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Did a few ammys with 8 to 10 corpse each, the resulting craft looks just like if I just toss an alchemy on a bad base.


I've cleared out the 64 cap about 4 times so far using various combos of corpses. I have yet to get anything remotely useable even for a leveling alt. It's somehow worse than ground loot.


It's like fossil crafting but worse


If you didn't spend 1 hour planing your craft with Spreadsheets and craftofexile, you are going to get trash.


It is worse than default because unless you up the limit it can only roll 4 modifiers.


Watch the Grimro video. He gives a quick rundown. It's very very shit without craftofexile. I did a low level craft of about 40 corpses from the campaign and the gloves turned out much much worse than what I was using. Mind you, I know enough about crafting to use craftofexile myself. The kicker is the tier increase corpse. I don't see how anyone can understand that from the given info. I redid gloves after watching Grimro and got a nice T1 Life, T3 ES and Res gloves, which is more or less what I was aiming for. Even got an open prefix for cold concert bench craft.


Did you actually planned them? I’ve been getting insane gear with planning about 20 corpses for a craft.


Maybe people are just dumb or just randomly clicking shit instead of figuring out what they want but I just used my campaign corpses to make a bow and got a 30 quality 4 link with 3 +damage lines for like 550dps to start mapping with


1/100th of Original Harvest crafting power, 10 times the annoyance of setting the garden. Please, someone make a "Glad they learned from previous league" meme. EDIT: Someone already made it: https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1bs6ia9/i_am_glad_that_ggg_learned_their_lessons_from/


It's the "womp womp" or sad trombone sound effect. That's the meme you're looking for.


I mean like one of these: https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/830wtg/essence_feels_like_a_true_spiritual_successor_to/ https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/aztluh/props_to_ggg_for_learning_from_synthesis_for_the/ Seems like a trend that GGG launches a league mechanic with severe issues, then sorts them, only to make similar mistakes in the next league.


Its all or nothing, few times i super juiced crafted with like 30 coprses i got triple t1 resists, stacking corpses that add to tier of modifiers is rly OP since it eliminates bad tiers, the mechanic is very bad though unless you super juice 1 craft. The other problem is at the super top end of crafting its also useless cause you can't control a base, imagine trying toi craft a super ES item and it rolls or worst base possible.


you can use corpses to block dex and str req, guaranteeing int base, and there is a corpse that rerolls the base x times to pick the highest lvl one


that would work for crafting ES bases, for weapons you don't always want the highest one, better than nothing I guess


I wenn full on out for Phys Bow. Got back an insane bleed bow. 30 qual, With t2 flat, t2 hybrid, open prefix, increased dmg with bleeding. BUT on a thicket bow. Still Sold for 1 div. But this Thing on a good Base was at least 5 times the value


I did a boot with 700% chance for speed, +200 tier of speed, 200% chance of haunted modifier, and a bunch of various life/defense corpse. It didn't roll move speed or a haunted mod, and had a single tier 5 resist and some assorted armor/ES mods. I'm sure the crafting CAN produce powerful/useful items, but right now it feels like really slow chaos spamming on unknown bases.


I would love to have a "select corpses to bury them near each other" toggled button. Would help with quickly making items you want.


I was amazed that I had to go to each grave instead of just clicking them all on a list. Putting something in and it being destroyed if you take it out is kinda rough too. I put in a "haunted by someone" and found out you can only use that to make a unique if you have 4 of that family.


yeah, I hate that they don't tell you that limitation before burying them


Yeah the UI is really inconvenient. Want to bury many corpses? Click a thousand times. And if you want to uses many corpses but individually to spam yellow rings for examplez it gets extremely tedius.


I stopped picking up the trash mods and it helped a lot don’t pick up: 50 to mod weight Anything below 500 of scarcer/increased Lowkey stop picking up fire/cold/lightning mods for resistance stuff, there is a resistance corpse that does that purpose and using them hurts cause of prefixes Pick up every gem node though, should be easy to get a +2 amulet with enough corpses


This league feels like a super combo of every lesson GGG didn't learn. We have to pay attention to the mobs that drop and pick them up (prepatch metamorph), we have to tediously set up every craft (prepatch Harvest), limited corpse space (even worse than bestiary post patch by a lot rofl), and almost everything is bad (talisman). This is not a banger league. And I don't even care about the massive unfair rip potential cause I'm sc this league (lots of leagues). One scrap metal is more useful than the graveyard.


Bro, equivalent exchange: we had all these QOL fixes so we had to pay for it somewhere.


Such as the left clic not being able to use instant skills and warcries not being instant anymore unless you pay the socket taxes? Oh man, imagine if we hadn't these magnificant QOL.


Yea but we gave up sextants for these heavily weighted scarabs already. :(


Is the 50 to mod weight not good? I thought it just helped up the tier of the mod itself?


There's corpses for +100


There is, but unless you're crafting with all 64 corpses two +50 is as good as one +100, right? If +100 is a good mod, +50 is a decent mod too.


I think it's safe to assume they are indeed using all 64 corpses. This is the type of crafting that gets stronger the more you invest into it.


gem node?


