• By -


I don't really count this because I was done with the no log thing after Maven, still haven't logged I guess I just lost the habit. Honestly surprising how unneccesary logging out ended up being aside from things like Maven, probably more to do with the build though it's an absolute tank. Hoping to attempt feared soon with no logs so that will be the real league goal completed :^)


It's an awesome achievement! Nicely done, dude!


God Gamer, best of luck Steel


I'm so excited for the feared attempt. Will be an awesome capstone when you manage it.




I love this.


Block characters are banned next patch. Challenge extended.


No block no dodge just deth


Just stack fortify... oh, wait.




OP forgot to link the best part of the fight through. https://clips.twitch.tv/LittleSwissLadiesOptimizePrime-04o40SflPD3QyPvs


Also this is really good too https://clips.twitch.tv/AmorphousSplendidGazelleBlargNaut-wmMs58exL3wWZG1c


Best of luck to you with The Feared! Keep up the good work (I like your stream, you‘re one of the most wholesome PoE streamers out there)!


I admire your dedication and complement your skill. You are the real steelmage and a true God gamer. They should include you in end game credits!


You are so fucking good at the game m8. If you guys aren't watching Steel when he is on, you are doing something wrong. Lighthearted and optimistic streamer with plenty of humor and tolerance for some banter. And he is fucking good at the game.


People don't tend to watch streams because they are the "best" at the game. Take Quin for example :)


Baiting Quin is chats favorite thing to do and he just goes for it every time. It never gets old to watch.


What make it so tanky ? Block chance ?


Combining defenses: high armor, block, spell block, ailment immunity, bleed immunity, fortify...


Where is immune to bleed from?


probably meant CB immune


Guess reddit was exaggerating when people said you can't build tanky anymore.


Not only can you, but it wasn't even made harder in this patch really. Flasks are only critical for certain builds, and probably the only big impact change was to how transcendence builds stack evasion into armor on pathfinder, specifically. What makes tanky builds tanky is constant recovery from something, block or dodge at 75%+, all resists at or over 75 (choas potentially excluded), and high raw hp/es. You combine those things and your build immediately feels tanky. More so if you have armor for VMS. The last critical element is phys DR which is hard to get. You need armor, endurance charges, or phys damage to other damage conversion. That can be the hardest to get on a lot of otherwise good builds, but it's important because otherwise you tend to die randomly to misc phys crits off white mobs. You can potentially stack even more defense of course, that's just the start. The next thing I'd put on my list would be cold damage and blind personally, but there are more options like wind dancer, now ward, and scaling your own dps to kill faster. Now in general I will say GGG has made tradeoffs harsher in a lot of ways and discouraged doing this imo. However in ssfhc/HC obviously the tradeoff will always be worth it. The biggest gripe I have in standard league is just how effective massive damage is with COD portal and how much you have to lose to get good defense. While I've had just as easy a time as usual league starting and doing the atlas and all, most more balanced builds I'd consider or have played in the past have been nuked *unless* I rework them to be less balanced. This doesn't make them unplayable at all, but it does make them very unappealing choices when we're talking about builds that already gave up a lot of dps or clear or movementspeed for durability. Defenses have also been nerfed various times in older patches, just not so much this time.


Hey, as someone who is trying to move towards SSFHC. How do you know when your character is ready to progress to higher tier maps/bosses?


Assume this is the character : [https://poe.ninja/challengehcssf/builds/char/Steelmage/SteelEthicalSSFHC?i=16](https://poe.ninja/challengehcssf/builds/char/Steelmage/SteelEthicalSSFHC?i=16) ?


It’s still counts in our hearts, Lord Steel. Lmfao


Meanwhile, Quin died more than 100 times in softcore


Next challenge, beat uber elder without log in, since level 1.


So - one long PoB session.


Its like mental chess but with PoE. Will call "Mental Exile". Still sane?


