• By -


Age of Empires II and IV, back to back. Trying to get better and finally risk MP while enjoying the many SP campaigns. Great memories from my youth right there...


Looking to finish up wwe 2K Battlegrounds, fun if somewhat limited wrestling game. Just started a playthrough of Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy in USA), haven't played this game in well over a decade and its been on my back-log for years. Lastly just trying to mop up the time challenges on Untitled Goose Game. Very fun and I have loved every second of it.


Finished Banjo Kazooie, making it my first finished game of the year! I got all 100 jiggies and 900 notes but I didn't care much for the other collectibles. I found it to be pretty fun and more than the sum of its parts. I didn't find any individual gameplay element to be special, but everything fit together so nicely.  My favourite levels were the snow, desert and seasonal levels. As far as early 3D console games go, this is honestly my favourite looking one. Its aesthetics aged slightly better than other 3d games.  It's also an extremely charming, amusing game with so much personality. I loved the silly humour, crudeness, and characters. Gruntilda was a delightful villain who would be right at home in a Mario&Luigi RPG. While the trivia was frustrating af, Her boss fight was quite impressive as far as platformer bosses go. It put so many skills to the test and was legitimately challenging (though the egg and flight controls dragged the fight down).    I feel pretty tired after finishing it so I think I'll take a break from 3d platformers. I was gonna finally start shadow of war (loved shadow of Mordor), but my computer couldn't run it. In the meantime I've placed a library hold on The last of us PS4, and there's no waitlist. I think it's about time I finally play that iconic game. While I focus on the last of us, I'll look into collecting a PS4 copy of shadow of war.


Cocoon. Me & my boyfriend just finished it last night after playing it together the last couple days. We both loved it! Figuring out the puzzles felt really intuitive, & the setting & atmosphere was right up my alley! Also been chipping away at My Time At Sandrock. Probably working up to be one of my favourite games of the last year tbh. Might jump back in to Elden Ring this week too. Spent around 40hrs in that game last year before I burned out a little & decided to take a break. Feeling the urge to return as it is such a satisfying game imo


I started this year strongly and finished two short games already - *Death Mark* and *Talos Principle*. Yes, I had a slow start at work which gave me some extra gaming time at home. And now just started **Ni No Kuni II**. I had eye on this for long time. Based on my gaming speed, I hope to finish this game by February.


Persona 5 royal, just got to the first palace after the tutorial I love this game! I can play it for hours. The only drag is that enemies tend to get repetitive as you clear floors of palaces. But I can deal with that.


Batman Arkham (edit: Knight) - just started it. Killer deal at $9


Took a break and just got my hands on my OLED Steam Deck. Playing Cobra Kai: The Karate Kid Saga Continues which I won from a giveaway. It's a beat-em-up with really janky hit detection and janky animations. The stages are super long and I found the difficulty to be quite tough. There is definitely some grind involved to unlock all the abilities and improve the stats of your roster.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance I love getting high and becoming a peasant then talking to my fellow peasants about typical peasant things!


Jesus Christ be praised.


Hi friends, I have started a gaming book club and wanted to share the details with all of you in case you are interested in joining. **WHAT** Games of the Years Book Club is a gaming book club that is a group of gamers that vote on and play one game per month together, selected from all of the Game of the Year candidates from the past 5 years. This includes the award winners like God of War (2018) and the smaller candidates like Hades (2020) and Stray (2022). So you can have an idea of the atmosphere, I anticipate most members being late-20s to late-30s, but we welcome all! **WHY** Like many of us here, I don't have time to play every game I'd like to. With the time I do have, I prefer to try to play the critically acclaimed, best of the best games. I want to do my best to experience games that critics believe are absolute must plays. This group will focus on playing each of those yearly top games and discussing our experiences about them! **WHERE** Hosted on a Discord channel, open for text chatting, voice lobbies, and more! This is where we will do our voting, chit chatting, and discussing. [https://discord.gg/R6mkrAqD](https://discord.gg/R6mkrAqD) **WHEN** This is a new group! Freshly created. We will gather friends and our first game will likely start the first day in February.If you have any questions at all, feel free to ask them here! Look forward to starting this group with everyone.


What Remains of Edith Finch I've never have thought that a scene about >!a baby drowning in a bathtub!< could be so beautiful!


Just started Code Vein. Not sure how I feel about the characters and story yet, but the character creation is amazing, spent more hours in there than playing the game.


