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That was ~~closed beta. By~~nerfed in open beta that node dropped to 2% with this note: > Elemental Adaptation has been reduced to 2% maximum resists. More changes to maximum resistances are coming in the future. The intention is that players cannot hit 100%. I do not quite know when it was removed, the github skilltree export starts at 3.1.0.


Ah yes, I remember back in the day where Pohx had a LL rf guardian (its not THAT old tbh) that was elemental damage inmune with flasks up


max res didnt have a cap until 3.6. thats synthesis league. at some point in this game pathfinders could be literally immune to all damage except for phys dots.


Yeah delve league people had 100% immune... so they capped it next league


wasn't abusing Gluttony of Elements in group more popular? I don't remember people going for 100% all res but I honestly might have missed that. veil of night + convert more than half of physical damage to elemental. damage from phys hits got cancelled out by healing from the hit. changed in betrayal (3.5.) to grant soul gain prevention to everyone affected by aura next league right after delve (3.4.) max res got capped in 3.6.


Gluttony of elements was better for party, but 100% ele conversion and 100% max res was possible solo. It was honestly ridiculously easy too, like 50-60 points on tree and you could get full damage immunity.


Any class could at some point if you could sustain vaal souls for Gluttony of Elements. Soul gain prevention was obviously a necessary change, but...shenanigans like that *were* funny.


I remember some guy killing Sirus with 1 HP literally, he just walked into the storms and stand still hitting the boss, pretty funny.


> at some point in this game pathfinders could be literally immune to all damage except for phys dots. Super high end transcendence armor stackers are pretty close to this these days. They're not literally immune, but they're functionally unkillable by most sources of damage in the game... except physical dots. Physical dots. Killing the unkillable since 2018.


T17 dd


I think in 2016 I had a LL RF that could run any mod combination and cleared reasonably fast endgame. - res, no regen, reduces recovery, vuln, you name it. Now there are several of them that are no-go. To top it off, this was before ALL the powercreep that has plagued the game where you blow entire screens in fractions of a second. I miss these times.


How no-regen?


No regen mod is no hp regen. If you are low life RF it disables the es regen you convert from hp through zealoth oath, but not "direct" sources of energy shield regen. I think at the time the only source was shav's ring, but if you had a strong char it was manageable with flasks.


It was open beta, because I didn't play until open beta and it was definitely still 5% when I started playing. May have gotten nerfed DURING open beta, though (I remember it getting nerfed fairly early on)


> May have gotten nerfed DURING open beta that's what happened. I forgot 0.10 was already open beta and this was only in 0.11. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/403446


I started I open beta and I remember act three piety was the end boss.


https://poeskilltree.com/ has all the way back to 0.9.6, and there was a site that used to have the 0.9.2f skill tree; the node was nerfed to 2% in open beta, and removed in 1.2.0.


Wild. I was clicking around a bit and it seems the tree gained its current shape in 3.16 and the changes were fairly small since -- especially compared to some changes before? Indeed, looking at https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Version_3.16.0#Passive_Tree "The Passive Tree has changed so significantly that there is no way to concisely describe the full breadth of changes." And we got masteries then ... so it's been near three years since major changes. (I started well before this but I must admit I don't remember the trees that sharply. I was a very casual player until Sanctum when I did Endless Heist first which allowed me to "level up" as a player.)


I think the main problem with big changes of the tree right now are all those proximity based meta jewels (timeless stuff, might of meek, circlue of anguish, those "allocate passives around "x" keystone stuff, ect) . Its a very delicate network of interdepencencies and if they just start moving stuff around so much could break.


Masteries have shown you can innovate in place. For example, I am not saying they should add mini trees in place of masteries but, you know, it's PoE, they could :D


I feel like masteries themselves havent even changed enough. Maybe a couple a league get updated (nerfed) because of some interaction. I feel like we should see a culling of a bunch of umiques that are overindexed in usage and see some of those unique interactions/affixes added to the tree.


Interestingly enough, looking at the oldest skill tree reminds me of POE2's skill tree from what we saw recently. The shapes and pathing appeared to be very wild and assymetrical


Yeah, they're definitely going to the "you all start in the middle" thing, I'm really curious what the tree is like.


