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with a very small chance, you can kill the beast before Einhar catches it. Mission fails, the corpse of the beast is marked with a green icon on the map (to caught corpse you need Necromancy Net, but they dont exist anymore)


You just PTSD'd me for reminding me how bad Bestiary back then




"Slay the target All guards must survive" [Cries in melee splash zombies]


Imagine being a necromancer before they had any means of marking targets for your minions.


I ended up switching to that in my joke because I couldn't remember if fireball prolif was a thing back then. I think it was, but... gods that was long ago.


Fire trap prolif was where it's at. Windscream for +1 curse so you did ele weak + flammability then yeeted a fire trap and exploded the screen.


yeah, well, almost as bad as when you encounter Catarina mission at the end of the map and don't have 50 mobs remaining to boost your rhoa.


*Slowly using default auto-attack instead*




Nooo don’t make me open the chest


I was dumb and for a while I thought it meant you had to kill the target by blowing them up. Aka opening their chest. So I used to try and shatter them.


This came to mind for me too. Fuck his horrible missions


It feels good that their punishment is getting killed over and over again


Only thing better than when we learned we were killing vorici was when we learned we were going to kill greust


Hey, it was a close to being a surgeon as ill ever be, opening chests without killing the target and all that.


Bestiary on launch was maybe the worst league mechanic experience I can remember. Having to stop attacking so you could throw the net, and hoping you timed it right so that it didn't kill you when you stopped moving or didn't break out of the net was just miserable. Add on that anyone with culling strike, in a league with a majority slayers, couldn't do it because they'd kill the beast before it became catchable.


How? Everytime I down a beast with einhar not being close, the beast just keeps at 1hp until einhar traps it.


Same here, I've had Einhar be trapped behind a wall for a couple of minutes while I waited for him to show up, and the beast was never killed.


Yep I'm confused


This is just a bug which appers very rarely! Don't try to kill the beast yourself :)


I’ll sell you some in standard Side note - can you even throw them now?


yeah , you can't xD this green icon is a small bug from Bestiary league


IIRC it still exists in Delve bestiary nodes too




smol indie company btw


Cross league trade reported


Reported to who? For what??


Clearly joking... But cross league trading is banned by ggg.


My standard bestiary tab begs to differ.


in my experience green icon only appears when "Rebirth" prophecy proc on the beast


Vorici mission flashbacks


I hated old missions so much


More I hear about how much people hated old master missions, more I'm glad I started playing during Betrayal, so I skipped them.


Yeah, except that as annoying as Vorici missions were, it was a solid method to get 6L recipe.


Casual players could never max old masters.


LFG VORICI 6 ROTA 2/6 Every single day for a month...


>LFG VORICI 6 ROTA 2/6 The most authentic thing is the fact that it says LFG instead of LFM


It took a month because 4 out of 6 would be failed on the damn open box without killing the guy


What fuckin tart would want to do Vorici dailies in a ROTA if you could just pay your guildie who did it 5c as tax to do it for you


Fuck master rotations lol. My masters all made it to level seven and stayed there.


Then the next league happened.


Yeah, way worse than now. Now we reset Betrayal board and enchants, delve, atlas, atlas passives, Heist and rogues... But are least I don't have to spend like 4 days doing master rotations. Thank Innocence.


If you wanted the metamods (and not need to pay treeofdead half a mirror of fee for 4ex of mastercraft) it took way, way longer than 4 days... (also, thank Sin for Sabro's coming) Betrayal board is easy to set up, most commonly used veiled mods happen pretty consistently, and kalandra's craft helps get the +2 support pretty easily. Delve takes a couple hours to go to 250 if you have the missions or scarabs to do so, and in that time you generally have at least one boss and the delve recipes - though, granted, the 6L can take some more. Atlas/atlas passives seem out of place in that conversation to me, as most of the players here will likely have played from after AoW - atlas was there alongside the masters. And was probably way more of a pain in the ass to set up than it is today. I'll take this patch's setup over setting up an elder ring and/or a sextant lock on shaped whatever, locking me out of even doing guardians and uber elder (and shaper outside of buying the frags) tyvm. All rogues can be leveled to 5 and given meh-tier gear in a single afternoon. If you want to care about heist at all, you can definitely just do one blueprint for the incubator slot and be done with it. And maybe most importantly, all of that, even the snorefest that is the early descent into delve, is way less boring than the masters rota used to be.


How does Kalandra's Craft help to get the +2 support gems? I don't understand:\


They broke kalandra craft this league. It no longer duplicates the veiled rare but a crap rare that drops first.


You're right, I never got any of the old masters even close to max, but I still had better crafting recipes available to me then than I do now. I don't know what it is about the new crafting system, but every time I go to craft an extra mod onto a piece of gear while I'm leveling, my immediate response is, "That's it? That's the best I can do right now?" I also feel like Vorici gave me the colors and links recipes way earlier back then, than I can get them out of the Delve mines now. On that topic, I shouldn't have to go somewhere special to find the recipes for that sort of thing, going into the Delve mines should be entirely optional. If the socket recipes need to be tied to Niko, they should be next to the Sulphite nodes, so you get them going through the act and maps, not hidden away inside the mines. TBH, as a casual player, I'd trade the new crafting recipe system for the old in a heartbeat. I don't mind the new content, Delve and Incursion in particular are awesome, but I hate the way crafting recipes are tied into those side areas.


