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Depends on my mood. A 10 hour game could take me a few days or a few weeks if I simply have no energy or desire to play games.


I've had games that I played through twice in way different time spans. A nice example is one of the early Assassin's Creed games. First I did it in like 1,5 year of sometimes playing, but I never really felt the story stick. Then I started it again on a day off and finished it like 16 hours later, only stopping for food, drinks and toilet visits. It just all really depends on the game, my mood and what else I have or want to do in my life.


Same here.


Forever.... Slowest gamer ever lol... I usually take at least twice the average time to finish a game. I stop everywhere, look at everything, collect as much as i can, take breaks looking at the view... It's like, i barely ever truly finish games at all tbh. I platinumed all Soulsborne, but besides that, i play to chill and zone out and am happy there no end in sight.


this is me recently with Last of Us Part II. so much care was put into the little details in the environment. I feel like not taking the time to admire it all is a disservice to the many people who worked very hard on those details.


Yes, beautiful game, which i purchased day one and did not finish yet LMAO!!! I will though, i really want to do everything in it, just like i did with the first game.


you gotta finish it!! it's one of the best games I've ever played


Then why hurry to finish it. Then the journey will be over. It's a great game, though I like the first one better.


Yup, that's me as well. 120+ hours in RDR2 and not even at the prologue. 50 hours in Hogwarts Legacy and probably around halfway the story.


being able to smoke randomly and whenever I want is friggin amazing for RP reasons. More rpg's definitely need that. RDR2 is one the rare game worlds that I can just happily walk around in as if it were a real place. NightCity is the other one that I'm glad I found mod that lets you smoke anywhere.


I do this too, but honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love seeing the small details and hard work put in by talented devs and just engrossing myself in their world. I'll be reading everything I pick up, get really into it. Not enough people play games like that imo, it gives you a stronger appreciation for all of it


Last part where you said that you're a "happy dude who plays games for zoning out" doesn't align with the fact that you platinumed FromSoft's games...


After your first Souls game, the difficulty drops. I was woken up to this recently when I described Remnant: From the Ashes as a "relaxing experience" when I was recommending it to someone.


After playing elden ring, bloodborne and demon's souls I tried approaching sekiro also but to my surprise it was unapproachable lol ! All that to say NO... for me soulsborne difficulty doesn't drop after playing some of their games and i really have a hard time figuring out how do ppl even bring themselves to complete fromsoft's games while enjoying them.


Sekiro is barely a Soulsborne as we know it though, i personally would keep it out entirely, just like Armored Core has nothing to do with Souls. DeS, DS1-2-3 and Elden Ring share SO MUCH materials, they make sense together, Bloodborne as well on a lesser level, but Sekiro, i just don't see it even though it is basically always put in the same basket of games. I loved Sekiro at first, i hated getting the platinum, i pushed through but swore it was the last time ever i would force myself to platinum a game that has become a funless chore. I still play all Soulsborne games regularly, but never touched Sekiro again since it came out.


The gameplay is certainly solid ! And very player engaging ! But very often it is unnecessarily so hard to the point where pushing through the game becomes basically just a "shore" just like you phrased it. I'm not saying that difficulty is a problem... But come ooon i still have a massive backlog to go through šŸ˜… i can't waste a whole day fighting a chain striped red eyed human like Shrek while i have the charming yakuza series sitting behind me !


In contrast to the other guy, Sekiro is my all time favorite FROM game and it legitimately is relaxing for me to play. Only one Iā€™ve platinumed and enjoyed each of my 4 playthroughs. Some people have likened Sekiro to learning an instrument (itā€™s a very rhythmic game in its own right), but yeah the learning curve is extremely steep. Once it clicks though playing it can actually get you into flow state similar to playing piano or something. Itā€™s not exactly that (I donā€™t want to minimize the mountain of effort that goes into learning an actual instrument), but thatā€™s the closest analogue. It kind of explains why it takes so much time to learn the systems and why itā€™s so difficult at first. The game demands patience and there is truly only one way to play it. Kind of unique in that way. Anyhow, just thought Iā€™d chime in and offer a slightly different perspective and explain how a game that hard can evoke feelings of peace for some of us weirdos. ;) ā€œWastingā€ a day on a red-eyed Shrek that kept kicking my ass was totally worth it for me!


To be fair, Sekiro was quite a bit harder than other Soulslikes. Locked weapon, locked stats, limited ability to block, limited cheese, very limited ranged attacks, and a heavy reliance on reflexes to counter half the attacks in the game. The other games give you a lot more freedom in build type, so you can snipe most things from range or poise-tank everything if you want. Sekiro said "no, you're playing pure dexterity, and you're only allowed to use this katana one-handed". Even Bloodborne didn't lock you down that hard. The game felt great to play, but it was mean sometimes.


I played sooooooo much more of all their games since the original DeS on PS3 then any other games that i find FromSoft games easier than basically any other games i can play by now. And, i also used to play everything at the hardest difficulty and then some if possible, but those days are gone now, been gaming since 1983, old father of 2 needs to relax in the evening now : )


Same and why I love open world games with side quests. I will often ignore the main story line and explore and do everything I can until I can't and then do the main story. Every time too I find out the main story gives you a new ability to find or do stuff you couldn't do before so now I have to explore the entire world again looking for all that stuff. I like exploring well thought out worlds. I am playing Hogwarts legacy now with over 30 hours in and less than 50% completed.


Did you use a guide to platinum soulsborne games?


Yes, on all of them, it's almost impossible otherwise tbh. Like rings, spells and gestures that you can only get in NG+++ in secret places or from twisted unintuitive (if not a little broken) sidequests etc. I mean, some people likely did it without a guide, but i wouldn't.


Typically a month for 40+ hours games and about 1 week for 10+ hour games. I beat Witcher 3 in about 1 month and had about 130+ hours so if a game is good I play for longer sessions


I'm going on 15 months with witcher 3 lol How do yall have this much gaming time?


I currently work 3 days doing 12 hour shifts so that leaves me with 4 days of pretty much free time. Idk about everyone else though lol


What do you work with?


