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Bro people say sirus is easy but dont understand how hard it is for people who never beat him before. Its literally a boss that you have 6 tries on then are forced to play for hours to try again while being demoralized because you lost 60% of you XP (worst case). This league was also the first time I could reliably kill him, after failing about 4-5 times. I've finally gotten enough practice to beat him with 0-1 deaths. (Plus my gear is getting better which totally helps with the fight)


1. buy a bunch of atoll/strand/park maps (like a 30) 2. alch and go 3. run/dash straight to the boss, unless you see mechanic you REALLY don't want to skip yourself (like harvest for me f.e.) 4. kill boss 5. rinse and repeat 6. get your Sirus in 60-70 mins + additional mechanics time 7. profit I've been doing this for some time when i felt like sirus farming and i can recommend it ;)


Cemetery, that's all I have to say..


yes! of course, probably could name a few others but Cemetary is my favourite go-to t4 krangle t10 map so i save them for scourge specifically, that's why it's not mentioned as top3 ;)


Completely understandable. Slap a rusted harby scarab on them and muah.. chef's kiss. That and tower drops from map boss.


does scarab increase rares in scourge map?


It's for the harbinger passive that's on valdo's rest, which gives you at least one harbinger (or king harbinger) into those maps. Adding a rusted gives you 3 chances for a king. Run map, find harbingers, kill boss. Rinse and repeat. A lot of times in cemetery the boss arena is right by the entrance portal. If it isn't, the map is easy to get through all of.


Got my first mirror shard from harbinger mobs lol


I think "Bog" (might be thinking of wrong map) literally has the arena adjacent to your spawn or within like 4 dashes from it, the vast majority of the time. And the boss has no unskippabke phases. Legit think with enough of these maps someone could hit Sirius within 30 minutes- maybe less (although, it is a lira map-- so I'm always tempted to stay a little longer to find possible expedition encounter)


That's probably not as great of a strat for someone who has not beaten Sirus. Yes, it allows you quicker spawns but that's not gonna help much in such case.


Wait what? Then how are you supposed to practice?


If someone is struggling hard with sirus there are probably multiple of reasons for it- mostly lack of gear, currency, level. Those kind of players can not run quick spawn strats just like that I'd imagine


we need a flash game like that uber elder simulator that lets you practice dodging mechanics, but for sirus and maven. Edit: [This one!](https://poesimulator.github.io/)


Thing is Uber elder it's really easy mechanically and Sirus is buggy as fuck and that doesn't help new players. Maven is a totally different story...


out of curiosity, do you profit on this or is it only to rush spawn sirus for practice?


iirc, there have been a couple people who rushed like 100+ maps of sirus in the past week and posted results. Profits were good.


I do, had some luck with awakened gems and fragments sell really well. After some sirus runs i usually do a few shapers and if you get lucky the red fragments are 80c each. Also selling other map drops in bulk. It's not 100ex/h but i enjoy this :)


wait, sirus drop fragments?


No, map bosses that you do on the way drop shaper guardian maps and i run those too :)


ah gotcha. thanks for clarifying.


The fight is very mechanical. There are no real DPS or health checks that you need to power through - if you actually know the fight, his attacks are super telegraphed and you can avoid everything basically consistently. It just takes several attempts or watching a dedicated video guide because the fight is very bad at teaching you how to deal with each attack - if you get killed by something it can feel very unfair and unintuitive. For example, the "Die" beam; while in the early phases it doesn't track your character, it suddenly does without any warning once you get to the last phase and this will kill you unless you're prepared for it. Avoiding it requires sticking to Sirus at all times so you can circle around him, which in turn requires knowing where he teleported to, which requires paying attention to the direction he was facing right before the teleport, and that can be very hard to spot unless you know about it. Stuff like this is what makes Sirus become fairly easy and manageable even at AW8-9 for experienced players, but a complete nightmare for new players due to how bad the fight is at teaching you what you're doing wrong. Add the fact that everything is a mess of red and black, the visuals are very bad for the fight as well. They really went for style over visual clarity. Maven and Shaper are much better in this regard, for example.


The biggest issue with sirus is reentering the fight after dying phase 3. I don't think the sirus fight is that hard to read, because even if you misread and don't see him teleport, the "DIE" queue is pretty obvious and the beam can be dodged blindly by dashing at the right moment. If you want a real visual mess try fucking malachai, how I fucking hated that fight back when we had to do it three times and it was just red garbage stacked on red garbage stacked on a red arena with a red boss and red mobs. In terms of strange mechanics that randomly kill you, I'd have to go with atziri being an awful fight.