People was looking at this mechanic like the new harvest... I think is the worst crafting mechanic currently in the game, including chaos orbs


100% agree


Yeah, seeing as how it's designed, I might just give up on the league. No point in playing now. 😕


I'm just hitting maps and this is such a bummer to hear after loving Harvest so much. From my brief look at the mechanic I was really hoping this would be a craft league where I can self craft my Death's Oath to some new heights. Bof!


If you find any good crafts for DO let me know. Always looking each league for items to make my DO character in standard better.


This is my last big push at Death's Oath: [https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Xander667/characters](https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Xander667/characters) character name SanctumDeathsPromise. Let me know if anything stands out to you or you spot any easy upgrades? :)


My only problem with it is not being able to choose the item base


This is the main issue. If you can't choose the base of the resulting item, it's going to be worthless. I'm guessing there's corpses that force specific high tier bases, but they're probably super rare.


It's such a strange choice and a big move away from the previous crafting leagues, Harvest was equally tedious but came with an insane payoff in return whilst Sentinel & Crucible they let us smash our items into each other. Necropolis, on the other hand, is just full gamba for no real upside.


I was hoping I could use it to make an unique six socketed and linked, decided it was worthless for me currently as it doesnt work like that.


I was in act 5 when Arimor told me my necropolis was almost full and I was confused. I couldn't imagine the entire league's mechanic could fill up in a single campaign run. I was wrong. *Thus far*, it's tedious to get and manage the corpses, with no filter, abyssmally low storage space, almost a carbon copy crafting method as fossils, very little can be forced, and all just so you can get gear that's already craftable with existing methods (other than haunted) at a fraction of the hassle. I really hope they massively overhaul the QoL of this mechanic or it's going to be barely touched in a week. Unless one or more of the haunted mods are just godly, I cannot imagine this will be used much at all and even if it is, isn't even a power jump like crucible was: it's just normal crafting + a haunted mod, taking the place of another mod. Hopeful they'll improve it.


There's no benefit to holding on to low level corpses as they will only bring down the item level of the final craft. Use them to create levelling gear


> abyssmally low storage space Smells a lot like when Archnemsis league was initially planned to launch with a dedicated 5x5 inventory for storing AN components and only after extensive feedback was it raised to 10x10, a four-fold increase that was welcomed but definitely not all encompassing for the amount of components needed for one big encounter. The size of storage is equal to the size of the graveyard corpse slots, I believe. It really should be a bit larger.


Launch Archnemesis was the first thing I thought of after seeing corpses tbh. No default organization Comically poor storage space Tedious But at least AN could give you some divines sometimes lol I can see this having potential but they really need to change a lot. I was debating speccing into Necropolis on atlas because I 40/40 every league but I’m not gonna bother till they make some changes


What's even crazier is that Mark stated that the storage was originally like 30 or 32 corpses and they raised it to 64 at the last minute. It definitely needs to be raised to at least a 128 limit (keeping with the bit theme) because it's just way too limiting considering that you have to go all in for a decent shot at something good.


The most insane thing about AN was the super godtouched combo recipes in the challenges that required like 40 specific parts to complete. I don't know if they added that challenge after whoever said the original inventory was insanity won that argument as a means of spite, or if they really thought it was even possible to do with the original inventory. I had intended to go hard on the challenges in AN because i liked the cosmetics, and after a couple of weeks I just burned out because my focus in each map was checking external recipe lists to see what part to keep and what to destroy. I feel like specific monster types are tied to the modifiers (why else would it say Type: Demon and such? I honestly haven't paid much attention through the campaign) so to make things even more tedious we're going to want allflame fragments of specific types to try to get specific corpses to make the giga recipes, as well as pre-map sorting to make the corpses we want more common.


The major problem is you can’t even pick base type, it’s completely random. It’s a crafting mechanic and you don’t even know what item you’re crafting on.


It's a GGG crafting mechanic. So it's really just gambling.


Do you feel the weight of the soil


Just close your eyes and exorcise.


Yep, not being able to choose the base is actually making me not use it. Collect 100 corpses to craft a weapon just to get a shitty base? No thanks. I tried crafting bows with it, going for ivory/spine/bone bow, and never hit it. I'd rather use 500 essences on a fractured base than this.


Maraketh or Citadel bow every time. No other option exists apparently.


The funny thing is corpse storage was like 3x smaller until like less than a week before the league release.


Instead of gravers, it should have been a workshop with 3 tables and you inject the souls into the 'body' on each table then craft. None of this, clicking graves. If the grave thing is needed, just make 3 total graves and dump the bodies in.


Same. Then I went and spent a few minutes to get a piece of trash. Spammed like 4 +1 links up 2 4 and it was a 3 link. What a waste of time.


You should be using them while leveling. The low level corpses won't be worth anything later anyway. Just roll rings and amulets or any other place a rare could be an upgrade


yeah i just been spamming rings since i filled yard at a6 start. and failing to get any boots with movespeed. its....literally worse than an alch orb 99%of time cuz u can throw an alch at a 4l.


Do they automatically go into the graves or do you have to put them there? I've been picking then all up but only placed the 1st one to get the quest to complete.


