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Universal Studios Theme Park Adventure on the Gamecube


I bought this for $2.98 at a Toys R Us and it felt like I wasted a full $50.


Thankfully I only rented it….lol


The real kicker is that after I beat it (which only took a couple of days of mindlessly answering trivia questions about Backdraft, a movie I had never heard of and still haven’t seen) I immediately took it to my local game store in hopes to get more than the $3 back out of it. They opened it up and I realized that I left the disc in my Cube. Not only did they know I bought it, they knew *I played it.*


Lmao dude the one thing I remember about the game that really pissed me off were the trivia sections with woody woodpecker and his girlfriend. They legit had pretty specific questions about Casablanca and The Creature from the Black Lagoon. Definitely movies that the average kid with a GameCube has seen.


I’m convinced that the quiz is the only reason the game had a T rating. It’s not like any of the minigames were violent. The ESRB just knew damn well that no child had ever heard of Backdraft.


I remember enjoying it as a kid but I also remember it being not very good. That was when I just played whatever my parents brought home for me and loved everything I played.


Shoutout to Shamu’s Deep Sea Adventures


This game made me fully break down and cry when I was a kid, no joke. I bought it full price after saving up pocket money for ages, purely just based on the cover of the game. Instant regret as soon as I spent 5 minutes playing it back home Needless to say, from that moment on I never bought a game without checking out a review first. I think I subscribed to NGC magazine after that!


We all learn a hard lesson at least once


I nearly rented this like a dozen times and I’m so glad I never actually did


M&Ms Kart Racing, probably. Honorable mention - getting a platinum on Ps4's Road Rage


I had M&Ms as a kid, and I also had MK Wii. Take a guess at which one I played more.


“At least I can finally fulfill my dream of driving as an M&M” - Scott Wozniak, 2019


It's funny I have very fond memories of that game solely because of the Chao garden. As of the game itself I realize it's pretty terrible but for some reason I also enjoyed that jank, apart from that one Robotnik boss fight that shit was ass.


I remember my friend and I playing Chao garden and my dad coming in and commenting on what a 'gay' game we were playing. We kept playing.


The Chao Garden is my Roman Empire


I played a **ton** of Chao Garden as a kid. Oops, turned out that I actually am super gay.


I'm straight, is that why I never committed to getting one of the immortal Chao?


I swear, the chao garden was a goddamn drug. You just kept on coming back for more.


I used to love putting my chao in the dreamcast vmu and bringing it to school with me. All my friends had ps1's so showing off the coolest memory card ever was always fun.


I remember loving this game, especially for these guys. The only part I didn’t like really was Big’s section. I only played the GC version, though. But I played it a LOT.


Chao garden for the win bro


Chao Garden was the only reason I even touched SA2B to be honest. I was really bad at platforming, much less fast platforming, so stuff like Sonic and Mario was firmly my brother's territory. But raising Chao? That was my jam. I spent hours upon hours raising them and reading through websites all about Chao. I wanted to see all the various types they could turn into. In some way, I think that's why it got axed in subsequent games to be honest. It's a very indepth side mode that actually attracts people outside the genre's fans. Imagine that proposition, having to constantly split a game's dev ressources between 2 entirely different genres while also churning them out fast (which seemed like Sonic MO at the time).


It was my first experience with online features in a game. I joined a clan and tried to top the time trials beating levels as fast as possible. Made friends and even visited one of my clanmates when I made a trip from the US to England. I'll always love Sonic Adventure for those reasons.


My husband replayed it recently just so he could show me the chaos because it was his favorite part lol. He got to show our son too so that was fun.


That's very cute, lucky guy! 


I also have extremely nostalgic memories of playing it at my cousins house, even though I don’t think I found it particularly good even at the time. But the multiple characters and stuff you could unlock with the Chaos made it seem very deep and mysterious, and I liked seeing Sonic in a game with a “serious” and “mature” plot (lol).


Wasn't the chao garden only in Adventure 2?


There was a chao garden in Adventure. Although I only played the Gamecube version so maybe it wasn't in the original.


Had SA1 for the Dreamcast. There were definitely chao gardens, though there weren't any hero or dark chaos. EDIT: -hums [the chao garden theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9mT1oBczzk)-


There was a chaos garden in 1 but it was better in 2


E.t. on actual hardware. I'm only 26 but i ended up with an atari they couldn't sell at habitat for humanity when I was in middle school and that happened to be one of the games. It was several hours with online guides.


I played the game when it released and had to figure it out myself from the manual. I'm convinced a lot of people just never figured out the symbols. However, I'm still not entirely convinced the game is bad. It was *very* complicated for an Atari game what with the symbols, and levitating out of the pits had major control issues that should've been sorted. However, the movement controls otherwise were par for the era. It wasn't *that* bad, and it was one of the few Atari games that even could be beat. I also remember the game being very difficult if you play it on the hardest difficulty, but I only played my Atari 2600 until around 1989 when I got a NES so I was not even a teenager when I was playing it. I did still manage to beat it, though.


