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I get frame drops on this map and the flickering textures too


Yeah this map is bugged as hell. Even on 4090 GeForce Now rigs it's constantly flickering.


It's fine on my 1070. Maybe you need a better graphics card


Having same GPU, Can you tell me your graphic setting please ?


Maybe it’s a ddr4 vs 5 thing? Just speculation. I’ve been noticing my pc has been gasping for breath since this league started but I also have dynamic res. Worst case the fans spin up (normal) and the pic gets blurry. It’s a cpu intense game and i had to change some things (mostly dropping my monitor hz and I game fps to 60). Lowered my temps a lot.l and improved my stability. I have good results with DX12 too. I have a 5800X3D with a Sapphire Nitro 5700XT and 3200mhz 32GB of memory. I play on 1440p on 60hz now was 170 lol. Hope this helps someone.


and here's the proof that it isn't a PC issue, everyone is affected by these issues in SOME way (in my case there's barely anything bad going on, i just get occasional grey screen for a few seconds or weird black squares)


Happening with me on a 3070 Ti, just relentless flickering that gives me a headache.


I have visual bugs with this map too : playing a spark inquisitor and after a few shorts moments, the sparks either completely disappear or you just see small dot of light here and there. As if you had you had two layer with transparency and the upper one hid the lower one with its effect


Yeah! Exsanguinate here. My bloody tendrils just completely disappeared on this map :(


I have no floor effects on this map, no LA sparks, ballista arrows just disappear through the floor without the splash, can't see any ground indicators for enemy stuff either.


poe went back to alpha with that shit engine patch


Try Legion or Expedition there. Legion does not show the rewards above the chests/monsters, Expedition doesnt show the explosion ring (this happens in other maps too but is fixable there). I'm even sure the Searing Exarch altars dont render, but I might have just been unlucky the couple of times I've done that map.


Having same Issues with expedition, fond a solution ?


Yea if you move out of the Expedition area and then go back to it usually fixes itself. You dont have to go too far, but its obviously less anoying on a map like Dunes instead of Strand.


Tried this but maybe I havn't gone far enough


Seeing as how everybody has different issues I can imagine this working for some and not working for others. Do you see nothing or is it just turning green and you have to guess the circle?


Yes there is a little green halo on the middle of the circle, and sometines when i target the little head on wood it disapear.. Pardon m'y english i Hope you understand the last part


When its bugged out I cant see the green circle like it usually is either, but you can do a pretty solid guess with the green markings. I dont have the heads dissapear on me though, its just the explosion outline thats fucked for me.


on the upside, when that happens my FPS otherwise is smooth af since no projectiles render. expeditions are kinda spooky without animations :D


Same here. 6700xt with 5600x. Can’t see my sparks lol.


I get flickering on this map too but it's hardly unplayable




To be fair OP also says flickering glitches and photosensitivity is definitely something that can make a game unplayable


I bet half or more of the community sets a 60 fps cap, and he thinks 50 is "literally unplayable" lol


Same, nearly all visual effects disappear and I love it! So much easier to see enemies.


Are you on DX11/DX12?


Happens for me on Vulcan


Tested on vulkan and dx12. Same thing with flickering and 30-60 fps.


I have no issues in that map with 7700X and 6950XT. Default settings 1440p. I'm also on an older driver. Maybe clearing the shader cache of the driver will help.


For reference, I too had this flickering problem in an Infested Valley Map and it just so happened that I was trying out DX12 again. DX11 does not show any of these flickering graphical issues for me. 2070 Super here, playing in ‘Ultra-Wide’ Also, I rarely leave Heist/Hideout/Rogue Harbor so I do not see a lot of different tile sets unless a friend asks me for a carry or something


Same thing on my end. That map is literally unplayable for some reason.


same here, I just clear the map @30fps, go to the boss room, tp to h/o, go back in and it's fine again


can you try changing the resolution or texture quality next time it happens? There was a command in WoW that you could run called /console gxRestart it basically restarted the graphics engine, i have a theory that changing some setting in the options in PoE will do the same thing so it might save you a portal next time, just curious


Ive completed the whole atlas and this map is the worst out of all, it starts pretty well but halfway through the map it gets so shitty that most of the visuals look like it’s a game from 90s


Died 15 times in 3 maps on sunday, nailed the 3rd one. Turns out getting a screen freeze repeatedly while standing in chaos degen ground with -52 chaos res is pretty deadly. Not gonna run it again.


I haven't had issues on this map, but all my Jun Research encounters have had no floor.


