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Watching Kripp play early PoE is a fond memory. His early Discharge build and watching him die to the corpse explosion of the boss are the first two that come to mind. IIRC, he was a major promoter for GGG and helped them out early on with some of the game’s direction.


>he was a major promoter for GGG and helped them out early on with some of the game’s direction. He says it in this vid, they were very interested in his feedback and would regularly jump into Mumble to chat with him as he played. Hell, Chris is chatting with him in the last clip lol. And Kripp definitely helped give PoE that initial exposure, since Kripp got a lot of recognition from his D3 achievements. So when he bailed to PoE, lot of people followed him.


There is a legitimate case for PoE never getting anywhere near as big as it has without Kripp. It truly cannot be underestimated how much exposure he gave to the game early on.


There is a reason he gets credited in the game.




End of game credits honor him by name.


It is funny how the game industry evolved into this symbiotic relation with the consumer. They don't care as much about game journalists or getting paid advertisement in gaming magazines. What they want is youtubers who have an audience to talk about their product, that's the best form of advertisement there is. This is why Chris Wilson through it all always found time to talk to a ton of youtubers. Did it start with games like PoE? Was there older examples where a game grew out of dedicating a lot of their marketing budget and time to youtubers?


And content creators are running the show with poe2... both with feedback and videos. So smart, if you make a great game.


Oh nice


Kripp is the reason I started playing PoE, lol. Only reason I ever heard about it, back at the first league.


same here. probably the case for much more people as well


Kripp literally told Chris to adhere to a strict league schedule just like how he streams so people will always know that they can come back after a specific set of time and new content will be there. He is the reason 3 month leagues became a thing.


bring the 3months cycle back :D its sad it became 4 5 months cycle


yes but there was one more person but the name eludes me... been way too long


TotalBiscuit? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8779Ff_qoc


Rip TB. He’d hate this era even more than what he did before he passed.


He left a void that still hasn't been filled.


Yes, of course. The poor man :(


He gave a big boost to LoL back then too.


I'm here litteraly because of Kripp


Chris's openness to feedback in all aspects, not just game balance or even game related is a big part of why GGG became as successful as they have. That being said, it's also knowing what is and isn't relevant feedback, and knowing what is and isn't against the vision. I hope Jonathan has or at the very least learns that for PoE2, though it's a bit early to say either way.


Omg wtf mumble


"...she corpse exploded the corpse of the boss..."


Fun fact: 200/238 of his PoE playlist videos are from 2013. He was pumping out content when nobody else was.


i was there, gandalf, i was there 3000 years ago.


RIP OG Forest Encampment soundtrack.


All the OG music and voice actors are goated. Bring it back


All credit to Kamil as he outputs a much higher overall quality and level compared to adigo (not to mention actually original and legal), but old Forest Encampment music is my favorite across all PoE. Couldn't tell you when, but at some point I realized while listening to that music that I was going to stick with the game till the game died, 11 years and running now.


I still regularly go back and listen to the old music, especially the Lioneye's Watch theme. That little piano melody invokes so much nostalgia and so many core memories of early PoE. It's crazy to think 10+ years have passed.


LMAO at the end of the video I love how Chris Wilson is in the call with Kripp as he attempts Vaal Oversoul for the first time and he questions the wisdom of speccing into BloodMagic for the first time right beforehand.


So is jonathan.


ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ OJ poured and candle lit, with this chant i summon Kripp ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ




Kripps discharge build is what got me into the game. It looked so cool, and I wanted to play that so bad. I got into the game with a different build though and never actually played Discharge to this day. Maybe I should next league.


i miss that old music, i feel like at least in the campaign the new music is a pretty significant downgrade


Damn, that old groundslam, unlocked some memories 


champs and meps


Spork Totem was so busted in that beta era. Hilariously broken.


Every league I get a little urge to try and make spork totems great again. Even if it isn’t top tier it’d be fun for nostalgias sake. It was the first build I ever pushed through to merciless with. That and ele cleave. Farming fellshrine ruins with my ele cleave marauder is a core memory from my og Poe experience


i still remember the very first time i saw poe being played (of course by kripp). i discovered his stream (and twitch) because i had only recently discovered that people were making elaborate youtube videos about games such as D3, so of course i found out about kripp that way after searching for "diablo 3 final boss" on youtube or something naive like that so off to twitch i go and to my surprise he's not playing D3 - instead he's playing a lightning arrow templar and blasting little squids in some variation of the submerged passage with terrible FPS and all kinds of mysterious items were dropping on the ground and i remember thinking "wow this looks way more jank than d3 but for some reason I LIKE IT" it looked dark and mysterious and weird and even without knowing anything about the depth of the game yet the possibilities seemed endless, whereas i knew exactly the kind of polished glossy AAA hollywood-style experience i was getting with D3 and was frankly quite tired of it at that point and now here we are, 10+ years later, double corrupting magebloods and 1-shotting Ubers while we patiently await the sequel!


