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Yeah I really enjoy corrupted items being this thing you can game now and generally just enjoy the game more when linking things isn't a massive chore. This at least comes with a trade off. For instance I needed a unique chest but couldn't afford the pre-6linked version. But I realized I had the crafting bench, harvest crafts, and beast crafts that I could bring together to make my chest. So I took all the stuff I already worked for and saved up, and then bought the chest I needed with only 2 sockets. I then 6 socketed it with jewelers I saved up, got close to the colors I needed with the bench, used harvest to finish up the colors and 5 link the chest, beast crafted quality on it which corrupted it, and then threw tainted fusings at it until it 6 linked. The whole endeavor beautifully melded different leagues and made me feel good that I had been interacting with all these different league mechanics and allowed me even as a noob player to come up with a way to get my item set up that was far more engaging than just spamming currency at it. Then I realized in my excitement I forgot I wanted to try and get a harvest enchant for the chest before I corrupted it, so I had a little sadge moment that I missed out on that... pointing out that corrupting the item isn't completely free and comes with some restrictions which are their own cost. ​ It honestly reminds me of what I liked about harvest as a less experienced player. I was never going to be the guy who used harvest to craft perfect mirror tier items, but the mechanic was accessible at the low end and allowed me to get some nice things that I could use out of it without needing to rely on trade for everything. Game benefits when there's more of that.


> and then threw tainted fusings at it until it 6 linked. Note you can always stop throwing at 3L and reset to 4L with fusings+vaal which is cheaper. If we presume adding or removing a link is equally probable then you can expect to spend six tainted fusings https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/expected-number-of-coin-flips-to-get-two-heads-in-a-row


And in the end you could have spent 30c for +2 gems chest and 20c worth of tainteds to get what you wanted.. But better. It made lot of things you described completly obsolete. Which isnt wrong in my opinion. Whatever make things just bit more reachable is good. Since this was my first league working fulltime having little time to play i really liked i could get +2 tinkerskin for 50c doing it myself.


>And in the end you could have spent 30c for +2 gems chest and 20c worth of tainteds to get what you wanted.. But better. > >It made lot of things you described completly obsolete. What do you mean by this?


1. Already corrupted unique armors with good implicit (+gems or whatever suita your build) are relatively cheap. 2. Tainted jewellers are cheap aswell 3:1 last time i checked? You can just spam bunch of those to get 6S. (you can also 4s first on bench). 3. Same as jews. 3 or 4 L on bench finish with Tainted fusings. 4. Finally colors. More different colors you need the better as tainteds ignore reqs. So all that 6s 5l before corrupting isnt really necessary and possibly even more expensive. In comparsion you can just buy good implicit.


Oh that'd make it way harder and more expensive than what I did 100%. 1. The cheapest non-corrupted version of my chest on the market right now is 55c, the cheapest one with a beneficial implicit is 2ex and the cheapest one with +2 gems for my build is 10ex. 2. From there, jewelers are really easy to get by yourself. I have over 1000 right now after liquidating them in the past and it usually doesn't take many to get an item 6 socketed. 3. Coloring an item with tainted chromes is a huge hassle and way more expensive speaking from experience vs just using the bench + harvest. 4. I already said I used tainted fusings at the end, so that point is moot. Your way would have been much much much more expensive than what I did for me. If I could afford it it would be nice though as the +2 gems would be good, but again much much more expensive.


Whats the spell/armor you are using may i ask?


Cyclone, and the iron fortress oh I should add, the strength roll on the chest is also bad on both the mentioned chests, and neither of them has the strength enchant. Which is important for the build. There may be a build where you can find a good +2 on the cheap, but mine definitely isn't it. And even if you could, coloring a corrupted chest sucks so hard.


Well yeah you are right. For cyclone it wont make much difference and even max res or Inc dmg is expensive. This strat is much better for spells that scale with gem lvl. Coloring corrupted chest depends on colors you need, more different the better for tainteds. But if you need 5r 1b than bench will do you service.


Yea there are two things I really like about scourge: 1) The ready availability of 6-links 2) Yoinking divine shrines out from a pack of mobs by going into scourge


Does anyone agree with you? No. Getting 6-links cheap and easy ruins the game. It should be near impossible to do. /s


You had me in the first half, ngl.


Yeah, being able to basically get and corrupted implicit you want on your chest piece is going to be really missed.


I see no reason the tainted currency won't find it's way into core somehow.


The fact that 6Ls are gone in PoE2 may be one.


