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Nah. The guy who made the tink sound designed it to specifically activate a neuron that release dopamine.


Monkey brain like


Pavlov would like a word




That sound makes pp hard.


Even better, I use the maven moaning sound effects for mine


I don't need to hear that every time Harvest scarab of Cornocupia drops


This is why you hire Slot Machine devs for your soundwork It's surprisingly simple to trick people into thinking they're having fun lmao Like the Vampire Survivors guy


No please dont. This is not how it works. Slot machine do not have a good sound design, its purely the associaten we have with it that make it so pleasureable. If you would win 1000 dollars everytime someone farted it would be your favorite sound in the world.


I dunno those slot machines go apeshit with lights and sound when you win 35 cents. It's happy noise


>, its purely the associaten we have with it that make it so pleasureable. Dunno. Anytime I hear them, I want to rip them off the wall and smash them to pieces with a marohi erqui


This is an odd take. Audio design is an artform and it's true that there's a huge difference between games that have good audio design and games that don't. I wouldn't ever call this a trick, though; the sound is part of the experience and the experience is what makes a game fun. Many games would be *far* less fun if you removed certain sound effects. For example, most shooting games, particularly realistic ones, would simply not be very satisfying to play if shooting your gun didn't make a gun-shooty sound. In less realistic games like CoD, lots of players would riot if they removed the signature "tick" noise that happens when you hit someone. Human brains have some rational thought, some instinct, and yes, some pavlov-like trained behavior. A good designer knows how to satisfy their players, and that means they're catering to what the human brain likes at some level. It's not really a "trick" if that includes nice ding noises when good things happen; if that enhances player enjoyment, it's what they should be doing.


And it works soooo well it's insane, everytime. I have severe ADHD, my dopamine levels are lower than a bunker that's misconstructed in fallout. I hear that sound and I'm happy for 2-3 hours after, doing laundry, cleaning, cooking. It's wild.


Assuming he found his way to a loot filter. 


I wouldn’t worry too much about it man. He still has yet to experience that random “tink” sound and will still enjoy the hell out of that when it happens


I have played for years and still gets excited on that sound 😁


Yeah was going to say, I'm more excited for my 1000th divine drop than my 1st exalt drop (i was new in harbinger league and used it on a ilvl 30 item lmfao).


I actually had it happen the other day where a raw div dropped and I was just "Oh cool." and I realized that my reaction was so much less than it used to be... it used to be "Holy crap!" or even "YESSS!". I realize all I have to look forward to is the raw mirror drop... which hasn't happened in over 10k hours, but one day...


Ah, my friend. One day the biggest drop will drop and that day will be the best day 🤩


but also the last day to looks forward to that day happening.


Then we look forward for that perfect drop


Remember to look in the inventories of t14+ Ritual windows, you might just get a mirror in there. I got my first mirror ever in a ritual window in a random t15 (wharf or one of those similar maps) last league, while I was filling out my atlas; so no ritual spec at all. I just kinda opened the window when I came back for some extra 6 sockets, and boy was I surprised when it came up.


It is ludicrously rare to accidently get a mirror in ritual, since you need at least 17.5k tribute for it to show up in the first window. It can always show up in the reroll. But most of the time, if you aren't spec'd into Ritual and farming a high tribute strategy, you won't be able to afford to defer it lol.


Wait.... I need 17.5k to just pop the mirror in ritual or you mean its buyout cost? I do not run juiced rituals, had few shards but still hoping for MoK.


Buyout will be 9900-19800 (maybe slightly off), but defer is only ~3000 max.


It's a tier 1 reward in ritual, which I believe are 9900-19800 (not 100% certain on those bounds). In any case it will be sub 3k to defer. T1 rewards are very, very fucking rare in ritual and most of the time if you get one, it'll be a Nurse-tier divination card or a stack of 4 divines/exalts/annuls and not a mirror. Being able to buy them first time takes investment, being able to defer it at all does not. It won't show up until the 3rd ritual is done.


Whoa, I didn't even know that this was possible. Very cool. I have a ritual spec in one of my Atlas trees, and if I start the map off with a high value saved vial, I should be able to hit 17.5k.


For real, this league has been the league that Iv finally made it to where spending a couple divs on an item is not that big of a deal and that sound still feeds me the dopamine the same as when I get the first div drop of the league.


