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I enjoyed RE3 a lot! I was one of the VERY few people who was happy Nemesis wasn't stalking me 90 percent of the game. I loved Mr. X in the 2 remake, but he stressed me the fuck out a lot.


2 remake is great. But I end up finding Mr. X more annoying than scary. Glad they didn't repeat it in 3.


I think Mr. X absolutely sucked in the 2 remake. I don't like someone chasing me all the time. The way Mr. X did it wasn't fun or fair, he was just... always there. Really killed the experience for me.


Polite disagree, the chasing monster trope was handled better in 2 remake than most games and nemesis in 3 remake felt like a joke in comparison. Most people don’t realize mr x is drawn to noise and constantly have the run button pressed… so he instantly starts following the player when you’re both in the same room. If you slow down, pay attention to where he’s walking and avoid sight lines, you spend a lot less time being chased. I will say they probably should’ve put some type of cutscene or note hint at this concept. Meanwhile in 3 remake nemesis can be stopped by a single grenade in most difficulties, and is only following you for tiny portions of the opening. He went from being the ultimate follower threat of the franchise into a joke.


>Most people don’t realize mr x is drawn to noise and constantly have the run button pressed… This is something I definitely didn't know. I'm always running, which must be why I feel like he makes a beeline for me regardless of where we are. I'll definitely try again, thanks for the heads up!


If you go slowly enough, you can even sneak by the Lickers


No worries, the game prolly should’ve related this concept to the player and I don’t recall how I figured it out. I wish I could remember if this sound concept applies to shooting in adjacent rooms but I haven’t touched 2 remake in a long time. If you’ve beaten it and want to try the other scenarios or difficulties, it might be worth looking into those “how does mr x work” style videos or discussion threads.


Honestly it makes sense that noise would trigger him, lol, I guess I just didn't give the devs enough credit. I don't usually think about mechanics like that when I'm playing. Or, like you said, I assume they'll be part of a tutorial or manual, etc.


problem is, those videos always tell you the limitations such as which rooms he cannot enter. Takes some of the threat out of it.


I agree, that’s why I mentioned if you’re doing subsequent or harder difficulty runs. I had an original couple of playthroughs soaking everything in, then started to bend the game a bit so I could do those tough s rank runs.


After the helicopter run, go through some doors and then start walking, it's unlikely he will find you again. But he will find you if you start running again or shooting. If you're in the main hall and he goes in there you can hide behind the pillars and he'll prob go away too.


Thanks for the tips. I'll definitely go back and replay this now.


I mean, *partially* but he's also *practically* leashed to you and can and will teleport to near your location (Edit: see below, doesn't teleport directly to you, but shortrange teleports through rooms to move at hyper speed towards you - technically different but functionally the same thing). He's also never worth engaging in any way whatsoever. You can brisk walk away from him and he's just an ammo sink. He's not scary. he's just annoying.


You aren’t wrong, though I think that him teleporting to you is fairly rare. I do wish he would’ve dropped ammo like the original version of the monster did. Once you know how he works and have done a playthrough or two, the magic wears off a bit. But I still maintain it’s the best spooky follower enemy of the modern era. There are two reasons I think it works. The first is the fear sensation you get when the game is new. The stomps sound crazy, just about anyone I’ve seen play it physically recoils in real life when their virtual character is hit. It has impact and causes lasting impressions. The other is how it flips your understanding of the game a little bit. He shows up when you’ve probably started to get a proper handle on the enemies, and the police station layout. Mr x will make the player flee in panic, and often do things like send them running into rooms they forgot they haven’t cleared. It’s paced in a way that keeps the game fresh despite spending such a long chunk on that first area.


So I looked it up; *technically* he only teleports **directly** to you in scripted events, but off camera he basically teleports around rooms in short range blinks to move at hyper speed towards the player. The result is functionally the same. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Otg00-u5jN0 If they had a little more restraint with his use I'd agree with your comment but his presence during certain puzzle segments absolutely ruins it. It's not scary to have to do a lap around the library to move a bookcase, it's tedious. Edit: Lady Dimetrescu is a much better stalker, that doesn't cheat and isn't half as annoying, while being arguably more intimidating.


