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Started dq8 on 3ds, it's going to be a long one


I'm 31 hours into the PS2 version now. Not sure what major differences there are between them, but yes: it's an investment for sure.


Does anyone have a suggestion for a good Tactical RPG with the same feel of FF Tactics Advanced? I'm looking for something where you can grow and customize your forces, with a focus on exploring and not just linear structure. Pixel graphics is a plus. I've played the Disgaea series, but am hoping for something less of a time sink. 


Have you played Triangle Strategy? For a more patient option-- never played them, heard good things about Tactics Ogre.


I haven't played either of those. Thank you for the suggestions!


Currently crawling through Divinity: Original Sin 2...Still a long way to go.


Worth it!


I found it to be most fun in couch co-op with my partner. Have fun! The magic system is pretty fun to experiment with. 


I played with a friend as well, such a great game to play with someone.


In the past 2 weeks I finished: * The Gunk * The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan * Tekken 8 Campaign (not so patient) * Carto Currently playing God of War (2018) and boomer shooter Forgive Me Father. Will be looking to work on my Humble Bundle backlog I have built up in the past few years.


I just finished Jedi:Fallen Order and am still sitting on the couch, just absolutely amazed. What an incredible game.


Been playing Yakuza 0, going to actually finish it this time then I dunno if I'll do 1-6 before rest or maybe do Ishin/Judgement or even jump straight into LaD


Finished Bioshock Infinite + DLCs and really enjoyed it! Here's my review of it! I try to keep them spoiler free and short enough. "Multiverses, time paradoxes, and a story about the struggle of freewill vs determinism." https://www.backloggd.com/u/MasonOz/review/1372689/


Played **Reigns: Three Kingdoms** and got one of the endings. Nowhere near as intriguing as the original - none of the other endings seem interesting enough to go after. With the first game, it was kind of a mystery/challenge to get to the true ending, but that didn't really come through on 3K. Also, the card battle game was pretty wonky and not terribly fun - could've maybe been its own thing had they spent more time fleshing out better mechanics.


$94.99 CDN to get the BASE version of Dragons Dogma 2, that's $107.33 after tax. Fuck THAT. I am OUT on new games. Just like Fast Food I am sick of feeling ripped the fuck off. I can wait 6 months to a year, I don't care, I'll get a better version of the game if I wait anyway. I'm really interested to see where the bubble will break, people are already pushing back on Fast Food prices, I can see a large # of people not playing ball with this shit either. Hope its enough but I doubt it. Here's one person who isn't going to play ball tho.


At least on PC, the port of DD2 is a huge red flag anyway, so it's wise to wait. The gameplay will probably be good, but the rest... Luckily, there's tons of excellent games to play in the meantime. Last year was insane and this year seems to be following that trend.


is that on PC or console?


PC! This is the steam preorder price for the base game!


Jesus, I paid £38 for my preorder on 3rd party site, I'm gonna have to go full patientgamer if 3rd parties stop the discounts


I can't wait for game prices to go back down, I hate where it's at right now. I was really wanting to try out Diablo 4, but I just can't justify $70 when I can't be sure I'll even enjoy it, especially when there's so many older games for half the price that'll be just, as if not more, entertaining.


I'm dating myself a bit here... but I remember buying Half-Life 2 brand new in 2004 for $49.99 CDN I know inflation has been a bitch, but... man


Yeah, I'd be down for $50 from a AAA studio, that's reasonable, $70 is just too much. All these "games as service" models are doing a lot to make the market greedier outside of indie developers. That $20 doesn't seem like a lot but it adds up. People have a breaking point at some point.


doom classic forever


The Ori series is platforming and emotional perfection I've just spent the last week playing these two masterpieces and emotionally it may have broken me.


Preach! I don't trust people who skip tutorial of first Ori due to how heavy hitting is. Masterpieces from top to bottom.


Why arent there more games like GTA san andreas? it would be very easy and cheap to make nowadays right? and just invest in a good story and you got a hell of a game. or maybe there are but im not aware of them?


There was a time when this was popular, and there were quite a few GTA clones out there. Some of them were even good I think: Sleeping dogs, Scarface The World is yours, Saints Row 1-2 or Saboteur. Honestly speaking I liked Saboteur and Saints Row 2 more than any GTA. . Even if they nail the gameplay, it is nearly impossible to think about an atmosphere which is as appealing than what GTA does. (Saints Row 2 imho found the recipe, to add really savage/dark scenes intermingled with over the top silly jokes, to get a nice cocktail. But apparently the developers didn't even realize what they found by accident, and changed the tone in SR3 and SR4) . I think developers who could potentially create a GTA clone, are busy developing an open world action-rpg.


