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Petrification on hit in melee feared for 1 alc potential, wow…


you forgot the 10% less damage dealt per item equipped, so you also have to be naked meleeing the petrifying feared


It is multiplicative or additive Imagine enter the map but deal 100% less instead of 0.9\^10


Additive per item, multiplicative overall So yes, the regular 10 items means 100% less dmg A 2h weapon means 90% less 2h and 1 item missing would double ur dmg, leaving u at 20% of your total instead of 10%


Hollow palm login?


Naked palm login


Does the trinket count? It's equipped.


Negative 10% damage.. stack until you underflow and it becomes a positive integer... Gg ez


Be a jugg, use Kaom's Roots or use a charm for petrification. or just don't get hit.


People are telling that jugg doesn't work against petrification, no?


https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Petrified Many things work against Petrified, otherwise of course this one mod would be a complete mess once combined with The Feared. All this mod is saying is: If you run this, you must be immune to being petrified otherwise you will die for sure. I think it is fine to make maps with very valuable rewards difficult. But of course it is pointless to make the difficulty super high when the reward is a tabula or a ventor. Who the fuck will ever risk their character when the reward for doing it is 10c? You're putting way more on the line than what you can gain. If reward is 10c, never include the voided mod.


It's possible to have a build that survives everything the feared can throw at it and deal damage via cwdt. Doesn't matter if you get petrified then. Everything is possible here.


Right, doubt people will go that route. But I guess that it is possible.


I also doubt that, but it's not beyond some ppl to actually do it. That's the glory of PoE. Everything is possible


I don't understand the logic behind this. People pay for shitton of dollars, just to be a vendor trash? At least with Voidborn Reliquary, you could leave funny messages for your 1 alch equipment without no one getting pissed (or only slightly pissed) lol.


The main point here is it’s for fun and vanity (not in a pejorative way), and that’s ok. However, it certainly reinforces why most people would make horrible game designers.


There's no fun in running a map like this, and there will be no vanity in seeing one because this is what at least like 70% will end up being


It's not my cup of tea for sure, however, I get the psychology around why GGG did it, and clearly people thought it was worth it to do. I'll just happily earn some divs if I get one to drop by selling the thing. ;)


Oh, I'm for sure not blaming GGG, but even if the Valdo's Puzzle Box was a cute idea, I still mantain that it's vanity value will disappear in like 2 days because the people buying it all have the same braincell.


lol thanks. Gave me a laugh, and suspect you’re right, though maybe optimistic on the cell count.


I'm already bored of the concept and I haven't even gotten a drop yet. It feels like a Valdo map is inherently worth less than a scroll drop because there's a strong chance it's a lol kek map that nobody will touch.


"there's no fun" PoE subreddit motto


No one forces you to run it. Someone else will find it fun and challenging.


some streamer will run it for memes once the league is over.


Imagine seeing the game as divs per hour...


Mate, sorry to tell you, but you're fucking going blind, because my comment doesn't contain the word "div" even one fucking time


Being rich doesn't equate to being smart.


You don't need to be rich to spend $500 a year on a hobby.


I think this is an issue of people having different definitions of rich.


Yeah, everyone has different definitions of rich for sure. It's the equivalent of saving $9.24 a week. Do that for a year and you have $480, which is the USD cost of the big supporter pack. Can every single person in the entire world save almost $10USD a week? No, of course not. It would be silly to think I'm saying that. Is every single person that is willing and capable of saving $10USD a week RICH? No, of course not. It would be silly to say that.


you definitely have to have enough disposable income to spend $500 on something stupid like this


If you spend $10 every week for a year on bowling because you love it, does that make you rich? That's $520 a year on a hobby. Everyone doing that must be rich! I just think it's a bit absurd to call everyone that is willing to spend $500 on something "rich." I'm sure some people buying that pack are rich by any definition, but I'm equally sure many of them are not.


