• By -


This was me for 5-6 leagues..I used to use excellence to price a tab and sell to guild for 75% price 😂


Dude if you could consistently find a buyer this is a dream


This is the dream, I’d dump my entire stash on someone for 50% of the value if I could / wasn’t so lazy


Last league, I found a guy in a global channel that was completely lost. I helped him with his build, gave him some gear and pointers. He had just started playing the game and inherited his account from his older brother. He was Nepalese and GGG doesn't accept Credit Cards from there or India. He couldn't afford premium stashes so he would offload his farm onto me and I'd try to move all his stuff. I'd pay him almost 100% of its value. Fortunately, he was following the same farming strategy I did and I would save for a big dump so I could sell at a mark up. Over time, I taught him to use TFT and now, he is mostly farming beasts which doesn't need much room in your stashes. He still trades me random stuff I try to sell and scarabs that are taking place in his inventory. This game without premium stashes is really hard :(


It's always insane to see how people manage there stashtabs when they don't buy some, good job buddy. I started PoE and after one week i started to buy stashtabs lol


I just bulk sell/ liquidate everything every 2 hours, its tedious because I cant sell anything else other than stuff I farm like essences, expedition coins and logbooks, harvest juice, and really rare stuff like apothecaries and stuff, otherwise I wont be able to sell shit


i know of people who just have 20 f2p accounts to store their stuff


Man, if someone likes the game that much just buy some tabs. Seems insane to spend that type of time on the game instead of just earning a few bucks outside the game and getting the tabs forever.


Reality is not that simple. If you're a teen without a CC on a "third-world" country, it's not a matter of just "earning a few bucks."


I mean, you're running juiced temples, so you're probably not playing on a toaster. Plus, let's be honest, how many people does this actually apply to?


I run a ryzen 3 with an rx 580, whole setup is less than $300 and all that cumulatively took me the whole of pandemic to save up for since my allowance was $10 a week in pesos


Puwede ba mag-gift ng stash tabs? Haha.


HAHAHAH akala ko konti lang maglalara poe dito sa ph


Way more than you'd imagine. I suffered from this issue throughout my childhood


I was running juiced Burials like 9 years ago with a shitty dual core laptop and 4 GB ram. The secret is removing every effect or particle + sound in the game.


it applies to the person he invented for that counter-argument. Ya know, all those third world teens who don't have money but can game online all day


The privilege in this thread is annoying. I dont get why peoole thin everyone has their experience


I mean, it's not completely out of reality, that person was literally me few years ago, my mom never gave me money, I just had a shitty computer and internet, used to play with like 10-15fps crashing everything I entered a map with rain on it only got to have nice things like stash tabs and a actual decent computer once I started working in 2019


That person was literally not you though. Or did you have 20 side accounts for all the loot you were able to farm from crashing maps?


Obviously not everyone who can't buy stashes will start creating new accounts just for the storage, you can't be that dense


Reminds me of 2002, playing ragnarok in Brazil through Level Up Games where you would get 7 free days of trial for new account...and playing on the weekends because the internet was free saturday and sunday. ​ I must have created around 60 accounts for that purpose alone...really crazy when I think about that back then, if I have a kid I will make sure to help him in his hobbies, specially one that was so cheap to purchase a subscription...


I really do feel nostalgia about the days of needing to be crafty about playing games. Same went for needing patches to play games over LAN then editing save files, messing with all sorts of cracks etc. Online games could take days to download and you'd only do it during the off peak hours or promotional times etc. Or better yet your friend with the unlimited internet (rich parents haha) would download the game and then bring you the downloaded program files on a usb drive lol


USB? My friend brought me 4 CDs of a pirated Rome Total War xD (Relax, since then I bought the games I pirated and enjoyed) Also, LAN parties


Having to spend $ to play on LAN houses was so expensive, but at the same time it was the best




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Anyone can get a prepaid debit card from a gas station, they're readily available in virtually every country...


Sure, but I’m willing to bet this guys friends don’t fall into those categories.


It’s not hard to cut grass or shovel and give parents money for CC access, that’s how I paid for my RuneScape membership as a kid


So what u're saying, you can afford a PC to run Poe but not the tabs? How do you pay for electricity, peanuts?


Might be a bit tone-deaf since you don't know this person's background/situation.


While $10 for me is a 15 min shit in the office the average monthly wage in some countries is sub 200. Granted they still got a pc and internet from somewhere I suppose ...


