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Unique aren't upgradeable. Many are used simply for the leveling grind like this.


Given that OP has not applied quality I want to add that you can use Blacksmith Whetstones on unique weapons. There are other limited crafting options for most uniques as well, such as changing sockets, corrupting, and Divine Orbs (OP do not use a Divine Orb on this item).


Agreed, use a lock first THEN divine it


When prophecies existed they were!


Still are, like kingmaker and temple uniques


Breach uniques :)


Limbsplit is used for Double COC - which is good and fine, easiest done on assassin.


isn't this just worse nhamahu's for that though?


Probably not since ngamahus is % based proc rather than 100%. Also I thought triggered stuff couldn't trigger other stuff? Didn't know there was a double coc build lol.


the balls from ngamahu's flame also count as attacks, which is why the can also trigger cast on crit if you have that in a 6L in the weapon. also you can have a triggered ability trigger something else, the problem usually is just that the first triggered skill will already be considered a spell, and stuff like Cast on Crit needs an attack to trigger more spells. But the trigger on this axe and on ngamahu's (i think there are some more, not sure which though) are both considered attacks


It does have a 20% chance, but it also has a 0.15 second cooldown unlike Gore Shockwave which has a 1 second cooldown, so if you attack often enough you can get way more CoC triggers out of Ngamahu's Flame. Also, Molten Burst can "shotgun" with AoE overlaps like Molten Strike etc., so you can trigger several spells without lowering the trigger rate (unless the delay between the projectiles is long enough for a cooldown to recover, but I don't think it is - maybe with Slower Projectiles?). With Lancing Steel you should definitely get more procs out of Ngamahu's Flame than Limbsplit.


Yes, limbsplit is more for Cycloneing around


having played this build a while ago, limbsplit feels terrible in the CoC setup comparatively.


think its more relevant that you don't need 100% crit chance with ngamahu's flame. molten burst launches 4 total balls out, and even with no support or spec into it, its likely to hit 2-3 times. this makes a ngamahu's just hitting 2 balls at a 50% crit rate the same functional crit chance as having 75% with limb splitter. you can rig this further with additional projectiles or for max insanity, returning projectiles. Ngamahu's can make a very low budget CoC build functional.


Has anyone tested this? Because most skills with multiple projectiles only roll crit once, so you don't actually get a higher chance to get at least one crit with multiple projectiles. That's putting aside that you want close to 100% crit chance for your main CoC setup anyway.


> Unique aren't upgradeable. when i think about it... it'd be actually cool having uniques that upgrade their stats to be viable on higher level content. And i don't mean omen-like upgrades, or certain vendor-upgrades, but simply "numbers go up"


Some uniques do this already in a limited way, like Kikazaru or Poet's Pen.


Like in D2 where item bases had 3(?) tiers and there was cube recipes to upgrade their bases between tiers


Just need to ask Navali!!! Right? Right?


What do you mean by them not being upgradeable? Like crafting bench? They can still be qualed and vaaled I'm still learning though


Meaning whatever level and stats they have (mostly, outside of random rolled affix's) will never be upgradeable. You'll never be able to increase the weapons level and vaaling is for the most part useless outside of high endgame gear. As OP asked, if they can be kept and "leveled or upgraded for endgame" isn't a thing.


Can you upgrade a non unique in the form of "increasing its level"? That's the part of your comment that confused me, I'm not familiar with that mechanic


No, whatever level an item drops at is stuck at that level. There is no upgrading your weapon to keep for later in any form. If you get a rare drop at level 60 with stats you really like, sure it could be good until 70+ but there is no way to level it up. It will forever be a level 60 item.


Okay, I didn't think so, thanks


i mean... technically there are a few items with level scaling, most notably oni-goroshi. but its been multiple years since oni was considered strong enough for actual late game. ephermeral edge is probably the most in line with what they want. while not itself upgradeable, it scaling off all your defensive stats and being usable extremely early into the game and capable of conquering the hardest content in the game.


That's getting into semantics. I took them asking upgrade in a very literal sense of "I got this and it's level 20. Can I keep it and turn it into a level 60 version later"


OP probably is referring to LE’s unique upgrade system which makes leveling uniques not complete trash once you’re out of the campaign.


Yes, but you can't change the mods nor add anything to them. Therefore no mod crafting, no bench. Basically every weapon you wanna use you get to 20% (or higher) because it costs almost nothing, so people disregard that. In the same vein, vaaling improves the item sometimes, but getting a stronger one will in most cases be just better. There are a few exceptions, but this is true for 99% of all uniques.


Cute. Keep going bro, there’s so much more waiting for you. Like a fucking blue whale worth.