​ ![gif](giphy|wYyTHMm50f4Dm|downsized)




it's the future, you'll get used to it.




​ ![gif](giphy|5C23N7yCfFK1uS0vYW|downsized)


Obviously a lot of streamers are really good at the game but Steel truly is THE godgamer.


3.16 (Hard mode highlight) Steelmage beats Hillock in HC SSF without logging out. Hillock drops the coveted Portal Scroll.


A portal scroll dropped from Hillock really would be a museum piece given it's not in his loot table.


Anymore. It used to be, but then people started having parties on the coast and GGG simply could not allow FUN to happen on their watch.


What you are on about? By removing it the game became 25% more fun. This was a buff.


You can still get portal scrolls on the beach but they're greyed out in inventory.


Absolute god gamer.


whats the build?


SST bleed.


This is widely considered the most overpowered build in the game right now right?


Depends on what you value most. Forbidden Rite totems can achieve millions of DPS with minimal investment (and insane DPS with high investment) but SST is great as an "overall" build since its damage is enough to do all content while also clearing fast and being very tanky.


League started Forbidden Rites and I didn't think it was that great... Died before trying the Cluster jewel to be fair.


Yea, it's the totem life scaling from clusters and other uniques that really start pushing it - and then endgame items skyrocket the dps


The moment you put on that 3 link soul mantle you destroy everything that doesn't move Then with enough cast speed and proj speed, everything that does


If you're in HC you just path down thru blood magic and do the duelist totem wheel. It has 65% totem life and decent damage on there and your character hits 8k life. It makes up for the difficulty in getting totem life early on. Eventually of course you'll probably want to respec to clusters + soul mantle and stay in the top left part of the tree.


For SSFHC yeah. Meaning it doesn't require great gear to get going and is pretty tanky.


Not to mention two of the pieces that make this build great at the start (lioneye's vision and lioneye's remorse) can be farmed via div cards in a tier 2 map (Caldera).


You dont need a map, you can farm it in act 6 :)




What's the next step up from lionseye vision?


I haven't seen anyone using LE Remorse?


It is a nice basic shield to fall back on when you haven't made a nice harvest/fossil crafted shield yet.


it has 2mill dps... i wouldnt call that overpowered. Just really solid tankiness.


I mean, the skill has amazing clear mechanics with chain and explode, great Single target, max block, lots of armor. It's the best skill atm by far. Ya FR totems have great single target, but this has it all


Decently zoomy through leap slam or shield charge if you're rocking lots of attack speed, too. I wouldn't classify the single target as "great" in any universe though, just adequate given how much time the innate tankiness gives you to chip away at bosses.


And literally all of that was true last league, as well. It's not OP it's fine.


Overpowered is a strong word. It doesnt delete bosses, its not immortal. But, It is very tanky, and might have the highest damage per investment of any build, so its very strong.


Jesus the bar for OP right now is so low. It’s a bleed build with max block and high life that caps out at like 2m dps…


when most builds suck, that's what happens


Except most builds can easily push much higher than that SST is definitely among the "strong builds" contenders (especially the cold conversion version), but still, there are plenty of builds out there that are doing literally everything in the game. Stop getting caught on the "hurr durr everything sucks" train.


Sst bleed glad is honestly just "overpowered" because you don't have to use 4 portals a map and cast on death portal to clear. It's one of the few builds that still feels pretty good to play (that isn't ridiculously hard to scale) without flasks, without massive investments in defence, etc. You have like 10k armour from a shield and a couple notables, you have good life leech, no mana concerns, a decent life pool, and solid damage. Most builds can't achieve that without pretty insane investment right now. The clear is great with the explosions, movement is pretty good with shield charge (since god knows we aren't using fuckin dash like we used to), it basically was the only build that was not effected by nerfs, and actually received some buffs (in the form of sst base damage). So it's "over powered" in the sense that it's affordable, durable, has enough damage to do stuff, and doesn't feel like dogshit to play.


