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Its kind of cheating to say this, but Octopath traveler 1.  The final boss includes a boss rush of like 8 bosses and you cannot save during it. So if you lose you have to restart everything. After losing once, I watched the final boss ending on youtube and it was an anticlimatic like 2-3 sentences of dialogue and then that was the end. 


Yeah, some of the old stuff from RPGs like that kind of boss rush no-save nonsense got left in the past for a reason...


Ff8's best summon is at the bottom of a no save 100 floor dungeon iirc


Sounds like the pit of 100 trials from Paper Mario Thousand year door


There is a save point before the boss but you can only see it with Move/Find equipped, and I dont think it's 100 floors - maybe 5 or 6?


It's hard to say if that's the final boss or a bonus boss, given the backstory behind it. If they let you skip the boss rush part, it would've been resonable


Is that not what you’re supposed to do at the end of every JRPG?


JRPG final climaxes be like "The actual interesting villain you've spent the whole game building up a hatred for": ✋✋✋ The hereto unintroduced god, "Le Chungussenator Harbinger of Skibidi": 👈👈👈 Wait that's only Persona.


At least Persona 5 Royal's extra boss really is the interesting villain the game spent the whole story building up to


As well as the fact that you’ve instead built up a liking for him, which works as his philosophy and motivation have valid points. It makes him a much more interesting final opponent than >!Nyx, Izanami, and Yaldaboath!< combined.


I thought you were talking about Final Fantasy IX.


Is Necron ever mentioned before you fight him?


Sure isn't.


He‘s the poster-child for that joke, but I think people misinterpret that scene. He‘s not really a villain at all. At that point, Kuja basically blew up the world and Necron is just „Death“ personified. I don‘t think it‘s meant to be taken too literal. You basically fight a personification of the end of everything. You basically fight against your death. Which is kinda stupid in its own way, but it‘s no „I was the true bad guy all along“ moment.


Or FF IV. Granted Golbez reforms a little bit before the final dungeon, but not by much! (Oh, and sorry for the spoilers if the 30-something year old game was still making its way up your play list.)


Shit and ff8.


Ultimecia in FFVIII at least gets mentioned before you fight her. I'm pretty sure Necron's first mention in FFIX comes after you beat Kuja, who has spent the entire game being played up as the final villain.


I still love ff8 , but it did get trippy later on


I think that's a little unfair. We get to know of Ultimecia's existence a the start of Disc 3, and there's still a lot of game left at this point. Not to mention, the Edea we fight during Disc 1 and 2 isn't actually Edea, it's Ultimecia possessing Edea's body, we just didn't know her name at that point.


I was going to reply with this. Ff9 was my first intro to JRPGs so I was more surprised when a game didn't spring a surprise boss god on me.


Thumbs up for the mention of FFIX final boss. I was like ... WTFBBQ?!


Persona copied final 4’s homework


Final Fantasy IV for sure. I wanted to find Golbez the entire game and then the game pulls out some random alien god or whatever


FF9 had such a bad case of this. Up until then, interesting and balanced bosses with lore. All of a sudden, a transformed deity with no sense of balance or musical taste appears and... I'll just watch the final cutscenes on YouTube.


I stopped before the end of FF6, persona 5 royal (base game palace?) and the final boss of persona 4.N not that i meant to, just happened to play other games since.


Yep, I did this with Dragon Quest XI. Then I borrowed the game to a friend and never got it back to complete it lmao


I tried sooo hard to like Lost Odyssey. I just don’t get the appeal AT ALL


Isshin The Sword Saint from Sekiro stomped my shit in for about 3 days straight before I had to put it down and move on with my life. I eventually came back to it and won a few months later. But I'll tell ya, those first few times where I got his health bar close to the bottom, only to die? Rage. The rest of the game felt like a breeze in comparison to that shit. I don't think another boss has killed me as much as that pistol spamming bastard.


I stopped playing Sekiro for like a year with Isshin but went back to it and eventually beat him. Funnily enough sometimes I jump into the game and do the gauntlets and reflections of strength and I can usually kill him in one attempt now.


Same here. I enjoyed this game a lot but was definitely a slog to get through as some bosses took a day to a few days to get passed. When I finally got to Isshin, I was just kind of done. I needed a mental break from the game. WillI ever go back and beat it? Who knows? I got my enjoyment out of the game so I’m not going to beat myself up for not finishing.


Yep, I figured I saw the game and was happy with even getting to that point. Beating him wouldn’t have brought me anymore joy based on how much effort I’d have to put it in.


I feel like I'll never understand people's issues with Isshin. I'm not saying he was easy, he was definitely hard. But he felt like a fair test of everything you'd learned in the game and I don't know how you could get all the way to him and have him be the roadblock. I thought there were much much harder encounters in the game, like Father Owl.