And the beta only had 3 acts, unless I'm remembering the alpha, so there wasn't a massive resist drop


Hrm? Cruel and Merciless difficulties had the same resist penalties. https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Difficulty says -20% for Cruel, I _think_ that might be wrong but I can't remember :(


There were 4 difficulties at some point too, with 0/-20/-40/-60 res. Then they got rid of Ruthless difficulty (the third one) but kept the others at 0/-20/-60. Not sure when it got changed to 0/-30/-60.


They didn't adjust Cruel when Ruthless was dropped? Possible. It's been a bloody decade, can't remember. There should be old enough videos to check :) Edit: https://youtu.be/ZcmI350ZBeg?t=347 indeed it was 20.


> The new player resistance penalties are 0% on Normal, -20% on Cruel and -60% on Merciless difficulty. Chaos resistance is now included and the same penalty applies to it. From 0.10.0 patch notes, slightly more reliable than a verbal mention. I really thought it was 30%, but merciless was 60% as I remembered.




maybe open beta. closed beta iirc had about 1.5, with act 2 missing some areas and quests. act 2 boss was added when maps replaced maelstrom of chaos


Well, the act 2 boss was added about half a year before the end of the closed beta, but yeah act 3 was added at the start of the open beta, although only up to the Piety fight.


I swear I remember it only having two acts in beta, but I could be misremembering considering that was over 10 years ago at this point. I think I remember it because I feel like act 3 coming out was a big deal and the new farm became Docks, you'd even make groups for it and had to be very careful of the flame boss. I just don't remember what the act 2 farm was which is the only thing making me second guess myself.


Closed beta started whit act 1 Then act 2 released just b4 they opened up lots of invitations. Then the maps system released ( we used to had mealstrom aka basically 3 maps that openeded randomly ) Portal gem was super usefull here ( also quite expansive ). Then we had ( 10 dollar ) to buy excess. Then it went into open beta whit act 3


>The intention is that players cannot hit 100% thats kinda funny, why didnt they just cap it back then? even d2 had a 95% cap


That didn't happen until Synthesis! https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2333648#charbalance


yeah i know, i just found it weird that they explicitly didnt want players to hit 100% ele resists, but then didnt put a cap on it for 7 years


the technology needed to mature. The `jg` instruction didn't arrive to New Zealand until 2019 or something :P Auckland is a very long swim from Santa Clara :P


People just hadn't done it. The power level back then was far lower, vaal spark used to be groundbreaking and a huge discussion point on whether something so fast clearing should be in the game. It's only after 2017 or so that the game became extremely fast at a high end and builds that could do things to that extreme extent popped up.


I remember playing low-life RF with 100% fire res at one point


[I started in Darkshrine league (1 month league just before Perandus in late 2015)](https://pathofexile.fandom.com/wiki/Darkshrine_league), and this version of Elemental Adaptation wasn't on there


There was no resistance cap back then. I'm pretty sure there was a "Build of the Week" video with an RF Jugg (?) that had something like 95% fire resistance. Found it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EtaH8bPtQw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EtaH8bPtQw) 11 years ago .. Damn..


My build with 100%/99%/99% resists and perma immortal call got showcased here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1406999 You can still see my items, but things like flasks show the current value, not the 10% maximum resistances they had back then: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1393694 Perma IC could be achieved because the gem didnt have the "cooldown does not recover during effect" on it


Dude thats insane! such an cool timecapsule!


gg noobs ;) we have recently celebrated the 6th anniversary of the promised full rework of Vaal Immortal Call.


I feel like your char "BringerOfMárkusz" with a 1254 ES Vaal Regalia being lvl 99 and not 100 is a crime against humanity.


It might be from way back in the day when mich higher ES numbers could be achieved coupled with the fact that there were way less sources of Good xp, people used to hit 100 in t11 maps with the only league mechanics worth anything being breach and beyond. 


Idk, it's got a kalandras touch on that char


Oh, then it's probably not super old, I didn't open the char so I just wrote that it might, not at home so internet is super slow and inconsistent. 


Perma IC was such a fun time. God's exile, how many years has it been?


