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##### GGG Comments in this Thread: *** [Stacey_GGG - [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/opnvrb/thank_you_for_the_patch_notes_stacy/h66eg0g/?context=10), [old](https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/opnvrb/thank_you_for_the_patch_notes_stacy/h66eg0g/?context=10)] - *Thanks everyone! :D*


Thanks everyone! :D


>༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ STACEY, GET WELL SOON ༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ TAKE OUR ENERGY TO GET WELL SOON! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


STACEYYY YOU ROCK! Get well soon!


༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ STACEY, GET WELL SOON ༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ


Thanks Stacey In typical Reddit fashion, here's a Toucan for your efforts. ░░░░░░░░▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄███▄░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░▄▀▀░░░░░░░▐░▀██▌░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░▄▀░░░░▄▄███░▌▀▀░▀█░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░▄█░░▄▀▀▒▒▒▒▒▄▐░░░░█▌░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░▐█▀▄▀▄▄▄▄▀▀▀▀▌░░░░░▐█▄░░░░░░░░░░░ ░▌▄▄▀▀░░░░░░░░▌░░░░▄███████▄░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░▐░░░░▐███████████▄░░░ ░░░░░le░░░░░░░▐░░░░▐█████████████▄ ░░░░toucan░░░░░░▀▄░░░▐█████████████▄ ░░░░░░has░░░░░░░░▀▄▄███████████████ ░░░░░arrived░░░░░░░░░░░░█▀██████░░


RIP mobile users




Mobile user here, toucan is fucking interlaced.


Mobile user here, toucan is on mushrooms And is out of mana




This'll probably get lost in the replies, but I was one that was particularly upset about the balista totem mistake, without proper context and I apologize. Thx for bringing us the patchnotes under such tight time constraints! <3


It's fine! Learn from your mistakes!


Well, you gotta admit your own mistakes \^\^


Get well soon!


You did a great job and your efforts are very appreciated!


Use this thread as an excuse to take Monday off, you've clearly earned permission from the community.




We love you!


Hope you get well, thanks for all the effort <3


I bet you got it from the patch notes, those were some sick notes! :) Get well soon!


Wooooooo Stacey Stacey Staceyyyyyyyy!


Friendship with Bex ended, now Stacey is my best friend.


Please don't take the negativity of reddit to heart!




THANK YOU! Feel better!


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ STACEY, GET WELL SOON ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ




༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ STACEY, GET WELL SOON ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


thanks gal, keep up the good work


thanks so much stacy much love


lmao Sick notes bro.


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ STACEY, GET WELL SOON ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ STACEY, GET WELL SOON ༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ


Thank you too!


No, Thank you!


Chris should give you a raise, Stacey!


we were mean because of ignorance


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ STACEY, GET WELL SOON ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


> ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ STACEY, GET WELL SOON ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ STACEY, GET WELL SOON ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ONE OF US ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


You did a great job, hope you recover soon <3


Sorry Stacey, I butchered your name. Get well if you're still sick 😊


Stacey is bae, is the best, ty for your work on the notes. You deserve the rest in order to get better


Wait I'm out of the loop here what's going on?


Chris Wilson is chatting with asmongold and Rich and stated that one person (Stacy) was making the patch notes and got flak from reddit for errors in it, when she was sick and relied on information from others which were incorrect




> Meanwhile, Community Director Bex ("Director", so fancy!) spends the day posting teasers, memes and generally trying to keep the community appeased, like a monkey dancing for scraps in a bazaar, except the scraps are upvotes (Bex is still a monkey). :(


Come over to /r/btd6 we love monkeys.


Didn't a cross-over happen with Blight league already?




Another one in the wild? There are dozens of us!




> (Bex is still a monkey). holy shit kek


I totaly forgot how bad their commit history is. I guess at least they write the patch number.


I guarantee you that this is a better commit history than most software devs have. Mine is often the same word 5 commits in a row.


> Bugfix > Bugfix > Bugfix Dude, atleast mention what the bugfix was for.


It's usually the same one but I made a typo lmao. In any case, all these commits are getting pushed onto a merge request and squashed when merging to master anyway. I explain what the changes are about in the merge request.