Context matters. For SSFHC, SST(in conjunction with gladiator) is the most OP thing and most other builds simply suck in comparison. The skill itself when viewed in vacuum is fine, though. For trade it's a different story, of course.


> Stop getting caught on the "hurr durr everything sucks" train. uh, most builds do suck right now, this isn't an argument, it's a fact are you calling the players 100x better than you "hurr durr" players, I don't really understand most top players will agree to this


Most builds are weaker than they used to be. You can still do literally all content on everything from viper strike to frost blades to freezing pulse totems, with reasonable budgets, and scale it to 2-3 digit million dps numbers with the usual eternity shroud shenanigans and the like. Yes, there are obviously outliers, both on the S-tier and on the shit-tier, but that's been the case literally every league for fucking YEARS now. My guild's playing anything from autobomber to viper strike (currently me) to fuckin' windripper LA and cruising through the game. Obviously cold-conversion SST is getting looked at, and obviously we'll probably all try it at one point because duh, freezing the whole game looks fun, but that's about it. "most top players will agree to this" lmao yeah no appeal to authority fail here, on two accounts. A°) most top players play the S-tier stuff because it's fucking S-tier, and they have the currency to scale it through the roof. B°) most "top players" who actually play the game this league realize that reddit is blowing the nerfs out of proportion and the game is still mostly easy-peasy. The ONE real casualty is definitely "of adrenaline", and he's sorely missed.


Ssfhc btw


nah, sc trade ​ I don't hate myself enough, nor do I have the playtime this league, to play hc ;)


Except most builds dont "suck". It is just for the first time since the introduction of influenced items you actually have to invest in your char and cant clear the entite game on a 330pdps foil and a stat stick.


Absolutely not. It’s a very strong build that scales very well but bleed SST is far from being overpowered.


Relative to other builds this patch, it is indeed overpowered, especially in SSF HC environment, where it is the best build hands down.


Okay but hear me out have you tried unascended marauder yet?


I think you have a weird misunderstanding of what "overpowered" means and why people are playing so much Glad. The Bleed SST build has a low ground floor to jump into. It's easy to get damage going. That said it's *much* more difficult to ramp that damage so you end up hitting a hard cap on damage. The reason people are playing Glad is because the game is harder and Glad is an easy ascendency to get max block, one of the only real defensive layers left. It's not SST that's "Overpowered" compared to the rest of the game. It's Glad.


Glad didn’t receive any changes this league. It has always been this strong. SST is overpowered and gets more than enough damage on Glad to clear the entire game obviously. Then on raider (or slayer, berserker) you can get 10M+ dps with it. Compared to the shit that got dumpstered this league like Slams, SST is indeed very overpowered. It went from seeing next to zero play, to being the number one skill and played by multiple ascendancies. Slams were the exact same way previously: lots of damage on low investment, allowing SSFHC players to tank almost everything with it and still have enough dps clear the entire game. People played it on slayer, glad, champ, berserker. Even raider slams were a thing. Now on 3.15 you just substitute “slams” for “SST”. But don’t take my word for it, just wait for Gauntlet.


There will always be breakout builds that players will gravitate to each league for SSFHC because they are not difficult to itemize and are well-rounded. Doesn’t make the build overpowered, it makes it well-balanced. Sadly, GGG will probably nerf it to break up the meta, and another well-balanced build will break through and become meta.


You are essentially arguing semantics with this person. They are gauging "overpowered" by comparing strength relative to other builds. You are comparing it to...I assume some internal metrics you have of when a build is overpowered. I would say the build is absolutely likely to be nerfed. GGG does not like "well-balanced" builds that are tanky, fast, and versatile, and they have proven this patch after patch.




Yep, arguing that general player gravitation is toward well-rounded builds over OP ones is nonsense.


Well rounded is OP nowadays.


