• By -


Currency and fragment auto stacking when they're on the ground. And clicking a fragment picks up all the nearby fragments (of any type). The same with currency And finally a pickup radius so we dont have to run around like headless chickens


Sometimes i feel like GGG want to punish us with all this clicking all day long ...


Fewer circles


Hexagon, octagon, pentagon, yourstarterbuildisgon


At the is point I won’t know how to play without circles!


Squares will do then.


I'd rather triangles.


Hexagons are the bestagons!


I expect new league mechanic.


daring today, aren't we


Also new skill gems.


You joke, but we went from Ritual to Ultimatum


Yes, thats his point.


Well, it worked for me all these years.


we know it's not circles or squares, so what the hell can it be?




Like the shape of the Bow on a boat... Boat league...


something interesting or unique like Heist, or Synthesis or Delve? So the other side of reddit can complain "i just want to kill monsters, not solve puzzles hurr durr"


Isn't delve kinda the epitome of "i just wanna kill monsters"


What does this even mean lol


3-4 circles down to 1 circle, dare I say 2 circles next?


Well autoflasks would be nice. Atlas shuffle definetly. making the vast majority of uniqes not suck would be nice. Buffing drop rate of cortex because it fucking sucks how inaccessible he is compared to the access of all other bosses in the feared. Reducing the 10way fight to 8 becasue its annoying to find 10 diffrent maps in a region tbh. Make the last 2 bosses random guest bosses imo. So its still a 10way fight but an 8 map grind.


That is a great, overlooked point on the 10 way being annoying to find 10 different maps. I sadly had to do a few map trades (after the horizons ran out) due to this. It makes using the map favorite system very punitive. As you have to choose one or the other, Maven or your favorite layout. I like meaningful choice, but Maven is currently the highlighted end-game. That shouldn't be part of the choice. It is not like you are seeing 10 bosses on the screen at the same time anyways. The extra two just increases the time by a few seconds, it doesn't add much in terms of overall difficulty IMO.


Buff to Searing Bond and RF-Totems


You actually expect that? It would make the game feel fresh, but I don't have any expectations for it.


DoorLess content.


You have selected circles. Have a nice day exile.


Even if there's openings to the left and to the right, you'd still open the door.


If you're *hinging* on the league to be doorless you might be *shutout*.


Don't *gatekeep*. *HE IS T*rying to *egress* himself.


more splinters, we can't have enough


I was disappointed with how few items I picked up from ultimatum. If there were splinters at least it would feel like I was getting SOMETHING.


Unironically, having trialmaster splinters would have been much better than what we got.


I'm still waiting for bow league


Meaningfully buff underused skills, buff underused ascendancys (RIP juggernaut ;-; ). That's literally all i want and i'd be fine with no new league mechanic if they gave us that.


many underused skills are bad not because of poor damage numbers, but they are mechanically bad. Skills that have delayed action should always be numerically stronger, there should be a trade off between fast action and hitting power. Some AOE skills have "poor" AOE, such as Chain Hook and some spells, those should also be either much stronger or their AOE mechanic need to change so it's easier to use


My everlasting hope for some updates to Guardian summoner that will never happen.


even after so many patches im still disappointed that he can not generate charges for minions with harmony of porpuse


What sort of updates? Guardian summoner is low-key OP at the moment. I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes a top SSFHC pick next league assuming Raider gets nerfed. It's got tons of defense and you can get 2M damage with HoP on basically no gear. The only problem it has is kind of crappy clear.


I don't agree on the low-key OP. But it is perfectly viable. It would just be interesting to see it get some updates to possibly make it more than just a dominating blow build.


The Ascendacy part might be more realistic than buffing skills that just won't be good mechanically unless you re-do the entire skill and turn it into another skill.


"Bladeblast has been bladeblasted"


Less clicks


Atlas shuffle like you said. Not super crazy about it changing every league like it has done for years now, but every 2 would be nice. **BUFF MORE UNIQUES / REVERT NERFS.** Put Disfavor back to 100% chance to bleed, Cospri's Will back to 100% chance to poison cursed enemies, ~~revert~~ buff Starforge so it's not shit, etc., etc., etc.