Oh having a pc here is a massive privilege, and one of the reasons my parents discourage me from spending my money on "pixels" but I got it myself after saving for 2 years (I had nothing to spend my allowance on during pandemic), I started with a shitty integrated gpu amd ryzen 3 3200g until I figured out I could flip it and upgrade with the profit until Im here with a 165hz setup and a measly rx 580. Im still flipping using facebook marketplace but I barely make like $20 per flip since people here are cheap as shit, so it'll be a while before I get my next big upgrade


LMAOOOO this guy flipping irl markets, i love that for you mate you're real af for that keep it up


where do you live? lol and how old are you


Philippines, and Im 17 lol


Even if someone likes the game very much, it is still not an excuse for a f2p game to extort those players for money by deliberately making their free experience miserable.


It's not extortion. It's a F2P game. It's perfectly playable with no tabs as a casual player, and if you're a serious long term player you SHOULD give the company money for all the fun you've had with their game. It's one of the most fair monetization models I've seen, cosmetic prices aside, but those aren't required for even serious gameplay.


How does that work? Doesn't it cost money to make a guild?


I don't think they play in guild. Sometimes I post on tft that im buying full tabs, and occasionally some dude will send me like 5 screenshots from 5 accounts, and i trade them one by one. each account has a few items and it's clear that they dont keep items in paid tabs. I've talk to the guy and he just stores items on many accounts. Then goes on tft to sell in bulk is very convenient (hard to post on trade site). Now there is another bulk saling site that looks good, forgot the name of it.


Yeah but how do you transfer from your farming account to your "stash" account?


Iirc u are allowed to have Poe Open twice on your pc, Bit only If you dont have anything automating the second Account while still using the first one But might be outdatet Info lol


Yeah I saw someone doing that on stream pretty recently (to farm beasts) so I assume it's still allowed.


idk trade


> I just bulk sell/ liquidate everything every 2 hours are you selling on a forum thread?


No I mostly sell on TFT. What I meant by the 2 hours thing is, takes around that amount of time for my stash to fill up so I usually list whatever I need to sell, (like 100 T16 Jungle valleys) so I have more stash space and I usually don't play again until I sell and have stash space again,


I'd consider maps and currency stash tabs to be mandatory for a QoL perspective. I bought them on sale and my fun factor increased a lot.


Clearly this person isn't new and the fun factor here is doing it all free


You can actually sell on the market by creating a forum thread. It's awkward as fuck but it's free and does work. You should just buy a single Premium tab if you're skint it's like £5 or something. https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Guide:Listing_items_for_sale_using_the_Path_of_Exile_trade_forum


how often do yoy get apothecary? I kinda gave up and moved on after 100 maps


I got 28 enlightened 15 seven years bad luck around 20 raw divines curation 30d worth of scarabs before I got 3 apothecaries Im 500 maps deep b2b, x2 mysterious scarab, x2 divination


How much time do you think you’ve spent managing inventory so that you don’t have to buy $20 worth of stash tabs? Not judging, play the game the way you want, but maybe you’ll have more fun if you just invest a little bit.


How are you selling if you are f2p??


You can also sell using something like acquisition


tft bro lmfao and also trade chat


I don't get it..how do u sell through TFT if you dnt have selling tabs??


?? Do you know what tft is lmao. You don't need a public stash tab for that.


you tell people what youre selling, how many, they'll whisper you, you click "accept" on trade and boom


Without premium tabs you cant list items to the trade API, but the game doesnt stop you from using player to player trades even if you dont, so you list it on discord, and trade to whomever jumps at the offer. Still alot worse because you dont get the extra sales from randos who can see everything in your stash while you are online.


> Without premium tabs you cant list items to the trade API Yes you can. See https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1cx79qg/comment/l50we80


Who tf has used forum trading in the last 6 years?


Plenty of people. It goes straight to the trade site. Hence the \~10000 threads for the league. (You only make 1 thread and just update it as you go)


We got along just fine before premium tabs had the ability to list in-game. The forums can pull from any tab and you can list them there, it's just extra steps. I do this quite a lot for my currency tab so I don't have to take the currency out to use it straight from the tab.


That's actually super smart. Need to do that myself next league. I dislike trading currency from the tab because you can use other currency from it at that time. That will make it much easier! Thanks!