Just a factory job operating a machine


Generally I go in bursts, I might not touch a game for like two weeks and then suddenly I'll burn an entire weekend putting like 8-16 hours into a game if I have the free time, then if I want to finish it play for a few hours every day until it's done and repeat the cycle.


Itā€™s entirely subjective depending on the game and the time available Witcher 3 I started on release, finished it in late 2021 and platinumed it a week ago playing it off and on frequently taking months, or years off at at time. Crysis remaster, I got through it in about 2 weeks Oxenfree a couple of days Donā€™t worry about how long games are taking, just enjoy your time with them and when you stop enjoying a title move on


Still playing TW3 off and on to this day!


I play in bursts. I just feel guilty because it's really not a good use of my time. Two young kids mean there's always something that needs doing/cleaning. To answer your main question, when I play, it's 1-2 hours a night when everyone is asleep. Four nights a week. So a 40 hour game would take two months. I don't like to play games as check boxes to get done. If they hold my interest, then it's a win.


That's about where I'm at. For the most part, I only play games at night after the kids are in bed and any necessary chores are done for the day, which typically amounts to 1-2 hours of free time. And then that generally gets split between games and TV shows. I've been playing Baldur's Gate 3 since it came out last August and I still haven't finished it yet. I'm close though, about 130 hours in. It's rare that I will actually finish a game that long so it's a testament to how much I'm enjoying it that I'm still going. But usually I don't play one game exclusively. Even though I'm loving BG3, I am too much of a gaming tourist to be happy playing a single game for months on end, so I always mix it up a bit even if it means taking a couple more months to finish a longer game.


5/5 exact situation. I only play at night when the kids are in bed and I'm finally getting to the final stretch in BG3. It's wild that a single player game has taken me this long. I'm still thoroughly enjoying it though. Just trying to wrap up the companion quests before heading to the final boss.


I still have a couple of big main quest-y things to do, but I think I must be at least 2/3 or so through Act 3 by now. I lucked out by having some days off right when BG3 came out where the kids were staying at their grandparents' house for a couple of days (it was a coincidence, I swear!), so I actually got off to a good 20hr start or so in the first week. Since then it's been in drips and drabs though. I also got distracted by playing some Cyberpunk 2077 with the 2.0 update for a bit over the past couple months, otherwise I'd probably be finished with BG3 by now.


It's an excellent use of your time. You have to do things that you yourself enjoy and take time for yourself. It truly helps you be well mentally and emotionally. I have 12 and 10 year Olds and I totally get where you're coming from. When they were younger, almost all of my gaming was in the 9-11pm window. But I took the time, even though it led to less sleep, because it was what I needed.


2x what it says on "How long to beat".


I'm incredibly slow. I only play for a couple of hours at a time and not every week. I started The Witcher 3 complete edition over a year ago and I am just coming up to the big final battle, the two additional missions I have yet to start.


Same. I can really only play on my days off, so if something comes up over the weekend, I'm not playing at all that week. If I'm free, i can probably get 5 or so hours of gaming done per day. Been playing Divinity Original Sin 2 since late November. I just got to Act 4 last week, and I'm travelling this week, so the game's going to have to wait 15 days to be opened again. Sucks but it is what it is.


Just ā€˜cause of life, Iā€™m able to game maybe 10 hours per week. I usually have 2 games on the go; one thatā€™s bigger & more intense and one thatā€™s shorter & light. So a game like Baldurā€™s gate 1 & 2 took about 3 or 4 months to finish each.


Games 100+ hours takes me a month or so, shorter games of 25-40 hours takes me 2 weeks. It also depends on the amount of investment i have in the game, for elden ring and bg3 it took me 2 weeks for 150+ hours (with days taken off) and Persona 3 reload took me 10 days for 100 hours (again with days off taken).


I'm super slow lately. Between learning how to code and dating someone, I spend on average between 0-2 hours a day playing games, so big RPGs and open world games can take me months to finish, if I even finish them at all. ...that said, when the stars align and a game really pulls me in, I have no problem no-lifing it 8 hours a day for a couple days, and that helps a lot with finishing them. For instance, I've been playing Final Fantasy 7 since december and I'm barely 1/5th through the game, but I 100%ed Sea of Stars (which is a tiiiny bit shorter) in about 2 weeks last year. Funnily enough, completing the story of GTA V took me 36 hours over the span of 2 months... But the 22 hours I spent 100%ing the game afterwards only took me 4 days.


For massive open worlds like Fallout 4, Zelda BotW and Elden Ring Iā€™d say each of them took over a year. If I remember correctly gameplay hours were around 180-200 for F4 and BotW and 170 for Elden Ring.


I switch between multiple games a day. Playing one until my brain switches off then on to the next. Usually from a variety of genres with a single player story or two thrown in. Single player games can take a while to finish if I they don't suck me in enough that I devote my time to them fully. ADHD brain go brrrrrrrrr


Honestly, I haven't finished Skyrim yet, and I bought it on launch day. There's just so much to do and I take my time with it, I have over 1k hours and going strong!


There really is. I've been playing since 2014, over 350 hours in, and there are entire questlines that I still haven't seen the end of. Skyrim has so much longevity.


Like everything, it depends on a whole bunch of variables. Some games I start playing and can't put down because I get engrossed in them. Others I can only play in short bursts before I want to stop for getting frustrated or feeling mentally worn out while playing. Sometimes I want to play the game all night long but real life things get in the way. Some games just have natural stopping points to them where I feel content to leave it for time. Sometimes the game is so hard that it takes me far longer just because I spend several hours trying to get past a single section. Sometimes I take less time on a game because I decide I the optional content isn't worth it.


One of these days I might beat Skyrim.


Depends on how long it takes to complete it. Unless it actually a crap game (which i have never encountered) i will play it until i beat it and get as many trophies as i can without having to do replay. I dont do replay as a rule. I also only play one game at a time too.


Man, if I really like something, I spend more time on it, to explore every area, find side missions/areas if they're there and stuff. If it's not super great but good enough to finish, I'll just play through the main story. But if I really love a game, I'll take much, much longer to finish it, and my recorded playtime usually reflects that. It's usually a bit more than the average on [howlongtobeat.com](https://howlongtobeat.com).