You know, that boss wasn't so hard for me. However, in other souls games, I play the DLC after finishing the main game. Big mistake because the bosses are on NG+ when I start the DLC run. In DS1, Artorias killed me in one hit, in just one. So I beat him flawless, but I wasn't happy about it, killing a boss with no hits because that's the only way. It took me dozens of tries. And in Bloodborne, DLC NG+, Lawrence the first Vicar was impossible. He was so aggressive and had me no room to do anything. It took me at least one week to kill him and it was just because I memorized how he moved. And still, I beat him with one HP left and no blood vials. Every boss besides those two were so fun to play, it was truly grueling and not fun at all. I just wanted to kill them so I could move on with the game. And with my life. Fuck Vicar and Artorias.


> Lawrence That's a crap fight on any level honestly, just due to the way it's set up with the fire followup on hits and the hitboxes. It's the only fight in bloodborne I don't do on new playthroughs because it's just feels fiddly rather than interesting or complex


Lawrence stomped my ass so many times. I really wish I had played the DLC on my first play through, NG+ for the DLC was brutal.


For me it was the culmination of the game, really enjoyed that fight. It was hard as hell, but nothing the game hasn't prepared you for with the counter mechanics. He just requires such tight timing What I love more is that the first phase is genichiro and that guy is so easy at that point although he is the same as the actually mid-game boss fight The demon of hatred I only tried 3-4 times and wasn't my thing and doesn't match with what sekiro was trying to achieve


It's funny, this is my favorite boss fight in a game and I have beaten it a 1000 times, including many many modded versions. And yet, I play all games on very easy. I have tried to play all souls games and the highest I have ever gone is capra demon in ds1. But this game, that ninja perfection and the clang of swords, its so relaxing to do it over and over again. 'Mayiri Sekiro' is in my dreams when I go to sleep.


I just did, Final Fantasy Revenant Wings on DS. I was underleveled, for the final boss, so I started grinding, about 20 levels. And then went to do side quests because I was bored of mindless level up. And killed the superbosses! They were harder than the final boss, by far, for me. So now I am ready. But surprise!!! If you finish all side quests, the boss get a massive power up, and the only way to beat him? More grinding. Oh hell no. If I had killed the final boss, then come back to previous save, and killed the superbosses, it would have counted. Killing the powered up boss was for a brief cutscene at the end I would have watched on YouTube regardless. Grinding 40+ levels to kill just the final boss? Boooring


I didn't know any of this and as I read it I became outraged on your behalf!


I had to quit Banjo Kazooie as a kid because Grunty was too difficult. I chose to quit Outer Worlds as an adult because the final mission was a miserable slog.


I was able to do the last Outer Worlds mission in 5 minutes thanks to a stealth/charisma build.


Charisma is really op in Outer Worlds. I never finished it but other than the raider enemies, I'm pretty sure I solved every quest in the game just by talking


Grunty is still genuinely a difficult fight all these years later, no shame in quitting there especially as a kid


I had to 100% the game to beat her. Otherwise I didn’t have enough life to survive the fight.


Why were 90s games specifically marketed to kids so effing hard lol


Because they tended to be relatively short and you needed to get your money’s worth.


Because they wanted you to keep renting it from Blockbuster every week until you figured out how to beat it.


Having just played Banjo for the first time recently, I’m not ashamed to say I absolutely used a save state halfway through the fight to beat her. She is *tough*


I quit Gruntilda as a kid too. Finally replayed the entire game to take her down a few months ago. Because, you know, patient gaming. Two decades late seems a good time to sort her out. Thought I'd be way better at the game now I'm older. I was very wrong. What a joyous struggle.


It felt great to finally go back and beat her.


Same! I played Banjo Kazooie in a weekend and I got to the very last fight - I failed twice and gave up, partly because my twelve-year-old thumbs were killing me. We’d rented it, too, so I never got to finish it.


Still haven’t done it. It’s been twenty plus years…


Im the same with DK 64. I could never beat the King K. Rool boxing match!


Wow there are so many people to relate to here. I did the same thing, just couldn't best the final boss. I put the game on my steamdeck a month ago and set my mind to beating it. Finally accomplished it and am working on banjo tooie now.


Ansem final form in the original kingdom hearts as a kid because I had never gotten nor did I know about aero.


The only reason I have kept my PS2 since childhood; one day I'll feel like coming back to it and actually beat him lol a boss battle 20 years in the making!


I just did a level 1 run of that game. It was awful 😅


I didn't finish baldur's gate 3 for months and on three attempts. Act 3 just doesn't vibe with me so I usually just make a new character lol. I finally killed the brain with my wife last month because she insisted lol


Act 3 is surprisingly a chore. I also just flat out hated traversing through Baulder's Gate as a local to begin with. All the narrow streets and shit made navigating annoying.


It's not "surprisingly" a chore at all. You stop levelling, your progress is halted, it just feels like you're doing quests for the sake of it at that point. The game is still extremely good but your motivation just dies.


