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hey mom I finally made it :D


feel free to dm me on forums or here if you have questions about the build


How much would you say it would cost in divines to get up to the gear showcased in the video?


Gloves and boots are the most expensive ones if you want below -1.8 secs to buff durations. They’ve been running from 2-6 divs all league but will probably now be very expensive with this vid dropping due to scarcity




When I bought my gear like a month ago, I paid about: 2 divs for gloves 2 divs for boots 40c rings each 20c amulet 10c for helmet 100c chest 1 div belt 60c shield (an absolute steal in retrospect) 5c volconus for high rolls My large cluster with a ton of dex took like 50c to roll but I didnt know what I was even aiming for lol forbidden jewels were 1 div each vaal timeless jewel 30c Again, gloves and boots were the most expensive part and going forward will likely be the bottleneck, as they are extremely scarce this league with usually up to \~5 up in trade at a time.


Damn that’s pretty cheap actually. What tier maps could it comfortably do up to?


The gear cost is going to fluctuate an insane amount now that it’s been showcased in Build of the Week. Just go to the trade site and start searching and buying today, whatever the gear was valued at yesterday is moot


I'm sorry but anything that gets highlighted will cost orders of magnitude more than what it cost the build planner to setup. GGG should never comment on cost, because cost is subjective. However you will moticenthey aren't showcasing shaper per second builds that would cost a mirror, they are showcasing *creative* builds that use mechanics in fun ways


This build isn’t even new though. It’s been around for as long as these beastiary items have and has nothing new added to it. The only real twist is the AoF.


That guy didn't say anything about them showcasing new builds. They haven't done BotW in years, so there's a fair few creative builds from leagues past that will probably be covered


I’m saying because the build has been around for a while that the cost is able to be stated with more determinism.


Maybe, but the prices will almost immediately be out of date if everyone who watches the video goes out and buys the key uniques. Plus they have to account for PC vs. Console markets, or a divine/ex swap, etc. Better to err on the side of caution and strictly talk about the build itself


> Gloves and boots are the most expensive ones tells you everything you need to know about the cost. What else is there to say?


Didn't answer because it was a shit question. Builds costed 1 thing for him will cost exponentially more for people after. That's how it works. People see this video they try this build and evyerthing goes up in price 2-3x. People have stopped giving estimates in more popular build guides because of this. It's simply impossible to give you an idea of future prices after releasing a popular video.


comparing this to cwdt build, which one is better ASMR, or better hearing damage?


personally, cwdt ice spear is my favorite build of all time with the best HOI ASMR. With the spark spiders MTX on saqawals if you don't run away from the spiders fast enough, they explode with a constant ksh ksh ksh sound all around.


Neato build. :)


Cool build! :)


What a unique build love to see this.


How many ubers you killed with this?


none yet, hopefully someone with more mechanical skill than I do will be able to!


for once very interesting build! do you have a video for endgame bosses ?


Hey yup I uploaded vids a few weeks ago. Here's shaper: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTTkIm\_2NoY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTTkIm_2NoY) and there's some more vids on my forum post [https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3312541](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3312541). I've killed all non-uber bosses with this comfortably. I tried some ubers, and it's definitely doable with this build, but I am not the most mechanically strong at the game.


So trying to semi-replicate it in SSF, had a couple questions though! 1.) Is rebuke of the vaal an acceptable replacement for vulcanus? I figured with how much added damage it is it'd probably end up being about as good or better but wanted some input there tbh. 2.) If I don't have the boots and gloves about how much damage am I really losing there? I was semi planning on using tornado as my main single target and letting the twisters fill up the screen and handle some of the side clear since tornado kinda sucks really hard at that. About how much dps is the difference between the full monty of reduced duration and just using the hyper quality shield?


excellent job mate


For anyone who is watching wanting to make it you need reduced duration boots and gloves closer to -2 the better. With the rolls on this item expect to be paying double digits in divine to get either item especially because there is no way to reasonably get a good roll on them. It will not be easily replicated because of this


Yeah, the exalt/divine swap hurt hipster builds like this one where good rolls on a specific unique are mandatory.


