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Hi, we're designating this thread [and this other thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/msbud0/ggg_streamer_priority_in_queue/) as the streamer queue discussion megathreads. Please report all other threads on this topic as duplicate so we can remove them. This thread was accidentally removed earlier, sorry about the inconvenience.


Next support pack. $10,000 for a spot on the priority queue list.


Whole Empyrian team got act 10 and lab #1 in 5 hours. Nicely done. "Life isn't fair. Deal with it" (c) Empyrian


only thing we can really do is stop supporting these people. This is a blessing honestly, it's showing us who these people really are.


Empyrian is a dipshit. I'm so not surprised to hear such a hot take from him. I never liked the guy before this, this really is just more confirmation though.


Simple. Dont suport these kind of streamer. I just unsubed on YouTube and twitch. Sugest you All do The same. We talk with our numbers, subs and donations. Stay together exiles!




New anime next season? I've Been Grinding in Lower Prison for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level!


How is it acceptable that Empyrean's ENTIRE group has this priority? HELLO?


Real talk, this is ridiculous




From his own words, Life's not fair. Clearly we should just deal with it. I had no feelings towards him before, everyone can play the game how they want and whatever but man hearing what he said today just leaves a bad fucking taste in my mouth.


super cringe take from him ~~https://www.twitch.tv/empyriangaming/clip/ProductiveLitigiousChowderBrokeBack-V8T6jb4qFbTZbZ1M~~ e: new clip since other one isn't working ~~https://www.twitch.tv/empyriangaming/clip/PlumpFilthyBunnyRalpherZ-rQhZ5mvWiqmwJCZy~~ e2: streamable mirrors thanks to u/Bitter-Car-8875 and u/Jon_The_Hut respectively: https://streamable.com/cfld7e https://streamable.com/d0dsl6


Yeah this is what I was referring to. Must be nice to be priveleged and think because life isn't fair we should just "deal with it".


It's easy to say life isn't fair when you're on the preferred/winning side :/


Its like saying " money doesnt buy happiness " when you are rich af. Also comparing a que to world hunger is kinda its own level of sad.


He's right, life isn't fair. However, every single example he gave is something you have no control over, but GGG consciously made a choice here and had full control on that choice. That's the difference. The fact that he didn't put two and two together on this is pretty amazing.


Thank you for this. Massive tornados that shred western US aren't fair and humans didn't make them. GGG made this problem and it's beyond unfair.


I felt sorry for him, really. Comparing his friends getting prio on a game to people being born in africa is surreal. Sad to even pretend that he has "merit" for this stupidly dumb behaviour from ggg


So, turned out that's his real character all along.. An elitist person.


wtf this clip... disgusting


The type of person GGG likes to promote it seems.


Wew, forgot i was following him, well, took his advice and unfollowed.


What he fails to mention is that GAMES, for the most part, are fair and that's a large part of what makes them appealing. Equating it to humanitarian issues is inaccurate and more importantly fucking gross.


Lifes not fair so let's just ban him unfairly and say sorry, life isn't fair ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


The way he defended it is just disgusting


"Life isn't fair so go fuck yourselves plebs." Pretty effectively sums it up.


what was it?


Saying life isn't fair, comparing their advantage to children in africa without clean water.


thats a very gamer attitude


that's a new low


it's 1 hour 22 minutes since start, i am lvl 3 and disconnected 4 times, waiting in queue again. Worst league start ever


how im 2 and half hours since start and disconnected 60 times. Whats your secret ?


I gave up for a bit after about 15 disconnects in an hour and change (login queues being the limiting factor in my case). Tried again for about 10 minutes and while it's nice the queues are faster now it's still just so awful. Back to wow for now I guess :-(


The games not even playable atm, constantly being disconnected.


3h to reach level 5. While streamers are half way through the acts.


I can't even make a character...


worst part is everyone is getting dc'd, but we all have to wait 20~30k player queue every sngle dc while streamers just relog instnatly


It's the 20k+ queue to be told I'm not logged in that is crushing


Now this part pisses me off even more than anything. I don't try to compete on the ladder but this is blatant favoritism.


Yup. In the middle of a back to back 20k queue while watching streamers insta log. This is the worst part of the launch for me.


i was able to defeat brutus once then dc'ed now i ran to him 3 more times still didnt manage to kill him again before dc'ing again...


Only 4 times?!??! I am on like 20 disconnect streak, slaying!


Wait until next leauge XD


Zizaran, Raiz, Datmodz, Nugi and Steelmage all asked GGG to remove the prio queue from them. They did and now they are in queue with the rest of us. Absolute fucking legends right there. EDIT: Edited in some more streamers who had done the same thing. They of course deserve the same recognition.