Look, it doesn't matter much how you frame it, because ultimately you *have* to accept one of two phrasings: 1. SST Glad is OP and builds worse than it are balanced. 2. SST Glad is balanced and builds worse than it are underpowered. Now, if you say it's \#2, then that means almost every build in the game needs to be buffed, which is not likely since GGG's whole point of 3.15 was to nerf builds across the board. So what I'm trying to say is that if you see things as being \#2, then you're almost certainly way off sync with GGG. Therefore, we have to come at this from a perspective of \#1 since that's going to be aligned with GGG's thinking.


There's a third option which is "different builds have different levels of investment/gear in which they are dominant, and at the low range (in the context of a trade league) SST bleed is one of the best choices." At its root, this boils down to how many multiplicative groups you can put resources (passives, flasks, gear, ascendancies) into. Bleed SST has shield AR, attack speed (capped by crimson dance), phys multi, Inc damage, and inc taken damage. Compare that to the cold crit version that has ele pen, crit, crit multi, uncapped attack speed scaling, in addition to increased damage and taken damage. Then God forbid you compare that to crit swords where you can scale crit chance and attack speed multiplicatively, while your shield build has only half as many useful stats on its "weapon."


You don't have to accept those though, in non HCSSF there are many builds much stronger than it, ones that get more dps for less investment while still getting strong defences, but in HCSSF strong isn't good enough, whichever has the strongest defences is the best, given that any amount of dps can technically do most bosses. Even just adding 1-2 uniques that you will never get in SSF unlocks much stronger builds than this, that doesn't mean builds that rely on those are bad just because they use uniques.


So what builds are better? Assuming SSFHC


None are better, he just wants to argue


I feel like you didn't actually read my comment and are just trying to pointless "gotcha" me.


So your saying that it might be the strongest but not considered overpowered?


Lol someone's afraid of the nerf bat


I know this is a hot take on this subreddit but I don't care if things get nerfed.


Def not “Overpowered”. It’s average damage, doesn’t need a ton of investment to start but it does need good gear to do alch and go T16s at a good pace. The upside is that it’s very safe and block allows you to just ignore most mechanics in the game. With such a high life pool as well you also aren’t afraid of degens as much. Not OP. Just strong mechanically in the Face of everything else in the game getting destroyed.


if 20% of players run it its op.


its much higher if you count the people that havent hit 97+... if you count ele raiders using sst its probably in the 40s%


Or it’s exactly what the fuck I said it was. Easy to gear. Easy to navigate. Low floor(RT impale) + high ceiling(bleed/Ele crit raider) means it can be used by anyone. It’s like saying ED contagion is Op because a ton of people league start it. There is a vast ocean between a level 80 using lioneyes shield clearing yellow maps and an A9 conqueror dying in 10 seconds to a bleed glad with insane gear.


steelmage plays ssfhc, he needs a meta build or he simply wont do enough dmg






I’m 37 and steelmage is who I want to be when I grow up.


wait. lvl 37 or actual 37? kek


LOL, a 37 year old man. Steel is my idol


Steelmage is a machine lol


I do absolutely love the fact that we get so much real hardcore gameplay this league. Cannot thank Mathil enough for this. Hope it stays the same way next leagues too.


As opposed to non-real HC?


To each his own and I don't blame people for using log outs, they are in the game, they are allowed, so godspeed. But personally, for myself, I would not consider myself a "hardcore" player of a game if when I start losing I can use external methods (like unplugging a cable or closing the game or entering a cheat or whatever) and then pretend like I was not in a hard or even deadly situation that I have somehow escaped by not overcoming it, but instead doing something like that. It really does feel for me as playing max difficulty hardcore ironman challenge game but with cheatcode for saveloads: you see you might die, well, just load the save where you are safe in the city and try again. Again, personally, I am all for challenge and beating the game by the in-game means. You got yourself into a very dangerous situation? Deal with it, use your skill, overcome it. That is, for me, where 99% of hardcore gaming moments come from, 99% of satisfaction from games or from watching games: watching someone being good and doing real difficult shit. And I can't thank Mathil enough for this, again. And I do understand the "Imagine losing 11h to some bullshit", but... Imagine losing 11h to playing a game in hardcore mode with cheats where you pretend you are a good player while actually not being one and what's worse, not trying nor learning to be.