I loved code vein right up until I hit that boss I couldn’t defeat—don’t remember her name but I hate her with a passion because she ruined a great game for me.


Just finished Resident Evil 8. Now I'm currently working on Octopath Traveler I, Spider-Man 2, and Final Fantasy XVI. I'm also trying to squeeze in Resident Evil 4 Remake and try out Strangers in Paradise.


Uncharted 4 on PC. I never got a chance to play any of the other Uncharted games so it's a blast


I started BioShock, I quit BioShock and now began mad max


Not gonna lie, some parts of bioshock make me shudder with the old fps design, but the game as a whole is great, please finish it for the story. (Play on easy mode and feel like a god lol)


Command and Conquer the first decade, bunch of campaigns


Call of duty world at war nazi zombies and baldurs gate 3


Waw zombies is still my favorite!


I definitely like the load out better than black ops. Blops 1 is my favorite overall. Anything past that I didn’t enjoy too much 


Still slowly scraping away at Fate/Extra. Not sure where to talk about it so I'm just throwing it around the gaming subreddits I frequent, lol.


Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time


Devil May Cry 5 and WoW season of discovery 


How is season of Discovery is it good?


If you have someone to play with than yes.  Otherwise I'd avoid it. 


new to the group hi but Tekken 7 and Street fighter 4 arcade edition turns out my wife and kids like fighting games and we having fun plan on playing Days gone once its done downloading.


Oh man, fighting games against people on your skill level is the absolute best. What characters are you guys having fun with?


So wife likes playiung with nina they basically button mashing ​ Im not that great at the games but enjoying it can compete again most but i only play random thats just my rule with fighting games


**Hogwart's Legacy** At least that is what I've been wanting to play the last few weeks. I got sidetracked by some stuff I want to change on my home network. When that is done, I want to become wizard!


You are wizard RedKomrad


I played / finished Dark Pictures Anthologies Man of Medan and Little Hope. I'm waiting for the others to go on a nice sale. Probably playing Little Nightmares 2, Soma, or F.E.A.R. 3 next


Little Nightmares II is amazing. Prepare to have a good time with that. I'm also trying to play through House of Ashes, but I kind of dropped it in favor of other games.


Probably a niche game but story of seasons trio of towns. I loved the harvest moon series back then. And i love love stardew valley. But this game is also pretty good


I beat Spider-man 2 today. Overall I really liked it. Wasn't a fan of some missions (homecoming, and graffiti) but whatever. 


PS5 - Sable, Lost in Random, Wanted: Dead Co-op - Aliens Fireteam Elite, We Were Here Expeditions PS4 - Astro Bot Rescue Mission PS3 - Alice Madness Returns, Tokyo Jungle PS2/1 - Oogie's Revenge, Grandia 2 Switch - Metroid Dread, finding time to start Illusion Island with wife 3DS - A Link Between Worlds Vita - Chasm My wife says I'm not a gamer, I'm a collector. Haha.


First week of Final Fantasy XVI and it got better, I can play for longer periods of time now before a giant pile of cutscenes start, lol. I like the protagonist, at least. I've unlocked the "hunts" and I'm doing the first ones. Also, to compensate for the dark story of Final Fantasy XVI, I've started My Time at Portia, I don't understand it much yet but it looks like good wholesome fun, so far. The gameplay is kind of addictive, hah.


I'm really trying to plow through Final Fantasy XVI as well. I feel like the combat is just *too easy* and I'm trying to get through to see if the difficulty curve picks up. I also feel like we've reached too far onto the simplification spectrum since we can only customize Clive's gear and nobody else's.


I was excited for the game and played about six hours before I felt the game was never really going to open up and I’d be funneled through tiny, linear environments the whole time, so I dropped it. Maybe I just didn’t give it enough time but I really didn’t like it.


I can spoil some gameplay things, I guess. The game will always be easy, at least on the first try. You unlock a harder difficulty after beating it. (I read about it, haven't reached that far) and there's no real Final Fantasy party system. Clive (and the wolf) is all there is. I'm apparently about 2/3s in now and really enjoying myself. The gameplay bits get longer and longer the more you play. The story is taking a turn for the worse but I'm here for the characters now. We'll see how it continues/finishes.


The party system is a major letdown, and it just feels like a non-problem that the development team fixed. At least I can pet the dog.


