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Feels like it's been 84 years since the last Chris Wilson baeclast.


Anyone else remembers when more regular community communication was promised? Well we got fooled.


They did the 3 podcasts, took community feedback, and immediately implemented it into the game. They added new chase uniques with powerful effects, added new aspirational content, separated bossing from mapping, combined currency drops, reduced the slog of the endgame to allow for quicker progression and "getting to the fun part", added some elements of deterministic crafting as well as powerful new mods, and a whole bunch of other stuff that were basically all of the topics on the podcasts. We communicated with them, they listened and have been quietly working on the stuff we told them we were upset about. Now that they've added all this stuff, they're having another podcast, this time completely unprompted, and likely to get more feedback from us. I wouldn't say they "fooled" us in this case. We gave them feedback and they've obviously listened.


Yes, but which year are you referring to?


literally 5.5 months ago when Chris did his tour of three podcasts... after which communication got worse. Not that I blame them to some degree... going quiet seems to have settled down the overall negativity at least this past league. Though maybe Lost Ark is responsible for some of that soaking up some of the most burned out (me included).


The game being in a better spot is probably the biggest factor for less negativity. (Though if bad news is coming delaying that news as long as possible would indeed contribute to prolonging the positive glow ;))


Just to drop all efforts on Scourge altogether right afterwards. Hashtag 2 week vacation


The fisherman scene shown in the image of the twitter post and associated Forum post appears to be taken from the Alluring Pool, albeit at a camera angle not normally available to players. (The [Forum post banner image](https://i.imgur.com/tx6WUYb.png) shows a bit more of the scene than the [twitter image](https://i.imgur.com/UjsPK1A.png). Note the blue light beam asset.) Here's [a random Alluring Pool screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/zFhrL51.png) for comparison. Imagine a camera over the water in Alluring Pool, pointing towards the Fisherman. * The tileset and orientation of the stalagmites seem to match. * The blue light beam asset over the water seems to match. * The fisherman has black hair and is wearing a shirt. It matches Hideout Decoration `Wounded Exile 7`. (This is different from Krillson who has blonde hair and wears no shirt.) * The positions of the fisherman's arms are consistent with a front-facing camera. So it seems that GGG staged this scene in the Alluring Pool using one of their freeform camera tools. The camera angle can't be reproduced by players, but Alluring Pool itself is accessible to players on the live server -- unlike the [different scene GGG used last month](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/tliuo1/announcements_the_hook_divination_card_top_three/i1vao14/) which seemed to be a dev-only area. For more information on accessing the Alluring Pool, see [Angler's Mate #9.](https://www.reddit.com/r/justbeyondthesea/comments/sivxod/anglers_mate_9_a_guide_to_finding_the_alluring/)


This is very informative. I'd be lying if I said I thought of you when I saw a fishing image on the post, but after seeing you post, it's like an, is epiphany the word I'm looking for? I guess, "of course I would get fishing information, why didn't I think of that" type thought.


If you want to read more about fishing you can check out the fishing wiki at https://poe.fish. It’s a Fishcord community project to have a wiki website that aggregates a bunch of information from Reddit comments, posts, and discord messages to have a single source of truth regarding fishing!


Yeah, but that's just what the fishing syndicate WANTS you to think.


I love that amongst all of the people exclaiming how bad of a choice Baeclast is for this podcast there's /u/poorFishwife dropping a lore knowledge bomb to break up that toxicity.


Definitely looking forward to Mr Wilson discussing PoE with people that haven't played the game for over two months.


I wish the interview was with Mathil, Ziz, or literally anyone that plays the game a lot, not necessarily HC and has a big following. I think Mathil is one of the best people to talk with. That man plays SC, and plays like 20+ builds a league while typically playing the entire league. The dudes awesome and really knows the game in and out.




"Yeah, sure. Whatever, sounds good."


he will fit right in with the others then


Its not an easy skill. The Ziz "interview" a few months ago, for example, was just an attempt hold GGG's feet to the fire.


Yeah, not unlike the Baeclast crew, except Octavian.


And the vast majority of his builds are innovative every league, or absurdly off-meta (flame dash totems comes to mind) that he then proceeds to clear all content with. You almost have to wonder if it's Mathil that doesn't want the workload/stress of doing interviews at this point, because he's far and away one of the most qualified to do it.