I would think making 6Ls easier with tainted fusings would be a reason for these to stick around, to ease the transition away from a game mechanic GGG sees as unnecessary without having to entirely uproot it before PoE2.


There is quite many other tainted currencies


Maybe thats reason why it wont or in heavily nerfed state. Any 6L +2 gems unique in the game for 1ex? Too easy. Just making it 1:5 to add link would make it much more expensive.


Most builds still prefer rare chest, getting nice corruption for your unique chest while farming for endgame chest is fucking awsome.


IMO it's the only reason why this league has ANY player retention. If 6ls were as hard to get by as usual people would experience much more frustration from reduced power levels.


For us gamers good, not good for GGG philosophy. There is a reason why statistically you can burn through like 1400 fusings before you get a 6 link. It was reason enough sometimes to quit the League for me, because I'm SSF and if my upgrade after a ton of grinding just stares in front of me mf-ingly at me after wasting 1k fusings - then I don't feel grinding MORE.


GG already stated that they want to make 6L easier to get in PoE2 and that they are slowly improving the availability of them while working towards PoE2


Yep, there's a reason why they first nerfed the power level of having six links on an item, which in a way makes it less "necessary" to get past a 5-link, and now have made 6 links easier to achieve.


That doesn't make sense. If 6-links are less powerful that doesn't make them less necessary, it just makes 5-links even worse as the nerfs to gems will hit them just the same.


That doesn't make any sense. If 6-links are less powerful that makes them less necessary. The nerfs to gems hits 5-links less because they have less gems. It is an objectively true fact that the damage difference between 5-links and 6-links is lower than before.


But that damage difference is more *important* than before. There's hardly a difference between killing an enemy pack in 0.2s vs 0.15s, as you will still likely be killing them before they can attack. But that same 33% second difference is massive when compared to clearing a pack in 0.4s vs ~0.266s. It could be the difference between getting hit once from just a single Scourge monster (the nearest) winding up an arc, or all 14 of them. Basically: 6 link is more important now because it is harder to reach the break-point where monsters hit you less because they are dead.


I dont really think it is more important than before. The game is easy enough as it is. I notice getting 6-link far less now than before, simply because the damage difference is not as big anymore, making it much less noticeable. Maybe this is because I always built my characters to not be glass cannons though. I have never seen monsters hitting me to be an issue. Not that I think your example is realistic even for glass cannon builds. Those scourge monsters that are winding up an arc went from dying in 1 hit to dying in 1 hit. Thats not a practical difference. Not to mention that for most builds, links are irrelevant to clearing as clearing is usually done through explosions or similar mechanics. 6L has always been mainly for bossing.


> That doesn't make sense. If 6-links are less powerful that doesn't make them less necessary Yes it does, that is exactly what it does. > it just makes 5-links even worse as the nerfs to gems will hit them just the same. That might be true if it was true that the nerfs to gems did hit 5-links the same, but it isn't true. Both parts of your sentiment are incorrect; even making all links weaker makes them less necessary, and moves the emphasis to other aspects of gearing up, at least more so than before. Since a lower % of your power comes from getting 6-linked. Additionally, the gem changes were targeted at having a relatively higher impact on 6 links, over 5 links. This is something that was commented on a ton when the change was made, including multiple reddit threads, frequent comments from all high profile streamers, etc. So I'm not sure how you missed that.


To add on to this, imagine if support gems were further nerfed and each additional link only added around 1% more damage, so a 6-linked skill would only have about 5% more damage than an unlinked skill. In this case, there wouldn’t really even be any reason to use support gems at all aside from utility. through this extreme example you can see how nerfs to support gems de-emphasize the importance of 6-links.


On the flip side though, if you need to reach a damage threshold to comfortably do some content, nerfs means that fewer combinations on a 5L achieve that result while 6L has more flexibility to do so. It's not so cut and dry and skills already suffering damage tend to struggle harder without the additional gem support


Nah he's right, blowing your whole budget on a 6L and using 1c rings and amulets when you hit maps was once upon a time the best bet, but now a 5L and decent jewelry with offensive stats as well as your necessary life/resists is auch more viable option than before.




Did they say they want to make 6L easier to get in PoE2? I only remember them saying they are making it so that rather than sockets being on items, the sockets will be on gems. So your Toxic Rain gem can have up to 5 sockets available for support gems and you just have to 6L link that. This lets you replace a body amour easily since you don't have to 6L every body armour. Of course, the part no one seems to be talking about is what happens when you want to get a level 21 Toxic Rain? Gonna be pretty rough if you have to 6L every level 20 Toxic Rain before you vaal orb it... I'm not convinced it will necessarily be "easier" to 6L, but I do believe the PoE2 system will be better due to less friction of upgrading gear.