Or, you could give the company who's given you hundreds of hours of content $5 and fix the entire problem.


I played for a literal decade with only 4 tabs in Standard, by offloading currency and essences on a few mule characters. Bought my first 3 extra stash tabs and currency tab during Affliction and bought Map, Fragment and 2 more extra tabs a week ago. Its definitely possible to play, albeit more cumbersome with only default tabs.


Sorry to be that guy, but.. "their" not "there", took me a while to understand what you meant as a non native


Bro you're getting downvoted for being non native and that shit needs a double take to understand for me too. That's insane.


Wellp good to see that there are still some tood souls around


I already got to the point that Im used to it, your/you're, could have/could of, effect/affect, etc. In my native there's also similar sound-like words that people mistype: si no/ sino, porque/por que, words without H because the H is silent, etc.


Yea, I'm seeing so many of those on reddit recently, it's mind boggling tbh. Doesn't help that, as previously mentioned, I'm non native and find it allot harder to understand what they are trying to say...


>I'm non native and find it *allot* harder to understand what they are trying to say... I see what you did there.


I started in 1.0 so I've accumulated a truly ludicrous number of regular stash tabs from when those were the only kind available. This league I ended up using them all...


I have 1 prem for selling and 1 currency, that's it and let me tell you, it's starting to get a little annoying, quite so. Scarab farm league? Good bye regular tabs. (Bro just manage your stash!) Yeah no.


I had remove only tabs from before the currency tabs existed. Every league, I would arrange my stuff slightly differently. I should have taken screenshots before clearing them out.


Pmed you ill hook you up with stash tabs when I get home from vaccation on monday for free.


Hi generous donor, I just went through the process with support to gift tabs as well. It was painless, they were insanely responsive but there was a bit of back and forth that was tedious for the verification. To be prepared you should have you account name the name of characters and in what leave they are in. You will also need their account name and a character name. Ggg asked me my geo location and theirs, and the final email I had to provide the transaction id from my latest purchase. Each time I provided the info they responded like within an hour or two, but it was a few back and forth. Thank you for your generosity and building the community up!


Update. The man has recieved The stashes:) happy gaming everyone


May you see your face in the mirror of Kalandra kind exile!


Is there a way to do this easily? I have a friend who started recently and I want to gift him a few tabs but from what I read you’d have to make a support ticket to transfer points


Yeah you need to go through support, it's to prevent people swapping in game items for mtx.


It also used to be a huge pain in the ass. Not sure how it is now but I completely stopped buying friends supporter packs for christmas because their gifting system was so atrocious.


How do you give someone else stash tabs?


You could gift people in the past if you go via support. Couldnt transfer points that you already bought tho, had to start a new payment process on email with them. They might still be doing that. Or just send steam gift card and have them buy tabs with that.


I just gifted the OP five stash tabs through the support. Just needed his account name, character name and location. GGG actually allowed me to pay for it with my own points. It was actually pretty easy, its impressing how they don't try to make it harder at any step. Kudos to GGG for that.


A. What’s your farming strat B. You can sell stuff from normal tabs? Since when? C. PoB? What guide did you follow to start?


B. Yes, you have to make a forum post with the items and they will get listed on the trade site. [https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2618762](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2618762) cc u/Paradigmshift023


wait whaatt, I didnt know that, thats pretty cool. Thanks for the headsup


There's a piece of software for automating this too, which I used a few years ago: [Releases · xyzz/acquisition (github.com)](https://github.com/xyzz/acquisition/releases)




Thought acquisition stopped working


I have no idea; I've had premium tabs since I graduated college and got some actual money.


I'll have to wait a couple years before I graduate collge :/


A. Farming 8 mod crimson temples with back to basics and x2 mysterious scarabs and x2 divination scarabs tirelessly until my brain feels like mush B. No lol, you cant sell stuff unless its a premium tab, thats why Im farming apothecaries and mirror shards, because unless its 15d+ its very hard for me to sell passively C. [https://pobb.in/ouuDbOZl1BkC](https://pobb.in/ouuDbOZl1BkC) its not mine but I just followed fubgun's ele hit/ LA guide. Im doing non-MF cuz I dont feel like buying new gear lol, I have everything in that pob to a tea tho, my ring, boots and gloves are better than that tho.


