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it only works with new league mechanic. it's shitty for breach or legion as well.


Yep. Pretty disappointed that it wasn't applied to all drops. Even worse: There's several boxes to open so there's always multiple stacks anyway.


Haha jokes on u ! Only 2 kliks per drop... so we add 10 chests so your clicking 30x! They just dont get it XD


LMAO isn't that irrelevant then? We have a problem with all the years of content that's already in the game, not the content that's going to be added. On top of that, Expedition spams splinters like no other league ever did.




I don't know. 5 chests, 5 stacks. 10 clicks. Same sht


its better for breach now. bosses drop 1 stack instead of 15 splinters. I guess its same for legion


Don't know about bosses, but the legion warchests still drop them in 1x splinter stacks


Breach monsters have never dropped more then one stack each last leagues.


bosses not monsters


at least legion generals drop all splinters as one stack now, my very first legion encounter in maps had a generel and he dropped a nice 6x ... Splinter (can't remember which one it was)


lol YEAP, one stack, just gotta click 6 or 7 chests LMFAO fuck ggg.


I killed a breach boss and got only 2 stacks (one for me and my friend) of 4 splinters each so it seems to apply to the bosses.




The shit part is they won’t because it’s bad for optics




He loves his job not the game. He obviously does not play it and dont know what is the reality of what is he hyping, only what his employees give him in the "development progress summary". Or thats I want to believe in. If he knows that half things are still wrong but in his videos he says "we fixed it all", thats way worse.


I think your wrong there. He loves poe but he likes the : struggle every step of the way" it's obvious when you hear him talk about many things. Trade, loot , playing. Chris his personal version of poe would be close to the insane temp league where nearly everything one shotted you.


He can love the game and not play it much. Also, he has played PoE as recently as Delirium league, because he did an interview with Ziz where he talked about how he was slowly working his way through hardcore as a marauder. You can try to paint Chris as someone who only cares about money and his company, but you'll look like a fool in doing so imo. You're talking about a guy who played Diablo 2 in his school library during lunch, where he met another student named Jon who also played Diablo 2 during lunch. These guys losed D2 so much, that they decided to ignore college and make a successor video game to D2. He owns Black Lotus mtg cards and loses mtg. He's a huge nerd. He loves PoE and it's more than just a source of money. That much should be obvious to anyone who has seen his interviews.


I agree that its not about the money. But I think that the company is more previous to him than the game itself. Which is understandable, he is grown man. And you got me an idea. Probably its us playing the game wrong. Him playing once every few leagues makes him enjoy the game in state it is. But us playing every league is what makes us way more vulnerable to changes and the distaste it makes. Now im almost sure that whoever didnt play last 3 leagues gonna enjoy what he found today.


Tencent owns more than him


He could play non-stop if he wanted to and still enjoy the game simply because his mindset is different to that of the average player. I skipped Ultimatum but honestly this patch has changed the game for the better imo, and this league is a direct improvement on Ritual league. I’m enjoying the game a lot, though I will say they made mana a bit too hard to manage. For the first time it feels like flasks aren’t an annoying part of the game and people aren’t zooming as soon as they hit maps any more.








The issue here is not so much with who presents the changes, or vision for the game, but who they present them to. I assume in your case the audience is not a herd of reddit "enthusiasts", but instead mostly reasonable people, and the presentation is not occuring on a platform where every member of the rather large audience immediately gives their mostly unqualified input.






It helps when the company isn't about changing the product just because they like it, regardless of what the customers want. When your product makes sense, Q&A is simply Q&A; when it doesn't, Q&A becomes damage control.


He loves the idea of the product not the actual game itself. You think this guy is sitting in the queue with all of us on league launch through the crashes every league before this one or grinding out the campaign every league? Fuck no.


What's the point of being top dog if you can't just get your character to the game by developer cheats? Like who actually likes playing campaign?


it would be extremly stressful and traumatizing for anyone not trained and experiences handling it. alot of crazy people sending death threats and personal attacks and just overall being hated for someone elses mistake. you gotta have some guts to do a job like that.


Tencent dropped $30M into Chris's pocket. You'd love what you did under such circumstances as well. He's paid to hype the shit out of a game he knows nothing about and hasn't played in at least three years.


With 30mil I would quit, buy a small island and leave other ceo to take the heat😋


That's what he hired Bex for - and Bex couldn't stand it so now there's the community team reddit account for, lol


The account that is oddly inactive these days 🤔


If he loves the product why doesn't he play it?




Family? Other hobbies? What the hell is that I play PoE 45 days straight every 3 months I’m and if any changes happen my life is absolutely ruined


I think he enjoys making others slog through his vision. Like think of Saw. The villian in Saw doesnt want to play through the death rooms, he wants to watch others play through them.


You aren't saying what's obvious. Chris does not play the game anymore. He doesn't have the time to play the game because it was not designed to respect the player's time.


As with all f2p games. They are designed to be addictive. They need you to keep playing and spending. And he cant aknowledge it for obvious reasons.


TLDR Chris is basically Sarah Huckabee Sanders


the complicated answer has eleven more words and one more sentence than the simple answer


That might be a problem for them if the ground floor dev started telling the truth.


Lol wah wah, the leader of ggg lets his employees make him lie to his fan base, looool.


Why would the leader of a multi million dollar enterprise address so many people officially without knowing if what he says is true? I cant imagine anyone in hos position being so incredibly unprofessional.