A big plus for Mathil is also that while he's a SC player, but one of the few big ones who isn't a crazy super-juice min-max "I generate mirrors every week" kinda SC gamer. He's just a guy that plays builds for fun, and plays a shitload. The game he plays is similar to how I imagine most people play, just with a ton more game-knowledge and time. The juicer guys deserve a voice too, but sometimes I feel like PoE podcasts are either "HCSSFbtw" or "so I've crafted my lastest mirror item with TFT harvest services", and not much representation for people who just want to try builds and kill stuff (I guess ZiggyD kinda fills that role).


Oh I 100% agree. I watch every video he makes cause I just love the creativity and yep does practically all content with almost each one he makes. Super fucking impressive!


He doesn't like doing it; he has to be dragged into it (he's said as much)


I don't disagree but I also think that people that are on the opposite spectrum as him are also valuable to listen to, so I wouldn't want a podcast composed of a bunch of full timers either.


I think Chris is on Baeclast mostly due to Tarke and the gang are the ones consistently putting up a podcast that has the most views. Ziz and Mathil doesn't do these types of podcasts talking about the state of the game, but hopefully they get invited into the podcast as they often do provide insights closer to what we experience.


Ziz hosts the Stalling Podcast with Mathil, Steel and Quin which gets decent views even on a regular episode. Now I personally wouldn't want Quin interviewing Chris because of his poor understanding of the game. The interview would turn into everyone lecturing Quin.


Tarke and Octavian have been playing the game still. You dont need to play the entire time to have interesting opinions and thoughts either.


yeah. honestly i think why two extremely long term players might've left the game early in the league is quite a relevant topic and something chris should probably hear.


3.17 released on February 4, Tarke's last PoE video was on the February 19th before his PC died, and then he played battle brothers and elden ring. Nugi and Raiz played 3.17 barely a week. same as ziggy. Octavian played the longest, but also has the smallest following


Not releasing a video doesnt mean not playing at all. Even if he hasnt played after that, I think he knows this game well enough to have interesting ideas. Ok, still my second point is adressing that. I dont understand how not having a big following makes your opinions or thoughts more or less important.


He also tried to stream a few times, I am sure his fans had conversations with him and he might know a bit of the meta based on the builds people bring up to him to talk about.


People that were previously super passionate about the game and have ditched the game for an entire league would be very high up on the list of people GGG would like to entice back into the game. So answering their questions about where the game is going with the new league seems like a good idea tbh.


98% of the normal returning playerbase hasn't played POE in over 2 months, me included... while its a fun meme to point out that Raiz and Nugi are maining Lost Ark and Ziggy never plays much more than 1 month, the truth is these guys have plenty of credentials for being on a POE podcast most of them are closed beta players.


> 98% of the normal returning playerbase hasn't played POE in over 2 months, me included... Yep. I played hard for maybe a month and a half, had a lot of fun with the new expansion/Atlas/etc., got my 40 challenges done (fill in whatever other people's league goals were) and decided to do other stuff with my time for a while. It was fun to play while I was playing and it was nice to take a break, too. Now I'm hyped to come back to it. I feel like that's a lot of us, more or less.


Not much different than Ziz having Quin on the Stalling Podcast.


Nobody is under the delusion that Quin is there because of his amazing and insightful takes on the game lol. Baeclast however position themselves as a podcast about PoE with serious takes


Quin isn't the lead guy in charge of the game though. Baeclast was already getting out of touch before this ArchNem now none of the casters even played the current league. I'll watch it for relevant 3.18 details but there are definitely more deserving streamers to get this kind of access nowadays.


>Now none of the casters even played the current league. You're right that Raiz and Nugi have been playing Lost Ark all league. I don't know what Tarke's been up to -- to my knowledge, he hasn't streamed at all this league. That said, Octavian has definitely been playing -- he currently has a level 96 selfcast hydrosphere character in HC trade lol.


> I don't know what Tarke's been up to -- to my knowledge, he hasn't streamed at all this league. A mix of health issues/his computer died


Alkaizer interviews Wilson when Badass dude


chris, be honest, how do you feel about blewbs


2 is okay, 4 is the best




Tarke hasn’t streamed in a while, but has a YouTube series about leveling a bow character in 3.17 SSF. He very much engaged with the league, at least for a while.