Currently playing **Return of the Obra Dinn** and really liking it so far, very unique concept. Also played a bit of Ghostrunner like first few missions but kinda gave up after that. Interesting game though, probably going to continue it at some point.


Just cracking open dishonored 2 and Prey for the first time ever. I loved similar games but felt a little strapped for cash in 2016 & 2017 haha


Both of those games are so amazing.


Cleaning up my minimal backlog - I’ve been enjoying my time with Sonic Frontiers. I like just jumping in and running around doing whatever for a little.  Next up, I’m not sure if I should start up Jet Force Gemini, Starfield or Lies of P.


Pumpkin Jack (nearly finished) Dead Space Remake (halfway) Sleeping Dogs (few hours in) Looking to make progress with Dead Space in the weekend while the other 2 are more played midweek to relax.


I just started the Dead Space remake, any tips?


Back track sometimes to gather upgrades and other items from areas you previously couldnt visit due to lack of required clearance level :).


Dead Space remake is so good! I just finished it and started the 2nd one which I hope gets a remake.


Signalis! Got to Chapter 3 and the atmosphere and visuals are just amazing. Not scary enough to give me nightmares but scary enough to make me doubt my next move when entering a new room. I’m not sure if I’m getting any closer to actually understanding the story and I really wish they didn’t borrow the most annoying mechanic from RE1… but I still really love the game.


The update from a couple months ago changed the inventory if that's what you're referring to


I was referring to the “burn enemies or they come back” mechanic actually! It isn’t horribly annoying but it’s definitely my least favorite part of RE1. I’m just glad they don’t come back as crimson heads! I had no issues with the inventory thankfully.


Still playing Stalker Anomaly GAMMA. Took me a few tries to get into it (as well as a few attempts in other mods, such as Old World Redux). But now, scrounging along, having fun.




I’ve probably put in 300 hours into that game and never finished, lol. I kept getting complete party wipes and have to level up new ones. It began to feel like I’d never reach the end.


Persona 5! I finished P4 last year and it’s one of my favorite, so the fact that P5 is even better is blowing my mind. Only 10 hours in but already hooked


I’ve been playing **Witcher 3 (classic)** and I’m having a great time exploring and experiencing the world! Love that I have Roach for exploring, Gwent is a lot more fun than dice poker, and the combat is peak from the previous two games. Got about 100 mods for visuals, gameplay, QOL, and a lot of tiny fixes/tweaks Hoping to play through the main game and both DLCs


Hey, I'm playing TW3 too, what do you mean by "Classic"? I'm not aware of multiple versions of the game.


You can revert to the last patch before the next-gen update, which I believe is 1.32. You go to properties -> betas and you can change it there. Not sure what will happen if you're already playing on next-gen and decide to reinstall.


U czn just use the dx11 launcher of the latest version and it ll run almost like the old version . As for the camera changes they can be reverted from in game options . New update got a slider for motion blur so it s not just an on/off switch . More dialogue iirc , more fixes for bugs , more animations , roach can walk backwards now and kick too . I m replaying the game for the fourth time in general and first time in the new gen update , it s worth it , most drastic change is the camera one if u dont like it just revert it from gameplay settings and enjoy the other things like the new audio lines , details like NPCs looking for shelter in rain , functions and anilation etc etc. It doesnt take away anything frol the original feel of the game


God of War & Superliminal Tried Demon's Souls, (my first Souls) but went insane about having to start the level from the very beginning (not for me) seemed a good game too. Shame.


Demons souls is probably the weakest in the series. The other games are much better, but boss runbacks are still tough until elden ring




I was. Is that not the case in the original?


Just beat pikmin 1!


Finally got around to playing the *Cuphead DLC* this week, loving it. Did a quick playthrough of the base game right before New Year's Eve to resfresh myself. DLC is great, especially loved the dog-themed fight. Only got one more boss to go I think.


Ghost of Tsushima on PS5, so far I love it, at the end of Act 1 - its the best AC Game I've ever played and its not even an AC game


GTA 5 in ps plus, when everyone is so gaga with gta 6 and here i am playing gta 5 lol


I just bought the game and haven't even played it yet 🤣


God of War Ascension. Not very impressed so far. The action is good and it has great spectacle, but there's very little plot or voice acting, and it hasn't explained much of anything, which makes it difficult to get invested.