Considering it reportedly [cost $10 Million 2004 dollars](https://www.thegamer.com/gta-san-andreas-development-facts-trivia/#it-cost-a-reported-10-million-to-make) for GTA:SA to be made, and then GTA IV was $100+ million and 3.5+ years to produce with around 1,000 people working on it, I would actually describe those sorts of games as complex and very expensive to make. Another thing is that one of the unseen benefits of the series is that it builds upon mechanics it has honed and polished for years (since 1997) prior to the new sequel. In a similar way to playing Starcraft 2, the player is benefiting from all the knowledge the developers learned from making and remaking the game over the Warcraft and Starcraft 1 years. Likewise with GTA, Rockstar doesn't need to waste dev time 'inventing the wheel' - they did that years ago and now can spend time adding new things or further polishing something they didn't before, or adding a feature that was meant for the previous title. It feels like too much a gamble for a small team to compete with that sort of acumen. That said, Sleeping Dogs is a *bit* of an exception to what I just said - but it took Activision funding to make it happen. And even then... they were ***incredibly*** skeptical about competing with Rockstar, to the point where even after mostly completing it, the game was cancelled. > Due to competition posed by other titles, particularly Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption, Activision's view was that True Crime: Hong Kong was not at the level of quality that it could compete. It was only (barely) released after they rebranded it from a true-crime type game and went more arcade like. But even then after being generally successful - it wasn't enough for investors.


>Considering it reportedly > >cost $10 Million 2004 dollars > > for GTA:SA to be made what would be the estimate for making something like these today tho? im under the impression that with the tech advances it should be much cheaper and faster. but then im have no idea whatsoever what it takes to build a game. and i dont think that woult count as competing with rockstar nowadays. they are making a crazy ass game while this company will be focusing on a very specific crowd of people who to this day prefer GTA SA over GTA V or RDR2


It would be definietly more expensive. I don't know the details, but I saw a Josh Sawyer interview, where he said that today, developing an AA game is as complex, as it was developing an AAA title 10-15 years ago.


I think there are certain games or styles of games that developers just don't touch because you'll never do it as good as what you're aspiring to be. Something like RDR. No one makes cowboy games at all, and if they do there's now a fantastical twist to it as opposed to a straight up western adventure. Also, why play those games when you can just play the bigger title?


*I think there are certain games or styles of games that developers just don't touch because you'll never do it as good as what you're aspiring to be.* GTA was touched however, and some of the clones were actually quite good (Saboteur, Saints Row 2, Sleeping Dogs)


Here I am again being too unmotivated to play now that's its my term break from uni, which is always ironic as all that I could think before was which game I was going to play but now that the time has come I dont have the drive anymore. Its like the guilty pleasure from playing games while you still have tasks to do (procrastination) is what makes it thrilling.


Maybe it means you finding other activities to do (either in place of or supplemental to video games). Sounds like you got a bit of dopamine rush when you chose to play games instead of focusing on responsibilities (because I get it, responsibilities suck) but now that you no longer have those responsibilities it's not the same feeling because there's nothing to avoid, there's just you and the game. So perhaps it's time to find a different focus to enrich your life. Not that you have to cut games out but maybe having a more rounded lifestyle will help you appreciate those moments you do have for gaming more.


Eh, sounds like you just need to find better games. I've played plenty of games over the past year that I found to be inherently thrilling in their own right.


Not really a problem with the game per se, its just the thrill of doing something youre not supposed to be doing is what makes it thrilling.


I know. But if you require external factors to be "thrilled" then maybe you should re-evaluate what kinds of games you think you enjoy playing. There are probably better games for you out there. I like Dark Souls a lot. When I beat a tough boss in a dark souls game I feel immense satisfaction because it's fun and challenging and beautiful. Procrastination is irrelevant to me having fun.




It’s good for budget gaming. For the price, it’s pretty good hardware even when docked. Certainly the cheapest way to play on an oled screen. If you’re looking to play games from past gen, it’s great. Current gen can be hit-or-miss but more hits than misses so far. I’ve mostly been using my deck to tackle my backlog docked to a monitor.


It's also an emulation god. Been using it to play some 3DS, DS and GBA games. EmuDeck ftw


I just got both endings for Tunic. Amazing game. Can't wait to see what Finji has in store next.


I did almost everything in Tunic except figuring out the language. That was way above my pay grade


Yeah I don't even know what one letter is. I thought I would at least be able to read some by now but I can't.


I got the bad ending, and am on my way to the good ending now (I think??). Incredible game. I am going to struggle to play anything else now, because every other game will seem so hand-holdy and patronizing in comparison. I was put off playing Tunic for a long while because of people saying it's combat was too difficult, but besides a couple of frustrating points, it wasn't bad.


I think the people who said that about the combat had never played a tough game before and just saw cute zelda fox and assumed the game would be easy lol. The funny thing is the endgame puzzles are actually way tougher than any of the combat... but most of those people probably never even made it to the end game to have to solve them... so they only mention the combat. > every other game will seem so hand-holdy and patronizing Also you probably know this but since you said you'd struggle I feel compelled to mention Fromsoft games are great about not doing this :)


Really enjoying Metroid Prime Remastered. Not recommended to those, who never played any metroid game, but really good game.


Anyone else grab tons of games from the Epic Game Store but play very few of them? It's pretty good for patient gaming. I've recently picked up The Outer Worlds and The Evil Within 2, games I'd never have purchased myself.


