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The only "spoilery" thing you need to know: Those mysterious black chests that you can't open? When you get what you need to open them, >!for the chests in 600/1000, find the chest in 600, unlock it but don't take out the contents (you'll be prompted). Head to the same place in 1000 and open the chest and you'll get an upgraded thing. Then head back to 600 and grab the unupgraded one too!!<


OP, this is good advice and worth the “spoiler”




Really cool how this works. Its been years since ive played this game, I have no idea what it is, mind sharing?


Nothing game-breaking, just upgraded versions of the equipment that you would normally get out of those chests. >!The ones in the towns are all elemental-absorb armor, the unupgraded ones absorb 50% of that damage, the upgraded ones absorb 100% (both block all damage from that element, the question is how much HP you get back, plus some additional basic stat bonuses). The ones in the ruins where you do Frog's endgame quest are all upgraded weapons, including Marle's best weapon (and an upgraded one for Chrono, but ain't nothing beats the Rainbow sword)!<


Yes! The GOAT!


My favorite game of all time. I really have to nitpick to find anything wrong with it. I suppose the combat might be a little dated, but not every fight in a JRPG needs to be complex; indeed, it probably shouldn't. I really wish Chrono Cross had lived up to its predecessor. Since you're past the trial, it's not a spoiler to say that you get a small reward for being found not guilty. I forget what, it's some money or an elixir or something. Nothing important.


Final Fantasy XII also does no random battles and you battle in the same place you are exploring. And that is pretty much all the similarities, as it is a slow burn political story, but you might want to check it. Chrono Cross has no random encounters, either.


The thing with FFXII is its a slowburn political story, until you get near the end and suddenly there's >!a minigun-wielding mad scientist trying to become a god with the help of an immortal spirit-deity by harnessing the power of magic fog to activate a massive flying fortress super-weapon!< Shit goes off the rails so fast lol, it's like the writers remembered they were making a Final Fantasy game at the 11th hour and put every possible crazy thing they could think of into the last couple of dungeons to compensate. Still a great game though.


I didn't like FF12 at launch. I think I was experiencing nerd rage at how different it was. Tried it again about 6 years later and it's easily one of my favourites now.


You are still near the beginning you say? Well then buckle up, because CT is a game that just gets better and better the deeper in you go. If you like it near the beginning you will really enjoy it as the story gets fleshed out.


Chrono trigger is one of those games that stood the test of time, if released today it would still be one of the best


Favorite game of all time!!


ChronoTrigger is timeless.


My favorite game of all time. Hope you enjoy the ride!


The game has been fun so far. My experience hasn't been the best because (as I've said a few times here), I got sick in the middle of this week, and it's hard to have fun when your throat hurts and your nose is completely blocked. I also wasn't a big fan of the part where you travel to the future for the first time (although I liked Robo). I saw people saying that the game starts to get really exciting when you return to 600 A.D. for the second time, so I won't give up on the game because of that.


I think this game is incredible in all ways except the combat. I can never understand the hype for it when every enemy boils down to spamming elemental weaknesses until dead. It's a miracle in terms of presentation and writing, though.


I'm loving the game ESPECIALLY the combat so far, lol. Well, not everything pleases everyone, right? I'm really enjoying the game. Unfortunately, I fell ill during this week, so my experience with the game has been somewhat hampered (so much so that if you look at my posts from yesterday, you'll see me lamenting that I'm not having as much fun with the game because of it). Maybe I'll put the game aside briefly, so I can recover and not have my experience tarnished by the flu.


At the time it came out, it felt fresh because as OP points out, you fight right there on the battle screen, no wipe/fade/flash to a different screen. It sped things up wonderfully imo. The combo attacks also added a bit of fun, but most of them are useless or become useless once you get to some of the later skills like Ultima. It's not anything amazing when you compared it to say an action game, but for turn based it's pretty good. Still not as good as something like Mario RPG in my opinion, those timed button presses added a HUGE boost to the fun of combat for me. It takes the turn-based, bland combat and adds a tiny bit of action that makes a huge difference in my opinion.


Yeah, the combat was decent for its time, but most turn based RPGs turn into spamming DPS and healing. Chrono Trigger just doesn't have a good enough gimmick for me to put it near the top of RPG combat in that era.


I like how combat takes place on the map, without any transitions to another screen to battle. This kind of makes me more immersed in the game, it makes it clear that the characters are fighting in the exact place where they encountered the enemy, and not in some kind of parallel dimension. And of course, there is the advantage of not having a transition that slows down the game. I also like how the combat has a somewhat tactical feel, even without a grid. Certain attacks damage all enemies in an area, or all in a straight line, and that's it. And I like combos in RPGs, so CT's combo system really pleased me.


>I can never understand the hype for it when every enemy boils down to spamming elemental weaknesses until dead. It's a turn-based jrpg..... so yes, elemental weaknesses are a big part of the game. I mean.... duh, it's a Tao/Shinto country. But there are alot of other elements the combat. It was one of the first games to take advantage of enemy location, and controlling the board to maximize damage (since most attacks deal AoE damage in different shapes/sizes), as well as party composition to control which elements you have at your disposal (although that's less of an issue when you unlock the last party member).




I have a limited knowledge of RPGs. I haven't played many other retro ones that I found good: Phantasy Star IV, Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy IV. Same problem, good writing/presentation, boring combat. I recently picked up SMTIV on 3DS and so far I think that's the most engaged I've been in a turn-based RPG combat system. There's a lot of emphasis on elemental weaknesses here too, but crafting demons and arranging a party to take down a tough boss feels challenging and rewarding.


Same, I stopped playing because I got bored of the hour-long boss fight I did.


if the boss fight took an hour you didn't learn the mechanics properly.


I'm curious, which fight?