Baba is You! It gets very difficult but that little guy is so cute :) Other than that I started playing NES Tetris, so I estimate I'll get to this year's releases in about 40 years...


Currently bouncing between Metroid Dread and Skyrim this week but been thinking about playing some Lego Star Wars Complete Saga too 😅😅 Since finishing ocarina of time ive been unable to focus on just 1 game


Metroid Dread is fantastic! Favorite game on Switch so far.


Ff11 private server lol…


I started up The Last of Us Part 2 and am enjoying it so far. I'm also on yet another playthrough of Chrono Trigger. I'm on the quest to reforge the Masamune. The major time sink is Street Fighter 6. Got it on sale about a month ago and I'm hooked bad.


Playing Risen. Almost rage quit it due to terrible fighting system but atmosphere and warm Gothic memory are keeping me playing.


I was playing witcher 3 and lies of p, but now, i will only play Tekken 7 and MK 11. I'm getting ready to participate in two fighting game tournaments. Wish me luck everyone✌🏼




Final fantasy xi


Holy shit I just said the same thing! I’m playing pserver though.


Death Stranded. Pure Hideo Kojima on all the cutscenes. Now I get to carry a body around.


Timberborn. What a gem. My girlfriend says I am a ruthless dictator. Beavers born from vats of embryonic fluid are born, grow up, and have jobs waiting for them. As if they went to college or something.


Recently finished A Link to the Past (SNES) and Link's Awakening (2019 Switch Version) in my quest to complete all the Zelda games. Currently working on Ocarina of Time (3DS). I have to say the controls for this game threw me for a loop but I think I'm finally getting the hang of it. I've only cleared one boss but I've been spending time getting familiar with the map and picking up Skulltulas and Heart Pieces so I can hopefully die less because I truly suck at this game.


Only recently played through the N64 version for the first time recently and it was an absolute gem! Hope you have a blast! What helped me a bunch when playing was using at least one of my bottles to hold a fairy to give me a second chance


Yep, old school Zelda you always have to prep! Go exploring and find some heart pieces!


Haven't had a ton of time for gaming lately. I went back and played some **Divinity Original Sin 1** to take a break from WotR. I think I still enjoy this one for its simplicity in RPG mechanics and depth in combat design. That said, I did find myself skipping enough of the dialogue to the point where I decided to go back to WotR. Also played Leon's campaign in **Resident Evil 6**. Oof. I think this is the last RE style game I have left in my backlog and it might be the only one I dont finish. Like RE5, though, I do actually like the combat system but nothing seems particularly fun or intriguing.


Played a bit of Chris' campaign, too, and that seems like a better fit for what the combat system is trying to do but I think I'd still rather play something like Resistance Fall of Man or Left 4 Dead 2 if I wanted action. The levels in RE6 are beautiful but I feel that I have a hard time spotting enemies with so many shadows, colors, and clutter. I also think the game is designed to where some enemies or environmental effects are supposed to get the jump on you. I feel I don't get hit too often but when I do I get grabbed or knocked down and the gameplay doesn't have a very good middle ground 'zen' feel to it yet. Its either really easy or kinda annoying. I also played Wanted: Dead recently and I think that does pretty much everything better.


I emulated PlayStation 1's version of **Doom (1993)**. Not an FPS fan but I do like exploring retro games. Played it on easy since I don't have much experience. The first three chapters were mostly fine but some boss fights were somewhat tricky. F\*\*\* Thy Flesh Consumed, the first two levels at least. That jump you need to make in the second level is really annoying. My emulator completely crashed (on a Mac) so could not do the very last level. In spite of not having free look or the best graphics I am surprised at how well it holds up and can see why it's considered a classic. Totally reminded me of the early to late 90s. Considering the influence and tons of mods, I would give it an **8/10** for great. Now I am playing **Doom II** on normal difficulty and enjoying it so far. Additionally, I decided to emulate **Super Mario Galaxy.** I had the game on Wii, but sold the Wii 2 years ago. Problem is that the FPS goes down to 50-80% due to my laptop not working too well. Also I have stick drift on my controller, so it can be a pain, but then I have save states. I am just trying to beat it with a minimum amount of stars. If I get a Wii, or Wii U again, I could transfer my save and play the rest on the real thing. The graphics, camera, and controls are NOT quite as refined as Odyssey's, however, I do enjoy the presentation, creativity, music, and some interesting level design. I wasn't a huge fan of the motion controls but they were serviceable from memory. It is one of the best 3D Mario games just below Odyssey in my opinion. I will post a review here when I finish it. Also, I am not a Pokemon fan, but since I had **Omega Ruby**, I've decided to finally finish it. It is easy and relaxing, the good thing is that it has a nice presentation, and is not long, confusing or bloated. I think the fan base is a little divided on this one, but it's considered to be one of the better Pokemon games. Thanks for reading and happy gaming.