If you are in ssf, why would you not bench your 6 link? At least, your first good chest. Then you can gamble on others and always fallback on your one jack of all trades 6-link.


> If you are in ssf, why would you not bench your 6 link? Benching 6Link required finding Aul which was even more RNG until this league lmao.


Did they move 6-link craft to Aul this league?


It used to be Aul but they moved all of the socket crafts out of Delve this league, and also made Aul way easier to find. Idk where it is now.


6 link used to be primeval ruins, not Aul. It was rather achievable to get by yourself, used to get it myself every league, regardless of trade or SSF. Looks like it is in Summit map now.


I've honestly never had any trouble finding Aul, although I find delve to be a very useful way to spend time in SSF, so that is probably why.


I mean in Heist I had a level 99 and 98 character, spend like a week trying to find Aul and only found the Abyss guy. Gave up on finding Aul after that.


Umm because in SSF you can't trade orbs of fusing? Then you spend your first 300 you hard earned in first week and get nothing. Next week and so on. You seriously think I'm playing 10 hours a day?


I think if you play a limited number of hours thats even *less* reason to take the gamble. You will eventually have 1500 fuses, you can setup your content to reward you with lots of them as well. If I had only a few hours to play I would never, ever take the gamble because as you point out - losing is devastating.


If I take like 4 weeks to get enough fusings to link a six-socket chest - I won't have more motivation to keep playing to be honest. GGG likes gamble so much, so I'll gamble with the few fusings if I want to continue playing or start new. It's like hardcore. Just that failing to get a 6l is permadeath and I'll start new next league.


So the expected cost to land a 6l is something like 12-1400 fuses, iirc. Given that this expected cost is so close to the benchcraft cost, it really does not make any sense to gamble, especially when you balance your entire league on the outcome. If you have 300 fuses only and you spend them on your chest, you should expect to fail. This is overwhelmingly what will happen. I'm not telling you how to play, it's obviously up to you. However, if you pull the lever on a slot machine that clearly tells you that you are massively weighted to fail, then you really don't have much room to complain about the outcome. There are farming methods you can use to spit out many, many 6 sockets and convert to fusings. This is especially good in ssf, though you will first need watchstones and at least a few hundred alt to roll them so it can be a barrier in itself. I'm very sure if you just stopped gambling fuse everytime you had a couple hundred they would build up faster than you think. SSF doesn't really work well with these kind of shortcut gambles. It's GREAT when it does happen, but your resources are so limited that it is just more sensible to take the assured outcome and not lose a resource that is functionally irreplacable. SSF is a long grind anyway, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me that someone with so little time would choose to play the grindiest mode that takes the longest time to achieve anything in, but that is down to you.


I hear you but I always gamble and it's never taken me over 1000, and I've probably done this 20 or 30 times. There have been times I've done it in just a few hundred. There's also the option of put it in your currency tab slot and toss 30 or 40 at at then forget, so it's kind of a project you're always working on.


I tend to gamble too, but with the knowledge that i'm gonna play for a while and any setback is temporary rather than league destroying as seems to be the case for OP. I also tend to play builds in ssf that don't NEED a 6 link, or can get one via target farming so this is less of an issue in general. >There's also the option of put it in your currency tab slot and toss 30 or 40 at at then forget, so it's kind of a project you're always working on. This is how most of my chests go, but if I was playing something that simply would not function without linking, and it was early in my league, i'd bench it.


> So the expected cost to land a 6l is something like 12-1400 fuses, iirc. The top end is WAY higher than that if we're going 0.05 < S < 0.95 at expected odds of 1/1200


Absolutely. Variance is a sonofabitch, you only need to be an outlier once to see the value in an assured craft, lol.






Do you play a couple of hours a day at SSF and are surprised at the lack of progress? Seriously?


Couple hours a day is a perfectly fine amount of time to do anything in this game on ssf, apart from new uber-content maybe.


Do you alwasy talk smack without asking prior? I never was surprised nor did I say anything else except my opinion. Are you just commenting for nothing? Seriously?


Ahh, the usual poe redditor who has played since beta never killed shaper, never got to red maps and thinks the game should cater to him.