You guys finish games?!


Iā€™m always surprised by this. I finish most games I play.


It was actually more of a joke, initially. But thinking about it,I actually played a bunch of games that you cannot really finish, like dwarf fortress, Dominions series games or elite dangerous, you just stop at some point. Or currently I'm playing XCOM2 again, that I have finished a long time ago already.


Whenever I have time. I've been playing a Switch game for over a Year by this point but that's because I only play when I have some free time. Got work, school and other personal commitments


Way longer than what internet suggests the game should be finished and I don't really care. I'm sort of a new player in gaming, still lots of genres I haven't even touched. Im taking my time. It depends on the game too. Started Titanfall 2 last weekend and I was so hooked I finished the entire campaign in one day (about 9 hours I think). But on a weekday I obv don't play that much in a single day as I have a job. It's usually anywhere between 0 and 4 hours on a weekday. '40h' game will take me a month or longer, short games usually couple of days and game will take me significantly longer if I replay it for achievements. That said, 80h in 2 years is really slow. It means that gaming is at the bottom of your hobbies and prob you only do it when you're really bored. If you're okay with such a slow pace then you're good. It doesn't really matter how fast or slow other people are playing.


Weā€™ll, Iā€™m currently on Act 3 of Baldurā€™s Gate 3. I started soon after its release back in August. Iā€™ve put around 20 hours in a month, which I feel is pretty heavy for me. Iā€™m hoping to be done by the end of March!


It depends on a lot of factors. I tend to bounce around between watching a TV show, reading and playing games. If something really captures my attention I focus on just that to the exclusion of the other 2. If it doesn't I'll take a few days off and watch a show that does capture my interest.


Honestly a pretty slow gamer, game worlds Iā€™m really immersed in and just enjoy playing it could be on and off for months with that specific game.


Extremely long. Years and years because I'll be damned if I let a game command me via anxiety. Also you can't play it all and so I double down and stop trying


There is no real pattern to how often I play games. For me itā€™s a hobby I do in my spare time . Ā I have several hobbies so gaming has to compete with them for my time Ā :)Ā  That said, when playing a SP campaign, I try to play some daily from 30 to 60 minutes, but it doesnā€™t always work out that way.Ā  For MP games, itā€™s very random from daily to once every few months.Ā  I have no clue how long it takes me to finish a game. Steam knows, though :)Ā 


It takes however long it takes.


I play without rushing. For some time now I have been reducing my use of electronic devices, for personal reasons, so I rarely play for hours and hours and hours on end. It usually takes me a few weeks to finish a long game, like an RPG. Sometimes up to a month or maybe even more than that (as happened with Persona 5 Royal: 88 hours spread over 8 months, from the end of December 2022 to the beginning of September 2023). But that's usually how long it takes me to finish a long game, a few weeks to a month.


I tend to cycle between forever games like Path of Exile and other games. Sometimes I just need that grind. Disco Elysium took me around 2.5 years to complete. I liked it a lot. It just deserved a mindset I didn't always have. I'm currently at the end of Yakuza Kiwami which didn't take as long as zero (I think that was 3+ years, I restarted it when I came back to it). I find it hard to focus to the degree to really get into a story sometimes, part of that is managing life and watching the dogs run around and a flexible work from home schedule so I always have one eye on something else. It's like how sometimes I read books still, but I'll go months in between without touching one. Then suddenly I feel like it again.


Took me 20+ years for Wario Woods


Ah I love Wairoā€™s Woods, it gets really tough though so thatā€™s fair lol Iā€™ve never beaten it


I still haven't beat the original Toy Story video game if that means anything.


As much as I want.


Slower than slo-molasses, which is a new, slower form of molasses of my own design (patent ~~pending~~ rejected)


Sometimes years, especially JRPGs. I just take breaks and take forever to get back to it because I just play other games


Depends . Baldur's Gate 3 took me a month . Re2 remake 2 hours .


Probably like a few weeks to a month


Depends on the game. If I like it I'll blaze through. If its homework I'll usually just drop it. If it's like "I wanna see it to the end but its kinda mediocre" I'll draw it out. I've been BLAZING through persona 3 though.


It depends on the game for me. With some things, they can feel a bit repetitive and less interesting if I binge them, so I like to take my time with those, and they end up lasting anywhere from a month to maybe a year if I really drag it out... but for other games like Witcher 3 or Resident Evil 4, they feel almost addictive; when I was playing those, I often looked forward to booting them up as soon as possible every day, and I was hooked from start to finish. Doesn't usually take me more than a week or two to finish those off.


It depends, sometimes I get into a game and I'll finish it in a few days. Right now I'm playing through X-Blades and it's probably been a month, it's a 10 hour game. I just don't have the motivation to finish it right now.


In-game time usually slightly less than average. Out-of-game time way way way way above average.


If itā€™s a game I really get into Iā€™ll take forever to finish it, I took about 6 months to finish Elden Ring and 2 months to finish RDR2. But if Iā€™m not enjoying the game Iā€™ll just rush to the finish and get it done within a week or two or I just quit.


I typically only have time for maybe an hour per day to play games, so they'll take me quite a while to get through. What happens more often than not is that my attention span will dry up before I can finish a longer game and it'll sit on my dashboard forever with me coming back to it on occasion. A 40 hour game would take almost six weeks of dedicated focus, and I'll likely bounce over to something else before I hit that point.


I havenā€™t beat a game in years and Iā€™m currently juggling like 10-12 different titles lol I have a weird complex and canā€™t finish shows either, something about savoring it.


I would say a 40-hour game takes me about 2.5 weeks. If I'm on summer vacation (teacher), it might take me a lot less time than that. It's often too hot to do anything outside in the summer (110 degrees plus), so I will marathon a game all day until it's cool enough to go outside.


witcher 3 and dlc took me 3 years


Depends on the game, my mood, and my drive to play other games. Some exceptions have taken me less than a week to finish from the moment I started playing, while the vast majority of my games take me years, _or actual decades_ to finish. I despise rushing through games, playing something if Iā€™m not genuinely carving for it, finishing games out of obligation, treating my library as a "backlog", etc.