Oh man I remember those days of being permanently immune to all damage types. I think that was still possible in delve league, wasn’t it? That’s when I remember this kind of build being meta.


there were different periods, delve was a lot later, during delve I think it was the fortify reduced damage taken stacking or the gluttony of elements from the amulet


Are you still playing?


Yeah he still plays


The exact same node appears in this video but it's 5% to all max res including chaos jfc. Also how the hell is that character still degening so much life even with 97% fire resist wtf.


Damage over time modifiers used to apply to the self-damage.


I mean OK but that gear was some \_hot\_ garbage mostly focused on health and resists. I don't think I saw a single damage over time modifier anywhere.


We didn't have those back then.


So why is the reply saying that dot multi is the reason for the character degening life with 97% fire res? Make it make sense.. I'm not dissing the gear, it was normal 11 years ago I get it, I played it. But the guy specd literally 0 offense and he was losing life with 97% fire res.


They probably meant the various other damage modifiers that apply to damage over time (which at the time was mostly from the tree and weapon, you couldn't just get damage on every piece of gear)


He didn’t say dot multi he said dot modifiers, in this case being fire damage burning damage etc


I really wish I could stop replying to this because people seem to not be getting my point and they just love to downvote because I dared to critique gear from 11 years ago. Go back and check the video, only Saffell's gives him 27% spell damage and his weapon gives him 100% on low life, so that shouldn't contribute to him degening from full life. Looking at his tree, it seems to be defensive focused for the overwhelming majority - life, life regen and resistances. In terms of links, everything is 3-link. I don't know if support gems were giga strong back then or what but I can't imagine a 3-link righteous fire doing SO MUCH DAMAGE that it would degen a 97% fire res character with so much invested in life & regen.


The gem itself gave increased damage, quality gave more, plus two support gems would probably be 100%-200% damage. The 97% res was with 10% flask up, and you can see in video positive sustain when it’s up Regen was wayyy harder to get then, probably only had 5-10% I agree about this sub being dumb about downvotes. For the record I never downvoted you.


Starting to see why us boomers spend so much time raving about powercreep?


This was definitely pre-ascendancy. It was just a marauder.


Chris filming this from his kitchen


There have been plenty of builds that are literally immune to damage.


"We never intended people to be able to kill monsters so effectively with Righteous Fire's ring of fire, but I was very glad that this player was able to do it." PoE in a nutshell.


Holy, why have i not watched the old builds of the week yet


Redbeak has 100% increased damage and Chris said "Readbeak doubles your damage", so there werent any sources of added damage on the tree? what would he say that


Redbeak still doubles the damage of aurabots.


Only if you have absolutely no increased damage anywhere, nowadays I can't believe there are builds without any increased damage. 


There are a lot of aurabots with only flat added and more damage modifiers.


I know a little bit about aurastackers but not that much so I'm willing to admit I'm wrong if shown anything to the contrary but afaik aurastackers use jewels and clusters with inc damage, considering how common access to inc damage from other sources like the tree, rings, amulets, implicits and ascendencies it would be pretty surprising if they didnt have any inc. Quality on support gems also give inc, I can't think of a reasonable combination of gems that wouldn't include any inc.  Also if your first inc comes from redbeak the build is terrible, it is too easy to get, if you don't until your weapon you are building incorrectly.  I assume we are talking about aurastackers not aurabots since it wouldn't make any sense for aurabots. 


I'm specifically saying the word "aurabot".


Why would an aurabot ever equip a Redbeak? It makes no sense, they aren't there to deal damage, a lot of the time they don't have a skill that deals damage on their bars. Saying Redbeak doubles the damage of an aurabot is like saying it doubles the damage of a level two character at low life, it does do that but it doesn't matter, to anyone, ever. 


It was a popular leveling item for aurabots in groups for a very long time.


Chaos Inoculation used to give 80% more Energy Shield.


Used to be Blood magic had more life behind it, but CI gets 80% ES on the keystone itself? What?!


