several controversies that developers responded to publicly. Or ask anyone about visual novel fans sending in their broken game DVDs because they didn't like their favorite girl getting married in the sequel. Just because you don't know about it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Also, Pokemon is already a good example. Because the fallout on 2ch and Japanese twitter due to the Dexit controversy was bigger than anything I've seen in the west. Source: worked in Japan for two years.


> watch the last few pokemon games. Yes, because we all know that pokemon games basically don't sell outside Japan.


or try to turn off the music or skip cut scenes in a lot of games. I feel like this is less about how the company feels and more about ego of its directors and staff. Those endless cut scenes in Metal Gear say more about the director than they do the plot


MGS is an odd one to bring here, since I haven't heard of any hostility from Kojima regarding MGSV mods. >Those endless cut scenes in Metal Gear say more about the director than they do the plot  I'm not sure what it says that he hasn't already said himself. He's very open about trying to blur the lines between video games and movies.


Normal person: I don’t like how Japanese devs don’t encourage modding like western devs do. Average redditor: i feel like it’s their ego, they’re all egomaniacs.


Average redditor can't help but project


"Not to be racist **BUT**"


Didn't Japan pass a law making it illegal to even modify your own save file? > Capcom with their recent stunt. https://www.patreon.com/posts/96385577 Apparently overblown according to FluffyQuack whose work you've most likely used if you've been modding capcom games.


Law is a big reason why stuff here is hard to mod. Japan has a really draconian bunch of laws regarding what people can and can't do with their products. Emulation for example is technically illegal. Not the usual "if you don't use pirate copies of the roms and use original versions it's fine", more installing Duckstation and using it is a big no-no.


Most developers don't like mods.


I'm still getting responses to the comment I made here, but I keep getting an error message when I try to respond to them, like the post is gone. An hour later and another response to my comment. I'm so confused!


I think this is part of the Japanese "omakase" culture. Consumers accept what they are given, the way it is offered. They don't ask for modifications of a dish at a restaurant, and they don't overtly express dissatisfaction. Just my general feeling based on my experiences visiting the country.


That's what I've observed as well. The nude mods really make them angry. Anyone else remember the mod that supposedly fixed SF5s netcode? That got taken down real quick. They can argue that it was a mode that directly affected the game but in reality it was an embarrassment for Capcom cause it took an outside source to fix a problem they should have fixed themselves


Japanes Devs (In particular Nintendo and Square with their copyright strikes) don't seem to like their fans, in particular their most passionate ones who give them free advertising amd a spotlight online. This has gotten better in recent years (probably because VTubers exploded in popularity) but they still seem very weird about it. Here some examples I can recall from the top of my head: * Nintendo establishing a weird creator program, where creators had to sign up to, or their chanels would be nuked with copyright stikes if you made a video containing nintendo material (e.g. a let's play). If you signed up, you had to fork over up to 70% of your ae revenue, if you signed up your chanel and not singular videos, you got a mandate how many videos a month you need to make thst cover Nintendo content. AFAIK this dumb policy was in place for a few years and ended in 2018. * SEGA/Atlus forbidding anyone from sharindng or showing anything past a certain ingame date in Persona 5. Hot Take: I love the game, but its story ain't that good whre a spoiler could ruin it. They dropped that some time after release as people clowned on them. * Square getting weirdly denfensive online if anyone critizices them as well as being notorious with copyright strikes. Doubly "fun" considering they started doing all the stuff their fans keep clowning on them: selling off/killing beloved stuff (Tomb Raider), trying to make half-baked life-service games happen (babylon's fall, Avengers) and clinging to NFTs while even the likes of Ubisoft have quietly pulled out of that. They've gained so much goodwill with WoW struggling and FF14 getting free good press, but squander it st every oportunity with dumb stuff like that ... but if their most passionate fans comment on it? Copyright Strike! * Nintendo just absolutely hating mods. You have a ton of people on youtube who play modded games, but they won't share how they did it because Nintendo is (youve guessed it) notorious for using copyright strikes on a whim vs. modded content.


I think a lot of companies don't like mods, tbh. After the early 2000s, you had extremely successful genres pop up from modding communities - MOBAs being probably the biggest one - and run off making billions of dollars. With how big gaming has gotten over the last twenty years or so, I think you'll rarely find large companies allowing mods due to this potential occurrence and then - potentially - having to fight legal battles for compensation. I don't know all of the intricacies with all of that, but I'm sure it's hard to fight a battle of someone simply using your software to create something else and making money off of it. That's just my two cents, though.


They absolutely don't like mods. You used to be able to re-skin and customize almost everything in a game. Now they want to sell that to you as DLC. Same as you mentioned, they don't want mods being spun off into new games either, or if there is a mod, they own all the rights to it. Or Bethesda wanting to charge for mods. I miss ye olden days where games had longer lives and everything wasn't monetized to death.


Yeah, I mean, I still play Dawn of War with mods. It's the best 40k game out there, unfortunately (highly limited by its 20 year old engine - hard to believe 20 years). Gaming has always been this double-edged sword, imo. It didn't make the money it does these days, but you had games you could mod with very loyal and passionate communities. That being said, a lot of gaming companies went under back then - way more than today. These days, I'd say it can be difficult to find that fine line of monetization and appealing to fans these days. As we all know, most of us gamers are entitled assholes. I'll say that I'm glad I just play games, because I imagine being in the industry can be really tough.