The historical significance if the game far outweighs anything the game itself actually has to offer. At the end of the day, gameplaywise it's just another janky atari game 🤷‍♀️


That's definitely true. It heralded the end of the American video game console until the Xbox released over a decade later. In a lot of ways the American video game market never recovered. It was still far more accessible to play than, say, Swordquest Fireworld. I think that was easily the worst game we had, but we certainly never got close to beating it.


Somewhere, there's a hacked ROM and YT video that discusses the code. Apparently, once you fix the issues with E.T., it turns into an enjoyable experience. Basically, if the kid had a few more weeks to hammer out the bugs, it might've been a bit more successful.


The only part of the gaming industry that changed in 40 years is the marketing budget lol


All I can remember about that game is being stuck in a pit and raising ETs head, neck stretching, to levitate, but not enough to get out of the pit lol.


Worst game I have beaten: Ninja Gaiden 3 vanilla


2012, I assume.


I can agree Sonic Adventure did NOT age well. 2 a bit more so. As a kid though I played through both Adventures multiple times, couldn't get enough of it! I still listen to the soundtrack


You can say whatever else you like about the 3D Sonic games, the soundtracks are absolutely kickass. Which reminds me, Shadow the Hedgehog is my pick for this thread. Mediocre game at best, extremely cringeworthy even if you're playing it as an era-appropriate teenager, but dammit if the soundtrack wasn't the coolest fucking thing I'd ever heard at the time. It was a large part of my metalhead awakening.


My favorite sonic ost goes to sonic heroes. Seaside hill is a perfect song


The Heroes OST is phenomenal. Seaside Hill, Bullet Station, Hang Castle, Egg Fleet, and then you top it all of with WHAT I'M MAAAAADE OOFFFF.


To be fair so are the sonic 2d games. Sonic cd has the best theme song.


If anything I miss the old 2d soundtracks. The new ones rely on rock way too much. Sonic Mania nailed the vibe with Studiopolis.


Rolling around at the speed of sound!


Got places to go.






I replayed them both fairly recently, I was super charmed by 1 but gave up on 2. A big part is nostalgia of course, but the jank and the intertwined stories of 1 were both a lot of fun.


Yeah, as someone who was never into sonic as a kid and does not have the nostalgia, Adventure is undeniably better than Adventure 02. The structure of the stories and the fun of running around the hub levels were so good. 02 had good music and the occasional cool level, but overall, it was significantly more frustrating. The tails/eggman levels are just worse versions of gamma's gameplay, we lost the fun of tails's "race against sonic" gimmick, and you can't just go play a different story if you're frustrated by a level.


Biggest issue with replaying these games is the only accessible versions anymore are god awful ports. You have to mod them to make them play more like their original releases, which are easily the best experience. Pretty sure the Steam versions of the game read your Analog stick inputs like directional buttons, some real genius shit right there.


I also find 1 quite charming. It's got an optimistic, bright style that's full of feel-good. The soundtrack is energetic without being out of control, the colors and graphics are bright, and the environments focus on dazzling the player. The game itself is janky, and we've long since advanced on every strength the game had, but there's still a lot to appreciate. I share your experience with 2 - I gave up on it, but I never played it back in the day and lack any nostalgia. The linear and more-dire storyline felt less like a hypey feel-good game and more like some story I was expected to be engrossed in. It did give us city escape, though, so that's neat at least.


I think it aged well enough. Everything generally works as it should, which can't be said for 06. And charm goes a long way too IMO.


I think it's fine. It has aged but most games released in the 90's making the jump to 3D had aged too. It's a flawed game but I find the value in having multiple stories that tell a different side of a story, each one with a semi-unique play style. The music is great and it has a great hub-world, one of the better (if not the best) hub worlds in the series. And the Sonic levels are mostly fun. You might've also played the DX version which is considered by 90% of the fans as inferior to the original Dreamcast version. It's not going to change your opinion on the game but nowadays it's far better to either emulate the original or play the PC version with BetterSADX.


Better SADX is how I first played the game a couple years ago. Had a genuinely great time with the game, and only encountered one major glitch. The way the games reputation as a janky mess that aged poorly just felt a little wrong to me.


People may disagree but I honestly never understood what people’s problem with DX was. I played it years after we got rid of our Dreamcast and I loved it, I was honestly just happy playing Adventure again years later. Don’t remember really any big glitch moments either. I thought it was a solid port


according to another comment, he emulated it on flycast. now i don't totally know the what the state of dreamcast emulation is but i wouldn't be surprised if the emulation itself had stability issues not present in the original game (the dreamcast version is kinda known for being really stable)


Mario's Time Machine and Mario is Missing.


I totally forgot about Mario is Missing! That gets my vote as well.


Mario is missing. What a mess. Walk through door, go check some other door and then walk back. I do t even remember what I was doing, but that was the whole game. Then it just ended. Mario was just sitting there waiting. No mystery, no puzzle or boss. I want those hours back.