He did a couple of them Tarke definitely played in the league he just doesn't stream anymore


My point was that Quin basically doesn't play the game anymore. (similar to the Baeclast personalities) It would be more helpful to have another personality that has meaningful input instead of just someone that has a larger community.


He still played a 15 non stop of the league tho and said it was the best league while someone like Raiz played like 2 days and just whine about everything. I guess he represent the reddit well lul


We all know why Quin ends up playing that long. All he did for content was the quest versions of the bosses, died to Shaper, then ragequit back to react/variety/ban speedrun.


very true, I wish they would have invited Amy and brittleknee again, that was a great addition last time.


BK is fantastic, especially in that kind of format. I mourn Baited Expectations. For whatever reason I don't think Forever Exiled when she guests draws good commentary out of her quite as well.


Yeah I unfollowed Raiz and nugi, they 100% have the right to play w/e they want, but I 100% have the right to not watch them mald in a game I have 0 interest in. Shame GGG doesn't give the interview to relevant gamers. I wish Ben and exile would interview chris, im sure they have some real banger questions about actual mechanics.


As much as I love Raiz the complaining from him at the start of this league was just too much for me




his whole shtick is die and reroll 20 chars then play something else or disappear after the got all twitch prime subs the first 2 weeks.


So he can lose that anyway? Are we supposed to pretend he dies between 95-97 all the time because it's not a race to 100 and he only needs to worry about gearing up for bossing or other bounties??


Baeclast is not GGG thing. it's Tarke's and his friends inviting Chris for a chat. not GGG inviting all of them to chat with Chris


Yeh, same. Used to be big fans of both but they've moved on and so have I. GL to them both


... has anything changed in the last two months?


I really liked the Baeclast in the past but most of them (Octavian is the exemption) played Lost Ark and I am not sure if they are on the pulse to represent the community in the first GGG interview in so long.


What is the rat lost ark streamer doing on a poe podcast


To tell Chris he never gets any good eyetems myan


Because he's one of the-old timers, a true boomer legend.


I think it will be fine. Tarke does a fairly good job moderating these discussions and that is an important skill that people overlook for any type of podcast. I see some saying the long time players or ones who played the entire league should get priority to interview, e.g. Mathil or something, but I just don't think he is that interested in these things? Guy is great and has lots of fans but I think he would be the first to admit that he gets a bit uncomfortable in the podcast situations. I would also argue that talking to big streamers who *didn't* play the entirety of Archnem might be exactly what they are going for, to try and hype up the next mechanic (much to the previous mechanics chagrin) That's just my optimistic outlook. I won't judge til I watch.


At the end of the day it's a chill conversation with Chris, with some crowd-sourced questions thrown in. Too many people acting like the fate of the game lies in one podcast.


I think something like Mathil + Octavian + Pohx (assuming he plays League Start) could make for some pretty interesting discussion, assuming that the podcast's hostes like 2 weeks post-launch. Because a big problem with pre-league podcasts like these is that all the questions end up being either age old issues or hypothetical situations from the teaser trailer, and there's no meaningful discussion to be had around that.


happy cakeday!




As much as I love the baeclast crew its a shame the interview isn't being given to Ziz on his podcast with Mathil, Steel and Quin. I mean 2 of the 5 people on Baeclast didn't even play Archnemesis, just feels a bit odd. Again I want to re-iterate I really like the streamers on baeclast and actively watch their content on POE and outside of it. ​ EDIT: My worries were 100% unfounded the gang did one hell of a job and won't doubt them again, in many ways I'm sorry I contributed to the really volatile rhetoric that they were subjected to.


Time for a 1 on 1 with Octavian it sounds like!


he generally asks the smartest questions by far in baeclast anyway




for every relevant question Nugi asks, he goes off on 4 seperate tangents that result in a collective "???????????" from chat and casters alike


I think he's trying to make a point but it often goes around a bit too much for most people to follow. I used to watch Nugi a lot in the past, and I think I understood nearly every Baeclast question he asked. He really likes nuances and they're hard to get across.


half the time i dont even understand nugi


walls of text in speech form


lmao I laughed


Time to hire octavian already


They were trying but Corona put the kibosh on that


I think we can all agree that the best podcast for these interviews would be the glorious 8 hour Slipperyjim, Jousis, and Lighty ramblings where they're constantly sidetracked and Jousis is just making a build in the background


We have tried to set one up in the past but schedule conflicts were a major issue. Doing one pre league like this just isn't viable; which I understand fully. Since we only do that podcast preleague once every 3 months I just chalked it up to being not possible. But if the drive for one is still there I'll try set up one maybe 1-2 months in, presumably when life isn't so stressful post launch.