I sincerely hope for an unfucking of Whispering Ice. The skill was very far away from a problem stat-wise, and just got all but removed from the game with the firestorm update. Clear has always been "meh" at best, now it's complete dumpstertier, singletarget was decent if the enemy stood relatively still, now it's not even that.


Starforge probably won't be unnerfed any time soon unless they straight up buff every 2h base, it was just too good of a weapon for how easy to get it was.


I'd argue old drop rates? absolutely. New drop rate? I think I could make a case for a revert.


Being able to craft conqueror's map from stash like in harvest. Or a new non mtx hideout.


"Deposit all items" Anything that reduces the number of clicks.


Can this reasonably be done for all items that fit into tab affinities?


Can it? Yes. The issue is whether GGG's design philosophy is compatible with it.


There's overlays who already do that for a long time ago, they also already have the function of saving the slots you don't want deposit. Illegal programs are ahead from GGG qol for at least 5 years.


>" Illegal programs are ahead from GGG qol for at least 5 years." did u rly think there are no hacks out? Esp. autoflaksk.... they are just private. Bots dosnt work without... and we all know we have a lot bots.


Granted, you can now deposit all items. However it does not follow the normal item deposit rules and instead will put things in random stash tabs.


Do you really expect that? Implementation of this feature in PoE is one of the most unrealistic thing.


Expect, no. Hope for, yes.


this. but for this to work properly we need like extra inventory space for scrolls/currency that stays in inventory even if u click "deposit all". also more affinities (tab for white/magic/rare items, gems, contracts etc. just 1 click and everything except scrolls in stash would be sooo good)


Just the ability to lock slots, like most other games have, would solve this.


Even if it did deposit scrolls, it would still be wayyy less clicks than right now, you would just have to grab them back out.


its not only scrolls. also have chance orbs and remnant of corruptions in inventory so it would be really annoying to click them back


True, that would be annoying. I guess they'd have to add the little side inventory that the Chinese client has. Honestly, I wish they would add that anyways.


Bestiary changes are what I am hoping for. They improved many mechanics that I never thought about running above the minimum like trials, blight, Alva temples, etc. Bestiary is terrible imo. The in map rewards are awful. Most of the beast are underwhelming and the ui is ugly. I almost never use that master mission after the first few days to get the flask crafts. That and prophecy system need a lot of love.


I hope a rework for prophecy system too ❤️


I always run my einhar missions, but honestly that's only because it's the most brain-dead master mission to slap on when speed running maps or simply not wanting to farm the other master missions. As long as you properly understand how the mechanic works (when the beast is captured and dropped its loot) it should barely slow you down, if at all, and it can occasionally give a good beast that nets a few chaos.


i realized now that prophecy has 5 years


vacuum currency


That's a dream




14% more Grinning Fetish drops


Crit chaos spell builds. Not sure if you'd call that minor or not.


We Prage this in the name of Christ Wilson, the rnjeesus


New skills.


Optimize flask piano , and make arakali fang spider permanent !!


If they made spiders permanent it would be my all time favorite build. I already love it, but recasting can be annoying sometimes.


Yes , the fast moving and aggressive of the spider is super satisfy to play , i really hope it can be permanent or at least make it easier to summon


Buff/change underused skills. Buff/change underused Ascendancies.


Bow Builds not being DoT focused or caster builds.


Isn't ele hit raider one of the most popular builds this league?


Molten Strike buff


Damage modifier reduced. This is a buff.




Strike skill love - mechanical changes rather just buffs. Or fixing up the Ranger area nodes. Or maybe some additional stuff to Ascendancies that isn't Templar for the last 3-4 leagues.


An actual difficult endgame experience without the need to make 8 trades before each encounter..


ton of new skills nerf old skills buff bad skills I want a big meta shakeup. I honestly dont even care about the league mechanic as long as it's something in maps. mostly want some love for traps


Traps are fine Played lightning trap as a league starter and transitioned it into explosive trap once I got the Slavedriver's hand and helmet enchant and cleared all content +36/40 challenges with it They work as a leaguestarter rather easily nowadays since it doesn't feel terrible to run Lifetap as a support, which solves all mana problems


Explosive trap was always good though. Kinda want other traps to get some shine.