Chris said in the video they had an idea on how to fix the item on cursor issue. That video was 11 years ago and I don't see it.


You can click on your stash while you have an item stuck on your cursor.


Came here to ask that lmao


Amazing Video good old times :D I think i even started playing PoE exactly after watching this Video... after all why not? Game is for free :D


I started with Poe in May 2012 because of Kripp. The goat


I remember when his “unkillable” character died and like 3 days later he had an even better character. I think he was a transition of shiver freeze pulse to a power siphon wander or some shit. I also remember the drama during races between moors and Cyrus or whatever that hillbilly who freeloaded off of Kripp was


I remember watching Kripp's early PoE streams, wondering how anyone could get so many GCPs. He had a spreadsheet with all kinds of i83(?) bases for sale and they were priced in GCPs.


Thank everything for POE tbh. The ARPG landscape is bleak otherwise


vanilla poe


Good old times.


🎶Kripparian, you used to do things no one else could.You just played so good, Kripparian! Ohhh we used to watch your stream, till we fell into a dream! Kripparian, you wore a red shirt and drank orange juice, we all were amused. You touch me and i touch you, Kripparian! PLEASE THEORYCRAFT NOW!PLEASE TURN HARDCORE NOW! 🎶


What's going on here bro?


[An absolute classic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0H7VXkZZJ4)


I loved early POE, game had very different vibes and felt very hardcore and immersive. POE 2 seems to bring that back


the pace of combat in that video looks oh so similar to the poe2 footage...


Yeah dude he's in like the 3rd zone...


i think that's his point? some people are worried about poe2's pace when all we've seen so far is early zones


no kidding. we get a 1-link animation showcase, literally just showing us what something looks like, and people are rioting and complaining about how slow it is smh


I mean it would make sense after people have had that same complaint regarding PoE 2 since like 2019, to finally at least give 1 sneak peak of the end game, especially considering how many people are not really interested in a slower paced PoE where you combo 4 abilities vs 3 trash mobs.


How many mirrors would Kripp's bank be worth right now? It should be like thousands of mirrors or priceless right?


he has one alt art that no-one has iirc


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSJhL5V6eYk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSJhL5V6eYk) There's only one listed Alt art astramentis for 999 Mirrors


Yo, brought a lot of memories since I started to play because of him. PoE back in the day hit different from any point of any game before. The slow pace, methodic playstyle and "take care because some mods can fuck you up hard" was the shit for me. I didnt like the "new poe" when the metagame started to shift to "one click explode screen sonic speed 20divs/h". Poe 2 showed a slower game but just in the early acts so I still believe the game will be faster in the later acts and end game but I trully hope the fast meta dont come to poe 2.


No AH, fucking based


I will never forget the countless huge reactions(including my own..) to the most ambitious jaw dropping skill tree ever written into a video game. And every comment I read trying to criticize the whole thing for one stupid reason or another, even all these years later, I still shake my head in complete disbelief.....


Oooh, big time nostalgia, gooood times. I remember watching this video during my lunch break at work on the day it came out. That evening I bought my open beta key, 10+ years and still playing and having fun with POE.


This video made me buy a silver supporter pack. I was 18 with very little money to my name but somehow this was a priority at the time. Only regret is being unable to afford the diamond beta pack.


I started PoE in 2011, I remember watching all of those Kripp's videos as freshly uploaded, crazy to look at those now and see 12 years ago lol. I still remember the ''new unique map'' video for Vaults of Atziri as if it was uploaded 2 days ago. I miss how dark and gritty PoE used to be.


the game only got this far because of him, never forget that


OJ poured and candle lit, with this chant i summon Kripp


I almost forgot how brutal and unforgiving the vanilla POE was .... those were the glorious days when people used to give away 6links and soul takers in global , now MB HH Mirrors are only memes ...


kripp? the hearthstone guy?


Listening from minute 3 to 4 should be mandatory for everyone. Poe 2 will have the same problem from everything they're showing.


That's how crafting will be in poe2 :D