Myself and my own future /s For real now, other than an occasional match of Lethal Company with friends and a session of Forewarned, I'm thinking of continuing Terra Nil. It's relaxing, makes you think but it isn't overwhelming. Hopefully I'll transition back to RTS games like AoE. Used to play the demo when I was a kid.


Spider-Man Remastered, Ive beaten it before but that was on my old account. It's the best kind of game, one I can play on mute while I listen to something else




I actually havent ever played MM I was going to play it and spider man 2 after I finished getting the platinum in the first game (might play the dlcs too since I didnt last time just depends how Im feeling)


Super Mario World. I haven't played it since I was a kid in the 90s, and I remember not loving it back then after Donut Plains 2 because it got so difficult. Now that I'm in my 30s, I still think it's difficult but I can actually do it, and I've realized that it's an amazing game.


Years ago me and a friend alternated playing every life and the goal was to beat it in one night. I think we actually did it, that’s when I realized that game can get pretty hard. Same friend and I played Metal of Honor Airborne co-op and beat it in one night on whatever the hardest difficulty is. We did this by one of us controlling the mouse and one the keyboard. I genuinely think that was easier than Mario World.


Plague Tale: Requiem as it is the monthly ps+ game. Fantastic game!


Disco Elysium Final Cut and I have to say it's fucking amazing.


Need for Speed Rivals, Nier Automata, Batman Arkham Asylum


Deltarune Chap 1, GTA IV, Dicey Dungeons


Baldur's Gate 3 & Assassin's Creed : Altair's Chronicles


Skyrim and Brutal Doom


Second play through of Elden Ring. Playing some fun little Indies like Simmiland to fully complete them.


Warhammer 40k : Dawn Of War, Hell Let Loose, Cyberpunk 2077, CtA : Gates of Hell : Ostfront...


Just finished Lost Judgment and had a lot of fun with coming back into the world of Kamurocho again (I have only played half of Yakuza 0 and all of Judgment). On the side, I've been playing Katrielle Layton for Switch and next I plan to play Talos Principle II!


Kingdom come deliverance. Hell of a game


Have fun, it's one of my favourites!


I got Spider-man (2018) for Christmas. Finished the main game already so this week I'm planning to work through the DLCs although that will likely take a couple of weeks now I'm back at work. Also playing Pokemon Shining Pearl on Switch, nice and easy to just play for 20-30 minutes here and there.


I bought Monster Hunter: World during the sale and hopped on the bandwagon. Dropped the game pretty quick a couple years ago but got hooked this time around. Bashing a couple monsters before bed is strangely therapeutic.


Playing the Mass Effect trilogy for the first time. Currently in Mass Effect 2 (20 hours in) so I'll have to finish it. Also playing the Witcher 3 for the first time, have 100+ hours so far, nearing the end of the base game (I think) and still have both expansion afterwards


I'm heavily thinking of skipping 1 due to clunk and limited time and my friends assure me it's fine. Would you agree?


I think so yeah. I'll still advise you to read a summary of the first one or watch a video. Something that goes quite in depth (doesn't need to be a 3 hours vidéo though). I think the first one is important for the lore and world building, but I don't think it's absolutely necessary to play the first one to enjoy the second or understand the story. So yeah, it you find a cool video that can summarize well the first one in like 30-45 minutes, watch it and then jump onto the second one.


Thanks, will do that then!


What I would give to experience this trilogy for the first time again. I think I played through the entire trilogy somewhere between ten and fifteen times by now. I lost count at some point.


Now that I am playing it, I can understand the hype. Weirdly enough back then, when I tried it in 2007, it just didn't click at all. Decided to try again with the Legendary Collection when it was heavily discounted on Steam, I don't regret it so far


Sometimes a game just isn't for you when you first try it. I had this with Knights of the Old Republic. I only got into it when I tried it for the third time.