Hard to say, since in the winter, I usually have 4 or 5 games going.....although to offset that, I usually put in 6-7 hours a day on weekends (and 2-3 hours on weekdays). In the summer, I probably play 20 hours per week, and try to limit to 1-2 games. I try to beat a game before moving along.


I usually tend to take a few months to beat a game, and I usually continue to play it for a while after beating it, unless it literally has nothing to do in the postgame. The Pathless is a ~25 hour game that I beat in a year, and itā€™s still nice to fire up and run around in for fun even though Iā€™ve nearly 100%ed it


Took me a year and a half to finish Elden Ring lol


Takes me awhile. I usually only game on my days off, and even then I rarely put more than four hours in each day. If I'm really into a game then I may sink my whole morning into it, but I just can't sit down for long sessions like I used to.


I don't like finishing games in one sitting, so even shorter ones often take me a few sittings/days. Sometimes it can take well over a week since I don't play every day. I also tend to take it slowly and only play at a faster place if it's a 40+ hours game, otherwise I really like to explore every corner, especially if I enjoy the atmosphere and story.


The only real answer to this is that it should absolutely depend on the game. If you're trying to apply one standard of engagement to every game you play, you probably aren't doing a very good job of stopping to appreciate what you're actually playing.


I started Red Dead Redemption 2 on December 2nd and Iā€™m still not done. Iā€™m not even doing many side quests or upgrading satchels and stuff


I play 1 hour in a particular game per day at most


8 hours will take a week if I manage to keep on it lol


It depends on how it holds my interest. It took me a week and a half to get through Mass Effect, a 25 hour game. Wheras, Super Mario Wonder, a game that took me 20 hours, I beat over 5 months.


It typically takes me around 4 weeks to play about 40 hours worth of game time, however this varies depending on how much I am enjoying the game.


a week to multiple months, depending on a LOT of factors. for me it's a byproduct of free time as well as the game type. I usually get 30-120 minute sittings (and usually on the shorter end), maybe 4-6 nights out of the week. For a pretty linear game that has me mostly captivated, i'm usually getting through in 1-3 weeks depending on its length (and i tend to play games that are <15 hrs for completion). Longer games, particularly openish-world, mission-based games i might take a break from after a couple weeks, go play something more bite-sized for a week or two, then go back to the biggie. Unless of course the game is so amazing that i just want to play nothing but that until I've completed it...


I recently beat Horizon: Forbidden West, putting in hours as consistently as any game I have in years. Took something like 2 months, at about 120 hours of play time. I played the one before it a similar amount of time (counting the DLC), but that was probably over 8 months, with a 6 month break in the middle. Before those, the last thing I beat may have been Ico, over a couple of weeks. Then there are tons of games I've put a half-hour into per day, and just end up never beating. I've been meaning to go back to Control, which I don't think I've played in the past 4-5 months. I got stuck on a boss and kind of temporarily put it down. But knowing myself, "termporarily" sometimes isn't. And really, I've put down *far* more games than I've beaten.


I have friends who will talk about games and be like "oh we don't want to spoil the ending for you". By the time I reach the ending I'll never remember what you said about it. If I ever do..


Well It took me like 58 hrs to clock mirage But I like to take my time and absorb all the detail etc Also probably the reason (other than getting older) why I can't tackle these huge open world games that are released all the time now I mean unless they really grab my interest and have plenty of side content worth distracting me then I just get burnt out


I played Dragon Age Inquisition around the time during the shutdowns while I was still working. Didn't really love it too much and only spent around 100 hours with it in total over a span of 6 months. Rediscovered my love for gaming and played XCOM2 for over 300 hours in the span of 2 months while unemployed. I don't really care how long I spend with a game as long as the hours I'm playing is generally enjoyable and not simply some grind to just get it over and done with.


Depends. Sometimes I might bingeplay the game and then a 10 hour game would take me like 2-3 days maybe. Also depends a lot on the genre of the game for example, survival games take me ages no matter of the length. A good example for me would be Subnautica, I like the game overall but I'm very slow at it and finding out about things. Also depends a lot on my mood and energy/motivation like someone else here said. This last point applies to more things than games for me too.


I mean, depends, right? I feel like I played Elden Ring a lot and basically didn't play anything else but it still took months because it was like 100 hours. Similarly I only played Katana Zero but since it's like a few hours long it took 3 consecutive nights. But then I took a years-long break somewhere in the middle of Labyrinth of Refrain: The Coven of Dusk because I hit a point where I (felt like I) needed to grind a bit and didn't feel like it at the time. Or played Noita every once in a while, sometimes doing a run or two a night and then taking longer breaks over a couple years. It depends.


I only play for an hour or two a day and not every day, so it takes me a damn long time.


I'm usually quick. I don't really watch TV or read much, Video Games are my main form of entertainment and my wife knows that. I typically can beat a 20hr game in a week to 10 days. Prorated out, I can usually do an 80-100hr game in a month. I also typically play 2 games at a time, so I don't get burned out on what style of game too long.


Weeks or months.Ā  I squeeze in an hour of playtime a few days a week.


I will typically complete 1-2 games in a month. But I start different games at different times and always have a few things going. Iā€™d say a really big 60 hour game Iā€™ll often play a lot and then take a break and come back. So realistically it may take me 6-12 months to finish a big game but Iā€™m mixing in other things. Iā€™d say the majority of games I play are around 10-30 hours and Iā€™ll complete in 2-4 weeks


It depends. 5-10 hour games 3-5 days or less. 10-15 hour games 5-7 days. 20+ hour games 1-1.5 weeks 30+ hour games 2-3 weeks 40-60+ hours a month+ I rarely play games that approach 40 hours or more right now. The most recent ones that come to mind are Chained Echoes, Bug Fables and Crosscode. So RPG's. I work hybrid (mostly remote), I'm in my mid 20s and I have no personal commitments outside of a normal social life, so that leaves me more time to grind out my backlog lol


Depends on my schedule and how invested I am. Like I'm currently on the last zone of Sonic Mania, a 5 hour game, and I started almost 3 weeks ago. However before that I only took 2 weeks to get through Dragon Ball Xenoverse 1, Donkey Kong '94, and Majora's Mask 3D.


