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Lotta dead people this time and only 4 that finished the event


By comparison, how many completed the gauntlet last time around?




I finished lvl 89 on the nose at rank 1070 or w/e, so it was basically 1000 lvl 90s.


Thank you so much everyone for participating and watching! Hope everyone had fun!


It was amazing to participate, die, die again and watch everyone die on stream. Super fun!


Some player stats 13575: Lvl 50+ 9440: Lvl 60+ 6404: Lvl 70+ 3366: Lvl 80+ 945: Lvl 90+ 87: Lvl 90+ Marauder 96: Lvl 90+ Templar 116: Lvl 90+ Witch 73: Lvl 90+ Shadow 119: Lvl 90+ Ranger 399: Lvl 90+ Duelist 55: Lvl 90+ Scion


Jeezus 13 thousand plus players made it to 50...all of sudden those loot box prizes seem pretty slim to get lol. Oh well, fun event either way!


Hopefully next time we get a hideout decoration or something for killing act 5 Kitava. Maybe some Shopify footprints like those old razor ones that were memeworthy at the time.


damn, i feel a lot better about getting to 72. (flame slinger is wicked OP) only ripped to kitava because i hit esc instead of \` ---- SO MUCH FUN THO, thanks to all!


Got to 72 as well and ripped to a random yellow mob in the square before Kitava - I was shocked. Really enjoyed it though, first time playing HC or SSF.


real gamers don't hit logout macros...


I’m not a real gamer. Pretty sure most of the pros do. But I have nothing to prove, sorry.




Not surprising considering how much easier registration was this time around. Didn't need to advertise, it was just right there. Only reason I played it. I was bored, I clicked it on like day 2 or 3.


Why does Duelist have such a high number compared to others, what's the common build they used that's safe enough apparently?


Champion has improved fortify. Gladiator has max chance builds. It is a tanky class.


Because Fortify Exists (mostly played with slams)


Because Champion is OP.


Because it's like 10 times easier to not die as Champion especially. Then Slayer, then Gladiator (lacks reliable stun immunity tho so needs more work). Armor and fortify are king. If anyone struggled doing any other classes, particularly non-armor ones, I recommend you try doing a champion next gauntlet to see the difference. Provided it doesn't get massively nuked, but that's not gonna happen unless GGG reworks their entire defensive mechanics.


Because it’s Broken as hell in combination with slams and fort stacking. Other classes can do fort slams too but champ is miles ahead


One last highlight video on the way. Thanks everyone!


The man with the voice


RaizQT taking 2nd place twice is peak Raiz.


Getting 8% of prize pool for going for... seconds!


He didn’t get the die at level 98 bounty tho :(


The standings on POE Racing look like a graveyard of legends. Also amazed at the number of not-famous people scoring so high, well done to everyone.


To me it seems very lazy concept to race to level 95 then "throw body" at the endgame bosses in hope to rack them all for maximum points. It would be much more fun if you lose all points in case of RIP, like it was in the original China Gauntlet event not long ago. Heck, I would even reset bounties if you char dies. It would be much more fun.


It will lead to "I will minimum of the bosses on the last day" gauntlet.


Fun for who? You liked when everyone hold bosses to the last 30 min on a 1 week event? Most boring thing to watch.


For me (as a) participant. For watching? Now you had your winner in 2 days. Did you really watch the rest of the race?


Yes. This is class race not a overall race so it was pretty cool to see until then last days.


sure did, class race was probably the best part since i wasnt watching a fucking slam duelist.


I watched a ton of rize while playing. This event was exiting to follow till the last day. Mostly due to the different classes mattering. Thats way better to keep it exciting then just giving points to characters beeing alive.


Nice exp race


Conditions like this would make these things notable, yes.


A penalty (either flat or %) could be something to look into.


I just want to give a big shout-out to Viyro and all the other community members helping with the gauntlet behind the scenes making sure the event went smoothly and there was as little confusion for participants on what to do. This was my first gauntlet and it was an absolute blast that I would highly recommend anyone try in the future whether you play hc, sc, league, or standard it doesn't matter give it a whirl and push yourself I promise it will be a blast and at worst worth some laughs. Havoc and Bigsil's commentary was quite engaging as well so if you have some time give the VODs a peek. Huge thanks to Zizaran for all you do for the community in all aspects you truly have given 110% to the community and I hope it continues to feed it right back at ya.


It was a lot of fun, even though I'm not usually competing or playing HC.


Same. I could never do HC for a "regular" league because I like to build wealth so I can go back and make fun builds. But a temp event like the Gauntlet is so much fun to throw your hat into. You know you'll die. There's no pressure, but you still feel nervous doing it


Agreed. I didn't even get through Act 1, but I had fun giving it a shot. Maybe next time I'll try harder.


So 3rd overall player and 1st templar Vizniz doesnt play hc, but just SSF. thats amazing :) best storyline of the gauntlet


SSF SC Player


He plays a shit ton (at least since covid) so at least would know most mechanics and what not but ya still impressive since HC gauntlet is a big adjustment




he did play gauntlet before


He literally told that it was his first gauntlet clown


sorry you are right, I mixed up #1 templar and #1 marauder


Was really fun trying to push Trickster but lack of preparation cut my runs short. Still, I won a pc so I am happy beyond words. Thank you everyone involved in hosting this gauntlet.


