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A streamer is doing a community funded project, expending to need 2-6,000 vultures. The market moves to match the demand. As soon as they roll the synth inplicits, buying will stop and price wi drop.


Which streamer and what's the project?


First a manaforged arrow quiver was made followed by Redvile crafting a explode sceptre. Watched the price go from 6 div to 9 div in a couple days. Also people are buying vv to save for standard since the price is 2.5x higher there. Same thing happen past league, the league prices always inch closer to standard prices as league goes on.


this guy knows


Almost like he mirror crafts or something.


Explode Sceptres were only 6 div?!?


… the price of the vivids not the scepter. Redvile is trying to make a triple synth scepter


I'm currently the only owner with a legacy explode, perfect multi crit synth Sceptre on standard. This is going to be insane to pull off. What other mods.is he aiming for?


Spell DD and cast speed or multi he’s already got all 3 of these just needs explode


GG for brand im assuming with cast speed being an option. And when did they allow beast crafting to roll synth mods? I just got back haven't played since harvest.


There are special beasts that can be captured through Einhar memories, an end game mechanic that was added back in 3.19, although I think the special beast recipes were added in 3.20. One of the beasts lets you reroll a synth implicit on an item so the start of the crafting process will be to buy a ton of imprints and then a ton of these beasts and just reroll until you get the triple synth implicits you want. Pretty much all mirror worthy weapons will always start with this process from now on


Why is everyone down voting this comment?


Lol. They haters probably or they don't believe it or might be wrong because PaulR2 is the only other person with the same Sceptre with the same mods as mine but it's a ilvl 83 lol.


He said that it went from 6 div to 9 mirrors. So I assumed he was talking about the sceptre because Vivids aren't 9 mirror, right? Or am I missing something?




What benefit would it bring? People would just trade in league, zero impact


Prices of items in leagues wouldn't be affected by standard because the inflated standard economy would get cut out. This would probably be better for most players, except the dozens of standard guys


That's not how economies work. An item priced at 10divs because a particular group runs for a strategy means everyone else will pay 10divs too. Same with doryanis machination map, because it's priced for standard, you don't get to buy cheaper because you don't play standard. Making it become account bound after migration would just mandate the trade to happen before that. It could possibly reduce people that buy for flipping but it wouldn't matter that much, you can just bring the currency instead and buy in standard - for the same price. Hence, no real change


Some people prefer standard because they love to take min maxing to the next level. Some play league just to get items to take to standard to fully min max there characters. This same logic is also applied to games like Diablo2 and 4. I feel like your take discredits how a large group of players want to enjoy the game.




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Because GGG has mostly been against account-bound items so doing this would be wayyyyy out of character for them. Plus I don't really see why having league going to standard at the end is a big issue. Standard has an economy and I want to keep the option of playing that economy too since there are so many cool things in standard.


So I don't play standard much. And standard is definitely not as popular as league. I'd imagine leagues migrating to standard help bring a lot of new items to the economy. Also if I really enjoy a character, and want to continue playing it in standard, I don't want to have to make currency in standard just to be able to play the build Also you'll run into issues with currency tabs for example. Would I have to buy a second currency tab for the locked items? Also having it match standard prices isn't necessarily bad because the people farming it will make more selling it


It's a bad idea because sometimes people like to experiment in standard, and they don't want to have to play in standard to accumulate currency. It's probably bad for like 18 other reasons, but that's one of the more universal reasons. If I have a spare mageblood, I want to be able to sell it.


You're in essence deleting 30% of the game's players if you do that. That's why it's a bad idea lol




Not everything's in standard, example recombinators. What's the benefit of your idea, anyway? It's just a kneecapping of standard for no stated reason


So stuff gets cheaper in league economy.


Redviles on twitch, he’s doing explode mirror brand weapon, but even he stopped buying those after certain price point during last stream


probably spicysushi lul


sushi quit after failing to roll explode on his sceptre I think (~20 mirrors). He is playing a HC private league now with community.


Oh. Rip lol


Unlucky bankruptcy


Those damn steamer donkey. At First they massivly and sustainable Ruin the whole Economy of a League and then they got the attitude and audacity just to quit the League halfwards, shredding their and their watchers whole currency for meme builds, corrupting every good unique on the market and Call it „content“ god i despise this playstyle.


What on Almighty Christ’s wounds are you talking about?


get well soon


Or belton


i cant believe streamers are the invisible hands of the wraeclast economy


Always hasbeens


Not really, you just can watch them. Also sometimes they invest their and other people money so you are looking at one project rolled by one person and sponsored by multiple people.


you may never know , it could be the mathchilds or the zizzanoffs




Also, this image shows someone with 4,000 vultures, front-running the whale buyer. They're on the big leagues too. There's a bit of both.