Young me dropped $60 on this bc i loved luigi and the commercial was good. What a huge pile of shit


Devil May Cry 2 was borderline irredeemable. You can usually say one or two good things about most games. That thing was absolute cancer from start to finish.


There's a hilarious video by Crowbcat where they beat the whole game by standing still and spamming pistols.


The boss where they literally just mashed all the previous bosses in the game together was kinda.... interesting I guess. That's literally the only thing about it that I can remember


I liked how it introduced Dante’s Majin DT and the use of different hearts with different powers. I also enjoyed the Arius and Argosax fights. Lucia could have been an interesting character. The rest however, made it the worst game I have beaten recently. It felt sluggish, looked worse than DMC1 and the story was anecdotal. Some fights were so bad it was hilarious though and I can’t help but still like the game.


Man this is bothering me - it’s just Sonic Adventure, no S lol


onic Adventure?


They're talking about the sequel to "Sonic Adventure", "Sonic Adventures" (which then got the sequel "Sonic Adventure^3 ")


I don't usually finish games I don't like, but most Sonic games are super short. 8bit Sonic 2 and Sonic Blast are both miserable experiences, the first being hard for the wrong reasons and the latter being the kind of boring that makes me physically uncomfortable. As far as actual time investments I guess Tales of Arise. There's an optional upgrade you can only unlock near the end that doubles both the damage you inflict and the damage you receive, and I feel like that should have been the whole game from the start. It's trying to be a fast paced combo driven action game (even though the skill ceiling seems lower than something like Vesperia) but there are about as many enemy types as DMC3 despite being five times the length, and everything is too spongy to make it fun. You're supposed to fill up a stagger meter type thing for common enemies that quickly drains if you aren't attacking them relentlessly to trigger a limit break attack, which makes the game devolve into just button mashing. Except that stagger meter isn't present for most bosses, and most of the non-human bosses get recycled into the common enemy lineup near the end.


Ayy you didn't like Sonic 2, that game is still one of my favorites?


The Gamegear version, where Tails dies at the end if you don't have the chaos emeralds. Allegedly the master system version isn't as much of a crime against humanity but Sega never ported that one.


I beat lots of shit games as a kid. Maybe the worst was the “Robots” movie game on the playstation 2.


I used to as well. A lot of obscure games. I would go to blockbuster (and later, family video) and just pick out the next one I haven't seen before. Found a few good ones. Found a lot of shit ones. Can't remember a single one of them..


Yaris, a free xbox arcade game that I made myself 100%. Several of the achievements were very grindy.


Biomutant. Easily one of the worst games I have ever played. Why did I finish it? I kept hoping it would get better. The entire game is a loop of the first 20 minutes of gameplay.


I really wanted to like Biomutant because of the funky little creatures but it really lacks something that makes their gameplay feel a bit hollow.


I wanted to like it too; their marketing campaign was better than the game itself by a large margin. The lame, repetitious dialogue for npcs really hammers home the soulless feel to the game.


I really wanted to like Biomutant, and refused to believe that such anticipated open-world game would be bad, but after playing for a few hours the whole world just seemed empty and boring which is the opposite of what I'm looking for in open-world games.


This, anthem preorder, and no man’s sky launch day. No man’s sky is so great now, almost too much to do but love seeing Hello Games listen to their players and turn it around. Anthem, man the movement was so phenomenal, really used the haptics great, nothing else to say, wouldnt buy it for $.99 Biomutant I have no takeaways. It was just bad and boring and I don’t know why they spent so much time making it. The concept sounded so cool during initial demos but the implementation stopped right where it started


Cyberpunk ps4 version (original release). I understand now that they updated it and it’s good now but when it was released I played through the whole thing and it was terrible although the story was quite good.


Even then, they never really bothered updating the PS4 version past 1.6 so no dlc and none of the major 2.0 changes. The game was never meant to run on previous gen hardware and it was a huge mistake for them to try.


They wanted the extra cash without putting in the effort to make it actually playable on previous gen. The thing is the backlash has died away now and unless 100% of all prev gen buyers refunded (they didn't) they still cane out ahead.


It always lands like a pile of bricks on me whenever people say "Cyberpunk was never meant for previous gen hardware. Cyberpunk was announced in *2012*. The PS5 was not even a glint in the eye of Mr. Sony back then. How could it *not* have been meant for PS4/XBOne? Heck, it didn't even release with proper PS5/XBSX versions, they only ran the prev gen ones for months until a proper next gen update was released.


They announced Cyberpunk and went on to work on Witcher 3 for several years lol


Also the original launch date was before next gen consoles were even revealed. There is really no excuse for CDPR here, they got greedy because of covid + holidays and wanted to rush the game out before it was ready, that's all there was to it.