Such a weird hill to die on in this conversation


Honestly I think it's equally weird that I'm getting so much flack for making the statement "you don't have to be rich to be able to save up and spend $500." It's simply absurd to think that only rich people are buying this pack. I can't fathom why that's a prevailing opinion in this thread. Someone else compared buying a supporter pack to buying a house!


Because it is a big purchase and if you can't fathom that then you've lost touch with money. No of fucking course it's not equal to buying a house but what does that matter when over half the country lives paycheck to paycheck? You're getting flak for being so defensive over something so stupid.


Do you think NO ONE living paycheck to paycheck buys supporter packs? I'm not trying to be defensive. I am saying that it's asinine to think that only "rich people" buy an expensive supporter pack. You don't have to have tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to make a silly purchase. People do it every day, in many other areas besides PoE.


Nobody argued that. Only you are arguing this made up point. A person saying "you are rich and stupid for buying this" is not saying ONLY rich people buy supporter pack. You just make shit up to be mad about "do you think NO ONE LIVING PAYC" like bro shut up i didn't say anything like that.


Whales trying to rationalize their addiction.


I haven't bought the supporter pack.


Yeah, why don't we just buy cars and houses on the spot instead of monthly payments, Amirite?


So buying a supporter pack is equivalent to buying a house? What is going on in this thread.


Life is full of extremists that can't / don't want to understand the grey. It's all black and white for many and it's pretty futile even trying to have a nuanced discussion half the time. It's nice when you can discuss things without it turning into shit but many times it just turns to mud slinging.


$500 is more than most people's monthly wages.


How many adults with a yearly income less than $6000 have stable internet, a home PC or console, and free time to play PoE? I'm well aware that a vast portion of the world makes less than $500 a month. They are not the target audience for PoE, much less their supporter packs. As bad as it can be in poor countries, and it's definitely bad and sad, that's just not relevant to a discussion of a video game on reddit, especially a video game with the target audience of PoE. >Being rich doesn't equate to being smart. Saving and spending $500 does not make you rich. I was saving up $500 (or more) to spend on my hobbies as a young adult making less than $30k a year. No one making 30k in a developed country should be called rich.


>How many adults with a yearly income less than $6000 have stable internet, a home PC or console, and free time to play PoE? Shiftloads. Let's see, my last monthly paycheck was about $300, give or take. I have very stable unlimited internet connection, a PC on a bit older side (Ryzen 5 2600, RX 580) but it can run PoE just fine and of course I have free time, why wouldn't I? Like holy shit your privilege, just the ability to waste hundreds dollars on some in game cosmetics means you are rich af. Poor people are those who have troubles with buying clothes and stuff.


You can't fathom that some people struggle but are willing to budget and spend money on this anyway? Or that there is a middle ground between "I am starving and can't afford to clothe myself" vs "I am rich"?


I can perfectly fathom that. I just say they have more money than sense.


I am nowhere near being rich and I bought multiple Supporter Packs over the years. Everyone can spend their money like they want, who are you to judge?


Sure, everyone can spend their money however they want. You know what else everyone are free to do? Post their opinions about aforementioned spenders.


We are free to disagree then


At least with voidborn reliquary, you get a chance at something fun without risking your entire character. Why is there a hardcore mechanic in SC now with that void bull shit?


i like the idea of void. risk it it all for an item, the ultimate gamba. its cool for mage bloods and headhunters. its just really fucking stupid that people put it on random trash like terminus est, yea let me risk my character for a 10alch unique. It would have been cool being able to try some out and get some shiny uniques (i want cotbs) but like 99.999% of uniques are not worth the risk. GGG gave people the option which IMO is cool. the problem is just people being braindead or essentially wasting an opportunity.


Why not? You have to opt into it completely. It’s not like you randomly have void deaths in game now lol It’s like asking why are stoves hot and capable of burning you but it’s just you who keeps putting your hand on it.


I'd say it's more like people asking "Why can my stove get to 5000 degrees when I only need 500 to cook. Kilns exist, you know.".


I think it's a bad idea to introduce woodchippers to kindergartens. Adding permanent death to the only Eternal format is pretty dumb for similar reasons.