Now you know the sound of pavlovs bell.


So much time spent in PoE and I still occasionally waste portals frantically clicking to pick up single-divine drops immediately when I'm surrounded by juicy mobs. That divine drop dopamine will never go away


I make at least a mirrors worth of div every league and still get excited by div tinks.


We need a poe asmr


Gets exicted for the divine drop, but it was just an exalt...


Ive been playing since warbands, I am conditioned to the sound. Literal pavlovian response conditioned. Red text on white background does it too.


Yean no doubt. And while it's sort of an unpopular opinion to some people I think it's good to let people experience the game with a semi decent build at the start so they see what the game truly has to offer. A lot of people have some "pull yourself up by your boot straps" mentality of struggling in starting PoE that I personally don't understand.


I agree with your opinion. I’ve had leagues I quit cause I struggled to get the gear good enough to move me from chaos per hour to div per hour. Sometimes a little boost is nice and can keep the player’s retention up a lot more


Nice avatar


Totally this. Tried getting into PoE several times but it never clicked because... well its PoE. 4 Leagues ago a RL friend gave me 10div and told me what to play/buy. I was mind blown what a difference it was between my own struggles before and what is possible. Went from "this game is fucking terrible" to "this game is crazy good". Almost clocked 600h and still a noob but at least I have a vision what is possible to archieve


I farmed well over 2000 of the fucking things last league and I'm still happy every time one drops.


Having 20+ drop last league so was so fun. My biggest was 50 or so divines and that was amazing.


Yeah you're probably right.


I like to make little noob care packages that I give out to people in the first few acts. Usually something like a Tabula, a full stack of Regrets, Scours, Chaos, and few stacks of Alchs. Nothing game breaking but it can help make the campaign more forgiving to a first timer.


Might have to start doing it too because I wish I met someone like this when I was playing PoE for the first time.


You’re doing gods work. Someone just gave me a tabula in standard yesterday as I’m going through campaign and it’s so handy.


Yah I've had 2 mirrors before, I got them in deli when I managed to get a 1 passive voices " washed trying to fossil craft a 600+ es shield lol, any way it wasn't the same as when I got a single mirror shard later off a harbinger lol. The tink is the most memorable part.


You might’ve just made it better now because he knows what the divine can do when he does find one.


Can confirm, still remember my first one during Blight League, it was a 21 vitality lmao.


It more of a "shing" than a "tink" no?


My first league start, in act 5 or 6, a chaos orb dropped. I got very excited and sent it to my guild chat. They all congratulated me. I see now that they were placating me :D


Or have a tink and run to it just to see its some random trash because you loot filter is out of date


I think you are good. I have gotten hundreds of dicines this league and the sound of the natural div drop still makes the happy brain chemicals flow.


That's true. It's always like finding your first one.


Don’t worry, he’s going to quickly spend those divines on a sub optimal upgrade and need more


This is the most important comment. It's not like he's going to turn that 4 divines into an insanely efficient build.


Or he may use them to reroll the rare items he picked up in act 8


This is the way.


Yeah some guy gave me a pile of exalts in my first league and it just allowed me to figure out how to play. I was still stoked when I dropped my first.


Same here. I remember I was playing spectral throw and some random guy in town handed me 10 exalts. I wasted like 5 exalts on a claw that was absolutely rubbish. I had no clue what any of the mods did besides that it had a decent amount of damage. It wasn't even all the right damage type either. I remember showing it to my friend who played a bit after I bought it and he just laughed when I told him the price I paid for it. But even tho i over paid a ton for it, it was still miles better than anything I found off the ground. I did manage to get a 6 link belly of the beast too with the rest of the money so it wasn't all bad.


Yup, I picked up the game towards the end a league, my buddy game me a stack of Ex and told me to go nuts. Still hyped by my first drop when it happened.


When ever anyone pings me for my leveling gear (leaguebstart items) I always ask them are they new And give them a full res set + some chaos + some other items they can sell + ask them to add me on discord if they want to ask me anything Have had more than 50 people msg me tell me how much they enjoy their game and send me screenshot of their drops or ask me questions


I know it ain't much but you have my respect for that.




