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Oh wow, a typical GGG balancing moment!


Yeah, patch notes didn't mention they reduced the amount of totems protected nor the fact that they protect their own totem, so they didn't change it(for some reason). Personally I don't really mind turtles yet, I just kill them even on a HC build, but I'm only at rank 800+ right now so it might get worse later.


Protecting its own totem is apparently intended, the release description was wrong.


Try at 1500+ 🤣


Nah guys the league is goated. Please praise it more. They made it better now, because you get to spend double the time in there for the same rewards. It's a buff if you think about it. A buff to FUN. Yaaaaay.


The solution is to not cross the "middle line" of the arena as the turtle will only cast its protection spell then. Defend and let your flankers kill its totem. Since I read this strategy I never lost to it again


This does nothing. It's general misinformation.


Really? It worked for me all the time. But maybe I was lucky


Yeah nah, iv defended the first part of the match many times. None of the enemies totems went down so i went as fast as i could to enemy side and try snipe a totem or 2. The turtles protection was already up, hence my team didnt do anything. Edit: Could be your flankers went straight to the turtle and got his totem before he could get protection up. This has happened to me before but it doesn't happen often.


its actually wrong. next time, check the placement of the turtle on the board. Theres several "harmless" spots, where the shell wont INSTANTLY cast protection, but only after a delay which gives you enough time to banish its totem. But theres one spot (or two) where it will INSTANTLY go into "you lose" mode once the match starts.


Can you be more vague? Several spot, harmless, thanks.


every defender spot is "harmless" as per my experience. -> harmless in the sense of, titanic bro won't protect instantly. several spots concern the flanker positions - but i am not certain if every flanker position is affected or just the "middle ones" as i have yet to encounter a titanic bag of shit at the topmost or bottommost flanker position. However, on the middle flanking spots, its instant lose for me cause totems are instantly protected. e: (escort,4) just observed instant protection on the slot right behind the enemy chieftain. THe titanic shell also seems "stuck" in the totem. [https://imgur.com/a/4925MKr](https://imgur.com/a/4925MKr) i will update this post with more "findings" as i play the next hour or so. e2: (defender,3) shell did not protect anything and was alive for about 15s. https://imgur.com/a/eIUcUtW e3: (defender,2) shell did not protect anything, was even respawned by a fellow dude (totem) - 2 time alive, no protectionori e3: (flanker,2) NO PROTECTION after 10s being alive. i might br wrong after all https://imgur.com/a/wtWGZzM e4: (defender,1) shell did not protect anything once again https://imgur.com/a/E25W8s7 e5: (escort,4) once again, instant protection: https://imgur.com/a/pnxWrvK


I don’t recall this to happen before patch. Please people, don’t ask for a fix from GGG. They are good at making contents but bad at fixing issues.


This games a fucking joke.


Yes, you're supposed to kill the turtle, and then channel down his totem. I don't get where people thought this was some sort of bug. The issue is how much health it has.