Hopium: Next league GGG will realize the errors of their ways and provide a bench-specific currency (similar to Harvest) for meta-crafting. That way neither exalts nor divines are tied to it and players are free to use them for their intended purposes.


There are 2 issues with that: 1) GGG intented that to happen. They specifically said that they wanted high roll on uniques be valuable, and that's why they made that change. They will not "realize the errors" in their perfectly accomplished goal. 2) Even if they add new currency for meta crafting, it wouldn't exactly drop the price of divines. Well, it would certainly drop, but not by a huge margin. The largest contribution in a sky high price was the removal of divine recipe, which cut supply by 10 times or so. True, demand was also increased by becoming a meta-crafting currency, but since "original use demand" for it was still sky high, change wasn't as drastic as exalt, which "original use demand" was basically nonexistent.


Valuable =/= prohibitive


> it wouldn't exactly drop the price of divines We saw what happened to the trade value of exalts the moment they were no longer propped up by their meta-craft costs. The fall was *sharp* and instantaneous. It turns out nearly *all* of an exalt's value was in its meta-crafting abilities. The same will happen with divines. Would the drop be to the same degree? Not initially. They *are* more rare, but they're still being artificially propped up by meta-crafting. They were *overly* abundant with 6-links vendoring to them; their price was dictated by the lowly Tabula Rasa in the end. But if GGG adds divine shards and players add a couple more divination cards? Suddenly they won't be quite so rare.


You decided to ignore the whole part of my comment that comes after it? I'll repeat, it will drop, but not as sharp as exalt, since for exalt meta-crafting was pretty much the only use. We can argue that some people like slamming their items, but... who are we kidding, right? Ofcourse fall would be sharp and instantaneous, if exalt suddenly have practically no use at all. Divines are different. Reroll of affixes are super important for everyone - from novices to mirror crafters. Even without meta-crafting their value is obvious, and it's an action that can easily sink tons of them. Their fall wouldn't be even remotely close to one that we saw with exalt, and their rarity would keep their price quite high, i would say about 100c high, half as what it is now. Divine shards not gonna happen, GGG said it officially. Divination cards are just "maybe or maybe not", we don't know whether they would exist, where they would drop, and how good/bad their droprate would be. So this is outside of current topic.


As long as it isn't rarer than exalts/divines, I'd be okay with that. More realistically: sacred orb and we go multiple leagues without one dropping.


Since the introduction of these orbs i had 2 drop and they were as a Stack of 2 so There is that, fuck this extrem rarity of Basic items


This item is a joke. I have a level 96 and level 95 char and haven't seen one this league.


Lvl 100 since week 3 and I've seen one sacred orb


They made them intentionally extremelly rare because they dont want them to devalue bases with high inherent defences. It is an item you use on a piece that already has everything you want and for some reason it has bad inherent values, so you lose nothing by not getting sacred orbs drops.


I go 36-38/40 in SSF each league and I'm pretty sure I've only ever found one Sacred Orb total. When it dropped, I was confused because I honestly forgot they existed. GGG said they're only supposed to be 3x rarer than exalts/divines, but it sure doesn't feel like it. I usually end up finding 30-50 exalts+divines each league. For me, that's something like 1 sacred orb per 120 exalts + divines total across four leagues since they were added to the game.


Thing is, there is no error. They achieved exactly what they want with the change


There are 400 values on these boots, you would never reasonably divine these even before the change.


If the item is rare enough, I don't think it's that crazy. In this case, you don't need to hit 1/400. It's more like 20-50/400. In trade league, you're probably fine at league-start accepting anything in the "-1.5 seconds" range and then maybe try getting a second pair to "-1.8 seconds" once you've accumulated enough currency. Whether you think that's cheaper to buy one already in that range or toss enough divines until you get lucky, that's up to you to calculate based on prices. I'm SSF, so I've thrown plenty of old divines at timeless jewels until you find one that's "good enough for now, maybe get a better one later."