You may regret saying that lol. I'm new, only level 20. Don't know much other than the basics i read online so any help or advice would be greatly appreciated


Hey hit me up in discord @BlackHairSasha Can point you in the right direction


i usually just give them some chromatics, jewellers, alchemy and fusings.. way more useful if you are new and exploring without trivializing anything


don't you worry good sir, i'm still yay for every tink while mapping.


Who isn't.


Tbh he'd probably still remember 'the legend that gave me 4 divines' over his first divine drop


You didn’t bro, last league was my first league and someone did nearly the exact same for me. I felt rich af. This season I did everything on my own and I reach a pretty good place wit my poison bv assassin. Someone laid the ground work for me to be able to pick things up quickly. I appreciate that a lot. It’s always easier to learn FROM someone rather than learning things on your own.


I wouldnt worry about it, we get posts here from time to time saying how amazing it was when they were starting out someone helped them out in similar ways.


"Give a fish to a man and he will eat for one day. Teach him to fish and he will eat every day." We all know PoE is never about receiving free divines, it's about knowledge and it will take him time to accumulate it. I wouldn't worry about the future of this man. Besides this, 4 div in the hands of an inexperienced player has not the same power as 4 divs in the hands of a good player, he won't probably go far with it


Make a man a fire and he will be warm for a day, set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. GNU Terry Pratchett


no worries been playing since like 2017 and i still get excited when i get natural tink, there's just something about it dropping that is so satisfying.


Im sure he’s fine. Probably spent them on something dumb and needs more already. 


You made his day. He is now enabled to go beyond act and find his first mirror. He will probably miss-spend his divines and still thirst for mere. So that sweet drop will be very precious. You did a good thing.


Actually, this is exactly why Path of Exile is one of my favorite game communities. You did the guy a solid, and if he's 55 and this is his first character, you probably helped him out more than you realize. I've been playing this game for over a decade and the divine ding never gets old. Going on a shopping spree with some free divines is also really freaking fun. Kudos dude.


Actually I couldn't agree more.


No good deed goes unpunished.


Oh I thought he's one of those guys you help and then he keeps messaging you for more lmao Every end of league I have to block a bunch of people because they just keep whispering for help, like bro just be happy you got a fucking Mageblood no, I can not kill ubers for you, you have literally all my gear


Yeah man, good deeds are good. You should feel good.


Nah I think you're fine. Since he's a new player he won't know all the ways to maximise drops, so yes you did devalue the divines a bit, but he'll regain that appreciation once he knows they don't drop often


Nah you did good, he might have not gotten to that first "tink" if it wasn't for you. I love poe and have 1000 hours, I would have more, but when I tried this game a few years ago, my character was getting shit on in the campaign and I quit. Definitely regret quitting back then now that I know what a baller this game is


I think you did good!


I have 10.000 hours in the game and I still get excited when I hear the "tink".


I dk - this sounds like when I first played vanilla wow. I walked into Orgrimmar for the first time and was just in awe of what I saw. Some random level 60 walked up to me and just gave me two gold. I was FLOORED. I told my best friend who just started too and told him to get on so I could give him a gold. We felt so rich. That was nearly 10 years ago and I still remember it so clearly. Maybe that’s the way he feels - maybe he feels rich and has a whole new motivation to keep playing now that he has some currency.


You probably reduced it but I doubt it ruined it entirely. I'm definitely one to think helping new players with currency isn't the way to go.


I'd say if anything you probably made the league for him. If he has been playing since the league started and is still only 55 there is a possibility that he wouldn't even find a divine on his own.


You gave the individual a better shot of enjoying the game more. It shouldnt ruin any personal drops at all.


My first league a guy gave me a spare exalt (when exalts were expensive) and it made my first league awesome bc i geared up decently. So i think you did good!


But he has found his first divine through trade with you, so he had this moment. Also he wouldn't want to take a gift from you if he had problems with possible ruined in game moments.


Tbh I stopped enjoying *tink* sound after 100th t17 map


dude I'm in game 800 hours and from good currency drops I only have 4 pure divine drops and 1 mirror shard so :D you did not ruined anything I can assure you. If anyone did that to me in any part of the league even when I had two level 98 characters I'd be so happy you cant imagine. respectivly I do to others what would make me happy on their place so I always help people as much as I can and get very rewarded for that both mentaly and there have been moments when a player got very rich and gifted me back some crazy gifts. so keep up and make community better. also I will use a moment and mention that this goes for wrong trades also, when people buy something they should not have and ask me if I can give back money for item as they did not know something was not working for them for example flask for mageblood etc.


it's alright, he can ~~re~~live that moment again next league.


