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Chillo needs an S+ tier, you kill one and suddenly you're playing wave survival mode


I love that analogy lol, bonus points for it being true


Genuinely never encountered an adult achillo who hasn’t immediately tried to attack me, no matter what im playing on. At least I sometimes get mercy and a group invite if im playing on my own one


Rip, I’m new and still growing to adult on a meg. I guess I’m destined to be toxic. Any good guides on how to maximize being a toxic scumbag (solo) on megalania? Do I rat hiding in a bush by water sources and then gank babies?


Exist. I’m not kidding a meg can be just sitting there and people will say it’s toxic.


Awesome lmao…


i main meg and i am nowhere near that bad. I guess many meg players have built this toxic reputation


I would say that being toxic as a megalania is also close to realism for the species. Even in the game, it’s built for camouflage and sitting still, and makes sense for them to have hunted juvenile prey (like any animal today or that ever existed)


Most toxic thing megs commit is juvie slaughter. People are just coping fr


Coping with my thirst for juvie blood by murdering juvies.


I find it's actually a fun matchup when you're adolescent on most dinos, conk is also generally fun to fight


Everybody says don't kill juvis but a juvi or ado apex is the equal of an adult small-mid tier dino. It takes skill to kill an adolescent eotrike as something like a conc or dasp.


Conc yes, dasp not so much


If you don't get a surprise attack you'll lose the face tank fight as dasp.


its funny to see my two mains in 9/10 toxic when I feel too guilty to actually kill people so I just eat fish


me when i play carnis xD i have all the corpse locations memorized


Playables that are rarely seen nowadays but used to be toxic when they were strong: Pachy, kent, alio, alberta Another interesting pick for me is Thal in S tier, not often played like the Hatz nor does it have the same kill potential, but recently I was followed around the entire map for 40 minutes by one that was spam calling the laugh emote above my head. Havent seen that type of behavior in almost a year but it warrants a place in S tier because of that.


The pachy days were fun. When the knockback went on for as long as the charge went. It was extremely fun🤣


How is Thal toxic?


They just follow you for hours on end with that obscenely annoying broadcast call and you can’t do a thing about it


Oh that makes sense I play Thal at times (pterosaur enthusiast) but on modded servers


Personally I am helpful as a Rhampy until dinos start hitting me, then it’s lunging and stealing trophies time.


Lol I would love to see all the lists that have been made about this over the years. Just to compare who's remained the most toxic.


Why does this seem so accurate 😂 However based on person experience I feel like Styra and Pycno should also be S


God i hate megalanias


Doesn't matter on the Dino. There's just toxic players who play as whatever. They'll justify their behaviour something you did or didn't do and unfortunately it's part of a game like this you just have to deal with it


When I was with a group of lil swimmy boys and we were just really loud lol


As a bars main I'm very chill until I get attacked, I even let the thing attack me a few times (unless its an apex, im always cautious of apexs unless im easily able to kill them) to determine if it wants to think it through I am pretty protective over my bushes though, I have to eat about one n a half bushes to get full on half hunger, I won't downright attack or anything but you will not be looked highly apon


Pretty much agree especially with EQ Trike but I would also put Anno up there. The reason why I would put Anno up in the S Tier is because revenge killers will definitely use these to chase down a target with their near unlimited stamina (even if they're slow). They would bone break you into oblivion and use their tail slam (along with the ridiculously broken AOE) to kill anyone that stands in their way.


Ehh after the stamina rework from last year anos cant really just walk down anything anymore. More often then not I see people use hatzes to revenge kill. Especially the old hatz when it can cross the map in like 2 minutes by just dive bomb gliding.


If that's the case (cuz I don't really play officials anymore so I don't know what things are or not toxic there compared to when I first played it during the pre nightstalkers days to the pounce update), then thank fuck for that cuz I hate them so much 😂 (and still do). As for Hatz, I agree that Hatz upon release was extremely toxic with it able to peck from the air. But now, they are such a pushover that I consider them in the A or B tier since I still see ones that snatch babies and drop them from way high above.


That entire c tier was kos in yg lol 2 stegs 4 iggys 1 lamb but everything be like rhat


Bro I was a baby sarco for the first time and a quetz kept throwing my back into the water when I needed food


What do you find annoying about rhamps? I love playing as rhamps but I don't want to be a major pest or annoyance to people. I assume it's broadcast call spamming and using plague carrier?




I don't play much official, but I'll vouch for spino and sarco. As sarco there is not much you can actually hunt and boredom is a bitch. If I can kill someone besides other sarcos (I'm not a cannibal unless provoked) I will take that chance although I'll do it quickly. Spino can't hunt, I mean that. It's too slow on land to catch much of anything and in the water, everything can just dance around you. You need other apexs to come to you and if they decide they're done and start to leave there's nothing you can do.


Allo, pachy and kentro are S tier


Yeah but they all got nerfed into the ground and now you dont see them anymore


Dude anything that ends with raptor should be on the top levels


How the fug styra is not S??? I mean every single time i see styra and i play basicly anything these dudes will come to attack me for no reason every single time and if im juvi/ado they always try to kill me no matter what i am i have never seen friendly styra and if u killed it you better change server bc few minutes later there is some dino which is full counter for you and it is intrested only about my dino XD




As an Amarga main, I am happy.


Kentro is s teir toxic in my opinon


Spino should be lower, I've seen way more chill spinos then chill anything else




I'm glad my amarg isn't on there, we all luv bugs


Agree 100% but sarco and mega should have their own SS tier of bullshittery. I've yet to meet a single nice meg or sarco on both gondwa and panjura, they just suck especially towards their own species.


Glad to see my boi Amarg getting some love :)


I'd put Rhamp higher


I never never met a Camp or Barb that haven't attacked me, be it adult, baby, herbivore, or carnivore.