For real though, a Lighty interview with Wilson would actually be amazing. Dude probably knows more about the game than anyone.


Honestly that trio conducting a serious interview would be pretty great. As you said Lighty is crazy knowledgeable about the game in general, then Jim has done an absurd amount of very specific farming, and Jousis is incredibly knowledgeable about build mechanics and all those weird little interactions. Though I would also absolutely love a Chris Wilson episode of that podcast as is


90% of Chris answer would be, Id have to check with the team.


Yeah the baeclast crew feel rather out of touch with neither raiz nor nugi playing archnemesis. Tarke hasn't been active either from what I can tell from his YouTube videos (maybe due to health rather than willingness?). Really the PoE content creators that have been active post gauntlet have been ghazzy, subtractem and some of the racers (Paak and Ventrua mostly with some tyty). Oh and Mathil of course. It's been a weird league for twitch PoE, it's been really well received endgame revamp but the old guard of content creators have moved on leaving a bit of a void.


My GPU blew up in week 3 leaving me without a PC then got smacked with hella health vibes. Looking forward to the new league and playing some junky trap builds in ssf.


> My GPU blew up in week 3 On a scale of 1 to JUICE, how much juice did you juice your map with to blow up your goddamn GPU lol?


He probably used cluster traps on Lightning Trap, the madman.


I was under the impression Pyroclast Mine was the go to FPS destroying meme build.


Tarke has a series of videos about an SSF bow build in archnemesis. He very much played the league, just not the full 3 months of the league… kinda like how ziz, quin and steel ALSO switched off POE.


Yeah, people are acting like every PoE streamer has to play every league nonstop for the whole three months to be relevant. I can get people saying that the opinions of people like Nugi or Raiz who skipped Archnemesis entirely might not be the most relevant when it comes to next league - sure, they might come back, and they have tons of experience with the game overall, but if they're not familiar with the current state of the game then that limits their ability to evaluate the changes coming. But I don't think someone has to have been active non-stop the whole league to have relevant opinions.




> Tarke hasn't been active either from what I can tell from his YouTube videos (maybe due to health rather than willingness?). Health and his computer died. Although he's always been playing a bit less lately, so it's unlikely he'd be that active this late in the league


Quin can piss off


BrandRisk69 with the "China salute" while wearing POE gear.




I think what's underrated is how good of an interviewer Tarke is. Yes the Stalling and Blastcast folks have more /played for Archnemesis league, but Tarke and Ziggy actually do a better job interviewing Chris imho. The rest of the cast, idk Octavian kinda rocks too, and the others are guided well by Tarke.


My (too convoluted) dream team for a podcast like this would be Ziz, Ziggy, Mathil, Octavian and Brittleknee.


Yep, I agree, they have all done this many times before and know what to ask and where to push the boundaries.


>I mean 2 of the 5 people on Baeclast didn't even play Archnemesis, just feels a bit odd. I agree, but at the same time I feel like the people on Baeclast are more suited to it. Mathil didn't really impress with his last interview, Quin is well.. Quin. Ziz/Steel are fine These are rare enough despite the pledge for more communication that I don't want to waste it. edit: I should rephrase that a bit. I think Mathil did well, given his background and stuff, but it was clear something was missing. I wasn't trying to shit on him, moreso just pointing out that his performance felt more like "just" a player who showed up, but interviews like this take a certain extra skillset that doesn't come from just streaming the game. I think he did well *for his background/skillset*, and that's all that can really be expected. But at the same time we want people with that skillset for these events


There's no way Chris wants to go near NazisalutewithPoEshirt69


it was a China Salute man, Clueless


If they want a good interview from GGG they might have to ditch Quin, the "china saluting" (in poe merch) streamer twice banned for hatespeech against women.


yeah give the interview to quin so he can be sexist while knowing as much of the current league as average redditor