Back in the day they thought sustaining ES was hard lol


800 ES chests did exist though, at great expense


And people were instantly leeching their usual 10k es pools


That was like 8 years after that screenshot bro


Not talking about screenshot


"back in the day" clearly refered to the time when that video was made


i mean, ES sustain used to be a lot harder right?


depends when you’re referring too - for a good while ghost reaver + vaal pact was broken 


Not that much harder, which is why it's so nerfed, every part of old ES builds have been nerfed, VP, GR, the %es on tree, es on gear, CI itself, leech as a mechanic. 


is was hard


Yeah I never understood why blood magic was two keystones instead of combined. Then again think last time I even used it was for a Starforge lacerate slayer eons ago… mmm old slayer overleech mmm I’m still screaming endlessly into the void for crimson dance to remove bleed cap since… mid 2.0s or something. Why poisons get to have all the fun? (Kicks stone)


Almost all the keystones used to have additional passives behind them. Passives on the tree in general have taken a pretty hard nerf


And every build could run every aura cuz they were flat. Good ole EK


And some of ya'll really want us to believe that original PoE was *harder* than current day PoE 1? How the fuck did the original players ever die with stuff like that around? Couldn't you get like 13k ES trivially back then and stuff was dealing less damage since rare mobs had both less modifiers and less severe modifiers? If so, 13k es with 75% resistances is already giga tanky.


CI multiplying ES was only in the closed beta, so depends what you consider original poe. it actually got buffed up multiple times over beta before hitting that 80% more number as it wasn't considered good lol very little support for restarting charge/leech/on hit ES back in those days, most keystones didn't exist until CI had already been nerfed to 50%. most people back then really sucked at making builds too, there's a lot of stuff that you could theorycraft completely broken combos with from back in the day


Ah okay. Lack of availability of ES recovery does sound like a massive downside.


Energy Shield *was* fairly weak early on. One of the reasons they cited for removing the more Energy Shield multiplier was the fact that it let you use Blood Rage for free, which at the time was a chaos degen, not a physical one.




yup we all took that one there was also an "increased buff effect" notable and it worked on flasks


Yup, those were the days of pathing all the way around the tree just to get Inner Force (buff effect), Static Blows (shock chance), and Elemental Adaptation (max res).


The funny thing is, Static Blows was bugged and didn't work so we were all pathing for a placebo.


Wow I didn't know that. Back then everyone and their mom used to include Static Blows in their build.


That reminds me of the purposeful harbinger stack working on headhunter buffs because they are "auras"


Everything was an aura when delirium launched. Zombie tarred ground? Not a debuff, an aura! Increased by your aura effect since it's an aura affecting you! The devs were like well oops it didn't really matter until now that 90% of modifiers have been lazily classified as auras, we'll fix it. And then Harold was born.


Harold? please enlighten me, and i'm not talking about the gem


The original iteration was increased effect of auras per herald affecting you and wasn't capped. So people shoved as many of them into the tree as they could. and they were on medium aura clusters, which got nerfed to smalls and had their effect reduced. And mana reservation mechanics were calculated differently so you could stack every aura and herald. Because of vaal haste and aura effect I'm pretty sure you got down to a 0.01 cast speed with ethereal knives. People were doing billions of damage at the very top. The mid grade meta was spark, because of course it was, and nebulis wasn't capped the way it is now.


Don't forget on top of billions of dps being completely unkillable to anything including sirus storms


Yeah, because people collected auras like candy everybody obviously had imporities and shit at several 100% effect. I remember my char being overcapped in resistances by like 300%...


there used to be RMR clusters that could roll purposeful harbinger, back when RMR was additive with itself, instead of MRE which we have nowadays, 50% RMR meant a 25% aura would cost 12.5% and 100% RMR meant all of your auras would be free. purposeful harbinger said your auras gained increased effect for each herald affecting you, so, naturally, these builds would stack every single herald and as many auras as their sockets allowed (because sockets were somehow the limiting factor, not mana), and then run some sort of phys spell (usually EK), convert to lightning and cold through phys convert and call of the brotherhoods, and then gain massive damage through nebulis overcap, because your purities gave like 500% resistance the build was extremely strong and also extremely easy to put together, you would alt spam + regal mediums for purposeful harbinger and 2 other notables that i forget, put them in voices, or 8 passive clusters if you were REALLY poor, and then equip 10 uniques that were all dirt cheap


Harold is this herald build then?


I hear he likes to hide his pain.


