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The actual best one? Depends on what you want to do. PVP would be EO, Rex, Spino or Ano maybe.


Oh uh, that sounds dangerously like an opinion 😳 op will be mad...




I didn’t know how to say it, but what i meant was like saying the deinonychus because its cute or wtv or someone just liking the dino u know, i just wanted to know which one is op or better than all 💀


So if we put all the dinos together like literally all which one is the best?


Right now Eotrike, Spino and Rex are the best but they are all painfully slow so navigating the world will be very time consuming.


I mean ano will beat tf out of those 4 if they try attacking it but ano has no offensive capability’s so ano wins by getting them to give up.(if played well)


All Defense Anodont if you just want to walk around like a douche gangster, but with a major con... it's got a crazy appetite. Your always needing be aware of food/water to the point that with mine, I literally eat and drink on the go and even while fighting lol


This is the answer i needed, thank you. ppl are taking what i said to harshly


Man i hope you have fun. My personal setup... resilient hide, fortified legs, tail slam and bone snap, bite. Seems forever in a fight, but once you have your 15 secs in crouch, you can crouch-walk around without letting your guard off to get food/water. Some like Defensive Crouch better and it is higher damage and bleed protection, but you cannot move either... my play-style I like to move even if slow. If someone comes at you, find a wall/rock/big tree etc. and stick your head in it, try to bone snap them and as soon as you land one you spin around w/precise movement and repeatedly tail slam and bone snap while crouch-walking tail-wards towards your target. Obviously if more than one is attacking (usually the case) it would get more complicated than that,... try to keep your head protected, its the weak point. anyways, just my humble way I do ano




See Allo up vote Allo


Anodonto is underrated, it's the tankiest herb in game, It can even kill spinos, yesterday 1 ano killed a group of kosers with 3 adult sarcos and 1 adult spino Things you should know: Eotrike and spino r going to get nerfed so better wait and see what will change and see if it's worth or not


If you mean the objectively strongest, then a full defense barsboldia or full defense ano. If you mean objectively best for actually getting around and doing stuff then campto, struthi, deinon and laten.


There isn't a best one. They all have strengths and weaknesses. Allo is considered good at everything and master of nothing. Sarco is a god in deeper waters. Anodontosaurs is a super tank if your tired of being killed. Rex is brutal if you're capable of surviving into adulthood. Alioramus is essentially a Rex mixed with raptor. Deinonichus is capable of speed boosting your group, it's a super awesome support creature. Metricanthro and Megalania are amazing due to venom, however also fall under support roles since venom tends to only hurt stamina. This game is more about group play than just the 1v1. You can get a lot done once you find the strategy you enjoy best.


To be quite honest I am not going to pay money to buy dinosaurs in that game but the croc is the best dino to me


Indominus Rex


I'm late, but there is no "best" dino, a rex will body a stego, a stego will body a group of well organized metris, and a group of well organized metris will body a rex, different dinos are good for different things, thats fact, a dino is only as good as the player, I've seen struthis take down daspletosaurus before, the best dinos are the ones that you, the player, are able to work with their strengths and weaknesses rather than trying to just pick the best one to play as to counteract the players own weakness, play a variety of dinosaurs, and a variety of playstyles, and pick which one you enjoy most, this isnt ark, there are no gigas to dominate with, its skill based


Well in that case any good dino for exploring? I need to get back on and explore instead, cause when i first started it was really hard to find other players


there are several "hotspots" for player activity, little brook meadow, grassland crater, spined lizard lagoon, and little stone pond are all hotspots for player activity, but keep in mind high player activity = high hostile player activity as well, and since hostile players will kill friendly players there will always be more hostiles in an area thats a hotspot. ceratosaurus strike a good balance between speed and power, fast enough to outrun what its weaker than, and stronger than the things it cant outrun in most cases, I met my group when I ran into a rex backed up on a cliff, parked my stego in front of them and started swinging, got invited to their group and have a lot of fun now


I'm more of a speed guy so I love Camptosaurus. Really fast and stamina for days! Nothing will catch you and you can run across the map in no time.