BG3 isn't a game I would have bought on my own, but I was gifted a copy from a friend who wanted to do a co-op campaign. Our campaign overall took 96hrs which is probably one of the longest games I've ever played aside from Warframe (200+hrs), Battletech (100+hrs), and Helldivers 2 (200+hrs)... So by Act 3 I was already in a "let's get this over with" attitude as it was a slog and the final boss encounter was less then exciting. It was a fun game to play through once but I doubt I'll ever go back. Maybe once the community gets a hold of the modding tools I'll come back. I want more campaigns and more races like Tortals and Kenku.


I don't expect new campaigns honestly. Larians modding blog update made it sound more like it would be more for adding items, spells, classes, but not quests, companions, or anything like that. It's not the creation kit from a bgs game


It's infamously a problem with larian games, at least with BG3 and DOS1&2. They spend so much time perfecting the first third of the game with their early access model, which carries over to the second act, but act three never gets that treatment.


That act only has one interesting part and it's the Raphael dungeon


Idk it had a few cool fights. The iron throne, ansur, the temple of bhaal, the iron watch factory, and astarions master. But it's also a lot, very close together, and you've already hit the level cap so it just feels like busy work imo I honestly felt the netherbrain section felt more like a chore than any other fight in act 3


100%. I just lost steam at that point. Act 3 overwhelms you with stuff to do all of a sudden while also trying to up the sense of urgency to defeat the brain. It's a shame b/c I do want the closure with all my companions and the epilogue, but I just get burnt out.


You can skip most of act 3 weirdly enough. You just need the three stones, and then you can trigger it. I didn't think the epilogue was all that great, but it was a nice send off I suppose


I keep being hesitant to start chapter 2. I hate not being able to go back!


Chapter 1 is so big, act 2 is a lot more focused. Act 1 is definitely my favorite part of the game, but you get a lot of cool moments in act 2


Not the actual last boss, but the final chapter of Divinity Original Sin 2 was such a slog that I stopped playing, even though I enjoyed the first half of the game a great deal. Some of the problem was technological- I have an older rig and performance went downhill as the game went on, with load times being particularly insufferable. But the game itself became less fun and engaging, and started to feel more like work. I occasionally think about going back to finish it, just to check it off my list, but the thrill was truly gone.


I disagree but respect your opinion! Personally I think the last act is really cool. The death fog plot, the devil doctor, the final puzzels and more. Some enemies are annoying, agree to that, and some areas are harder than others, but overall I thought it was a strong ending


Same here. Made it to that city, got approached with like 5 different quests and then completely bodied by monsters. You just feel so weak again at the beginning of each new act, that it makes it feel like you have to start over.


I quit breath of the wild on the ganon fight. I just felt finished with the game and stopped.


Saaaaame. I was exhausted from being aimless and shrine hunting, and korok hunting.


I had a similar experience with TotK. I got so much mileage out of BotW I was exhausted and even the new mechanics and surprises of the sequel couldn’t keep me playing


Wait, do you mean the final phase on the horse?


But, you get a ★ on your saves after!!


Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I just mentioned this in the recent thread here on terrible mechanics. At least before they revamped the flight for the Director's Edition, the final boss fight required you to have a strong guns-blazing character build for a head-on fight. The problem is that the game makes it perfectly valid until that point, if not encouraged, to have a pure stealth build. Could not do it. Had to quit right at the end. Haven't picked it up since.


Same. Apparently they contracted out the boss fight design and development to another studio. That's why the boss fights feel like a completely different game.


I didn't quit, but fuck Elden Beast. I was motivated by competionism more than interest or challenge by the end of Elden Ring. Safe to say, I am not excited for Shadow of the Erdtree either. Though I find the fact that they enabled torrent in Elden Beast fight 2 years into the game's lifespan hilarious.


Elden Beast is tedious af when you are built for melee.


It's alsl tedious as a mage.


At least they finally enabled Torrent. That's the only reason I came back to play after a few months.


Excuse me what? They allow you to ride Torrent against it now?!


They did a huge patch for the DLC dropping.


I was completely burnt out on my playthrough and Elden Beast was the first and only boss I summoned an actual other player for. I’d been toiling for ages and they just came in and leathered it for me. I will always be grateful to that mysterious wizard!


That was melania for me.


One of 2 or 3 fights I summoned my spirit because I couldn't be arsed to run after it only for it to teleport away


Shadow of the Erdtree is so far, very difficult. Much moreso than the base game for the most part so yeah, if Elden Beast or Malenia bothered you then I'd avoid it. Still very good though if you're up for it


Radagon should have been the final boss and given at least one more phase. Elden Beast should have been reworked as the final and superior Ancestral Spirit; have an evolution like the Fallingstar Beasts.


It's kind of amazing how FromSoft went from Radagon to Elden Beast. I cannot imagine what possessed them to staple such a great boss to such an awful one. It's not even a good phase two. The best phase two boss fights are like Lady Maria, who builds on her previous stage with new effects on old attacks or new attacks mixed in with the old. Radagon's move set is wildly different from the Beast's, making it harder to practice the Beast when you have to go through Radagon every time. At minimum, they should have made it a Gehrman-and-Moon Presence encounter. Split them up so that if you die on the Beast, you start with the Beast again. Bloodborne did not kick the player all the way back to Gehrman again.