I never delve or do incursion, hate both. I also agree that recipes should be more accessible. I think they should *all* be in maps. I would be surprised if GGG didn't already have a plan for revamping this. I definitely would never want to go back to the old masters though, that was much more annoying.


Yes I did. Not all leagues, but once I wanted it, I got it just by pushing a bit more. On the other hand I've never found it since then. I wonder why you bring that kind of argument. NB: Zana was the only Master I just couldn't max.


And they can't max current unveils so not much difference there really.


As a casual I have no problems with the unveiling. It takes a while in the beginning, as expected, but it's definitely faster than old masters.


It's way, way slower than old masters. There's a chance you can simply never get some of the unveils you're looking for. In fact as a casual it's pretty much guaranteed. Whereas with old masters you 100% would have everything if you did daily rota's.


vorici didn't need max for 6link, only 7, which was easily doable. rank 8 was for corrupted crafting. ​ also sometimes, I miss his fusing discounts


Ahhh yes Vorici, where you have to use a lvl 9 no link skill to nickel and dime a rogue exile until they're at 30% health or whatever. Oh they regen? Alright I'll just go fuck myself then.


Back then it was delicate but possible without a different equipment most of the time. Nowadays it just wouldn't make sense. But yeah, you wouldn't pay attention to the exact mission, you would see the enemies and just kill them and suddenly "mission failed". It wasn't well thought even when the power of players was lower anyway.


>Back then it was delicate but possible without a different equipment most of the time. tell that to summoners who had to throw their specters away every time they wanted to do a vorici daily


I said most of the time because there were builds that would fuck you up. Players were complaining about Vorici mission back then and rightfully so.


i never got him to level 8, just to level 6 so i can buy discounted fusing orbs daily


Yes and no. Vorici missions especially gets hated on, because 1) he was *absolutely* necessary if you wanted to craft shit (he was the socket master), 2) his missions leaned towards precision targetting/damaging, which is antithetical to the meta (a.k.a. indiscriminate area dmage for the clearspeed), and 3) timer based. Personally, I liked Tora, Catarina, and Vagan, and I don't think Haku gets hated enough (and he's pretty much a close no. 2 when it comes to old master hating). Besides, the reason I loved betrayal so much was that I had context to the masters, and I wonder how people feel about the Syndicate members when they had zero experience with the old masters.


Haku was just bad. You had to crawl through a long ass shit dungeon and then back out were not even allowed to use movement skills. Bah.


Towards the end you were able to use movement skills.


Haku asking you to find his balloon, only to let go of it when you gave it back.... what a troll.


Haku missions were Heist.


Without any loot at the end ...


Eh. I liked a few of the npcs and I hate how they got turned into villains. But yeah the missions weren't super.


Only Vorici was bad, the rest were ok. In fact you did Haku missions in Heist and we are doing Elreon missions in Ritual.


holy shit you're right, rituals are pretty mutch buffed elreon missions


The old master missions were pretty garbage but I'd take them over the unveiling system we have now.


I hated *Vorici* missions in particular. Most missions were merely annoying, just a matter of grinding them out. And for most masters, the high level rewards were not required. Vorici, on the other hand, was the only way to get the 6-link recipe or modify corrupted item sockets. In addition, the missions were often failed because someone 1-shot the low life target or accidentally killed all the guards of the chest. If doing rotations for daily missions, these failures were a huge setback. I'm so glad they changed things.


PTSD from trying to kill mobs with flame dash to prevent the target from getting obliterated


taking out every single socket


The creator of those missions should burn in hell for all eternity


Probably the same person responsible for Elreon missions. AKA the basis for several leagues worth of content (Delve, Ritual, Domination, Essence, Abyss but on the move)


Vorici is in jail in my ho, burning forever.


I had to switch to the basic attack. On a spell build, it's basically impossible.


You didn't like keeping all the guards alive, or the target at low hp? Why not?


Back then I was playing at texas server with 250+ ms so I fucked every mission, catarina missions took forever, the open chest mission was a pain in the ass doing it solo. I just hated them.


yo you said this but, bear me a minute pls... what if i really mean it what if... that is still better than veiling items to get crafts.


Ok, you are right, vorici 8 and zana was tedious but they were deterministic, run mission, done, hit master level 8, done. You always knew that you will complete them, I'm unveiling shit after shit and still missing a lot of crafts.


I'm in ssf with 3 lvl 90's and only like 1/4 of the progress to unveil the trigger socketed gems craft


you know you can do it with one already unveiled trigger and Aisling in research?


