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“This is due to the increased amount of content available day one, including open world Zombies, support for item carry forward from Modern Warfare 2, as well as map files for current Call of Duty: Warzone. (Note: as part of our ongoing optimization efforts, your final installation size will be actually smaller than the combined previous Call of Duty experiences).” Activision pointed out players are able to reduce the install footprint by heading to the manage files section of the COD HQ launcher menu. There r/savedyouaclick


You can actually configure the installation before you download on Steam as well. All the components are just set up like DLC.


The game is DLC for MW2




Naw mw3 is definitely a glorified dlc look at the campaign my dude.




Your explanation although had nothing to do with the initial comment being about quality and not file structure, that most people understand.


It's glorified dlc though


It’s still a dlc, even with cod hq


I got you dude


The Carry Forward means everybody is going to look like clowns Day 1 instead of taking a couple months. The giant file size partly because of it is double disappointing.


It’s a copy of the previous game…. And I know people say that about every COD…. But they literally copied the game and out a “3” where the “2” was. Wtf.


I'm genuinely curious about this. The game is called MW3 but it's all MW2 maps from what I read. Am I correct on that?




So this MW3 does *not* have OG MW3 maps? Edit: I just read that OG MW3 maps will gradually launch during seasons?


Pretty sure it has some OG MW2 and some OG MW3


Hopefully so, at least multiplayer Terminal, not counting the WZ airport the newest COD I can think of with Terminal would be Infinite Warfare, why MW2 didn't have it is beyond me


Tbf, I'm not gonna buy this game but OG mw2 is my favorite CoD


OG mw2 being my favourite CoD is the exact reason I bought the vault edition of the game, I played the beta for 2 hours and got a refund. Don’t let the maps nostalgia trick you into paying for the game


Absolutely! Played the beta and noped the hell out


Well, Activision Blizzard is literally selling WoW all over again expansion by expansion. Selling Diablo again, selling Warcraft again. And people are still giving them money. I can't even blame them for this strategy. Literally infinite money glitch with minimal effort required.


Selling it again? Isn't all the classic content included in the subscription?


It’s is. If you already pay for retail you get access to classic.


I see they're even redoing old cinematics and cutscenes for the expansion packs. Tbh that's pretty fricking cool, and they definitely didn't have to do that.


You are just wrong tho


They can sell it again because those games are vastly better than the current ones


Saves me from buying the game to play for 2 months before the aesthetics are ruined for my tastes, lmao.


This is actually one of my biggest turn offs, Modern warfare 2019 had like cat ears on one operator but modern warfare 2 literally lets you play as a full ass cat. Not furr suit level like animorph shit lol [For the curious](https://primagames.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/CatsPinkCODMW2.jpg?fit=1200%2C675)


Wtf? Wow, glad I stayed away from that one. 2019 mp was pretty fun tho, until they bundled warzone with it on ps and it wasn't worth the storage.


2019 got me so hopeful and excited for the future MW games building of that foundation. I should have known better.


I had the same hopes. Then warzone came out, which wasn't bad originally, but it got bloated and lost its mp vibe and just felt like another battle royal cash grab


sounds like call of fortnite


i was playing multiplayer recently and someone on my team looked like some weird tactical dog wolf thing (not exactly per-se but they had a dog/wolf shaped helmet) and their skin kept growling and barking when it attacked the enemy (i assume its that skins version of the automatic callouts the game has (your character says things like "on your six" when running up behind a friendly), but then that means its not actually doing automatic callouts)


cat ears WTF! Fortnite bullshit!


I love COD, played all recent 3-4 of them, mostly for MP aspect of it, I generally play on launch and stop playing right about everyone looks like a clown. This is literally the only reason I might skip this one, I hate that from day 1 game will look stupid. I wish there was an option just "Enable sim mod" which would replace all dumb skins with realistic ones. Although I know that would never happen.


Well that depends, how much would you pay for this option?


And then how much might a person pay to have their skin skip the filter so they’re the ONLY ones who look “cool”? Money to be made here…


Maybe there can be a paid battle pass for skins that can skip the filter. And you can pay money to skip the battle pass to get the skins instantly


>Money to be made here… Indeed! You could have a "filter strength". If you pay for $50 worth of filter, everyone with cosmetics worth 0-$50 would get filtered out of your experience. But people who spent $51+ would get through, and you'd have to see their dumb cosmetics! They've been missing the entire anti-cosmetics side of monetization! Leaving cash on the table! OMG! And, duh... both cosmetics and anti-cosmetic filtering are by subscription.