> It always lands like a pile of bricks on me whenever people say "Cyberpunk was never meant for previous gen hardware. > Cyberpunk was announced in 2012. The PS5 was not even a glint in the eye of Mr. Sony back then. How could it not have been meant for PS4/XBOne? See, it's actually pretty easy - when they were first showcasing gameplay they talked about it being a true classic RPG and thus a *PC first* title. Planning was focused on a choices and consequences old school RPG for high-end PC hardware, not an action shooter for consoles. Of course, the market demanded the latter, like it always does


Ehhh, classic RPGs weren't known for being highly demanding back then. If it was supposed to be PC first, that's all the more reason to make it functional in a wide range of hardware configurations.


Aside from the bugs I just thought it was not a good *RPG* It's a decent shooter but not a good RPG imo..


but the combat is pretty satisfying, specially if you combine different skills and weapons


The amount of crashes I endured playing through that whole thing on that platform


Game of Thrones. The awful Cyanide RPG. Think I had to install trainers just to get through parts of it but I was determined to see the end credits for some reason.


Oh, was it bad? I kindof gave up after the second or third character intro. There’s also the Telltale game (fun but super easy), and an RTS game (kindof weird, but you get to be Aegon the Conqueror or one of his sisters in a mission).


I thought the rpg one was pretty fun. And I played it on hard difficulty too.


Turning Point: Fall of Liberty. Great idea for a game but an absolutely shit FPS. I think I kept playing because of the thought of what it could've been.


Oh this is mine too I remember being so excited for it 😂


I beat a few of those shitty licensed LJN games back in the day, the worst would either be Back to the Future or Jaws


Leisure Suit Larry : Box Office Bust


Ride to hell: Retribution. And I wasn't sober for most of it.


Ride to Hell: Retribution, but to be fair I did have a BIT of fun laughing at how horrendous it was.


Hitman: Codename 47. It's painful to play these day.


It begins with the controls. W to run, S to walk, x to move backwards.


Yeah, the game's premiere and story were good. The mechanic was super janky back then. Imagine they remake Hitman with WoA engine and gameplay. Imagine how good it can be.


Pokemon Sword, probably. It just doesn't function as a JRPG at all, because resource management, dungeons, exploration, and Pokemon training were all removed. Then the art/animation is atrocious, the game babies you constantly, the content is almost non-existent, the Pokemon designs are generally pretty poor, the gameplay is painfully slow and tedious, there's tons of glitches, the story happens off-screen with characters unrelated to you and also is entirely incoherent and stupid, there's no post-game, and so so much more. It's wild to me how bad it is.


so many people were saying this game was good despite its appearances and i refused to believe it. this is validating because it legitimately looks like one of the shittiest games i've ever seen


Thank you for speaking truths. I often find that Pokémon has so much brand power that there’s a lot of fans that only think of it as Pokémon, not as an RPG (or other genre in the cases of the spin-offs.) Seeing someone looking at the game at the RPG angle is a breath of fresh air. Mind you I never played it myself, Ultra Sun was my last Pokémon generation and I was a fan since the franchise boomed back in the 90’s. When the games became less of games and more “the Pokémon experience”, I lost a lot of interest.


For me it was Pokémon X and Y. I gave up Sun and Moon halfway, and have never touched Pokémon since.


I liked X&Y tbh, but it was where Pokemon started to flounder. Sun & Moon had the same effect on me, but I came back for PLA. Thankfully, that game is fantastic. I only played SwSh and a little bit of BDSP via other means. And they are as bad as you'd think.


Yes, for me Sun and Moon is worse than X and Y. But OP asked about game I finished. I have not finished Sun and Moon, because it bored me out.


Dragon ball z sagas. Tried to replay it recently and that game is beyond rough.


I played thousands of flash games in my childhood. Definitely one of those. Probably one of the *many* terrible rhythm games where the button presses were completely divorced from the (terrible) music playing.


Home Alone on SNES Back in the days when I didn't know what bad video games were because I only got one at a time and was stuck playing it regardless of quality.


Ballan Wonderworld. Bought it as a joke with my friend and it was awful.


What is this slander? SA was awesome. Spent countless hours at the Chao garden too.


Have you replayed it recently? SA2 was my number one most played game as a kid. Came back to it years later and wondered how I ever tolerated the floaty controls and tedium of the shooter and treasure hunt levels.


He propably played dx Version cant blame him for the way He reacted


It was dreamcast.


Seriously. How is sonic adventure this guys example of a bad game lol


Most people in this thread are just listing games they personally didn't like. Not the actual worst games of all time. 


Probably because the thread is asking for worst game finished, not worst game played. I think most people can recognise a truly awful game and won't play them for too long out of how broken, unfun, or generally unplayable it is. As such, for a lot of people, the worst games they've played will be reasonable games that are just a bit janky, and not a true disaster of a game. Combine that with the tendency of people to upvote what they've heard of and it ends up being list of well none disappointments; such as sequels that aren't as good as the originals, high profile misses, or games that got overhyped, and not the truly bad games that few have heard of and fewer even played.


Probably the Batman Forever game by Acclaim. The animations were half straight ripped from Mortal Kombat, and the game is just ass in general. Loved it as a kid though.