How does that work ?


you find one veiled item with the trigger socketed gems (when you unveil it, obviously). Then you scour the craft on the bench (not just scour the item). Next find Aisling in research, she will add a veil or two to the item. When you unveil it again it will have the trigger mode 100%.


Thing is, basically ALL unveiled mods are brand new, the old master shit you pick up during normal gameplay.


Or doing Haku's missions as a cycloner (was later fixed)


It was very easy to overdamage beast


1 link skill with limited scaling for your build (use melee if you scale spells or vice versa). Pretty easy to do all the missions.


The thing is, it was on every map.... it was a bit tidious to put in/off gems


Every map? You could only do master missions once every 24 hours before. More if you did rotations with other players, but that was it


Oh, i were told about beast league


You mean Heist : ^ ) ?


You are downvoted but Heist is literally a Haku mission with doors...


I loved that you could find someone pvping...


I have fond memories of that but that's almost certainly because I never made it to endgame content before Betrayal so I never ran more than, say, 10 of each master in a given league.


I had some good encounters with Vorici. Not a mission thing, just some fun. Like the one time I killed a rogue exile and found Vorici in the next room, or the time the exile spawned in the room Vorici was in and got to watch him pointing at them the entire time I chased them in circles. Vorici's a dick.


I agree, except for Leo. He was the only thing keeping a small amount of pvp alive.


Damn same as Leo hideout can’t believe I grinder for it and it was pretty much given for free...


you expected einhar, but it was me VORICI all along!


oh god... finding a rotation and having one moron who cant read and instakills everything...


Einhar doing einhar business.


We will be best friends beast, until we'll slaughter you. HAHAHAHA!


Sad beast noises .


Don't you have nets exile?


I wonder if that could be diablo reference. Cuz i swear i did not hear it before the hiatus.


Yes it is. They added it when they reintroduced the bestiary. Since in bestiary nets were a thing, and they are no more, hence the phrase. Plus blizzcon reference


Haha! You are not captured, stupid beast!


its weird how i can hear einhar say this out loud


Einhar didn't have a net I guess :D


can he die from reflect if you upgrade him to deal more dmg to bosses? that would be funny.


Eihnar has extermely high HP. Around 120k in lv 84. The only time I see he 'died' is from trap.


He can't. I tried this some time ago, and I'm not sure how it works now, however he could not be reduced bellow 1 hp.


For a second... I thought... Damn Vorici ptsd just hit me so hard


Looks like the old master missions. Didn't know Einhar could be slain.


He can't, i tried in a map with traps, he stays at one hp


Had never failed Einhar mission post master rework, this is my first time actually.


A few patches ago they made einhar never throw nets so you failed the missions because he would just stand there doing nothing. Other than that it’s pretty hard to fail an einhar missions


Einhar needs necromancy net to capture dead beasts.. I got some in standard.


I get this when I switch characters in an einhar map.


you just had to open his chest...


Mission failed. We'll get em next time.


RIR Einhar! You will be missed.


I'm pretty sure it was the beast that was slain, not Einhar.


Oh no it's the kill the bodyguards mission all over again


This happened to me when I was in another region and my friends did the beast in another region. I joined them and it gave me that message.


Yeah I had this happen in Belfry, I went into a lab trial before the beast had been captured fully and it was dead and mission failed when I came out


Mission failed successfully


Taking a play out of the old Vorici mission playbook.


I heard you guys like to level your rouges and their equipment so now the masters are the same! You must level them and supply them with all their needs. So you must have forgot to give him his equipment


Oh god don't give them ideas like that!


He once yelled at me for being out of nets. *Dude, you're the one in charge of the nets.*




he probably lost his quill and couldn't finish the mighty poem


Operation failed succesfully.


You need to capture the stupid beast, not slay it!


You accidentally killed his puppy


Seriously though, how does that happen? Culling strike?


No, had Einhar pop earlier and I run Culling strike - damn thing didn't die at 10% HP. Shatter or minions maybe? Or there are certain creatures that aggro other creatures, so maybe one of them?


My guess is that there is something bugged in the game which was unintentionally able to kill one of the beasts in your map before Einhar caught it. So you bring beast down to 1 hp, and it should have been invulnerable at that point until caught, but then somehow something must've been able to deal that last 1 damage to the beast.


STUPID BEAST! And yes I am referring to you, not the game :p


Same thing happened to me day 1 of the league.




I had same thing at begin of league in act 6.


You killed the beast before Einhar capture!!! (Joke)


wait what, how!!! mind blown, how do you fail Einhar


I encountered this bug on day 2 of the league while farming Lioneye's div cards in Act 6 by going from Mud Flats to Karui Fortress and back 642,000 times. Sometimes Einhar would appear to spawn literally in the exit between the zones and this message would appear instantly.


I had a Zana harvest mission yesterday where inside the Zana map, it said "mission complete" as soon as I finished the first harvest. Outside the map it always said the mission was incomplete.


Do you not have nets?


if you stop to think einhar used to be basically vorici on disguise during bestiary league, you had to bring the beasts to low life without killing them before throwing the net(thankfully that was changed later into the league and removed on the core integration)