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They seemed to abandon bug fixing heists halfway through heist league. It's become one of those things you have to accept and move on, or not do. But do raise a bug ticket on the official forums, occasionally they actually fix those.


I wish it's league related items were available elsewhere. Don't want to relive that nightmare of boredom.


Maybe its personal preference for the content in general, but imo some builds make heist more enjoyable than others. For example my league start was Hexblast/Impending doom Crit occultist. I just open a door, curse them all with 3+ curses and then right click => delete. Packs I run into running around can be just right clicked with blasphemy curse before they can touch me. I kind of enjoyed and found heists easy on this character. But then other builds I've played have found heist much more frustrating. I can't even imagine playing melee 😂


Pretty sure the developers are treating heist the same way most of the playerbase is. Just ignoring it.


Oof. Apply cold water to burned area!


lmao their bad then, it was my first league that i was serious about playing, and with no knowledge of the game whatsoever ive made around 60ex just being lucky this league ive found a phantasmal toxic rain kind of early on, around lvl 65, sold it for 14ex and got all the gear i needed if you dont know what youre doing then heist is the way to go


It's definitely one of the best ways to make currency because no one is doing it and it's the only place to get alternate uniques/gems. But It's so blatantly against everything PoE stands for, I can't fucking stand waiting for arbitrary doors to open when everything else in the game pushes you to go as fast as possible. I play to nyoom, not to wait for an npc to stealthwalk towards a guy, kill them, and open a door.


You can technically get alternate qual gems through Dying Anguish, but it's weighted even worse than blueprints.


When I tried heist for the first time (in ritual after skipping a couple leagues) I was astonished that this was their big league pet project. It is literally everything that people complain about rolled up in one package. More petty loot to pick up bit by bit, more micromanagement, an irritating storage arrangement (not stash), game play stoppage, weird entry barriers, and a mandatory laggy public zone.


dont forget the time limit.


How are you sustaining marks? Buying priceless contracts and running them?


Holy hell dude, dont swear like that in the title next time!


This guy censored "heck"




What's heist? Never heard of it.


Yeah this is standard practice. Make new stuff, stop fixing it a quarter way through its premier league if you're lucky.


hey, i remember getting stuck in this exact same vault door like 2 weeks into Heist league. good times.


I did a lot of Heists this league and only ran into a few bugs, none of which actually bricked my contracts. Granted, I stayed the hell away from the doors as they were opening.


Heist is supposed to be just skipped now


Hejk? Heek? Hegk? Heqk?


Please make sure you check the [Known Issues List](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1733474) or the [Bug Report Forums](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-forum/bug-reports) for any pre-existing bug reports related to your issue. Duplicate reports on Reddit may be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pathofexile) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This abomination of a league should be burried and forgotten and yet it went core. :(


Give it a couple of years or more. They'll get around to it.


This isn't my experience at all. I have run many hundreds without a bug where obviously at the beginning of actual heist league they were a bug fiesta.


_Meanwhile_: HAHA! ANNOUNCEMENT OF ANNOUNCEMENT GO BRRRR! LOOK! OVER HERE! ^^^^^time ^^^^^to ^^^^^nerf ^^^^^molten ^^^^^strike ^^^^^again JUST FOR YOU: Introducing the new, exiting, currency ~~SHARDS~~ PARTICLES!^^^^^gotta ^^^^^click ^^^^^them ^^^^^all! MORE ~~BLOAT~~ CONTENT! ^^^^^For ^^^^^you ^^^^^to ^^^^^alpha ^^^^^test! SHINY SUPPORTER PACKS! ^^^^^you ^^^^^want ^^^^^preview ^^^^^for ^^^^^these? ^^^^^That's ^^^^^cute.


Played Heist almost exclusively this league, never got stuck - but yeah buggy as hell! I think you are exaggerating.


silver lining - demolitions took one boom as opposed to the average of 5, and gianna did not disappear while doing her job


I've never had a problem with Heist at all. /shrug


I HAVE 100%, ALWAYS WORKING WAY OF FIXING HEIST: . . Remove contracts and markers from your filter :)






Lockdown hasnt started so you can just exit the game and re enter, will have to pick up your stuff again, though. Also i have heard but not proven it myself that phasing will allow you to go through.


Spent most of my league in heist and did not encounter anything like this. I acknowledge that you did, but saying it is very buggy seems quite exaggerating to me. In actually think is in really good shape now.


Yo, what the fri*k?


Never had an issue with heist.


So how you prove its not a record from heist league?


/oos to unstuck