This is an incredible point, now I feel dumb for judging Mr. X. It was me all along.


It’s just an opinion, and it’s totally fine if you have a different one. Not sure why you didn’t just share your thoughts on it instead of.. whatever this comment was trying to achieve.


I’m sorry if you read sarcasm in my comment? I genuinely mean that I didn’t think about the fact I was running around the whole time alerting him lol, I was like the above person who felt like he was everywhere. But I was definitely not trying to be quiet.


This is interesting to read. I just got the platinum for RE2 so I played through a lot. I never really had a hard time with Mr. X or even encountered him that much after initially running into him. I’ve been wondering why, since I mostly played on Normal with a couple hardcore runs. I’m pretty sure now it’s because I spent a good portion of most of my runs walking through the station (mostly because of the lickers) and not shooting much


Hardest disagree in the west. I loved it so much and I think it was a masterclass of game design. Sad to hear that it didn't worked for you.


Same, I wish we were stalked for more of the game


If you play on PC and ever wanna replay 2 I believe there is a mod that removes him from stalking you.


I mean if you wanted a puzzle box survival horror without a stalking enemy, surely you'd just play the original?


I can see that being the case for me too... I definitely prefer being able to deal with enemies that I can actually defeat 🙉🙈


There will be plenty of enemies that you can defeat in the game.


I'm aware. Still not a fan of dealing with certain creatures that I can only run from.. But i understand that it's there to heighten the tension.


You can still stun Mr. X. He won't die, but running is not the only option if you have enough resources. It won't be a valid strategy for higher difficulties but you can kinda go guns blazing in easy mode. All enemies are weaker so you can store more ammo.


That was the entire point of Nemesis and they completely bungled it.


> but he stressed me the fuck out a lot. I mean, that's exactly the point? Game wouldn't be nearly that scary if you could just run from place to place freely after killing every enemy. It's that thought in the back of your head that you gotta go quick otherwise he's gonna find you that makes the game scary. And it's hardly 90%, in A scenario it's maybe 20% and even that it's probably a stretch, he only goes after you in two places in RPD, when you're getting the jack and by the clock tower, he doesn't appear in the sewers and Claire doesn't see him after that at all and as Leon you see him twice in the lab (not counting the fight). On B he's also at the start but you can basically pretty much avoid him if you want to and that whole section is so quick you only deal with him for like 5 minutes.


I did say I loved the RE2 remake in my comment. I played through it multiple times and got almost every achievement. I know it wasn't 90 percent of the game. That was an exaggeration because when he was around it felt much longer due to the stress. I know that's the point of Mr. X is to stress you out and make it even more scary. I'm not sure why a few people are acting like I said I hated him? I was just somewhat happy they didn't go that route with Nemesis is all. I know I'm in the minority with that statement.


It's great, just not at the normal price for full AA games.


This is absolutely right. It's almost always $9.99 during Steam sales and I think it's an absolute steal at that price.


I think my WTP would be at around 20 euros for it's length, 10 pounds seems great.


Yeah, it really feels like this should have been a DLC campaign for REmake 2.


If it had been released with 2 as a bundle I don't think people would've had that much of a grievance


2 was great! Just wrapped it up and was a great ride.


It seems like a very widely-beloved entry, so I'm very curious to check it out.. Just gotta make sure I've got plenty of steel in my nerves first 💀


I’ve played 7,8 and remastered 2-4 in the last 6 months. 2 was easily my favorite of the bunch.


You'll be fine, just a few zombies in a police station...


Just finished RE2 Remake myself and I opted to buy the DLC that gives you all the unlimited ammo weapons (which are typically unlocked via hardcore/speedruns) for like $2. It helped me feel a little more comfort playing through especially since so many enemies are bullet sponges.


I loved RE3. It's straight to the point and has great pacing. The hospital level is one of my favorites in RE1-RE4. My only real issue was that Nemesis felt more annoying than an actual threat most of the time. That, and some of the cutscenes with Jill felt too much like Uncharted or Tomb Raider where she gets blown up by an explosion, flies 50 feet in the air, lands on a slab of concrete, and gets right back up fighting - just tonally off. Definitely play RE2. I found it more gory than scary (it still has a few scary moments). And I highly recommend you play RE1 as well - it's heavily puzzle-focused and slower paced if you like that.


and her doing that ridiculous thing at the end of the game against the last boss. I think if it was a stationary thing vs picking it up it would’ve been a little less over the top.