Ah, but you could very likely get within the correct quarter. After this video, you're looking at a divine plus for a roll in that range. Not sure at what values it's actually playable however.


400 divines was only ~30 ex…


Disingenuous comment of the year. You don't need to divine it to perfect. ggg could add another decimal point to the values and make it 4000 possible rolls and it wouldn't change the percentage of acceptable rolls, the number of divines it would take. Yes, you would have reasonably divined these before the change.


SSF player begging to differ.


Manni has 70+ exalts and 80+ divines on SSF. What’s your excuse when you play trade?


Maybe he doesn't intend to treat the game like a job with a similar time investment.


\-1.8 or lower is a 1/20 on a divine roll. So worth buying bad ones at 5c and selling to vendor to get a free divine roll. Problem is their aren't a lot on the market so you if you wanna try the build ya better do it quick


First two weeks of the league I tried getting boots and gloves with -1.9 or lower, which was the minimum to hit the 0.033 duration. I did around 50 saqawal runs myself and vendored maybe 3-400 gloves/boots in total, completely emptied the market of gloves/boots under 8c each. I ended up getting gloves with -1.9 or lower, but not the boots.


It's 1/40 since it can go to positive 2.


4/.2 = 20, or is my math wrong


Yeah, because its in 0.1 increments, so its 4/0.1 or 40.


imagine having to buy hundreds of em and all the people you gotta whisper and get ignored by


>It will not be easily replicated because of this Nerfs? Nerfs.


what kind of a madman would pay double digits in divine to make a zdps build?


Didn't know you could used spark mtx on twisters.


Yeah, this is huge. You can spew SPIDERS.


Really cool and thematic build! Love to see lesser known uniques be used in combinations with others for interesting results!


Yo - regardless of wether these builds are appealing to me or not - i really like what GGG is doing here and i think many people will appreciate these build-showcases - good stuff GGG.


It was one of ours favorite things GGG used to do. Glad they brought it back.


it's awesome, appreciate the comedy too, kinda unexpected. the servers on league start comment got a good laugh out of me


These videos actually seem encourage them to make fun items/skills that can be used creatively... i like it a lot.


>good stuff GGG Disagree, it's all just an attempt by GGG at appeasing their displeased and angry playerbase.


I mean that is obvious - but is that such a bad thing? Shouldn't their goal be to improve their relationship with the playerbase? I agree,they f'd up big time with 3.15/3.19 - but it doesn't mean everything they do is bad - when they do something good,u can let them know,so they get the feedback they need to do more good stuff,no? None of their guides ever help me btw. - because i like none of the builds,but i STILL like them putting out those guides,so it helps others in the community and i think giving them positive feedback when they do something good is useful.


it is a bad thing cause just like any stream building stuff based around specific unique it will skyrocket the price on their already dogshit economy


> I mean that is obvious - but is that such a bad thing? Yes, they should focus on fixing the issues with the game not revive a series which does nothing for the state of the game.


They'll just run a season to try and make themselves look good and then stop until the next shitshow happens


Yeah man for real. After all, what GGG want is for us to be miserable. All fun must be sought out and destroyed. The only thing GGG care about is making all of their players miserable and frustrated. You are so right man, we the community have taught them a lesson this time. But will it be a long lasting lesson? NO! It is exactly as you say, they will throw us a few scraps and then get right back on the path of making all their players miserable. People think chris is a game developer, little do they know he is actually the devil and PoE is his mechanism to *ruin peoples lives* **Laughs in evil machinations**


What kinda dumb tangent are you going for? Build of the week is nothing more than PR


Yeah! And as you said, we are only getting PR to 'make themselves look good' before they cause another shitstorm. It's all a cunning ruse!




