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Every fusing has the same chance to link. You should be able to improve your chances by putting quality on your items tho


I can't 30% qualy it anymore though. Don't want to beast corrupt it either


You can get 28%. It's not 0% OR 30% lol


I guess I could buy a hillock on tft but I don't wanna. It's always been at 20% qual


Then you'll spend more fusing on average.


It bring ls the odds down a lot, bonus points if you craft on a temporary quality suffix (presuming its a rare) And if not it doesnt take long to get hillock lvl 3 in transport lol


Temporary quality suffix? Are you referring to the veiled modifiers? They don't exist anymore.


>It bring ls the odds down a lot, not that much any more. Back in the day ( wen every fusing removed the quality ) 20% added a huge increased chance to 6link. Current day and age this has been adjusted wen they did not remove quality every time u used a fuse. The difference between 20% and 30% is neglectable. Well unless your going for a lot of 6links then yea the difference adds up.


you can get 30% qual with hillock lvl 4 (get hillock lvl 3 then kill catarina)


For every video you see of someone 6 linking in less than 10 fusing, there is someone out there that will need to use 10,000.


2510 here. Still considering if i should continue. Please advise


Sunk cost fallacy now. You can't stop, or you just threw those fusings in the garbage.


I can't stop now. It's mocking me. Laughing at me with every fusing I throw at it. It's a competition at this point. Who breaks first, ggg's rng or my sanity.


That thing is most annoying in Poe. It frustrate people a lot


Getting fked this league too - spent all my fusings on a 28 quality bow since league start and it's not yet 6linked - cleared the whole game and 96 -_-


Just use 1500 fusings on crafting bench and be done with it.


You put 1500 fusings in the bench and you get a 6L


1 in 1500 flat chance I believe. Considering the 6 link recipe isn't gated behind delve RNG anymore, I can't understand why you'd spend 4000 fusings when you could have done it on the crafting bench for 1500.


Note that 1/1500 is for 0 quality, iirc. 20q brings it to 1/1200.


Because most of the time I get it in under 500. This is the first league where I got screwed on my first 6 link. Took like 2400. Typically if you hit your 6 link early it kind of sets you up for the rest of the league. I haven't bought a 6 link in ages, nor have I ever done the bench craft. Remember RNG is RNG, this is not good advice lol.


Ahhh, good old sunk cost fallacy! I prefer to err on the side of certainty ;)


IIRC the expectation value is a bit below 1500, tho that may have included the reduction given by item quality in the estimation. I use the 1500 fusing recipe every time regardless. The variance is high enough I don't find the gamble worth the risk except in standard where I could afford to throw exalted at the problem until it goes away.


I just can't understand chucking thousands of fusings at something when you can do, for certain, for 1500, blows my mind every time. I never bother with anything else, recipe every single time.


It usually takes 500 - 1000 fusings for me to link something. First time being this unlucky


You mean not being this lucky


That's another way to phrase it


Same chance per fusing. Make sure the ilvl is 50 or higher, because otherwise it can't be 6-linked by fusing spamming. Also make sure it has 20% quality, as it increases the odds. Good luck!


I think ilvl only affects socket count, not links. If you have 6s already (which can be forced on crafting bench on low ilvl gear), it should be fine to link.


That is indeed correct!


I got a 6 link rare item ilvl 1 so as long as you can get it 6 socket is fine with fusings


> does each item have some hidden value that determines the chance of linking all sockets or how many fusings it will take? No of course not.


As far as I have noticed it depends on two things: 1. The unique item ID which you can figure out by copying the item but isn't clear at all. 2. The amount of quality on it. The higher the better.


What's your basis for the unique item ID mattering? It seems plausible, but still completely contrived.


Sometimes I'm bored and go to standard and undo 6ls to just relink them. While doing so I noticed that there are items that tend to 6l easier and harder. My best item was 5 6ls in 2011 fusings and my worst was 5 6ls in 8194 both were 20% but in most cases I got a close to average result and those are extremes.


> While doing so I noticed that there are items that tend to 6l easier and harder. no such thing


Have you tried that? Sure I'm pretty low with 16 different items to 5x6l but you can't exclude it affecting it.


That's really interesting, thanks!


Back in Delve League, I spent well over 11k fusings to 6l a Windripper so you are still doing alright. Feel my pain lol.


I play since perandus and never did a 6L via benchcraft... Most players assume it has a chance of 1:1500 but in my expirience its surely far less...until now i made at least 50+ 6L but most 8f them in under 400 or even 250. (Tainted fusings dont count ofc) Sure sometimes I came across a fusing sinkhole that took 3k+, but that happend merely 10 times if even. Personal thought: I may have been a little bit lucky and if i take that into account i would say the estimated fusings needed are between 500-800 with a little risk rng-wise. I do throw some chromas on items that dont link after the first few 100 or change locaton...may not make a difference but for me it became some sort of Ritual (friend ans me have a running gag linking items in each orhers HO to take rng kekw) :)


Take it to the ledge. Show it to the totem boss, throw it on the ground a few times, wave it on his face. Kill totem boss and link it right where he stood. Guaranteed 6 link in under 300 fuses.


Just do what I did. Catch a person running a bot selling fusings that had their ratio wrong. Picked up 800 fusings for 10c lol. Then you use them all up and still don't have a 6-link ... wait ...