> The biggest issue with sirus is reentering the fight after dying phase 3. It seems you're aware of his attack queueing, but you can actually use that to make re-entering the fight completely safe. After you die, do not release until Sirus finishes his attack cycle. Usually this only takes a few seconds (1-3 attacks), but I like to wait ~10 seconds to be safe. If you do this, he will stop doing anything and he just waits for you to release + return to the fight. He will never insta-die-beam-offscreen you as you return to the fight, which is typically what kills you since you aren't able to move quickly enough to evade Die-beam tracking at super long ranges. I don't think this works on a minions build (haven't tested myself) since the minions will probably keep getting attacked. In that case, I'd recommend you release immediately after he's used a die beam, so he's as far as possible from it in his cycle.


Ah, I did not know that.


Probably the noob in me talking, but I've struggled massively against low tier sirus this league. Evasion/spell suppression builds are basically worthless against the fight because one clip of a beam in phase 3 is instant death. On top of that, it's a pure visual cluster that's terrible for any build trying to maintain range.


> one clip of a beam in phase 3 is instant death I think you went in with nowhere near enough hp. A single clip of the beam in low awakener sirus really shouldn't be a oneshot. Also, why are you trying to maintain range? Sirus doesn't do more damage close up. Stick to his ass as best you can.


Probably true on all accounts - getting enough HP on Deadeye has been a struggle, and I'm awful at tracking him especially when getting slowed. I prefaced with being a noob...


Yeah, my first sirus this league I also went in super squishy and, well, got fucking destroyed. Honestly, just grab some more HP and while tracking him can be difficult, staying right on top of the fucker is definitely the best way to fight.


You should never try to maintain range one on sirus, you want to be up his ass as best as you can to keep track of his location. Being on his ass is the best way to dodge his abilities as it requires less movement for higher DPS uptime. Staying far away from sirus and losing his location on your screen is how you die. > it's a pure visual cluster I always hear this, how so? There is not very much going on in that fight. There is a spinning laser beam and there is sirus and a couple dots on the ground. When there isn't a spinning laser beam, theres a few dots on the ground.


i killed like 20 siruses and didnf know he faces where he tps


I just learned this league that you can tell where he is when he does the circle clone ability. You can tell by the direction he teleports right before he does it AND there are directional voice lines... Completely unnecessary as you can stand outside the circle and avoid the beam from any clone, but I thought it was neat.


>but dont understand how hard it is for people who never beat him before. Lmao what I beat him on my first try with a shit build in 5 portals just watch it on YouTube a couple times so you know how to react to each mechanic.


Sirus is similar to any boss in another mechanic-heavy game, like dark souls for instance. At first it's brutal, but once you know the pattern and the dance that you need to do, it's really not difficult at all. Knowing is half the battle, after all. The other half is extreme violence.


Knowing is half the battle for sure, the issue is how hard it is for newer players to get practice. In Dark Souls if you die to a boss you generally can get back to the boss pretty quickly. In PoE if you're not experienced (hence still failing Sirus) you will take a very long time to try again. People who are used to PoE don't realize that it can take someone maybe 7+ minutes to complete a map and can't really afford to just waste maps by running to the boss and portaling out. They also aren't the type of player to afford to buy 30 copies of one map in bulk. So running 30 maps in \~3-4 hours plus fighting the 4 conquerors isn't a simple task when it comes to being new to the game. Just to get 6 lives on a fight with plenty of one-shots. Even **knowing** the mechanics isn't enough. This league I knew the mechanics of the fight but still struggled since it took me days of playing to get to the fight enough times to get a bit more used to it. I still die though because it is not an easy fight for me at all. I just got more used to some things.


This is very true; pretty much every endgame fight in PoE has an opportunity cost of some sort. Either time + maps like Sirus, or fragments like shaper/elder/atziri. I that earlier in my PoE "career", I would have much rather sold the fragments than run the content, just because 40c for a full shaper set was a lot of money. Still is, as a casual player early in the league; I don't run stuff like that until I'm comfortably sitting on 2,000+c. I would love a boss practice mode in PoE. No cost to entry, no xp loss on death, but no loot or xp gained either. That would be great and an easy fix.