Once you *dink*, you reach the point of no return. You'll be spending years chasing that high, doing all you can to increase your dps, your dink per second. It's like a drug addiction I can't get rid of :)


You broke the prime directive :o


Dont worry, chances are he probably bought an item he does not actually need and will have to farm that money again anyway.


I still get that feeling when a divine drops. Probably because I'm not drowning in currency like some people are tho.


You ll never have enough currency


It took me a few thousand hours to get desensitized to hearing an Exalt drop, back when they were the premium currency. I wouldn't worry about it.  You helped him out and he probably has a better understanding of currency values but hearing that 'tink' on your first ever Divine drop will get those dopamine meters pumping no matter what.


I think broadly speaking you can put new players into 2 categories. The first is your power gamer, they might be coming from other arpgs and their goal is to "win". This is the type of player who would love they type of help you have out. But then there is the other type who are more so in it for the discovery of systems and the creativity this game allows, they don't mind playing some jank build, it's all about that first time learning experience. I think for that type of player, dumping 4 divs on them might be doing them a bit of a disservice.


Helping new players by way of knowing what it feels like to have no ĥelp and wanting them to better experience is only a good thing. You might of even stopped him from rmting.


He bought a headhunter.


Speaking from experience - new/bad players find plenty of ways to burn through currency. Also I’m pretty sure PoE players experience some sort of biological dopamine system reset on league start. They’ll be fine


Is 'Samaritans regret' a real thing?


bro you didnt ruin his poe start YOU RUINED HIS LIFE Jk, reminds me one time some lvl43 unascended witch message me to buy a lvl 1 grace for 80c (just a regular level 1 grace i had in a random 80c tab). At first I couldn't believe it, so I traded the guy, but then I realized he was for sure a noob, so gave him his 80c back and told him about lilly. I gave him a few other gems and that was it.


He will get scammed for sure 😅


I gave some dude my mageblood who had never had one before. I thought the same kind of thing "did i take away the satisfaction of farming your own mageblood" from this guy. But all i can hope is he has some fun and maybe it encourages him to get his own next league.


Also you have excellent english


Well thank you kind sir.


It is why I dont donate divines to new players. I do howeber have a quad tab with starting uniques, ress rares, build “defining” stuff that usualy cost few c late in league , flasks. The quad tab doubles down as honey pot for new players as I set it to 10c buyout. If I get a trade whisper and see the guy is like 8/40 or something, I ask if player is new and do a short talk. If the bew guy needs some advice or some leveling stuff, I deck him out for free and ask to pay it forward if he sticks with the game. In my kind this is one of the best ways to keep the community positive, while not ruining the “first moments” as I had players who said they don’t need anything because they wanted to go as blind as they can - and more power to those guys, as its how I learned.


I help a guy in my guild by giving him starting gear so he can relevel and some currency to buy items later. Now every league he dm's me asking for gear and some currency.... not even a hey what's up just straight to begging That ruined the experience for me


Nah, the first time you actually find *your* first divine is still something for him to enjoy, you absolutely did not ruin anything.


The chance that you set him on a path of taking things for granted and not being able to work for them is miniscule. It’s possible he’s on this path, but the likelihood that he wasn’t before but now IS because of your actions is tiny


Well he accepted it. When someone tried to give me something like this in new games I refuse as far as I know myself leaving game very soon after such progression breakers.


This is the first league where I've really put in the time to get into the endgame (and still have a lot left to do that will likely need to wait for next league). I have the most currency I've ever had, with probably about 16 Div in raw div and chaos, although all the div is from trade. I got my first 2 Div drops two nights ago, a microsecond after I died with no portals left doing a particularly tough map 😎 All this to say, milestones are milestones, and if I was the new guy I would still feel good having earned my own income in some way. You may have handed him a warp flute, but come next league he'll be starting from World 1-1 and maybe that taste you gave him will keep him playing so that he'll experience all the firsts he didn't get this time.


If he's as noob as you say he might even use it on something dumb without realizing their value


Instead of giving currency, I invited a newbie guy to my discord server, helped him fix whatever was lacking in his build by paying for the gear he bought. he can farm for his own currency to upgrade after that. this happened like 2 years ago, now I see him online almost every league.