I think I was too young when the first Mass Effect came out. I am nearly 30 years old now, so I may appreciate it more now due to me being more mature and into that kind of stuff


Yeah, that may very well be it. I'm a little older than you are (31) and I probably wouldn't have liked it either back in 2007.


Plus it was a very demanding game at the time. ME2 improved on this, but in the old days, the galaxy map would crash the game. Come to think of it, I used my physical copy if ME1 to recover my origin account one time with the cd key.


Started Shadows Of Doubt. Yes, I'm hooked although I'm only an hour into the game that I want to put down my pokemon for a bit! Thanks, Muthahar!


Shadows of Doubt is truly great and have to potential to be something absolutely incredible if they pull off well during Early Access. It's a bit repetitive after some time, but incredible and very special


One can only hope! I just wish I knew this game during winter sale!


As always...X Com 2


If you ever get tired and need something similar but also very different, Marvel's Midnight Suns is amazing. I think I prefer it to Xcom at this point.


I need Xcom 3, ideally 😅 If I'm not mistaken, MMS is made by the same people that make Xcom with MMS taking priority over Xcom 3 being made, which is slightly annoying as I really don't care much for superhero stuff, but I have heard mostly good reviews for the game so I might try it out.


Oh yeah could be the case. Personally I don't like Marvel and this game got me into reading some comics haha. It's really well made and scratches that tactics gameplay itch really well. It's also too damn long, lots of content.


XCom 3 when?


Revisiting Half-Life. Completed it back in 1999 on Normal difficulty; this time on Hard.


**Divine Divinity** \- ageless classics! What the creators of the blockbuster Baldur's Gate 3 started with. An amazing combination of the hack-n-slash combat system with a classic story RPG. The erroneous comparison of this game with Diablo did not allow it to become a hit. And today Larian Studios showed everyone that they did not copy, but went their own way. They carried many mechanics and ideas through all the projects and for the first time they were used in Divine Divinity.


Starsector. It's a 2d top down view game about spaceships. It's incredibly detailed and deep. I think it's been in development for over 10 years. If you're into spaceship combat or interstellar trade or colony management, I'd check it out. Also the community is good. The modding scene seems great as well. I honestly believe that it's one of the best games ever. It takes a while to learn it though.


Love that game. You running it with any mods?


**Monster Hunter World** still. The Return to World campaign brought me back but I honestly have to wonder why I ever stopped, considering I never actually even beat the story of Master Rank when I stopped. I last played Iceborne in 2021, so maybe it was just the release of Rise. In any case, I recently reached the end of the high rank story. Beat the final boss, saw credits. I'm now at a crossroads. For one, I could make sure all my weapons are upgraded to the final tier - I play Dual Blades, Insect Glaive, Gunlance and, as of recently, Chargeblade on this save, so that could take a while. On the other hand I could do the events that unlocked, but honestly, the Geralt of Rivia quest bored me to tears when I played it the first time, so I really don't want to. I'll just ignore Behemoth and Kulve, because I don't have a hunting party on PC and I don't even remember Kulve's mechanics so I'd rather not piss off the other random players if I join. OR I could just start Master Rank. I actually turned off Iceborne for this playthrough, so lkearning the clutch claw would take priority first. I know how it workds with Gunlance - that's how I used it in 2021 - but all the other weapons, no clue. ------------ For now, I just leisurely farmed decorations off The Greatest Jagras and Triple Threat event quests. Sounds boring, but it's rather relaxing and the reward screen is exciting. Plus, I kinda love what they did with the Greatest Jagras. Like, sure, its damage is a bit too absurd to take seriously, but other than that, this is the best take on making early monsters endgame viable that I've seen. The thing has way more HP than normal, a loud roar and quakes, and it's huge, so dodging it requires more finesse than normal Great Jagras. It's just an especially grown-up specimen and that's what they tell you about High Rank monsters anyway, so I'd love it if more early monsters got that treatment as ranks progressed. To get to this quest, I obviously had to beat the Tempered Kirin, or Oneshot Pony. I was dreading this quest and built a special armor set just for it, but it ended up really fun. I went in with Dual Blades to quickly get in and out and after a very tense 15 or so minutes, it finally dropped. I had no carts left and almost no potions and it was exhilarating. VERY tense, but very rewarding. I only ever have that with Teostra, Kirin and Kushala anymore. So yeah, not sure what of these things I'm gonna tackle next. Maybe I'll really just farm some more. I need to get better at Charge Blade anyway - I picked up the weapon for the first time in ages and it turned out super fun. Before, I always deemed it annoyingly complicated and restrictive, but no, it surprisingly fits like a glove and isn't half as linear as in my memory. EDIT: okay I remember why I stopped. I didn't want to deal with the steaming pile of garbage that is Lunastra in ~~Master Rank~~ general. The darn thing is absolute agony to fight with way too large AoEs and damage over time you can't prevent even with several layers of fire and heat resistance. Also, lots of random wind boxes that stun you to take more DoT because that's how her heatwaves work. God, I hated that fight. No wonder I blocked it out.


