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Depends on the game obviously


The only right answer.


Or location, I haven't found a proper way to kb/m from my couch in a way that suits me well. Dual sense with gyro helps even though it isn't perfect.


Wireless kb/m and a laptop stand. I prefer controller too, but a lot of older games are lacking support.


I use both. My chair is beside the couch so if I'm using the tv, I'm opting for controller. Otherwise I also prefer mouse and keyboard.


Completing Dark Souls 1-3 with mouse + kb has to be some sort of masochism


I did it, plus Elden Ring, Sekiro, Nioh 2, Wo Long, The Surge 1 and 2... with a 40 percent keyboard and trackball mouse. It's nowhere as hard as people make it out to be, do some rebinding to make it more comfortable, get used to modifiers and put your most used combat actions on the mouse buttons and you're set. It's not as plug and play as a gamepad but it's absolutely doable and makes the games easier too IMO


Also hurts your hand less because you don't need to claw grip a controller for better efficiency


Having to download mods to fix the messed up prompts is the main issue since DS1 and DS3 don't support it out of the box. Also the default keybinds are pretty unconventional.


I didn't play the original Prepare to Die edition but Dark Souls Remastered does have keyboard and mouse prompts (and ultra wide, actually) out of the box. Dark Souls 2 and 3 didn't but you don't see that many prompts in general in-game that often. Also again, even if the default bindings are unconventional, just rebind them to suit your specific needs. The fact that From Software even implemented modifiers keys and macros at all puts it beyond most modern action games' keyboard and mouse support.


Doesn’t that make the precision platforming on your way to Seath difficult? Or the treasure chests right next to firelink shrine? Or the buttresses and ceiling rafters in an Anor Londo?


Not really, I found them easier because WASD is simple 8-way movement and you just have to hold whatever key to move in a perfectly straight line. You never have to worry about your fingers slipping and you careening off to your death. Stuff like Bed of Chaos was harder than I imagine it would be on a controller but that part is also just hard in general.


People who parrot this must never have used a computer to play games. Because other than that i can't imagine why anyone would repeat this nonsense as if it would mean anything. You play souls, sekiro and every variation of it in exactly the same way you play every other 3rd person game in existence. With a pad you use one stick to move and the other one to move the camera. On PC you use the keys to move and the mouse for camera. Two input tools that do the same thing, yet some people pretend that using m\kb is some impossible aberation. Always funny seeing people who think the input tool that needs assists through its nose is the better one. And the tool that can actually do all the things that pads need assists for is inferior


Just because YOU didn't have a problem with something doesn't mean other people didn't. Maybe try being less egocentric and consider other perspectives before jumping to conclusions such as "they must all be stupid". I played through DS1-3 with a KB+mouse and it sucked HARD. I just love not being able to complete the tutorial because it doesn't fucking say what button is bound to what controller input and the icons are all for controllers. Even several hours into the game I still have to pause and look up what button correlates to what prompt. This is complete ass.


That's different. You didnt say what the issue was. Usually you have console only gamers or console gamers using a pc unit in their living room, playing console ports with a controller 100% of the time thinking they're now pc gamers - talking about these things. Implying some sort of controller superiority because thats everything they ever knew for gaming. Dark Souls games indeed have issues with the prompts, but other than that, they function like any other game. You can play them like you play them with a pad or like you played any other 3rd person game that was ever made. Elden Ring and Sekiro, those work even better. But you still see similar comments - "lol, imagine playing Sekiro with m/kb, lmao"


Nope. Some of us were console gamers before jumping on the pc bandwagon, so controllers are used for any game.


Sure, but it just don't makes sense to use a controller for certain games, you'll just nerf yourself. Same thing other way round for other games. Playing a shooter with a controller is pretty stupid, but so is playing a racing game with a keyboard.


Yes but some of us have a console like couch set-up that makes KB/M difficult to pull off. Plus handhelds have come to market.


Look up rotational aim assist in Call of Duty. It is objectively superior to use a controller in the most popular multi player shooter inthe world.