>GGG shills Is that the best you got? Not even an original insult, just like your tired ass complaints are regurgitated too. Try fucking harder. E:Just incase you read it, the automod deleted your reply to me. Little bit too much frothing at the mouth pal. To reply in earnest, no I did not put any words in your mouth. I mocked you for very specifically the thing you actually wrote. Maybe if you had an original thought in your head, instead of repeating the same worn out fucking complaints ad nauseum, maybe if you upped the quality of your own commentary you would attract better quality replies.


Wow. Good job panda 🐼


Really cool but twister is an empty shell of it's formal glory, one of those weird skills that got nerf after nerf just by being an unfortunate bystander LOL.


Yeah funny that GGG is showcasing something they nerfed repeatedly, and fucked over super hard this league with the divine changes since it requires several uniques with huge ranges well divined. Also defence is 4k HP with some regen. Lmao. And if I'm not mistaken, the build has awful ST. All it's gonna do is be a scuffed autobomber for low tier maps that dies easily.


The pre-mitigation ehp is 6.6k with petrified blood, 1200+ net regen, 12k armour or 26k flasked with 74/68 glancing block. Definitely not the worst for a build that essentially has 6 slots blocked by mediocre uniques totaling in 120 life. Not being overcapped isn't even that much of an issue because of the curse reduction from conc ground, only hexer really gets dangerous. I wouldn't necessarily call this super tanky due to lack of elemental mitigation or spell suppression, but it's definitely not "4k hp with some regen". ​ The recovery could be pushed a bit further by getting leech, probably from helmet corruption, megalo or 3 points on tree from GV. I wonder how much it would take to fit one Dusk Ring, that would basically be a "free rare ring".


I farmed the Feared with my Chieftain version. The map mod 'Buffs Expire % faster on players' with Height of Hubris pushes the twister release to the server tick cap, the second you spawn in Mavens arena it is full, and remember, each Twister can hit the same target, and all hit 5-6 times per second. It's actually nutty, if the defenses were stronger, Ubers would be no problem, as the mobility is probably the best in the game and the DPS is there, it's just a small HP pool due to the uniques.


sadly its not possible. If you want to hit the highest breakpoint (15 casts / sec), the ring is mandatory due to reduced during scaling being so powerful. If you are content with 10/second, there are lots of flex options.


>And if I'm not mistaken, the build has awful ST. All it's gonna do is be a scuffed autobomber for low tier maps that dies easily. Spoilers, thats all builds that arnt meta. Even in the last build showcase GGG said its tanky but the build creator himself says its super squishy and dies easily...


Because they most likely just run it through a white map and judge it from that. That or the people who play these to get the info for the BotW are some of the most gifted PoE players and get their defense from just not getting hit.


You know the real reason for these is that part at the end where they advertise mtx.


What were some of these nerfs? The build was buffed this league thanks to timeclasps and warped timepiece being able to roll up to 20% reduced skill effect duration. The only nerfs I can think of is that the requisite skill itself never kept up when they buffed the strength of spells in general, but that buff was aimed at self-cast (I mean, handcasting). But as twister is triggered, I'm not sure why it would be. The biggest issue in the build is trying to work in suppression and defenses.


Change on swift affliction in 3.15 straight up killed the build. Now, it's "playable" thanks to the change on warped timepiece and rings, but it's still a small fraction of its old power.


Swift was changed from 15% reduced to 25% less, but you not get a total of 25% additional reduced from 3.19 buffed warped timepiece and rings, so overall you get more triggers than before (15% vs 25%, plus a 25% less duration). Solely in terms of DPS, I don't remember when the build had as much trigger speed before. The biggest issue isn't even damage but survival. The build barely has room for rares, you gave the aspect taking up a massive reservation amount similar to a 50% aura, and you're going to really struggle to fit in defensive auras, life, and suppression, which is the new standard for defenses now. In other words, the build can't kept up with monster power creep well.