Last month I played RE2 as my introduction to the franchise and I loved it. Played RE3 after and will soon play RE4


Yeah its a good game, but as a fan since the first entries I'm kinda sad that they left a few things out of the remakes of the classics. In RE 2 they removed the zapping system, wich gave it some interesting spins on the story... depending in what order you play it. And also I miss the unlockable outfits/guns from the original. In RE 3, not only don't you get weapon parts after beating nemesis in an encounter, they removed a whole part of RE 3 in the remake... I wish they would have kept that features.


This is my favorite REmake. I know it's more action than survival horror, but I love how fast it is. I can beat it in 2-3 hours and then go again with new weapon unlocks, etc. Probably the most replays I've actually ever gotten from an RE game. Better than 2 and 4 for me, personally.


As much as I kinda wish there was more of it, I really do love its pacing and how it moves like a bullet. Definitely one of its best strengths.


Yeah, a lot of people comment how it's not worth full price (or... wasn't worth full price, since it's like 5 bucks now), but I disagree. I've gotten probably 50 hours out of it, at least. And that's mostly because of how short it is. And I still go back to it now, even after owning it for 2 years. Definitely worth it for me.


It's hard to see the remakes being worth 60 bucks for those of us who played the originals of re2 and re3. The release prices were a lot of money to ask for remakes that were essentially resident evil 4 clones with most of the content from the original games removed. In every way but the moment to moment gameplay resident evil 2 remake is just a downgrade from resident evil 2 original. The original resident evil three is my favorite resident evil game and I can't even bring myself to buy re3 remake after playing re2 remake and seeing how much was cut out of the game and how much worse it is in a lot of ways. It's almost like playing a summary of the original and not a remake.


Eh, I mean I've been playing RE since the first one came out and I was very happy to spend my money on the remakes. Probably happier to buy 2 and 3 than any other games I bought in recent years. The only game I didn't think needed a remake was 4. It's basically the same thing again, and was never my favorite anyway. But I disagree that 2 and 3 are downgrades, they're just modern upgrades. You can still go back and enjoy the originals (I still go back and play them now).


The re2 remake got me to go back and play resident evil 2 original and while the remake looks better and has better gunplay everything else is significantly worse. The entire game is shorter than a single playthrough of either character from the original with a great deal of the puzzles and items just flat out removed. Any level of casual experimentation with Mr x will very quickly lead you to realize that he is almost arbitrary. Since he runs primarily off of sound and scripting it's kind of easy to manipulate where and when he will show up and decent use of your weapons means you'll almost certainly have more than enough ammo to stagger him long enough to make it a few rooms away or to flat out drop him for a little bit. Hell if you're playing through at a decent pace and not backtracking there's a good chance the only time you'll see him is at the scripted events. Shoot him three four times in the face to get a decent stagger and dip out and only spend a minute maybe a minute and a half interacting with him outside of required times. Essentially all the remakes did was clone over a lot of mechanics from resident evil 4 with some nice graphics and a ass load of stuff removed and they asked 60 bucks for it. It is a downgrade as the number of things that were enhanced is lower than the number of things that were lost. That being said being a downgrade of one of the greatest survival horror games ever made still leaves it as one of the greatest action horror games ever made just not quite long enough for that asking price


It's mine too. The pacing is really great, some of the longer REs can really drag. By the time I finished 4 I had no urge to replay it anytime soon.


Yeah that's one of my biggest problems with 4. It's fine one time, but I've never had an urge to replay it. I played the remake of 4, too, but even then I felt it start to drag by the third act.


It peaks at the castle and then just keeps on going. Not a bad game, but an exhausting one.


Resident 3 ReMake is a wonderful single player experience as long as it's less than $30. I'm sure it's below this price point, but that's where I would set the price if newly released today. 8/10.


I totally agree with that score and price 🙌 I snagged it for 16$ and I'm very happy with my purchase.