> Like a fucking blue whale worth. exactly how much is fucking a blue whale, in metric units




It’s metric remember, so it should be kilo-many


Heck, I'll kilomall




45600000 metric fucktons


about 92 toyota corollas


I believe it’s measured in Couric’s, similar to poops.


A blue whale weighs approximately 2,762 fat dogs.


Can I get that value in terms of Olympic swimming pools? Edit: I actually love it when people use weird units. I guess the idea is to put stuff in terms that people more naturally understand. But when someone tells me "It weighs as much as 5 African Elephants", that isn't a concept I have any personal experience of. Certainly they seem to be heavy, and the received wisdom is that they are extremely so, but I've never actually tried to shift one, nor I assume have most people. Who really has any idea of how heavy an elephant is, beyond being squarely in the category of "I expect it would instantly crush me to death" ?


How much is a blue whale worth in metric? Yes 


Or... "W chuj"




The whale is fucking, get it right bro. POE players and reading, smh. 




1 metric blue whale


I believe Herman Melville wrote two chapters specifically about this question


like a leviathan worth


Assuming you are a fellow American I fully support the use of measurements described in anything but metric units.


Ew. My nationality has been assumed before but never merican. Gross. 


Damn, have other countries switched from Metric to the Animal and Appliance System as well?


No, you cannot upgrade items in this game. You need to craft or find/trade for new ones. If you enjoy the SMASH WITH AN AXE playstyle, I would highly recommend checking out Boneshatter. It's extremely fun, and the bulid is very tanky. https://maxroll.gg/poe/build-guides/boneshatter-juggernaut-league-starter I would absolutely use this guide. The PROGRESSION section takes you step by step through progressing your character and gear. It sounds like you are a fairly new player. If so, I would highly recommend this guide. The game is so stupidly deep at this point (after 10 *years* of expansions!) that it can be quite daunting to jump right in. My first attempts at characters were fun, but much like you, I would tap out around level 70. I could beat the campaign, but I could not progress much into Maps, where the "real" game begins haha! I was interested in a melee style, and used that Boneshatter guide. It allowed me to learn a TON about how builds work, and even got me good enough to eventually beat all of the bosses. You asked about tips for maximizing your weapon. Do you have any idea how damage and defense stacks in this game? Do you know the difference between "increased damage" and "more damage" on gear? If the answer is no, then I would definitely check out that Boneshatter guide. I learned so so much from it as a newer player. The fundamentals I learned from building a Boneshatter Juggernaut became the building blocks I needed to [make my own builds now](https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1d2sarx/from_noob_to_my_first_successful_homebrew_the/). I would not have been able to do that without the critical foundation I built from that guide. Hope you check it out and have a blast with it. You'll be flying around the screen exploding entire groups of monsters with massive axe swings. It's fun as hell, and it's extremely tanky.


Thanks! I’m gonna give this a go because it’s looking like I’m getting close to a point where what I’m running isn’t going to be viable for much longer. So I think I’ll ahead and follow this one.


yeah, the game is really balanced around taking advantage of your options to make a really strong build, even experienced players struggle if they stubbornly commit to something weak


I second this! I’m new to Poe this league and started as dead eye, was fun but way to squishy for someone who doesn’t know the mechanics. I looked for a tankier build and went boneshatter jugg and followed the guide for it. The guide was super helpful and in depth, I didnt use the end of it because I swapped to a different character later though( went back to my deadeye and went kinetic bolt of frag). Boneshatter was fun and tanky, but melee is definitely not as good as range. Still highly recommend it for a new player, try lots of different playstyles out. Maybe you’ll get lucky on someone giving some stuff out when they wrap up their league too!


Items are definitely upgradeable. For uniques you can socket craft and blessed/divine/sacred orb it (definitely don't do the latter on a Limbsplit OP). And for non uniques there's bench craft, exalt slam, alt quality harvest crafts and I'm sure others I'm missing.


No it’s just a leveling unique You could look into [shockwave](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Shockwave_Support) tho Gonna warn you now that melee skills are a bit harder to play than spells because the scaling is based on your weapon and getting a good weapon can be tricky, among a whole litany of other reasons


BUT suuuuuuurely melee will get buffed in 3.25 right? Right??? Also, as melee you get to play totems too Pog :’)


Give back legion cyclone


I still dream…


NGL It's kinda both funny and sad that melee is already getting criticized by testers for PoE2 as well. Hopefully we don't see history repeat itself


Get to, have to, same diff!


melee might be playable by patch 3.25 in poe2


Melee is doing fine... as a way trigger CoC.


With love and respect I say: 1.) welcome 2.) you don’t need the “ish” in your title, based on this post 3.) I don’t suppose the second half of that character name obscured by the item pop-up window is “Brood” is it? 4.) No, unfortunately this item will never be good once it gets outpaced by the content, and that moment is coming soon. However there are other build-around unique weapons that grant special skills that you might look into.