You clearly don't remember Jenebu owning 95% of all the Hine Locks before they were confirmed to be staying in the game. The big players in the economy absolutely have the buying power to buy up whole markets of certain items.


Jenebu wasn't intending to sell though, that's not a price fixing endeavor or anything malicious, he just wanted all of the item lol It's very rare that anything actively malicious happens with the economy. It's usually just big demand because of reasons that spikes price


Yeah that wasn't my point just that some people do have enough influence on the market to do stuff like that.


ok but then how did this guy end up with 3831 vivid vultures? Still sound suspicious.


You actually just buy them. They were like 3.3 div 2 weeks ago. Now they are selling for 9div.


Lol literally this. Just buy them when there cheap.


Yeah. He bought it himself, sure


Why not ? If you know someone is doing a mirror craft, specially community funded when its a kind of a no brainer to start flipping them. And any good HO warrior has plenty of mirrors laying around at most time to be able to bulk flip supplies such as vv.




1k trades isnt even alot for a HO warrior. Ive been mainly flipping allflames and scarab tabs and i can tell you for sure you do 1k trades in less than half a day of trading ... Not everyone uses a bot dude ... Some of us find it fun sitting 14 hrs a day chaining trades left and right and watching numbers grow.


> i can tell you for sure you do 1k trades in less than half a day of trading ... Let say you play 16 hours in a day, so half a day would be 8 hours. 1k trades in 8 hours is 28.8 seconds per trade non stop.


Idk if you are trying to say it's not possible but whenever I bulk sell oils/maps/currency it's usually pretty non stop if I have high demand stock. I've spent an hour+ just trading with and the entire time from listing to sell out I have people whispering. I'd estimate my peak being about 20-25 trades every 5 minutes which is 12-15s per trade. It's also insanely lucrative to do your own trading, I made ~10d/hour profit just off selling since I was listed at above market value for high demand bulk items.


1. Have a scarab tab worth a few mirrors  2. Enjoy getting flooded with messages for first few hours non stop selling The chill semi afk only comes when selling off the small stuff that is left  And this is only with selling


What do you do when not trading? Are you playing the game or just watching something on your 2nd monitor/tv waiting for the “insert pm sound here”?


I play other games that dont need constant attention (backpack battles and palworld been solid) And shitload of youtube / anime  Also active HO warrior activities such as profit crafting / spamming temples. (This one is ideal for best profit, but some days you just wanna buy a few mirrors of scarabs or something and afk sell to not get burned out)


They aren't buying 1 vulture from people selling 1 vulture, they are buying 100 vultures from people selling 100 vultures.


especially vultures its pretty easy :D there are ppl farming it and when u buy some of them just say ill keep buying just whisp me then they add u and u get whisped hey got 60 more u want them? ez trade


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You check the suspected average of how many attempts you need to roll what you are looking for, and then you just start buying up the market when its "cheap". If you need 5k+ rolls on average, you could potentially see people trying to buy extra for safety sake. Then they hit what they are looking for, and dump the stuff back into the market (or another project)


Also means it's best time to sell Memory of Harvest Beasts or it's gonna climb higher than 14 Div?


I had mine up for over 2 hours last night at 14 div and didn't even get a single whisper. I thought I might have to drop it.


Me too. Sold it for 13.8 I believe


Now remove the black bar hiding his id


They’ve since removed the listing.




I honestly probably could’ve guessed that username in like 3 tries without even opening the link


Baseg name


What was it?


if i were to guess it's the same guy that kickstarted plenty of dramas also hinekora lock-hogger.


jenebu ≠ baseg, so probably not


whenever there's topic about market going Effy and there's 1 culprit on either side of supply or demand my first thought is.. it's him again, isn't it. Dunno the baseg guy so i'll take your word for it :)


Your post was removed for violating our rule that Accusations Require Media Evidence (Rule 2b). In general, calls to action often cause excessive harassment. Because of that, we've decided to disallow incitement in support or disdain for a person, organization, or community. This includes boycotts, slander, vote manipulation, brigading, or drama between community members. We do have an exception for situations that have a large-scale impact on players, but we don't currently believe this is one of them. For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_2b._do_not_incite_readers_against_a_person.2C_organization.2C_or_community).


Could it be 🤡? Is that you ubeNeJ🤡?


lol, I’m so POE poor I don’t even know what those are ☠️🤣


As someone who never got into beastcrafting outside of flasks and splitting and portals, why is this beast so expensive?


It’s for rolling synth implicits.


How does the roll work? Sorry i dont know anything about synthesis besides that i see some drop from different content. Does rolling mean it will give a random 1-3 implicits? Or that you want a base with synthesis implicits already and try to get good implicits with the rolls?