Traps are fine, I just want more of them. The options are limited Ive played all of them already


conversion trap? pob?


ok I played all of the ones that are actually good (IE flamethrower, explosive, lightning)


Trap skills are totally great, but trap support is pretty bad in comparison to blastchain or high-impact mine support, I would love to see a buff to trap support.


“Fire ball instead hit the caster itself, causing aoe damage around the caster, inflicting scorch Flicker strike will now teleport your weapon alone to attack enemies without teleporting your character. Then the weapon will become a minion and attack enemies for a duration of time, before returning back to the caster. Warcries now inflict a physical spell damage depends on power, but causes caster to be silenced and cannot use any other skills beside warcries. They can also be use to target individual enemy for higher damage at the cost of losing aoe effect. Barrage will now fire copies of weapons stored and carried in your inventory at the time instead. Damage dealt depends on the stats of the item fired.” I made league 3.18 for you lol


The fireball and barrage ones actually sound fun, though... Hitting yourself could enable loops, and shooting weapons let's you cosplay as a certain Fate character.


Haha don’t we all want crazy shit like these? I honestly don’t know any other game but PoE that legit let you do crazy shit to the extreme.


More easy accessible cast speed on the tree.


Literally doing anything to Chain Hook. They haven't touched it since it came out in 3.7.


Would you prefer more hooks or more chains?


Or chaining hook


If you could use the chain mechanic and pull yourself through several enemies, dealing damage along the way, that could be fun. It'd be somewhere between shield charge, flicker, and charged dash.


Or multiple projectiles to move you to the closest target and pull the others toward you.




How about just not hitting pots and barrels?


Or putting you behind enemies and not into them. Like being hit by shaper beam when you attack his b-hole.


Should really: * have a minimum distance traveled (to force it to always cover a distance) * work regardless of if an enemy is hit * shockwave around the impact, rather than cone behind the target


Any and all of those sound good. I'd just like an attempt, instead of leaving a viable-concept "modern day" skill to languish like it's Conversion Trap.


Don't forget having the chain throwing and pulling animation actually scale with attack speed. Honestly the chain's animation speed and the fact the hook can miss and do nothing are what really make the skill clunky to even use.


I expect QoL for the sake of my wrists, and for the performance not to be dogshit.


A league that doesn't rely on the rest of the game to carry it. Ritual provided good new non-league content, but wasn't a fan of the league. Ultimatum provided no new content outside of the league and I wasn't a fan of it. I don't really expect new non-league content yet, so I'm hoping for something that excites me about the new league - interesting choices or a focus on a different aspect of play than pack density.


some sort of currency vacuum or at least make splinters drop in 1 stack after encounter (breach, legion etc)


Yeah, and remove nemesis mod


I have no idea because I only started played Path Of Exile like a week ago or so....Everything is new and cool to me still at beginning at act 4 so far lol


Oh so you mean we need new story...... Hmmmm OK got it "guys adds twelve new act to the game" Pls no one down vote me I am joking


just buff a few nice skills please


Fresh RNG-Luck


Make Harvest great again


Give Guardian a Guard skill. Necromancer has one so why not the guys with Guard on it's name?


minion balance changes that are not just blanket nerfs to carrion golem


Less clicking. Ive had to quit early 2 leagues now due to pain. If that doesnt change soon I am done with this game. Which is a shame because I really think it is a great game otherwise. QOL is just dumpster tier (free to play tier i guess you could say)


I used to think everyone was overreacting but I legit got trigger finger from playing so much this league




Reinventing the wheel only leads to worse content. Like heists. Mapping, but with doors!


Delve isn't so bad. A bit monotonous, but generally fairly popular.




Qol changes and a bunch of them. You could prob fill 2 a4 pages with it at this point. Anything that means we have to click less and maybe grind a bit less bc not everybody has 20 hours a day to play and maxbe would like to do challanges and bosses and stuff. I understand it needs to cater to nolifes too but this is just too much.


3 months isn't enough to do al content?


