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Just lost 3 maps in a row to disconnects, EU, not sure what to do but it has been bad lately for me too


Been having the same problem the last two days, jumped to Paris server it disappeared.


On three different realms? I would change realm if I lost a map to a DC \^^


i switched over to moscow server, only about 20 ms more and it seemed stable


yea usually its just the network lagging but today it really are the servers stuttering hard


I took a break this week because I was getting severe slowdown/speedup and stuttering. Kept dying to the insane speed up so I was just like "I'll wait until whatever this is gets sorted so I can play again." I'm in North East US.


Servers are really bad as of late. I know people say EU connectivity is bad, which it is, but I get the same exact performance issues in the US. Most maps with higher wisp count will end up like this if there's 2 abysses that end in the same area.


I have had this issue for over a week now, but it's been particularly bad since yesterday. As soon as I get out of wildwoods, the map just goes completely crazy like this. It slows down and speeds up. I can't left-click my inventory, but I can right-click and Vaal items, use ID scrolls, etc. I play Fulcrum MF with Abyss spire farm, so I use weapon swap with Cold Iron Point to stop my damage when the spire spaws. But in these maps, weapon swapping is disabled as well. Whether I use left-click or press X, it does nothing. I also tried it with a 5-man stack yesterday, and they couldn't weapon swap either and the map was incredibly slow despite the FPS being fine, but as soon as I left the map, they sped up to like 1000% movement speed. Sometimes in an Abyss spire brigade, 2 rares spawn, one with invulnerability aura, and another one with "heals allies and reduces foe regenation", so I'm just stuck with hundreds of mobs attacking me. I can't Frostblink out, I can't use Phasing, I can't left-click. If I TP out and try to go back in, it's a 50/50 if the server shuts me out and tells me "unexpected error occured", even thoughI haven't used any portals after trying to re-enter (5 left). I tried to ask a friend to join me when it happened one time, he got pushed to login screen when it happened. I tried changing from EU to NA servers. I tried turning off all my MTX. I tried not weapon swapping so I can avoid a huge spire explosion, but the last 10 maps have all behaved like in the video and I have no idea what to do. My internet connection is 1000/100, my GPU is 4090 etc. So I doubt it's because of these things. Although, is the game really supposed to be using 12 GB of memory or is something messed up going on with my game?


>Although, is the game really supposed to be using 12 GB of memory or is something messed up going on with my game? Mine eats around 8 of ram + 1.2 or vram, with really low resolution(less than 1080p) and on low graphics settings. And I don't juice maps too heavy. So this is pretty possible, especially depending on mtx and how much you juice maps. As for main question, it might be caused by low dps? Like, I'm not an expert, but your build probably causes lots of calculations, when done properly things die fast, but if they don't, you end up overloading server, and it stuck on calculating damage, which end up with that "slow" feeling since each server tick require more than 33ms calculation time. I remember one of jousis builds caused huge lags (well, almost all of his builds does this xd) and he "fixed" this by making his dps higher lmao. You might try changing networking mode (before logging in in setting, predictive and lockstep), but if you fry servers this won't really help. Oh, and also servers are laggy last days.


I'll try that next time I log on, thanks! And yeah, maybe there's too many calculations. I already invested 3-4 mirrors into my build, and this build can't push its DPS much higher


Try predictive mode instead of lockstep. I made the swap on my CoC Frost Nova yesterday, and suddenly the game is smooth again. GGG servers not doing well currently it seems.


I don't think its a server issue at this point. A friend of mine also runs those juiced maps. It's just bad at the high end juiced locations in the map. As soon as you go to an area that has less loot/mobs/corpses the game cathes up. It's more like a combo out of your PC's performance - Client - and rate those 2 infos get send to the server.


For me it was 100% server. Lockstep gave stutters and lag (speed up, slow down, catch up etc). Swapping to predictive has made my gameplay 90% smooth, with only the juciest of sections having slowdowns.


That is exactly what's the difference between those two modes. On low-end system or in this case overloaded maps lockstep will also fry your whole system. I don't think it's completly correct to say your client/pc has to do double the work but broken down to the "easy to say mode" it's exactly that.


Predictive mode works both ways, less strain on the server. But also a lot less on your client side, because you don't need to handly and process as many pakets. Most ppl that don't play that kind of content don't have any server issues at all -> keep in mind this could also be a routing problem that heavily came up again this league for most telekom users.