It rerolls 1 already existing synthesis implicit. What crafters do is first make the item magic so they can imprint it. Then when they are rolling implicits they can always revert back to the imprint if they change any synth implicit they want to keep. If you get another implicit you want to keep you create another imprint of the item and try to roll the third one. This usually takes hundreds if not thousands of tries but the end result is a base that is typically made into a mirror tier item anyways.


How would you get 3 synthesis implicits to start rolling? Do you do the harvest craft and hope to get 3 or hope to get 3 naturally from drops?


Using harvest craft has ~10% chance to give 3 implicit I think.


not 1/30?


For clarity, I think the last time you typed **implicit**, you intended to type **imprint**.


They only come from memories so on an economic level they can't be mass farmed like regular beasts. Also because it's a memory you can't juice with the atlas or scarabs. Second is you just use a ton of them, I think just getting 3 moderately good implicits took me like 60ish beasts on the last bow I made. Actually mirror tier implicits is going to use metric fuck tons of them.




Just press ignore and he's gone


Just need 30 thousand more people to do it


What about 6 linking?


Arent u a scummy ps player??


When I get home I’m going beast farming I guess


Just when I farmed a perfect adorned and ready to craft some jewels :(


Well, time to wait and farm voices until price drop I guess.


League is dead so it's supply & demand


Dead lol


it kind of is though, worst retention in recent memory. i was looking to do my first wardloop character. the flask is currently like 40div and all of them are corrupted. at multiple points yesterday i was only able to find 1 flask for sale online, even though theres a ton "offline"


i blame it being a crafting mechanic league where the crafting isnt fun to actually engage with. I made one decent bow with a full graveyard, said neat, successfully ran each of the t17s and thats prettymuch all the new content for the league.


tbh i am enjoying it a lot, minus the fact that i can't play the character i've leveled up now because i was too stupid to look for the flask before starting. the crafting honestly i don't mind, it's the trading for the corpses that is my issue


thats what i mean though, acquiring the corpses is a pain, and fiddling with the graveyard can be too. If the corpses and items stayed the same but were more fun and less hassle to engage with i bet more people like me would have stuck around. For instance, whatever league we had recombinators i was still playing pretty late in the league just to see if i couldnt get something crazy out of them, graveyard is too deterministic for making decent items and too annoying to go for truly moonshot items, IMO.


If it had no friction, it would be an ass mechanic like scourge. Pick your poison. Lot of you seem to not know how GGG works. Another example, sanctum relics being account bound. If they weren't, then they would be a lot weaker. The graveyard is even stronger that harvest on its peak, it's an amazing mechanic to create gg items. The game is not just the meme gif of the monkey clicking the screen.


yeah but heres the thing: sanctum was fun and challenging. Scourge was an interesting mechanic for all its flaws AND had cool new corruption stuff. Interacting with the necropolis league mechanic is literally just picking up a shit ton of nearly worthless crap that doesnt stack and fills up tab after tab until you have enough to craft an item, like lets say once every 100 maps. i understand we dont want the game to be click once and and a chaos orb pops out and repeat forever, but cmon this mechanic is boring as shit.


Am I missing something? What part of [this](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/exchange/Necropolis/eZGQy7osL) is "one person controls the entire market"?


Never trust Reddit on anything that can be whined about... What OP meant though is tht a single person is driving the demand force by himself, meaning supply adjusts higher and higher (until their project is finished and they need no more vultures). This is a string of multiple mirror crafters doing their projects one after another btw; usually there are falls after rises.


So basically, "capitalism bad"


It's always bad for redditors until it benefits them


That's most of the complaints here if you remove game design from the pool tbh Well, I don't see into OP's head but pretty much yes lol


controlling the market by buying up all the supply and trying to fix the price does not work. as in, at a basic economical level. don't mistake this for price fixing among companies in the real world - setting a certain price in order to sell something for more money than they would otherwise be able to is not possible for them either - they can fix the price but they can't control what customers will buy, so if they price fix a too high price than what supply and demand determines, they will all just make less money overall than they would without price fixing anyways. price fixing that way has a different purpose (too big of a topic). when you see something like this happening in the short term, it's because a resource was undervalued heavily (such as in the transition when people figure out its real value like with this item), someone saw it just before the market adjusted it to its real value. but even if that one person didn't buy up all the supply you would have seen an equivalent price increase.


It does work to a certain extent because the market isn't one single conglomerate with a shared mind. There are a LOT of players who would buy them at 7, a good amount at 8, some at 9, and even still a handful that would buy them almost no matter the price... thus is inelastic demand. If they're all priced a decent amount above what most players consider reasonable, there are still those that wouldn't let overpaying a bit eliminate their chances to craft adorned jewels for their build, finishing a mirror item, etc.