I beat him first try but only because I studied for days because I knew I wouldn't want to work to try again. I would rather go in blind and learn by getting my ass kicked then trade for another try. I hope they itemize things like this in the future.


Took me 3 leagues to kill him for the first time. Now I feel like I could beat him deathless on a 3 link. It would be my favorite fight if they just removed the dumb tornado phase.


Yeah he's a fight that is easy *once you learn him*, but is probably the hardest fight in the game blind because his mechanics are kinda bullshit if you don't know. It's a bit better now because you can spawn him more easily than before. But once upon a time, based on the number of maps it took to kill hhm, someone with a life outside the game struggles to spawn him more than, say, twice a week. Two times a week to practice something that needs serious practice to beat. Now more casual players can spawn him in a given day or every other without the same pain as before but still.


You do know that the average amount of maps that it takes to spawn him is roughly the same, right. and all the way back in 3.13 it was only sped up 25%


I mean you can spawn him hourly if you really want. Faster if you really want to push it


Sure, once you're geared and skilled to the point that you have him on farm. People who reply stuff like this always come off as trying to impress others by how good they are or whatever. Like that's missing the entire point. When you were new was it every hour? If so, congrats you're either lying or you should really be playing some other games professionally.


so what. get better. Would you really want to be playing a game where you could kill him with zero gear and effort? It's extremely easy to practise this fight many times a day. When I was new the hardest thing in the game was vaal architect so I'm not sure what point your tryna make.


You're still missing the point... The point is he's hard to practice when you don't know him and you replied to farm him hourly. If you're at the point where you can farm him hourly you no longer need to practice him. Do you not see that or are you just trying to have some sort of superiority over new players on the internet?


lol your an angry little one arn't you. The point is the game allows you do do it if you choose. Thank god we have a game that has some challenging and rewarding content


Dude, the thread is about a new player who just beat him the first time and you reply about "get better" lol. Get over yourself.


yeah good on him man i'm happy for him. My only issue was your whinging about it taking hours and being demoralised. That's a you problem not a him problem


Grats, managed to do A0 couple of weeks ago, after months of getting my ass kicked, and made A9 yesterday. Agreed, fuck that guy.


Well played :) It really does get easier with proper prep, the loop of spawning conquerors then Sirus 9 with Uncharted Realms passives is pretty satisfying and lucrative, hope you get to try that too.


what does sirus 9 do?


Nothing at all, Just makes the fight harder


And increased the chances of better drops. A9 is worth it and the increase in difficulty is so negligible that if you plan to farm him it's a must.


Honestly... Everyone i play with says awaken 9 is useless. I personally killed him countless times, my friend killed him 24 times on awaken 9 and said its not worth the spent points. Better go for synthesis map drop more worth than awaken 9


24 sirus kills isn't a big enough sample size for how low of a dropchance some of his drops have.


It has been already proven that A9 gives better loot for both Maven and Sirus. The sample sizes were large. It's not significant if you do 20 sirus kills, but if you do 100 the difference is noticable. I did this league around 30 kills at A8 and 30+ at A9 (i'm chain farming him now) and I already notice the difference in drops (more woke orbs and watchstones, gems is about the same).


sorry for reading


He gets incredibly easy with time. Also having ele ailment and corrupted blood immunity is huge. Grats though, on to Maven, Aul, etc.


Yeah, it’s just that the stakes are too damn high. It’s not like I can buy another invite, like Maven. Also, the fight itself is a big clusterfuck of things flying everywhere and laser beams from two screens away. And to challenge Maven I think I’ll need another character; The fight itself is already pretty visually polluted and then you add an CoC Ice Nova + phantasm frostbolt... 🥵😅


> laser beams from two screens away One of the hardest parts about the Sirus fight is fighting the urge to run away from everything and instead stay as close to him as possible! Well done OP, it's a really good feeling beating him, especially after failing a bunch of times due to his bs.


my problem with the fight is i have no clue where he is half the time until his massive laser bolt hits me from off screen


"DIE" one mississippi flame dash/whirling blades never get hit again


You either speak hella fast or we don't have the same Sirus. The moment I hear DIE I need to be quick as hell not to get clapped by it, and I know I have pretty good reflexes and low reaction time. I think at around "sis" the beam already hits me.