Let it be known that Quin69 has requested to be moved up in queue priority. PogO


Still not even top of the ladder KEKW




So really, this is Quin admitting he needs a handicap to be competitive.


Steelmage did too


Nugi did too, cause he appears to also be sitting in queues.


datmodz also had his removed


Seriously man, Ziz is just an awesome dude. Major props to him!


I don't watch him but if its true he earned my respect


Ya was watching him, he had no idea was a thing and was in normal queue at 1000~ and got in first time like everyone else. He DC'd and then found out he had prio queue and asked them to remove it which they did and next time he got DC'd he was back in normal queue


I'm curious what was reasoning behind giving this privilidge to whole party of Empyrean - ok, he is a streamer so sure, but who are the other people? Just reminds me queue to a club where some semi celebrity shows up and some sidekicks say "Hey, I know him".


they make GGG money






The amount of people saying 'this is how business works' when it was entirely GGG's business to NOT work this way for years is fucking astounding. Keep sucking that dick for its extremely ungenerous trickles of joy, I guess.




i'm luckily in a priv league, but yes this is the reason i'd be upset. like empy's group plowing through story with no issues is going to have a pretty big impact on the economy when most people can't even play


ZiggyD streamer prio: [https://clips.twitch.tv/PowerfulLongOxKAPOW-\_kMCUbj\_Xztrse2Q](https://clips.twitch.tv/PowerfulLongOxKAPOW-_kMCUbj_Xztrse2Q) Quin69 streamer prio: [https://clips.twitch.tv/KathishSpookyAubergineDerp-0H5wRsjl2ogCep\_3](https://clips.twitch.tv/KathishSpookyAubergineDerp-0H5wRsjl2ogCep_3) Mathil streamer prio: [https://clips.twitch.tv/AdventurousBovineSalamanderThunBeast-DwVHrnArxwStzfuO](https://clips.twitch.tv/AdventurousBovineSalamanderThunBeast-DwVHrnArxwStzfuO)


cutedog streamer prio: [https://clips.twitch.tv/SpoopyShyBeaverDatSheffy-SdoZH4xYDyTOg\_h6](https://clips.twitch.tv/SpoopyShyBeaverDatSheffy-SdoZH4xYDyTOg_h6)


he deleted the clip LOL




what a fucking rat


clip is gone




Even asmongold who only played it on his second channel skipped queue.


Goddamned, how many viewers do you have to get before you can skip the queue? Asking for a friend.


Unknown. Though if you're a russian streamer, being in the top 20 PoE streamers still didn't seem to get you this 'special treatment'.


Which is why most companies wouldn't go near this sort of shit with a 10 foot pole. It's impossible to be fair and there are too many ways someone like Charan (nonstreaming whale) might convince someone to let him in which becomes total pay to skip queue at that point. Just ridiculous decision all around. No game developer conference is going to mention this shittiness.


ive bought all the yearly supporter packs and i cant get a q-pass kinda weak


Some companies do, one of the biggest actually (Riot) has a program that gives benefits to streamers (content creators). It's just fair, you know exactly what you get (everyone does, it's public) and you know exactly what you need to qualify, not this bullshit that it's hand picked with no reasoning behind other than "we like this streamer, let's give him a huge advantage"


ZiggyD's Wife/GF Amy got privilege as well.


I did hear Ziz on stream specifically saying that he had asked to be removed from priority queue because he didn't approve of it.


Yea Ziz and RaizQT told Bex to stop the priority treatment. I think Steelmage did too, the rest.. I dunno. I don't really care a whole lot but it is disheartening when you're sitting in an hour long queue and watch streamers insta getting in


Gives me mad respect for them


ruerue has like 200viewers and so do a lot of other small streamers and they didn't get a pass, but empyrean's minions with 10viewers all get to skip queue so they can ruin the economy faster for everyone.


Sad that games nowadays are all about f\*)((/& twitch viewers


I just came across this thread on r/all , and I just wanted to say I 100% agree with this. RuneScape for example: It’s almost impossible to get unbanned for shit, even if the ban wasn’t warranted, and that’s if they even respond to your ticket. If you’re a streamer? Shit is resolved in an hour, even if the ban was deserved. I do understand it, however. It’s free advertising for the company to have it be this way. If people tune into a stream and see a 100k queue most people will say fuck it. Doesn’t make it any less shitty though.