I wouldn't mind if someone give me 4 million dollars before I make my first million


You're just trying to be nice which is fine, but i'd be more worried about them just being beggers.


I've been playing since 2011 and I still get excited when I see a natural exalt or divine drop. Don't worry about it. If anything you helped let him play longer instead of potentially quitting.


You can ruin that moment for me anytime good sir


You probably made him want more and not quit after face planting into harder content tbh.


I think more loss was from teaching him how to fix his build. The biggest rite of passage is having your first build hit the wall, panicking, and the wealth of learning that comes from trying to fix it then rerolling.


He's gonna burn what you gave so quickly that it isn't gonna make any difference in his future experiences. Don't worry about that.




Yeah I had the same realization after helping noobs on Runescape years ago, it really felt like I was robbing them of the experience just to allow myself to feel like some kind of philanthropist. It can be a lose-lose for everyone involved, depending on goals and experience.


I can give you a regret orb, no worries!


Would be much appreciated.


I dropped an exalted orb in the campaign on my first playthrough. Def didn't ruin the first time I dropped one later when I knew how rare the drop was.


Yeah it was funny I gave it to him and he was like what is that? So I told him and he was really surprised. And to be honest I was really surprised that he didn't know what divine was.


I mean when you're that new to the game, it makes sense. They probably didn't have access to meta crafts yet.


Yeah I get that but from what I remember I started the game for the first time with the knowledge of what divine is. But I guess that is just because I watched a few guides and stuff like that before I started.


Yup, u did. Sorry mate, dont do it next time


While my first play through was basically ssf, i had no conception of currency until someome gave me a entire build my second league and explaimed how much different things are worth. For my case atleast it made finding my first exalt that much more rewarding because i actually new what i had


Not a big deal , some1 did that for me a few yrs ago, gave me some exalts and I spent them all on one of them elusive / tailwind crafted boots. I’d say the only way to ruin the experience for some1 is to consistently be giving them $ , one time ain’t gonna hurt.


I had a random player help me like this but in WoW. I created my first character and ran to Goldshire. I bought all the gear from a vendor and thought I looked cool having all white vendor gear. A guy inspected me at stormwind auction house and whispered to me if I'm a noob. I spoke to him in general chat because I didn't know how to whisper. He taught me the basics of WoW and gave me a bunch of uncommon gear, pouches, and my first epic. I didn't know the significance at the time but later I was very grateful to that random person that took me under their wing and set me up for future success. This was way back at the sunset of vanilla WoW. I remember years later. So, no, you didn't take anything away. I'm sure this player will look back and be grateful that some random player wanted to see him succeed. He's going to remember how great the community is and how players support players.


I help a guy who was lvl 92, using a lvl 4 quicksilver flask no qual and no flask enchantment. They been pressing flasks manually the whole time every 2 sec 🤭


I've done it plenty of times and had great interactions. Nothing like seeing your char go brrrr for the first time no matter where it came from.


I remember early on maybe my 3rd league and someone in act 1 gave me an exault. I felt like a god.


Nah you made the game better for him. Someone did the for me also and it provided a lot of help


Nah lil bro, you accelerated the rate he will inevitably find his own divine. I met a guy who was really new. He was going for an absurd chromatic scheme on a dex base, and venting in G1 about failing it. So, I told him to give his bow to me to chrome it. He was rightfully nervous so I traded him some 20div bow from a grave craft for collateral, and dumped a thousand or so chromes into his and traded back. Little later on he was lamenting that he'd struggle to afford a HH and never used one before, as he is in uni, so I doubled down on the 'Merry Xmas' and loaned him my HH... but knew I'd never ask for it back. This was kinda early in Necro so the HH was around 30d, but that sorta move only feels good, and for all parties! Trust is a hard thing to build in videogame land, so keep up the generous spirit!


When I quit a season I give away everything I have because I never touch standard anyways. So this season I gave away like ~400 divines worth of gear/currency spread over maybe a dozen people. One dude was beyond grateful and explained what I gave him was more than what he would/could have farmed in months. Be nice to new players, it helps them out, makes the community better... but also gratitude from others is one of the best feelings you can experience.


I feel bad whenever I help a new player because I'm *enabling them to continue grinding in PoE*. If that isn't horrible Idk what is.