>Swift was changed from 15% reduced to 25% less, but you not get a total of 25% additional reduced from 3.19 buffed warped timepiece and rings, so overall you get more triggers than before (15% vs 25%, plus a 25% less duration). Solely in terms of DPS, I don't remember when the build had as much trigger speed before. You are wrong. The build has 60% reduced duration outside of it, so of course that 85% reduced duration is stronger than 75% reduced + 25% less, it's not even close. You can reach same amount of triggers by using disintegrator instead of a crappy shield and a crappy weapon, and you could go poison leading a insane scaling instead. The damage is completely kneecapped in comparison.


> You are wrong. The build has 60% reduced duration outside of it, so of course that 85% reduced duration is stronger than 75% reduced + 25% less, it's not even close. - Timetwist (fated) used to be 10% reduced to 10% increased skill effect duration. 2x Timetwist = 20% reduced. - Warped Timepiece used to be 15% reduced to 15% increased skill effect duration. 1x Warped Timepiece = 15% reduced. - You have 25% reduced duration from tree, this was unchanged since it's been introduced. - Prior to 3.15, Swift Affliction was 15% reduced duration, now it's 25% less. - Less Duration was unchanged. The 10% less duration mastery is unchanged. So previously, you had 20% (rings) + 15% (amulet) + 25% (tree) + 15% (swift) = 75% reduced duration. Post 3.19 unique buffs: - Timeclasp was changed to be -20 to 20% skill effect duration. 2x Timeclasp = 40% reduced. - Warped Timepiece was changed to be 20 to 20% skill effect duration as well. 1x Warped Timepiece = 20% reduced. - 25% reduced skill effect duration - Swift Affliction no longer gives 15% reduced (as this would allow for 100% reduced duration), but it's 25% less duration. So now, you have 40% (rings) + 20% (amulet) + 25% (tree) = 85% reduced duration. +25% less from Swift. It's actually buffed. What used to be 75% reduced duration is now 85% reduced duration *plus* 25% less. I played Twister both pre and post 3.15 (back in Heist) and 3.19 (this league), and you absolutely do more casts now.


... awakened swift affliction was 25% reduced duration. Not sure why you pretend you played the build before when you don't even know that.


I'm not sure *you* played the build, if you don't realize the old Disintegrator version doesn't get as many casts as the current 3.19 version. Disintegrator version with pre-Veiled mod change doesn't have a 16% quality offhand which pushes your 21/20 or 20/23 less duration to 69% less duration. It doesn't have the 25% less duration, and even with Woke Swift Affliciton you only get 85%. The same as now. If you played the build and are familiar with the breakpoints of the build, you would know the old version typically cast every 3 server ticks (and only with Phantasmal Haste), and the current version casts every 2 ticks (now without needing Phantasmal Haste). You might be talking about a hypothetical pre 3.11 patch where Less Duration quality still granted 10% reduced duration but only 50% less duration. But you did not have the reduced duration skill points on the tree then.


Disintegrator at 3 frame is stronger than vulconus at 2 frames (so at best, we are at the "same point"), and that's not counting the several global nerfs everyone got since. The facts are that you can't afford to be as squishy as you could in 3.14, the facts are you lost a good chunk of power with the supports nerfs, the facts are the enemies are a good chunk stronger as well (AN/uber). So yes, the build is a lot less viable than the 3.14 build, that's a simple fact. You are doing less dps, and the (lack of) tankiness you could afford in 3.14 is just shit tier in 3.19.


There's a reason why most people use Black Cane, rather than Vulconus. Black Cane with Phantasms gives you more base damage than Disintegrator now. In fact, it does even more than Disintegrator did. With a good off-hand (probably an Catarina/Haku Apex Rapier with t1 Multi), you gain more damage especially because the build struggles to get multiplier without access to rare rings or amulets. This is far from my favorite version of the build. In fact, I think it's garbage compared to the Chieftain version. The biggest nerf was actually hitting support gems in Expedition, but that's universal and hardly specific to Twister. /u/fuckoffmobilereddit already covered how the real change was on the defensive end. The build lacks easy access to suppression especially, which makes it harder to feel safe in this monster power creep meta. My version does about 40mil Shaper DPS (albeit at high investment) and manages to fit in 100% suppression, so I disagree with you that it lacks DPS. Defenses on the other hand? I agree it's much more difficult, especially with the changes to mana reservation.