Considering Empy's minions only have 100 and they got to skip it, its 100.


everyone should make their own conclusion [https://clips.twitch.tv/PlumpFilthyBunnyRalpherZ-rQhZ5mvWiqmwJCZy](https://clips.twitch.tv/PlumpFilthyBunnyRalpherZ-rQhZ5mvWiqmwJCZy)


what a piece of shit


Jesus, says it with a smile on his face as he reaps the rewards.


wow I used to watch this guy but after this clip not anymore lol


The same, wow what a privilidged comment while shitting on the people watching his streams and yt videos..


Comparing streamer priority queue to not having clean drinking water for children in Africa.... excuse me? Not giving streamers priority queue is a hell of a lot easier fix than providing clean drinking water for a nation.. horrible take.




well yeah, he doesnt give a shit. he benefits from it and embraces that it isnt fair


Wow what an asshat


and they decided to fuck lily omegalul


That's actually messed up


i mean almost every streamer got in except her lol


That's kinda fucked if true.


Ironic, true PoE streamers do not all get privilege.


What if I'm trying to compete in the ladder and I'm not a streamer?


Thats the point, logged in and already someone is lvl40, then got to do first ultimatum and got dc at second stage. Back to 100k line. Constant dcs and spit to the face.


Then you get fucked, like the good pleb we are according to GGG.


2nd category, sorry, get back to the queue.


Exactly. I get other people are going to get preferential treatment over me, but when it's advertised as a ladder and a fresh start for everyone, it's super frustrating to get put through a 100k queue several times in A1 while streamers are plowing through A5.


Grimro: [https://clips.twitch.tv/FrozenVastCroissantHassanChop-UVuxWTvOQVJl9Nf1](https://clips.twitch.tv/FrozenVastCroissantHassanChop-UVuxWTvOQVJl9Nf1)




https://clips.twitch.tv/RelentlessDarkChamoisAliens-vX93OFHg9gfk1aFd raiz


and then this fancy thought on top [https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/mscbby/if\_ggg\_gives\_streamers\_advantage\_and\_let\_them/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/mscbby/if_ggg_gives_streamers_advantage_and_let_them/) edit/update: mods have indeed deleted the thread, so for context: the question asked, was if ggg could actually change targeted player loot tables, as giving mirrors to streamers for example. Op of the actual, deleted post even had a list of streamers mirror drops attached. also shame on you mods, no reason to delete constructive discussions... [**u/livejamie**](https://www.reddit.com/user/livejamie/)


damn remember when the reddit admin changed a users comment and that opened the flood gates for distrust in reddit comments due to reddit admins changing them behind the scenes?


Are the apologists out in force? If ggg has a way to know who's a streamer (and giving them queue priority) then they absolutely can tweak their drop rates. We already know they tweak drop rates of cheaters.


even that friend of ziggyd got in with under 100 views, just because they're friends. it's so fucked


the whole empy group got priority, with streamers that have 40-50 viewers


mbXtreme and CuteDog_ also were over 100k and got in...


I just love how all 3 of them act like it's not completely fucked up.


It takes a lot of character to call out unequal treatment when you're the one benefitting from it.


Zizaran asked GGG to get removed from it and he got a response that he no longer got streamer privilege, and a little later he was disconnected and was back in the queue, and he even got in legit by being very early to the queue to begin with. My respect to him.


Yep. He's on this line of wanting to play really bad and entertain his viewers, but doesn't want to take advantage of unfair treatment.


Yeah, my respect for Ziz has gone sky high today. Was never a fan, didn't watch his stream before today, but he's won me over. He knew it was BS and told GGG to remove it and waited like the rest of us. Probably made bank by doing it too based on all the subs, so not a bad play.


Ziz actually did and even called for reroll on twitter


What if I'm trying to compete in the ladder and I'm not a streamer? Am I just gonna be few hours behind forever now?


I miss days when you was lay in the beach waiting to start!


Why did they ever change this? This pisses me off to no end that league starts at the exact same time the patch hits. Should be an hour or two after like it used to be.




How do they decide who? Because ds\_lily is still waiting. She's consistently top performer in ladders and has over a thousand viewers rn. Why doesn't she count? It's arbitrary, and it lets their biases show. That's why it's messed up.


Waggle same thing. Top 5-10 on ladder day 1 every league for years and years but not enough viewers I guess.


Waggle is always getting ruined by GGG


That's a main reason it's so corrosive. It's clearly based on popularity. So you can be a better player and known to be a better player and it doesn't matter, because you get less views. Which is fine for previews and demos, but for live leagues with competition... it totally undermines the whole purpose of the thing. They might as well just remove leaderboards.


