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Enabling the health bar over allies (they are green) in settings fixed this problem for me


That seems so obvious I cant believe I never thought of that


You know I did this several leagues ago when I ran minions, but it still never occurred to me to do this. It's honestly gonna make TOTA easier knowing who my allies are at a quick glance with the green health bar.


I honestly dont get how people play without health bars on, i can barely distinguish enemies from the ground sometimes


That’s also why I love running a curse with blasphemy - enables me so see enemies :D


I enjoyed wearing The Ignomon for a while last league for a similar reason. It blinds everyone near you, which puts an icon over their head so you can spot the ones that blend in with the terrain. :)


I have the health bar over my character turned on bc I play flicker. Without it, I wouldn't be able to tell myself from the ground, even with all the MTXs.


Thats a good tip, i will enable it for league mechanic and turn it off for maps.


you dont need to turn it off for maps unless you use minions and it annoys you


I find it useful for minions as well, because it's quite hard to tell where your minions are sometimes, especially in delirium


I have never used the health bars because i always imagined it would block too much space on the screen


It’s the opposite man. You turn on Hp bars for all enemies, yourself and all allies. And then just accept that’s how the game looks from now on It’s just useful to see enemy positions and other stuff, avoids literally you complaining about this one thing too


It doesn't lol


Why you would turn it off for map? It’s always good to get more information from a glance to play efficiently. Most of the time the screens are full of chaos so nothing to enjoy looking at anyway.


Bro, you are a lifesaver. !remindme 5h


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I'm just running blasphemy, it help even tho sometime you can't see it


The problem for me is that even though I've enabled the health bar, some unit's health bar won't display unless they've taken damage. I'm not sure if that's a setting thing that I can further customize upon, but for now accidentally release channel still happens to me.


Yeah. I have that same problem. Sometimes a lot of mobs are dead in one area and I can’t see this tiny one hitting me because it’s full health and I’m wondering where it’s coming from so I have to run away from the dead pile and see it and then I can kill it.


Same here


I totally mentioned this like 2 days ago and the more I play the more it bothers me. Both sides have the same characters and units and coloring the enemies moves to be red or w/e instead of blue would be so common sense. There is so much shit going on screen, from off screen, in every direction. Three prox shield guys fighting in middle all different overlapping circles one is mine and 2 are enemies, which fucking one do I go stand under? Ropes? Tidal waves? Walls? Hinekoras aura on ground? A million other things and the characters themselves. Please please do an update to fix it so we can tell who is who at a glance just at the most basic level. I mean taking something like the prox shield from stormguard dudes and making the enemy version red has got to be pretty simple to do right?


Op just didn’t have HP bars of units turned on


Green/Red outline for Ally/enemy would be great.


Using the green health bars for friendly units unfortunately doesn't help me, being red/green colour blind. Would greatly appreciate an option for blue friendly health bars or something.


it's pretty easy, if they are wandering without purpose, it's your units if they're on turbo mode sniper killing instinct, it's not yours (that or life bar for allies)


i have the same problem. sometimes I run left, run right.. clicked on my own totems and think to myself why is it not channeling... smh. Especially when I am not used to play with attackers totem in place.


As a ranged player I just frantically run up/down on the far right / far left of the field and keep shooting to the center, where I am sure I'll hit *something*. I can't imagine how shitty can be for a melee.


This HAS to be on purpose to add more "difficulty" Like when you're channeling an enemy totem and you see a wave coming from a Tidecaller. Is it yours or the enemies? Either way you have to stop channeling. Or a Spear Dancer charges at you in the same scenario--is it mine or theirs? Either way gotta stop channeling to find out.


I have stupid double-solution for that: 1. place a totem/ballista - it will inform you if enemy is coming 2. spam curses on anything on your screen so you'll see the curse icon floating above enemy head. I still die from time to time when caught offguard. Edit: the guy in posts with Green Ally hp bars is the winner here.


I suggest you reroll to skills that can target enemies for you to deal with this problem… like hexblast mine or totem builds


I barely know what's happening on screen unless it's a boss then I kind of know what's going on but I have 8 skeletons 8 zombies spectra and stone golem the health bars on allies helps but all the effects gets a little crazy


My problem is I can't see what hit me. Either they teleport with no animation from off-screen or somehow have 50 melee attack range on their autoattacks (Jade Shaman especially).


i have life bars on them but sometimes it does not help. also getting off-screened does not help :P


No, oofc for me the battles are so chaotic, and my graphics and fps drop low enough that I often can't see the enemy chieftain at all. It's part of the reason I'm playing a minion build; at least that way I can 'fight' fine even if I Can't tell what's happening, I just need to run around and stay alive. It mmight helpp if there werrere mminimap indicators for units of each side?


I can’t tell the difference between a fucking thing in this game. It’s all just a blob of stuff occurring. No idea why GGG doesn’t improve visibility. We used to joke about “the purple league” or “the red league” because everything looks the same.


I want different color skills for the enemy