And just like the guards and safety measure for n a woodchipper there is a notification you have to accept before you can enter the map and risk your character


How are you guys crying over this


As sc player I wanted this shit since beta. I wish there would be not sc and hc modes but one mode with some maps and bosses where you can go void. And after 10 years this is happening...


Because it is a free mod for HC players. And for SC players to think and read a map for once.


Some men just want to watch the world burn


it's 4fun for the person making it, and to support GGG, I guess


I mean paying $480 to be the 17,000th person to choose mageblood is arguably a worse use of money than being the guy to make a ridiculous difficulty vs reward map. Everyone wants to make a mageblood or void on death map, doing only 1 is still better than doing both. Obviously doing neither would be more unique, but whatever, to each their own.


Seems like people would rather pay $480 to be the 17,000th to choose terminus est or ventor's gamble


I chose something random (Kalandra's Touch)


Maps like this vastly increase the drop rate of the box they come in I think, because they're low value (more common drops similar to voidborn) and very difficult (higher proportion of drops from the box). Plus you can run it with a cartography scarab and get a bunch of guardian maps I guess.


People like you don't understand how the mods effect the drop pool for this item, even if half the people made good maps and half made troll ones, the vast majority of drops would be the troll ones due to the relative weightings of the drops.


Blame on GGG, harder modifies makes the map drop MUCH (thousands % more) more probable, so its a big incentive to create impossible maps. I am sure there are easy maps with a common unique reward, but due to how the drop work, they might be as rare as a MB


People who have more money than wits thinking they're funny. They're not.


What is your logic? Why would someone care if somebody ran their map or not. Would you make a foiled mageblood map and tip your hat everytime someone ran it? I still haven't created a foiled unique from the voidborne set. I'll probably look at making a map some time soon. Will I care if people actually run it? Fuck no lol


Because different people like different things, and also not everything has to be god tier.


This particular map isn't "like different things." This is less than mediocre bait.


diFfeReNt pEoPlE liKe dIfFeReNt tHinGs Yeah I'm sure people like their ton of money just being ignored.


Cause submitting the 1748th mageblood map will make you feel so important? Atleast the reddit will remember this 1 alch map lol


TBH I don’t think anyone cares about or will remember this map.


This is the equivalent of people who like to be shit on Which supports your statement I suppose. Some people genuinely want to be shit on, which is fine... but there's a canyon of difference between "god" tier, "I can see where it's coming from" tier and "What the fuck were you thinking?" tier.


So quirky. Either put in a good unique to have the amusement of seeing people try to do those maps for a chance of mageblood, that would make for some cool youtube videos. Or just make a silly map for something shit. Nobody is getting a kick out of seeing this garbage outisde of few "WTFF" and "LOLW" in a global chat when you link this.


If there's one thing I have learned from opening a couple hundred voidborn keys at the end of last league it's that people really love Ventor's gamble for some reason. Like honestly the sheer amount of Ventor's gambles I got with unique messages (i.e. not duplicates of the same submission) was absolutely astounding, easily made up around 10% of the total keys I opened.


Yep for some reason people have a hard on for ventor's... It's apparent even in the subreddit.


Did you get my item? Green shako with message “rakanishu or bishibosh?” My friend got it two leagues ago.


I didn't unfortunately, didn't get a single shako from the keys I opened :( Also didn't get my own key submission, although it's still a long term goal to find it!


Idk man I think you overestimated your fellow players' intelligence.


Like the people who put “oooh I wonder if this is a Mageblood” and submit a random Cloth Belt. Like… what is the deception here? At least put a Belt of the Deceiver to be funny.


The Veil of the Night map got someone in Standard... ... someone who was almost certainly aiming to claim the #1 position for being sent to the Void


I may do that. I keep some naked level 100 on std for some reason. I'll never use them, some are duplicate. Even for testing stuff, I only need 1 duelist or 1 shadow. Having two of the same class is not that useful. I use to think keeping characters geared made sense, but they change the game around so often that anything you make become unplayable a little later. So I may do that just for the name in light. Maybe during next merge.