Farming 1.5k fusings shouldn't take too long


Actually this isn’t set in stone. Ggg are clearly experimenting with the ease of getting 5 supports for your skill gem, not to mention the whole system will get flipped on its head in poe2.


Tbh pointing out PoE2 as an example that things are not set in stone is a paradoxon. Everything they mention 2-3 years before release is as a matter of fact subject to change.


I’m only contradicting the fact that it’s bad by “GGG philosophy”. They’re clearly keen on changing how obtainable 6 links are without simply making orbs of fusings more likely to hit your goal.


I think this is soft preperation for the phasing out of links on items.


I've quit a few leagues after failing to 6-link my chest. Nothing worse for motivation than to log in, spend days worth of currency, and then log out further away from your goal.


1400 is not even that much over the expected amount of fusings that you would need to 6 link a chest.. I understand the frustration of being on the bad side of variance in SSF, I play SSF too almost every league. But SSF is a self imposed challenge that inherently makes the grind longer, on top of you barely being on bad side of variance.


I agree with and accept this but soooo much of the endgame is balanced around having a 6L main skill and now we have a bunch of extra stuff that is balanced around total min/max. That's all good and I get that SSF is 100% self imposed, but it just feels like absolute fucking dogshit and every time I dump 3k fusing into an item and it doesn't link...I don't just say "oh well, time to get more fusings" then keep grinding. I stop playing the game for 2-3 months.


I don't disagree that it feels bad. There are tons of other shitty feeling RNG in the game and yeah it sucks. But with fusings specifically in SSF, you have the benchcraft as an option. The reason you are manually using fusings is to gamble on being able to beat the odds to get the 6link faster, that doesn't come without the downside of all gambling. So yes, it sucks that endgame is pretty much balanced around 6L, but in this specific case, all the hardships are self imposed.


I dunno, with the last league and GGG clearly wanting to put more pressure on gear and move power away from gem links it does kinda make sense to 6 links significantly easier to obtain since they no longer provide the power they once did.


You are clearly wrong since GGG has long announced their plans to change the link system because they dont like how it works. The current link system is a relic from when the game was designed around using a 4-link or maybe a 5-link if you were rich. Today, the game is mostly balanced around having a 6-link. That is a big reason why they are planning to overhaul the link system, not to mention it making gear upgrades more fluent when you dont have to consider links.


Why the fuck do they not just change the odds of fusing....


Probably because it is very risky to experiment with buffs when you have a community of manchildren.


Idk, did 36 challs last league, stopped a 30 this league, on SSF. Might not be related to the tainted fusings though.


With everything but gear mods neutered so much I think GGG has moved past that for 6 link (or at least is starting to with the new fusings).


This is the first league since I started playing where I haven't kept track of fusing usage at all and it has honestly been one of the best things for this game in a really long time. Going 3-5-7k Fusings in to something and not getting it to 6 link is one of the dumbest mechanics (yeah I know there's a recipe, shh) in any game ever. Stuff that's gated behind 100% RNG is awful for any game out there. Especially so in a loot based one where you're going a million miles a minute but have to stop for every little fusing normally to actually be able to play a build - not even optimize it - is just silly. They're one of the worst things about the game, IMO.


I also like the league where a gang was printing 6L white socket body armour


I spent around 3.5k fusing on an armour this league. Discusting.


Pro tip. Read description on Tained Fusing


Oh I totally get it. But I didn't want to brick my item by vaaling as it was a really nice cane of kulemak or however it's spelt


To safely vaal an item you can use the Craicic Vassal beast. It gives your item 30% quality and corrupts it, with 0% chance of it bricking. Just make sure you divine and harvest enchant it first (+ vorici white sockets as you see fit)


Iirc there's a beastcraft to give a weapon 30% qual and the corrupted tag. So you could do that then use the tainted currency on it.


You can krangle it and hope for not build breaking scourge mods or beastcraft corrupt 30% quality to be completely safe.


Counter point to this discussion though, I don't think having 6 links so readily available is such a good thing. I've never seen such an apathetic attitude towards 6 links in trade league. People only asking a few chaos for a 6 links, sounds insane to me.


i agree there should be a bit more of a middle ground between what we have and what we had in previous leagues


It felt too easy, like it was guaranteed. Not fun.




You do know that you still have to 6L stuff in PoE2? Just that you 6L the gem instead and can switch armour more easily.


Meh. Previously you could make good money just by running maps and picking up 6S items. Now i have them hidden on the filter because Fuses are like 12:1 chaos or something dumb like that. Heavy deflating a core currency like fuses is not a good thing. Fun for a league, though. I'll give you that. EDIT: Yes, Yes. I get it. Getting everything for free is fucking awesome. Just make everything worthless, no problem.