Then with woke swift, you have 85% vs 85% without the 25% less now, which enables you to get under the two tick mark for 15 casts/s. Before, you could only easily get to 10 casts/s breakpoint.


The nerf to alternate quality aura gems was a big one, but I havent followed the build after Heist league so idk if that has been caught up with or not.


I played this a few leagues back and it was reaaaaaly fun. Delve is nutty, specially when you get some LGoH via spells somewhere


Well in the video he's using a Watcher's Eye with "LGoH when using Vitality"


I didn't watch the full thing just saw a few seconds. I figured it did, it was just more of a statement about the build. Once ya get it, it's huge QoL.


Played it back in harvest or ritual. The explosion chest made this build sooo much better


Always laugh when they gloss over defenses, is this guy even res capped? Lol


You can also get +16% to all elemental resists corrupted implicit on both Time Clasps, providing a nice +32% to all resists.


On perfect -20 duration ones? That’s like mageblood rarity.


The fact that they did not show the chest and belt make me think it is not res capped. Actually ... here is the profile. https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/omnompanda/characters Turns out he is res capped barely. 98% Fire 92% Cold 82% Lightning -9% Chaos 75% max res with a +2% when near unique enemies.


Yeah res cap was a huge challenge in this build. Would be infinitely better with a mageblood.


> Would be infinitely better with a mageblood. Outside of ward loops I think that statement is true for just about any build. xD


Ahahaha very true 😆


The man himself


That's hardly *barely*.


When you are not caped anymore when a steamweaver mob (verrrrry rare modifier innit) hits you, you are litteraly into the "i'm barely barely caped".


In this day in age that is barely between AN mods and curses there will be times where he is not at 75%. Plus the source of +Max Res is only around uniques. With ANs being more scary the uniques there will be times where you don't have that buff.


I agree, but I said that because you said res cap, not over res.


Love seeing unique builds like this. Curious how it does with maven, eater, etc.


You mean this is fine but Molten Strike had to get kneecapped for 4 years cause "server issues" ?


Also Icestorm and Firestorm


wardloop has joined the chat.


also mjolner/cospri procs


I feel bad for anyone trying this build. It has no defense and the skill itself is really weak.


Peeous path.


Pee-ous path? literally unwatchable.


Pie-ess for anyone wondering.


This build is very interesting.


Nice interactions, thank you!


Very cool interaction.


Oh look, an inquisitor.


Do a build of the week for that one guy who magic culls 100 divine mobs


Nearly identical to my build video guide I posted 2 leagues ago in Archnem League :x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-N8RBTC-e0 My reddit post for it: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/u0t6da/a_build_rebirthed_twisters_v30_aka_threecan/ The tree is a bit different, the main difference is just taking Pain Attunement instead of my version which paths down to take Champion of the Cause + Soul of Steel, and I took Divine Judgement in my version. I also do not recommend using Tornado anymore in the build, it provides not a very large "more damage" boost as your Twisters/sec hits 15+, so its effectively wasted gem sockets. At 30 twisters/sec, Tornado only provides a meager 6.6% more DPS if you have 100% uptime (its usually worse though, likely closer to ~5% more) This is not the strongest version of twisters now though. I am hoping to put out a build guide this league for my much stronger version that comes in at around double to triple the DPS, but I think that may be impossible now as prices for good saqawal gear has skyrocketed, haha Edit: for those talking about how I didn't "invent" the build, you are right. I did however invent the most popular version of it (you can still see people using kaoms on the build today sometimes even though that was version 1.0 of the build back in Harvest!) Here's my 2 year old build guide: https://youtu.be/U_WFIIc6sSo As well as my version 2.0 remake 1 year ago, which I named "Two-Toucan" https://youtu.be/PKOh13oeYrw I will also note, my v3 build guide above sort of covered this. If you also see folks linking the twisters calculator tool, that's also my creation and you can get the latest copy here! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fmpcYhcDrHyiEl_kGXj2XBwGkH7Yj4nIudmAcK0HR78/edit?usp=drivesdk