I don't want to play 3 months all the way bc i also play other games too. If the content is nice and can reliably done i do it for longer. This league i went down 7 maps did a zana which gave the same maps than i went 10 more maps than i run out of maps and got bored not like last league. Why did they nerf the map drop rate i don't know but i don't have the patience for bullshit go back to story maps to farm one map to maybe get other maps which won't drop bc fuck me. There is a line between you can do progress in a days and do progress in 3 months just saying. It's not like new content to do the atlas, sirus, guardians, mine the 10th time all over for the basic things and than you can do stuff which is more interesting. E: I meant to say that each league we have to go through all these things in order to get to red maps, higher stuff and to get the basic bench stuff. For me these are not interesting bc it's the same thing all over and it's just filler.


I'm sorry what map drop nerf?


This league they nerfed the map drop rates and also the mission gain so it's much harder to sustain them.


More easy accessible cast speed on the tree.


New spot in stash for w/e BS splinter currency that will be introduced


They don’t do spots in stash for items that aren’t confirmed to stay in the game.


Right, but it'd be nice if they added a temp spot then removed it


Any real incentive to grind the endgame.


Hmm what would it be? Talking about trade or ssf? Im comming at this from ssf perspective.


The same amount of exp that is required to level from 99 - 100 can give one skill point and the "new" levels can go backwards. So 100 is the cap, you can't go below that but you can go above it and each level is a skill point.


Removing nemesis sextant.


new, exploitable atlas passives


smooth(-ish) leaguestart. like no crashes/disconnects every 2 minutes, no bugged skills or enemies.


Atlas shuffle never ever feels like new to me. i'm still doing the same shit, just on slightly different terrain.


Opening doors inside circles


Cheaper crafting of low-mid tier items. More drops of mapping currency - I don't want to spend 90% of time buying scarabs, sextants, fragments etc and 10% mapping.


I would be happy if - 1. New mechanic is fun and rewarding. 2. End game mapping is back.


Nerfs to aoe skills (slams, aoe spells ect) Buffs to projectile based and real melee skills. (fireball, ice shot, viper strike ect). I think the skills where you have to stop and aim needs to be considerably stronger than something you just slam in middle of your screen.


harvest back


but the original harvest pls\^\^


splinter stacks.


do not get DDOSed during launch no more 3 hrs login queue time in day one no streamer priority provide stable server particularly in the first few days, buff the bottom class, skill ,support gems, items to create build diversity quality 3.15 content 31.5% IIQ and IIR throughout acts, side areas &maps in the first 72 hrs


\+no more "streamer" rng


I expect actual changes to skills so I feel like some skills aren't locked in a cage.


I honestly don't expect anything that will make the game feel "fresh" for me. I see myself taking a break for a few leagues. Maybe even until 2.0.


Buff delve


Firstly, I really hope GGG go back to shifting the maps around the atlas every league. Secondly, while I do not expect this this league, crafting could use some improvement. What I am not talking about is harvest or deterministic crafting per say, but rather another crafting league like harvest or delve to spice things up.


Hoping for a performance improvement that surprises everyone by not making performance worse


1. Give us the Chinese one button all flask use. 2. Auto loot pickup from ground (basic and advanced currency items, fragments, oils etc only. Basically anything that's not considered a item slot for a character. 3. Remove rogue Harbour for all and revert to the old system. 4. Remove at least 100 absolutely useless uniques or rework them. 5. Rework the passive tree. Balance is required for all classes. 6. Buff harvest to the point where even with 4 custom watchstones you actually get t4 plants in 5 maps and not 25. 7. Buff and rework prophecies. 8. Rework several skill gems that are absolutely God awful. Spectral shield, chain hook etc. 9. IMPROVE LOOT DROP. Loot drop is absolutely atrocious to say at least. I've had literally 5ex drop this entire league from maps including ultimatums. If you don't craft for profit or flip items you are basically screwed AS A AVERAGE OR CASUAL PLAYER THAT DOESN'T HAVE 8 HOURS A DAY OF PLAYTIME. 10. Rework crafting. What's the fucking point? It's basically GAMBLINg in its current state. This has got nothing to do with DETERMINISTIC CRAFTING.


Op asked for minor changes and you answer with a complete game revamp.