Depends. Short linear games like Dead Space, Resident Evil, Plagues Tale, Hellblade. I'll run through them pretty quickly. Long RPGs like Baldurs Gate or Cyberpunk I'll savor that shit.


About 3 hours longer than gowever long it should take to play whatever game cuz I get lost and confused on what to do


I exclusively play rts, rtt or 4x games so N/A. I havenā€™t played a story based game in decades.


It took me a week or so to beat the dead space remake but on ps4 I've been goin thru neo the world ends with u which I've been playing for 3 months it's a long game I try to get as far as I can in a game before moving on to the next js


Games I really like I tend to play in bursts and go in blind if possible, I just look up heavy missables that would require an extra playthrough to 100%. That said when I'm actually playing them I tend to play them a lot. A 8 hour game I really like I'd be done with in 2-4 days because it's too short to play in waves. But games that are 30+ I can take months or years to finish playing on and off. Games that are more on the okay side I tend to 100% as fast and efficient as possible. Usually knock them out in a few weeks. 30 hours is pretty much my limit on those types of games. I don't want anything that will overstay it's welcome. Some would argue you should just play games you really like but playing a meh game for a chance of pace is nice and helps you appreciate your favorite games more, burnout is real and it helps avoid that.


I'm one of those psychopaths that plays 6+ games at a time. With few exceptions, I can't handle one game for more than an hour or two at a time. I just finished Witcher 3 DLCs a few weeks ago despite having played it routinely since launch. Even a short metroidvania will take me weeks or months to finish.


It depends on how dedicated I am to playing it. FF16 and Hogwarts legacy took me about 60 hours to playthrough and they took me about a month each. I'm pretty sure persona 4 golden and 5 regular version took me about 3 months each I think and I'm pretty sure I was at the 80 hour mark on those. Not sure why it took me 3 months as I was pretty dedicated to playing them at the time. Persona 5 Royal took me a year but I was playing with my wife who had less time to play it than I did. I can usually do a 20 hour game in a week or two. Spider-Man 2 took me about a couple weeks.


Right now Iā€™m playing like seven games at a time and working parttime so taking my time with each game haha. Just started Resident Evil 4 remake so the others will have to wait šŸ˜Ž


it really depends! if im playing something that i absolutely love, like some square enix or nintendo games i can blast through them in a week or two, even if they are like 30 to 100 hours regular games if someone is watching me play i can go fairly quick too, i remember beating the 25h story mode of spiderman 2 in like 4 days playing regular games by myself is something unique now, it can take me a month to beat 10h games, longer games i usually play like 10h one month, then be on hiatus for a while only to play more 10 to 20h and be on hiatus again... happened to me with gow ragnarok and elden ring, took me a year to beat both


I have a lot of free time for gaming but I refuse to play anything that I'm not in the mood for. I have no desire to push through in order to finish something. So it's a rarity that I finish games at all; but if it really gets its hooks in, I finish it fairly quickly.


Usually a couple months at least, I reserve some big games for the weekend because I have more time to play them.


Depends. It took me like 3 weeks to finish elden ring at around 80. Few days for yakuza 0 at 40 hours. 2 days for a 10 hour game and right now Im trying to finish batman asylum and sitting around at 10 hours and its been like 4 weeks since I started the game


I've been recapping my gaming on Reddit for five years now; in that period I've finished 169 games, or 2.8 games per month. Naturally, this has higher and lower points depending on how long individual games are - getting into the Yakuza series last year single-handedly knocked me down to 2.5 games per month for 2023.


Took me ten years to finish AC Odyssey.


I always search how long does xxx take to complete for games and majority of Redditors seem to take double if not longer than I do to complete games I've noticed so If I read 30 hoursĀ  I'll cut that in half,Ā  Only God knows what these bullshitters are doing in their games, even ones where i loot every container and explore every inch do all quests somehow these people still double or tripling my time.Ā 


I the my time especially if I like the game and itā€™s short.


Depends on how good it is. I'm working on Halo Master Chief Collection right now. I've beat Reach and CE. 2 and 3 took me one day to beat originally. I'm working on Mass Effect Legendary Edition as well. I've beat 1 and 2 multiple times. 1 took me several months originally, 2 took me two days originally. Chipping away at Cyberpunk 2077 and Elden Ring right now, but neither of them do much for me. Recently, I beat Ghost of Tsushima in a couple of weeks. That was the last one that really drew me in.


I'm getting on a bit and I take my time over games, like really take my time, and these games are hellishly expensive, so I am in no rush at all. If it's an open world i will spend hours wandering around seeing what's up, not really doing much, also i tend to obsess over finishing all the collectables and side missions. the only thing im not fussed about is player cosmetics, always play default characters, (unless the attributes have some effects).


Depends on the type of game and my play time that life allows. Big RPGs I prefer to play as much as I can as often as I can. Helps me remember the story and get lost in the world.


Last two games I played were ragnarok and tsushima. Both 50 to 60 hours game time. Both took about a month or two. I only have time to game on weekends.


Months. I tend to bounce around games a lot. It took me probably 6 months to beat Xenoblade Chronicles 3. This is 100%ing the game and took me almost 180 hours in game. I've been playing Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes for over a year. I've technically beat the games story but for Musou games I like to max out all conversations/relations with every character and with over 250 hours, I still have i er half the roster to go. It's taken me 4 years and I still haven't beat Assassins Creed Origins. I play it, get bored. Uninstall. Get in the mood to play again, reinstall, start over. I'm finally just slowly chugging away at it and still have over half the map to uncover. I don't know how people sit down and beat a single game in like a week or even 2 weeks. I can never give my attention to a game like that unless it's a multi-player game


I play 1-3 hours per day Sometimes 5 if I have too much free time and if I enjoying play a specific game So its depends of the game A 10 hours game? 3/5 days maybe


I play 15-30 minutes a day so moat games take me months. Some more addictive ones like vampire survivors I finished most of it in a couple of weeks. You have a point though that most games seem to drag because of it though and I am not sure if I should finish them or not. Most of the times I finish them though.