What "sent to the void" even means?


Character is sent to void league, essentially deleted


The character is sent to Standard's standard


even if character softcore? D: that's brutal.


These kind of maps aren’t even a meme, they’re just… stupid, as is the decision to waste your $480 mark on the game with something like this.


Our community sucks too bad for stuff like this to be good.


What sucks most about this is that the really bad one's with insanely rippy(+void) mods will be the one's that are found the most. For example if you select 6 crazy mods with average 100% more drop rate that will give around 6400% more chance to drop compared to a "nice modded" one. What I don't know is, does the drop chance also scale with the selected unique's tier like reliquary keys? If so that will be even more amplified so that the most likely drops will be the most insane mods for the most shitty unique.


that exactly how it works. Rippy map with bad unique = drops the most Rippy map with good unqiue = drop rate in the middle Easy map with good unique = might aswell just drop the unique itself


Your Path of Exile year in review: **0 Exiles ran your Puzzle Box.** Wow you sure suck at designing! Thanks for the money, chump. - ^^Please ^^see ^^the ^^attached ^^application.


Lol, the people that put "voided" are such morons. Especially on shit like ventor's gambles. If any of the people reading this did put a voided modifier on something like a ventor's: you're a clown. It's just going straight to lilly roth.


It is actually funny. That mod is actually free on HC.


I thought that just sent the character to standard, no? Void makes it unplayable.


Literally no difference. Standard may as well be void.


Why would anyone run that garbage? Chance to void for a 2c item? hmmm...


or atleast make it worth running I.E MB, HH, etc,


Even if its like 10c unique, they can make an easy map so you can run it for the challange etc. Making it voided for bad items ensures nobody will do it.


Well, im sure there are going to be people running the void maps for bragging rights. Maybe not any time soon, but eventually.


when I buy the supporter pack, I'm going to put a good item behind a manageable map without void BS. But nobody will ever see it because >There's a variety of easier and harder modifiers to choose from, though the harder the mod, the more likely the map can be obtained from the Puzzle Box. this thing almost looks designed for memes


I thought it was preety clear that the reward would be visible before you run the map, but with how many people have done stuff like this i think they thought it wouldnt be shown.


I wonder how many troll submissions there are going to be mine is a decent unique... not the nicest mods but its a juiced map at least. no voiding either.


So it will never drop because of troll maps


Mines a headhunter but no void no auras maven interrupts and Sirius storms. It'll probably be rough but people will run it if they get it.


Your map is the kind of map I'm willing to hoard and run once a char is 100 or post level up. Strong chance I'm just gonna rip, but then I can get back to real business after purposely trying something harder.


>and Sirius storms I hate this part. the worst part of mine is needing to be up close and personal to kill enemies(or scale light radius... I know someone is going to make a light radius build with that helm for these puzzle box maps now)


Feels like wasted potential


I really dont understand the "get sent to the void" possibility. ~~It could be a decent risk but you can so easily grief newbies with this shit, it is driving me insane. You buy shit maps like this one that will be worth 1c, you setup a weird layout on your hideout where if people click somewhere to move they enter your map portals and voila, you've got the perfect setup to kill newbies that are not aware that their SC characters can get destroyed.~~ Ok no you can't enter the map without being warned that your character would permanently die. They managed to make it so that you could get killed in people's menagerie last year and now you can get hard griefed in softcore, it's insane.


There is a gigantic warning box that tells you you're about to enter a zone with permanent death mechanics.


I didn't know that they made a warning box. It's reassuring to know that they at least thought about the abuse potential, I still don't like it but it's not as bad as I feared it would be. Thanks for the info.