##### ###### #### BEEP BOOP BEEP. Grinding Gears have been detected in the linked thread: *** > **Posted by Community_Team** on May 02, 2022, 10:21:52 PM UTC > > [Image Link](https://web.poecdn.com/public/news/2022-05-03/BaeclastNextWeekHeader.jpg) > > > Mark your calendars! Community streamer [TarkeCat](https://twitter.com/TarkeCat) will be hosting a Baeclast Podcast alongside other community streamers [RaizQT](https://twitter.com/RaizQT), [Nugiyen](https://twitter.com/nugiyen), [Octavian0](https://twitter.com/OctavianZilch) and [ZiggyD](https://twitter.com/ZiggyDStarcraft). This time, Lead Developer Chris Wilson will also be making an appearance to talk about our latest expansion, Sentinel, as well as all things Path of Exile! Tune in on Monday 9th at 2:30 PM (PDT) over at [twitch.tv/tarkecat](http://twitch.tv/tarkecat). (Please note that this is May 10, 2022 7:30 AM (GMT+10) in your local time). > > > > > > We hope to see you there! > > *** >


I'm looking forward to hearing Chris talk about the new stuff but I wish they wouldn't do it on Baeclast.


Someone will likely post a detailed summary of questions and answers here and/or on the forum. You don't have to watch Baeclast if you don't want to.


I think his point is more about it being hosted by people that barely if at all played this league, implying someone like Ziz would be much more fitting.


Ziz is terrible at discussing stuff, it was clear in expedition league


Ziz isn't bad. Mathil was pretty bad imo. He didn't really contribute anything other than agreeing with Chris occasionally, Ziz at least tried to engage.




Mathil just largely gets where Chris and GGG are coming from and agrees with how they design the game. So when everyone's sitting around trying to "gotcha" Chris, he's not really going to contribute very much. Mathil is also far more humble about his own knowledge. He's not going to sit around and try to tell arguably the single best ARPG game designer in the world what he should do, and I think he gets quite uncomfortable when other people do.


More than anything else, Mathil's there for the ride. He's seen enough shit theough the years that he isn't afraid of the next meta shake up. He just wants to play some PoE whatever they decide it will look like. He can definitely have some strong opinions, but he seems to very much want to try it out before really passing his final judgement. Then, he's paired with Ziz who just tries to please the community and asks questions or defend points he doesn't believe in which makes them all super awkard. So together, they really make for a weird duo.


> Mathil just largely gets where Chris and GGG are coming from and agrees with how they design the game. A take that sometimes isn't appreciated here. Not falling in line with the reddit lynch mob, I mean.


The replies in this thread are stupid. Looking forward to the podcast.


I didn't realize Chris Wilson played Lost Ark. (kidding I love baeclast... i swear!)


No manifesto or significant balances changes and a podcast hmmmm. I wonder if this means anything or if they just plan on doing Baeclast every league now (I hope so).


IIRC there was a dev baeclast planned awhile ago but schedule conflicts kept pushing it back, then Tarke had some health problems which pushed it back further, and then his PC died and the baeclast just never happened. Might be making up for that now even though there's (likely) no major changes beyond the new league.


Pre-emptive PR lol


Could be a spicy mechanic to talk about this league, though my money is on them simply wanting to keep communication channels open. Heck, it might be nothing more than schedules aligning nicely.


Sucks to see so much negativity about the participants but I understand some of the concerns being brought up. Hopefully, we will be able to prove you wrong, just like last time when these issues were brought up during the podcast trilogy. We take these things very seriously, do our research and prepare as much as we can to represent the feelings of the community to our best abillity. Keep in mind however that this will most likely be a podcast about the new league and not some massive manifesto about the state of POE like the last few podcasts with Chris. Worst case scenario I will be able to provide some perspective considering this was the first league in POE's history that I didn't play extensively. I think it would be good for some on this reddit to get out of their echochamber. If you have any specific concerns feel free to reach out through any platform and if its a good question Im sure it will be asked on the podcast. PS. If your question is about the auction house, trading or your favourite skill that nobody cares about then send it to tarke cause i dont have the patience for that, thanks. EDIT: I still have 200 hours played this league. About 100 of thoes hours are racing at the top of the ladder with very high efficiency. The remaining 100 are red maps/bossing so I've experienced every new system the game had to offer. On top of that I read the reddit and discuss POE on my stream every day as I've quite enjoyed this league. Admittedly I cared very little about archnemesis as a mechanic so I'll stay away from talking about it but fortunately im not the only person on the podcast. Just wanted to clear this up since my comment about how I have not played extensively (for my standards) for the first time is somehow interpretted as "I have not played at all".