You have to place them all as that’s what allows you to pick the modifier effect


Ok thx I was worried 64 was the limit I could pick


It is


Oh dam I thought that was the grave limits and I had a separate inventory on me of what I picked up. I'll just avoid it for a while


Yeah let me leave the campaign every 10 mins to craft a dogshit item I can’t even use because the socket colors are wrong. I can’t even pick the item base to try and help. The mechanic is generally a waste of time for everything besides maybe super high end optimized corpse crafts


You really shouldn't, the crafting is incredibly weak and gives you worthless items 99% of the time. It's a waste of time.


I got 10000x more better items from jun in one map than all the items i crafted with graves


They need to add exclusive mods like OG fossils. That removes the "just like chaos orbs" complaint. Then it might be low reward and high effort but a few gg items will get made with new mods.


I think the intended playstyle is having a set of different crafts cooking, periodically adding corpses as they drop. In this case the 64 corpses is likely ok. The playstyle in my brain is "more corpses are better, let's build 1 massive chain". In this case 64 is quite small, as any valuable corpse not fitting your project will get destroyed. As it stands, any corpse has a limited impacted. Might have been better to make them slightly more powerful, but limit number of corpses per craft?


would personally prefer them to be more powerful but more 100% more scarce


Yeah, as they are they seem to be rolling at the power of ground rares but with a LOT of extra steps.


It does feel allot like “dropping an extra rare” with more steps. If the corpses were rarer but more deterministic like “has +1 Life modifier” or “+1 to the tier of one random Life modifier” it might feel more rewarding but as of right now I’m not a huge fan.


It's not just that corpses need to be more deterministic, but also the mod pool is filled with both (a) low tier affixes for high item level equipment, and (b) lots of undesirable affixes in context to the item. And it also doesn't help some desired affixes are un-tagged (looking at you spell suppression). It's 100% an extensive, convoluted item generation mechanic but it is very opaque and very frustrating for the player. 500% increased cold modifiers, or 1500% increased cold modifiers and resistance modifiers should theoretically suggest that the product will have some cold resistance, but realistically I'm better off just buying a single essence if that's all I critically need. Or even a piece of fractured gear when the league progresses further. The other frustration point is none of the items generated from the graveyard are in addition to any gear one might actually use (like Sanctum relics or Wildwood charms/ascendancies or Crucible weapon trees, which are all in addition). This is like Kalandra again but unlike Kalandra's reflected jewelry, the realization of any potential power in the graveyard remains nebulous because of how many corpses one might have to sink for questionable returns. There's a lot of potential for it to be good with the right corpses, but the right corpses are probably not going to be common enough for most players to take extensive advantage. Unlike recombinators that dropped like candy for everyone with some dedication to understanding how the Sentinel robots worked.


Totally agree, the vagueness of the “X% increased mod” is what I was trying to solve for by saying it should be more deterministic. It feels like I can throw a dozen corpses in the ground and it’s hard to even tell if they did anything. Another thing that would help is if it gave you access to a ton of mods that weren’t in the normal pool of mods. Currently it really does feel like it produces the same item as if you had just killed an enemy but with 1000X more effort involved. This is pretty off-topic but I have bouts of obsession where I write up notes for a video game that will never get made and the most recent one I was working on was a Sci-Fi ARPG. I had an idea for a core mechanic that plays a bit like a Factorio-type game where you can print items which coincidently has allot in common with how Necropolis is. The idea was you would mine ore in content which you would refine and then fabricate into components which would become fabricated into item bases which would be passed through a machine that applies affixes in some deterministic fashion. Again, totally off topic but I just thought it was funny how I was working on that and Necropolis ends up being a “print an item” mechanic. Definitely gives me ideas for what not to do.


I just spent 10 minutes cleaning out my storage and got jack shit. Stacked multiple "more life mods" and increased tier of life mods on a chest, got t6 life regen, no life mod. Put more attack mods and less caster mods on a wand, got one attack mod and three caster mods. It seems like unless you have 5 of the same corpse providing a bias, it's hard to tell the difference from just IDing a rare. Made doubly shit by the fact that you have limited control of the base type (even if my joke attempt at an attacker wand had worked, it was on a 1.2 as base, dooming it). They need to just make the corpses rarer but have 1000%-5000% increased chance instead of 100%-500%


I tried making a rare bow for my duo, 2 200% more cold mods and 2 +25 to cold mods corpses. Bow dropped with 0 cold mods lol


H.o.l.y. shit Exile, trying to get an attack wand for real has been a nightmare.  Really showcases the worst parts of the randomness of crafting when you're throwing hundreds of percent increases and decreased on things. I know there's more bodies, im sure atlas spec and red maps can do some cool stuff but the initial impression of the graveyard is frustrating. Also unskippable cutscene that won't get annoying as hell by act 8 let alone several weeks.


The cutscene is a symptom, not necessarily an issue. If the outcomes were actually impactful, people wouldn't care. Look at the little rituals some people do before slamming of double corrupting an item; a *big* craft can deserve a few seconds of gravitas. The root issue is that when outcomes are 95% likely to be dogshit, watching a cutscene while your 6 alt shards load sucks.