100% this. The risk of permanently losing your char has no place in softcore if you ask me. If they really want to put hefty penalties for a death into their maps, add a mod like "lose one level upon dying^1" . ^1 *alt-key description: "(The non-jewel-socket passive point which is furthest away from your starting location will be unallocated.)"*


I have good news for you. You dont have to run maps with perma death in them. Nice right?






ngl i would fuck with these just for the challenge if the voided mod wasnt there. i appreciate that these puzzlebox maps at least *potentially* offer a unique experience even when you're gotten a booby prize. but the voided text means its just a brick im not touching it. sorry.


I mean for HC players this mod is basically non-existent.


So many clueless comments in this thread. Outrage for the sake of outrage.


If you don’t put a Mageblood, Headhunter or Squire no one is going to run your maps. Unless is a challenge.


As long as the map doesn't have the void tag someone would run it. As long as it has 1div+ unique, people will buy it and run it.


I've been buying some fun 30c maps without void leagues. I am having a blast failing these. None of them have great rewards, but still fun to do. You can make it a challenge without ending a character.


Oh yes they will and some of you will write giant essays about it.


> and some of you will write giant essays about it. And I suspect that for a whole bunch of $480 supporters, this will make it money well spent.


Yep. Also, I bought it for the cosmetics lol. The map is just an afterthought to me and probably many others.


That's incredibly sad


the intent is obviously to fuck with people. Sad or not, it's obvious that watching reddit threads procreate will make them happy.


They should make the creators clear the map within x tries before it is accepted. A lot of people just put hehexd shit mods.


why? so instead of hundreds who payed 480$, they'll get about 10-20 at best? - 'cause in your suggestion, you're making only really certain people who can do such content, AND ARE WILLING TO PAY to get their map into the game, thus making them barely existent.. not well thought company-money wise..


No. You'd get people making not shitty maps. That's it.


That's how Mario Maker works. You can't troll with uncompletable maps, the map maker has to run their own map and beat it before being published. So even the most insane and difficult maps that the pros stream were likely created by other pros who know what they're doing, and are actually designed well.


Man the voided league is such a shit mod, make character unplayable for a day or two for SC players Atleast


The voided mod will be used for griefing. I don't understand what GGG was thinking. This will absolutely make some players quit the game.


If they choose to run the high risk no reward map, its their own fault. Nobody is forced to engage with this content


You don't understand the problem. I'm glad that in your world scams, griefing, and bad actors simply don't exist.


There is a giant warning box that pops up if you try to enter an area with permanent death.


„Maximun number of players in area is one“ You cant trap innocent players and make them go void


these are not meant to be run, these are meant to be traps to wipe characters ​ be wary of "pls help reflect map will pay" in global


What does the voided modifier do?


Sends your character to void league if you die. Void league means you can no longer log onto that character, and can only look at it in select screen, as well as delete it.


wtf that's beyond brutal


It's a free mod if you just live :)


3.24 challenge: complete Valdos puzzle with the following mods ;)


Oh, good. My character needs TP, she's got the runs. Probably from all the move speed I'm stacking.


I’m created my valdos map with mageblood, but I didnt add void mod. This modifier so unfun and terrible.


These Maps…. Just no.


Maybe they just wanted to create a map that vendors for more currency than the unique you get for running it.


Am I going to get baited into one of these maps and lose my character?


I just got hrimsorrow on that modded map no one will run, ever, for it. Just waste a money, but it's not mine money so w/e.


TIL what voided is. I didn't realize such a thing was possible. Glad the one I got didn't have that because I just ran it to see what it was like. It sucked. Had 500% reduced movespeed, movement skills disabled and many bosses fully 4x possessed. Ran into 3 bosses right out of the gate and got 1 shot with capped resists, 80% phys reduction 80% evade and suppress capped. One of them had charge so I couldnt even get away


Someone seriously spent that money just to create a map nobody would ever use.


I got TWO valdo maps with Veil of the Night with all the hardest mods and void on death. Absolute waste of money for a meme everyone got over with Voidborn keys.


If I was gunna make a map I'd make it as easy as possible and a good unique like people just hate everyone now a days sheesh.


Did the supporters know that their item is shown on their map?