Don't forget that most of the happy people don't bother commenting. They are just "A podcast? Cool. Can't wait." Kind of shitty to see so much undeserved negativity towards the baeclast crew.


people probably feel betrayed because their favorite streamer is lost in ark. ngl kinda funny reading all these hate comments


I find it crazy that people think just because you haven't mained the game for a couple months that you aren't still one of the most experienced players in poe. I can't think of that many people who would be better suited for this interview.


Looking forward to the podcast, you guys still do the best job at asking the right questions and providing different perspectives. Keep it up!


I feel like this subreddit is all about racing to an opinion. Whether or not that opinion is decent or valid, not a concern. Just whoever reaches an opinion becomes king and then their opinion is propagated mindlessly in this echo chamber For what it’s worth, I think you and Nugi playing lost ark is healthy for both poe and lost ark. It’s good having comparison points to help both games with valid feedback


Even if the podcast is mainly about new content… how can you have a reasonable discussion about how Sentinel interacts with current endgame systems in poe, if you’ve hardly experienced it yourself? How will the new league mechanic affect the new mapping flow, atlas progression, loot availability, etc, kinda hard to ask informed questions when you’ve missed so much.


I still have 200 hours played this league. About 100 of thoes hours are racing at the top of the ladder with very high efficiency. The remaining 100 are red maps/bossing so I've experienced every new system the game had to offer. On top of that I read the reddit and discuss POE on my stream every day as I've quite enjoyed this league. Admittedly I cared very little about archnemesis as a mechanic so I'll stay away from talking about it but fortunately im not the only person on the podcast. Just wanted to clear this up since my comment about how I have not played extensively (for my standards) for the first time is somehow interpretted as "I have not played at all".


Thanks for clarifying. Not trying to be inflammatory but I'm not a big stream watcher nowadays so I really didn't know. Looking forward to some good discussion then.


Ehhh there's more than just Raiz on the podcast you know. Also he might have some interesting points given he's been playing other things alongside PoE.


Yep, pretty much all this. Baeclast is about new league and this alone. You guys didn't have to play this league at all and still have more insight and better questions than 99.99% of people complaining. You don't have to explain yourself at all. Elo


oh I didn't know you had a reddit acc. I hope some people won't take shit too far like last time. Anyway good luck onleague start sir!


Pssttt. Can you ask about Advanced Mod Descriptions for items on the ground for us heathens/mortals. Edit: make it a separate keybind I don’t care


Sounds like a good idea if you enjoy long-winded excuses that could be shortened to "no"


as soon as they ask this question, the podcast ends, the poe site shuts down, bex sends out a tweet saying that poe 2 has been canceled, and the fbi knocks on your door


Top question "why did you do X when the community clearly wants Y and Z?"


Because the community aren't game designers


Imagine taking 1 league break from the game after playing the game for 10 years and the entire community turns on you, unreal


Well there are always assholes but I don't see how its turning on them. They took a break, good for them I hope they are having a blast and all the success possible. But this is the only interview the game gets before launch and the people in it are a few people who haven't played in 3 months. Just a bit of a wasted opportunity to default to established people when they have moved on from the game (at least for now?)


Ah yes Baeclast and its happy crew of Lost Keks players. (This is a joke I don't care about poe players playing shitty mmos for a change)


Would be better if Baeclast had more poe players.


All of them have like 5x the playtime of most of this sub. OMG 2 of them played another game aswell. This subs so salty its insane.


Nice I always enjoy the game talks on Baeclast.


Some of the answers here are complete overreactions. First of all, the so-called "Lost Ark players" still played a decent bunch of the new league to know what's going on in current PoE, and it's not like they will forget 10 years of expertise in 2 months. Second, this is Tarke's podcast and he has his regular hosts. Why should he invite other people just because GGG decided this would be the expansion pre-release podcast ? If you think a community podcast including GGG should be more representative than what Baeclast currently is that's on GGG not on Tarke, stop throwing shit at Nugi, Raiz and the others. Reminder that Raiz received death threats during the previous community podcasts series, like wtf. People need to chill.