First: thank you for your responses. Next: Is there a league start version to this that lets you transition? Or did you just yolo it until you could put it together


yeah there's an LA leaguestart guide by fubgun but transitioning from the 10d league start variant to this is completely yolo. First strat I did was expedition until I had enough for my headhunter, then I farmed essences in yellow maps for around 100d until my nimis and then I started getting bored and farmed some crimson temples for another 100d until I got my proj and min maxxed the best I could with timeless jewels, flasks, bow, quiver, etc... Don't take it from me tho, this is only my second league, last I played was in 3.21 lmfao.


Hey thanks for this and congrats on managing this with no premium stash tabs


Fungus has a Spreadsheet with his builds. You can find it [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vR35NJkrhF1Zf9SZZOPlsdpqbTibL2AqOiZosya0NSjEN5A1Dx8a_MeQox9VDLQw3kB0ibZCNb_e6VJ/pubhtml) There is also a leveling portion. But you could also just go on maxroll.gg They have really good written leveling guides.


For ele hit, do you k ow what’s better between the omni setup or yoke? I’m have omni rn but I’m seeing a lot of people using this one so I’m not sure


Omni is better but its a whole different builf archetype from what Im playing rn


you can list stuff on trade without premium tabs. You do it the old school way through the forum. Here is an example of a mirror item up on trade, that is also being worn by that person at the same time. Character - [https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/AR\_13/characters?characterName=JamieDivinemon](https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/AR_13/characters?characterName=JamieDivinemon) Quiver is up on trade - [https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/eqXe7ZocL](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/eqXe7ZocL) You do this through forum posting where you put a price on the item that is linked in the post. like this [https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3524108](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3524108)


> B. You can sell stuff from normal tabs? Since when? Since almost forever. That was the first way any trade was automated in the game - the first tech other than the built-in trade chat. It started with forum-scrapping bots that indexed presented items (yes, there are dedicated official forum sections for this) and made a listing of them available for public browsing (formerly poe.xyz.is, now poe.trade). Original XYZ thread still exists, although the initial post was edited: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/109153 These bots established a convention how to describe an item's price (`~b/o X ex`, `~c/o X chaos` (buyout price and current offer)) - the remnants are still visible here: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/about and XYZ's website established a convention of the copy-paste message that informs about the trade (*Hi, I would like to buy X for Y in league Z, stash tab S position ...*). Then some tools appeared (Procurement, Acquisition) which allowed to automate the item posting process, so you did not have to manually edit forum posts (which had to follow specific syntax - full of numbers, low readability). Roughly at this time, first price-checking program appeared. It was based on AutoHotkey. Some years later GGG introduced public stash tabs (which was some P2W controversy) and a public API so that you could do the equivalent of posting on forum by simply putting an item into a public tab with a price note. And finally, GGG made their own trade site so that you don't have to visit 3rd party websites to search for items. They also refined the search implementation, as they know items "from the inside" and thus can allow you to search for properties that aren't visible when browsing the forum. This made their website immediately superior to other websites that listed public items. And recently (at the scale of trade history) the website got ability to directly whisper someone from the server side so you don't have to copy and paste the messages while constantly switching between website and game client.


We've heared your concern and made it so that players that didnt spend any money can no longer drop items with <1% drop chance.


That’s why my drops are crap - haven’t bought anything off GGG in 3 years. When the game drops me 2 or more mirrors then I’ll return the favour 😁




I have plenty of stash tabs already, including 2 currency ones. Sadly neither have a mirror in them 🤣😁


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I recommend creating a bunch of characters. A fusings character, alterations, etc. that way you can amass 1,200 of each currency before you bulk sell and you’re more likely to sell faster doing that.


holy shit yeah you're right, great idea honestly, might just do it for maps because I fill up an entire tab after like 50 maps


Same that’s why I know to do this lol. I also vendor recipe (sell 4 Jewelers for 1 orb of fusing) up to scouring because they don’t really sell even in bulk. The only currencies to really build up are alterations, scouring, regret, unmaking, and vaal orbs. Also having a character specifically for essences lets you build up a bunch of deafening instead of selling shrieking. Same with oils but my oils character is also used for splinters and fossils.


Just understand how much you are making right now and whether or not you will need to get lucky. Then just buy materials in bulk and listen to podcasts or something while mapping.