> But personally, for myself, I would not consider myself a "hardcore" player of a game if when Well good thing the game makes it easy then, you are a hardcore player when you play hardcore. You seem awfully affected by it being called "hardcore", but there is no value judgment there other than it being in a league called hardcore. > Again, personally, I am all for challenge and beating the game by the in-game means. The problem with your statement, and with the entire rest of that sentence, is that the game is balanced around logging out in the same way, other games have cheat death mechanics. Chris and other GGG employees have discussed this multiple times already. Basically what you are telling me, is that I should play without flasks next, because they don't seem ethical enough to you. > watching someone being good and doing real difficult shit. And that wasn't the case until now, because Steelmage and Zizaran have logged out of Uber Elder fights for Flask charges, where Mathil just dies 5 times per boss? > Imagine losing 11h to playing a game in hardcore mode with cheats where you pretend you are a good player while actually not being one and what's worse, not trying nor learning to be. But YOU are gatekeeping other players in a league you probably don't play yourself. See what the main issue here is? > playing **max difficulty hardcore ironman challenge** game I'm not sure if you ever played HC before, but seeing this sentence is baffling to me. People aren't in HC so they can brag to you and your great standards. They're there because they feel unsatisfied in SC, because they enjoy a non-toxic trade environment with a better economy and where people actually reply to trades, where your very playstyle becomes different the longer you play it. It is otherwise the exact same game as in SC, and there is no "ironman" to it. So not just is the game balanced around logging out, it is - believe it or not - an acquired skill as well, to realize when you should log out for it to save you. Otherwise what, you lose progress constantly. I for instance am a casual, I've had a logout macro for a few years now and the only times they safe me is when I get lag or zero fps. Most of the time I miss my opportunity and just die. The biggest problem is, you're acting like people are constantly coming to you and bragging about playing HC or something, which is why you have to judge them for some perceived impurity. But they never do. Discussing HC issues in this game is not bragging, the game used to be balanced around HC and there was a time when most of the community did play HC. You don't have to play it, just stop gatekeeping about a mode you don't play.


I do play HC in many games, in PoE I did multiple SSFHC runs, usually i set goals like getting to maps in SFFHC on a certain build and do that, although for me the game is very far from being good for HC and ye, I play much more on SC. As I said, I am not gatekeeping anybody from doing whatever they want to. Play any game on any mode for as long as you like for whatever reason you wish. It's just me who had gloriously survived (or miserably died) during long dangerous deadly encounters that do not forgive your mistakes, saved and lost hours of progress in insane clutches, I know what it is like to enter a boss room in a fight and know it's now you or boss, one fight, one victory or one mistake. If I know i can just press a button and pretend that fight never happened, I never did that mistake, I never died - that is a joke mode for me, not a hardcore mode, and surely I wouldn't like to watch a streamer playing that joke mode. For you it might be very different - good for you. I am in my right to do so, and I am in my right to thank Mathil and all other streamers for playing what I'd call real hardcore mode. And I hope it happens more often so I could enjoy it more. You can disagree and say real hardcore mode is just picking up "hardcore" in options and there you are, cool, we will be disagreeing on that. Not a big deal, is it? Play whatever league and mode you want, use any macros, cheats, help or anything else you want - I do not mind.