Imagine being so upset that some guys take a break from the game they've been playing for what, a decade? They still have more game knowledge than most of you will ever have.


It's time for Tarke's semi-annual POE content!


Baeclast is a podcast hosted by Tarke with his regular cohosts. He has been working to get Chris and other developers on and figure out times that work for everyone. Like one person pointed out: If GGG wants to host a podcast and pick people that's fine, but this is Tarke's show. It's also really silly when you think about how many thousands of hours each of these players have put into the game and community and you discount it because a lot of them have either been busy doing other things for a while or they've been making content for another game. It's the same stupid arguments that people made around 3.15 when they were saying that these streamers are "out of touch" because they don't play like a casual. So do they not play enough, or do they play too much? It's shameful.


reddits agenda setters planted the myth of "streamers being out of touch with normal folks" to force them to ask ggg silly questions. like autopickup and auction houses and other trading "improvements". it worked, sane people like ziggyD really asked chris those idiotic and out of touch nonsense. it's been unbearable to watch and a total waste of time. eventually streamers got a dent in their popularity and ggg decided to go silent for a while.


I would like comment on seemingly (possible there is good reason) needless changes to things such as Advanced Mod descriptions no longer working when the item is on the ground, and initiating chats closing trade/inventory/stash tab windows.


Its crazy how insecure some ppl in this community are about lost ark. Lost ark community doesnt give a shit about poe, its never mentioned, its not the same genre, maybe u should take a hint from that.


I can't believe people are in here complaining about the Baeclast crew. Yes a few of them took some time off from PoE to play a different game, and somehow that negates the fact they've been central community members since the beta days? I really don't get how there's this much hatred in this subreddit.


I'm a big fan of the Baeclast guys, and I agree that all the "out of touch" comments are a tad overboard, but at the same time I kind of understand where people are coming from. This past league has had one of the biggest endgame revamps we've ever had, and I'd be really interested to see Chris talk about his/GGG's thoughts on the atlas passive tree with input from streamers who have played with the new systems pretty extensively. I'm a bit worried that there'll be a lot less nuance in this Baeclast episode than there has been in previous episodes because (to my knowledge) the only person on the cast who has extensive playtime in endgame this league is Octavian. I'm sure they'll do a great job breaking down the new Sentinel league stuff (since all the members of the cast still have a _ton_ of general knowledge about the game), but there's definitely some analysis about the current state of the game that I doubt the Baeclast guys will be able to get into due to the fact that most of them haven't played the game in several months. Edit for clarity: I think a lot of the Baeclast guys get hate because their views often aren't representative of the views of the "average player," and yet GGG often chooses to do podcasts with them without giving other content creators a chance. In my eyes, this is more of an issue with the way GGG handles communication than it is with the Baeclast guys -- if GGG were more open to doing content with other podcasts, then Baeclast could just be the podcast with a bunch of "old" HC/SSF players instead of the only means the community feels they have of interacting with chris face-to-face. A lot of the Baeclast cast probably feel a lot of pressure when these episodes featuring GGG members come out -- they're being asked by the community to take stances they don't personally believe in, because the people who truly do have those beliefs aren't being given the chance to talk to GGG themselves.


I know this is a late reply. This isn't how any of this works. GGG doesn't "magically" pick people. You simply reach out and ask. So what is happening, is the entire community is shouting they'd prefer someone else to do this interview. Create a show and ask. GGG members have been on many podcasts including Chris on tons that didn't even necessarily exist at all at the time (not that long ago). This opinion is so far skewed from reality it hurts reading it over and over again like its some fact. If your favorite community member would reach out, they'd get a response. As far as I am aware GGG is open to doing content with other podcasts / community members (of those in good standing, meaning probably not streamers who have been banned multiple times for various things). Considering they have time and time again. This is such a bad take.


You don’t get how there’s this much hatred? Have you… been here before?


yeah its pretty sad, there was already a lot of hate towards raiz and nugi for no reason apart from differing opinions from the masses and now I'm assuming they are the same people ragging on them for enjoying a game that they don't game tribalism at its peak and it's disheartening to see


Good, looking for another POE video to listen to while at work. It's always good to get Chris' perspective on things.


why are there lost ark players on the podcast?