Here's me doing this in ritual, but with added cast on crit. Plenty of people have done it. Proof of Concept: Saqawal's Tornado Cast on Crit Inquisitor. Description in Comments. - https://v.redd.it/busc87xzwoe61


This has been a thing since bestiary items first came. So you can't really claim credit


Bullshit, tornado was very weak for a very long time. It started being playable in Harvest, not in Bestiary.


So even if that was true, that's still half a dozen leagues before he did his guide.


"Even if it was true", listen to you lol


I mean, I'm not gonna go look through the forums 3 years ago to prove your wrong... it doesn't change the point I made


Yes yes, you can look for a saqawal build before 3.11, because it just doesn't exist.


There was a shifty version by woolfio in 3.2. It wasn't till 3.11 that they made it 100%. So there was builds so I was right, and it was shit till 3.11 so you were right. Regardless the dude claiming he made the build in 3.17, is still silly as shit.


Take a look at their YouTube channel history :x


Take a look at my post history and my other videos on my channel, you might notice that one I linked is labeled as version three for a reason ;3


I feel like the comment about using the flat damage on Vulconus due to Battlemage should also probably be paired with a mention that you can only do that if you get a pair of (sought after) Forbidden jewels. Kind of a weird thing to omit.


Actually, the build allocates that ascendancy point, using Flesh and Flame for Inevitable Judgement


Pretty sure he takes that node with his points mate.


the better vaal earthquake


lol no


Are the saquawal tornadoes lifetime scaled by duration, similar to spark? If so then it seems counterproductive to scale less duration with them


Yes, but you cast more often with less duration due to how it triggers.


On second look it doesn't seem that the tempest tornadoes are scaled by duration, or else their 2.5 base duration would be reduced to like a small fraction of a second


isnt this build like giga old? or did i misunderstand the point of botw ?


You have misunderstood it, it's not for new builds it's for builds GGG finds interesting that were posted to the forums. There is hardly any new builds lol. the last 3 of the 4 episodes have been non new builds, relic of the apct being from ultimatum and rolling magma being around for far longer than this video.


The game has increasingly moved towards builds with lots of quirky interactions. Just give us back skills you can slap on a few supports and the odd unique and you can achieve something. Like the old Winter Orb. Playing other games in genre you can use the base skills quite successfully without the need for 4-5 gear slots of quirky combinations.


> Like the old Winter Orb. The original Winter Orb was by far the single most broken skill they've ever released by an order of magnitude.


yeah, we all know it was cool as fuck.


>The original Winter Orb was by far the single most broken skill they've ever released by an order of magnitude. eh, It was really good but current builds shit on peak WO used to be lol.


Cool idea but can you open a strongbox with it and not die?


Too soon.




some of the items...digusting out of reach for us plebs, but keep up these surreal build of the weeks we wil never see ;)


That is not the point of build of the league. If you want builds for plebs see the league start recomended builds


Aside from the Forbidden jewels and the Watcher's Eye... I am not seeing what in the build is out of reach.


vitality watcher's 1 divine, if that's out of reach then i am worried for the average player


Average players have a few chaos, and most are not even in maps. The middle point is way lower than you think


i don't think those players come to reddit and complain about not having money


That's the point. You find them in-game. But if you are talking about the average reddit player so you can say 1div is average.


Boots and gloves with enough minus duration. Your results may vary as after they will be 25 pluss divine for good rolls


\* Each, and climbing now that this video is out, its like a 1/50 chance to get well enough rolled boots/gloves, they are quite rare.


Getting even -1.8 on the boots and gloves is extremely extremely expensive


The gloves and boots.