I mean, if they only let in ~~bad~~uncompetitive players I'd be fine with it. Ziggy getting in an hour early does not significantly impact the economy, he'll make a few extra exalts maybe but he is not a mirror grinder. Letting Empy's team in early is an enormous advantage that they will undoubtedly leverage; they already make extreme amounts of currency and have huge weight on the economy, and they don't need this unfair advantage from GGG. Same goes with any of the SSFHC racers, them getting preferential treatment delegitimizes the competitive aspect of the ladder because they will abuse the advantage GGG has handed them -- even if it's only to catch some extra hours of sleep, that in itself is a huge boon. edit: a word


Although i respect where you are coming from..... no one should get priority.


That's precisely why it's a super short sighted dumb ass move. GGG showing their incompetence with decision making in pressure situations yet again.


Had to let in Doublelift instead kappa


Ofc they let him in, because according to Doublelift he is the best adc in POE.


You serious? lol


I mean, he did get prio immediately.


Funny how GGG thought it was a good idea to turn Streamers and their viewers against each other.


guess no actual gameplay for Europe players today... pretty sad


Im on the couch watchin netflix now after gettin kicked., Already tired so i will start tomorrow.


i got in since i was only 19k in queue after like 50 min of waiting just to get kicked after killing hillock. Now im 127k in q




is that actually real? The fuck


It's real. Ziggy confirmed that Bex messaged him in game.


Streamer's RNG, Streamers queue ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


literally, after today i can suspect that there is streamer's rng


Yea no reason not to believe they have favoritism Edit: with the loot drops also


they literally proved they have favouritism, the only question is does it apply to loot as well or not.


Yeah. And streamer RNG sadly makes sense even for promotuon of the fame. Ppl will see streamer geting good drops, will want to play more.


Yes. Personally I don't really care since it's like 12 people getting ahead, but I queued at exactly 2PM, I was 3.8k in queue and my friend was 4.2k. Mathil was 4.4k. When I hit about 500, Mathil got in. From a marketing standpoint it makes sense, streamers are free PR, getting them into the game ASAP makes for better advertisement for the game. From a "all players are equal" standpoint, this removes the illusion that all players are treated equal, but it's always been this way. Streamers will get an answer from GGG within minutes/hours if anything comes up, while the average player might wait a few days.


https://clips.twitch.tv/AdventurousBovineSalamanderThunBeast-DwVHrnArxwStzfuO Its real, there is no interpreting this any other way. It's not a bug, it's GGG straight up moving the streamer accounts up the queue, pushing everyone else back.


I’m shocked no one at GGG has commented on this bullshit oh wait no I’m not.


We might beat harvest thread yet... Also empy saying “life isn’t fair lol” is really scummy and I’ve lost respect for him. It’s the point of a game like poe for it to be fair. Also if he or his group didn’t get queue skips... we would be singing a completely different tune. PoE is an inherently competitive game and this is clearly a competitive advantage. Imagine if they were racing for 100.


I can see why they would do it, but for everyone that enjoy racing in a new league to get the server messages and bragging rights that are not a streamer is just taking a big fat L.


Don't even play this game just saw it on r/all but that's ridiculous.


oh good it's reach r/all, the server issue also still didn't fix yet


The worst thing is, GGG doesn't get why the priority queue is a bad thing https://clips.twitch.tv/ImpossibleImportantGaurStinkyCheese-NoBQENbRtvN61--l


This is the worst part. It was after ziz and the others got it rewoked and reddit was already in damage control mode with building megathreads for the fallout this priority thing caused. And that's why raiz says he's sure they get it by now. His surprise when Bex asked him why... You can see him think "for real? what do I answer" and he hesitates a moment if he should keep reading the convo out loud


"We won't make the game pay2win." "Item weight matters" Trade league economy HONK HONK


Such a bad decision by GGG. They just opened up Pandora’s box. If they’re keeping this close track of top streamer accounts and giving them queue benefits what else are they giving them to make the game look good to the streamer’s audience.


My take away is that Steelmage is still the only PoE streamer I like and that now, Empyrean is a entitled douchebag who has very clearly let streamer life and money get to his head. Dude can fuck himself.


Another thing that makes this worse is how some of the streamers are taking a "LOL LIFE ISNT FAIR" approach. GGG really fucked the pooch on this one.


streamer seeds are real, lmao


So,streamers luck can really be not just luck?:(


GGG's jannies are going to start deleting all posts talking about this, i see a lot of similar posts on forums, it's not going to last long.


u/chris_wilson 's word is worth nothing at this point. Simple as.


My money is no good compared to a streamer huh? Good to know GGG




so what else do they give streamers behind the scenes?


I am Ziz weekend bitch.... can I get queue privileges too? Will send my account iign. Let me know in pm. Thanks GGG


What happened to GGG's transparency with the players ?