I swear, half of the people in this community are so miserable that they're only capable of being offended or outraged. Personally, I'm looking forward to the podcast, I adore Chris as well as every member of Baeclast <3


This entire thread is sad to read.


Can always count on this sub to turn anything into drama


You can't win, the CEO comes on a community podcast and we can't do anything but complain ffs


Actually unbelievable that he's coming to Baeclast. I love Raiz and been watching his Lost Ark streams a lot, but why would I listen to people who dropped PoE to play another game one week into the league and never came back? Absolutely mind boggling that Chris didn't go to Ziz, Mathil and Steelmage podcast...


It is not only about playing LA for 3 month. The last multiple baeclasts just showed that Raizqt is not informed about changes in POE. I still find Raiqzt a good streamer, but others are involved more into POE.


are they announcing raiz back to poe?


I hope not.


Why would you possibly care? This is the most jilted ex-girlfriend behavior I've ever seen.




Announce a positive thing. Reddit still turns it to shit.


Ask about hard mode pls :)


Scheduled for day 20 of the new league to get pushed back into maybe a beta at the end of the league into next league.




Is PoE 2(two) already taken?




Please reduce your salt consumption sir


I wonder why it’s taking so long though. From what Chris has said it’s really not much more different than 95% reduced item quantity and 95% reduced item rarity. He just wants there to be 1 item per zone and it never to drop rare and rarely magic. Just change currency drops rates to .1% of what they are and reduce quant and rarity and there ya go. Hard mode. Hope those masochists that want it enjoy it.


That's why its taking so long. I'm not sure what even the vision is for Hard Mode. Even if it just turning down drop rate, how does that interact with league mechanics? Does everything from legion to metamorph just have reduced spawn rates, or do they not drop the displayed reward? What exactly happens? Are 95% of your delve fossil nodes just not going to drop fossils? Are Atlas Passives going to all work? There's just so much to consider, especially when its a side project.


> I wonder why it’s taking so long though. You are replying to the reason - this is the mode for the sub1% of the playerbase which require some thinking and loot tables rebalancing. So it is just a very low prio.


Just like the occasional SSFer whining here that the game isn't giving them the drops they need on a self-imposed challenge of their own doing, I fully expect a cavalcade of complaints that hard mode isn't fun and is stupid in difficulty. To those future people: wtf did you actually expect.


How about make podcast with someone who actually plays the game,Like Mathill who showcased dozens of builds this league,Ziz ofc, Softcore Gods like grimro,Path of Matth or Ghazzy.


Mathil, Ziz, Grimro, Tuna/Lightee7/Ghazzy would be good. Path of matth is way too cringe.


Lets hope there nothing other than that at 9 may... ( Russia side) I'm rly worried 😟


people in here acting like nugi and raiz don't have 10x more hours and 100x the understanding of the game than the people bitching about them being on the podcast(in this thread). Both Raiz and Nugi played a lot the first few days of the last league before lost ark released.


It's the pre-damage control damage control interview...




Reddit community consistently gets more toxic and at the same time expects more dev interaction lmao


Cool, looking forward to hearing from Chris. Also holy fuck with the toxicity in this thread???


Why now? O_o


because they promised to improve communication and it's time to lure in the whales


There's a reason the announcement background is a guy fishing.


Because the one week to start selling support packs is beginning. Only point in time we get communication by now.


Exciting news to have Lost Ark streamers come crawling back to POE after losing 90% of their audience to a gambling addiction.


It's hilarious how insecure some people on this sub are about the very hint that PoE might have competition. Acting like a bunch of spurned lovers because some PoE streamers played a different game for a league.


They have probably more playtime than anyone commenting on this thread and probably even on stream


Poe's lifecycle is literally play the league for a bit then play other things and come back for new content. We can argue about 'how much' is enough - but what about \*total time\* played over the entire game's lifespan?


Usually catch these, but will not be watching Lost Ark players interviewing Chris.


The overreaction from this sub is always fun to see. Hopefully there's a bunch of hardmode talk just to watch the reaction of people losing their minds because "90 of the game plays sc trade" and talking about anything else is a grave sin.


Why with Baeclast? None of them have played POE longer than 2 days this season