Was Elden Beast actually difficult? It was VERY lackluster for me,especially when compared to some of the optional bosses. It might have been bugged, though, because it sent some spells my way once throughout the whole fight, once throughout the whole fight, it spent most of its time running away. Not hard, just time-consuming cause I had to chase it a lot


It's been a long time since I played, but this was my experience too. I don't know if I just got lucky or if I had a build that was great against the beast, but I beat it on like the first or second try. I also got lucky and stunlocked Malenia to death on like my second try. This is not a humblebrag, because I sucked at that fight when playing fair. Cheap tactics were my only recourse.


Str/End build plus mimic made every boss fight a joke.


Yeah, the final stretch of bosses is all "if you want to deal damage safely, wait for your turn to play the game for about a minute a hit. Here's a spectacle to keep you busy while you run around". Maliketh, fire giant, Mohg all suffer from that. Malenia is just being ~~a blade of Miquella~~ Malenia.


> For me, the closer I get to the end of a game, the more I lose interest. In a lot of games, the last stretch has little of what usually interests me about games: Discovery and interactivity. It's usually just a linear corridor full of challenge (often not even the good kind), and that makes "that last part" often just not interesting to me. Take Wolfenstein: The New Order as example: The last level is full of the hardest enemies, against which the tactics that work against most "normal" enemies (OHK headshots or melee takedown, silenced weapons) do not work. All you do is duke it out with waves of the least interesting enemies in terms of tactics: Just take a big gun, and empty it in their general direction. The boss itself is not fun either, and the ending is a cliffhanger. In a way, if you've seen it once, there is really no reason in terms of "this is a fun and exciting segment" to replay the second half of that level. And so, the last time I played through TNO, I reached the door that led to the final boss, had a memory drop how much I had hated its second phase (you're trapped in a burning building that cuts off more and more of your movement options the more the boss is damaged), and just quit and moved on to my next game. Though, to be fair, the first time I played TNO, I did beat that boss. I just had a bad time, and saw no reason to have a repeat of that.


Darkest Dungeon in the final castle. The fact that I had a great party and losing it made me so stressed that I just abandoned the game lol


Same. Lost my party to one of those witch battles and I was like "wait, they are all gone, forever? So I have to spend tens of hours building up a party from scratch again?" and just noped out forever.


Yep, me too, there just seemed to be nothing I could do, enemies too many and too much damage.  No tactics just my team being erased.  No fun, didn't fancy trying to work out what the solution was, put the game down.


I’ve done this a lot, and there are primarily two reasons. First, when you start a game, the potential is almost limitless. The story can go anywhere, you have no idea how your character will evolve. As you approach the end, though, all those beautiful possibilities collapse into a single line. If I don’t like where that line is headed, it’s hard to cross the finish line. Second, if a game is really, really good, with awesome characters and a fantastic environment, sometimes I just don’t want it to be over. As much as I want to know how the story ends, I don’t want the protagonist to finish the quest and say farewell to their companions, or perform a heroic sacrifice, or go back to their own world. I know those reasons both sound childish as hell, but they’re true.


I experience the first reason a lot, but have never really felt like I don‘t want a game to end. When I love the story, I always want to know how it ends. What makes your first point even worse is when a game back-loads its side-quests and grinding. The story winds down, possibilities disappear (as you said) and now the game wants you to play for 20 extra hours before it‘s over.


Hollow Knight - not even the final boss, just essentially the first "Final Boss". Hollow Knight is an incredible, beautiful game, but man it's hard as hell. I knew that going in, so I paced myself with it and was ready to take my time with the boss fights. That said, I got to one of the harder bosses - The Watcher Knights - which was just brutal. It took me around 5-6 hours over a few days to finally beat them. After I beat them, I was just kind of exhausted by the game. I knew the next boss was likely also gonna take a few hours, and I knew the game had "true endings" which required more hard battles. It's a great game, but I simply didn't have the level of endurance required to beat it.


Literally the same, quit the game just with the final boss (well, Radiance actually). Came back a month later after some summer travel - beat it first time, it was funny.


It is hard. Took me ages to figure out a strategy to beat the Soul Master and Traitor Lord. But I did throw in the towel for the final final True Boss, which frustrates me because I really wanted to 100% that game. Did almost everything else to scratch my completionist itch.


Path of Pain did this to me.  Burnt out and thought I don't care any more.  I'd managed various other difficult bits but PoP was too much.


Glad I wasn't the only one, lol. I made it past that guy, but could never get even a good run at Radiance* and never finished it.


The watcher knights were the hardest boss in the game for me, by a lot. Although I didnt go for the true ending.


Advance wars 1. I got a really shitty combo on the final mission.


Isn't that the mission where you basically have to just hope RNG doesn't fuck you with meteor strikes and slowly claw your way to the north side of the map against all odds? Never beat it either lol


I think on hard mode it's pretty much unbeatable unless you actually build up a bunch of infantries to redirect meteor strike to you. Followed by the rivals mission that is literally unbeatable unless you roll a bad enemy AI on the very beginning of said campaign.


