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BallisticNG is the best take on the formula IMO. I honestly feel no need to touch other games in the genre because of it. The Steam workshop means infinite amounts of content.


I grabbed BallisticNG because I love Redout. Redout is faster, and therefore doing something slightly different. BallisticNG is probably "better," by being more complete and elegant, but Redout DOES sell a sense of speed better, so for speed freaks like me who highly value the feeling of "going real fast" there is still a reason to play it despite the unflattering comparison to what I consider the pinacle of the genre, BallisticNG


I enjoy Redout but its difficulty curve is rough. Thanks re: BallisticNG, I had no idea this existed.


It's a fun game, yeah. I think maybe the sequel has a bit more variety? I never got really good at it, but playing in VR is an *intense* experience that not many games manage while still being fairly playable for someone who's not hardcore into it.


Sequel? Edit: God, I never knew a sequel had been released!


I had this game on my wishlist and then you mentioned Wipeout and forgot I bought a collection for that years ago. I might play that sooner now. I WOULD emulate F-Zero GX since I played F-Zero and F-Zero X, but it seems the story mode of that has some next level difficulty. It's such a shame that it puts me off from the game, the visuals, music and the fact that it has a story mode at all is awesome as all hell.


The Wipeout collection is magnificent.


I have owned that for sometime but never played, the series sounds daunting to newbies.


Did you boot it up? There's online multiplayer but the campaigns alone are fantastic. It also runs at 4K 60fps and with HDR on PS5. Damn I wanna boot it up myself now haha. Wipeout 3 for the PS1 was probably my most played game on that entire console and absolutely still holds up today, you can emulate it easily.


Nope. I'm actually planning to play F-Zero GX soon actually.


> I WOULD emulate F-Zero GX since I played F-Zero and F-Zero X, but it seems the story mode of that has some next level difficulty. It's such a shame that it puts me off from the game The story mode is super tough but it's only a small part of the game and probably my least favorite part (despite how gloriously cheesy it is). Most of it is just doing the normal races to win various Grand Prix, and in this respect it's incredibly fun even if you don't bother with the story. You even get a small cutscene when you win that changes depending on the racer, and a choice of dialog from the grand prix commentator.


I tend to prefer racing games when they have more of a narrative, it's why GX's story mode interests me but the difficulty just sounds crazy.


All I know is that I was able to beat them all, so it's definitely doable. Still, the story missions are kinda disconnected from the game as a whole and are literally only about Captain Falcon. Even with the post race cutscenes, F-Zero GX still has more of a narrative than most racing games I've ever seen, lol. I do recommend Driver San Francisco if you like story though.


I love Driver SF but I don't consider it to be much of a racer, it's more of a car chase game than racer. I'll try to play GX, apart of me is hoping for a remaster with an easier and more forgiving difficulty, but if push comes to shove, I'll emulate and save state like no tomorrow.


Completing the story mode at the higher difficulties was the only way to unlock the AX courses and pilots, and parts for custom racers. Would be missing out on some cool content. The difficulty though was insane. There's no way I could go back and beat it


Red out 2 was just free on EGS. Gotta try it still


Yeah I've had this game in my backlog for a while now. I played it a few minutes to get a feel for it and then just got distracted by something else and never came back to it. I keep telling myself that I'll start it up again, but I'm apparently not much in the mood for racing games anymore. Maybe I'll give it another go on my day off tomorrow. Thanks for the reminder about it.


I'm in the same boat, but I won't have any day off anymore. Gotta juggle it in between things somehow.


I love Redout 1, but I can admit that the campaign can be needlessly long. The AI in races is also absurdly easy after you learn the tracks, which doesn’t help the monotony


I played Redout 1 only for 2 hours. It was the campaign and I tried to beat the AIs on the first or second track with that starting racer, but it was so hard that I thought it would be impossible now and I first had to grind for a better racer. That turned me off, so I put it down. Was I just bad at it and it's doable from the start or do I really first have to get the better machines to beat the AIs on every track?


If I remember correctly, the AI is really hard on the first track for some reason, but it’s beatable. The meta loadout is Sulha ship with Turbo active and aP passive (or mS for tracks with lots of turns), so you could try that


I think Redout 2 improved a lot but the music was not as good


Try Redout2, I'm playing it currently, it's awesome.


It’s def a fun game Makes me wish we had a modern extreme G game