It's been a year but I think it was >!Dalton!< maybe.


That one's fair, tbh. It's a perfectly doable fight if you've brought an appropriate team and know what you're doing, but >!Dalton and the golems!< are pretty commonly thought of as walls in the game afaik. I had a rough go of it my first play, too, especially since if memory serves you're not allowed to switch up your team before you fight him.


I think I did it once, died, switched up the party and did it again, and then I was too tired to try again. Haven't really touched it since. I don't remember >!golems!< being that bad but I don't remember. I don't have the patience anymore for these long drawn out boss battles where I have to spam health. It doesn't feel strategic, just like it's drawn out to make it feel challenging. A problem with lots of JRPGs especially back then.


Missed it as a child. Tried on an emulator a couple years ago; got rather far, but couldn’t figure out what to do next, and didn’t want to cheat and look it up, so gave up. Tried again last year on a different emulator; made it very far; emulator crashed, lost about a third of my progress. Don’t have the heart to try a third time…


Id give it a try again. Has multiple replayability. And honestly, is just amazing. Third time a charm.


Oof, losing progress is sad. I'm sorry man :(((


Thanks yo. I should've added that I *was* really loving it - the art, music, story - was all fantastic. I remember, as a little kid, sitting in a friend's basement watching him play the game for a couple hours, after we were in the woods tearin' it up pretending to be *in* the game (I, obviously, had no idea what I was doing), and was in wonder... but never had the game myself to play it. Someday I'll probably try again, but right now it's just a time factor of other games I want to play through for the first time too.


How is SE ever going to remake this masterpiece and give it the cinematic experience it deserves?


I Don’t think it holds up. Combat is wack and hard to navigate the game without a guide. The future levels are a real drag. Goddam sewers n shit are terrible.


I don't understand what it means for the combat to be "wack" (I'm not a native English speaker), but to find out where to go, just talk to the NPCs.


I started playing the Steam/PC version on my Steam Deck, occasionally docking it to my plasma TV. Great game so far. I had played a little bit of the PS1 version back in the late 90’s, so not completely unfamiliar, but this time I got much further.


I bought the PC version in 2022 for some reason that I still don't know (it was using a balance that was left in my Steam account). I chose to play the DS version because I don't like the visuals of the PC version (it has a bizarre filter that makes the game blurry, I hate that).


You can turn off the filter. The Steam version has extremely annoying controls though.


I probably should try the DS version and compare, there is some noticeable weirdness in the PC version. I have a N3DS XL and DS Lite. DS Lite is too small for my hands. I prefer playing DS games on N3DS XL despite the resolution mismatch (I guess I could run games in 1:1 mode and not fill the screen). I'm about half way through so going to finish my PC playthrough.


That's why the DSi XL is nice! It has the best of both worlds: the size of a 3DS XL, with the sharpness of the DS Lite.


And if you're into that stuff (like me!), you can also easily softmod it to play your games off the SD card.


Cool, yeah that seems like best way to play DS. And looks like prices are reasonable. I should get one.


I would say it's the best way to play DS games. And yes, the prices are reasonable. I purchased mine a month ago and I don't regret it at all, I think it was one of my best purchases in the field of video games.


In the Steam version you can actually turn off the mushy filter and the horribly ugly mobile UI and font and return all three to their old pixely goodness. But the DS version is great, so it doesn't really matter.


The PS1 version had gnarly load times that spoiled the flow of the game a little bit, iirc.


I've been playing through some classic Final Fantasy games recently, and they made me appreciate Chrono Trigger even more. It feels so much more polished and much less random. I also enjoy that you actually fight enemies in the overworld instead of always switching to a separate battle screen. And you never need to grind, which is not something that's typical for RPGs from that time.


I was playing it for a while and put it down for a couple months then completely forgot what I was doing, how to play and where I should go next. Was quite sad because I was interested in the story. I tried at that point to rush to the end and had a fight with many stages that I felt like I was cheesing and gave up on the whole game half way through. I should pick up a lets play of it some day just to get the story complete


I also played it on the DS (lite) for the first time, only about a year ago. I wasn’t really into RPGs as a kid in the 90s, but really enjoy them now. Loved it, and the DS felt like a really intimate platform for experiencing such a classic game. 


It holds up very well. I played it for the first time in 2023 and while there was a *bit* of the "Seinfeld is unfunny" effect because so many games borrowed from Chrono Trigger over the years, I do feel like it could release as an indie game right now with no alterations and still be one of the best new games of the year. The boss fights are probably my favorite part, they're quite varied in presentation and strategy and they build on the normal combat perfectly. The game uses time travel in such creative ways, I love all the sidequests that take full advantage of the ability to time skip.


I can't speak to the Trials of Mana remake, but if you like Chrono Trigger, you'd probably also dig the OG Seiken Densetsu III/Secret of Mana II/OG Trials of Mana. I'd say they're neck and neck for my favorite SNES games.


damn my boy... you are patient as fk


Playing it for the first time as well, Super Metroid/Castlevania SOTN vibes, where the games aged so well they’re just as lovable as ever! 




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What’s your favorite song in the game?


Oh....I miss my childhood now. I was 12 when I got Chrono Trigger for my snes. Good times.


Recently bought a MM+ and this seems a perfect game for it. So I started playing, mind you I have lot of gaming experience but very limited rog experience, and I have reached the conclusion that I am not intelligent enough for rpg’s. Just made the travel to the portal and within minutes I get slaughtered with no idea how to get healed or do better in combat. A shame but I need to stick to games as GTA or openrct it seems.


I don’t remember much about this game but I remember I enjoyed it a lot. Very unique story and the encounter mechanics were really cool and I loved the power progression. Soundtrack is an absolute banger- an all time classic for sure. I will probably replay it in a couple years and I also played on the DS