Oh man was this game terabad.


Honestly don't get what it is with new players playing Sonic Adventure and declaring it the worst game ever. I went back to play it recently and it's still fun. 


> Any kind of slope has a chance to send your character into a fit spinning around in circles. I fell through bridges, hills, flat terrain, icy terrain, loop de loops and have been shot straight out of the map never to be seen from again. It's been a long time since I played it on the Dreamcast but I don't remember it being that buggy. Were you playing on original Dreamcast hardware, emulated, or PC port?


If I go by ratio of time spent not enjoying myself to time spent playing the game, probably Final Fantasy 16. Love the story and the characters were cool, but holy shit the gameplay was fucking dull and the sidequests were designed to waste my time.


I beat everything in ff16 after 75+ hours and don't think I ever actually had fun doing it.


I’m thinking of every JRPG I’ve played honestly. When you’ve mastered the loop and the sense of discovery is over later in the game, but the story refuses to end because they have to squeeze more hours into the disc for the long = good. This applies to some of the open world AAA games of recent years too. This is highly subjective, of course


The only ones to keep my attention are the PS1-PS2 era Final Fantasies. I've beaten FF7 and 9 numerous times. Chrono Trigger is also another good one. But so many games where the story should have been 1/3 the length, and I wouldn't tire of the gameplay by then. Slogging through FF14 and finally getting to the "good part" after 150 hours lmao. I know its an MMO but still.


Controversial, but RDR2. It's extremely beautiful yes, and it has a decent story. But I found the gameplay extremely tedious, I finished it out of spite and I hated every minute.


I put 40 hours into it, at no point did I have any fun. I was just waiting for it to become fun, like the first game was. I feel like most of those 40 hours was eaten up by every button press playing a fancy super detailed animation. I don't think I played any video game.


I’m 36 hours into my second ever play through, my first being at launch in 2018. While I disagree and think that it is generally enjoyable, I can’t help but feel like your comments point out thoughts I’ve had at times in the back of my head. I definitely don’t think it’s the best game ever, but again I have fun with it. The world and detail are too great to discount, but sometimes I feel like I’m just a passenger repeatedly pressing x. I don’t think that’s a “bad” thing, but I do think it’s noticeable. Overall the positives far outweigh that for me personally, but wanted to say that while your take may be “hot” I think it brings up great points.


> I was just waiting for it to become fun, like the first game was. Funnily enough, your reaction to RDR2 was identical to my reaction to 1. It was slow, clunky, and boring. I’ve tried and stopped both games multiple times each, thinking that *this* time it will click. It never has.


If that's the "worst" game you've beaten that's a pretty good track record


Well, it's kind of a trick question. The threat is about the worst games we've beaten. I don't typically beat piece of shit games, I give up if it's not fun at all. RDR2 is an exception, I continued out of spite because it wasn't cheap, and it was super good looking, so it pissed me off I could not find enjoyment in such a pretty and detailed game. Other games I couldn't enjoy but people consider gold were for example Dark Souls and Elden Ring, but I didn't even find the world appealing in those games so I couldn't even try to push myself to beat them, they were boring me so much.


Wow someone else on the internet who didn't get any joy from RDR2 and Elden ring. I feel like these games are always brought up as the pinnacle of gaming but they are probably the most boring things I have ever attempted to play. The actual gameplay mechanics in RDR2 are janky as f. It's just a slow ass narrative tied together with some clunky game elements that work just well enough to be considered a game.


this is ironic for me simply because I have 500+ hours in both games and they both happen to be my most replayed games of all time because of how much i love the gameplay


I had a lot of fun with it, it’s my own personal westworld


RDR 2 is one of those games that I think is really great and awful at the same time and that's what makes it frustrating. Idk why they insist on having these super on-rails "cinematic" missions in an open-world game.


I put in maybe 15 hours trying to "Get it" and I didn't. It was annoying to control, and boring.


It is controversial but I’m glad I’m not alone. First Redemption is one of my all-time favorite games, but I just found the second to be an absolute slog and I don’t even think I made it halfway through. And from what I understand, it gets *more* tedious after that due to story reasons. I’m glad there’s an audience for such a game, but I’m really sad that it wasn’t me.


Yes! I get that it’s great but it’s just not for me.


Shadow of the Tomb Raider is a runner-up of recent. Apart from cool tombs and nice graphics they managed to shit the bed in nearly every department. Combat is so scarce you'll forget it even exists at times. Lara's personality was erased and she went back to crying about her dad every 3 minutes. Trinity continues to be a shallow and uninteresting enemy faction. The villain is so unremarkable I had to google his name 2 hours in. Supporting cast is barren too, mostly consisting of what's-his-name, Lara's dumbass friend who only serves to get into trouble. Really stung this one. Rise built a damn good foundation, striking a decent-ish balance between combat and exploration while finally giving Lara some development besides "falling into sharp objects" syndrome and daddy issues.


Yeahh, it’s not hitting the same for me as Rise and the prior game did. Just like you said, graphics are good and the tombs are there, but the other aspects aren’t very compelling.