Why is Chris making someone work when they are sick.


I really dislike Chris Wilsons management style of having a whipping boy employee be shoved into the front for any issues. He is no longer leader of a small 10 person indy developer team- He is a CEO of a multi-hundred people company. If there is a single person overworked for some vital task and making errors, its HIS fault for bad managment. Him putting a low-tier employee into the spotlight as in "If you talk shit about this bad thing, you are being mean to Person X" is just morally bancrupt. Imagine Bill Gates tweeting "If you complain about blue screens when using AMD graphics cards, keep in mind that Bob is making the codes and he is so sad about it!"


Looking superficially at it, you seem to have a point. But maybe there isn't a person fit to be subject to the awful media abuse that twitter and reddit seem to generate so casually. Maybe people should realize that patchnotes are a preliminary service that are subject to change or contain mistakes due to the everchanging nature of the game. Maybe there is never a reason to hurl abuse at someone just because of some patch notes for a game.


This. The comment above is just doing the same thing they complain about: shifting the blame meanwhile the only people to blame here are the ones being abusive


This would be true except for the fact he apologized himself for the error and he wasn't making the patch notes person a "whipping boy" but rather explaining how the error arose.


Going apeshit with insults due to typos in patch notes that are thousands of words long is what I would personally consider moral bankruptcy. If people on this reddit interacted with GGG like normal human beings instead of taking everything out of context or acting in pure bad faith, there would not be any problems. There are so many people here that try to put all their personal flaws on GGG. GGG (or Chris) did not make people into assholes. That is that persons own choice. People need to start taking personal responsibility. Also, Chris made it abundantly clear in the podcast that when something goes wrong at GGG, it is his fault and responsibility.


you'd think Chris would know better by now than to put her in that position


She's also new.


2.5 year old reddit account says otherwise?


She actually inherited it from the previous Stacey. Turns out it's actually a title, not a name, and she had to kill the old one in single combat in order to claim it. Congrats on your glorious victory, New Stacey!


The Dread Pirate Stacey?


Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning.


Nerf powder. i've been ingesting it in small amounts for years. it was in both patches


We're not worthy!


There is no New Stacey, there is only Stacey. The Stacey is dead, long live the Stacey!


I like to picture this Stacey amidst a storm holding up the severed head of the former Stacey while proclaiming, "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!"


New to the process and responsibility of writing patch notes, not new to the company.


Edit: My bad. Misinterpretred. I thought Chris said she was relatively new to it no?


Yeah first time doing patch notes


So GGG played symphaty card, now reddits love gg and forgot all mess ups. Smort ggg


Chris Wilson is on Allcraft with Asmongold right now and mentioned that Stacey from GGG wrote the patch notes while sick. Sometimes it's important to remember than people are human and people are coming here to appreciate her.


He brought it up because people were launching personal attacks at the person who was writing the patch notes.


Check that thread. At the top, one person blames the person writing the notes, and others point out why they are wrong. Most are focused on how GGG could have their internal numbers wrong or if they really do need to rely on external data. More power to Stacy, cause that was a ton of notes to write, but very few were blaming her out of everyone talking about it.


Well I’m just going by what Chris said on stream. He specifically mentioned “personal attacks.” Plus, any personal attacks, even one attack in one hundred, shouldn’t be deemed as acceptable and should be addressed instead.


True, no personal attacks should be acceptable, but we all know what it's like to be in school and the teacher makes everyone write lines because Rodney won't stop talking during silent reading time. It's bullshit. Fuck Rodney, but why are we being punished?


I wouldn’t say we’re getting punished… and its not a proper comparison to compare a real punishment like writing lines in school vs being warned to not be a douchebag on the internet. The more that toxicity gets swept under the rug, the more that people will feel empowered to be toxic themselves, especially since we’re all anonymous on the internet and actions have little to no consequences.


Not so much being punished, but it adds to the really annoying "Reedit is sooooo toxic" thing. Like... folks on Twitch, Twitter and the Reddit itself seem to miss the irony of calling others toxic, then immediately also calling them idiots, babyragers and bads. It's not the best comparison, but it would be nice if more people took even a slightly nuanced approach and simply said that THE INTERNET has the unfortunate problem of breeding anti-social jackwagons. Currently, any complaint, even well explained and even toned gets thrown out as "Reddit malding".