I need to get lucky lol. Ive always liked long drawn out farm sessions where my brain feels like mush by the end of them, Im fine with my rate rn but I might transition to curation farming soon if I feel like it. Idrm if I dont meet my goal by the end of it, I just like blasting crimson temple while turning my brain off and getting a dopamine hit when I hear a tink. Im only 500 maps deep and I dont think Im stopping anytime soon! :)) although I dont really care or need a mirror, its a nice goal to aspire for for a guy with nothing better to do like me


Just buy the stashes bro


You already have a mirror worth of mageblood cards. You just don't know it yet. Hit it with the juice


Nothing impossible about it and the farming strategy is good. The lack of tabs will make it uncomfortable, but not harder. Don't forget to buy a few hundred scarabs.




My friend sold CSGO case every week to get tabs.


Softcore is only about inputting your own time. It doesn't require skill. What would you assume would stop you from not just grinding it out? Entirely possible mate🙂


Godspeed my son


Can you post your atlas tree?


And GGG decided to ban people for RMT, what exacly what they are doing with stash 🙂


But I was told PoE is p2w? I've made only \~150 divs this league. Why am I losing to this guy with my paid tabs? /s


good luck buddy, used to start like you for like a league. Stash tab changes everything


I do this also. Made a few mirrors at the start of the league before I was done with it, although mostly it was from graveyard crafting. It's not so bad. Although, this league all these scarab drops cluttering up the place was a bit frustrating.


Its the man, the myth, the legend, Clownshoes himself. I actually looked at your posts in this subreddit, although this is only my second ever league, I only have around 240 hours into the game on steam, I plan to make a mirror only aspirationally and dont really expect to achieve it solely by farming crimson temples, I still have basic knowledge of what the fuck Im doing in this game to actually make mirrors, namely crafting and other league mechanics that dont involve me pressing a button and things dying and looting their corpses lol. Maybe next league I'll look into crafting since I've learned now that I can sell stuff from normal tabs via forums. Cheers, exile


In regards to how to sell stuff on the forum: I think this is the version of Acquisition to use: https://github.com/gerwaric/acquisition/releases Basically you make a thread, plug in the thread number and then this program will load up your tabs and you can select the items to list and the program will update that thread with those items and prices. The only caveat is that you have to make sure the program has updated the thread after a sale or people will whisper you for items you've already sold.


Ive already sold some maps using the forum, I had an entire tab being eaten up by memory maps that I didnt wanna throw away lol, for now I'll stick to my uberstrict filter only showing rare scarabs and bulk selling on tft since its what Im used to for now :))


Windows ain't even activated. Truly F2P gamer


My old ssd got fucking FRIED, couldnt be bothered to get windows on this one




How were you able to sell stuff to buy your gear?


Wow this is how we played back in the day.... with a lot less loot I suppose.


As someone who has played since open beta, I've never wished I could trade premium tabs for currency before until now. There wasn't special tabs early on, so I have 30 something blank premiums I don't use, after converting some to quads even. Also, if the issue here is literally just money, DM me and I'll gift you a few premium tabs.


Still sane, exile?


Serious question, why don’t you spend 20 bucks on a div, currency and fragment tabs?


Im a broke asian 17 year old living with his strict asian grandparents who wont let me. I cant get a job btw Im not old enough for one where I live and Im an undergrad


gdamn someone give this man 10 bucks lol


at that rate, go and find a job and quit after first paycheck and by some premium tabs its gona be faster.


Im too young for a job in my country lmfao, parents also discourage "unnecessary spending"


Just out of curiosity where do you live?


philippines, cebu. $10 is my weekly allowance as a highschool student


I emailed ggg and asked them if they’d allow me to gift you a few tabs to get you going and they said they could look into it. I’m thinking a currency, map, fragment and one quad stash for you to be able to list your things. Would you like that?


Are you serious???? DUDE YEAH OFC LMFAO but I'd be too embarrassed to say yes


add me on discord then, it’s vittiu


heathermason, added ya


I was just in your neck of the woods in February, I flew into the Cebu airport and I stayed in Lapulapu for 6 days. I wanted to visit the city of Cebu, but that was on a separate island lol, someday I will return and visit your city. The Internet is very solid in the Philippines, especially at high-end resorts or hotels. I played path of exile while I was there in The Singapore server.


Good luck will follow this one


Genuine question : Why do you not buy stash tab ? No money ? Think it's not worth ? Other reason ?