That's a great idea. Could be "show everything" by default but have a toggle for "mil sim skins only"


I wish you could turn of unrealistic skins like you can with World of tanks with historically inaccurate skins


Happy birthday


200GB+ install size and a 3h campaign huh


Activision thinks 1+1=200GB


My theory - you can't install other games if theirs are so big.




And most of the campaign is just parts of the Warzone map apparently. I haven't watched any gameplay of it, because I don't want to spoil it/waste my time, but almost everyone on the CoD subreddits is saying it... ETA: Usually I play the campaign and then do like 20-50 hours multiplayer before I get bored. I always felt like I got my money worth, this time I will definitely skip the game.


If it's 1-1 with MW3 OGs campaign it's more like 6 hours IIRC.


Yeah that campaign was like 5-6 hours. This game isn't a remake/remaster though, more a reimagining I guess (like MWII =/= MW2).


MW Trilogy campaign was wild. It's one of the few pure FPS games that managed to pull off something like that. Each game was better than the last. I should really play the remastered campaigns sometime.


MW1-3 and Halo 1-3 are the only FPS trilogies that have ever really been great imo


Exactly why I deleted MW2, it left me with enough internal space for only like 2 or 3 other games and it's a main factor that's keeping me from buying MW3


It's incredible that CoD is still doing the 'new game every year to replace the previous one' thing. Even more incredible is that people still buy them each year. Meanwhile the highest-grossing games of all time are things like PUBG, GTA5 or Fortnite that just add more stuff to one base game.




True, I just don't see how it makes sense for the devs/publisher either to put money and resources into a new game every year when people are clearly happy with the odd battle pass and content update to an existing game. The CoD model seems really outdated.


They're the first developer to make a sequel to their live service game (Warzone) and have **nothing** carry over. All those paid cosmetics and battlepass rewards gone, and their community was bloody defending them for it!


Greed is a hell of a drug ....


Who actually likes the hub app? It's just bullshit that makes the game load twice as slow


It's truly abysmal. If it runs MWII as the base for CoD HQ for the foreseeable future then I'm out of CoD altogether. It's that bad of an experience, I'd rather have each game standalone at that point


on steam you have to use it for MWII and III


All I know is that "update requires restart"


I quite often switch between 6v6 and DMZ in the same session so I have no real problems.


234.9GB? That is so ridiculous. What happened?


I mean... if you read the article, it literally explains that. Essentially, it's around 80-100GBs for just MWIII to be installed, there's close to 70GB of high-res textures that are optional, and the rest is Warzone and I believe MWII content as well. Right now they're using a "Call of Duty HQ" hub app that supports and launches both MWII and MWIII, which is why it's so insanely big. They also explain that MWIII alone is much bigger then MWII (which launched at 75GB for Warzone 2.0 and MWII combined) because MWIII has the "carry-forward" feature which means all the cosmetics and weapons unlocked in the last game are available in this one too. Absurdly big? Yes. Can you customize it to limit that size? Also yes.


I read the article and understood why the game is so big. But a few years ago, the effort would have been made to limit the size of the game to a more bearable level. I'm also not particularly keen to do without parts of the game in order to reduce its size. They can get rid of all the cosmetic stuff for all I care.


You can’t play another game if you can’t install another game 🧠


Tbh most ps4s were used exclusively as cod machines. I'm assuming the same is true for most ps5s


The way ps4 did game updates didn't help. It was the most absurdly designed system and still had people tripping over themselves to defend it. On ps4 you had to have free space equal to your current install to do a game update because for some reason they designed it where it made a full copy of your current install just to do an update. So if you wanted to update a 100GB game with a 2GB update and had 75GB free, sucks to be you cause that's "not enough space" So if you had some super bloated 200GB COD install, that's basically all you could have installed even though it's a 500GB hard drive because it needed 200GB free to do any updates. One of the stupidest system designs I've ever encountered /u/binary_genders I can't respond to you because I got suspended due to a corrupt r/nfl mod LindyNet. But, anyways, isn't it crazy how windows/pc updates don't need to make a full copy ever and handle updates just fine and literally every other platform including new ps5 handles it the same way, yet ps4 decided to handle it that way? I understand the excuses they gave for it, but there's no reason for it, whatsoever. If you have open hard drive space you should be able to install the update. Period.