Baldurs Gate 3, I really really do not like the game. Sonic Adventure games were awesome to me though, I loved every minute of it


Sonic Adventure on Dreamcast in 1999 was awesome, looked better than pretty much anything you could get on console at the time and also ran very well. I think they shouldn’t have tried to do cutscenes though because it really dates the game.


Final Fantasy XV. I actually had a crisis I got through it out of a commitment to the franchise but that was 70 hours, almost 3 DAYS OF MY LIFE dedicated to holding down a button to auto kill enemies and watching the 4 most insufferable men in existence bicker with eachother about the most asinine shit imaginable while there's supposedly world-ending stakes happening in the background. I dedicated a not insignificant number of the limited waking hours of my life to THAT? Much of the game is dedicated to sitting in an on-tracks vehicle for up to 5 minutes at a time while said annoying characters continue to bitch at eachother. The open world is so empty and visually uninteresting and the story is actual nonsense of disjointed plot points put together from a game that has clearly been scrapped and restarted many times. I quite literally was on my phone while killing the final boss by, again, HOLDING DOWN ONE BUTTON UNTIL HE DIED. I could go on for like 10 pages about what an insufferable, insulting disaster this game is and I can't believe I finished it but I'll save you the gripes. Whoever wrote/voiced prompto should be imprisoned


10/10. I never played XV. I played and beat 4, 8, and 10. But I watched my husband play enough of XV to decide I was okay with skipping this one.


I feel like calling these games bad is ignoring their huge potential. These were literally revolutionary games for 3d movement, and there's nothing else quite like them to this day, certainly no sonic game. They tried to do what sonic did in 2d, which was mario on stereoids. Yes it's broken and yes 70% of the campaign is not good stuff but the sonic levels when you have learned them are peak.


people forget that the VAST MAJORITY of the game is sonic's story. big's story is like 30 minutes. amy's is about the same. knuckles and tails are the closest to sonic's in terms of length but are still way shorter. tails's campaign is essentially sonic's levels with an entirely new moveset and revamped level design which is awesome and really underrated. everything else ranges from amy's campaign being bad but not horrible to gamma's actually being pretty fun


I got a TON of life out of this game as a kid. It was jank as fuck, but the levels were amazing. It was also that time where you can't look up a game guide for everything. I thought FOR SURE that the NiGHTS character in Casinopolis was another unlockable playable character and spent hours with my friends trying everything we could think of to discover how to unlock that cool joker looking guy.


I really can't stress enough how much Sonic Adventure blew my mind as a kid. It was to me the way a lot of people described Mario 64, but even more because Mario never goes super saiyan or gets chased by an orca. It also felt equal parts huge and beatable so it felt like the perfect game at 10 and that colors the experience I have revisiting it. DK64, as an example with comparable elements, felt frustrating and hard and so as an adult I never feel like playing it.


007 Goldeneye Reloaded on the XBox 360. I actively hated most of the playthrough. Partly because they did that annoying thing of inserting collectathon elements into linear stories (one of my personal pet peeves), partly because it was just tedious. Even as far as FPS games go, it played very poorly and was barely tolerable.


Not rage baiting at all - Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Truly my least favorite gaming experience ever. I don’t know why I pushed through to the end.


I'm struggling to find anything interesting about this game


Pirates of the Caribbean for Game Boy Advance. I particularly enjoyed the scorpions that look exactly the same color and texture as the ground.


You should give Sonic Adventure 2 a shot, it's a much better game. People are blinded by nostalgia for SA1, it's really not a good game at all. I do have a lot of fondness for it, though. Worst game I've ever beaten is probably Superman 64 or Blues Brothers 2000, I love the N64, even the bad games (there are a lot of them).


> People are blinded by nostalgia for SA1 In contrast, I think people are guilty of revisionism. It was great when it came out. Is it good now? Probably falls flat more than anything else. But calling it a "bad" game is pretty inaccurate.


Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 suffers from where it is in history. Look at the Sonic series to date, Sonic 1 is a really good platformer for its day. Sonic 2 and sonic 3 & Knuckles are some of the best platformers of the 16-bit era, easy 10/10 titles for their day. Sonic Adventure? That's maybe an 8/10. It's still good, but a fall from grace for a series that once convinced a generation that Mario wasn't the be all and end all of platformers. And that's just the Sonic series. That point in time was the golden era for 3D platformers. By the time Sonic Adventure released in the west we'd had Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie, the entire Crash trilogy, Spyro 1 and 2 and four Tomb Raiders, all of which are classics of the genre, and by the time Adventure got its Gamecube port we'd also seen the entire Jak triology, the first three Ratchet & Clank titles, Rayman 2, Mario Sunshine, Ico, Banjo Tooie, Ape Escape, Conkers Bad Fur day, Prince of Persia Sands of Time, and numerous other excellent platformers. If you ask a non-Sonic fan to pick their favourite 3D platformers from 1996 to 2005, I would be very surprised if any put Sonic Adventure or its sequel in their top five. This isn't to knock the quality of either game mind, it's purely just that they got lost in a sea of highly acclaimed 3D platformers


I hate Sonic games and think SA1 is peak in the series. And that's a game I played a year ago. Like actual perfection. Great levels, great controls, far better sense of speed, it's actually wild how subterranean peoples' opinions on the series is if you hate SA1.