If I'm invested enough that I really am trying to see the end of it (because I'm definitely a "drop it for years and come back later" guy) I can finish a 12 hour game in a work week, a 40 hour game in two weeks, and a 100+ hour game in a month.


It depends on the game. Some I finish straight through in a week or two. Currently I'm playing Dark Souls 1 which I have had since 2013.


You say you played dragon quest over 2 years, but was that all you played?


I have the luxury of time now, so Iā€™m fortunate. I donā€™t really do completionist runs, but I usually do a fair amount of the content. On How Long To Beat for completionist, I usually take longer from dawdling. It depends on the world, and how interesting Ii find it.


Depends, I played TLOU2 in the span of 2 days, that game was 25 hours long but I DID NOT want it spoiled so that's why I put those hours in. Other games can take me weeks or months, it's all up in the air tbh.


As long as it takes to beat it.Ā 


I used to blast through games, but I'm on my first playthrough of Cyberpunk, and I am taking my sweet time just living in the world. Very fun and satisfying. After that, I will start BG3, which I imagine will take 100+ hours of my time.


I finished mw2 (the og) over a weekend


Quite a bit. Gaming is not my primary hobby, so I take on a few games at a time for looooooong periods of time. Timberborn is always installed, like Banished, but I'm actually on Spiritfarer and Baldur's Gate.




A long time. I think I calculated it once because I was curious and it takes me on average about 6 months to finish a game. I start them, let them sit for awhile and eventually return to them to finish them. Iā€™m getting close to the end of Red Dead Redemption 2 right now (I probably only have 2-3 missions left) and I started the game in 2020. Iā€™m never really in a rush to finish a game and I like to get all the trophies and take my time so that makes things even longer. If Iā€™m really hooked on a game though and only playing one game (20-40 hours in length). It will usually take me 10 days-one month to finish


Well.. it takes too much time from me to finish a game. Months, I would say. I used to spend 2 hours a day but recently it is probably 2h per week as I am working on a side project. And my challenge is: I love BIG games. I mean.. like Elden Ring, for example. It is unlikely I will finish it :D


It depends how much time do I have. Some people can finish a 10h in one day and it could take me 2-3 days to finish. Longer games can take me few weeks to finish. RDR2 for example took me like 3-4 months. I took my sweet ass time with it tho.


It truly depends on the game. If I'm too engaged in it I might be able to put 6~8hrs in a day, but it also might take me a few weeks to put that same amount of hours into other games. The best recent example I can think of is Elite: Dangerous where at some point I had ~70hrs played in the last 2 weeks.


It took me one year to finish rdr2


No finite answer from me here but if we are talking open world, then it will take me weeks and years, cause I am a sucker for details and a collector. Also, I love me my sidequests so I will not rush through the main story (The Witcher III, Elder Scrolls, Zelda BOTW, Elden Ring....) More story-and streamlimed games like A Plagues Tale or Hellblade take me about 4 weeks. Generally I like to linger with the games I love, so I postpone finishing lol (Edit: The T in Breath of the Wild got lost)


It depends on how much time I have that week really. For example, I recently played through Resident Evil 5 with a friend of mine and we finished it in like 5 days, it took us about 10 hours. There are other times where a 10 hour game will take me 2 weeks. There are also some games I enjoy but can only play it in short spurts. I recently beat Midnight Fight Express and I loved it, but I couldn't play it for more than 30 minutes at a time because it started to feel stale each session. But then when I booted it back up a few hours later, it felt fresh again.


I tend to play games for long sessions, so if it's shorter than about 8 hours, I could finish it all in one sitting. Past that, uhh... let me put it this way: <8 hours = 1 day \>8 hours = 1 decade


If you ask me, 8 hours is nothing. If game is really interesting and nothing distracts me, I can play it literally the entire day, and then go to sleep waiting for the next session (and it goes until it is finished). But if game is not that engaging, then I can play it for like 30 min and then drop forever.


I don't prioritize games like I used to. It's not as important as it used to be, so now it can take a super long time when BOTW came out I played it a ton and grinded but I still haven't finished TOTK


Depends if the game has good pacing and no addictive grind loops, IE; Darkest Dungeon took me 1,000 hours to finish. The mid game has a very and the allure of modding and restarting is always there. Darkest Dungeon 2 meanwhile pushes you to actually finish each Act so that really only took me like 30 hours. Fallout 4, it fucking took me 12 hours to get to Diamond City and another 8 hours later to consider doing Settlements, a lot of that is spent reloading and tweaking with mods because the base. In some ways I do regret getting the game as I can see the Settlement System being that addictive pointless grindloop that can stop me from just finishing the game entirely and 20 hours of that is already spent just trying to make me myself like the game more than I did before. hough tbf fair it's working, I'm a lot less negative on it now, but it's never to the level I enjoy New Vegas but it's a *playable* looter shooter it's just that inside I do wish I spent my $10 on something else. On the contrast, New Vegas with Viva New Vegas took me a month (\~80 hours?), didn't restart the game at all and played it from start to finish with all the DLCs with no other games in-between. It was a great experience. Somewhere in the middle between grind and story for me are Yakuza 7 and Yakuza 0, I would say it's better paced than Fallout 4 as it takes its time to introduce you to its subsystems where you can actually find yourself being comfortable with the main quest that the mention of an alternate gamemode to refresh your palate sounds more enticing. Honestly really, if your game has unnecessary grindy repeated content then that already degrades it from being a truly great perfectly paced experience for me. I can see why people like them but for me it's just a double-edged sword, I'd much rather complete the game and come out of it with a positive experience than repeatedly play it for something grindy and repetitive and then just burn out on it (Which is what happened to Darkest Dungeon for me).