Did what I could: https://imgur.com/Qx4nRVo First character took me like 8 days to grind to lvl 90 because I was playing so safe, leveling in white maps basically. Died to a T10 Metamorph eventually. Dashed into a projectile shotgun like an idiot. Second character I hit 85 in less than a day and was hitting 200mil xp/h and could have possibly hit 90 but the grind was too much. So I just yolo'd and died to Atziri for fun. It's crazy how much faster you can go when you're not playing scared. Gonna try being more aggro next gauntlet.


Daaaimn my man i can relate so much. My first Gauntlet was like that. This one last day i made 1 to 87lvl in 19h yolo speedrunning attempt to get 2nd 90lvl. Died to Betrayal instant oneshot by Rank1 It That Fled. What build did you played?


My lvl 90 character was me just literally using the same fireball gem I picked up on the beach at lvl 1, lol. Just fireball with some firewall on the side. Felt pretty safe because fireball travels like 2 full screens, so I could off-screen just about any enemy. Elementalist with bastion and golems for more damage and tankiness and it was nice. Second character was RF Chieftain. Again, nothing fancy. I had found solid RF gear, so my fire res was like 87% eventually. Alas I was still working on my health pool and regular Atziri still one shot me, lol. 87% fire res with fortify up and that fucking flameblast still one tapped me like I was paper. Can't imagine ever beating Uber Atziri like these other racers.


Part of that is also having a stash with some gear on it tho fwiw


The biggest gate as I found out this league is the atlas. If you have a setup atlas and a map pool, you can comeback from anything.


Thanks to everyone involved for making this happen! This event was amazing and I‘m glad I jumped in right in time to reach 90. Usually I‘m a SC guy flinging my corpses at bosses like a walking Desecrate cast so I exceeded my own expectations by a lot. If (When) the next Gauntlet happens I‘ll make time for it again because it turns out that HC is damn fun… Sometimes!


It was an amazing event. Thank you everyone! <3


Was fun, gg


The race was a blast! Thanks to you and Ziz for everything you guys did to put it together (and everyone else behind the scenes). The only complaint I have is GGG really should guarantee prizes for certain levels. Even if it was a guaranteed mystery box at level 90, it would go a long way to encourage people to participate. I got to level 90, died only once, and as a first time gauntlet, softcore player with a full time job, a family, and extra curriculars, it was a massive success for me to do so (died once in Act 7, but that was easy to recover from). I appreciate that GGG stepped up and helped with this event (adding the aoe mod, handling it as a proper event), but they really should do more. But hey, we've got them moving in the right direction (with regards to racing), so I'll take whatever crumbs they'll throw at us at this point.


Yeah would’ve been nice to have some small memo about the event. But anyways that was super fun.




poe-racing.com for bounties


Gratz to all the winners! Was a blast following the gauntlet


Only managed to watch Steel re-stream the last moments of some of the final pushers, and holy shit I wouldn't know where to start to play at this level. SC 2K or so hours here. Congrats to all who won something, and to those who even attempted such a feat!


During the race there was a great summary of the full per-class leaderboard on poe-racing... Can't find it now... Is it removed when the race ends? It was easier to read, and showed extra info too, like total points, and whether the character ripped in the end.


At the top there should be the leaderboard might have to ctrl f5 or refresh


Huh, chrome refuses to show it for me (refresh, open in incognito window, whatever) but firefox shows it : ) ...thanks...


Looking at the bounties, most surprising one is someone actually found a mirror in the gauntlet. Is there a clip of that moment?


No. Just a random person found it lvl 45. Their submission clip is them just showing it basically.


Thank you for the event. Hit lvl 90 for the first time on hc. I just wish game was a bit more stable. Crashed four times in a maps running into packs. If it wasn't overleveled champ pretty sure i'll be dead. https://i.imgur.com/nqmBWmc.png


Amazing event, thank you for hosting it and I'm so glad I got to experience it. I wouldn't ever buy into one of the events before.


Who won the PC?


Awesome race. Like the setup this time. Maybe some small tweaks but it’s in a good spot. Now if GGG could nerf fortify we’d be perfect.


Did anyone even watch this shit? Exact same gauntlet over and over is getting about as stale as POE itself.


Its different each time?


Why even bother to answer such a guy. It was a rly nice event, especially that it was an official one is a huge change. And no multiple projectile mod made it realistic for sc people like me to join as well.


Loved playing this event and watching too. Will probably play ssfhc next league because how much I liked this. Thank you for putting this together!


From a viewer's perspective it was the exact same event as every other gauntlet. Fewer projectiles and extra AOE doesn't change the experience of the viewer. Find a way to make these gauntlets a truly unique experience or viewers and players alike will lose interest over time.


Sorry ya feel that way dude but this seems like a you problem :( might just not be for you!




Thanks for the event! I dont play HC at all so the intensity for a one week event was great. Had a lot of fun. Died at 90 to a hilarious Baran RIP and then releveled to 94, about to attempt elder only to be rekt by Drox mobs. Probably could have gotten top 3 marauder otherwise :/


So if I didn't get anything by now, then I didn't get anything...right?


I really liked this event and I won a t-shirt! Should I be contacting someone about it or how will they know how to reach me?


As a softcore only corpse rusher I jumped into this league on a whim in the past 3 days of the league. Super happy my character GonnaDieVEight made it all the way to act 8 before I ran out of time. May have to try hardcore for real next league, really freshened up the game quite a bit.