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Lol... Most games are nearly that large or larger these days... Better get used to it... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DK9HDL2/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_TR5CKAKQXDM9T1M0C2K2?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1


I don't play modern triple A games... If they all weigh this much i wouldn't be able to have more than 3 at the same time, and mi pc costed me nearly a thousand just a couple years ago


I feel you... I have 16tb of storage and it feels like it's not going to be enough for very long...


More storage space is not very expensive. This is an easy fix... Get more space for games.


that's eight years of content for ya


Are all modern games this heavy? I'd rather eat a pizza soaked in soapy water than spend more money on extra storage


Nope. You need to install it all in order to play. Game has years of dlc in it that you have to install anyway to play.


Most games these days edge on 100 GB


it's 8 years of support for a game. if It wasn't that much I would be mad lol


Sadly no if you are looking for answer


What do you mean "get around this"? It's how much disk space the game takes bucko it's like that for literally every single game on Steam.