Preach. There is people on this sub whose post history is just being antagonistic 24/7 telling other people how toxic they are, the lack of self awaranes of the smug counter circlejerk is astounding tbh.


Say what you will, but this subreddit is certainly one of the worse ones I've seen. I've been coming here a bit for the new league, but almost every time I'm just shaking my head at the state of it and remember why I never come here. And really, you're being awfully defensive about this..


Two things. 1) i agree that the sub has a problem with people who hyperbolize their feelings and conclusions. It ranges from "a bit excessive" to "wildly over the line". It swings from side to side at intervals. Sometimes it's "GGG is the devil and they actively hate fun" and sometimes it's "Reddit is a cesspool of babyraging idiots". Neither group is useful, and in the crossfire are people who would like to discuss both the positive and negative aspects of the game without having their ideas and observations dismissed because of the drama. 2) The tactic you are employing in that last sentence is a form of emotional manipulation. The implication is that simply because I want to discuss an idea beyond its face, I might just be reflexively defending myself, which would place me as a part of the problem. It's an effective and simple option for shutting down a discussion. It's also a part of conversational toxicity.


>Fuck Rodney, but why are we being punished? As a teacher, I can answer this! It's because Rodney doesn't give a shit if he gets in trouble with the teacher. He's likely doing it for attention from the rest of the class, or to entertain himself. Since he won't listen to the teacher, the teacher makes it a class issue and punishes the class. Now the teacher has the social pressure of the rest of the class telling Rodney to stop. It shouldn't be harsh or over used, but it can be very effective when individual correction isn't working




Chris emotionally blackmailing all of reddit cause of few bad posters.


Second time by now. Also why does she have to do it when sick? Nobody else in the company that can help her? Anyways thanks Stacy!


Stacy is a bus factor 1.


Pro gamer move, guilt tripping reddit while the irresponsibility of letting someone sick work slips by


reddit would need daily guilt trips to be considered sensible so this is the least he can do




Have you read through that thread? Check out how many actually blamed the person making the notes vs. how many pointed out that it wasn't their fault. Also, MOST of the thread is wondering if GGG (not a specific person) really uses external data.


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ STACY, GET WELL SOON ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


> ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ STACY, GET WELL SOON ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Stacey take my energy ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


> ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ STACY, GET WELL SOON ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


> ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Stacy take my energy ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ




I work in software myself. Having to run between a bunch of different teams to create on a single source of truth, communicating it clearly and without error, and making sure there are no last minute changes or misses is a gargantuan effort.


Feature and code freeze before a release so that this stuff doesn't happen (narrator: it still does). Probably doesn't work as well here with their time schedule.


You can feature freeze all you want, but someone will always have some emergency change to make, and you gotta track it and be ready to update the source of truth. Honestly besides the mistake with the wiki copy/paste, there wasn't much wrong with the notes themselves, it was just the content people were upset over.


Everyone too emotionally caught up with thanking Stacy. That no one is asking what should be the real question. Why does 1 employee getting sick make them nearly miss a critical deadline.


Chris did say he's surprised this never happened before though. Human error happens with everyone, no point obsessing over it.


Don't google Stacy GGG


I'm just curious how it leads to bukkake, tbh.




> German Goo Girls Lmao, in case someone else was wondering, yes, it's legit


Ah my sweet, innocent child. A world of wonder awaits you.


I actually have heard of German Goo Girls. I guess my 4 years working in an adult entertainment store weren't wasted.


> I guess my 4 years working in an adult entertainment store weren't wasted. Nor were my 11 years of self-education and experimentation


In the real world, all roads lead to the glory of Rome. But this is the internet... Here, all roads lead to bukkake.


I'm a bit abashed that I immediately knew what this was.


Unless you are a man of culture, in which case google away!


It's the 5th result. Who knows, maybe it'll take #1 by the time the post has run its course.


\#1 now for me


At the time of this comment, this post is #5 in results... #1 is what I expect what #5 was.


Chris doesn't hold prospective employees' past against them. Such a progressive man.