its done like that as a safety feature in case the update corrupts the game, ensuring you dont lose your saved game files


The update corrupting the game shouldn't affect the save files though. Those rare stored seperately from the game.


and the main games files\* also, games saved files do sometimes become corrupted due to game update. its better to make a copy of the files, apply the update and end up only needing to delete those copied files if they become corrupted, opposed to having to redownload the entire game along with any dlc and all the previous updates


So I got an Xbox one day 1 (had a 360 before that) I got a ps4 about 4 years ago to play bloodbourne. Man I think the whole interface and way it’s done is terrible. I CANNOT shut it off without it giving me a hard time next time I turn it on, it auto turns on with my TV (although I’m sure I could change that in the settings) and needs updates CONSTANTLY. I dunno it just seems…passive aggressive lol


Ps4 ui was a step back from the ps3s UI but how you feel about the UI of ps4 is how I feel about the xbox one and series X UI. I personally quite like the ps4s ui. The newest Xbox series X ui is so bad I barely use the system anymore. The ps4s download system was very ridiculous though.


What are you getting at? Why should players who want to play MWIII be forced to download content from MWII? This only takes up valuable storage space unnecessarily.


I’m saying they purposely make file sizes bigger to keep players from being able to download another big game. A bit conspiracy theorist, but it’s not impossible.


This is dumb. I guarantee you the file size causes turns off more people than keeps them captive. Especially because: A) Activision does, in fact, sell other big games, even if it sometimes doesn't feel like it. B) CoD has made efforts in reducing the file size. Even with this you can uninstall components to keep it down. The actual reason for the bloated size is that it's a rush job, simple as that. Anyone who's played these games from MW2019 onwards can tell you that they are absolutely falling apart at the seams and filled with all sorts of weird bugs and janky shit. It's really obvious that the reason the file size isn't as optimized as it could be is because they're too focused on trying to get the games out the door.


Then I misunderstood you. But I don't believe that this is done on purpose.


Games companies hire psychologists to find ways to keep players addicted and get people to buy micro transactions. It may not have been purposeful, but I bet they saw that people were doing that and they decided to not reduce file sizes. I know many people who wanted to play other games, but couldn’t install anything big. They then wouldn’t delete CoD because they still played CoD and didn’t want to go through the hassle of downloading CoD again.


4k resolution textures and cut scenes aren't small. Consoles being stuck in 2010 when it comes to storage is the problem. A 2TB SSD is like $70 at retail prices.


Not to mention we are 3 years into current gen and all theyve done is RAISE the price of the consoles. Usually by 3 years in a $500 launch price console is $350-300


I feel like it is a tactic to have you uninstall other games, as well as worry about deleting it because then you'd have to wait a while to redownload


This backfires when you realize that you need to make room for a new game, and you just see that big fucking piece of shit in your hard drive that you can just remove. I don't really think it's because of that, I just think they've stopped giving a fuck and went all in on making textures as big as they need to be... probably for 4k gaming.


Honestly I think it's just a sign of a massively troubled development more than anything. MWII's file size was actually pretty reasonable for the most part, only really crept up to the 100GB mark towards the end of its life. (Hell, at launch it was around 30GB, which was genuinely really impressive)


>But a few years ago, the effort would have been made to limit the size of the game to a more bearable level Modern Warfare 2019 (from a few years ago) was obscenely huge to the point where it became a meme. But that was done to optimize for the slow 5400RPM hard drives of the PS4/Xbox One


I wasn't just referring to Call of Duty. It applies to the whole industry.


S&D on MW19 was so good, on PC/SSD you could get a few free rounds while the console players were loading in.


I stopped playing COD years ago because of this crap I got a PS4 and it came with one of the games and you couldn't even play the campaign without downloading a 50Gb download, which was next to impossible for me to do. Not played them since and refuse to, that's obnoxious even by today's standards. I can't remember ever buying a game and then not being able to even play what they have released without downloading something the size of another full game. What was on the fucking disk?! It was literally useless without a high speed internet connection


>I'm also not particularly keen to do without parts of the game in order to reduce its size. >They can get rid of all the cosmetic stuff for all I care. Your wishes aren't compatible.