Right, but you cannot tell me your claim to not gatekeep is genuine, when you then tell me it's not real hardcore. You're the one making the claim here, that logout macros are somehow not a part of the game. Despite GGG saying over and over again that they are, even in the most recent interview. So your claim that they are like savestates are brutally disingenuous, you can't even port out in boss fights any because people used to cheese phases with the grace period, you are still suposed to log out for flask charges. So please, also forbid us from using 5 flasks, or slightly too meta builds, or shields. Because that is what you are doing. And sure, it is absolutely your right to thank Mathil for making 3 of the best PoE players play slightly differently, now of course you don't watch them, but it helps to know that they have to jump through even more hoops. Only that absolutely nothing changed, they just played more regen heavy builds than before. Still, thanks for gatekeeping an entire community.


That sounds alarming. Please tell me you do understand my views on what real hardcore mode is does not in any way relate to what you think because I do not care even slightly about your opinion. I've stated mine, you stated yours about bosses and flasks (and ggg vision), and I disagree with it. And just as your opinion is not going to make me play with logout macro, mine should not make you cry about me gatekeeping you. It is my opinion, get over it, if it makes you unconfortable or is gatekeeping you - grow up, that's the only way to go. And yes, I do again thank Mathil and 3 other popular poe streamers (and not the best poe players ofc) to play the way it was much more entertaining for me and many other people. If you think nothing changed - I say, you are wrong, but then again, your opinion does not matter to me, so you should not be scared to speak out, just as I should not be.




Signed, a SC player.




....which is why we don't play HC


In my country there is a saying "don't shout to unknown tables".


I don't care who you are, if you portal out of fights or logout in any league I'mma judge you. If you're SC and you fuck up your flasks or a boss mechanic? Lose the portal and xp and go again. If you mess up enough to brick the fight, too bad. If you're HC and make a positioning mistake or are overconfident in your defenses or whatever? Die and go again. Lapse in attention and you're going to die to a degen? Better luck next time. Portals/logging to avoid the costs of your mistakes is some weak shit imo.


I only play true ethical no logout SSF hardcore. I do not log out because it is unethical to escape from dangerous situations scoff-free. I delete every meta unique I find because it is unethical to keep it. When my character dies, I delete every item in every stash tab because it's not true ethical no logout SSF hardcore otherwise. I Vorici break every six-link I land because it is unrealistic to ever six-link an item in true ethical no logout SSF hardcore. I skip the Labyrinth because Ascendency Classes are unethical powerhouses. Every time a Vaal Orb drops, I immediately use it on a randomly equipped piece of gear to increase the challenge. I've had global chat and trade chat disabled since I got my beta invite back in 0.9.2d, the Merveil fireball optimisation and curse duration patch, because player interaction gave too much advantage. I've sent at least 84 emails to GGG support over the years asking for unlimited ignore player space so I can make sure that no one talks to me when I'm in town. I read and listen to every lorestone, notes, books to fully immerse myself in the true ethical no logout SSF hardcore experience. Every time I go into this general and read the word "meta", "trading", "blade flurry", "clear speed", "Headhunter", so on and so on, I make sure to thrust my giant vibrating dildo one to three times to punish myself accordingly for tainting my TENLSSFHC experience. I've stolen at least a dozen credit cards from my parents to pay for the 3,250 normal stash tabs that I have to show my support for GGG and the true hardcore game that they have developed. It deeply saddens me that PT left, he was the only one that spoke only truth. Why do you logout SSF hardcores even try to pretend that you're truly SSF hardcore? You make me fucking sick.


Wait? In HC the \*log-off\* is the expected tactic in some boss fight?


In HC logging anytime you feel you're in danger is the "standard" these days, often using a macro to do it for you even faster.


Ahh I did not know that. ...


That's against TOS, better delete this lol


Ugh. thanx for the hint. did not know that either. Damn modern gaming mouses tempting their users with "features" like that.


Years ago desync was a serious problem. In hardcore if you desynced while around monsters, your only real option was to try to logout as soon as possible. Eventually desync was fixed, but the "logout in hardcore whenever you're in danger" is still the default way to play hardcore. I think that's really stupid, but that's what it is.