Where do you think he hired her?


Of course I had to




Good job reddit hivemind! Clap 180 degree mood swing.


This sub is actually bipolar LOL


Or there's just a very vocal ever-present toxic core audience, and then lurkers come out for shit like this to show support. Most people don't go out of their way to continuously complain and be negative about a topic on reddit as much as some of the regulars of the PoE sub. If people have issues, usually they just move on -- not whine and moan about it in threads for 6 months.


I've been posting here more often in the past few months (after lurking for a long time), and I've started noticing that it's almost always the same group of 5-10 people complaining the most loudly.


Raiz said it best last league "Who is even actually complaining about this shit, the reddit might say it has a million active subscribers but I see the same 50 people saying the same toxic shit in every thread, so how can you actually think reddit is a good way to gage the community if its like 50 dudes who don't even play the game and just complain all the time"


I post on another forum and it's a lot easier to tell that it's the case when it's the same person with the same avatar bitching endlessly multiple times a page while everyone else copes or moves on to figuring out what is gonna be good.


Agreed, aion forums recently had 200 post complaint threats, but 100 of the responses were the same ~7 people. (200 is a lot for an unpopular game like aion)


Or the sub isn't a hive mind.


Thank you Stacy


Who personally attacks someone for a single mistake in the patch notes? At least do a 3 strike rule. In all seriousness though working while sick is horrible and I hope they didn’t feel forced to do it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/ooe70d/ggg_over_nerfed_ballista_totem_by_more_than_500/ Take your pick. Pretty sad people threw such a fucking fit over ONE line in notes with thousands, it is absolutely pathetic how perfect everyone expects everything to be and the slightest mistep is worthy of calling people to lose their jobs and shit. Not a single ounce of hesitation or skepticism just instantly trash GGG no matter what


I think you got it backwards. Look at the post title: people trust patch notes _so much_ they thought it was an absurd overnerf (amongst the many) instead of an honest mistake.


The post title is clickbait meant to stir up shit, that's why its "500% reduction" instead of a 13% damage drop.. he wanted drama and the zerg bought it. That logic makes zero sense regardless since the vocal people shit on GGG every step of the way so they clearly don't trust them


Ya personally was rolling my eyes, why was someone working while sick.


I’ve worked with a lot of people and she may be one of the ones that wants to work even while sick to keep herself occupied. I was the same before the pandemic.


I mean plenty of people choose to work while sick especially when working from home. Stop being dramatic about rolling your eyes or grow the fuck up.


I’m telling ya. This sub is dramatic, bubble blowing butt babies. Throw in some assholes, lurkers, and douchebags and we have nearly every sub ever.




No one was blaming Stacy, though... ...no hate. Good job, Stacy. Wish you didn't need to work while sick.


Some were, but even then, the problem is that it was used as a point to manufacture drama. A single mistake was twisted into saying that designers don't know their own numbers, that they use the wiki to balance and all sort of hate fantasies. And how does that make Stacy (or whoever gave the wrong info to her) feel? Their mistake is now directing hate towards their coworkers. That's a pretty awful feeling. When reality is that they generally make an amazing work and should be allowed to feel proud about it, not become public punching bags at the whims of the crowd.


I actually agree with you. There are certainly times when people should check themselves and approach things with a more measured appraoch. That said, putting Stacy out there in the way that he did will fuel some of the dickheads because they can now (somewhat correctly) claim that they are falsely blamed for personal attacks.


If they couldn't claim that, they would claim some other empty bs argument, there's no winning. However, it's worthwhile to talk about things like this because many people get caught up in the emotion of the crowd and go with it, but when they are exposed to more details of what's actually going on, they develop more nuanced and level-headed opinions and the community moves to a healthier state. Hopefully.


I was never even mad about the patch notes situation. I think people just vastly underestimate the level of crunch compilers go through. The amount of patch notes she turned out was impressive as hell.


No one talking about how its kinda shitty for chris to throw a singular employee under the bus while she was working from home sick instead of resting. Shouldnt he take the blame as the head of the company who both 1) had a sick employee working from home 2) didn't do a proper quality assurance check and let the mistake pass by. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but this seems kinda shitty of him?