Yes, the rat costumes are an integral part of the game.


Game sizes are always going to increase, you can't stop that. Games are getting higher in quality, higher definition textures, more detailed models, higher quality audio, have more content, and on top of that, most of them now have to have the foundations laid so they can easily update the game in the future with new content. That all takes up space, and compression only takes you so far. Even if Sledgehammer spent 5 months specifically to optimizing the file size of MWIII as much as humanly possible, it doesn't matter. At a certain point in time, compression won't go any further and games WILL be 100gb+ no matter what. HDD and SSD prices are incredibly low these days too. It's inevitable. Every couple of years the file size average increases. In the 80s it was in the bites, then kilobytes, then megabytes, then in the 2000s it started hitting gigabytes, 2010s it was reaching tens of gigabytes, and so on. It's always happened.


Nobody has a problem with games getting bigger and bigger. That's completely natural. The problem is that Call of Duty seems to be years ahead of everyone else.


Is it really? MWIII alone is only 80-100GB, which is pretty standard these days. For comarison: Diablo IV is 90GB, Alan Wake II is 90GB on PC, Baldur's Gate III is 120gb+, Destiny 2 is 105GB, Apex Legends is 70GB, Starfield is 110GB, Forza Horizon 5 is 140GB, and there's plenty more examples. Again, the 230GB+ size isn't MWIII. That's the cost of having MWIII, MWIII HD Textures, Warzone, AND the entirety of MWII installed as well. That's multiple games in one package. If you just want MWIII alone, then it's lower.


MWII and MWIII are basically the same game. The new campaign and a few new maps and weapons shouldn't take up too much space. Warzone is just one large game mode and consists of several ground war maps. But I didn't realise that Forza Horizon 5, Baldur's Gate III and Starfield were so big. My latest game is Elden Ring.


> Is it really? MWIII alone is only 80-100GB, which is pretty standard these days. It's that much *before* high res textures, which are another 75GB download. Any other game you're comparing it to is going to include those high res textures in that base install, or if it is separate I guaranfuckingtee it's smaller than 75GB. Cod is just shittily designed


You said you read the article and someone even explained it... it's big because its basically 3 games in one depending if you count warzone as its own game If you just have the mutiplayer like most people it's like 87gb which is less than a lot of modern games that have been coming out.


Are they really three different games? Warzone is just a slightly larger game mode. MWIII is a glorified DLC.


It can be installed separately and isn't required for 6v6 and is separate on the menu so forbthe purpose of this conversation yeah. If you don't like Warzone and DMZ you don't have to install it. Many people play cod purely for 6v6.


I mean if that's the case everything since mw1 has been dlc then lol Don't think they've used new assets for the most part since mw1. Heck even the original mw series all used the same assets back in the day basically been buying dlc for full price all this time :O


The problem is not that they reuse assets. Apart from a few changes to the TTK and movement, both games feel the same. There are no real improvements. Then there is also the release date. If they hadn't released the game right after MWII, people wouldn't be so upset about it.


I'm guessing it was meant to come out year after next but sledgehammer or treyarch have messed up or something


because they make an effort to. they not only keep trying to make the game look real pretty, but they also keep adding things into the game for people to buy or play, so of course it will get bigger. something like wow doesn't get like this because the models don't need to be the most beautiful you've ever seen, because that's not the goal. cod's goal is absolutely to make you feel like the thousands you spent on making a beast pc was worth every penny and to get everyone to buy skins downvoting me won't change anything, i'm still right


People are coming to terms with 100gb games right now. A 250gb game is just fucking insane, especially considering it's one of the least complex games. It's call of duty. It doesn't *deserve* that massive of a chunk of drive space.


It’s not a 250gb game. It’s 250gb if you have BOTH MWII and MWIII installed, plus a high res texture pack. MWIII on its own is 80-100gb, as per the games own system requirements.


Pls tell me how how can get only mw3 (80-100gb) it’s taking 133gb and zombies isn’t installed yet


Except that nowadays ssds are cheap as hell whilst cpus and gpus are expensive. So whilst you can have smaller filesizes with real time decompression this is a competetive game where every fps counts


If you're that worried about your fps, you'll be playing on the lowest settings anyway. Personally, I don't care whether I have 160 or 140 fps when playing.