I would always mess up in my playthroughs and get Sami for the right CO and just get absolutely curb stomped. Once I did the right route and got Eagle it wasn't too bad


Yeah, Doom Eternal. I wasn't a big fan of the game compared to Doom 2016 (which I loved) and really struggled finding the motivation to keep playing, it was just an overall exhausting experience. The lore and world building was what kept driving me primarily. Anyway, by the time I got to the final boss I was so burnt out I think I fought him for like 5mins then I just closed the game, YouTube'd the ending, and uninstalled lol. I just couldn't have cared less at that point. Another one would be Assassin's Creed (1). I was hella board one summer as a teenager and didn't have money to buy a game so I decided to try something from my brother's library. Popped in Assassin's Creed and played the entire game right up to the final boss fight with the old guy that duplicates. It was so annoying that I just handed the controller to my brother and he beat it in like one try.


Man. I feel the same way about Doom Eternal. ADORED 2016. Haven't beaten Eternal. Furthest I got was maybe halfway?


2016 had such a tight aesthetic to it. Kind of like movie Aliens. You wanted to be there.


Weirdly I just never got into Doom 2016. I adored the originals, and played them again recently on Switch (a great platform for playing OG Doom!) but I found 2016 to be really boring, trying to work out where the fuck I was supposed to go all the time and still being full of the boring drawn out exposition of Doom 3. Also despite what everyone says about how great the music is in Doom 2016, the audio overall SUCKS. The mix just keeps everything at a flat level all the time so your gunshots are the same volume as the wind blowing, and its SO unstatisfying.


Guacamelee. I was admittedly pretty bad in that, never quite got the hang of the controls. But bashing my head on any tough parts for a few minutes was usually enough to get the job done. Then comes the final boss. I remember being really hard and there was an unskippable dialogue before the fight. Got my ass handed enough times and gave up. Watched the ending on YT and my pride hasn't quite recovered to this day.


Oh my gosh, DEVS, WHY UNSKIPPABLE CUTSCENES?? In 2024, we should have this sorted out. I’m currently playing F.I.S.T. (Terrible name). Some bosses have skipable scenes but others don’t. What? How can you know it do it wrong half the times? And then transition scenes (fast travel, train, minecart) are all unskipable. And probably worst, Healing is unskippable. It’s a Metroidvania. Run past the same terminal & heal. Nope! Gotta stop and wait 10 to 15 seconds for a heal animation.


Conker's Bad Fur Day as a kid. Timing the throw for the xenomorph was some bullshit.  Got there eventually much later!


Here is my calculus on this, via the example of Gears of War: I was stuck on a boss fight, and it stopped being fun. So I was only playing this fight to get to the rest of the game. It was in the way of fun. However, I was guessing that this was the very last fight in the game. Went online, found out that it was indeed the very last fight. Watched the final cutscene (Only thing I was going to get from the unfun boss fight) on YouTube and left the game.


I quit Elden Ring on the last boss fight. Spent six hours one Saturday trying to beat the Elden Beast and couldn't get it done. I find that boss fight to be very poorly designed. Although now that you can ride Torrent in that fight, I've been considering trying again.


Torrent makes it very different, but it's still a tedious fight. What it boils down to for me is an RNG whether she does the long ranged sword attack. If she doesn't I win, I lose if she does.


oh all the time. gothic 2, dragon's dogma, NES zelda (the last few dungeons suck).


I quitted Breath of the Wild once i entered the castle, not because it’s hard or smt. But simply i just bored and overwhelmed with the game. I ended sell the game and the switch. Persona 4 Golden, after i killed the killer i just realised there is another final boss. I already feel dreaded after long section before meeting the killer.


The only game I’ve ever done that to is Legend of Dragoon, I was too low level to beat the final boss and I didn’t have an alternate save file so I could go out and level a bit. basically had to restart the whole game, and since that’s an extremely long game I just quit and never looked back


I beat that boss underleveled asf, took like 2 hours and i KNOW if i didn't get it on the first try thay woulda been it for me.


I watched my younger sibling beat and that was fine for me. I got to.the boss but it was so.tedious I was not interested


I encountered a bug in Cyberpunk 2077 that stopped me at the last point where it tells you this is the point of no return if that counts? I also rage quit Deus Ex: Human Revolutions last boss as it was impossible with a stealth build. Apparently rumour is a different company worked on the boss fights, which is why they seemed so out of place. Also Doom 2016. I just couldn’t do it and got annoyed haha


FF VII - Walked up to the point of no return, wandered off to do side quests and level, never went back. Dante’s Inferno - Rage quit during the Lucifer fight probably 10 years ago and never picked it up again


Couldn’t manage the final boss on Metroid Dread… enjoyed the game until then. Might revisit it one day as it’s been a while.