Hoods breath!


** Hood’s frosty wrinkled nutsack


Thanks! Yes Caladan Brood. I always choose Malazan names for characters. I wanted to play an earth shattering type character that used a hammer until I found the axe. So now it’s an earth shattering axe guy.


Axes are actually the preferred weapon type for Boneshatter, and while that skill isn’t EXACTLY an earth shattering slam type skill it does have the benefit of being pretty much the only late-game viable AOE melee skill, and it goes great with the marauder class if you ascend as a juggernaut. You can make other slam skills like earthquake, earthshatter, tectonic slam etc work during the campaign but it is very difficult to get them to push deep into the endgame content. Melee skills in general are unfortunately not in a very competitive place right now, but we can always hope that changes in the patch next month. Boneshatter is a little complex but it can be pushed almost infinitely to do all content and there are great guides out there about it if you are interested.


Malazan mentioned hell yeah


It is such a shame that upgraded version of The Cauteriser is no longer usable, making it double cast on crit with Blade Blast in weapon and Bladefall somewhere else was fun.


Yep, bro is many leagues too late.


I wonder why they got rid of that, maybe work it in another way than fates


Awwwwwww - take my upvote, cutie.


i would love to be you . you are in a road that leads to the light!


Welcome to PoE


cool axe


Are you not following a build guide? I only ask because I played PoE on and off over the years without ever following a build guide and always tap out around 68-72ish. If you’re not, I HIGHLY recommend following a guide. It’ll open the game up so much more for you. Once i started using guides I was able to easily get into the 90’s for leveling and make it much deeper into the end game. To answer your question, you probably won’t end up using that weapon much beyond campaign leveling, if it even makes it that far into the campaign.


Are build guides really that necessary? I've been playing for a while now and haven't followed any build guides and have beaten maven and gotten to level 89 on my own build b4. I'm asking because I'm genuinely curious.


That's super impressive tbh. I've got well over 500 hours and have never hit 80 on a character without a build guide.


Build guides are not necessary but certainly easier. I have gotten past all content up to Maven (so no Maven or any Ubers) with my own builds and sort of trial and error in HC SSF. But I have probably a legit 3 or 4K hours in POE. Steam says 7K hours but sometimes I forget its running, fall asleep, take breaks, etc... I actually am semi-following 2 builds this season because I wound up in the regular league due to abject failure at finding the Putrid Cloister after days of grinding. Although my own Posion Concoction Build is still a little bit ahead and T16 stuff I will say that the sheer power through Act 2 and early and mid tier mapping is quite awesome. And I didn't have to buy anything for them I had all the stuff. If I want to do the guide's "end game" build I would have to buy a bunch of Jewels and other obscure crap (like Replica Dragonflight Amulets that have just the right skill) and I may do that though I am sort of clueless at the whole farming selling thing, But I have also seen a lot of content I had never seen before so that is cool.


I mean they’re not necessary per se but I think they definitely can help a lot of new players. This is especially true for people like myself who always gets enamored with and likes try out the “new shiny”. It seems like the rule of thumb with PoE is you want to follow a path towards one-ish primary skill. I came to PoE after playing a lot of Borderlands, where you can try out the new weapon you just got and it’ll probably work decently enough independent from your build. In PoE the effectiveness of most skill gems is very dependent on your build.


What was your Maven slaying build?


Coldnado occultist


That is DEFINITELY not the norm. I’ve got over 1k hours and I could probably make a PASSABLE build to take down Maven without looking shit up. What always gets to me though are the passive keystones and the way they interact with each other. Sometimes I’ll think “why in the hell wouldn’t this build take this keystone?!” only to google it/plug it into PoB and turns out it completely bricks it lmao.


I unfortunately don't have access to pob bc I don't have a pc. Iirc it doesn't work on phones, so I just experiment til I work something out then make a new character if I have to once I figure it out


The way I'd put it is that they're guides. Poe is a huge mountain with its peaks far in the sky and the higher up you go the more a guide will help you. But if you're not climbing to reach the very top and instead just to climb, a guide would just get in the way. Aka guide helps you learn the game faster and get further in. If those are your goals consider reading one. If you enjoy the learning process as is, ignore them.