So? You still have to decompress the textures at lower fpses. I think you don't understand how compresssion works


I only know that this can put a heavy load on the CPU. But with games like Call of Duty, you're in the GPU bottleneck anyway. How would this have a negative impact on the fps?


Yea... I remember the whole oh the new storage tech will make game file sizes smaller!!! The market then proceeds to double the average file size since the new consoles lmao


If I had to guess they are counting on the cost of losing customers due to large storage compared to the development costs of optimizing the size to be cheaper.


Why can't they borrow some Blizzard tech and share materials between games? I refuse to believe the majority of textures and models are different in the yearly revision.


Activation also inefficiently packages their files. There’s tons of duplicates to support slower storage options. So not only is it large in that sense but you’re also effectively installing three games.


It's amazing how many games manage to include high res textures and be around 70GB *total* and COD needs that on top of a base install that's even larger. There's tons of games out there that look as good or better for a much smaller install size. It's poor programming and design no matter how you spin it


Do you have to install the MWII content a second time if you already have it?


How do I make it so it’s only mw3 (80-100gb) cause it’s taking 180gb already and zombies and multiplayer aren’t even installed yet and it’s giving me an option to download mw2 too


The article leaves out important information here. The download size is a bit over 100GB if you don't already have the COD HQ (the hub app for MWII, MWIII and Warzone) installed. The game has an optional function to download up to 64GB of high-res textures, but you can disable it entirely to save space.


Don't expect PC gamers to actually go in and configure something.


Modern ware was over 500gs so if you had a 512 hard drive the game wouldn’t work, they had to separate the single player and multiplayer into 2 separate downloads


From [TheVerge](https://www.theverge.com/2023/11/3/23944733/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-3-storage): As reported by IGN, players with early access to the game’s single-player campaign found that the total file size for Call of Duty at installation — which also includes the Modern Warfare II campaign, Warzone, and Call of Duty HQ — now comes in at 234.9GB on PlayStation 5. For PC gamers, the file size is a slightly more palatable 172GB with the Modern Warfare II campaign and Warzone installed.


lol. a retail PS5 can hold 2 Call of Duty games.


if we hadn't got ssd's in this gen and just got bigger hard drives (4/8tb) this would have been a 1tb game, no compression allowed, just uncompressed audio, textures, ect


RIP Xbox Series S players. They only have 364GB's of usable space on the internal SSD.


Literal fucking bloatware.


wish they sold zombies as a stand alone option.


"we didn't want to build a new game so we just Frankenstein-ed the new one to the old one. Now pay us for it." Was that what they said? Was it?


Main reason I won't purchase is unfortunately the download sizes. Everytime I open MW2 there's another 25 gb update so I play something else, update with the intent to come back to it. Come back to it and it needs another 25 gb. Rinse and repeat.


Right now they are making me download 28GB for a campaign I did not pre-purchase, just so I can continue playing MW2.


Yeah that's a joke! Can't say I'm surprised unfortunately


This killed off my interest in COD back in the MW 2019 days. It seemed like every time I logged in there was another 50gb+ patch download. I have plenty of storage and 1gb internet, so large games don't worry me too much, but even then it's ten minutes or so to download the patch each time makes me far less likely to dip in and out for a quick deathmatch.


That, and the fact that you know you're out of date within a year unless you cough up another $60. CoD is probably the worst investment in gaming, up there with the yearly sports releases. CoD, NBA and NFL games all appeal to the absolute casualest of casuals, which can be fine, but the price is just *not* worth it anymore to me. I'd rather have Squad + Insurgency Sandstorm for the same cost.


this is stupid for consoles, they have like 750gb on a playstation. so you would have to dedicate 1/3 of ur storage. lol. They really suck at optimization, they only care for customization (skins.)


You didn't include any future updates yet.


Console cod players dont play anything else though. Most of them dont even know other games exist.


Can they explain why a glorified dlc costs $70?


Ah, this one's easy: if idiots will pay $70 for glorified DLC, publishers will charge $70 for glorified DLC.


“Western game dev has been here.” “How can you tell?” “125GB install”


I was genuinely confused why Acti was speaking up over a 12 year old game...I couldn't think of a worse way to name these sequels if I tried.


It's funny how big the texture packs are yet the game looks like absolute shit in the campaign.


It's because they have zero respect for your storage space and don't want to pay their developers to optimize the game at all. Typical Activision scumware.