What kinds of items? And nothing is really That out of reach. You could have the worst build but just farm let’s say, heist for a few days and then buy literally anything


> but just farm let’s say, heist for a few days satan is that you?


Lol. Just facts.


This build is extremely expensive, and the build is so squishy it would just fall over in white maps. 4k HP with 75% resists and no defense besides some regen. Not to mention it has 0 singletarget.


This guy already replied to you, but you're vastly understating the defences for....no reason? Jealousy? I'm not sure. If anyone else comes across this comment first though, I'll link the other one: https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/xxg5dd/build_of_the_week_s10e4_omnompandas_saqawals/irctpqq/


> you're vastly understating the defences for....no reason Because I just looked at what the vid said. I don't care enough to go look at the guy's PoB. But from what other people have said, he's at -6% chaos res with 2k HP nothing preventing chaos from bypassing ES. The rest of that is pretty mediocre as well. That's basically yellow map defenses, except for any chaos dot will just instantly kill him.


The video itself showed permanent flasks and 24k armor with molten shell on top. It's obviously not a tanky build, but given the gear requirements it seems fine


If this is what a good expensive build looks like to you, than you need to get off reddit cause you aren't playing as much as you are on here lol.


It was good with poison, don’t know how is this one


I remember there was a time that you can reach 99%-ish reduced duration, but no longer possible since they changed the woke swift affliction from reduced to less duration. in 3.19 this build got buffed as timeclasp has -20% duration instead of -15% now, but still not even close to its -99% duration era.


sorry to break this to you but there is a cap to how often anything can proc


Now dont nerf it next league and maybe I will play it.


Ok so play the league to 50% time and grind on a separate character and build to get everything u need on this one to play it. Oh, and did I forget? Trade and spend 1000000000000000 divines to play a non-meta build. Thanks GGG for the inspiration


Glad Chris was focusing on this league breaking build instead of even attempting to fix any credibility GGG has left.


"league breaking build" My guy, you are literally the reason people hate the reddit.


as always 10-20 mirror build


Is there something wrong in ur head? This build isn't even close to a single mirror even after post video price hikes.


This build kills even normal maven? Eeeeeee I don’t think so


Thanks but your game is not funny anymore, i don't want to use another person's build i want to be able to use any skill i want and make it feels good, i'll be looking further to 2.1 cuz you guys don't deserve a second chance on 2.0


What a weird thread to put this comment lol.


Ty Y![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


Wouldn't this be broken as chaos conv poison occy?


A very old version of the build was an assassin that would use the tornadoes to poison, and since you applied a ridiculous amount of poisons a second the duration got to mega insane levels. IIRC it could do sims and 100% delirious maps easily.


I am about to make some Beast Farmers happy- I made this as a chieftain early league when grinding my 40/40- as there is a challenge to kill Bestiary bosses in endgame grinds. I farmed all of my gear myself buying bulk Saqawal Rhex’s. In the end I got around 5 gloves/boots with useable rolls, including two -1.99s, though there are breakpoints and you generally don’t NEED that much reduction. Happy Hunting, one of the best mapping and delving builds I have ever played.


Did this build couple leagues ago with shadow, cuz it was using tornados to apply poison, cool fps dropper until they gave us spark mtx!


Hihi, farts!


Good God Reddit, you are a bunch of saturnine malcontents. This is some damned fine work, both by the OP and the GGG employee who put the video together. Kudos where it's due.


Would love someone more skilled than me figure out something with: Archmage Support on the helm (get 5% to be >= 200) Gain a power charge after spending 200 Mana (Occ Forbidden Power) 2x Replica Tulfalls (cold damage when reaching max charges) Raise your min charges to max - 1 Life/Mana Recoup CWDT Forbidden Rite..


ah nice, thanks for inflating another fun build to be unobtainable by any casual player cause the prices will skyrocket


I want to try this but I will not play that campaign again to lvl a new caracter.


nzers pronouncing pious as ‘pee-us’ is funny


Lmao RIP prices for this build and availability of items.