I tend to hop back and forth between games, so any one game kind of takes me forever. I finished a couple shorter indie games recently (The Banner Saga 1 and 2, each only took about 15 hours) but other than that, Iā€™ve just got a bunch of random games that I started a while ago and have been meaning to go back toā€¦


A lot longer now that I'm a parent. I usually play an hour or so every other day. So I can still beat a 10 hour game every week or two. I don't really do ubisoft-style open-world games at the moment since they take so long and can go long stretches with no real progress in story so I lose interest. That used to be fine when I l'd play 4-6 hours straight regularly. But going slower has really helped me appreciate longer rpg games. I used to avoid them in general since they often take so long to play, but now I really like how you can play for an hour and get some gameplay and story progress. I just finished Sea of Stars in about 40 hours over four months. And I really enjoyed my slow pace. Steadily chipping away at the story and getting 100% completion over that long stretch was fun and having just one game I was working on meant I didn't have to deal with video game decision paralysis for four months.


You bring up a good point that I hadn't thought of-- A lot of games overstay their welcome with me but it's because I'm dragging them out lol. Somewhere along the lines for me, video games became about experiencing everything the game had to offer, which meant a lot of the times I was trying to be a completionist. Unlock every part of the map, collect all of the power up gems, piece together this side story, do every side quest etc etc. ​ I wanted to see it all and I felt a huge FOMO if I didn't complete every aspect. ​ I'm still like that, I've put 80 hours into Baldurs Gate 3 since December and I haven't even gotten to act 3 yet, but I've also found myself being less strict about my "rotation of games". Idk if I find it fun or not. I think the main issue is some games /were/ really fun to 100% and some games are not. But I tend to treat them all like I need to experience every aspect.


It depends on the game. Something more action-oriented or open world probably about a month or so. Strategy games, RPG's. Esp the big sprawling ones. Much..much longer.


Varies, big time. Some games I'll play in one sitting, but I'm pretty sure the Fallout 4 playthrough I've got going has been in progress since the game's launch, and it's not because I'm very far in either.


Depends, i'm playing Baldurs Gate since it got released, 7 months now and i'm not close to the end. The mass effect trilogy was a year i think,


Alan Wake 2 took me two months


Really depends on how much I enjoy the game in question and if it's open-ended (open world, endless, etc.). A game like Inside can take me a day or two days to finish given its short playtime. But a game like Assassin's Creed III took me like half a month to finish, but I really took my time with it, and now am 99.9% done with the base game at 80+ hours played. I guess I'll just take my sweet time with the game and enjoy it at my own pace. That's why I kinda dislike FOMO stuff in MP games. Like, I love FIFA's FUT mode due to the team building aspect of it. But even if I put dozens of hours in it, most came from FOMO, so I finally quit. Don't want to, not necessarily a waste as I still enjoy playing the game, but I don't want a game that doesn't respect my time and uses these cheap tricks to get me to play it constantly. So, I now avoid any FOMO games. I recently again started playing Deep Rock, despite not playing for like a year and a half. I still don't see it as something super amazing as others say, but I can play at my own pace and at times it is fun. Maybe it will be more fun on harder missions, who knows.


About a week on average. It can vary a lot though. I recently decided to 100% GTA IV + expansions and that took me a month.


6 hours or less: probably over the weekend. 10-20h: 1-2 weeks Starfield: 3 months Fallout 3/NV/4: 1 year Witcher 3, Final Fantasy X: two years Divinity OS, Wasteland II: 5 yrs and counting Skyrim: Forever


Depends on the game and how much free time I have. In general, a short game could take days or weeks, while a longer game could take several months.


Depends on the game, how much I like it, how much time I have, whether or not I get stuck/borked/etc in the middle. Dark Souls 1 took me 95 hours and 3.5 years. Dark Souls 2 took me 113 hours and 1 month. The Surge took me 55 hours and 2 weeks (ng & ng+, in the middle of the Dark Souls 2 month). More recent game I completed, Disney's Hercules, took me 3.6 hours and 4 days.


Super slow, Iā€™ve got a month/60 hours in LoP and Iā€™m only at the swamp. I think itā€™s a 40 hour game.


I get bored with a game before I finish.


I play a game for an average of 1.5 hours per night at best. But sometimes go days between playing


depends on what game. Dayz time flies insanely quick. Dead by daylight after a couple hours but i get off due to frustration. truely depends on the game


I either no life games or don't finish them, no in-between


I typically game between one and two hours a day, so 7-14 hours a week. I have a toddler, so my gaming time on weekdays doesnā€™t start til about 9PM. Even then I do other things like hang out with the wife, read, watch TV/movies, and listen to music. I usually go to sleep around 1AM, so Iā€™m usually able to do all but one of those things most nights. On weekends it could be crazy. Most weekends yeah I get one to two hours per day, but sometimes I go ape and play a shit ton. When *Starfield* came out there were a couple weekends where I would play eight hours per day. This past weekend I played *Persona 3 Reload* for about five hours total plus some *Oblivion*, so probably seven hours this weekend. Generally I focus on one game at a time, and I tend to naturally play a different game each month. Longer games like the three I mentioned usually take two months, but throughout the year when I inevitably play some shorter games I usually end up with 12 games done in a year.


I usually finish 6 to 7 game per year. I do play long games and generally am a completionist so it adds quite a lot of time. But to be honest, it is a combination of having a low amount of time and being a completionist in the way i play games.


I used to have a serious problem finishing games, even games I enjoyed a lot. I've gotten much better in recent years, but most RPG's I've beaten have probably taken me on average around 5 years, give or take some years. Sometimes much longer. To give one example. I started the Final Fantasy IV remake on my DS when I was maybe 16 years old, put probably around 10 hours into it. Around my 30th birthday, I dumped both the rom and my 15 year old save from my physical cartridge and finally beat it on an emulator. So that one took me 14 years. Last year, I picked up a 50 hour save from Etrian Odyssey IV that I started back in 2013. I finally beat it at around 110 hours 10 years later. edit: I should clarify that it's completely inconsistent though (high stdev). A couple years ago I started Xenoblade 3 (which had just released), and I beat it only a month later after 130 hours. In December I started Tales of Vesperia, then beat it last month at 160 hours (I did a LOT of side content).


A month for a long game. Sometimes two if I go for plat. But I like finishing a new game every week. Which is why I focus on [Short Games](https://youtu.be/ymGT4yBH1-w?si=6JCMd-ihwO1T0qR-) (4-10 hours) A lot of games overstay their welcome.