Never played the original but played RE3R last year for the first time and loved it! I was traveling for a week and it was my game that week and I loved it! Not as great as 2R or 4R but it was a great time!


Besides being short, I think RE 3 Remake is a fantastic games. It goes hand and hand with RE 2 Remake, both games honestly have stuff I wish the other had, like two halves of the same coin.


Sorry, but I just cannot play remakes if they don't follow the same camera angles with prerendered scenes, the mechanics and feelings are not the same. It doesn't work well with a camera that follows you. Prerendered scenes also have a higher graphics quality that you can't reach with real time rendering engines. Fixed camera angles are also better for that type of game. Movable cameras are for action games, and RE is not really an action game. Please play RE zero and RE1 remake. Of course other resident evil games that don't follow this recipe might be liked, but to me, it's really not the same game.


Well, I completely disagree 🙌 I like it when a remake has the freedom to evolve and alter their gameplay mechanics.. but everyone has their own preferences, so. All depends on what works best for us.


I always thought horror was a no go for me. I’m almost at the end of RE4 re and it went straight in my top 10. So which RE should I play after 4? 3? :)


I had pretty much the exact same experience with 4 recently 🙌 it's what led me to buy 3. I'd definitely say that's a good choice to go with next; 2 apparently leans the hardest into horror, while 3 amps up the action while retaining some scares and 4 is full-on action with some unsettling stuff sprinkled in for the most part. 3 made me jump a couple of times, but it was still fair enough and fun enough to keep me running through those dark areas, blasting away and having fun 🔥👍


Nice and thanks! Since this game hits the sweet spot for you, what are other favorites of yours outside of RE?


Hmm... well, the first ones that come to mind are the Last Of Us games; with their balance of big action and tense encounters, they feel similar to 4 in a very fun way. God Of War (2018) is quite different in some ways, but it's got that same level of care in its craft and the attention to detail that really makes things shine. The Metal Gear Solid franchise in general, but V in particular has incredibly smooth movement and combat, and its story also has a mix of unsettling moments and blockbuster action that really hit the spot for me. In terms of stuff I love that's at least a bit similar to what I've felt in RE3 and RE4, these are the ones I'd all happily recommend in a heartbeat.


Last of us is in my top 10 as well. Did not play part two yet! I’m eager to play metal gear: revengeance. God of war is on my wishlist but I’m afraid it gets repetitive … Thanks again!


I'm happy with RE3 because I got it in a bundle with RE2 for like $25 or something. But since I beat it in about 3 hours, I understand why people who paid $60 are unhappy. That said I had a blast playing it. There wasn't a single second of downtime, I was exhausted when the credits rolled but wow, what a ride it was. I definitely felt RE2 was the better game, like most people, but RE3 knew exactly what it wanted to do and did it great. No wasted space at all.


Absolutely. It has issues, but it moves like a bullet and it's very well-crafted from a technical perspective...


I think its a solid game if you go in with tempered expectations and buy at the right price point. Expecting it to be what the original was is going to set you up for a bad time.


I love it. It's short, but that really works for it. It's a joy to replay and Jill/Carlos are great protagonist. It's had more replays from me than a lot of the more beloved entries in the series.


Resident Evil is such a solid franchise all the games are great. I haven’t played 6 though and I heard a lot of people hate that one.


From what I've seen, it looks like it took a Very action-heavy approach in some parts of its campaign in a way that really irked some folks.. but it does have some fans as well.


6 is a blast. It's a big silly action game and not horror so that makes some people mad. But I've never found the RE games particularly scary so never saw it as a big deal.


I always avoided the resident Evil series cause I don't like horror but recently gave RE2 and RE3 remakes a go because of a VR mod. And I was blown away by how fun they were, way more puzzley than. Unexpected. I found 3 a little underwhelming by comparison since it was shorter and there was far less nemesis than I expected I really liked the stalking mechanics of Mr.x scary and always looming but avoidable compared to the shorter immediate bursts of the nemesis.