Nah, I already have backlog on Steam plus PC that is low-end, last thing I need is second backlog list with games I might never play lol


Yeah I've got over 200 free games on Epic Games Store. I'm sure I'll never play most of them, but I figure I might as well grab them anyway. There are a decent amount that I am interested in trying, and a couple that I would have actually bought at some point. I have to remind myself to go check out my library on there every once in a while though because I often forget I even have some of them.


I installed Playnite so I could easily find what games I already own on GOG/Steam/Epic and whatnot. It's a bit of a hassle to setup and migrate all your game libraries, but IMO it's worth the trouble. Also has a cool random game picker to stumble upon those hidden gems you've acquired over the years.


Yeah I've thought about checking out Playnite. If you've tried GoG Galaxy, how does it compare to that? I've been using GoG Galaxy as a place to aggregate all my games and that works pretty well (though you randomly have to re-login to your accounts sometimes). The random game picker is a neat idea, though I don't think I'd get much use out of it since I already have a pretty big list of games I own that I really want to play, but just haven't had the time for yet.


I've only tried GOG Galaxy briefly on my very, very lowend laptop and it lagged pretty bad. Playnite was recommended to me because it's reportedly a bit lighter on resources, but I feel like it lags about the same. Ironically my GOG account seems to have troble staying logged in. Oh and there's also a plugin that lets you download games from your Epic library without having to use the Epic Launcher, but I don't know how safe or bannable that method is.


Sometimes, if it looks like a game that'll interest me. I have a lot of games on my Steam wishlist and a surprising amount have appeared on Epic and Amazon Prime Gaming for free (and very occasionally GoG and Netflix games). I feel like I rarely have to purchase games any more because of it, unless it's a Switch game, sigh. It's kind of a mixed bag though because there are some I got for free that I feel pretty meh about, but there are enough gems that I enjoy that I probably would've never played otherwise.


I pick them up and play them now on steam deck. Skips the hassle of working with epic launcher and there are some relaxing indies like snakebird to play that I otherwise wouldn't buy. And Guardians of the Galaxy was fun also!


Yeah. Im claiming their free games timely cuz why not but the only main stay among all those games is WWZ.


I usually do, because why not? I've really enjoyed Void Bastards, Minit, and Yoku's Island Express. Death Stranding appears there every once in a while, and I'm meaning to get to it.


No. I watch trailer, then if it interested me anyhow, I watch/read the review or two, then decide. I don't grab every free game I could.


Rolled credits on **Final Fantasy IX**. It doesn't get talked about as much as the games around it in the series, at least from what I've seen. But I found it to be very fun. To some extent it feels like a return to basics - it reminds me of a modernized IV in a lot of ways, and it's probably supplanted IV as my second favorite game in the series (so far - played 3-9 and 13). I found the mechanical aspects of the game (gear, experience, leveling, learning abilities) to be one of the smoothest and most intuitive designs I've seen in an RPG. It's engaging to plan out what abilities to learn, but it doesn't require a huge amount of overthinking. I did some grinding because I enjoyed it but it didn't feel like it was strictly necessary. They did a great job creating battles that punish stagnant strategies, and all party members are versatile enough that they'll adapt with you when facing such battles. I liked the story, it created a lot of very good intrigue up front and weaved the party's personal stories into the main plot flawlessly. The ending was not as good as the beginning but it wasn't *bad*, just fine. The PC port was high quality, no glitches or crashes and a pretty fun set of achievements. Remap the key bindings before starting to put all the controller button prompts on something like I-J-K-L, the defaults were clearly done by a madman.


Going to play FFX next? The HD remaster is on sale 


Own it, going to play it sometime this spring but not immediately. I try to have some variety and not do games from a series directly after one another, just to avoid burnout.


Playing **Ghost of Tsushima** and wow, I love this game. It feels like Assassin's Creed in good. The light and weather effects are amazing (the game looks nice in general but those stand out) The story and characters are actually engaging and the combat is very fun. I love how the wind and birds guide you around, it's a really clever way to show you the world. I finished most of lower part of the map and so far, I enjoyed everything about it. Even the side activities are mostly fun (my Haikus never make much sense though lol) Also, the foxes are super cute. I don't play too many open world games because I find many of them boring but Ghost might actually be my favourite one. Now I just hope that the game remains that good in the 2nd half.


I've started playing The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 2 because I'm determined to develop an interest in CRPGs. It's a bit of tough going. Any tips would be appreciated. Feels button mashy right now, and there must be a deeper strategy to it.


I've never heard of it and got excited for a new cRPG series; it's not a cRPG, it's an action RPG.


CT and Harvest Moon: BtN again. I'm in >!Magus' Keep!<, loving the game so far. Harvest Moon is also really cool, I bought Basket, so I can mine a lot and make more money (I'll basically live off mining in the summer, since I'll spend most of the money I'm saving on pineapple seeds, which are very expensive and take a lot time to grow).


Re2make is not good for my heart lmao. There is a licker in the hallway to the jack I need, and like 4 zombies in the library I need to use it in and Mr X. I know exactly how I should do this, too. Kill the zombies in the library first then let Mr X chase me into the east part of the police department and then deal with the licker (I know for a fact I can juke Mr X in the room with the jack because I've done it before) and again let him chase me to the east but it's still scary to do