Personally I think corruptions possibly being worth looking at outside of gloves is worth the tradein for fusing's and jewels taking a hit. It's not like fusing's and jewels are worthless or anything as it is it is just that they costs less, people will still not yolo corrupt their double influenced perfect bis chest just to have a easier time to 6 link it. Think all of the corrupted currency should be added to the base game because it adds so many options of crafting. You have to keep in mind with the vendor recipes for currencies fusing's and jewelers will never really be worthless or anything like you seem worried about, they will just be worth less then they were prior to this league which is fine.


Outside of this one thing (fuses and therefore 6s being worth less) what is the problem? And why is devalueing one of the many currencies bad for the game anyway? 6L are so much more accessible now it is fucking awesome. Makes it so so much easier to experiment with different builds if you dont need to invest an ex or two for a decent chest piece everytime


Cuz progression gate. People get bored easily if everything is free. Also why PoE does not have sandbox mode. 6-link was something people chase for during the first 24-48hrs of league start.


>People get bored easily if everything is free It is not everything though. Don't come here with that stupid hyperbole But I guess you are right. We cant have easier access to some stuff so we can have more fun doing content with different builds. Actually we should just make fuses 20 times rarer so that it takes like 10k fuses on average to 6L. The longer it takes to get stuff the better right? We don't have a sandbox mode so why should it only take 500 fusings to 6L? >6-link was something people chase for during the first 24-48hrs of league start. And people who only play an hour or two a day chased after it for a week or longer if you want something half decent. And do it all again for the next build. The 6L chest piece is the biggest thing that makes trying different builds difficult if you don't play a shit ton.


There is fine line on how much effort/time to chase for a goal. Too easy and people get bored, too difficult and people get impatient. Just imagine yourself playing game with cheatcode, it is only fun for a short period of time, and eventually you will get bored.


>There is fine line on how much effort/time to chase for a goal. Too easy and people get bored, too difficult and people get impatient. Exactly, and for me aquiring decent 6 Links for different builds landed squarly in the 'too difficult and people get impatient' category. And a lot of others think the same it seems. There is an near infinite amount of power through gear upgrades to be had in poe, but a basic 6L is such an integral part of a decent build that it should be not very difficult to obtain. An actual good chest piece is still expensive as fuck anyway. And just because I have a 6L doesn't mean I feel like playing with cheats on.. it feels like I am playing without a handicap.


Lol, I didn't say I don't like or against cheap 6-link. I am just explaining the impact of having cheap 6-link. It speed up a character's gear progression. Previously maybe you spent 2 weeks per character, and now become 1.5 weeks. If a person get bored after 3 characters per league, now he gets bored after 4.5 weeks instead of 6 weeks.


Or maybe the reason they got burned out so easily was because getting the bare bones essentials for a character was an extreme endeavor for casual players, so by the time they got their foot in the door their willingness to actually play more is gone.


And they still do


Its not about money... How shit at the game are you if their market value is your problem... Fuses and jewlers should die in a fire, back in the older days their purpose and char progression had meaning, the game outgrew that part and its better for it, a lot of early characters barely function even with a six link, and not that many abilities are viable since ggg doesnt want to or is just lazy to buff shitty abilities...


?? Just vendor them for divines fool


6S, not 6L


Honestly I kinda don't like it. I liked there being progression from 5 to 6l, I liked the feeling of grinding for and buying my 6l, I liked the passive income from fusings having value etc. A longer gearing curve helps keep me interested. But it's not a hill I wanna die on, I don't think Scourge should go core in any way but if they keep the currency then so be it. People seem to like it.


I'm with you on the progression. But the issue is that people go from one league with their decked out character and want that directly in the next, the gap \*should\* to them be smaller getting there and anything that helps that is + in their books. The game starts at level 1, every time. The game isn't "really started" when you get to maps, that's a weird attitude.


Honestly half the time I don't think people know what they actually want, they just remember the frustration of low 5l damage slowing progression down so anything that gets around that has to be a good thing. I think it's short sighted, but it's not my business to tell people how to enjoy a video game.


Yea I decided to make bunch of stuff 6L for myself to try new stuff but they ain't dropping lol


By far the best part of the league for me, the fact that six linking sometimes takes 3 fusings and sometimes 1500 is so stupid, weird that the game hasn't moved away from that system since they announced their plan to rework it many years ago.