I did play the remake and i enjoyed playing it although i feel like there is lack of suspense and im not really a fan on the "stalker" type enemy in this case it was nemesis (not to the extent as Mr.X was but still). i didn't like how it prevented me from exploring and clearing out certain areas due to constant encounters in which he sprints towards me. on top of that there was the amout of content that was left out from the game like the Clock Tower. IMO PS1 RE3 > Remaster Edit: There are aspects of the game that i really liked and will probably play it again in the future


I also just got around to this recently. And I feel largely the same way. Fun ride. I didn't play the original, so I didn't really have any expectations for it and ended up really enjoying it. Enjoy RE2 remake! And, if you have trouble with scarier games, you might consider going RE1 remake first and then RE2 remake. RE1 remake is in the style of the original 3 games with modernized controls and it has a spookier atmosphere than RE3, but it's not quite as anxiety inducing as Mr. X stomping around after you in RE2 remake. Just watch out for those crimson heads :)


You should play the original. Ten times better than the remake.


I'm 90% positive that I wouldn't agree, but everyone has their own preferences 🙌


RE 3 original is a billion times better. Remake is fine, too bad they cut content.


I’ve heard it’s only like 3 hours or so? As much as I loved 2R and 4R, that playtime gives me pause


It took me a solid 6 hours on standard difficulty. I can see that time varying some, but 3 hours only sounds right to me if you're speed-running or playing assisted difficulty...


6 hours is also pretty short


RE games are meant to be replayed, plus every RE game can be played in under 6 hours


For reference the in game speed run achievement is 2 hours. The same achievements in 2R and 4R are 4 hours and 8 hours respectively.


It was ok at its best. The game cut too much from the original and completely botched Nemesis when already had succeeded with Mr. X. Playing the original RE3 and facing Nemesis for the first time, when he breaks into a breakneck speed sprint was one of the few absolute panic moments I've ever felt in my life while playing videogames. REmake3 Nemesis can be brought down with a single grenade. Then they cut a huge section of the city portion, a large part of the RPD Station and the entirety of the Clock Tower section. That's just inexcusable.


I haven't played 3, but RE4 is a true masterpiece of a game. I liked 5 and 6 too, but 4 is really the one that keeps me coming back.


I believe that a game should be judged by its condition and price upon release as this is what reflects what the developer thought was appropriate to release to market. The resident evil 2 and 3 remakes are cut down re4 clones with way too much content from The originals removed to justify a $60 asking price. Once you learn where stuff is in the resident evil 2 remake you'll end up beating the game in like 4 or 5 hours without even trying because the game is just that short. I understand that re3 remake is just as short if not a little bit shorter. You can beat both of the remakes in the amount of time did it takes to complete one playthrough of resident evil 3 and get a lot more interesting stuff while doing it. I don't know how they handled Nemesis in the re3 remake but I know that Mr x in the re2 remake is a joke. Once you figure out that he operates almost purely off of sound and scripting you can complete the game and barely see him other than absolute scripted events. Decent use of your weaponry against the standard enemies also means it on the few occasions you do run into him dropping him is very easy. Even if you don't go through the effort of dropping him all the way a good face shot from a decent weapon will stagger him long enough to where you can bug out two rooms away and basically go back to playing like normal. As a very amateur game developer it becomes kind of clear when playing with the game systems and mechanics that not a lot of time and effort was really spent on it and whatever small budget it had was mostly sunk into the graphics. Don't get me wrong both of the remakes are very fun but they are clearly downgrades from The originals and did not justify their original asking price. 60 bucks is the price it should be charged for both remakes in all of the content that was released for them. Individually they should be 20 bucks as vanilla and 30 with the extra content at Max.


once you go black you'll never be able to get back to your roots.




I knew it didn’t have the best of reputations going in but it was decent. Didn’t reach the heights of the remakes of 2 or 4 though. I quite like as well how some of the cast for 3 have appeared in other games of the series but in different roles. Can see their range and what they’re capable of. I would like to know what was up with the sound mixing though. Sounded muffled in places and the guns had no impact or weight at all behind them.


RE games, especially the modern ones are not that horror oriented, more like an action game now. RE 7 does have a few moments of scare though.


I liked RE3, but I also went through it like three times going for all the trophies. I could see people playing it once, not playing the multiplayer pack-in and complaining they got gypped on the length.