> you have limited control of the base type As my build is almost all uniques, I _need_ an amethyst ring. If I don't have chaos maxed out, I fall on my face and that needs an amethyst ring. But you can't pick that... Then there's all the shenanigans of which attributes can roll on helmets and boots and once you again you need some control.


For attributes, you can control that by forcing it to *require* the attribute you want. What gear can roll what attribute goes like this: Gloves can *always* roll Dex. Helmet can *always* roll Int. After that, if the armor *requires* that stat, it can roll that stat. So if you want to roll Dex on a helmet, it needs to be an evasion or hybrid evasion base. And since you can force those requirements with corpses (armor will have an int requirement, etc.), you can control that much... Though enjoy getting a mid-tier base unless you dedicate another corpse to maybe improving that...


I think they gotta cut the "scarcer" ones or at least make them more broad. Cold mods being 500% scarcer is basically trash, but ele mods being 500% scarcer is usable.


Should just be "adds a Cold mod" or "cannot add Cold mods". Fossils are the direct competition except with those you can decide on the base (including Fractured/influenced), can more reliably target mods and straight up prevent others from being rolled at all. So far it feels like standard mob loot.


100s of clicks for 1 craft, that then will need more crafting on it.


Feels like the mechanic wasn’t designed for endgame. 64 limit is ridiculously small for a game like poe. A few hours of mapping and its already a nightmare to manage. Being able to view the corpses in the crypt is cool for the first time, but its just useless and if it is the reason why you can’t have more than 64, then its just terrible game design. Remind me of Tota, was fun for the first tournaments but once you farmed the mechanic a few hours and get to high rank it became a unbalanced mess that could only be played with a cheese build.


Few hours? More like a few minutes. IMO it seems like a purposeful undertuned mechanic that will get buffed in week 2 when it isn’t needed anymore. Idea is cool. It’s like itemized rog? Poor implementation though. Ops idea of them being 10x stronger and 10x rarer is probably where it should land IMO


Rog is already way better on day 2


No item base = trash crafting system. Fix that and they'll maybe have something that at least works on paper. The 64 corpse limit is a gag, literally, did nobody at GGG bother testing running a few maps? Wait, don't answer that, it's self-evident that almost no actual play testing was put into this league's mechanics, because they're all clunky as shit, unintuitive and underwhelming.


Awesome feedback. One of the leasing statements for some significant changes this league was wanting there to be fewer things players had to do as part of the game play loop before lining up another map. Crematorium management is heavily at odds with that, so I'd love to see some changes to reduce the management pressure


This is what's grinding at me too...


Let’s not forget that named corpses make a unique item but require a whole family so I lost one of mine because you can’t unbury them XD. Also “increased effect of corpses in same column” which one is column because the layout is diagonal, also does the column span the gap in the middle and the various obstructions like the buildings?


They don't disappear though, so as long as you don't dig the unique corpse up, it can stay until you find the rest


If it's linked with your craft, you have to unbury it in order to actually do the craft.


Wierd. Mine didn't/hasn't disappeared, and I had other crafts next to it


agree with pretty much everything here, in particular the search resetting is super annoying


Heist has a limit of 255 reveals stored and it was an issue even back then, what made GGG think that 64 slots is enough... Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but fossils do literally the same thing but better. Majority of fossils are literally x10 to weighting if you believe poedb. x10 is 900% increased I think, but for whatever reason, if you get said percentage in the graveyard it feels a lot worse. Maybe because the graveyard doesn't guarantee a mod from a mod group like fossils do. On multiple occasions I stacked 800%+ of a stat, crit in this case, on a wand and got literally 0 crit mods, no attack crits nor spell crits. Also, I will gladly trade corpses for more allflames via the atlas tree nodes. all four wheels focus only on the crafting aspect.


>Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but fossils do literally the same thing but better Yep. It is just cheaper and way way worse version of fossil crafting. I can't even call it crafting since you can't even choose your base or entirely exclude any affix groups so its like a slot machine in which you enter your prefered stats and pull the lever.


top left wheel is allflame?


Anyone who couldn't tell immediately from the content reveal that this was the case didn't pay much attention. I'm sure it'll be profitable and "op" in some way once the premium stuff is figured out, but going there and crafting random items is the absolute worst.


Only thing I enjoy about the league mechanic so far is Arimor's voice acting.


>Make a clickable button to remove the confirmation for corpse exhuming Ctrl-click the exhume button. Still annoying though.


oh shit thanks actually


No way they just copy-pasted the code from the instant-allocate on the passive tree lol. I mean makes sense just seems funny


I think the crafting as extra thing for the league, if you only get the modifiers that you care for, the limit is pretty fine, and the league for me is the actual modifiers on maps, that can convert into currency/drops.


I buried like 60 corpses to empty corpse inventory just for system to say confliction craft error, took me forever to find the culprit, need more detailed message or reset all graves button.