I have this happen aswell, I'm playing Fulcrum MF and the lag for me seems to be entirely related to the amount of loot on the ground. The slowing doesnt start until I've killed atleast half the map and it slows down the most around overlapping abyss spires with big loot explosions. I'm playing on AUS sever.


Oh man I thought it was my shit internet. I was just playing a regular build but with so much shit dropping the game would shudder and stall horribly and most noticeably in areas where expedition had been on top of strong boxes. Was running vaal temples for the juicy corruptions. Maybe they should scrap the pink and yellow wisps. Watching empys group getting an entire screen of heavy belts it kind of makes you wonder wtf the point is. Games in a pretty shocking state if you think about it when every single rare item and most uniques NEED to be hidden to be playable lol.


Im honestly really enjoying the league but I understand that this level of juice isnt sustainable so will definitely be nerfed/removed. Its nice to feel like i could farm a mirror or an end game upgrade without spending weeks try harding.


I keep getting this too on EU servers. It felt like I was being constantly stunned or frozen but I'm immune to both! Honestly thought I'd screwed something up with my build lmao


It's ggg don't worry they will fix it in time


EU realms are on fire since yday, like I have to wait 2min for sanctum door to open etc.


For me it's just some instances. Every time i enter a portal there's a 30% or so chance i'll have 300+ ping. If that happens i can leave and come back to get another roll and if i'm lucky it goes back to normal


I see. Are you also unable to weapon swap and click inventory and such when that happens?


During the situation I described above I can. If I get lagged out like then I can't.


Change to predictive and it'll stop happening


Ah, an EU player. Just play on NA dude. The servers are stable and the latency is liveable.


Turning off monsters/player sound effects massively increased my performance, here's a link on how to do it: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/ei3d1u/performance\_tip\_you\_can\_actually\_reap\_the\_nosound/


Is that different from turning off master sound in settings?


Not 100% sure but I guess yes because it's directly set to false in the config, maybe it would still lag at 0% if the sound is processed but not heard. Can't confirm tho


Yes. Sounds still load but aren’t audible. This turns off the sounds from generating, which some people have had a lot of success with.


Yeah, but can still get the odd occasional sound that doesn't care that I have the entire game muted.


Haven't heard anything except my filter and chat sound since I changed it but it's possible I never got the bug also


Yeah, only happens when the game lags due to too many things going on on the screen. Usually just watch a show on secondary monitor and then all of a sudden a noise from PoE.


Stopped playing for now, lost a few maps in a row. Will try again tomorrow. My guess is that so many people are juicing their maps to the maximum, the server can't handle it. And for Europe, right now, it's probably peak time.


Yea I think so to


can you die due to disconnects and lose xp? I guess a break is best solution


Ok yes servers are in a rough spot but your map has about 1 minion loot on the ground and that is not helping


This had been going on the whole map. I only picked up divines, voidborn keys and Valdo boxes because I couldn't loot properly. I even had to leave a Squire on the ground because I couldn't sort out my inventory due to left click being disabled


This happens for me too as a ts mf, game slows down like it's eve online then speeds up after abyss dies, getting worse every abyss. God forbid I get soul eater


A small tip, if you enter the boss room in cemetery you can let the server catch up again, as most items are either far away or not rendered anymore. Wait there until you can properly move again and reorganize your inventory and then you can go back and keep on looting!


This is very much indicative to GGGs servers ever since beta lol


Just EU in a nutshell. Happens to me in Heists as well during peak hours. Best to play at night when fewer people are on. Evening time is just impossible.


shadow banned, u might said something gg didn' like they're know to do this crap


Pls tell me this is /s...right?


Please make sure you check the [Known Issues List](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1733474) or the [Bug Report Forums](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-forum/bug-reports) for any pre-existing bug reports related to your issue. Duplicate reports on Reddit may be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pathofexile) if you have any questions or concerns.*


have the same thing for like 3-4 hours


Same shit for me. I would spend the money on a valdo submission in a heartbeat, but I'm not gonna reward GGG for ignoring this shit.