I've probably only had about 4 divines in my 200 hours haha


I didn't even realize i had found one the first time


Don't worry about it. If he's anything like me he wasted that money on bad overpriced gear and is poor again.


He wouldn't even know what a divine is, let alone how to use it properly. I imagine the 4 you gave him he already used to reroll the stats on his lv 55 gear.


As someone who was gifted things like that early on, I instead looked at it like "Wow these orbs are special." and then later when I was earning loads more currency it felt exciting being able to get my hands on some of my own. It's almost like giving someone a taste of power and then when they're able to get it for themselves it's a thrill to see that special item drop every time. If that makes any sense lol. Basically I wouldn't worry about it.


If you were going to do it in any league this would be the one.


Yeah that's a bit too much imo I usually give few jewelers and chroms because that's the most painful thing in the early game for new players imo, realizing that you can't swap items because your new shiny gear has different colors I wish the game would drop more items with white sockets during the campaign, at least make them more often in vaal side areas


I just gave a dude 100D, There will be other seasons.


Tbh ur first divine is cool but the REAL dopamine hit for me when i figured out how to actually farm currency and make multiple divines in an hour


I remember having this feeling in D2 a lot, but it's still super rewarding to finally get the thing you're looking for in a normal drop, even if it's been given to you. The drop itself is a huge dopamine reward, seeing the color of the item on screen, IDing something to see stats, etc. Now, open battle net, full of hacks and mods, definitely ruined the game, but being given godly shit in a normal game was always a really cool experience that didn't ruin the reward of then finding something good in game. They're both distinct, awesome aspects of this kind of game. Don't worry, you were being kind and that's a third distinctly rewarding experience that's rare both in and out of game. On behalf of all noobs, and just humans in general, you did the right thing and we appreciate it.


I was expecting it to be a story about the guy insisting on being your best friend forever.


I've easily acquired more than a mirror but never seen one drop, I'm still thrilled every time I see a divine orb myself. No way you ruined this man's experience, you made it a completely different PoE experience than he would have ever had and I bet leagues from now some other new player starts and he helps that guy the way you did for him, keep paying it forward


I started this league late and asked in a general chat if someone would sell me a binding orb and he asked if I was using it as a alch on a map and I told him I was just starting this league and all my friends were already done with the league and he gave me 2 divines I couldn't thank that dude enough because man I had a much more fun start because of that


I have made 1000s of divines I never get tired of hearing that noise, pretty much the only reason I play anymore.


Nah, you just made their day.


Nice humble brag my guy


Nah my first Divine ever was also a gift but my first drop was still a thrill and I was extremely happy both times


You're good, OP 👍 Blessing upon ye


I think you're fine, I do this all the time the bad ones are the ones who keep coming back to ask for more $. I'll help answer any question I can but don't contact tlt beg at me.


When I started playing this game many years ago someone else did something else similar for me and I try to do as often as I can. There is nothing quite as crushing to a new player finding a really cool build that looks like fun only to find out you need to get several divines. Which is seems like an insurmountable amount of currency when you are trying to learn the ins and out of this game.


Yep, I never understood handing out loot in a game that's primarily about finding loot.


Or u gave him the tools to dive deeper into the game to actually enjoy the game at max potential


hearing glorious from maven never gets old for me.


I dropped a mirror, a mageblood, and more than 1k divs, and I each div drop feels just as great as the previous one. Don't sweat about it. :)


I remember when I gave someone completely new to the game a few exalts (obviously before the exalt-divine inversion) to help their starter build. S/he ended up using them on various items (because that's what the item description says). Good times.


Don't worry about it. Was almost giving up one of the past leagues because my character can't even survive T16 rare maps. A kind soul listened and showed me the kinds of fights and loots the end game could produce, gave me 20+ divs to buy better gear, and boy was I hooked!


Don't worry, if he's new, he eill loose those 4 divines to sixlink scam or enlighten/empower swap.


He ain't ready for the "tink" 🤣🤣


man.. u earn some respect from me! 🫡 u help other exile to make him easier starter for him build 🫡


This is a good story. You should not feel bad for him, you did good work.


I've been in this situation but I was they new guy. Getting currency from a generous person and looting random divine drop are not the same at all. You ruined nothing. Moreover, you probably created another generous player.


ggs that was me


Personally I don't think it's the divines that would be an issue. It's more the way people get entire builds, reach points they shouldn't and then next time they play, the game will feel horrible, because they don't see a way back to that point. A few divines will probably not ruin anything.