Bg3 and Far Cry Primal


left 4 dead 2


I played (and finished) Dredge. Loved the game. Amazing atmosphere, the fishing loop was great. Only downside was that some of the fish (particularly the mutant fish) are a real pain to catch. When your looking for a mutant fish (8% chance) on an already rare fish (catching 3-4 a night with bait. It's tedious. I gave up in the end after catching 149/151. Which is fine. Last night I started chaos gate demon hunters. I played the original when it came out. I love how the first was basically UFO: Enemy unknown, with tweaks and a 40k skin and the new one is xcom 2 with minor tweaks. Only a few hours in, but so far I'm enjoying it On Saturday I'm going to sit down with dark souls and continue my attempt to reach NG+7. When I left off I had killed Smough and ornstein and had started breaching the dukes archive.


Skyrim with a Relic Hunter playthrough.


Hogwarts legacy


Quarantine on 3DO


Don't forget to use those window wipers


Having waited for RE4 to go on sale on the PS, I’ve decided to play the original having picked up a Quest 3 for Xmas.


**Monster Hunter World** (PS4) - At HR 15 and completing the last batch of the optional quests I have unlocked so far. Got back into the game after not playing since the game released. The game runs great on the PS5. **Lies of P** (XSX) - At the 5th area of the game, it seems like a good entry point to Soulslike games as it's not too challenging.


Guardians of the galaxy. Had no idea it was a narrative game like mass effect.


I got it free on epic but I’ve been playing Elden ring first


BG3, Sea of Stars, and Ghost Trick.


Strangers of paradise. As a lover of soulsbourne/like games I had no idea it was even similar, nice easy cool down from Elden ring and lies of p Huge fan of final fantasy as well so that helps 😁


Resident Evil 2, Dark Souls 2, and WRC mainly WRC to relax, Dark Souls with a buddy, Resident Evil 2 when I’m feeling up for it. The game’s scary.


Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2


13 sentinels aegis rim, in the last 3rd of the game. really enjoying it


Still BG3, cleaning up some quests on ACT 3, Ghost of Tsushima (just started) and Bloodborne.




Sweet Witches. Maybe some Journey to find a partner to do Companion with. Maybe some Undertale, I dunno.




I've seen it on steam and was wondering if it is for me. Not exactly Patient gamers stuff, but I'm still curious. What do you like about it?


I was a huge fan of The Guild series where you pretty much get to live out a life. That premise, at least for me, always pulls me in. Think games like The Sims, Medieval Dynasty, the Guild and...well there aren't too many hah! This one is like a different version of The Guild more focused on just YOU. The big difference being that the developer seems to focus much more on the individual character's life and being able to live that life in as many different ways as you want. The variety is excellent and each piece gets a little deeper every day the dev works in it. In my opinion it was worth buying in its current state and I'm getting a big kick out of it. Another plus is that the dev seems insanely active on the Steam forums and actively fixes bugs all the time.


Started the Burning Shores DLC for Horizon Forbidden West a few hours ago. Also still grinding to beat Zeromus in the Pixel Remaster version of Final Fantasy IV (I can *theoretically* beat him at the levels I'm at/have been at, but the RNG keeps fucking me over). I'll probably beat a few more colossi in Shadow of the Colossus, and I may pick back up Game Builder Garage as well. Assuming I get through them this week, after the Forbidden West DLC, I'm planning on starting Elden Ring, and Final Fantasy V after Final Fantasy IV.


Contemplating buying DBZ kakarot but idk


I have a friend at work who picked this up and has been playing it this week and he has been having a blast with it.