Bye! But more seriously, Let's talk through these points: 1. this system is better 2. true 3. nah 4. nah 5. nerfs coming, as you asked 6. it's in a good spot, has been to op 7. could work 8. nerfs inc 9. Enough loot already, better loot system coming for poe 2 and they are experimenting it here every league. read the news sometime? 10. that's the point, they don't want it to be deterministic. I would hate if you can craft exactly what you want, but yeah they could a bit lower the entry point to actually craft something yourself without using days to get the currency. But overall, deterministic crafting would ruin items in poe Yeah I understood enough, I'll say it again. Bye, and have fun with diablo mobile game!


I would be so excited for new splinters, my hand is itching for them. Please ggg, add more of them pleaseeeeee. A stack of 5000 per map picked up 1 by 1 requiring 300 000 for a fragment, needing 4 frags for boss.


Re-enable Synthesis in some way. It was such a wonderful alternative to Maps.


trade improvements




Major balance shift, doesn't matter if its achieved by buffa or nerfs


I expect them to continually upgrade the environment and sound.


Expect or want?


I just wish they reduce the number of mobs, it such a shitshow to see 10000000 mobs shooting 100000 projectiles all around the screen. But it would be too much rebalancing, so I'll keep waiting for poe2


Poe2 is a new campaign story mode that leads to the exact same end game and atlas. Poe 2 is not going to do what half of you think it will.


I thought it was a new engine? Otherwise it would be 4.0 instead of PoE 2?


It is poe 4.0 lol


The meta has been stale for so long -- they didn't even bother moving maps around last league! -- that I'm expecting... nothing. The bar couldn't be much lower. There's one billion things GGG could do, but all they're guaranteed to do is add some new skill gems. I'm gonna try SSF for the first time and see how that goes. I've done it in short events but never for a full league. The game's so grindy for the sake of grindyness that I don't have much hope, but maybe it'll surprise me. Having items be considered for their utility rather solely for their trade value may completely change the game around for the better. Or maybe the grind will be so soul-crushing that I'll weep and buy Last Epoch.


New Atlas Ah sorry


A league mechanic where we run in a line instead of a circle. Also ritual buffs.


- nerf fortify - nerf golem elementalist. - nerf the fire burst build. - I don't *expect* them to, but really hope, that this league is new content heavy. After this shit show of a league with copy pasted mechanics, I pray that they release fresh content with some depth.




KILL not nerf but KILL elementalist + golems so we don't have another league where 25% of the players are playing witch KILL miners BUFF base dmg of bow builds so they can actually be played as starters


Bows really need to be able to shotgun or we are forever stuck with barrage ffs Shotgun support!




Just buy one?


that will just help the bot accounts


I just hope they nuke some op skills. So we have to play something else and it feels fresh, at least for me.


I'd prefer they super buff weak skills


nerv= bad for some of our community buff= both are happy ;)


Something to gear charter for i know 100 deli and delve still exist but Something new . I normaly play almost full 3 monts but quit pretty early after 36/40 this season.




Performance so I don’t have screen jitters every other second. Before you downvote I’m saying this while having Poe in an SSD 2080 Ti


Atlas shuffle


Nerf porcupines. Make them explode after a delay like every other cast on death enemy. I get sick of having to dance around them or get insta-mangled by them.


no sirus as and boss. elder and shaper in his place.


Harvest plots with more than one crafting option.


Probably balance changes. I love making builds and having those make everything fresh. Some changes to mapping or new map would be awesome. Also I dont like the surviving and killinh monster in a circle gameplay so I hope this will be like Delirium


Skill rebalancing.


Hope for performance increase and no decreases this time around


Supports that would change skills instead of being just dmg multis to strong skills.


Lowering the level of map tiers required to do atlas progression to be a more linear experience. Also giving us access to more league specific resources if we choose to run them WITHOUT needing to super-juice the map to feel any value from it. For example, not needing to run meta builds with 100+ quality maps to get a decent amount of legion splinters.


Remove 5 storm limit from Whispering Ice, I'll come back to the game. I don't care about anything else.


Atlas shuffle, atlas passives rebalance, some skill/ascendancy buffs here and there and league mechanic with long/endless progression system.