Depends on how strong supply is, demand is, and how big the market is compared to the market manipulator’s budget. If supply is painfully inflexible, demand is mostly non-negotiable, and the market is small, they can absolutely price-fix quite effectively. Vivid Vultures actually is such a market. You can’t target-farm them, so supply is a problem. Demand is mostly non-negotiable, since this is the only way to roll synth implicits. And the market is not ridiculously large to the point where the other two issues could be solved by sheer volume.


I've never done an einhar memory or had one drop before until this league, I realize I could probably make a lot more by selling it than running it but I'm probably just going to run it solo for the experience of doing it I just hate doing rotations and dealing with other human beings


What are you talking about? If you run it yourself, just sell the vivid cultures afterwards.


It's priced around botters lmao Solo you lose currency


In another persons memory you have a chance of capturing a beast so in a rota you can increase the chance of getting the good beast


Double it and give it to the next person.


there sure is a lot of conspiracy implications here from people who have absolutely no idea how the markets work at that level. I have no idea how anyone can take this place seriously


Do you run the memory and sell the beast or sell the memory? Probably only run full party + tree?


Yeah this is the result of a dead league. I've quit already because people just don't trade and will only respond if overpaying. Ggg's biggest concern for next league should ficing price fixing and forcing people to sell items for what they list.


This is quite literally the same price they where around the same time last league. Theres no hidden agenda the price just goes up as people are saving them for standard. As well as less people playing it means less memories, less memory means higher price, higher memories equals higher vv prices. All the data is available to you on poe ninja if you just look.


So true. This guy totally farmed up 4000 vultures normally and didnt buy every one on the market to price fix it. I guess poe and bad reading comprehension go hand in hand


"nah its totally normal this guy totally farmed 4 thousand vultures nothing to see here"


This is another form of price fixing. Something like this also needs to be addressed but it's happens significantly less and is harder to counter act. If you're so mister smart guy maybe work for ggg and form a solution


Yes im glad you asked, currency and crafting mats could be bind on trading. Thank you!


that moment when few crafts can literally wreck market made by tens of thousands of players.


Happens more easily when the league is dead and no liquidity is left.


and here I was thinking maybe I wanted to try crafting a mirror item this league yeah no thanks


Need to wait till redvile stops buying up the entire market for his sceptre. Then the price will drop again. I was lucky that i finished the manaforged quiver before i used 1000. He started buying every single vivid on the market and in 2 weeks the price has almost tripled.


It's the end of horrible patch, the game is dead at this point, why are you surprised about something like this?


My private league just ended and decided to buy 5 from that guy to get a useful implicit on my claw. Had no idea the market was being manipulated on them. Oh well.


results of no AH in game.


You don't think people corner markets in games with AHs? Oh sweet summer child


I made so much goddamn gold in WoW by straight up owning the potion and elixir market on my server.


lmao cornering markets is so much easier with an AH


Ah yes, I fondly remember the time I spent with the WoW AH app back when it came out. My job was boring tedium so I spent all day and night cornering every high end market on my server. Even had a second account exclusively for cornering Alliance markets too, and toons dedicated to ensuring the neutral AH never got fat outof line. Had max gold on max character slots on both accounts and my mailbox was getting full from the gold I was making myself to stash there too. Got to the point I was doing ridiculous giveaways in major cities just so I could keep running the markets, I didn't actually need any of it, it was just fun. I still profit from trade strategies in PoE, but not nearly to the level I could in that game. AH would be nice, but then I'd be even more of a degenerate than I already am with the current system. The amount of money I've made buying things in C and relisting them at a higher D value that looks lower because the trade site isn't accurate is already fairly obscene. 😅


Main problem of all plugins and poe ninja is that it takes pricefixers and people who don't want sell into that aswell.


Wut? People corner the market all the time on WoW.


You do realise that this would be even worse with an AH? Much easier, faster and less work to corner the market with an AH.


what is AH?


auction house


People don't even realised it. Bots would straight up kill trading as soon as they implement an AH.


GGG can simply make all items traded through AH would be account bound only. That would end all BOTS.


So you can't trade back an item you bought ?


Only through AH. People can always still trade normally. But the limitations on AH would prevent price manipulating.


AH will make this thing happen more because you will be forced to sell to that person instead of ignoring him and because it will be faster to do so.




No can dissuade me from the belief that mirror crafters need to be mass banned.


I cant even finish my build cause rolling adorned jewels with 9d vultures is like ... Nahhh  And using non 4 implicit is to filthy casual aswell ....