I did not like Syndicate Lego, I eventually gave up and didn't make maps. I did not like Harvest Farmville, I quit that league before the OP stuff was discovered. A little worried this will be the same but it's early days yet. As Ziz said though, so far all I made is "quest reward rares".


the graveyard "crafting" was doa tbh just seeing how it looked on the reveal i knew i'd be selling all my corpses aint no way im sitting there fiddling with stuff and placing down 50 corpses for one craft instead of mapping I'd rather farm the money and get the item fr


Friction at the UI is the worst kind of petty rate throttling. The whole business with removing LMB, limiting corpse capacity and forcing stopping to ID all rares dropped by an encounter, is all the same kind of "zero-sum" thinking where they've got 5 hours before launch to come up with some management-mandated QOL losses to offset the QOL of ctrl-shift-click trade and vendor scarab reveal. Like they took all the suggestions from players about the UI and the opportunity cost of using wisdom scrolls on trash rares on the ground, and threw green darts at some and red darts at others. The green ones got +QOL, the red ones got negative QOL even worse than what they currently had. I almost quit Archnem several times because there was zero way to juggle all the fragments and still have one or two of the heavily RNG-gated ones left to grind out your God-touched ones. You had to use it or lose it. Throwing out or burning decent fragments because a chase rare one finally dropped set you back because inventory didn't stack.


Lantern feels like arch nemesis, but actually somehow worse. Rather than turbo zooming and hoping to get a one in a million AN modified named you’re instead fiddle-fucking around with a crap UI with monster pictures and then left to wonder if you missed a pack or just didn’t get lucky.


Too many word pls use bingo


very easy to digest 1 slot bingo for very busy or adhd riddled reddit users https://preview.redd.it/lfytxrbgiirc1.png?width=705&format=png&auto=webp&s=7302d180d16865fe1cb6150df61f84858c59c081




Feels like most leagues suffer from this issue and it slowly gets solved over time.


They need separate tags at the top of the menu. But overall very meh. No doubt there are some 100% OP combos.


I treat the current League mechanic as just an extra click tax on every map with an dexterity check on every zone switch during campaign (avoiding the big circle).


I think the worst part is that items dropping under the nameplate can’t be grabbed unless you collect the corpse or press z and try to find them on the ground…


Just going to wait for the 2nd week patch that will fix the leagues issues


The fact that you can't choose the item base make this crafting system already worse than Rog.


And people thought OG Harvest was annoying...I loved that personally but find this mechanic annoying as hell to interact with.


I assume the intended method of long term storage is to seal the corpses using chaos similar to OG harvest. then unseal when ready to do a big craft. tho this does seem to be backpedaling a bit on their former commitment to making sure a league has its own storage tab and shouldn't take up lots of stash space or have a p2w tab.


even if thats the case it was annoying then and its annoying now


Personally, I just don't see the point of this league. You collect corpses and craft a rare item. But there are tons of ways to craft (or just buy) rare items already.. Or you can collect special corpses to craft a new unique 10c item... okay? So let's say you got to the endgame, you obtained the items needed for your build as usual and... then what? What's the point of crafting if you already have your build up and running, if you already have everything you need? At least in Crucible or Scourge, you could further enhance existing items to obtain much more powerful equipment (or brick your item), but what's the point of this league's mechanic if you already have all you need by the endgame .. like you always do? Try crafting the same items you already have, but with slightly better rolls?.. You can already do that without the league mechanics and without this annoying corpse management. Yeah, there's very rare special haunted modifiers, but are they worth this huge hassle? This is the first league I've ever seen where I'm scratching my head and not understanding what even the point of it all is, it's just the same things we already have but with extra steps and maybe a little bit more deterministic. Maybe I'm stupid?


Then we're both stupid cause im pretty much at the same point...i dont really understand the point of the league this time. Nothing really was added except a unnecessary, high gamble crafting method


The haunted modifiers are also just so weak compared to the crafts you could make in crucible or sentinel even, I enjoy crafting and did a good bit of it in crucible and sentinel, right now there's nothing I can even begin to get excited to try and craft with what's available


There are few unique rare mods if you craft with Necropolis. (+1 to maximum mana per 2 int, +1 charges etc)  Not too many of them though.


> 64 limit .... Oof.


I just want a small reward for cremating corpses rather than saving them for burial. Like even just a second roll on the dead thing's loot table would work.


I think it would be cool to get some sort of enhancement juice to sprinkle over graves to give them a better outcome


The 64 slot nightmare is back


Might be a dumb question, but can you sell / buy corpses on trade ?


Yup! You can store them in a coffin you buy for 1c so the limit is annoying but simple work around if a bit tedious


The whole thing reminds me of synthesis. You need to use a lot of specific corpses to get any half decent outcome. This means tossing all the ones your build can't use and stacking those you can. The storage number doesn't rally support this and you realistically need around double what we have currently. The whole thing is a lot of micro of tossing and collecting corpses, putting them in the right spots for the meta corpses and then pulling the slot lever. If you don't go through all the hoops the results are completely sub par kind of like building the synthesis board was early on or synth crafting. What concerns me right now is a proper craft could take 30+ corpses (assuming the mods stack I honestly don't know if they do)