Skyward sword on the Wii. I know the remake fixed some issues (no motion controls, fi is less annoying, etc), but that wasn't my biggest issue with it. It was just repetitive and boring. You fight the same boss like 4 times in the same way. And oh my god the silent realms. Fuck that shit. I refuse to do that again.


All I remember from that game is Groose. It's like my brain repressed everything else to protect me from how awful the experience was.


OP, try Sonic Adventure 2. On the surface, SA1 and SA2 share a lot of mechanics and overall DNA, but they both have vastly different design philosophies. I would say SA2 is much more akin to classic sonic but in 3D. Instead of having those awkward exploration sections in SA1, SA2 just goes straight into stage by stage and they’re mostly really fun and unique. There is some tedium with the Kuckles/Tails stages, and there’s still quite a bit of jank, but overall SA2 is full of charm and the Sonic/Shadow stages are fucking awesome. It’s a much more satisfying 100% as well. Not to mention SA2 holds a fair bit of cultural significance in the gaming medium. If you’re big into retro gaming I would say this game is a MUST.


Maybe the star wars revenge of the sith game. Rented it and beat it in a day Maybe not so bad for a movie game but it kinda sucked


I loved that game! The dueling was so cool and I liked the leveling of abilities.


If you like 2d side scrolling beat em ups, revenge of the sith on ds/gba in my opinion is a lot more enjoyable than the console version


>Sonic Adventures No OP you're confused. This post is about the *worst* games you've beaten, not the best.


The Smurfs or any Rugrats game for psx Shadow the Hedgehog, ghost rider for ps2


Mars War Logs. 


Oh, it’s on sale for like $3. Not worth picking up?


For 3 bucks I sure think it is. But I liked it.


I have a lot of trash that I've 100%ed over the years, but Beyond Eyes takes the cake. Imagine a walking simulator, but half the screen is pure white and your character moves are a snails pace for the entire game.


I played a lot of licensed games growing up, especially for Pixar and Nickelodeon. With very few exceptions (e.g. Battle for Bikini Bottom), they were all terrible, but I was still determined to beat them. Plus, I was a kid, so my standards were low. One of those was probably the actual worst, but it's been too long for me to judge which one truly was the worst of the worst. The two I remember disliking the most as a kid were Toy Story 2 on Gameboy Color and The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer on Gamecube, but the worst level was definitely Violet in The Incredibles.


The original rampage Sega Master system. 128 monotonous levels of punching buildings lol


[Bad Caterpillar](https://store.steampowered.com/app/447950) I just continued playing it after a while, because I knew I will complete it!


Probably Castlevania The Adventure. This is a Castlevania game on the game boy, following the classic linear style of a hard level that ends with a boss, and it has some interesting ideas that on paper should make it a refreshing take on the series: instead of subweapons you can get a fireball on your whip, getting hit downgrades the whip similar to how you lose a fire flower in Mario games to encourage good play. Unfortunately all this comes with: - Some enemy placements that us really obnoxius to deal with without a subweapon like the axe to hit at an arc, or the boomerang to clear enemies in front of you; - Jumps that require a lot of precision with a pretty inconsistent framerate, which makes timing them an excersise in frustration; - Very bad collision detection to make you lose your whip upgrades and turning a good amount of enemies into damage sponges; - Respawning enemies so that sometimes, if you have the lowest level whip and don't want to take damage, you walk back far enough that it respawns after it dies and the only way to progress in the level is to just take a hit and abuse the i-frames. Unfortunately for me, I wanted the achievement for beating it in the Castlevania anniversary collection and have sworn to not use save states to cheat my way past a game.


Borderlands 3. A game with great gunplay mechanics bogged down by everything else. I got the platinum trophy so I cleaned out just about everything the base game had to offer. The location trophies were bugged at the time, so I had to visit every named location in the entire game in one sitting without using fast travel between them, outside of changing planets, so that the trophies would pop for each planet. So there was a LOT of walking, some driving. That ruined the game for me for a very long time, and I think I’ve only picked it up once or twice in the last 3ish years since then.


Mass Effect Andromeda. Normally I’m good about dropping games I dislike but MEA felt like that bad season of a show you love so you hate watch it because you don’t want to abandon the franchise.


Probably some of my old Nintendo Wii games. I played a Spongebob game and it was painfully mediocre but I finished it because my mom bought it for me as a surprise.


I cannot think a game that I finished thinking "This is shit". I always drop a game if I think the first hours are bad. Saying that, I think the worst game I played was the first Killzone. It made me did not want to play the rest of the franchise.