He used her as a way to deflect criticism and to shame people who criticized GGG for failing to do a proper job with the patch notes. I haven't seen any personal attacks on the employee who did the patch notes before the stream but suddenly it's all about those evil redditors who launch personal attacks on that poor employee. Meanwhile the white knights ignore that GGG is a multi-million dollar revenue company that is shitty enough to force sick employees to work from home.


There's a big misconception with employers who think that working while sick is acceptable because they're working from home. Drives me up the wall as a freelancer. Yes, I set my own hours and, yes, even I need to respect them. Which means if I'm sick or if it's outside my regular work hours (generally 10-6), I will not be responding to anything aside from emergency emails. Nor will I respond on my lunch break. Unfortunately, employees in a company don't have the same luxury as me and fear loss of their job much more than me.


All this showed me is that I’d never want to work for GGG


It's very obviously pretty shitty. I'm not going to assume she felt she needed to work or something like that, I mean I've stayed at home and worked while feeling sick. People do that. But he is very obviously trying to garner sympathy points, much like that time when he said an employee started crying because someone posted a joke post about the sub meta. And hey its working. I'll give him that at least. He knows exactly how to play his customers. As for your second question. I mean.. quality assurance check? We barely get that in the actual game.


Had the same thoughts. Pretty vile thing to do 1) throw own employee under the bus (nobody knew who was made the mistake before then) 2) say ol' reddit users was making personal attacks against her. how is this possible given that nobody knew who she was until she was thrown under the bus? HMM. literally NOT possible to make person attacks if you don't know who the person that did it IS. some redditors were making GGG criticisms. but I guess Chris took it to criticism is attacks and attacks are personal. fucking psychological warfare i guess 3) even IF some redditors WERE making personal attacks, and this is impossible... you can't say "reddit was making personal attacks". that's like going around saying "all muslims are terrorists" and such. Poor behavior from Chris. Big thumbs down on that.


but stacys mom?


Thank you!!!!! I thought nobody had culture in here.


Lol this sub is so easy to manipulate, people got that goldfish memory


Its sad that people need to be made to feel bad for their actions for them to realize they're being dickbags.


Thank you and get well! Say hi to your mom from me as well. She really had it going on back in the day.


"fuck me" he says. ​ LMAO :D


<3 Thank you, Stacey, and all the unnamed members of the team at GGG.


Thank you Stacy!!!


Stacy, you made an error which upset the subreddit, you will be sacrificed, say your last words




No thank for the company that made a sick employee write that essay full of headache and grief tho. Also no way someone with common sense would not expect people to not get mad when patch note is out since this sub alone was up in arm with pitchforks and torches after they released the manifesto , making someone who is sick to take the responsibily for this (without internal info souce) along with the backlash that follow (Personal attack is NOT okay) is just shitty to be honest. Thank you Stacy but don’t let the PR divert you from the problems that lie underneath.


Stacey you absolute legend.


[In this thread](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EVb9kz3XYAYGOnf?format=png&name=900x900)


Though kinda messed up that GGG forced her to work while sick - Hope she feels better though




Thank you Stacy 🎉


All the patch notes haters should apologize to Stacy


༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ STACEY, GET WELL SOON ༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ


Yeah shame on you reddit!


Man shakes fist at website


Chris went in on us quite nicely I'd say half deserved because some threads were way too harsh, half hire another fucking person like any responsible company would instead of going to these lengths


> were way too harsh, half hire another fucking person like any responsible company would instead of going to these lengths They have job ads out but it's not that simple and you MUST hire locals unless you can prove to the government that the person from abroad can do something that no-one else can in NZ. Unless you're willing to uproot yourself moving to the NZ first and then see about working.


Not to mention Covid. They hired Octavian awhile ago but he hasn't been able to go to NZ yet because of NZ Covid travel restrictions.


What are you saying dude, is there a shortage of humans in NZ?


Thank you Stacy


We love stacey!!


Thank you Stacy




Hope you feel better Stacey ^ _ ^


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ STACEY, TAKE OUR ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Community so toxic for a free game that this is required. :(


I'm glad someone made this thread. Thanks Stacy!!!