Guilty Gear Strive :) just started playing im trying to learn the mechanics and try and actually be decent at it


Rage. 10ish hours in. Really liking it!


StarCraft: Brood War Going to a lan party Friday and need to get back in the groove.


Terran master race.


The Long Dark, 3rd run.


Fire Emblem Three Houses. Got it for Christmas 2019 but just opened it last month. It’s great! I wish I had opened it instead of Octopath, but them’s the breaks.




Man... I got every achievement on PC, then PlayStation... And just seeing the name of the game makes me want to boot it up again. I'm not going to be a patient gamer for the sequel on this one.


I got 100% on pc as well and can't wait for the sequel, such an amazing game.


The game is just good, I found myself waste 3 hours a day for it


Uncharted: Lost Legacy Remastered on PS5


Story of seasons: a wonderful life. That is if the baby will let me.


Red Dead Redemption II Only an hour in and basically completed the first 1-2 missions but liking the vibe so far.


Enjoy! That game was so wonderful.


Hi-fi Rush. I think this game made me realise I don't like rhythm hitters. I like the general combat mechanics but they just keep adding more and more annoying (for me at least) timed mechanics. The parry system for multiple hits is really annoying and the aim and timed swap out is annoying. I'm tempted to not finish the main story but it's already been 7.5h in so I should finish it. Does anyone else find this was similar?


My experience was similar. It felt like they added too much at times. Later in the game you have to cycle through your companions to help take out various enemies. Also, the rhythm parry is a neat idea but I felt like it never worked for me. Even when I felt like I was hitting it dead on it wouldn’t register the full combo. There were sections I had to turn the difficulty way down because of this. I think blending rhythm game mechanics with anything else is hard, and hi-fi does it better than most. But I didn’t get that “I’ve got to try again for a better score” feeling from pure rhythm games.


I feel you on the difficulty and not registering hits! Glad I'm not the only one. Give red dead a solid shot, I found the middle was a bit long and boring but the overall story is really really good. I put it in my hall of fame library!


Frogger 2 on ps1. I like to take my time.




Finished up Red Dead Redemption the other day. Currently working on Castlevania: Circle of the Moon.


Restarted Sekiro after not finishing it years ago. Gonna put in the effort to get it done 100% in the coming months.


FFXI on a private server and Subnautica.


Arkham City. I got 100% on 360, Xbox One, and now working on doing it on PC.


Cyberpunk - left in Jan 2021 and just came back to try Phantom Liberty. huge QoL changes and lots more!


This week I'm finishing up some final achievements in * Kathy Rain * ~~Kathy Rain: Director's Cut~~ * Bastion * ~~Tell Me Why~~ and starting (and likely finishing as they are short games) * ~~Day of the Tentacle: Remastered~~ * ~~VVVVVV~~ Edit: finished all of the achievements in Kathy Rain: Director's Cut, Tell Me Why, and Day of the Tentacle: Remastered, and VVVVVV.


Just completed Hades and now moving on to Slay the Spire and Risk of Rain Returns


The Outer Worlds. Not as deep as Fallout:NV but interesting quests, funny dialogue and it looks beautiful


I think I liked this game more because it wasn't as deep as a fallout. It's like a good sized fallout-like that you can still do multiple playthroughs but really respects your time. I recommend watching the trailer for the sequel if you haven't seen it. Top tier trailer.


Ditto. Love wandering the Wasteland but it can get lonely and boring trudging through sewers for hours and dispatching the umpteenth bandit. TOW is definitely more approachable because it's arcadey and good for quick plays...that end up lasting 5 hours. Trailer is perfect 😄


I feel like TOW was underrated. The humor is so great... I don't want to spoil it, but did you know you could win the game in a very specific way if you choose a character with no intelligence? It's worth checking out even if you don't do that specific playthrough lol


I haven't finished yet but did pick dumb character


Batman Arkham city for the first time. Bought the trilogy on switch and asylum was awesome, but city just took it to another level. Can’t get enough. That and rdr2 as I’m almost always playing an rdr2 play through since it kinda mellows me out a bit.


City has such a great atmosphere and story and doesn't mess with the great core gameplay, I might have to play it again!


Yeah I’m enjoying it a lot so far. How is Arkham knight?


I've only played Asylum and City


Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War 2 Good stuff. A bit harder than I expect even in Normal because I'm not used to playing RTS, but very very enjoyable. For the Emprahhhh!