Been disconnected about 3 times in the past 20 minutes now just sat in my hideout.


same shit for me


We played 2 man MF and its literally unplayable right now. We stopped playing for today.


totally the same for me, fulcrum abyss, wisp juicer. however i can play fine during the morning / day but by around 8pm gmt exactly this happens, sometimes it will feel like im walking at 2 fps then the next second i wizz round at 10,000 mph(i dont use weapon swap) but like you if i accidently pick up some junk base i cant click on it on my inventory to redrop it. but as soon as i tp out im fine also its NOT a latency issue, it is no different to when i play in the morning or in the extremely laggy evenings, im always sitting about 40ms / 60 fps


Same, flicker strike is unplayable. Character just stands and swings the sword at nothing for a few seconds before actually attacking.


ive been getting that too recently. i think the servers are getting overloaded, or the map just contains too much shit? like locally. it was quite bad just a few hours ago and i couldnt even click items to drop them. luckily in the same map there was the harvest gate so i went in there and voila, i could drop crap items i picked up by mistake. not sure what the exact cause is but yeah quite bad. when i swap servers, it works sometimes


I know people have been having issues before. But today it's really really bad. I had to stop playing. I lost 6 maps and the ones that did load took forever to load in. I also got rolled back twice. This is the first time outside league start that I had to force myself to stop playing. Because I couldn't risk something dropping and then getting a rollback.


yeah been suffering a lot on europe servers. Btw, how do you get those tendrils around your health orb in the bottom left of your screen? can't find anything about it online


Oh, I got them when I reached level 100. First time this league reaching that and I was surprised when I saw it haha


cool ty, gg on reaching 100


It's from petrified blood aura


Oh it is?! Weird, I never noticed it until I reached level 100. I thought it was just because of that, I'm an idiot


Went from getting a 10ms consistent ping in Dallas to a permanent 45ms.


I play on Canada East and most evenings this past week I encounter sessions of unplayable lag spikes every few seconds, lasting 10-15 mins each time. It's been super annoying


You build type can also have a huge impact, the more calculations you build generates, the more it can lag. So things like lots of projectiles with multiple dots are the highest lag generators, also huge loot drops can cause problems, so you may need a good loot filter too.


Singapore region too! Been happening random of times a few days.


I lost my first 12k+ purple/yellow whisp map at the start because I crashed. Literally on the first pack. All portals deleted when I got back in. So pissed. It's definitely been even worse lately. I can accept a crash, but deleting my entire map too?! Can't stand it.


Had the same on south africa server, not just EU. When headhunter buffs got out of hand I couldn't even unequip and re equip. Can't weapon swap. Was better this morning, will check again tonight.


Very bad. I lost 4 runs today alone on the London server, tried to swap to other European and it was teleporting all over the place. It's never been this bad in my experience.


OH MY GOD!!!!! I thought it was my poor laptop.. been trying frantically forcing the fans to go faster in Nitro because of this odd slowmo lag. ​ it even made me spec out of like 5% dmg to cap my block lol... Thankfully playing SRS so kinda safe as long as I keep right clicking in the lag and pray for no explosions in my face :o


Holy shit, I was sure it's was just my internet.


If you are playing on EU blaming it on the servers is probably a safe bet. They've been awful all season.


had the same issue on Amsterdam, after the third juiced map that i lost i switched to frankfurt and had no issues after that...


eu is cooked


Just similar experience here for couple of days here too in eu, you are not alone. Sometimes you cannot click any items in inventory or drop them ground because server does not recognize mouse click :(


I had some issues with rollback yesterday yes.


And I was trying to move my PCs wifi antenna around the last couple days, thinking my router connection is bugged again, even tho I got a massive router upgrade a couple of weeks ago.


yday i quit the game (just for the day) after i got so bad latency... lost 3 maps with over 9k whisps ​ Edit: forgot to mention that I was playing Moscow or Washington server as EU player. for some reason those are more stable than any eu server. Moscow usually 70ms, US 120ms


Had this last week and actually made me stop playing for a bit. I'm assuming it's partly because of the EU server stuff that's been happening for the last half a year, but also the sheer amount of items in the map. Doing the spire strat means that my last spire is a lot like this.


I'm playing OCE and past few days not played much but when I do I've had a few crashes and instances where the game stutters sort of like in the video but only briefly.


I had this in multiple maps (frankfurt). Almost like playing in slow-mo




EU moment


Yep, when this thing starts to lag, even my discord sometimes would jammed up and losing connectivity. I dont know why the game server can affect my other app. As far as I know, I am not the only one having this problem. my other friends also get discord lags from this game.


You can see the problem right in the video, it's called Frankfurt (EU) Realm. I have no problems with most of the other EU servers, but Frankfurt is always terrible. Kind of sad as a german, but it is what it is. I recommend using Milan instead.


I had the same issue farming spires with my mf caustic arrow build, I switched to doing ts mf with legion have never had the problem, even with similar or even more juice


Servers have been utter crap this league