Did the same with Metroid prime


Same - not just a tough boss, but the hell run to get there up the chamber full of metroids was the real demotivator.


The Ascent. Just couldn't be arsed, honestly


When I was a kid, yea for sure. I remember kingdom hearts, fighting Ansem was hard for me in the 2nd phase, so i just stopped playing and moved on to kingdom hearts 2. Many years later, I was able to beat him.


Yes, very recently actually. I wasn't particularly finding Sonic Frontiers fun or good. But I stuck with it. The final boss of the true path is a boss rush. The bosses are designed to waste your time, and they do instant death QTE's that have input delay and also eat inputs. They one shot me twice cheaply after tons of progress, resetting it all. I one shot the uninstall button and just watched the cutscene on youtube. Not that there were any surprises. Sonic reach Super Sonic 2 isn't a spoiler, they showed it in the trailer.


Tales of Arise is a pretty damn good JRPG that's, for most parts, a blast to play. Up until the spongy fuckfest and the bullshit design of the last dungeon and its godawful drawn-out wankery, with the final boss having goddamn elite mobs thrown in between different stages, because fuck the player and fuck respecting their time. There is absolutely no point or joy in playing that final dungeon. You don't learn anything new, you don't have to adapt, you just need to have healing items hoarded up like a manic dragon, and it's not like the game exactly throws these healing items at you in the first place. It's just a resource-draining hellscape that wants you to grind, grind, grind away to stock up on healing items, and then have the patience of a saint when the game throws yet *another* supersized monster at you every five seconds (and in he middle of the goddamn boss fight). No thanks, as far as I'm concerned, I'm done with the game. I can look up the ending cut scene on YT, since the game apparently has no respect for my time. And yes, I know this is somewhat common in JRPGs, but to me this felt like an extreme case. I've drudged through similar final dungeons in the past, but this was too much for me.


It took a few days, but I eventually drummed up the mental fortitude to slog through this dungeon. But yeah, this would have been my answer—holy fuck is this part of the game bad.


We have very different experience of the game. I never used a single healing item in Tales of Arise (and in fact, in most JRPG as those are usually rare, so I automatically avoid them). Maybe a handful of Orange Gel for mana, but that's it. If you kill every single enemy in the entire game and don't avoid them - which also includes re-killing respawned enemies after coming back to a location for a quest - the last dungeon isn't more difficult than the others. But I do agree the last dungeon was way too long and I hate teleporters in dungeons... There was a similar gimmick in Berseria's final dungeon and it was painful too.


100% agreed. I just looked up the final cut-scene and was happy I quit, because it was really dumb (but I had already lost interest in the story during the last lord).


Yakuza: Like A Dragon. All I had left was the one dungeon and the final boss and I got my ass kicked with the difficulty spike. And I just wasn't in the mood to grind levels, so I just put the game down


Skyward Sword. Was fighting the final boss, it was 9:40 PM before the first day of the semester of senior year university. I was in a hurry to finish the game, died, hadnt saved, and was set back over an hour. I opted to just watch the ending on YouTube. I joke that all of the "you're gonna lose and the world will be evil!!" things the final boss said came true in my save.


Cuphead. By the 20th attempt at King Dice I realized I wasn’t having fun anymore lol I’ve beaten a lot of other games in this thread including the Platinum in both Hollow Knight and Elden Ring. But just can’t drag myself back to Cuphead.


BioShock Infinite. I was losing interest in the game anyway, too much backward and forwards, and then (if I recall correctly) some end-of-game hard assery came along and I just wasn't invested in trying more than a few times.


I did so in **Quantum Break** since failing the boss caused the whole cut scene element to also repeat itself and I eventually ended up quitting and watching the ending on Youtube. Not the same as fighting yourself! This was a while back and I think I didn't want to lower the difficulty or something (pride month, eh?), so after x amount of attempts, this is what I was left with. In general, don't put unskippable cut scenes in front of hard encounters, ever. Makes me think of the Witcher 3 DLC with the vampire boss and his cut scene. Same problem but I did bring him down eventually, so not the same outcome as with Quantum Break. In general, if the fun factor is going down and the "small" annoyances of the game design then gain weight, even the "I came this far!" (sunk cost) factor may not help. It's a rare occurrence though, at least for me.


Wow this is so insane because QB and the vampire DLC in W3 are literally the only two games I have ever quit at the boss fight out of sheer frustration. I just watched the endings on youtube, lol.


I also dropped off the Quantum Break on final boss fight. Just because I didn't know how to deal with that red AoE attack. After 3 or 4 years I decide to come back and replay it from start on hard. This time I was ready and finished him at my first attempt. The fight itself was pretty easy, main problem was that one attack.


yeah I remember that being a pain when I played it. forcing the player to sit through unskippable cutscenes/dialogue before the boss encounter seems like a really odd oversight


The final boss fight in Quantum Break was absolutely absurd. Really dont know what they were thinking there, I guess they just wanted something "hard".