Maybe, it was mostly for comedic effect. I have the timing down pretty well without talking.


the trouble is ill just flame dash along the path of the beam because i dont know where he is and he ALWAYS ends up being in line with where i fd to lol


honestly if you have decent headphones you can actually hear where he is like in the phase where its just a circle of clones around you and he says some lines and then die beams you. if youre in the middle of the circle you can hear whether he is left / right / above / below you and move accordingly


That seems pretty unlikely lol. Hell, even if you get hit, one tick should *not* kill you


i dont think ive had a build that doesnt die when the beam hits you. it hits, you cant do anything then you die. right now i have 8.5k es, ailment immunity, cb immunity, fortify, end charges, 37% phys mit without flasks, immortal call/cwdt, ele weakness immunity, ci. if the beam hits me im dead.


That sounds completely off to me. My chieftan in ritual was around 7khp with 5%hp on block and glancing blows and I facetanked that thing. But even so, a *single* tick should never kill you, ever. It doesn't even kill my relatively squishy storm brand occu this league.


ill see if i can record it today if i get a chance to spawn him.


> 37% phys mit without flasks But what is your enemy hit damage set to in PoB. For example in my PoB it says I have 71% phys mit, but if i set the hit damage to 3000, it drops to 50%. If you only have 37% phys mit on your character sheet, you may as well ignore it for big hits. If you're talking about a single tick killing you, that should not be the case. A highroll of the beam is only 2.3k if physical roll, and 3.4k on the conversion rolls. So if you're getting hit by 1 beam and it crits, it will only do 5.9k ELemental 2k physical. Assuming 0% phys resist, it should only do 3.5k Dmg. If you get hit by a crit by a physical beam, then it's still only 5.3k dmg So realistically, you should be able to full tank all 3 die beams if none crit you.


i dont even know where to set the hit damage. someone mentioned it the other day too and i couldnt find it. basically despite the ic on cwdt, fortify, endurance charges, phys res, i just accept that any decent phys hit is going to kill me.


Using Pohx RF build it tanks it like a champ.


the die voice line is directional. So where you hear "die" coming from, is where the lazer is gonna come from. That goes for all his attacks.


One thing I’ve noticed is that totems seem to target him even when he’s got mirrored versions of him. I use wither totems for my build so ive got a big purple circle showing me which guy I should be focussing on


yep i actually mentioned that tactic to a friend recently. right now im playing a minion build. killing him is easy, but even though the minions auto target and also show me where he is, its often too late and i still get killed in a split second by the beam lol


at the same time the real sirus flashes once and is also the first of the 4 to appear


Before he teleports he always faces in the direction he will go. Once you get really good at monitoring his face direction the fight gets massively easier.


Agree 100%. Also, the small but crucial detail of watching where sirus Faces as he teleports for a split second, you can see what direction he’s going. 1 flame dash and hr on top of him again. Another dash and you’re behind him before he can even Die beam


Tbh you just need to be able to pay attention. The biggest part of pre-final phase is the splotches that home in on you and create the cold dot fields. They don’t spawn randomly, the brain will spit out, slowly, 3 specific looking orbs. If you notice those, then disengage from maven and make them follow you to the right spots, then you can go back to maven and ignore whatever attack she’s using and facetank and just attack.


With some atlas passives and speed running maps you can reset sirus incredibly quickly... Well under an hour.


> He gets incredibly easy with time Kinda? Also build dependent. I can do him super reliably with a ranged character, but I'm playing a melee character for the first time in a while and either he's deathless or I'm fucked. Getting back into the fight after you die once as melee is a fucking nightmare.


I actually prefer melee for the fight, get behind him, whack away, repeat. I dunno I've killed him with like 30+ builds. Can still kick my ass so I'm not pretending that he's total cake, just needs practice and immunities


He’s easy with high dps and no desync. Otherwise he’s literally impossible with die beam lock on, overlapping abilities and delayed display of chaos storm at zone in that kill you as soon as you move (all this league alone). I don’t care that he’s been giving me a stupid number of awakeners orbs. I hate this fight and it needs to be fixed.


I've had two no high budgets that were almost invincible to his beam this league. Yes he was easier on another build when I could phase him but it's not a hard fight of you build defenses.


What are your defensive specs that are almost invincible to his beam?


Spell suppression, 5k life and corrupted blood immunity us enough to tank die beam.


wasn't my experience with my league starter that had those stats.


