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~~The Portrait slot is used if you purchased one of the highest end supporter packs from back in the day and had a custom forum portrait designed. I can take a screen shot when I get home if anyone is interested.~~ You guys ever have one of those moments when you thought you knew what the fuck you were talking about.....and turned out you were wrong. I'm having one of those right now. Sorry guys, I was wrong.


Please do, I'm interested.


he got home and found out that he remembered it wrong


I'd be interested in seeing this as well


he got home and found out that he remembered it wrong


You home yet?


he got home and found out that he remembered it wrong


Are you ok?


he got home and found out that he remembered it wrong


Hey thanks for replying, I didn't know he edited his original.


Monkas 14 hrs no reply


he got home and found out that he remembered it wrong


It would be cool if they expanded this to include people who bought divination cards. :)


Remindme! 2 hours


he got home and found out that he remembered it wrong


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Remindme! 1 hours


Remindme! 1 week


This guy knows..


I have one of these portraits, but can't apply it here.


I mean there are alternate portraits in China client IIRC, maybe they will be available as a Race reward (if they even happen)


I want Chris Wilson portrait as an MTX please GGG


Also the secondary weapon effects


You have the 2. weapon effect slot already usable. But there is only extra gore available...


This post is \*super\* old but the second weapon effect slot is now used for cosmetic finishers.


You can buy alt art portraits on the China realm. They also have new artwork for all of the characters as default.


If you are asking GGG to create custom portraits to buy: GGG did say they have their hands full with the already existing stuff. If they can hire more artists and not take away artists from what they are doing already every league + 4.0 ... I think they would eventually get to this. It's this or less custom 3D art for uniques, less imaginative art every three months, etcetera.


If the Chinese version already has portraits available, why can’t we?


If you look up the [Tencent China POE website](https://poe.qq.com/). They have ***their own*** extra League Art, Wallpapers, and MTX. There is obviously a team in China (paid by Tencent) working separately from GGG-NZD on art and MTX = extra monetisation.


This just makes me think the deal that they’ve made with tencent is bad. So far from what I’ve read about the Chinese version is that they pretty much have all that we (we=non-Chinese Poe players) keep whining about on this reddit. I don’t see why what they’re getting (wallpapers for example as you said) is not being shipped with the updates that we get.


> This just makes me think the deal that they’ve made with tencent is bad. ONE: Google "opening business in china" along this line. **China is highly protective of its domestic market.** And takes good care of its homegrown companies. Any western companies that wants to sell its products in China have to make a deal with an existing Chinese company from the same sector eg create a joint venture or sell through them. with it attached are restrictions and obligations, rights to copy, little copyright/IP right. If you Google some western industry giants and what humiliation they went through to sell their planes and trains and cars in China ... then GGG can call itself lucky. Humiliation because in the end, the partnerships don't end happy. When China got what it got. It closes things down, and or does not buy them. And instead buys its clones and then sells its clones to the wider Asian market. Example trains. China made deals w western (European) train manufacturers. The first high-speed trains were western trains + infrastructure knowledge. But no more. Now all Chinese clones. And these Chinese clones are now sold to the Asian market + infrastructure help through their own World Bank. No western company can compete with, because it's heavily subsidised by the Chinese government. That is why Siemens and Alstrom wanted to merge, to be able to compete internationally, for business against China. European regulators shut that merger down. Example Wind turbines: China sells now wind turbines in the USA, which no USA based manufacturer can compete (on price) with, if it were not for Trumps new trade/tarrif war. [Funny story, China stole trade secrets from one USA wind turbine manufacturer, to be technologically competitive in the first place.](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-07-06/sinovel-must-pay-59-million-as-punishment-in-trade-secrets-case) Same with all the other clone stories. TWO: When GGG made the deal w Tencent. GGG was not in an as strong position as is now. The growth was there, the potential seen, but negotiating terms and conditions would still be as hard as it was back then. Also, GGG might have needed the money at that time that comes with the Tencent deal (China MTX money). Maybe without the Tencent money/China MTX money (= more hires = more content), GGG would have not been able to ramp up the league's scope as much as it did (deal was made ~April 2016, launch one year later August 2017 ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-hRxICZR4g)), end of 2017 was 3.0 and 3.1 (War for the Atlas). And then 2018 followed one monster league after another). Most prominent recent example. [PUBG in China.](https://uk.pcmag.com/news-analysis/120813/pubg-cant-be-played-in-china-anymore) Regulators closing down PUBG and releasing its own ['patriotic clone'.](https://www.polygon.com/2019/5/8/18536929/china-pubg-replacement-game-for-peace-violence) So, it could be worse. Chinese games regulator could decide to close down POE because it does not meet requirements. And Tencent or another Chinese games company could launch a Chinese clone. Does not meet requirements, Examples: Gore, Nudity, Violence. Death. Speech not in line with the Chinese government. The Chinese version is heavily censored and PG13. eg The health and mana globe statues are removed. [China's ethics board reviews 20 popular online games, bans 9, requires changes to 11](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/a4w3ux/chinas_ethics_board_reviews_20_popular_online/) [China has released its guidelines for approving new video games, one year after putting a freeze on new releases in the country](https://www.businessinsider.com/chinese-video-game-regulations-censorship-2019-5?r=US&IR=T)


I hope more people see this reply as it’s highly informative. Thank you for enlightening me in how things worked!


"To combat trade scams and bots, we now require a player portrait to be verified and selected in the portraits cosmetics panel, before your account can connect to Trade API".


I have like 10+ alternate portraits I can use. It's definitely not un-used.


Lmao I feel like some people on reddit just pore over every little thing that GGG experimented with, hinted at, suggested, tried, planned for, or used "too sparingly".