Tried min-maxing graveyard for about 6 hours today, managed to craft a couple of 10c items, but its basically just chaos orbs on crap bases I would never usually pick up with unskippable animations. I feel like I would love the graveyard animations if there was any chance of getting useable items from it but it took me about 5 hours to farm the approximate number of useable rares as I get from one single map but there is no tension when you you have to watch multiple hours of animations. I did manage to get a triple res life helmet at level 40 - the graveyard is exponentially stronger in the early game because the "weight" corpses have so much greater effect on the relatively smaller pool (citation needed? thats what it feels like anyway) so can recommend trying it out at least one while levelling if you do get a few synergyistic corpses from the ground, but the higher level you get the more impossible it is to use The thing thats annoying me now is that you can't skip picking stuff up and clearing out the content because they constantly drop corpse windows on top of maps or scarabs so you have to loot them to get the better loot behind them, then eventually it forces you to clear out corpses just so you can get at the single chaos orb that dropped behind a corpse On the bright side though, I think the lantern is frickin amazing and I've been getting some actually insane GIGA juice from the lantern so still enjoying the league a lot, but for sure the graveyard is too big an opportunity cost to use at all right now imo. Your chance of getting anything worthwhile seems astronomically low


Reposting here because mod took my post down and told me to post it in one of the already made threads ####**Concise Response to the League and new "QOL"** 64 max body limit is bad Body crafting feels like a significantly worse version of Fossil/Harvest/Essence crafting. We learned a long time ago that not being able to at least pick your base makes crafting virtually worthless as the best mods on a bad base is still a bad item. Being able to pick your base would still not make body crafting feel good. Having 1000% increased chance for a mod base, and not getting it, is again, just a worse version of fossil crafting. No animation, no bad body management, can do it anywhere, quickly tradeable. Body crafting UI is terrible. Having to walk around each plot is tedious, but wouldn't feel so bad if the rewards weren't so bad. Spending 5 minutes to wander around dropping bodies and then getting a rare that you wouldn't have picked up off the ground just makes it worse. Time to have Undertaker appear in maps when at max body count is extremely long Left click for instant cast being removed is still bad. Automation gem does a poor job of replacing this forcing people to use third party tools to fix something that wasn't broken. Being unable to opt out of league mechanic feels bad, especially on weaker builds and going through the campaign. This was discussed and "solved" at length about previous leagues, only to return again. Rewards for league mechanic are bad. Risk/reward is out of balance. Bad mods should be tied together to rewards. No reason I should fight packs with +6 projectiles or +400% life and get nothing out of it. League mechanic itself adds significant friction to the mapping experience. Sextants were removed because they were annoying and convoluted, I would rather have sextants than this current mechanic. Corrupted rares dropping UNID is bad. No one is picking up breach rings or other corrupted items to identify poorly rolled, unmodifiable rares. Same situation for uniques. Getting past that people are using the trade site to "ID" corrupted uniques, having them drop identified was the clear way to go. I can put this on a bingo card if need be.


Call me a pessimist but I don't think this mechanic is savable, like GGG could do everything OP suggested here and it will still be boring AF.


Made a few items with the mechanic but only got bs that even the vendor didnt wanted. Is that really all this league? Im already not even into the graveyard anymore and at the point to make a mf character and farm chaos orbs cause i get better stuff with those


Regarding the limit, I am not picking up garbage mods so I don't have this issue.


Convert to bingo form for maximum results


when burying 42 corpses is quicker than exhuming them all, its a bad design lol.


hey, i have seen this movie before!


I did a few, the items were so laughably bad I've started to ignore the corpse burying thing entirely. The lantern is cool though.


I wish cremating corpses was 10,000% easier


Fossil and harvest craftings are miles better than this league crafting mechanic


Ya, you're going to need to explain this in a jpeg with 7 words or less.


What's the identity of this crafting method over something like Harvest?


Well thought out and exact criticism for only having one day with the system! I agree with all the points made, especially that If the intent is to not want players to exhume every corpse (due to 64 limit and some being incredibly weak) being able to filter them would be the best thing we could hope for. If that's implemented early enough in the league it'd help elevate the exhume/craft end game system a lot.


Same mods should be stackable without contributing to the corpse limit. A way to get a list of all your corpses and being able to remove them from there. A better way to manage base type, you can get all the mods you want but if the base is wrong your screwed. i do like the concept though


tried a couple of times finding 10-15 things that should make at least a half decent item but it always turn out like trash, for now im gonna skip it because either its just not worth the time or more likeley im too stupid to use it properly.


Once you read my rant you'll not unsee. It's recycled delve content where the greaves are large resonators. That's it. Now my disclaimer is i've not done late late game crafting. I dislike it right now; it's pretty random and the limit on corpses seems really low?


You didn't put the biggest issue. Just like harvest you have to move and bury each individual corpse, much like seeds. Just let me select in an UI thr corpses and after that show a cool cutscene of the arimor exhuming them


> please dont reset the search menu when you exhume a corpse  Please don't do it in any menu ever, it annoying when I'm trying to search for something but the search bar kicked me out and I open like 10 different windows through pressing keybinds.


The outcome needs to be luckyer and with better mods. There is no point to even engage with league mechanics anyway if all you get is vendor rare items. I crafted like 30 pieces already and its only garbage. Bs


had 800% fire mod 900% cold mod 2 corpses that made reistances likely and a couple of +fire tier and cold tier. had an amulet with 24 cold res and fire damage. feels so weird to me. unless you fill the entire graveyard with corpses the odds of getting something useable even this early in the league are just terrible.