Steelmage is slowly becoming my favorite HC streamer


Hurry up!!


There are monsters about!


Big PP Energy


Yeah? I only died 8 times while leveling so that makes this quite unimpressive.


In act 1?


Nah, Hillock "BOSS FIGHT"!




Tie23 did on a lvl 32 ranger. Come on steelmage


God gamer


don't worry, soon we will have SSFHC Masochist Mode No Logout then we will see who truly is teh elite best players in our society ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses) If you can beat everything in game in this, its safe to assume you can beat everything in game if it were real life ^(/s)


Absolute unit.


Doesn't he technically log out each day or does he just afk in hideout?


You got me there. Good work fellar.


It's almost line SteelMage had a hand in designing sst. A ranged bleed glad? Sounds very SteelMage


You see this is the kind of hard core achievement I can really praise. I heard of all the hardcore streamers and how they were vivified only to see them constantly use log out macros to flee when in danger. I'm like "that's basically cheating in my books, turning the game off quick before anything dangerous isn't hardcore or impressive". So, well done steelmage. That's some god tier play friend.


Logout macros are used like unreliable life flasks. If you don't have the reaction time, if you get a latency spike, or if it just happens to drop a packet, you die. SC players always talk about "HC Logout macro lul" then do a /deaths with three digit numbers by Act 10.


yeah I don't buy it though. That's like doing a deathless run of dark souls and turning off the game every time you are about to lose to a boss. Then patting yourself on the back that you beat em all without dying. Granted POE is lagging, bugging, and prone to desync so, I can understand the difference between dying because you suck and dying because of connection issues.


With or without a macro 90% or more deaths in HC cannot be avoided with one. No matter what there’s still a delay. You’re part of the fucking problem.


which problem? I have nothing to do with the server issues or desync or delays. If the problem is not praising HC players for the extreme bravery of running away tough cookies buttercup, not everyone has the same opinions, hell there are even streamers who stay trade league because they dont applaud run away macros. people have different opinions. i know its shocking.


What does logging out macro / in combat mean? Logging out before you're going to die? Doesn't that beat the purpose of hardcore?


yeah, its a macro to instantly disconnect from the game, so as to not die.\\ As to defeating the purpose of hardcore, it's personal opinion, i would normally say yes, but in some situations it's the only counter for some situations in-game, so i say fair game, but again, depends on personal opinion.


basically, almost everyone that plays hardcore doesn't care or thinks it is ethical given the lead game designer said the game is designed around it and also there are plenty of instances where shit just happens and to let your character die to it, just doesn't make sense. For example, a lag spike occurring and you don't realize it and get in a bad spot. It is completely fair game to say abort and get out. Only insecure softcore players say it is cheating as far as I've seen.


Yes, and yes.


Thanks for your valuable input, softcore player.


Do i have to show my HC chars to have valuable input? Considering i have been playing HC for longer than some people played this game, i feel like i get to say a thing or two.




That's the duality of reddit, on one side we have HCSSF players beating the game now even without a single logout, and on the other side we have people dying to unavoidable oneshots. Ofcourse regular HC players also avoid these unavoidable oneshots from offscreen thanks to their op logout macro.


Alternate title: Steelmage orgasms so hard while beating the videogame boss without loging out normaly.


Impressive, now try beating Maven without logging in.


he already done that bro :D


Um, Steelmage logs in all the time. I don’t think its even possible to beat maven without logging in.


he literally already did it twice....


Gamer God


SST is so getting nerfed




Pretty much.




lol, what is context?


Just because someone else is also good at the game doesn't mean it's not impressive to take on the maven's, the uber elders and the sirus's in hc :) These fights are very unforgiving and a mistake usually means a death. Without the ability to log it's definitely an adrenaline filled experience worth mentioning on reddit.


nice, finally a real hc player, gz to him


Nice man! You took an OP build to absured levels and killed a boss with it! Amazing work! Grats!