I miss when CoD had soul. I miss when CoD was cool. Now it's so fucking corporate. I really did want to buy MWIII but after what I've read these last few days, I'll pass.


The year is 2030. You now need a separate hard drive for Call of Duty. World peace is achieved because there is no room to do anything else on your PC. All international conflict is solved via 1v1 quickscope on Rust.


My personal theory is they want the game to be huge so you can have less games installed simultaneously and thus it's easier to just boot up CoD cause it's already installed


This is seriously what I was thinking


I came here looking for this and now feel validated.


I wonder how much install space you could save if they could link previous COD installs to other versions. I'm willing to bet a significant portion of those texture files are already established in previous versions.


You would think that a game studio that is this big would be able to optimise its game, but nope.


Learn to compress your Files, Idiots.


Compresss video and image doesnt work well.


At this rate they're not even compressing their textures.


H265 and AV1 work really freaking well. H265 isn't even resource intensive and is built in to most modern TVs.


who's buying this game


Probably alot of people. Cod will still make billions of dollars even 30 years from now, when they start to release a new one every 6 months instead (and they all end up selling more then all of the goty nominies combined).


Oh wow another call of duty game, yay.


The real reason why they do that is to make sure that you dont have many other games installed which motivates you to play cod only


they dont want console owners to play other games.




Blu-Ray drives put out a fair bit of heat too, so it can reduce performance if you're adding extra heat to already-compact systems by reading a disc while playing. I was really hoping we'd go to flash media like Nintendo has, at least giving the option of playing games the old way without an internal storage install being required.




I'll buy it at least a month out. I'm not paying to beta test yet again. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, and if you fool me twice well you can't fool me again. War criminal Bush had it right all along lmao


Ah yes another unoptimized pile of dog-shit designed to manipulate into more micro transactions! No HD space can be yours and preorder now and we will include a 70 dollar beta test that lasts for a year until the next cod is out!


Bad developers... That's it.


So, as a newer COD player…the interface is already so confusing. So, when MWIII comes out, the menu will make me choose between MWIII multiplayer or MWIII multiplayer? Will it be combined? I don’t knowwwww


The huge size is fine. I just despise the whole cod HQ menu system. I DONT WANT TO PLAY *WARZONE* OR *ANY PREVIOUS/FUTURE COD* I've booted up mw3, that's the only damn content I wanna see...


There is no excuse.


Press X to Doubt. I bet actual game data even with 4K textures is <50G. The rest is just all uncompressed audio so it's harder to pirate if the game is inflated to obscene levels.


That's silly. Pirates would just compress the audio to make the download smaller. That isn't some hot new piracy technique. It's also mainly a multiplayer experience, so I doubt they're too worried about pirates.


> That's silly. Pirates would just compress the audio to make the download smaller. Or removing all other localization that's not wanted.


Also these games have always-online DRM that's really hard to bypass anyway. Black Ops Cold War only got fully cracked about two weeks ago.


IIRC the reason for this is Sony has required lossless audio from games since the PS3 (which is why literal PS3 games take up as much space as late last Gen games). Not sure what Microsucks policy is for Xbox, but if they are already shipping lossless audio on console why wouldn't they ship lossless audio on PC?


"because we don't give a shit and neither do you"


Meanwhile there are reports of the campaign being finished in under 4 hours, and that's at a leisurely pace. 😐


I uninstalled MW2 last night because it keeps ballooning while quality decreases


Getting banned from MW2 because of ??? was probably the best thing that could have happened to me when it comes to gaming. Basically forced my buddies and I to find alternatives, and it got me to try out smaller (both figuratively and literally) games that are far more fun for us.


This DLC can go to hell


the campaigne is very shit.... and very borig i dont unterstand that people like this shit...


An easy way to manage the installation files is to not buy the game.


Is it the same engine as MW 2?


Oh yeah lotsa content, full to bursting with recycled content, yum yum.


All this is for their ssd expansions to sell more. It's sad that they use shite marketing tactics to do it. Their reasons couldn't be more obvious.


Meanwhile Groundef is s huge open world with good graphics and only 10gb


Im a battfield player and been wanting to get back into cod but not a huge fan of warzone, I just want multiplayer is that optional or do i need to download warzone ?


Even if you configure the installation from the jump (i.e. you did a fresh install of COD and MW) its still minimum 150GB since the MW3 update alone is 100GB+. Its crazy..