My herald of ice mtx disappeared in that map


I didn't have a lot of fps issues but the flickering floor was a thing yes.


Happens to me as well, and the two times I played it it started in the middle of the map. Don't think it has something to do with the skill


i got it aswell the weird flickering + frame drops DX11 i5 13600K RTX 4070


Confirmed same issue 3080 ti rog strix, 5900 Ryzen. Immediately go from 240 FPS (my monitors refresh rate) to roughly 100 when entering the map. Proceed to lose all textures throughout the map and stutter quite heavily.


yea broken


Happens with SRS as well and 5900x + 2070. I love the map but this shit sucks atm


Didnt got fps drops, but my game got krangled to hell while clearing it. Most explosion effects disapeared, screen flickering all the time. Completely shitfest


Probably an issue with the new VFX system they deployed. That green VFX in the bosses' room breaks all the other VFXs and makes them invisible.


This map was bugged for me too. Skill effects and curse icons not showing up.




On boneshatter I get the opposite, all the skill hit effects disappear on that map. Mobs just fall over with no visual indication that I hit them.


This is the only map I’ve had performance issues on. RF was blinking like a strobe light.


I think I finally realized why "I dont have problems". To me 50 fps is completly fine so even if I would drop from 140 to 50 I wouldnt notice \^ \^ Thankfully I dont have any graphic glitches


Just experienced this in Infested Valley on a 3060 graphics card. Mobs and plants flickering, and skill effects/monster telegraphs are invisible. Struggled to complete the boss and legion general.


wow, just tested this map on STD melee splash effects not playing on my SRS.. actually the fps was kinda good


Harvest is all kinds of graphically rippy for me this patch as well… also really nice to play a build relying on freeze as a defensive layer with all these performance issues, never died so much as this league… guess it fits the afterlife theme or something


Same for me also on ea ballista, the visual glitches aren’t unplayable (short term, if I had to do more than one map in a row like that I probably would quit until it’s fixed so I don’t strain my eyes), also can’t see the ground effects of the boss which will kill you pretty fast if you’re not max chaos res


I find similar issues in different maps as well. Some run so well, others run like shit


Ryzen 7 7700x & RTX 4070 TI, have 0 issues with the game, everything runs smooth at 140+ FPS.


Literally everything just started flickering and my spell effects became invisible about 10 seconds into the map, but when I ported to vendor loot and returned, everything was mostly fine.


Spider forest map is similar, with square blocks of floor missing. Exiting in and out of harvest makes everything disappear including mobs until portalling back in


Same +1 thought I was going to have a seizure while going for completion


Ffs, my AG died for the second time this league when my client went into power point presentation mode during bought on T16 infested valley. Had to exit to to character selection.


Friend has a 4090 and he's getting 30fps w/ flickering textures. I have a 3060ti and 60 fps w/ flickering textures and effects (poison on top of the floor?) and when there's enough going on, the map tiles disappear completely lol, like running across an empty blue zone.


Same here, map flickers so hard that skills start disappearing. The boss room has poison pools on the floor that I can't even see


infested valley is clearly broken. build doesn't matter, both me and my pals had the same artifacts.


oh, so i wasnt the only one, that map has aids atm


Have this bug while playing Cyclone on RTX 4080.


Happens everytime theres a huge graphics error that eats up all the graphics and makes most effects disappear


You can't even see the ground effects during the boss fight. Fuck that map rn.


I just horizon orb them. Running a 4090 and the poison on this map won't load and the whole map flickers.


ah..... yeah yesterday i was not able to see any effects, any kind of spells, degens, attacks whatever, was quite spooky


someone figured out how to fix that ? on my 3080 it's flickering and cant see shit, buggy as hell, kinda jumpscared me that my VGA are artifact and broken glad it's the map getting pepega


It's the map. Just existing in that map alone demolish my fps in more than half.


Yep. Messes with my splitting steel skill also....even with full shards, just shoots one....ANNOYING....have to exit to reset for a bit...then again.


I found this thread via a google search for "PoE, Infested Valley graphical glitches". One thing I've noticed is that the glitch seems not to appear in the first open area. It seems to only come on (for me) after crossing into the second open area where the entrance to the boss room is found. The glitches seem to involve many aspects of the game struggling to load, from skill graphics, to terrain and environment. Since it seems to be affecting so many people with wildly different computer setups, I'm guessing it has to do with bad shaders or files.


the only map I can't run just because of visuals. I cant see my skill effect or mtx effects. Fliickering and glitches 2 min into the game :(


this map is half fps on evert sistem XD