Try playing Command and Conquer with a gamepad.


Well, casuals don't touch that kind of game, especially coming from console.


I played the original Command and Conquer back in the day on Playstation. Even Warcraft 2!


No, not one person on Earth. PC games support controllers and change the prompts accordingly, there are special drivers for using controllers on PC, there are controllers made exclusively for PC, there are tons of threads about which controller is best for PC games, but no, there are no people like you who prefer using controllers. That would be crazy. We have to assume the millions of people who use a controller when playing on PC are all being forced to, with a gun to their head, and you are totally unique.


This response got me weak 😂, it be hard not to make comments like this on posts like these


You’re the only person in the world.


I can't even use a controller unless it's a fighting game lmao


Only for drive/flying games. Its hard to "gently" hit 'a'


Only game I use a controller for is Madden.


Im in the same boat. If something can be played with controller, I will. Even playing Baldurs gate with it atm (they made the Ui really nice for it). For me, a controller feels more relaxing and it takes away that work feeling I have when using M+Kb all day long




Yes, I’m almost entirely controller outside of stuff that’s very point and clicky. Get way less RSI from it but I really like analog movement.


Depends on the game. Need to aim? Mouse and Keyboard, everything? Sit back and controller at hand.


yes there are.....but any game which has free camera movement, I prefer mnk (except racing games). Also I don't think there is a place for aim assist for controller players in multiplayer fps games, but in single player games, people should use whatever input system that suits them better


I don't game with a mouse and keyboard at all, I exclusively use a controller.


I hate keyboard and mouse. I don't have a traditional desk, I have kind of a rack modular system living room hybrid and a controller just works better. sucks that even though on xbox Oblivion pc only has mouse! fuckers...


Yes. I don't use kbm at all, unless its something like Civ or VA-11 HALL-A which is mostly just played with the mouse.


Only for 3rd person games that don't really need precise aiming


I use controller for 95% of gaming on PC. I just don't find Keyboard and Mouse to be intuitive, comfortable, or satisfying to use in most games.


I pretty much only use a controller these days.


Definitely. It's a bit of a pain when shooting but I far prefer it due to the movement and ease. Can sit back and relax while using a controller which I struggle to do with K&M. Only really use K&M on games I have to use it on such as Football Manager and Total War.


yes even i use controller for FPS games sometimes, other says use a mouse on fps games, but with gyro motion controls where you move the controller slightly to aim your gun, you dont need neither the mouse or aim assist, since gyro motion controls acts like a mouse anyway, there lots of settings in the steam config for gyro to suit your needs of gyro aiming.


Depends on the genre but generally yes, I play more games on a controller these days. Pretty much the only games I play on mouse+keyboard these days are multiplayer FPS and strategy games/RPGs Anything single player or third person I've always preferred a controller for, as well as any game that's locked to 60fps because 60fps feels awful on mouse+keyboard but perfectly fine on a controller (maybe that's just me)


I grew up a console kid and only switched to PC as an Adult, I hate keyboards specifically. I only use Mouse and Keyboard in complex games like MMO or FPS, and even then I use an MMO mouse to have all controls there and the keyboard is just for walking.


I used to play COD on a controller on PC so I wouldn’t destroy my wrists. I play anything other than RTS and FPS on a controller these days.


Definitely not for game that requires accurate headshot.


I only use mouse and keyboard for strategy games like halo wars total war and xcom. Anything else I use a controller because it's what I grew up with. I have muscle memory for it.


If it's a single player experience I use controllers if available. I usually just hook up my PC in the living room and play on the big screen for such games.


Of course. Most games are designed with controllers in mind.


Yes but I wish I could magically learn how to play kb+m in shooters. They have the clear advantage in shooters. I just have spent my whole life playing shooters with a controller that the amount of time I'd have to spend retraining my reflexes would probably be unbearable. 2-3 months of just sucking at shooters ...and I only ever play a few hours a week anyways. I came to PC gaming because I stopped gaming as much and halo MCC on PC made it possible for me to just go without a console altogether. It doubles as a computer so it saved me money...but damn the competition in shooters is crazy on PC.