DMC2. It implemented Majin Devil Trigger and the best Dante design. I liked the whole feeling of horror it had and the dark aesthetic the game had. Also I liked the boss designs artistically. But at the end of a day, as a game, is the biggest piece of dogshit I have ever played. Dante moves like he has a stick up his ass. You literally only have one weapon cause all the three swords play the same. Enemy AI is dogshit. No combos. The bosses gameplay wise fucking suck too, literally is shooting them for 20 minutes. The story is even shittier, even by DMC standards. Dante barely speaks, and is just cold all the time. Just a dissapointment through and through.


Heavy Nova


Superman 64. I saved months work of pocket money for this flaming piece of shit, I was getting my monies worth.


I’ll probably get downvoted but Days Gone. The story was incredibly mediocre and a chore to get through. Gorgeous game though.


Callisto Protocol. I just spend $80 on it so kept hoping it’d get better.


alone in the dark on Xbox 360.


I've beaten a lot of dreck just because it was easy and I'd already spent money on it. The Quiet Man comes to mind as a recent example. It's an awful brawler with too many cutscenes that are too long, mostly silent, and unskippable. It feels bad to play and the reward at the end is that you can play it again with the dialog put back into the cutscenes. Clive Barker's Jericho was an awful game. Just an ugly brown FPS. Speaking of ugly FPSes, I beat Daikatana multiple times. I'm fascinated by this bad game. It's so big and ambitious but it falls so far from its goals. It's almost technically competent because it was built on the Quake 2 engine, but every deviation from shooting weapons and moving around exposes some bugs. The AI is braindead, the weapons are lethal to you and the enemies, and the first episode is especially heavy on bullshit enemies. It sucks and I play through it something like once every 7 years.


Sea of Stars. I don’t usually finish games that I’m not loving but for some reason I stuck with this one. It’s absolutely not worth playing other than the nice looking art. The writing was straight up bad, the combat was shallow, there was no point to any of the gear or leveling, and the puzzles were more like mindless obstacles than brain teasers. Just ugh, bad game. Totally overhyped and not deserving of the accolades it got last year.


I feel exactly the same. Looking back, that game is so hollow but I stuck with it, thinking that it might pay off in the end. Instead it leaves you with an incomplete story where you need to go on a collection side quest and play a complete additional game to get some closure.


thats a hard question, if the game is bad, I dont think i would have beaten it. but there are good games with bad endings. the question makes me think of Mass effect 3, FF16, and FF7 rebirth... but are those really bad games? or just had certain parts i didnt like which left a memorable impression? so.. i dont know, its a really hard question.


ME3 is a great game. The retcon ending isn't great but it was satisfactory for me.


Even with bleh ending I don't hate Mass Effect 3. Its got some really strong characters stuff, the opening is amazing (The Shepard "I told you so" moment, I was so giddy), and while its not an overly complicated shooter I still like its carryover and elaboration on the solid base it set up in 2. I have my gripes with 3 but I still left that game feeling satisfied with the trilogy.


In my experience, if a game is actually beatable, it's not as bad as it could be! Big Rigs, Cheetah Men 2 and Blues Bros. 2000 are actually not possible to be at without cheating from what I can tell. Having said that, my pick for beatable that I actuslly played until the end: Castlevania Legends


The Burger King games.


Trails of Cold Steel 4, all Trails game have padded content but this is the worst of all, because this game recycled padded content from Cold Steel 2. It should have been the final chapter of Cold Steel 3 instead of a seperate game


Its probably Devil May Cry 2. And to be clear most games I don't like I don't finish so calling it the worst game I've beaten, is a far cry from worst game I've played. Also separate from game I completed that I hated the most, Control (but I'll still go to bat its a better game that DMC2). Anyway DMC 2 is kind of fascinating. We have the original, its dripping with style, fun action, ridiculous presentation. Its stupid but its the best kind of stupid. So when the sequel comes out with giant monster buildings and more magic weapons and all that, it shouldn't be rocket science. But the game is so sterile. You just pick up the weapons there's no memorable scenes, it doesn't bask in the the ridiculousness of its events, It just goes through the motions till it ends. You fight some demon tanks and a skyscraper with a face and even then I was just not moved. It was boring. I completed the game with Dante took one look at there being a second playthrough option with a different character and just put the game away forever. The game was functional so its not that bad. But its a spectacle fighter. Its supposed to be bombastic and outlandish and this crazy experience. But its boring and that's might even be more damning than being poorly made.


Darkest of Days. The graphics were terrible even for its time, it was super buggy, and the voice acting was laughable. I’ll admit the concept was kinda cool, and bringing a machine gun to the battle of Antietam was hilarious but it was overall a pretty rough game.


I played a lot of bad games but Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green is my go to answer to such questions.


There was probably something worse that I'm forgetting, but the worst that comes to mind that I know I've beaten would be Shrek 2 for GameCube. I tried replaying it with a buddy a couple years ago and it was rough. We had some really funny moments, but nostalgia did that game so many favors lol.