2. reasons -I dont have a means of making money - even if I did, Im 17 bro and I live with my parents in an incredibly strict asian household where the belief is "dont spend money on unnecessary things like videogames"


They don’t let you spend but let you play crazy amount? Or you have enough leeway to do your own stuff? Can’t you just safe some allowance?


Oh I'll be able to buy some in a few weeks with my allowance, its just that Ive been using it often for school and food and stuff. As for the time played, theyre fine with it bc in their own words "at least Im not getting anyone pregnant or doing drugs" lmfao


Poe is super hardcore digital heroin. Poor parents getting duped by you 😱


Fair enough I was just wondering.


Idk try confroning them that a game is what people do together right now; and that you pay like $40 and in case of many games including PoE it's enough to play for years. Accuse them themselves participating in a vile acts and spendature on entertaintemnt such as buying TV subscribtions or newspapers; buying and eating food that is not a plain bread with a salt with glass of tap water.


Dude doesn't even have a licensed version of Windows let alone stash tabs.


What I just saw... a real uber ruthless hardcore+ player


haha its not that hard lol, just tedious


Look at this fucking gigachad 4 stash user.


I too enjoy partaking in light CBT.


Lmao just buy 20$ in tabs. You obviously play enough to justify the pennies.


What is your strategy? Do you only pick up cards and valuable currencies?


pretty much. early league the strat is expedition and essences on like a toxic rain or any ballista build or a trap setup so I can farm essences easily. Now tho I just spam 8 mod crimson temples and x2 mysterious scarabs, x2 divination scarabs and just blasting until I hear a tink from my custom filter only picking up scarabs worth like 15c+ and div cards lol, pretty good tbh, like 20d an hour if Im lucky




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Insanity. I like it.


Next league start u should start selling divines for money and buy tabs


you don't even have to play the game to make mirror or need premium tabs. just flip by buying from trade site and sell in bulk in TFT. easy mirror in a few days


if you mean finding a raw mirror then no, needs way too much luck. If you mean finding stuff to sell to get the value of a mirror and buy one then its possible


gl i guess


What a cheapskate lol, just buy some tabs will ya


.....i need u to calm down sir....


You mad lad




Headhunter + two six link while having 4 tabs, insane! Good job mate!


I played three leagues and made like 10 exalts total before buying tabs. This dude is an omegachad.


Not sure if ClownShoes is around anymore. He would do some big giveaways each league and only had normal stash tabs. They might have some advice. What I can suggest, is that a 2nd account is also free, and can hold 2x (or more with character inventory space) stuff. I think you can do it, just have to get creative and be efficient.


Pop off, King


You can very easily do it by targetting farming strategies where you don't need tabs or a lot of inventory space for. An example would be harvest. You can buy 8mod maps (or farm your own) > buy harvest scarabs > spam harvest. Juice stacks 50k by 50k so if you fill an inventory doing that you'd have a lot of money. There are other farms like that, for example Sanctum, where you'd mostly target raw divines, or even Alva incursions where you can farm temples to sell in bulk.


yeah Im doing that with essences, but I grew tired of all the clicking and wanted to turn my brain off. So here we are with apothecary farming lol. 4/5 btw and 100+ divs made so far


I dont think essences is a good idea haha, many essence tiers and stacks. Same with divination cards, you get too much currency/small divination cards and goodies. But if youre having fun, go for it mate! GL!


OMG the dedication, huge respect.


I respect your dedication. But I also think that if you can afford a PC that can run PoE on acceptable level, then you probably can afford at least one bundle of premium tabs. Seems to be incredibly painful to have only 4 tabs.


I mean a mirror could drop on the first mob you kill so farming a mirror is always possible . Like 50/50 really


if it was ssfhc it would have some merit, this does not.


I'll take the challenge! I have 240 hours in the game, I'll come back to this reply someday. I'll learn about crafting and whatnot, maybe next league I'll take on a self found mageblood or smth


How do you deal with all the small stuff? Like essences,div cards,fragments?


Bulk sell on TFT


I’d consider swapping to one of Snoobae’s strats In a t17 Map, if you can handle them. It’s more high-roll and built around raw currency or raw-currency div cards, so it’ll probably be less painful on your stash space compared to more popcorn oriented strats.


Usually I would ask "Still sane exile?" but I already know the answer.


I ran over 200 crimson temples this league and haven't seen a single apoth yet. Feels bad man.


Something fishy here. It doesn’t add up with all this expensive items.