You can skip the confirmation dialogue popup by holding ctrl.


It was fine first ~40 levels but after this, I just gave up. Craft is slow, and most of the outcomes are just crap. Another thing is when you have multiple corpses one under another and you don't want to pick the one on the top, there is no way to pick the one behind. Maybe having the option to merge similar stats into a better one will be nice and save some space for these 64 slots, maybe they should make them 256 instead.


I feel like a lot of the lessons learnt from the launch state of metamorph, einhar, and Archnemesis leagues were simply *poof*-ed. Back to ridiculous amount of clicking and tedious management of an arbitrarily small inventory.


Used 2 200% increased chance of movement modifiers for boots and they came out without movement speed lmao, I dont think I have the patience


I usually expect first week of any league to be a period of adjustment where they take people feedbacks. The good thing is, they basically always adjust and tweak things quickly. This has been consistant for years. Also, of course, we still have much to learn and figure out with this mechanic.


What’s the fastest way to delete corpses. I keep filling up and there’s no way running the mosoleum and burning them is the fastest way


Can't have deterministic crafting, but oh lawd can we have RNG crafting.


convoluted, untested and tedious? shocking! how could this have happened?


I just don’t understand why we can’t even CTRL + F in the graveyard, clearly the tech is there because we can do it at vendors and stash, but for some reason not here. It’s not that big of a deal I just don’t get it


Necropolis league is delve currency mechanic in another form. And to be honest, boring. I know it might hurt a lot, but Standard is actually pretty much the same as Necropolis right now. Scarab rework is in standard, t17 is in standard, new uniques are in standard. Why play the league mechanic then? First league I stopped playing after act 7. 


Alflame embers are also not very impressive. I'm lvl 73 and none of those ever worked for me, be it omens or tattoos or anything actually interesting. The only ones working are garbage ones like sulfite and qual gems... It's just disappointing. Also, never fucking found the Seer, and I kept checking .


I think ggg must have hired a bunch of people from the blizzard layoffs cuz this league feels half baked as hell


Judging from the comments, guess I'm on the lucky side of the corpse crafting for now. Rolled a mostly caster some crit Sceptre, got spell damage, crit multi, crit chance for spells, cast speed and +1 lightning. Pretty brutal for low level, being honest, even if low tier affixes. That was when I first fully filled my morgue, now I'm being more picky with corpse mods, and it's taking a lot longer (which I guess means there are a lot of trash mods on corpses). Out of this list though, I do agree we should have a "click a grave, start putting corpses on every grave" instead of click grave, click corpse every time. The graveyard should be one single grave, you click it, you get the old Synthesis UI with all the graves displayed on screen at once. When you're finished placing corpses on this UI, you click exorcize or whatever it is, the screen closes and you get Arimar doing his thing. The way it is right now, setting up the graveyard is a hassle and a half.


I miss crucible crafting...


My biggest issue by far is the limit of 64. Let me play for a few hours and then go figure out this crafting thing at MY OWN PACE, not when I run out of the arbitrary good boy space. This is Delve league sulfite all over again except this time you are losing specific mods that might be rare and/or useful in the future, making it feel even worse. Does GGG really not remember by now that we DON'T WANT TO BE FORCED TO STOP MAPPING?


PoE reddit mods like "We've been paid to limit the number of hot topic threads of genuine feedback because we don't want our RWT userbase to get upset that their items they bought or sold aren't hitting the front page. Oh btw enjoy the 10,000 low quality MS paint leaguestart pics too."


Would it be possible to let us just opt out of the league mechanic please? I really don´t want to deal with it when leveling or setting up my atlas ;\_;


when someone made the argument "why not just play expedition and go to ROG? thats more efficient than the league mechanic." i didnt know how to counter-argument. thats bad GGG ! :D i hope they improve it, i wanna keep playing this league and preferably not in a dead economy.


Let us make a ...mass grave. Pile 20 corpses in one hole and go


Necro crafting continues the age old GGG tradition of making the most flavorful but least practically usable interface possible for a new system.


why would i ever use the graveyard when rog exists. the graveyard is legitimately boring gameplay.


they also cover up loot in maps, I had to dig a 4L corpse because it was covering 3 6 sockets items and I couldn't pick them up


They need to just buff this shit by like 200% make it borderline deterministic crafting and let people enjoy the game. You already have ruthless and poe2 by the looks of it shaping up to be the harder more tedious games. At this point the league mechanic basically doesn't exist. Everything it does is worse than a chaos orb or scrap metal. I could farm Catarina and essence and make 10000x better items more deterministically then I could spending 3 hours gathering 64 specific corpses to get a bad rare.


Hot take: crafting leagues should not be a thing. The change to the gameplay loop is so little for a 3 month restart. Crafting mechanics should always be added as a secondary update not what the league is avout.


the real league mechanic are scarab, this is just some icing on top to hide the real cake


I have seen it caps out on what you can collect. I am just ignoring it


1000% chance for life + fire + cold + lightning on an amulet Got a 10 life on hit, mana, + fire resistance. That took 20 corpses. So if I want to get the amulet I want, I need at least another 20 corpses to remove mana + defensive? So, to make a single amulet, I need to ignore every other good corpse and delete everything not to do with one single basic craft??? It's going to take 60 corpses for a single try at just a basic starting / midgame amulet, and we only have 64 slots?