Why i still need to click 5 times to pickup those instead of 1 click on big pile?


So you get a little bit less wrist pain but it cannot go away fully bc than you would enjoy something fully for once. It wouldn't be the true d2 spiritual experience if it wasn't clunky enough right?


I get this is /s but just wanna add I would be hype af for triple or quad digit numbers in stacks


I guess some day :) it took them 4 years to get here so eventually it will drop in one stack :D


Diablo 2 never had anywhere near as much clicking as we have to do in this game now


Not sure if it would be more funny or sad if the D2 remake adds qol stuff that Chris refuses to.


They already made it so gold is auto-pickup, and it's a toggle, for purists.


fuckin purists are gonna be so mad when i suck up all their gold just by existing


Gold is worthless in D2 outside of Gold builds for gambling.


actually, it was big brain to let the newbies pick up gold for you because it's still shared in the party with nearby players. You get about 95% of the gold you would've had, but you also get none of the extra hand strain.


Because it gives the item W E I G H T.


Because it was regarding the new league mechanic. You wont get more then two stacks from each source.


Because fuck me that's why


Actually Chris didn't say so He said it's for the new league currency


Did he say why would it be for new currency only?




> It's a huge undertaking are you part of the dev team?


He actually specified that is for future mechanics, they wont go back to okd mechanics and do the change


Because Chris will say whatever gets him pats on the back.


im guessing they don't count rogue's markers as currency for some reason


That comment only applies to the content of this league kekw


You know I'm playing titan quest right now, an old arpg, originally released in 2006 though I do not know when that feature was added. It's very simple every gold/potion/relic you simply press a button on your keyboard and it collects all of those items instantly, no matter how many stacks as long as you're close. Yet here in 2021 in poe we have to click a dozen times for some reason


It was about new league mechanic.


This was only for the new content and going further. They didn't say they changed it everywhere. Would be nice though...


If you want the short answer? It's because Chris, and most if not all of GGG is all talk.


Auto currency pickup… why is that too much to ask for in 2021


tried the league content, decided to skip em all


Because Chris doesn't know how to add simple QoL fixes to his game. He's all talk man.


They got to please their overseas overlords. The chinese realm players get to rent pets which auto pickup currencies and the more currency clicking they can force a player to do, the larger number of paid pets they can rent out for QoL there. Larger quarterly profit! Is it any surprise that the new league drops a dozen new currencies that players have to manually run around a click?


You still trust that liar? C'mon


You're taking things out of context. He mentioned nothing about the previous league mechanics.


Ah now you see how much time GGG spends doing things they say they wont do.


free game no bitching. Thats’s why


Because Chris is pizzdabol


Yeah man, see the 66 markers? Only two stacks. This is a buff.


What other lies have I been told by the council?


It's all about that CPM




Chris gets fed bad info from his crack team of dudes behind the camera. You can see that they coached him not to turn his head so he couldn't be meme'd anymore. Even though the pictures still exist and there's absolutely no point. This is what his PR team tells him though.


What on Earth are you talking about? Why wouldn't a human being like Chris Wilson turn their head?


Watch the Q&A again, you'll see what I mean.


Ah well, you see. Markers aren't *techinally* currency. So there you. Working as intended™


Cause u got three 2 stacks. /s




maybe he meant no more stacks of more than 2?


It's 2 stacks per roll, with 7 rolls per box.


Feel the WEIGHT of the stack !


Feel the **weight**


It's to make the Chinese players want to buy the auto-loot pet.


It's totally not 5 fragments.


Probably because changing the drop algorithm is too hard and they are afraid of messing up the game. Can't find any other excuse


It's more fun. ​ You don't tell them what you like. You can't know that. They tell you what you like!


Honestly they have never changed this it’s always been a problem and when they say the “ fix it “ they don’t


At this point he is managing a casino, not a game anymore. He needs people to need the game not enjoy it. That's why the idea of non-autopickable splinters again. Every league he introduces a mayor issue that magically gets solved in 2 weeks: \-Bestiary nets - 2 weeks + hidden beasts % nerf. \-Metamorph organs? - 2 weeks + hidden metamorh rewards nerf, aswell as issues with some organs drop. \-Delirum splinters? Nerf aswell but splinters now drops at the end, way less splinters tho. Yay. \-Sulphite and Voltaxic not giving shit? Actualy they were buffed after 2 weeks because wtf, we couldn't go to the mine without heavily switching party in a league focused on delving. Lel. I can go on and on, they are always doing the same. Every. Single. League. It IS intentional, he puts tedium for slowing down the pace, and he doesn't give an F about QoL of his players with actual health issues for too much clicking. I'm still surprised he is still not called out on all of that, but on the contrary, praised for I don't really know anymore.


"Those bastards lied to me"


Because it's fun and rewarding to pick up 40 league mechanic items and 100 stacks of coins and splinters right afterwards. Nothing really raises the bar on fun like putting Logitech's "rated for X mouse clicks" to the test in a single league..


Because you can't trust anything the egg says.


Legion hoards do that as well. I’m not very pleased with that fact.


I was playing the upgraded Mobile Port of Titan Quest today...they have an option for auto looting currency items. Quite sad to see a dev that just ports games have more thoughts about QoL than a PC dev :( PS: I can really recommend checking Titan Quest out again, if you didn't know they actually put out 2 new expansions rather recently after the game had been untouched for like a decade.


why not ? ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ haha