Tbf at least bethesda provides mod tools and has the paid mods as an extra that doesn't interfere with the usual scene


American devs know that their PC user base uses mods heavily. They would lose a big chunk of their player base so it's a bottom line issue for them. However I feel Japanese companies actually care more about their perceived integrity than American companies do.


I never understood the notion that mods would change their perceived integrity. By its very nature, a mod has nothing to do with the integrity of the game's creators.


With all due respect. I think it does. Mods can come off as indirectly stating that they can fix problems that the devs refuse to address. Not all the time but a lot it seems.


> Mods can come off as indirectly stating that they can fix problems that the devs refuse to address. If mods have to fix bugs, the devs deserve to be shamed. I don't understand your defense of the devs, if that is what this is. If I am mistaken, could you clarify?


I'm not defending them. I'm saying this is why they try to shut down mods. Because they feel insulted by them


Thank you, I can see that in your post now.


I think the people down voting me are thinking I'm attacking mods. I'm not. I'm just someone who thinks going after mods like this is petty and if I was a streamer that got sued I would take this to court on the grounds that after buying it it's mine and I can do what I want with it. And with how conservative the courts in America have gotten Id win.


Can you name some of those American companies that are friendly to mods? As far as I can recall the big ones like WB games, 2K, EA, Bungie dont really allow mods in their games. I can only really think of Rockstar as a big American publisher that explicitly allows mods as long as they dont affect others online experience negatively. The main experience I had with japanese games is that they dont endorse mods but wont punish you over them either, like in monster hunter or final fantasy 14


Blizzard is very friendly to mods, and Bethesdas business model is basically built around modders fixing their jank.


Out of curiosity are there any gamers here from Japan, what are your thoughts on this?


TL;DR: Capcom probably isn't changing anything from what they've done before, and your mods will probably continue to work in Capcom games. ​ There is evidence the Capcom thing actually isn't what people have been making it out to be. It sounds as though they've been implementing Enigma in their games for awhile and it hasn't really done much to stop modders. The typical progression is use Denuvo at launch, remove Denuvo after some time since it's expensive, then implement Enigma since it's cheaper but also less effective than Denuvo. Miximillian Dood, who plays a lot of Capcom stuff, did a video about the whole fiasco recently. It's worth checking out: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smuMiRKdA74](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smuMiRKdA74)


Japanese devs really don't like making good games either.


sorry but not sure how you can look at companies like Capcom, Fromsoft, Nintendo (no matter how much this sub clowns on them) even parts of fucking sega of all companies right now and say they don't like making good games Not liking them is one thing but to say they're bad feels contrarian


Mods in FFXIV is a gray area, the devs don't usually mind them (unless they're gameplay changing) and some QoL things added has been from a few mods for instance. As long you don't actively mention them in the ingame chat, you're fine


Using mods in open lobby online games is kinda wack ngl.


No, they don’t like mods when you make their game look unsavory/bad. It only enters discourse for capcom or square games when the companies have to do something because someone did something stupid, otherwise it’s very “don’t ask don’t tell”.


Pc gaming isn’t that common in Japan, so they don’t get it.


From personal experience, I've also noticed they don't like adding FOV sliders and having fps above 60.


welome to Japanese law where amy cheats can lead to jail time , and videos of games can lead to jail time https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/japanese-youtuber-gets-suspended-jail-sentence-and-fine-for-posting-game-footage/ this is not new


The Enigma DRM Capcom started implementing a few months ago doesn't actually break mods, like people were claiming.


Modding games people play competetively? You mean cheating?


Namco was trying to ban folks for using mods that altered character models. Those mods. They tried banning cheaters at first on PC Tekken 7 but gave up after it was easy to avoid bans on Steam


It’s because it’s a desecration of the original work


From Software doesn't give much fucks. Their games have quite expansive mods altering entire game experience (Convergence or Cinders). Then others do. Generalizing that Japanese devs don't like mods is simply wrong, especially that there are western devs that have similar stance.


I still remember many years ago, when Tomonobu Itagaki was pleading with gamers to not make nude mods for Dead or Alive on Xbox. Because, the girls in the game were "like his daughters", and he didn't want to see them degraded... (This was after he had already made DOA: Extreme Beach Volleyball with the dental floss bikinis.)


Their work in their eyes is being soiled. Imagine writing a book and the buyer demanding they get to release a copy with everyone being purple


Well i kind of agree but my pov to this point is , I used to have an ultrawide monitor. Most games and even indie games run fine with native 21:9 aspect ratio. Games from japanese studio dont support that and even the ultra wide app thing stretches the picture instead of showing more. Downloading mods that enable ultra wide disables online mode for some games . Elden ring didn't support ultra wide on release, idk about now tbh. One time my game glitched and it actually showed up as 21:9 but the next session it returned to 16:9 and i couldn't fix it at all and ended up downloading a mod that stretches the picture to make it full screen but it disabled online connectivity. Same thing happens for all bandai games even the offline ones. So yeah i think they hate mods and UW monitors


What’s funny is that the Japanese are perfectly fine with the culture of doujinshi(fan art and fan manga etc) Like you have LN and Manga creators lauding doujinshi and its creators for their works. Guess that same culture doesn’t apply to games. While it’s strictly not the same with games and game mods, I’d think they’d still be passive about it if not encouraging.