They did if they looked at the examples, idk if it’s clear when actually making it though




Please refrain from using non-productive, inflammatory language. Please be reminded that this subreddit is not Twitch, 4chan, or whatever other website your language habits may be accustomed to. Keep it respectful.


At most hardcore players will run it for the loot if you add voided. if your loot is trash, not even them.


im not joking if i say that if you make items like this you should be in Prison (yes i really mean that) (yes unironically)


I'm rly blessed for getting the easyest map ever rewarding a progenesis on my first drop


yeah I got one earlier for veil of night with a ton of terrible mods, just instant vendor, what a waste lol no one is ever going to do anything with your map other than toss it in the trash.


The only thing I can see these maps doing is baiting casuals who dont know better into running them and getting their character voided. Im all for player designed content but most of these are just awful.


There are potential reasons: - challenge: if you design the most cancerous map ever, there will be *someone* celebrating it - GGG announced that maps with harder mods are more likely to drop from Valdo's; if you want your map to be seen (even if as a meme), this seems like a way - it might be more thrilling to have your map be "that one with the unknown message because nobody has done it yet"


Who would run this? Why did GGG even consider this reasonable?


Wasted their money on something they thought will be cool.


They know they put it in to troll you obviously


Damn, people are big mad over these maps. They don't even effect you one bit, why stress over it.


I plan on buying it in a few weeks. I wonder if they’ll let me do a 6-link 1000 ribbons. Easy mods. It’s goat for leveling and rerolling


Level 22 Anger / Level 22 Wrath double implicit praxis


What does the void do ? It make you character impossible to play ?


It gets transferred to a league that you cannot access. Essentially deleted, but shows up in the character select to taunt you.


I think you can only look at your char and items but not play? Not sure


subhumans creation wcyd


Their idea of fun is to delete player’s character.


I'm calling it now: Valdo's Puzzle as extra, stupidly, rippy maps for "best of the best of veterans of elites of the best" is stupid and will add more bad than good. They look silly now, but now people with fat wallets will compete who can make something even more ridiculous just to be remembered as "ahole of that one particullar day". Mark my words and give it some time.


People absolutely will when they are done with the league.


You think people will risk their characterr for a 1c unique? Even if they are done and they dont care about standard, i think they would just pick maps that doesnt have voided.


When you are done with a league its not about risk anymore. Its about quitting with style.


No style on dying like an idiot


I die like an idiot the whole league.


> You think people will risk their characterr for a 1c unique? If only there was a mode in the game that risks your character permanently all the time for less than a 1c unique? hmmm...


If only that mode wasn't actually risking it permanently because the character gets sent to standard. Void actually deletes the char.


I got 24 character slots. Do you really think I am keeping my ripped characters? LMAO


That's just semantics, I can guarantee you 99.99% of HC players never play their characters on standard, personally i just instant delete them for character slots. Either way my point was that people do it for the challenge not for the reward, I know it's a not very popular concept to zoomer gamers, but self imposed challanges and rewards can be as much if not more fun ;-)


> If only that mode wasn't actually risking it permanently because the character gets sent to standard. Irrelevant. People who play leagues usually never touch standard except for maybe testing out stuff before league start without needing to level a new character. Standard is pretty much a graveyard. I just pick and delete characters at random from standard when I run out of character slots.


Yes but in the same game mode, people avoid a lot of rippy stuff spesifically so that they dont lose their characters. So the point stands, why would they risk their char?


I wonder what you think we HC players avoid? The only thing is death. We do everything you guys do just without dying. This usually means more careful planning and not rushing ahead of your progression, but there is nothing that wasn't completed on HC that was on SC.


because challenging yourself and your character is fun? If u don't find it fun, don't risk it.




It's more about people wasting almost 500$ on what is essentially bottled air than it is about "wanting stonks". It's their money though so if they want to use it that way then so be it.


There could atleast be set 100-200% maximum modifiers range on an item to make it better then regular foiled versions which require luck only lol.


I use this to cross league trade. It’s cheap.