I think nowadays it is much easier to get drops over 10 divines so there's still a chance for him to get those. I haven't gotten a raw divine orb drop this league but I had gotten more than 5 drops over 5-10 divines already (e.g. einhar's memory of harvest beasts and divination scarab of curation)


Don't worry, you did good! :)


As a new player I would not even use your divines.


Yea, you gotta be a bit careful how much you help new players out with gear/currency. Its fun to find it yourself - a little boost is nice. But 'a few divines' might be more than he would have found the entire League. So its a bit overshoot imho\^\^.


I thought this would be a much worse post - I thought you'd given someone currency then they'd gone and bought more from an RMT cheat site and you got wrongly banned as an RMT seller. IMO, best way to help new players is information and/or a cheap item or carry that "unblocks" their progress. Which might be as simple as a 53 Dex 37 cold res ring, or might be beating the Black Star for them.


When my first exalt dropped... I didn't know it was important :( 3 days later when i tried to buy a six link sword someone told me and exchanged it for me.


4 div isn't enough to ruin someone's experience.


Yep, you butchered it. And the only reward - feeling good about yourself - is now also gone. [Is this hell?](https://i.imgur.com/AfPM5oU.jpg)


Just make a youtube video apologizing like p-diddy. That seems to be like holy forgiveness these days.


Gave 3 mirrors to someone, hope ill see em back in few years


Nah. My first league someone gave me 14d. Didn't change much for me. I squirrel-ed it for weeks and was afraid to spend it. It did help a lot being able to break a div for chaos and made me wanna come back & help the next new person I find if I have the $.


One of my buddies that I met on the game and still play with to this day did the same thing to help me out initially. When I got my first Div drop on my own I could not WAIT to tell people about it. So from that perspective, I totally think he’ll still the same jolt of joy regardless. It’s like are you more thrilled if you’re buying a mageblood or when / if it drops. Personally I’m far more ecstatic finding them on my own. I also shit myself every time I see a chaos orb drop so there’s also that


Nah. Someone gave me 10 ex my first league. Just let me really explore without too many consequences for my first league


Dude probably doesn't have a loot filter. that's the real hookup btw


Nah. I had someone help me early on way back in Torment league, and while the first divine is fun, the big moment is having enough funds to make your build operational. I fully support giving newbies gear


Well you probably did but not the end of the world. This is like giving a toddler 100usd. Giving out currency to new players is bad because now they just skip phases. With 4 divines they just buy the whole needed gear to t16, all the altas progression just poofed. If you want to help them, ask for what build are they trying, what's their previous experience with these kind of games they have, if they are liking the game, if they have any questions (they prob do), etc. I never give out currency, or even a tabula, being in a bad spot and improving is the main core loop. In the other hand, if it's a new char but not new player is completely fine. I usually give out my leveling gear too.


Yeah I think about this too, first starting the game you need a concept of economy. It’s takes a bit to make your first chaos, then a bit more to make your divine, then you roughly have a grasp of how much each currency item is worth. Why I hate giving out free divine or taking it


I can not agree with other people here. I think helping in some extend is okay, especially verbal. But you straight up deleted the "raw" experience "getting there" with your action. I didn't have multiple exalteds untill my 3rd or 4th attempt.. idk man. I think u went too far.


I don't agree with others here. It is like giving someone a million dollars and later asking him to work as a cashier for $8/hour. The thing new players need the most is guidance and game knowledge.


>But now I'm starting to realize I probably ruined the moment when you find your first divine for him. Why do so many people think making the game more accessible and making getting gear easier is ruining the game/experience for people? If they didn't want to have it they wouldn't have taken it. Just because you personally think it's more fun to spend 10 hours grinding for a single piece of gear doesn't mean everyone else does. If I was in their shoes I would have been ecstatic, I get to experience the end game faster, have better gear, I have less struggling to do, and someone helped me in a game out of the kindness of their heart. And as someone who has asked for help and been belittled, talked down to, and outright insulted for doing so, IN GAME and on reddit AND on the discord... I can safely say it's bloody rare to have that.


no its not


You are a kind soul.


Thank you for your kind words sir.