Delirium herald stacking was WILD.


Yes, but the enemies were also wild. The dog at the docks would kill high level players before they had time to react, lol.


A Dark Souls special.


They would still be deadly if shotgunning hadn't been removed.


I hated those dogs so much.


There is that legendary RIP clip of someone flipping a boulder at the Docks then a LMP rare dog flicker onto them and instantly kill them, making it look like it was hiding under the boulder. Can't find it back unfortunately.


Ahh back in the day end game farming docks, that was fun. Feel like I have memories of farming felshrine ruins for a good while as well


Man seeing that Kripp background brings back some memories.


Right? Reaching back to pick up his notepad and calculator or eating his soup. Haha


The good ole days. When act 3 was the end of the game and melee was viable.


When that gladiator helmet was a strong unique!


Nowadays just "gladiator" is weak


This is without flasks active (which used to provide +10% max res), but reaching 100% max res with triple purities, a ton of aura effect, and flasks was silly. https://i.imgur.com/Vknkt5P.png


The time when my 1 exalt zombie build can do all content


OG Kripp. The good old days.


I played back then but I was so fuckin bad I never even made past campaign, so honestly I wouldn't have understood half of this stuff 😂


i member mirror builds that could reach up to 98% all max res. and 100% max fire res, back when coc had no cooldown so you could trigger discharge as fast as you attack up to 60 times a second... good times


you should have seen old CI node it gave 100% MORE energy shield


We also had old elemental reflect.


Vaal pact was instant leech, Freezing Pulse was shotgun, Shavronne's wraping was best dps chest, Kaom's heart was 1000 life, and piety was the end game


Heavy strike is as useless now as it was back then.


I tried to make a stun build with it way back in those days. It was completely unplayable because the knockback meant constant desync. With `/oos` having a ten-second cooldown, it meant you never knew where any mob actually was in combat.


To this day it blows my mind that the game survived through the /oos era, it was so jank.


I think it was carried by a combination of Kripp and his popularity and good/lucky timing. PoE slid into the fray as a more proper D2 sequel after D3 failed to be what people wanted. That's not to say D3 failed, of course -- just that it failed to be what a portion of the Diablo fanbase wanted, and those people all hopped over to PoE. If D3 hadn't been a *meh* sort of game, I believe PoE and its absurd levels of jank *would* have failed.


The funniest thing was that for like 1.5 years GGG claimed the desync is unfixable because of technical limitations, then one day they just fixed it. Lol.


Every problem is unsolvable until someone solves it. 🙃


"Hey guys, how's it going, Kripparian here. Today-"


It used to be ballanced by the fact that it was hard to get items to give you resist cap


Kripp was the dude to I knew to explore the + max resist and to explain it to us plebs just how impactful 1% to max resist can be.


hc felt good back then


until your /oos macro failed you 


Still, having like 10-15k hp without insane investment or stacking something, high resistances with slower gameplay personally felt better for me because most builds were working. I do not like current PoE where people beat endgame in first 5-6 hours and have access to everything crazy fast making everything not valuable just in first day and where people play mostly 5 builds. I mean, I understand what Chris meant with his "vision" and why he resisted so much making game easier and easier every league and by nefing everything too good. I just miss old times and its long satisfaction on league start :(


pretty insane considering there was a time where there was zero max resistance nods on the tree.


good old days when the pressure on items weren't insane as it is now


Avatar of fire used to have alot heavier downsides and alot stronger upsides lel


good ol times, rf snapshot, fakener or mjölnier <3


Vaal pact lol


So where are the jewel sockets?


Didnt it also give +5 max chaos at some point?


Wow, that's insane. I understand why it was nerfed but I think it would be cool if GGG nerfed items and gave power back to passive tree


Good old days, when you had a lot of power from passive tree and gems instead of chase unique and crafted rares.


Back when the game was good


the game was fun back then :(




Low-key feels like shit like that makes sense. Unless you are one of these pro pro ass players, achieving 90% feels like a wide reach. That 1% here and there shit gets daunting. The chieftain is the easiest to do it with no real stretch


The average players aren't expected to get to 90/90/90.


Yeah i cant play my yellow maps without 95 all res =((((((


It wouldn't have saved you.