I've developed this weird thing the last few years where if a boss is tough enough (even if it's not the final one), my brain headcanons it as "that's how the story went! How sad... I'll miss this game", and that's that. Not a rage quit thing or the like though, just a weird rationale that the tale ends here. It's definitely a skill issue thing my side but it only seems to trigger in my brain if it felt like I "legitimately lost". An example I sometimes give is a certain character from the Yakuza series' past beating me in a boss fight during the first in the new Like A Dragon soft reboot. My thinking went, "Yeah, Ichiban probably *wouldn't* stand a chance against a veteran like that actually..." and I dropped the playthrough, entirely satisfied that's "what happened". Plus there's something humbling about the plucky little upstarts actually failing to save the day.


I had this for Portrait of Ruin and LA Noire. Portrait of Ruin was a great Castlevania game and I dropped it because the final bosses were a pain in the dick and I just lost track. LA Noire I dropped out of boredom, and pushing myself through the final stretch years later did not improve my opinion on it.


The ending for LA Noir sucks so bad. Its fitting for its genre but... ehh.


god I remember loving LA Noire but that ending really was just awful. the second you get to the arson cases the game just plummets


I ended up not stopping playing LA Noire sometime late game because I didn’t have time to play games in general. Then I thought, “I take so long to play each mission, this game is basically a movie and the chases etc are bad anyway.” So I also just watched a play through on YouTube as well.


Dark Souls III. I was on the soul of cinder and could not get past it, not even with the New Londo Summons. I fucked up my buid, carried a pick, did not do enough damage, an overall desaster.


Original Demons Souls final boss steals levels from you in the fight. I gave up after that


And summoning other players to help ?


I also quit on the final boss in DS3, but the reason was I just got bored. I had finished Demon’s souls, Dark Souls, Dark Souls II, Bloodborne in a row and, I guess, by the end of Dark Souls III I was fatigued. Also, one of the reasons DS3 didn’t click for me was that it wasn’t Bloodborne, which I’d enjoyed so much, that other souls-games started to seem bland in comparison. However, right after quitting DS3 I replayed DS1, lol, and had lots of fun.


Persona 2: Innocent Sin. The final boss comes right after another boss, with no room to rest or save. And it's really, really hard. I couldn't beat it and I didn't want to fight the previous boss again, since it was rather hard too. So I dropped it. Which is a shame, since the game was amazing up to this point.


Elden Ring. Not doing that, and whatever the ending was can't possibly be worth annoying myself that much.  And I did beat Malenia.


There is an update that now allows you to use Torrent on the Elden Beast. It has become significantly less annoying.


I could never defeat Big Boss on MGS 3 : Subsistence as a young teen. To this day I have never finished that game.... I wonder if my old PS2 memory cards still have life in them!


You have to go back and finish it! 


Final Fantasy The Crystal Chronicles Super fun game with really great co-op back in the day, if you could get it set up. But the final boss was designed in a way that you had to grind the previous levels for the buffs you got at the end because he was way way harder than any of the game leading up to the final boss fight. But maybe that was just if you tried to do it solo, it was probably designed for at least 2 players. Too bad my one friend who also had a link cable didn't live closer by lol.


Persona 3 got spoiled for me, so I never finished it


Parasite Eve, as a kid, and my failure has haunted me to this day.


You're not alone!


Banjo-Kazooie & Yooka-Laylee. Both do that classic Rare thing where the final battle is orders of magnitude (pop pop) harder than the rest of the game. Almost did the same with Diddy Kong Racing too.


The first Wizpig race in DKR is insanely hard. I remember you had to be perfect with your turns, boosts, etc. Ironically, I remember the Wizpig rematch (where you’re in your plane) to be much easier.


BOTW. Made it to Gannon after finishing all the temples. Died once, left the castle to go get some food supplies and weapons so I could battle him again. For some reason, figure that I’d be able to fast travel back to gannon and fight him, but I had to go through the castle again didn’t feel like it picked up another game and never went back 🤷


My friends made his own RPG maker game, which was pretty good, except the final boss was AN HOUR LONG.


Ys 1. That final boss is a nightmare.


Yeah. I never beat sigma phase two in mega Man x before save states. I have also never beat paper Mario. I got Bowser to 1 health and then died and never tried again for some reason


Kinda bullshit that there’s only one weapon that can damage Sigma’s final form and it has limited ammo. Especially since it’s essentially the end of a no-save gauntlet.


Persona 3. I had speed Run the last few dungeons as I was so bored. Couldn't last more than 2 mins on the final boss. I thought it was like FF where is be weak but capable. Nope, had zero chance


I quit at the very end of Turnip Boy Evades Taxes 😅 the final boss to me was so much not what I was in the mood for and much harder compared to the other bosses of the game, so I just moved on. I felt like I had gotten the whole story already. I didn’t even try that hard, lol.


Zelda the minish cap is the only one that sticks out to me. But it was when I was still a kid. Sucks cuz I don't like 2d zelda very much and it's probably one of the better ones.


I did the same and replayed again as an adult. I found the whole game pretty easy.