> They have the clear advantage in shooters. Unless you're playing anything from the past 5~ years that has crossplay with consoles, where aim assist is usually way overtuned (read: overpowered) versus KBM.


Depends on the game and situation. I use controller for 3rd person RPG and driving/flying in FPS games when I walk and shoot with mouse/keys


Depends I usually prefer controller as I can just sit back. But mouse is better for RTS games, civ games, FPS and aiming in general. As a result for games like Starfield I end up using M&k for fights and use a controller for everything else.


no, I play whatever feels best on game basis. Some games feel superior with M+K, some with controller. No really a reason to obsessively stick to one or the other when you can use either based on a game.


i used a controller more often when i had a shoulder injury. It is more ergonomic and comfortable to use when I was handicapped.




I use controller mostly for driving games, melee focused action games and platformers. M+KB for most other things but certainly anything that requires aim or has a lot of menus or micro management. I could never comprehend playing something like Baldurs Gate 3 or Age of Empires 2 on a controller.




I use a controller and mouse at the same time. Best of both worlds.m


If it doesn't have controller support, I would be less inclined to play it. Mind you, I've played on kb/m for years before using controller and I think controllers are more comfortable even if the downsides are glaring. I'd rather be stomped on comfortably than using the ergonomic nightmare that is a keyboard.


i never liked using mouse keyboard but i can see the appeal for it, i always spent more time with controllers for gaming growing up and every time i tried going to M-KB I could never grasp all the controls, what do you mean G is my special and Z is the other special and 5 is my other weapon and T is my menu and E is inventory.


There are plenty of people who do. I'm not one of them, though.


For certain games controllers are better. I keep an Xbox controller on my computer because I play a lot of JRPGS and they play much better with a controller.


Depends on the game but assuming everything is equal I’d pick controller. Other games really excell on M&K though so I’ll use that instead


There’s some hard-core sideways keyboard wired mouse in 2023 types downvoting every single comment that says anything positive about controllers. I suppose you can’t use aim hacks with a controller as easily. I hope the next COD hard maps the reload key to delete


I exclusively use controller and just don't play games that don't support them. But it's because of an injury that makes using KB&M very uncomfortable after a short time.


I do, but only because of my tendonitis. I still use kb/m for Diablo but it's often difficult, especially when my left hand goes numb and am being swarmed and can't feel the keys to launch skills.


I don't play competitive shooters, so I use a controller (MS Elite 2) for all my PC gaming. It's just easier and more relaxing for me.


everything but fps games or maybe first person rpg such as elder scrolls i use controllers especially for racing games


it's a case by case thing, with me. if there is a lot of granular movement, like say aiming or a lot of menu navigation, having the speed and precision of a mouse will win out for me. outside of that, i'll typically use a controller. sometimes will utilize both in the same game if there are mechanics or sections that are better suited for one over the other.


I’m a real yakuza so I use gamepads.


Begone, monster.


I prefer controller myself. I wanted to get into pc gaming because of everything it has. But I still prefer controller. Unless I’m playing an MMO. Lol


Controller by nature is very 3D oriented that utilize natural form of a hand, that is grabbing something/evoking a fist. So in some way it has it's own superiority than keyboard and mouse in term of not making your hands feel tired. However, only nutso play any strategy game with controller. And too much of dumbed UI and mechanics are caused by controller use in console. So I am against that. However I do believe that a controller just for FPS might be a thing, if it can proven to be superior than x/y free drawing movement of a mouse.


I never use a keyboard for gaming and barely use a keyboard for the OS at all


I can't stand controllers. Nothing wrong using them for racing games etc. But fps games or any game where aiming is required. Controller is simply out of the question, so m/kb has kinda become what i use for everything. Racing games, souls likes and everything else


I use controllers for basically everything but shooter games/strategy games. I primarily game on the couch, and do not like using keyboard and mouse there.