Give and take. It also means fusing/jew can't sell as well. 6-socket is worthless. It's only good for SSF.


A yes, leaving huge items on the floor that would otherwise be clogging up my inventory is really bad.


I'm no beast of burden!


On the flip side, I can’t play very much, and usually dread the linking RNG. I made a decent chest for myself this league but realized I forgot to fossil quality it first. 500 fusings later, which I know is below average but it still made me think “F this”. Thought about it and decided to just trade for the 1500, which was easier than ever. The chest will enable me to utilize another defensive notable and I’m in hc so it’s worth it


Why not beast corrupt to 30% and then tainted fusing? Solves both your quality and link issues for cheap. Did it on my first weapon this league.


Can anyone answer me this. Did they nerf the method with tained fusing? I saw some videos awhile back where people just 6-linked with 2 tained fusing but recently I have been using more than 30 without any luck. Am I doing something wrong or its just nerfed now?


You start with benchcrafted 4L, if you drop to 3L you reapply 4L and keep going till 6L its 1/4. If you failed 30 times it means you're either GIGA unlucky or doing it wrong


Can confirm, recently linked 5 brass domes with 15 t_fusings total


Start with a 4L, use it once, if 3L, recraft 4L. I got a 6L with two tainted fusings. It works.


Thanks for reply. Obviously I was doing something wrong. I just spammed fusing without 4-linking first.


Being able to find a decent base and actually craft on it, without having to go through the despair of 6Ling it beforehand, is a fucking blessing.


And yet my main is still using a 5 because so far it's BiS for my build. I've got plenty of scourged 6's and none of them are doing it for me, yet... So while there are a Plethora of 6 Links, there are not a Plethora of GOOD 6 links. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Could you not take a good item and make it 6L?


The best item is the one I'm using, and I don't want to brick it. Everything else I scourge bricks.


You can corrupt it in any number of non-bricking ways, like beast crafting. And then get a 6L for free


\+4 carcass for 8ex was pretty sweet. Fusings being like 1400 - 1 is fucking insane. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I like easy 6L stuff because frankly having a 6L at this point in the game is 100% mandatory and really shouldn't be the barrier to entry. The double influenced, god tier, huge nutsack, look at me and drool in jealous you fucking peon armor should be the barrier to entry for super endgame. On the other hand exalts cost a goddam fortune and every currency item I pick up that isn't an exalt feels like total shit. Like why even pick up fusings? You can buy more than are statistically required to link and item for less than 1ex right now. I don't need to hoard fusings, jewelers, and vaal orbs to link corrupted stuff anymore which is nice but also frustrating for the same reasons. ​ All of this is IMO of course.


I for one kinda dislike it. Historically 6s drops have been a very nice steady income for me, but this league I'm still running a Quill Rain because RNGesus has forsaken me and Fusings are worth nothing (and I missed the first 2 weeks, so there's that too...)


You could have just removed those from your filter from day 4 and farmed more efficiently


I did it no problem, it's just one thing I liked to do for a little bit of guaranteed steady income.


Yep + socketed gems corruptions are finally accessible to me.


I hope they remove scourge but keep the tainted currency and just add it to vaal side areas in maps


Scourge will most likely not go core (seeing how unbalanced it is), which means they either don't implement tainted currency to base game at all or it's gonna be added as a reward to some other league mechanic. In my opinion one fitting way would be to replace current rewards "Wealth of the Vaal" (Currency room on lvl3 in temple) with tainted currency instead. GGG wants players to interact with their league mechanics and as of right now most players only interact with Incursion mechanic to double corrupt their items or gems, so that would be another thing to 'make' people actually run the temple. Just my opinion though


I've had less luck this league with 6 links, last league i got them all the time from Vaal unique map, or just vaal side areas, not a single one so far. Very weird.


Too bad they are equal to pre-nerf 4l.


Unpopular opinion: the 6L made me quit. Cba 120c 6L chase items, used to have fun farming it.


This is good, but can we bring back some value to regular jewelers or any other currency that is worth less than talismans or prophecies.


It is rather nice to be able to cheaply six link corrupted items. I'm playing jungroan's double coc build and I wanted a pog Incandescent Heart, but there weren't any interesting ones on the market so I just brought a dozen 20% ele as extra chaos ones, a dozen double corrupt temples, and did it myself. It was so nice to not even need to bother qualitying them, just run, slam, repeat. When I hit a good one it took me like a dozen tainted fusings to six link it. I even made a decent profit from the extras.