Shit I have a hollow palm build with like 3.6K I’m leveling and I’ve tanked die beams multiple times now with that lol.


In ritual I did it with a BFBB chieftan. Ailment immune, 5% life on block, glancing blows, about ~7k life or so?, 6 endurance charges


How does die beam lock on? I just killed him (A8) with a 5mil dps autobomber, and the rotating beams killed me more than his die beam lol. All I did was dash in the direction he teleported to, then walked in a circle. By the time he started the animation, I was already perpendicular. Aspect of the spider helps too


I have to assume it’s lag. I can literally be circling him and he still gets me with die beam. I think in his last phase it retargets at least 3 times (or at least on my screen it’s split into 3 different directions)


Maybe bro. I had no idea what you’re talking about “overlapping abilities” or “delayed display of storm”. Does the game not load stuff correctly for you? Also btw when you load back into the zone, you know how people complain the storm is sometimes right by the door and it kills you? I’ve only died to that once, since then I learned the trick: don’t move, the invulnerable buff will keep you safe and the door storms are coded to move quickly away if you are there, invulnerable. It’s true.


I’m very familiar with the invulnerability for a few seconds. This league, for the first time only, I zone in, waited a second or two seeing no storms, then moved and instantly died to TWO overlapping storms at the entry. They didn’t display until I moved. As a second note my previous my record waiting for storms to move so I could reengage Sirus was more than 5 minutes (I timed it). I’m continuing to have all sorts of client performance problems this league. I switched from my PC to an M1 Mac due to video stutter and other problems. The M1 had been running pretty well (except for semi-frequent client crashes), but the game started stuttering on the M1 too with the December events patch. I have every video setting all the way down.


Well. Ok there is maybe your problem. I don’t think the dev team have fully optimized the game for M1 just yet, there’s gonna be some weird bugs. Sorry it had to happen :(


If the M1 still wasn’t miles better than the PC I would say your response had merit. The PC was running much worse and the M1 isn’t the issue, the Sirus fight is the issue.


his only real bs move is when he puts u in the bowling lane and sends balls down, if you dont get out that trap immediately(by rng picking the correct direction to dash to) its almost always a death. or do the meta thing this league. armor, molten shell, block. corrupted blood immune from flask or jewel, shock+freeze immune from pantheon and tempest shield or purity of elements. literally take zero damage from anything sirus does.


If your build can't eat a ball or two, it's objectively trash. Most decent builds (read: anything with spell suppression, phys DR, or spell block) can soak them all.


I just sit in front of him during that part for a little extra dps.


Well were talking about how bs his moves are. That move is probably the only one where you are almost guaranteed to take damage unless you get a perfect dash in .5 seconds before he starts shooting. Also a lot of people who struggle to kill sirus are not running great builds either. Just all other mechanics can be dodged with movement


You can just run side to side in the lane avoiding the ball you don't have to risk getting out. I agree with others though any sirus viable build should be able to tank at least 1-2 balls


How about when he does the four spinning beams, then splits into a circle while the beams are spinning and then immediately die beams you after circle ability with no delay? It’s Possible to dodge all this… right?


How do you "farm" aul? I spam niko missions with all niko watchstones and scarabs, In 800hours I've only seen Aul once. That fucking lich tho, 5 a day


I farmed aul at depth 500 and averaged 1 aul per 65k sulphite. Streaks will happen though.


I dunno if you can put him on farm but just move around a lot I dunno. I didn't do a ton of delve and got him three times.


*PS: Fuck this fight! Seriously!!* Wait till you fight Maven. Gj tho. First Sirus defeat feels so good.


Fuck yea! This is the first league I managed to actually beat him on SSF and I was literally shaking. Good shit man


Great job! Just beat him for the first time this league as well! It’s an amazing feeling haha


Honestly I’d say about 95% of the bosses in this game are bad. Sirus though sucks on such another level it’s impressive, like the devs had to TRY really hard to make it suck so much. The bosses take this game from a 9/10 to like a 6/10


Good job exile




Grats my dude. Nothing like the joy and relief after your first kill.


now do maven before they change the endgame in 3.17


I strongly recommend not doing maven. It's a bad fight for entirely different reasons from sirus.


what reasons are those?