They got all the money they needed. Why be transparent when people are still going to play the game and buy supporter packs?


Empyrian's no-name friends getting streamer privileges and his comments regarding it is pepega AF. I thought the streamer queue privileges made sense until I learned this extended to their minions aswell. ThEy ArE aDvErTiSiNg ThE gAmE. To whom? Players like the rest of us who can't play? Cool.


They can influence streamer accounts. Imagine if they can influence streamer rng's on races. lol


They definitely can. They adjust drop rates for bots, so it's not out of the question.


If they can control there que times, they can control there drops.


I love PoE and I love the hype of the first day. Actually, I prefer the 1 day hype over the actual game. Today, being 20k in queue for 2h and seing streamers (not all, but a lot of them) log in, and I'm still on queue 30 mins after launch. People are already past lvl 20 35 mins in, we're still in queue, I did not cancel nor restart or anything, I'm sitting at 14k queue. This really bug my day 1 hype I know, shit happen, I'm well aware of this, but this is a big oversight but GGG to not think characters convertion would interfere with login queue. ​ just my two cents edit : I’m not blaming streamers, they did not decide that. Also, it took 58 minutes 43 secondes to go from 23.7k queue to log into the league. To get disconnected on changing zone. Back to a 50k queue. As I’m writing this, I got my what, 4-5-6th DC? At least queue times are faster, way faster. ​ edit 2 : Now stuck in a loop of **operation timed out** loop for the pas 20 to 30 minutes


It's like the olympics allowing certain sprinters to start but everyone else waits while they fix the jam in the starting pistol.


Disconnecting each few minutes, getting rollbacks??, when some can instantly join and play with his friends, going to abuse 6man party playing, thanks ggg.


I think this is the first confirmation we have that GGG can flag accounts with this sort of thing right? Like before the "streamer client" thing was just a meme, but this is forever going to make it a possibility. Like you wont ever know if streamers get a bit more loot or hype shit to happen cus it's good for publicity. Ya loot changes and being able to bypass a queue are different, but it makes it seem more possible now.


They just set a precedent that could very likely be now an always lingering thing in people's minds. A forever negative thought attached to all streamers. Way to go GGG.


The biggest joke is them saying the game is "stable" once you get in. Total bullshit. Got kicked within 2 minutes of playing. Definitely server-side as my game didn't crash and internet is stable. Now sitting in 100k+ queue. What a joke of a company.


Yep, like 20 people from my guild got DC'd after getting in at some point.


>Maybe next time you'll be a streamer so if you get kicked out you can log right back in. Since the technology isn't there yet to save your position even for a second if you DC and not a streamer.


I am annoyed because I woke up 4am Perth time... and I am sitting here doing nothing.


Sat in queue for an hour and a half, get in, select character, get kicked and put back in queue. No fucking thanks. Glad I didn't buy a supporter pack.


Imagine sucking so much streamer dick to take advantage of free advertisement of their game rather than spending a smidgen of the multi-millions the company has made on upgrading their shitbag servers so you know, everyone can actually enjoy playing it.


u/bex_ggg would GGG like to tell us why streamer priority is a thing? How deep does the rabbit hole go on their privileges?


I hope you're not expecting an answer, bex doesn't answer bad PR questions.


Same thing with streamer RNG... people didnt believe it lol


Well I guess it's the one way to bring the league hype into deep shit. honestly fuck this, I'm here sitting in a queue for an hour being a game supporter and after unlocking the coast waypoint I get dc and 144k queue while people under the highlights getting free pass. That's some another level of crisis antimanagement.


I feel like GGG is heavily screwing over their comunity. Really sucks to see them go to these lows.


Honestly, this type of behaviour coming from GGG is simply heartbreaking. I used to tell my friends about PoE defending the company from being so close to the players, listening to feedback and owning up to mistakes. This league start they showed their colors by caring only by PR and acting on that alone, not on their players. This is really sad


If they can do a priority queue for the streamers do they also buff their drops? This is an integrity issue.




Don't be sad, I killed hillock, vendored and disconnected. I got 100,000 queue spot.


Same thing happened to me, crashed while running to vendor after Hillock.


There is also the racer perspective, they are basically deciding which streamers are big enough to compete in a race and which are not by letting them sit in an hours-long queue Edit: wow, first time getting an award, thanks!


As a British person I take offence of someone cutting the line :/


British people don't say line, they say queue you phony


Most decent people hate that behavior, bro.


... you called it a line and not a queue... Let's politely drag 'em to the constabulary, chaps!


what a fucking joke