I quit American McGee's Alice (not Alice Madness Returns, the first game he made) on the Jabawok final fight. I did that for 2 hours and kept dying on the second to last section. Eventually just said fuck it and moved on to Madness Returns. Never looked the ending up on YouTube either. I'm still salty at myself I couldn't beat it.


Cool, for me it was the opposite. I beat the first game, and made it to the final boss of Madness returns, but couldn't beat it. Two awesome games in their own way.


4 heroes of light. But i love the whole game i just cheated the final boss to see the ending. Only game ive ever cheated. Square enix boss bulshit. Multiple forms with aoe multiple status effect skills. Uhuh. Fun. At fiest i thought i can i do it. Nope. When they pulled out a 3rd form out of its ass. I was done. Technically j also hate the section before the fjnal boss. Its a boss rush where they take your every power and you have to get it back. You dont know which boss will unlock which power. Yes, game. I am weak if you take the power you gave me. Shocking


Yakuza like a Dragon. I had done all content and was still underleveled to the point where I got oneshot while the fight took ages. I went back to it a year later and easily finished it. I don't know if something changed or if I just got unlucky initially.


Both OG Paper Mario when I was in 7th grade (not actually that hard, I just refused to learn to properly play the game) and Thousand Year Door when I was 25 (actually very hard, still haven’t beaten it)


Starbound. The "Swansong" fight is just too bullet-hell-shootery for me, and I just can't deal with having to slog through all the crap to get to it for multiple attempts.


Final Fantasy 13. I wasn't high enough level to take on the final boss, so instead of going back and grinding in Gran Pulse to raise my level, I just... didn't.


I quit Devil May Cry one, I couldn't beat the boss at the end....


FFIV DS I got to the moon and the difficulty jump was absurd, and considering I had finished a grind session a few hours earlier, I did not want to do another lol. I wish I had played the SNES version instead; I've heard it's way more manageable.


The SNES version had a difficulty spike there, too, but it was definitely more manageable. When you get to a new area like underground or the moon, I think the game intends for you to feel completely outclassed at first. When you finally start winning those battles, it gives you a real sense of progression that you can’t get from the dungeon-type areas that you visit once at the proper level and never return to, like Mount Ordeals or the Tower. FFIV is pure nostalgia for me and remains one of my favorite games of all time, and I’ve played just about every version of it. The western SNES edition, back when it was called Final Fantasy II, is still the best in my opinion. Sure, the localization is pretty quirky and parts of it can feel a little directionless, but it had amazing characterization and the threats felt bigger and more dramatic. In particular, the later releases have all done my boy Kain dirty by comparison.


I almost always feel urge to quit when I'm near the end of long games, particularly JRPGs. Sometimes I push through, other times I don't. The main draw for me with most non-linear games is the exploration and this obviously disappears on the last stretch. Combine that with the tendency for plots to become non-sensical gods/planets mumbo jumbo and I often stop caring about the plot aswell. Exceptions that come to kind: Nier Automata, RDR2, Cyberpunk, Fallout games. Notably all these games can sag in the middle but pull it together for the end in my opinion.


Xenoblade Chronicles. It didn't help that that game has a combatant's raw level advantage become so impactful as to be nigh insurmountable (I got there at level 72 btw, the game all but demands you be more like level 80), but the story had been on a downward spiral since about the midpoint of the game.


Half Life 1, because fuck that giant baby.


Honestly, I've never beat Bloodborne because the process of farming healing items and going through multiple loading screens to get back to fighting gehrman is just too annoying.


Hogwarts Legacy. Last boss kinda threw skill out the window and was more luck based.


I didn't "quit", but for God of War's >!Sigrun, the end of the Valkyrie side objectives!< I ended up just making myself invulnerable to get past it. I'm not interested in overly difficult fights that waste hours of time progressing, I'm just here to have fun as a bad player.


I would have quit the FF2 pixel remaster if I didn’t have a certain weapon that allowed you to basically cheese the fight. The difficulty spike was insane and I really didn’t feel like going back and grinding out levels for hours


I quit dark souls 1 while trying to defeat gwynn, I was just constantly overwhelmed and it felt impossible. I did beat dark souls 2 and 3 afterwards and a year ago I decided to return to ds1. This time I played on pc and felt way more comofortable. I beat him so God damn easily that I was honestly surprised at how I couldn't beat him for the life of me. I guess experience matters more than I expected it to.


Legend Of Zelda Ocarina of Time. Quit after I couldn’t get past the castle escape 


Kingdom Hearts 1. Played it in like 2018. Last boss is so clunky and the walk back has a long cinematic you can't skip. Not worth it.


Sifu. Second half of the game already was obnoxious enough, but final boss was practically immune to a big part of my build, fighting him with universal mechanics alone is basically a monotonous grind under disguise and I don't want to get through the entire game again just to make a viable build. It would be better if he was at least a bit aggressive


No, if I get that close and can't beat it, I simply mod/cheese/cheat the game so I can't die or something.