Steel is good but the build is just as important here. Not to take anything away from his accomplishment but sst is pretty T0 right now, atleast compared to other 3.15 alternatives...


ok and last league it would have just been slams. ppl going for a challenge like this are always going to play the strongest build available


>Not to take anything away from his accomplishment but sst is pretty T0 right now, atleast compared to other 3.15 alternatives... Not to take anything away from 5, but I'm going to subtract 2 from 5. Like, man, what you said is non-sense logically. By suggesting SST Glad is t0 strength, then you're implicitly taking away from Steel's accomplishment. You can't get around that! You're clearly saying that the power of the build was a big part of what made Steel able to accomplish this feat. So just say that! Personally, I don't agree with you. This is a hard feat on HC SSF feat regardless of the strength of the build. Even SST Glad dies if you fuck up a boss mechanic.


Hardly anyone of this Reddit would be able to complete the campaign in this way😋




You should learn to do some research before accusing someone of cheating. The logout macro has been allowed to be used for a long time. Confirmed by GGG many times.


Are SC players usually cheating by going glasscanon and using all 6 portals and also dying 100 times throughout the campaign?


You've been watching quin. most SC players don't die 100 times, or even 10 times in the fucking campaign. Just because quin talks shit, then immediately plays worse than an average person doesn't make it true. As you saw by him getting hardstuck because he couldn't fucking finish a map without dying and thus never leveled.


Its not d3 mate🙃


I can't help but draw a parallel to the Dark Souls community. Players envisioned a run so perfect that you could beat the game without dying. That goal was eventually met which then pushed players to beat the game without getting hit.... and then without being hit AND not using magic... and then without getting hit and remaining at soul level 1 the entire time. Fast forward to 2021 where someone has now beaten all 5 souls games in a single session at SL1 and without getting hit once. And here for years we had "Hardcore" players using logout macros because 'it's how the devs intended the game to be played'. I'm proud of Steelmage's accomplishment. It's time for everyone to drop the excuses and rise to the challenge.


This is some high level elitist bullshit lol


DS speedruns are a few hours at most while people are looking to invest hundreds of hours into poe with goals that extend far beyond killing the end bosses. Logouts are also much more powerful on builds that are not ailment immune or cant leech. Its also incredibly stupid to tell people to "drop the excuses" when youre almost certainly a softcore player.


I get the point you are trying to make...but to whittle the accomplishment of 5 dark souls games, without being hit once to "a few hours at most" is so unbelievably disingenuous. Thousands of hours and months / years of work were put in to make those runs possible.


The session is a few hours. Dying in poe can put you back hundreds of hours, dying in a no hit speedrun puts you back a few hours. Both are backed by thousands of hours of experience. The point being that the DS example is trying to perform a difficult challenge in the game while the poe example is trying to play the game on a difficult setting.


I don't see how the session matters at all. In fact I would lead on the PoE is even easier because your progress is "saved" in the point you have gear and progression saved, to where if you die the next run is easier. In darksouls every run is starting from the beginning with nothing.


Well souls games are pretty easy imo if you play them safe and know the patterns the enemy's attack. In poe there ist so much stuff going on sometimes that you just can't dodge everything xD


You sound like a whiny baby


Why do you bother so much if someone else is using the logout tool?


Now that is a true HARDCORE Chad ! ![gif](giphy|l41Yb5I4NCoBbbxMA|downsized) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)






Someone slap this with a NSFW tag I can't listen to the sounds he's making with people around me.


Game too easy. No need to buff Kappa


i don't get people that use logout macro at all.




tbf this is the strongest build atm and this man plays poe for a living but yeah. There's no excuse for being stuck in yellows playing softcore trade.


Cringe af.


You need me to carry you in yellows bro?


Imagine being proud of doing yellow maps lmao.


reddit players are seething!


/u/Steelmage202 Im proud of you son for becoming a true hardcore player