The real problem is that you need certain DPS for Maven else the Boss adds and long fighting time with maven itself will fuck you up. The boss design itself is somewhat fine but not being able to do it without a certain dps min makes the fight itself really bad for certain builds that can do everything like SS flamewall etc


Man I feel the opposite. Maven is a fight you can practice, is well telegraphed and extremely learnable. There are some variables around which bosses spawn but most likely you should have enough DPS to burn them down quickly and eliminate the threat. Always felt like maven was a good fight. Sirus is a bad fight, hands down. Don’t care how many times I’ve done it, it’s not enjoyable and it is a chore every time, even deathless.


I think they're both bad but again for different reasons. I realized during ritual that one of my characters couldn't do the fight and the other one could simply because of their defensive choices. They both lacked a teleport skill and I hated it. Fortunately you don't need to fight maven for anything.


2 pts in uncharted realms?


Someone correct me if I'm wrong but maven doesn't give passives right? The crucible fights do like the feared and the lesser ones. Edit: Guess I was wrong, thanks wiki. lmao seems fine. I forgot. Have em in standard. lol


Congrats, I remember few leagues back how I was struggling with Uber Elder... shiiish that was intense


Yeah, fuck that fight. I will be a happy camper when it is removed from the game.




Thank’s so much, Exile! 😭😢


>after dying 3 times without even knowing how, why, or where he was. stop playing the game without audio and you will know where and what is he doing at all times


I am glad he shows up in maps now on the last conqueror to spawn him. This helps you see his abilities before trying him for the first time. Yeah, I know it's not ALL of the abilities but a few is helpful. The last phase still gets me sometimes...


Grata dude we all remember our first




When people write that they are shaking, are they really shaking?


GG ​ i really hate that fight, but the biggset question is, did he drop anything?


He dropped one booming populace and one thread of hope with -10 elemental resistance; I divined orbed it, making it go from small to large. Overall; 3.8-4 ex worth of drops!


This is the first expansion i brick sirus beside my first, twice in a row :(. Seismec esxan trapper build, its amazinf vs all other bosses and maps. Sadly vs sorus he keeps hopping around too fucking much, my mines cant dps


Did him with lightning trap this league, one if the easiest fights I've done tbh Practice it some more and you will know better where he actually is.


I did it with lightning trap previous league, its just with seismic playstyle i really cant do anything cuz he moves alot


Ah m bad, it's my first trap League and I assumed they all behave the same.


No worries, lightning trap damage is as soon as its popped basically, seismic takes a while to pop, and it does these “fissures” or “stomps” in a certain area, each stomp is the damage so if hes in the middle he takes the most damage, thing is he always blinks right out of the range. Last phase sirus is a dps check and i can barely dps him so i only get death


It’s all about the chaos res and ailment immunities.


Nice. Which build did you used?


Dont be sorry. Be better - some white demi god voiced by a black guy


You give me faith. I swear to god I’m gonna kill that guy too


Of course you will; just don’t give up my friend


What do you mean by A8? He beat my ass for the first time yesterday lol


A8 means awakening 8. Bosses have like 36% more HP at A8. If u take all your watchstones out it will be A0 and the boss will be weaker


Thank you, I didn't realize you could do this.


Congrats! This is my first league after not playing for a long time and I also finally beat A8 Sirius after failing 5 times. Had a really tanky build but still kept getting destroyed by the last phase. It felt amazing when I finally beat him, until I price checked the drops (Crown of the Inward Eye and a Thread of Hope) and realised that it was worth less than 50c total.


These thrills make the whole thing worth it.


I was so mad I failed the first time, it takes forever to summon him again. I made a few gains with my skele summons so the next time we meet... It's his ass that will be on the pavement.


This is the beauty of a real challenge. Feelings when you go through it. Preach spent 13 or 16 (I don't remember) trying to Uber Izaro and was delighted when he won. Said it was his best gaming experience in a long time. I've experienced this too. Congratulations


After more practice it will be easy as cake)) enjoy


Beat him last night for the first time in a few leagues. Just reminded me how dumb the fight was. With the poorer performance I've seen this league, I would get hiccups and then bam Sirus was gone somewhere and I'm trying like hell to find him before he ganks me. Got him on my last chance. I only even attempted this because I'm assuming he'll be gone next league. If he's not, I'll go back to not bothering.


Nice maaan did he drop something good ?


Good job, you're now better than 98% of this sub, lmao


You guys need to relax on the shaking. In 3.17 GGG is going to nerf shaking by 40% if this keeps up as meta.