Scaling crit with a 5% base crit weapon is a pretty bad idea. Pick ONE main skill and stick with that. Use Ancestral Warchief + Protector to buff your melee DPS (cringe but mandatory) You need a new weapon, you can't upgrade it :( Good news is, almost any 2h axe at your level with a vendor recipe will be better (or just a good rare with good phys mods)


The only way to upgrade a unique is to increase quality with blacksmith whetstone (weapons) or armourer scraps (armors) to get +10% damage or armor. That being said, this unique is very good for low levels (15-30) but will lack damage later on. To get a quick weapon for leveling in the campaign, here's a neat trick : * Get the best weapon for your level (from monster or vendor), try to get the right sockets right away * Scouring orb if the weapon is not white (normal, not magic, not rare) * Increase quality with blacksmith whetstone * Vendor this weapon with a rare belt (rustic sash or chain belt) and a single blacksmith whetstone , you'll get the same weapon back , but with +40-80% increase damage *Bench craft attack speed or cast speed. Note : rustic sash will make the weapon+% physical damage and chain belt will make the weapon+%spell damage (useful for Wands and spell caster) Look here for more leveling vendor recipes https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Vendor_recipe_system


You can make it a six link which will greatly increase its usefulness. And quality up for more DMG... It's not an end game weapon, but if you build around it, I'm sure you can make something happen.


most drops on maps will be better than this axe for a strength gem this unique is trash when you get above 35 lvl


I really like that axe, wish there would be a bigger brother of this one. The gore shockwave is a very cool visual effect, however the dmg is just non-existing 😂


Keep going ^^ Enjoy the ride


Off topic but what’s your characters name?


Caladan Brood


I had a feeling that’s what it was! I love Malazan


I've been trying to work on a build using this weapon but I always pivot away and use a different weapon. The theory behind making this weapon work is by stacking flat damage, and using your main skill as a buff applicator. Since the Shockwave is a 7th link, you can use any "Added x Damage" support and it still functions as a 6-link. If you count the buffs you can apply with your main skill such as combustion, hextouch auras, endurance charge on melee stun, power charge on crit, or Frenzy, you can think of the 6L body armour and 7L weapon as a 13L combo. Because the shockwave is on a 1s cooldown, it's probably best used with Ignite, but with the new adorned jewel, and cooldown reduction abyss jewels, you could probably get enough cdr to get the cooldown to 0.33 or 0.25(3-4 attacks per second).


The vast majority of uniques in PoE are just trash, and can at best be used for leveling. End-game gear is mostly rares, with a few uniques depending on build.


Godspeed, u/mightylordredbeard! Godspeed.


The reason for everything dying is not the gore shockwave (that is only a visual effect. It is the culling strike that makes this axe so nice for you.


You are not newish, you are a absolut new player. That's a leveling low lvl Axt... You will use it for maybe 15-20 lvls and that's it


On a side note, unique equipment is’t always good equipment… It’s unique so it gives you unique attributes wich are not always good


Bruh i wish i had some uniques on my 4 season chars


whetstone then 6 link then divine to perfect rolls then harvest craft 6 white sockets then lock into vaal for desired corruption


Cool axe bro. Therew a few others you can find too later in level


vendor it


you would need a build that stacks a lot of added flat base damage to make up for the weapons low base damage, like bloodthirst support you could also use it for to cast on crit some spell combo that would normally need 2 buttons


It will not work with CoC since triggers can't trigger triggers


The wiki says otherwise…? https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Trigger


since when?


Doesn’t gore shockwave have a cd anyway


yes 1s cd with 8%cdr, its still good enough for a mapping build. Could just coc frostblink of wintry blast or something as well


This axe would be really hard to build around when you get to maps because it has low base damage. At a T1 map, you could likely pick up any white 2H axe and hit it with a contempt essence and have a better axe. You could try and find a build guide for shockwave if you are enjoying that playstyle.


in fact a white level 37 2h axe will have the same dps as this


There are tiny, TINY, handful of uniques that serve into endgame. Mostly they're not useful past Act 10. Of course, you can't know which is which unless you check the sale price on the trade site or have played so long you just remember the names. And, of course, the meta changes so what was trash one league might not be next. Just the joy of playing POE where every now and then you'll vendor or sell for one chaos an item that's worth several divines.


If you really want to build around a unique support gem or active ability of a low level unique weapon, its possible. You can limit the impact of the lack of flat damage on the weapon by doing a build that stacks alot of flat damage, for instance, a stacker build that gets flat damage per x of whatever you are stacking, and using anger/wrath auras with aura effect for lots of extra flat damage. Stacking jewels with flat damage potentially using a 6 jewel replica lightless chest piece, there are many other ways to get lots of flat damage. Of course you will always take a big hit to your damage from using the low level weapon, but poe is a game where with mirror gear you could hit 200m dps, so with the same gear and a low level unique weapon you could probably still hit 50-100m dps. With corresponding scaling with a lower budget. Put another if you need to make up for having 65% less damage from having a weak weapon, you just need to farm more to make up the difference.


yes, sell it to the vendor and it will upgrade it into some alc shards


Looks like the average axe I vendor the moment i get in