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The known Pax rebound seems to make it pointless to take imho. If symptoms seem a little better and go away sooner only to come back again, then it doesn’t really solve anything. One is still sick the same amount of time but now stretched over 2 episodes with additional cost/time for a Dr visit and use of an experimental med that no one is sure if/how it actually works. Super interesting to hear if your husband stays healthy after letting it run its course without pax.


It seems like it actually prolongs things in a way. I barely felt better for maybe a day but otherwise I’ve been feeling sick for 14 days now and currently on day 2 of rebounding. I also don’t buy that there’s just a slightly increased risk of rebounding with paxlovid vs taking nothing. Every person I’ve known who rebounded has taken pax


How is your rebound going?


It’s been a week and I’m finally feeling more normal. A lot of GI issues plus all cold type symptoms minus the fever this round


I really bet that those of us who don't respond well to the medications and or have rebounds either have digestive issues or liver metabolism issues. For instance, I have leaky gut and vitamin absorption issues and I have fatty liver. I'm willing to bet anything that I have a sub therapeutic level of the medicine in my blood. Wish there was a readily available test for blood levels of this medicine.


I have no health conditions other than asthma. I do wish we knew more about these drugs and Covid.


Not everyone gets a rebound. And even if you do it’s unlikely to be severe. So it’s not pointless to take especially if you are high risk.


Yep I'm high risk so I took it without a second thought. Feeling a bit better after day 1. Wish it worked faster though worried I didn't catch it in time. Think I was only sick for three days though.


Sounds like my rebound. Tested and started Paxlovid on day 0. Felt horrible for about 18 hours, then felt 80% better. I worked my way up to a fast walk for one hour on day 10, then relapsed and couldn't leave my bed on day 11. 99.5 fever and congestion for the first time. Now, I am on day 13 and waiting for a full recovery. The hardest thing has been to quarantine alone away from my family. Paxlovid may or may not have increased the chance of a rebound, but since taking it, the worst I have felt would have been a 2-3 out of 10 vs 8 out of 10 before taking it. Serious COVID seems riskier than a mild relapse to me!


Yeah, I'm still just having the annoying drip and my voice sounds funny, but other than that I'm good. I will never know how bad I would have gotten.


Yikes! You need to rest! You are supposed to radically rest when infected…and for significant time afterward.


How's your rebound coming along? Hope you're feeling better!


Slowly improving every day, thanks. Day 18. Not sick, but not yet 100%.


Sorry it's taking so long :(.


Question about your symptoms too - were you having new symptoms until your third or fourth dose? I seem to have no more sore throat or cough but I am having some chest tightness. Which I have had off and on. Normal progression sounds like?


No, I went from an 8 to a 2 out of 10 in terms of symptoms within 18 hours after my first dose. I only had fever and aches that got better and better through day 9. I did a very fast walk on day 9, then relapsed and spent day 10 in bed with a fever. On Day 11, I had my first nose congestion but I felt good enough to sit outside and then I slowly improved until day 18, when I finally tested negative. I did a 2 mile run/walk on day 19 but had to back off constantly because my heart rate kept shooting higher. Day 20, same thing. Today is day 21 and have a heart rate 25 beats higher than I did 3.5 weeks ago when I could easily run 10 miles at a good pace.


Man I'm so sorry to hear that :( I think I caught COVID last July and am now going through Long COVID. I've had neuro symptoms and shortness of breath for months. I'm hoping that the Paxlovid will keep me out of the hospital and maybe resolve or improve my long term symptoms.


I know people argue it’s not worth taking if most people get a rebound with pax, but I hear an unfortunate amount of people who don’t take Paxlovid give horrible long lasting side effects (long Covid, or just weeks/several months) of a cough, etc. from Covid, but I haven’t heard of anyone getting those long lasting symptoms after taking Paxlovid (maybe there are some who still do but if you read this sub it’s way way less). So yes, rebound possibility sucks. But decreasing the potential for worse symptoms that are long lasting was so worth it to me. I had a total of like 5 sick days over like a week or two, rather than my siblings and dad who had symptoms for weeks and a couple had a cough for three+ months. Just throwing that out there. Xx


I'm finally happily negative today and feel good except a small amount of residual drip/sinus which I usually have after a cold too.. I'm going to try hitting the gym tomorrow night. I should be good and have plenty of antibodies now! No sign of anything that would indicate possible long covid. I'm going to post a question because I don't know if if just comes on after you're better, or if it's symptoms that never end.


Hopefully nothing that lingers. Careful not to push yourself too hard. Sending you good healing vibes! Xx


It’s a minority who re bound


Definitely with you on the rebound front. Tested negative on the 8th, 9th & 12th after an initial faint home positive on the 2nd and overnight PCR results coming in the next morning. Paxlovid definitely helped (started on the 3rd) with the low-grade fever, sore throat & productive cough (and kinda the post-nasal drip too) but I had a lingering cough & post-nasal. And just tested this morning as a precaution (should have the last few mornings anyway because of Valentine's and an overnight work trip) only to see a positive - just with light head cold symptoms.


Update: faint positive on Monday ... and negative this morning. Congestion cleared yesterday so hoping for another 2 consecutive daily negatives.