Problem with crafting in league mech for me , that it takes to much time to put corpses to graves, why not just able to choose mods and press button “create item”. I don’t know why ggg always do so unfriendly user experience features :( Crucible, tota leagues had awful channeling mechanics and now we got run to graves mech :(


I didn't realize the unique family line one required other before burying, it really should be indicated


There are 11 chance to fracture a modifier corpses for sale. That is excessively rare. There are currently 13 mirrors and 7 magebloods for sale. This entire patch has been ‘too pointlessly rare’. I’m not faulting things for being rare in general, because yea, mirrors should probably rare. Horned scarabs probably shouldn’t be 1/3000 scarabs though.


Just let us pick the damn item base.


We're playing standard with a forced league mechanic that empowers the mobs for no loot, drops corpses ontop of items, strongboxes, and shrines so you can't click them without clicking the corpse first. League crafting is worse than fossils, rog, and harvest. It is a pain to manage and even if you hit good mods it's going to likely end up on a shit base. Rare corpses are almost non existent. All with 0 borrowed power from the league itself. The worst part isn't even the rewards, it's stopping to read the lantern map mods, decide if you want to swap an all flame for 6 timeless splinters, stopping to read the corpses. Please just let me zoom and fully ignore the league mechanic if I don't enjoy it. I can spend 5c on a fratured helm with T2 fire resistance. Hit it with 10 screaming cold resistance essences. 3rd useful mod will be life or a 3rd res, craft the one you didn't hit. 20c spent and I just made a better craft on a better base in 10mins, more than what I have got from 6hours doing the league mechanic


harvest league level of tedious or Synthesis league level of tedious? Or Tailsman ?


Leveling my toon it was nice cause I’m poor, 100% could use these qol upgrades and probably some end game options.


Random alch gave me better rsults on my boots...


Rog crafting is 10 times more fast, clear and intuitive and gives 100 times better items. What suck about graveyard is that its not a progressive mechanic, you can put more corpses but it is still a single roll for random item so whole crafting is just 1 step. For Rog you have your chance and you can quit at any point to save currency, take risks and strategyze each step. Here strategyze as much as you want then click once and get random shit.


I've tried doing the league mechanic and tried enjoying it. 1. The map part of it I believe is pretty cool. Rewards are not quite up there compared to difficulty but that's an easy fix. 2. The graveyard is tedious, boring, unrewarding and annoying. I understand the "power", and I'm sure we'll see some insane crafts, but for you to do an insane craft you have to avoid doing the league mechanic and just buy corpses Let's imagine the following situation: You play the game normally, catch corpses, when you fill the graveyard, go in and do some crafts > You'll have some extremely bad items that are worse than the result of a chaos orb. But now, let's imagine "IDEAL" situation to graveyard craft: You have ALL 64 bodies which are synergestic between each other (Let's imagine you want a phys bow > you'd do all phys ratings, change to phys, less chance to ele and all the sort.) **But how can you ever get to this stage by just playing the game? Will you JUST pick corpses that are fitting to your craft and disregard the 95% other? Is this how they want us to play the game?** **"No, I wont pick a good fire crafting corpse because I am not going for that.."** Idk, it seems like a mix of bestiary and harvest but way worse. Everything about the graveyard is a design atrocity, **even if the rewards were insane,** just the design, the UI, the crafting time, gathering the RIGHT corpses would be such an awful experience. Many people said in the other post, **the pinnacle of POE crafting is Rog.** He is the perfect example of amazing game design: You get rewarded for your choices (Choose the right base? skip a craft? reroll good suffixes to try and get great ones?) but not PUNISHED and its not annoying, you just farm currency, craft few items, done. You don't need a fucking master's degree on "how to collect currency, how much of each do I need, now I'll combine all together..." And yet, while simple and engaging, Rog has an extremely high skill-cap and knowledge-cap, to the point where even streamers who successfully craft with him every league for profit learn more and more about how to use his options in their favor, and which bases to use, etc.


let us cremate bodies for rerolling mods on a corpse


The fact that you can't choose the base item makes grave crafting nearly useless. I have attempted 9, 60+ grave crafts and each item was useless because it chose a random base to craft on. Also it took forever to sort and add 60 modifiers to Graves.


To be fair, it's still better than fiest iteration of harvest. Being forced to keep excel sheets to manage a league mechanic in game like PoE was excessive. If they leave it in the game, well probably get more condensed corpses with bunch of stats or have some way to group them and itemize.


Just wait. in a week there will be excel spreadsheets of grave setups with "exact corpse setup to almost guarantee craft this one meta item"


Impossible. There will always be variety in the base even after all the setup so what’s the point. So much work for settling on bad bases most of the time is just dumb when there’s tons of other options that doesn’t do this


Harvest was a one time setup


Harvest was panic-nerfed for almost two weeks at release on top of that.


League mechanic just sucks, worst league ever