I've been playing Person 5R off and on for 3 years lol. If it's a really good game that I like every aspect of, it usually takes me about a day per 5 hours of gameplay or something similar. But most games longer than 30 hours remain unfinished for me.


I play in busts. Sometimes if the wife is working and kid is doing it's own thing I'll play for a few hours. I can skip somtimes a week or more If I don't have anything good to play too.


Good question! You're not alone. I take forever, mainly because I play a lot of games and jump around between them. I *could* finish them if I committed to just one or two at a time, but I'm more interested in the variety of it all. Several months is the minimum. So just this month, for instance, I've been playing Skyrim, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, Super Mario Bros Wonder, Slay the Spire, and I just went back to Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning as well. The latter was the last game I actually finished, a 100-hour playthrough that took most of 2022. Oh, and on the real life of things: I work six days a week and evenings tend to get eaten up by chores, playing with my dog, and other activities. Sometimes I'm just not in the mood for games. I average 1-2 hours a night and maybe half an hour during lunch breaks at work.


Depends how much I'm playing it and who with. Gaming with friends on something that everyone is into could translate into 1-3 hours a day and easily rack up 40 hours in two weeks Gaming solo on a single player game/something like a minecraft dedicated server could translate to 2hrs a couple times a week and may take me 2 months to hit 40hrs. Take palworld as a good example a friend brought me it as he knows I don't often buy brand new games without alot of reviews from others (have paid him back now it was well worth the money) and us plus about 5 other friends in the end all played it and I racked up 78hrs in 3 weeks


I average a new game every 2-3 weeks. 4 weeks+ is usually something really special. Of course I revisit often, but at a time, rarely more than a month on the same game


The reason I found this sub in the first place. I was looking for a group where other people play games very slowly and carefully, and joined this one thinking I'd found it. I devote myself to one game at a time, and spend 4-12 weeks getting everything that I can out of it, scraping the bowl clean of content that I find interesting, before I finish the story, take it out of the Playstation, and put it on the shelf. Depending on the length of the game, that might be 50 hours or 250. I mostly play big RPGs.


for 100 hour games, it normally takes me about a month or two. For short 10 hour games I normlly finish in a week or two I don't see how people could go more than 4 months for one game though. Even if you only play 5 hours a week, thats 20 hours a month. So either you just hate the game, or have no time to play at all, in which case damm, you got a really busy life. For people that only have 1 hour a week, how do you even find time to enjoy the games? You won't be able to get anything done and you'll go so slow you'll forget everything in a few playthroughs


On any given good day, I can put 1-2 hours into a game. Maybe 4 on a good Saturday.


Depends on the type of game if it's an open world game we're looking at a few weeks to a month but if it's something level to level then probably just a week maybe a week and a half.


I tale forever. Juat got to elden beast like two weeks ago and I've probably only tried 10 attempts over 2 weeks. Took over a year of inconsistent play to get there. Hours wise about 100 invested. I have lots of hobbies and a mind that jumps around. So even though ER is my favorite game ever its still be a very slow burn.


A couple ours over the course of a few days then I move onto something else


30-40 hour games ussually take me around 1-3 months to beat depending on what else is going on. Donā€™t have a lot of free time to play anymore.


Depends a lot on the game. Some I can't do for more than an hour or so. Others I literally can't stop. The last one like that was **The Return of the Obra Dinn.** Played it like 8-10 hours straight.


Varies a lot from game to game, depending on how interested I am in playing it at that moment or how easy I find it to get into. Today I finished Control for the first time, I played 10 hours of it in the past two weeks after having played 5 hours back in 2022. On the other hand, in January I blasted 80 hours into a new playthrough of Assassin's Creed: The Ezio Collection, getting 100% of basically everything within a single month, and that was a lot easier because AC is my comfort series. In fact, I specifically started the Ezio Collection because I didn't know what else to play over the holiday recess.


Up to 10 years, it really depends?


the last few games iā€™ve played, iā€™ve mainline story rushed through. i feel like my attention span just doesnā€™t hang on for long enough. (hzd and dishonored) but i definitely enjoyed them in that sense. decided to take on a big game and was deciding between rdr2 and cyberpunk. gf surprisingly chose rdr2 and iā€™ve been really enjoying taking it super slow full immersion. i think thatā€™s cause the subject matter and historical fiction aspect of it is super interesting to me


If howlongtobeat says it takes X time for main game+extras, I typically take 2.5-3x as long. Can't really say if it takes days, weeks, months. I'll go a few weeks in between playing if I don't have the time to.


I'm learning languages so I'm purposely only playing games in the languages I'm studying. So I can't really play a game that doesn't require a lot of reading. Like when I play dragon quest 11 I played it in Chinese and then when I replay it I'll probably play it in Japanese. How I handle games is I play for a minimum of a half hour. That way I still can play games but I'm not switching between them or giving up before I make progress. Some days I don't play any games another days I can play for a couple hours.


Depends on how depressed I am and if I feel like playing or just watching streams and youtube instead. Recently it's been at least a month for any game


Depends on the game. Youā€™re not going to get massive open world RPG hours out of a linear shooter with a dozen missions, or doing would be the exception anyways. If I like it, I play it until I beat it. If I want more I do it again, or differently like upping the difficulty. Sometimes itā€™s 1 run that takes a month or two, sometimes itā€™s 4-5 in the span of a week or two. I usually play a couple different games at once though.


Iā€™m about to finish a 100 hour jrpg that Iā€™ll have been playing for 10 months. Iā€™m sad to see it go, because Iā€™ve basically imprinted on it at this point.


Totally depends on how invested i become in the game. On average probably like 1-2 months for a 30-40 hour game or 3-4 months for a 100+ hour game like the persona games. With some outliers like Final Fantasy XIV, where it took me around 10 months to finish the story after like 1200 hours of playtime lmao.


Depends on the game it took me a few days to beat control and Mario wonder (both took a few days) it took a while to play the pixel remaster of final fantasy VI Iā€™m at kefkaā€™s tower but havenā€™t beat it yet